
Stories from a parallel reality. Parallel worlds exist

About parallel worlds - these are real stories of people who have been in a parallel world. History of the movement of people in time. Into a parallel reality, another dimension...

It is where, due to unknown reasons, the contact of "different speed" worlds occurs, and mysterious cases occur. Strange things with no real explanation...

Parallel Worlds are stories about teleportation, about traveling through time and space.

Do you think that parallel universes are just a fiction of science fiction writers? Not at all. Scientists around the world have long been approaching the solution of parallel worlds. They find more and more evidence that other worlds do exist.

Parallel Worlds are stories of real people about portals to other worlds. About quantum tunnel transitions and black holes.

In parallel worlds, events happen in their own way. They can differ from our world, both in individual details, and radically, in almost everything. At some point, the boundaries that separate us become almost transparent. As a result, uninvited guests appear in our world (or we become guests).

About parallel worlds are scary stories about entering other worlds through mirrors and ancient structures. Stories about the technologies of ancient civilizations and magical time machines.

The physics of space can be both similar and different, there is witchcraft and magic, time flows differently. People who managed to accidentally find a portal to a parallel world were absent for a long time. In another reflection, only hours passed.

The head of the sector of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences Vladimir Arshinov, is sure that today we can talk about a much larger number of dimensions. “The models of our world are already approximately known. Which contain 11, 26 and even 267 dimensions. They are not observable, but folded in a special way. However, parallel worlds are present all around us."

Here you will find stories about how people make
travel to other realities. It happens in different ways.
Someone accidentally enters the portal between the worlds and finds himself in
completely unfamiliar place. Someone makes astral travel through the Looking Glass. It happens that a person does not even realize that he has been in another reality. He goes, for example, home from the bus stop, the journey takes about ten minutes. And when he reaches the goal, it turns out that he was absent for more than a day! It turns out that a person has visited a place where time flows differently than in our world? And some lucky ones had a chance to see whole alien civilizations!

You are waiting for the exciting adventures of our readers, who found themselves in mysterious places. They found portals of transition to other worlds. We looked into the future and the past. We met guests from another reality. Note! All cases described in the rubric About parallel worlds , is not science fiction. These are not fictional stories! It's real!

So, are you ready to travel? Welcome to parallel

The following stories, of course, may seem very strange to some. Many scientists talk only in theories about travel between dimensions, which is why this concept is often used in science fiction. Most of the following stories are told by real people who claimed to have been to other worlds.

As you will see from the text below, other dimensions are sometimes strikingly different from ours, and sometimes they are almost the same. Of course, one can now assume that these people simply invented all these stories, but is it possible to tell the same thing so clearly? Or, if they just fantasized about it all, wouldn't they rather keep their wild fantasies to themselves so they don't sound crazy?

Carol Chase Macaleney

In 2006, Carol McElanay was on her way to her home in San Bernardino, but decided to stop for a couple of days in her hometown of Riverside. She got to the right place, but her hometown became simply unrecognizable. For example, the cemetery where her grandparents are buried was just a field without tombstones, in which a huge amount of weeds grew. She decided not to linger and quickly jumped into her car and drove back. Later, the woman said that she met several people in her city, but even though they looked like normal people, some kind of terrible energy emanated from them. The next time Carol came to her hometown for her father's funeral, Riverside was back to normal.

Pedro Oliva Ramirez

On November 9, 1986, Ramirez was driving to his home in Alcala de Guadaira. He claims that when he turned at the turn he needed, he found himself on an unusual six-lane road, on the sides of which there were strange buildings and a completely unfamiliar landscape. The man was seriously frightened, because he did not understand at all where he was, and in general where this place came from, and what kind of strange houses these were. Slowing down, Pedro looked out the window and heard a voice in his head that said that he was in a parallel dimension. After he heard this, Ramirez hit the gas with all his might and decided to pass this zone as quickly as possible, but no matter how hard he tried, it did not end. When the man decided to return to the turn at which he turned into this place, he finally managed to escape from this terrible and frightening dimension. After a while, he decided to check if he would get back into this parallel dimension, but at that turn there was nothing but the usual road.

