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Characteristics of the image of Larisa Ogudalova. The image of Larisa Ogudalova or my "dowry" Ostrovsky Make a portrait description of Larisa

A. N. Ostrovsky described quite accurately the picture of indifference and heartlessness of those times. Today we will consider the characteristics of the heroes. "Dowry" is a work that entered the annals of world literature. So let's get started.


Julius Kapitonich in the play is a poor official who cannot boast of either a full wallet or self-respect. The main feature of the hero is pride, which, in principle, led to a tragic end. What are the characteristics of the heroes? AN Ostrovsky's "Dowry" is a work that is slightly simplified by the fact that the outstanding playwright endowed his characters with speaking names. Let's consider this technique of the author using the example of the same Karandyshev.

Although he has the name of a great man (Julius Caesar), the surname takes its origin from the word "karatish". The author shows us the discrepancy between his desires and real possibilities. Larisa is a way of self-affirmation for him, so he cherishes his pride. The Ogudalov family considers him a backup option, the only possible way out of the situation, albeit not very successful, Julius Kapitonych is greatly offended. His "beloved" is a way to defeat a stronger opponent, Paratov.

What does the characterization of the heroes say? "Dowry" is a work that does not require much effort to understand, since the author accurately and in detail describes his characters, their feelings and true being. The tragic end is another moment with which A. N. Ostrovsky ridicules the nature of Karandyshev. Since Julius Kapitonich cannot prevail over his rival, he kills the subject of their dispute. The figure of this man is very pitiful and funny.


This character continues our characterization of heroes further. "Dowry" is a work that cannot do without analyzing the image of the main rival, Yuli Kapitonych. We have already spoken above about the distinguishing feature of A. N. Ostrovsky and about the speaking names. So, the surname of Sergei Sergeyich originates from the word "paraty", which means "predator".

Note that his behavior in the play can be also characterized: "There is no heart, that's why he was so brave." This is a quote that characterizes the hero as a heartless and cruel character. He is young and ambitious, very calculating and greedy for profit: “And now, gentlemen, I have other things to do and other calculations. I will marry a very rich girl and take gold mines as a dowry. ”


Who else can continue the characterization of the heroes? "Dowry" is a work that cannot ignore the main character, who has become the subject of a dispute between two heartless and greedy people. She evokes a feeling of compassion, since she is really carried away by Sergei Sergeich, who betrayed her for profit. Larisa Ogudalova is a homeless woman, a girl from a poor family, but she is incredibly delicate and sensual.

When Paratov rejected her, she has the last hope - to marry Karandyshev, as she considers him to be a man with a kind soul and heart, incomprehensible to anyone, but incredibly kind. When Larisa realized that she was a toy in the wrong hands, she tried to kill herself, but she did not have the strength to do it. Only Karandyshev's shot helps her to get rid of her torment.

"Dowry": characteristics of the heroes. Table

Let's try to systematize the analysis of the main characters of the drama using a table.


A nobleman, 30 years old, a respected person, a lover of luxury, incredibly calculating, heartless, all his actions are connected with profit.


A young, poor official, proud and envious. Always reproaches Larisa for the "gypsy camp" in her house. The rival of Sergei Sergeich, tries to imitate him in everything, even talking about educated and respected people with Paratov, puts them next to him.

A young girl married from a poor family, a dowry. She is going to marry Karandyshev because of the hopelessness of the situation, so as not to live with her mother. A talented, beautiful and educated girl, but a doll in the hands of men.

This is how we presented the characteristics of the main characters. In order to draw your own conclusions, we advise you to read this work.

The famous play "The Dowry", which Ostrovsky wrote over the course of four years from 1874 to 1878, was considered by the author himself as one of his best and most significant dramatic works. Although shown on the stage in 1878, it caused a storm of protest and indignation from both audiences and critics, the play gained its well-deserved share of popularity only after the death of the famous Russian playwright. A clear demonstration of the main idea that the author wanted to show people that the world is ruled by money, and in modern society they are the main driving force that allows their owners to dispose of the destinies of other people who depend on them, many did not like. Like other innovations in the play, incomprehensible to the general public, all this caused a rather harsh assessment from both readers and critics.

History of creation

In the early seventies of the nineteenth century, Ostrovsky worked as an honorary magistrate of the Kineshma district, on duty he participated in various high-profile trials and was well acquainted with crime reports of that time, which gave him a rich literary material for writing works. Life itself threw him plots for his dramatic plays, and there is an assumption that the tragic death of a young woman who was killed by her own husband, Ivan Konovalov, a local resident of the Kineshemsky district, became the prototype of the plot line in "Bride".

Ostrovsky begins the play in late autumn (November 1874), making a mark on the margins "Opus No. 40", stretching its writing for four long years, due to parallel work on several more works, and finishing it in the fall of 1878. The play was approved by the censorship, preparation for publication began, which ended with its publication in the journal Otechestvennye zapiski in 1879. This was followed by rehearsals of theatrical corpses in Moscow and St. Petersburg, who wanted to play the play on the stage, presenting it to the audience and critics. The premieres of "The Dowry" both in the Maly and in the Alexandria theaters were disastrous and provoked harsh negative judgments from theater critics. And only ten years after Ostrovsky's death (the second half of the 90s of the 19th century) the play finally came to a well-deserved success, largely due to the huge popularity and fame of the actress Vera Komissarzhevskaya, who played the main role of Larisa Ogudalova.

Analysis of the work

Story line

The action of the work takes place in the Volga town of Bryakhimov, which looks like the town of Kalinov from the play "The Thunderstorm" only after 20 years have passed. The time of such tyrants and tyrants as Kabanikha and Porfiry Dikoy has long passed, it has come finest hour"For enterprising, cunning and quirky