Lerina Garcia

In July 2008, Lerina Garcia woke up early in the morning, quite a normal day. Getting out of bed, the woman found that several things were not in their place, but did not attach any importance to this, writing off the fact that she herself shifted them and did not notice this because of fatigue after a working day. After taking a shower and putting herself in order, the woman got ready for work and left the house. When she approached her usual building where she worked, there was a hotel from something in its place, and, as it turned out later, Lerina was still in a relationship with her ex-boyfriend, and her current lover was nowhere to be found. The woman returned home and, from an overabundance of emotions, simply fell into a deep sleep. Later it turned out that Garcia had slept the whole day, and when she woke up, everything was back to normal.

Strange shadow people

Stephen Hawking suggested that the nature of space and time theoretically allows you to see the shadows of people in other dimensions. Stories about these "shadow people" abound, and some of them have even become legends. One woman claimed to have seen the shadows of some people when she was a little girl living in Massachusetts. She slept in her room and noticed a shadow with glasses by the door and three more by her closet. She has since realized that the shadows were people from another dimension who were probably watching her constantly. When she grew up, she stopped seeing the shadows of people from other dimensions.

Man from Taured

In 1954, one person arrived by plane at Tokyo International Airport. In his passport, however, it was recorded that he was from a city called Taured. When the check began, it turned out that such a city simply did not exist on the map. The authorities immediately detained the unknown and took him for interrogation. When asked to indicate on the map where he lives, he pointed to the Pacific Ocean and said that the map was wrong. According to the strange man, it was in the place indicated by him that there should be a city called Taured, where he, in fact, lives. To prove his words, he showed his driver's license from an unknown country and checks from an unknown bank. To find out where this strange man came from, they were ordered to take him to the nearest hotel and put two guards near the room, but despite them, the traveler disappeared the next morning.
True or fiction, you decide, but what really looks like a miracle is that the Voyager 1 engine started 37 years after inactivity! Details can be found

British scientists from Oxford proved the existence of parallel worlds. The head of the scientific team, Hugh Everett, explained this phenomenon in detail, writes MIGnews on Friday.

Albert Einstein's theory of relativity was the result of the creation of the hypothesis of parallel worlds, which perfectly explains the nature of quantum mechanics. It also explains the existence of parallel worlds even on the example of a broken mug. There are a huge number of outcomes of this event: the mug will fall on the person’s leg and not break as a result, the person will be able to catch the mug in the fall. The number of outcomes, as previously stated by scientists, is unlimited. The theory had no actual background, so it was quickly forgotten. In the course of Everett's mathematical experiment, it was found that, being inside an atom, one cannot say that it really exists. To establish its dimensions, it is necessary to take a position "from the outside": measure two places at the same time. So scientists have established the possibility of the existence of a huge number of parallel worlds.

Parallel world: Will a person be able to live in another dimension?

The term "parallel world" has been familiar for a long time. People have thought about its existence since the beginning of the origin of life on Earth. Faith in other dimensions appeared with man and was passed down from generation to generation in the form of myths, legends and tales. But what do we modern people know about parallel realities? Do they really exist? What is the opinion of scientists on this matter? And what awaits a person if he gets into another dimension?

The opinion of official science

Physicists have long been saying that everything on Earth exists in a certain space and time. Humanity lives in three dimensions. Everything in it can be measured by height, length and width, therefore, within these frameworks, the understanding of the universe is concentrated in our minds. But official, academic science recognizes that there may be other planes that are hidden from our eyes. In modern science there is a term "string theory". It is difficult to understand, but is based on the fact that there is not one, but several spaces in the Universe. They are invisible to humans because they exist in a compressed form. There can be from 6 to 26 such measurements (according to scientists).

In 1931, the American Charles Fort introduced a new concept of "place of teleportation". It is through these sections of space that you can get into one of the parallel worlds. It is from there that the poltergeist, ghosts, UFOs and other supernatural entities come to people. But since these "doors" open in both directions - to our world and one of the parallel realities - then it is possible that people can disappear into one of these dimensions.

New theories about parallel worlds

The official theory of a parallel world appeared in the 50s of the twentieth century. It was invented by mathematician and physicist Hugh Everett. This idea is based on the laws of quantum mechanics and probability theory. The scientist said that the number of possible outcomes of any event is equal to the number of parallel worlds. There can be an infinite number of such options. Everett's theory has been criticized for many years and discussed in the circles of the luminaries of science. Recently, however, professors from the University of Oxford have been able to logically confirm the existence of realities parallel to our plane. Their discovery is based on the same quantum physics.

The researchers proved that the atom, as the basis of everything, as the building material of any substance, can occupy a different position, that is, appear simultaneously in several places. Like elementary particles, everything can reside at several points in space, that is, in two or more worlds.

Real examples of people moving into a parallel plane

In the middle of the 19th century in Connecticut, two officials, Judge Wei and Colonel McArdle, got caught in a thunderstorm and decided to hide from them in a small wooden hut in the forest. When they entered there, the sounds of thunder ceased to be heard, and around the travelers there was deaf silence and pitch darkness. They found a wrought-iron door in the darkness and peered into another room filled with a faint greenish glow. The judge went in and disappeared instantly, and McArdle slammed the heavy door, fell to the floor and lost consciousness. Later, the colonel was found in the middle of the road far from the location of the mysterious building. Then he came to his senses, told this story, but until the end of his days he was considered crazy.

In 1974, in Washington, one of the employees of the administrative building, Mr. Martin, went outside after work and saw his old car not where he had left it in the morning, but on the opposite side of the street. He approached it, opened it and wanted to go home. But the key suddenly did not fit the ignition. In a panic, the man returned to the building and wanted to call the police. But inside, everything was different: the walls were of a different color, the telephone was gone from the lobby, and there was no office on its floor where Mr. Martin worked. Then the man ran outside and saw his car where he had parked it in the morning. Everything returned to its usual places, because the employee did not report the strange incident that happened to him to the police, and told about it only many years later. Probably, for a short time, the American fell into a parallel space.

In an ancient castle near Comcrieff in Scotland, two women disappeared on the same day. The owner of the building named McDougley said that strange things happen in it and there are old occult books. In search of something mysterious, two elderly ladies secretly climbed into the house, which the owner left after one night an old portrait fell on him. The women went into the space in the wall, which appeared after the fall of the picture, and disappeared. Rescuers could not find them or traces of tartans. There is a possibility that they opened a portal to another world, went into it and did not return.

Will people be able to live in another dimension?

There are different opinions about whether it is possible to live in one of the parallel worlds. Although there are many cases of people transitioning to other dimensions, none of those who returned after a long stay in another reality made their journey successfully. Some have gone mad, others have died, and still others have suddenly grown old.

The fate of those who passed through the portal and ended up in another dimension forever remained unknown. Psychics constantly say that they are in contact with creatures from other worlds. Proponents of ideas about anomalous phenomena say that all people who are missing are in those planes that exist parallel to ours. Everything may become clearer if there is a person who can get into one of them and return back, or if the missing suddenly start to appear in our world and accurately describe how they lived in a parallel dimension.

Thus, parallel worlds can be another reality that has remained practically unknown for all the millennia of human existence. Theories about them so far remain only conjectures, ideas, conjectures, which modern scientists have only explained a little. It is likely that the universe has many worlds, but do people need to know about them and get into them, or is it enough for us to simply exist peacefully in our space.

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Our Universe – the Sovereign Family – manifests itself to us as an infinite number of parallel Worlds. The entire visible world is a cascade of cause-and-effect chains, and not only the future, but also the past is characterized by multivariance.

Modern science fiction has not invented anything new, but only borrowed ideas about the existence of other worlds from ancient traditions and beliefs, and it is easy to get lost in them without realizing where the truth is. Heaven, Hell, Olympus, Valhalla, Svarga are classic examples of "alternative universes" that differ from the real world we are used to. Today there is an idea of ​​the multimedia Universe as a set of independent "planes of existence" (one of them is the world familiar to us), the laws of nature of which differ. In this way, one can logically explain magical, unusual phenomena that are quite common in some “planes”.

Thus, a parallel world is a reality that exists simultaneously with ours, but independently of it. This autonomous reality can be of various sizes: from a small geographical area to the entire universe. In a parallel world, events take place in their own way, it can differ from our world, both in individual details, and radically, in almost everything. The physical laws of a parallel world are not necessarily similar to the laws of our world. So for many centuries we have coexisted quite tolerably side by side. At some point in time, the boundaries separating us become almost transparent, and ... uninvited guests appear in our world (or we become guests). Some of our "guests", alas, leave much to be desired, but the choice of neighbors depends on us. The closest to us are elemental spirits, with whom we are familiar both from childhood sensations and from legends, epics, and fairy tales. For example, the same Brownies, Leshy, Watermen, etc. You can easily make friends with them or make contact, get their help. It is a little more difficult with the inhabitants of parallel worlds, to interact with them we need certain portals and exits.


The image of the Tree of Life is an archetype that can be used to explain many phenomena in the Universe. The Tree of Life is also the Tree of the Family, where each branch denotes a certain ancestor, it is also a symbol of the unity of the three worlds - Rule, Reveal and Navi. With the help of the image of the Tree of Life, our ancestors also imagined the space of options, the creation of the multi-manifestation of the world from a single whole. Different worlds are like branches of the same Tree of Life.

And now many scientists of the world are talking about it. So, the physicist Hugh Everett outlined the metatheory, according to which the Universe at each moment of time branches into parallel microworlds. Each such world is a certain combination of micro-events, which could be realized due to the probabilistic variability of the world. In other words, each such world is, as it were, a branch of the colossal Tree of Times (Chronodendrite), which develops at the moment of branching according to its own laws. Thus, the Tree of Times is our Big Universe, realizing all possible variants of the motion of matter. We live in one of the branches of the Tree of Times, which forms the Metaverse with stars, gravity, entropy and other phenomena. The Tree of Times is, in fact, the space for the implementation of all the possibilities laid down by probabilistic laws. A branch of the Tree, therefore, is a line of realization of one possibility from among all contained in the previous node.

The ability of the Universe to branch is proved by the experiment conducted by Christopher Monroe from the Institute of Standards and Technology (USA). The experiment looked like this: the scientists took a helium atom and torn off one of the two electrons from it with a powerful laser pulse. The resulting helium ion was immobilized by lowering its temperature to almost absolute zero. The remaining electron in orbit had two possibilities: either to rotate clockwise or counterclockwise. But physicists deprived him of a choice, slowing down the particle with the same laser beam. It was then that an incredible event happened. The helium atom split into two, realizing itself in both states at once: in one, the electron was spinning clockwise, in the other, counterclockwise... And although the distance between these objects was only 83 nanometers, traces of both atoms were clearly visible in the interference pattern. It was the real physical equivalent of Schrödinger's Cat, which is both alive and dead at the same time.

In other words, in the event of circumstances under which, for example, one object must exhibit two opposite properties, the entire Universe is divided into two branches. In this case, the time vector from one-dimensional becomes multidimensional, i.e. there are several parallel time vectors.

Thus, you and I, our relatives and friends, and just strangers, not only have the opportunity to carry out the whole gamut of the most diverse actions every minute, but also carry them out, and live simultaneously in thousands of worlds! Since, however, at each moment of time we have the opportunity to perform or not to perform a not so rich range of actions, or we have no choice at all, it can be assumed that our doubles are not in the billions, but rather in the hundreds or even less.

And now let's remember the image of our nesting doll, which, as it were, contains the world in the world. Whether those parallel worlds are displayed there? It turns out that our ancestors knew about this for many millennia. You and I, dear reader, live simultaneously in many worlds, and it is in the world that we perceive the most (the vibration of our consciousness) that we are at this moment in time. If a person, with his particles of the soul (consciousness), lives simultaneously in several dimensions, we have a shamanic disease or, in modern terms, schizophrenia of one degree or another. The world in which we live, our ancestors called Maya, the Divine game - it is an illusory world that is perceived through the prism of our consciousness, which has gone through many karmic rebirths, therefore everything in the world is relative and unreal. From the point of view of quantum mechanics, nothing true and final can exist at all!

The worlds of parallel vectors are called the Worlds of Variations, Virtual Worlds or simply Maya, i.e. worlds whose existence is possible. In addition to the Worlds of Variations, there are Worlds of Realities - different realities, where the laws of physics can be very different, giving an incomprehensible variety of life forms. It can be a whole "garden" of trees of different realities. All this is the plan of the Family of the Most High and the starting point, which served as the cause and start of such a development of events.


We see the world around us through the prism of our consciousness, which has been proven by quantum physics today. In order to see the invisible, you need to change or develop programs in your mind, with the help of which we can see other Worlds. For this, in many cultures of the world, including ours, the Slavic, entire systems of interaction with the Worlds around us, as well as with their inhabitants, were developed.

How can you imagine traveling to other realities? The transition between the branches of the Tree of Times (Chronodendrite) is, in fact, a passage from one dimension to another, like through doors. We know that our space is three-dimensional, i.e. is composed of three mutually perpendicular vectors. Imagine now that our physical space itself is one of the space vectors of a higher hierarchy. Other vectors would be time and probability, or event variability. Since time is an additional dimension for each Tree and each reality, then, moving inside the Tree from one “branch” to another, we can stay in one time interval. The transition between branches or reflections perpendicular to the time vector should, logically, be accompanied by a stop of the traveler's personal time.

How did our Ancestors travel between worlds?

Our ancestors used a world map for such travels, which is St. Alatyr. Alatyr is both a map of the worlds and a schematic representation of the very Kind of the Most High, his physical body. The star Alatyr has 8 petals, and if you multiply eight by eight, you get the sacred number 64. This is the number of ancestors in the seventh generation, this is 64 concepts of the creation of the world, this is both a two-fold and a decimal number system, with the help of which we can realize the world (Rhoda the Almighty and all his manifestations). If we turn to numerology, then the Supreme Family is the number one, and 6 + 4 \u003d 10, that is, one with the transition to a new development, which symbolizes zero. As you can see, the number 64 gives a complete understanding of the unit, that is, the very Kind of the Most High.

What are the ways of transitions to other realities?

Let us assume that the movement can take place in two ways: with the help of a man-made tool created by someone (portal) or in a way that does not require the participation of anything other than the consciousness of the operator (transfer). We also hypothetically describe the methods of transitions. In the case of a portal, the boundaries of the worlds are torn in a certain place, and between these ruptures a channel is formed through which a person passes from one world to another. When transferring, no channel and space gap is formed. On the contrary, the operator percolates himself through the border of the worlds. It is clear that the portal requires less skill and energy on the part of the operator, since the portal has its own power source.

A portal is a "door" between realities or reflections. It can be attuned to a particular place, or it can go out to many worlds and at different times. Some portals can be located in certain places (where they are built) and cannot be moved. It's just where the "door" is. Other portals may represent an object.

Presumably, the portal should consist of two parts: an entrance and an exit. If, for example, the exit is blocked, then the portal will not work, or return to the entrance. Portals, probably, can be unilateral and bilateral. One-way leads only in one direction, and you cannot go back through it. Double-sided allows you to move back and forth.

The portal may look different. There are many left from our ancestors, and most of them are working. This is Mount Bogit, and Stone Grave, this is the Dolmens in the Crimea, and many other places. Often the Ancestral Fire of the RPV conducts excursions with trainings and practices to the places of Power.

Portals are visible and invisible. An invisible portal is a certain place, upon entering which the transfer process is initiated. The transfer is carried out compulsorily or at will. Forced transfer is similar to moving through a pipe. He immediately transfers a person to the exit, as soon as some part of the body falls into the scope of his action. The option "at will" has the appearance of a hole (for example, shimmering air), between the entry point and the exit point. Through this hole, you can, being at the entrance, look into the exit and see what is happening there without moving your whole body.

The place of entry to the portal can be permanent (in the case of stationary portals), or selective (in the case of temporary portals). At the same time, the entry point may not stand out from the surroundings in any way. Portals are likely to occur spontaneously. Physicists have even proposed such a term as "molehills" or "wormholes".

The most dangerous thing in moving through portals is when you exit it to be inside some object, substance, above or below the ground.

Possible types of portals:

1. Space puncture (or teleportation) is a transition within our world, but to a place separated from the entrance by hundreds or thousands of kilometers. When passing through such a portal, an object moves over long distances in a short period of time. Here we are talking about moving perpendicular to the space vector. These are rare but occurring cases of teleportation.

2. An energy portal is a place (object) that can only pass energy from one world to another. The existence of such portals is known from some practices with mirrors.

3. The portal of reflections is a place specially created for moving between any of the available Worlds of variations or reflections. It can be assumed how man-made Portals of Reflections should look like: maps, paintings and other images. Using certain technologies, images are produced that have an energetic connection with a remote place (world). They depict a part of the surrounding world at the exit from the portal. Sometimes such portals arise by themselves under the influence of unknown natural factors acting in places of the Force or as a result of the activity of some intelligent beings.

4. The portal of the worlds is a place specially created for moving between any of the available Reality Worlds. Here, realities are understood as cardinally different worlds, which cannot be reflections of each other. Just like the Portal of Reflections, the Portal of Worlds is some physical object located in our reality. There is evidence that there may be an intermediate option, when part of the physical object is in one world, and everything else is in another. Some of the megalithic structures - menhirs, cromlechs, labyrinths - may actually be such portals, and their partial destruction or the apparent incompleteness of the structure may mean that part of the structure does not belong to our world.

5. The gates of the worlds are a state rather than a place or structure. A position from which one can get into many Worlds of Variations or Reality Worlds. Usually the Portal has one entrance and one exit. The gates of the worlds have one entrance and many exits. They are the point at which these worlds connect. Gates are everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Like a thin, imperceptible thread, they permeate the fabric of reality and belong to each world and none of them separately.

Let us dwell on this method of movement in more detail. Since the worlds can have an infinite number of points of contact, the place of manifestation of the Gates of the worlds in this reality can be any. That is, the entrance to them can open anywhere in any reality.

Since the Gates of the worlds do not have "real flesh", i.e. they do not exist in reality, a person entering this place forms the appearance of the gate for himself. As he imagines them, so they will appear to him. For some, they are a huge arch, for others - a tower going up, for others - a corridor with many doors, a cave, etc.

In order for the Gates of the worlds to be realized in a given place of a given reality, a special state of consciousness is needed, which is possessed by people who know, comprehend the science of the ancestors of the Magi-Guardians.

Thus, we have described possible exits to parallel Worlds. If we need to realize not just “neighbors”, but to know the Family of the Most High, then here we use the map of the worlds - the Alatyr Tree. This card is superimposed on the human body (consciousness) and has 10 units of the creation of the world (8 - by stake, 9 and 10 - central - it combines all this and gives access to a new reality), and also contains 64 variations of the manifestation of the Sort of the Most High . The exit is then made in the Astral body through itself, in a special state of consciousness. Since we are part of God, we must seek Him through ourselves, thus knowing not only the World, but also ourselves. It is not for nothing that in all the temples and in all the mysteries it was written: "know thyself." In addition, to enter each door of the worlds, you need a password, which is the name of the God-Guardian or God-Guardian of the Gates of this or that World, it is with him that further journeys are made beyond the borders of the unknown and knowledge of the Almighty. The Magi-Guardians own this art and pass it on to their chosen students through Radenye Svarozhye, since it is in the knowledge of the unknown that the Magi help the creation of the world, thus acting as co-creators of the Family of the Most High. It is from there that the secrets of the universe are revealed to us and the Volkhov power is given. During their lifetime, such people can consciously make a transition either to a new birth, or to another world with which they are already interacting, and continue to fulfill their destiny. After death, such people are said to be gone, not dead.



Mishka, my friend, works as a psychiatrist in a regional hospital. And, like any psychiatrist, he has interesting patients and case studies. There are not as many of them as it seems, but characters from the Kunstkamera come across right away. And not all of them are so funny, people do not lose their minds from a good life, and certainly not of their own free will. For example, he was talking about a woman. You will meet her on the street and you will not understand that something is wrong. Goes to itself with a carriage, smiles. Sometimes he sips the baby, shakes him in his arms. And if you come closer, it's not a child at all, but a doll in rags. I was moved by reason on the basis of the tragic death of my daughter. After the cure, the woman became more unhappy and looked worse than before. So think after that, what is better - to live in an illusion or in reality?
At seven o'clock in the evening, as scheduled, Mikha tumbled into my bachelor's lair, strumming bottles in a bag. A simple table for home gatherings was already set. Everything is as usual - roach, sandwiches and beer.
"Let me ask you a question," he said thoughtfully. — Do you know about the theory of "multi-world interpretation"?
“Multi-world… what?” I asked.
“This is one of the many theories of quantum physics. She says that there may be an infinite number of worlds similar to ours. The differences can be both completely insignificant, for example, in one of the worlds you ate sausages for dinner, and in another fish, and global so much that not only our world can be different, but the whole galaxy or the Universe, - Mishka finished explaining.
"I knew you'd be crazy at your job." No wonder there is such an anecdote: “In a mental hospital, whoever puts on a bathrobe first is the psychiatrist.”
- Yah you. You try to enlighten the ignoramus, and he also calls you a psycho. Be that as it may, it was with this question that the patient I want to tell you began.
* * *
Yes, I know about this theory. But I would like to talk about what you actually came for? I asked a young, decently dressed guy who came to see me.
I skimmed over his medical record: 25 years old, previously not registered in a psychiatric dispensary. At the age of 19, there was a traumatic amputation of the little finger of the right hand at work. Next came the standard SARS and influenza.
“You see, there are two versions of the events that happen to me. Either this theory is correct, except that these worlds actually intersect, or I'm crazy and I need your help," he spoke calmly, showing no signs of alarm or fear.
It became clear that his trip to me was carefully considered.
“Come on, you tell me about everything that worries or worries you, and after that I will try to think about how and how to help you,” he was the last patient that day, so I wanted to finish quickly and go home.
- I'll start with the moments when it started, but I haven't noticed anything yet or attached any importance to it.
- As you feel comfortable. The more I know, the better.” My hope of leaving early was instantly extinguished. I'll have to listen to everything, that's my job.
* * *
“It started three years ago. One day I went out of the house and noticed that something was wrong. This feeling happens when you arrive at a familiar apartment, and they cleaned it or rearranged something. You can’t even say for sure what exactly has changed, but the feeling does not disappear. When I began to analyze that moment two years later, I remembered that an oak tree always grew in the courtyard of the house. Mighty, with thick branches and powerful roots. I also remembered how, as a child, I collected acorns under it. And now larch grew there! The same big and even outwardly similar, but the trees are completely different!
People are very afraid to change their habitual world. They find it easier to believe the lies that keep it alive than the truth that will destroy it. I did the same, convincing myself that there was no oak, as if larch had always grown there. Remembering all the moments later, I understand what a fool I was. Constantly urging myself not to notice the truth, not believing my eyes and memories, I came closer and closer to the catastrophe.
After that, there were many more such moments. Many were so insignificant that I don't remember them. Let me tell you about a few that I remember. Once, while walking with a friend, I remembered the Tarkle gum, which we often bought for a ruble in a stall. There were also transfer tattoos inside. The friend was surprised, saying that they were called "Malabar". And I was just sure that he was making fun of me. I googled at home - and rightly so, "Malabar"!
Then there was an acquaintance from a rock concert who didn’t recognize me and kept wondering how I got his phone number and name. Such events each time occurred more and more often, and the changes are stronger. I could no longer constantly justify them with my forgetfulness or volatile memory. Still, he just tried not to think about it. I kept my little world to the last. Even when he was all in patches and bursting at the seams.
The last event was not unexpected, rather, on the contrary, quite predictable, if I had not been such a stubborn donkey. When I came home, I found an unusual silence and darkness. There were no eternal dialogues of TV series characters, no grunting or gurgling of cooking dishes from the kitchen. Nor, most importantly, greetings from my beloved wife, Sveta. If she went for a walk with her friends, she would definitely leave a note, send an SMS or call. Calling her immediately did not give me an understanding that everything was wrong at home. There was no wall that she liked so much that I immediately bought it. Instead, there was my old chest of drawers. Moreover, there was nothing at all from her things or what we bought together. I was brought out of shock by a phone call:
Where did you go from work? - I recognized my boss from a previous job by the voice, from where I left a couple of years ago and got a job at another, on the recommendation of my father-in-law.
- What are you about? - I was perplexed, - I quit a long time ago.
"Didn't you hit your head there?" For today I forgive, but next time you will actually be fired.
Everything that happened just didn't fit in my head. I do not remember how much time passed before I calmed down and my head began to work again. First of all, I called my work, acquaintances, friends, Sveta. At work, they didn't know anything about me. Friends and acquaintances did not even know that I got married, although they were all present at my wedding. And Sveta… Sveta simply didn't recognize me, or she pretended not to know. Her understanding of what I know about her frightened her greatly. After that, her phone number was unavailable.
When I calmed down, I began to analyze what had happened to me earlier. And two ideas came to my mind: either I went crazy, which is most likely, or I somehow travel between worlds, quietly moving from one to another. These worlds are not much different, it's just that one had oak and the other larch, one had Tarkle gum, and the other Malabar. And, finally, in one of them I missed the bus, which closed the doors in front of me, and met a beautiful girl Sveta at the bus stop. And in another world, I probably caught that damned bus and watched her go. I could find her again, start dating and marry her again. But what's the point if I'm crazy or a traveler between worlds?
* * *
I heard a lot of sad stories, I saw mothers who killed their children during an exacerbation, considering them demons, and after that wept inconsolably, I saw a lot. But this is the first time I've heard of this. At first glance, he himself invented these "other" memories, trying to escape from a lonely reality. But a lot didn't add up. Suppose he somehow learned the phone numbers and names, but then why does he know so much about his "wife" if she does not know him? Muddy history.
I advised him to talk more with his friends, to find out if he had any traumatic memories and how he could learn so much about the Light. Perhaps he knows her husband or relative, learned all about her and forced himself to believe that she was his wife. I shook his hand and said goodbye. He didn't come to the appointment again.
His ticket was still hanging open, so I called the phone number he left. He, having learned who I am, and for what reason I am calling, was very surprised. He began to claim that he did not go to any psychiatrist, did not know about any wife, and considered that his friends were playing him. But I still persuaded him to come to the reception.
When Sidorov came and held out his hand to me, I suddenly remembered one detail that had then hid from me. This Sidorov did not have a finger, as it was written in his card. But on that first visit, carried away by the patient's story, I did not attach any importance to the fact that all his fingers were intact.
* * *
After this story, Mishka fell silent, and we drank beer for a long time in silence. We both thought about the same thing. Are there worlds other than ours? If they are, what are they? What decisions did we make there?
Do you remember how I fell off the branch and broke my leg? And you dragged me a good two kilometers up the hump? Imagine, my parents don’t remember this, I decided to ease the tension. Maybe collective amnesia?
“No, it wasn’t like that,” Mishka was surprised.
We looked at each other anxiously, but said nothing. None of us wanted to destroy our little worlds.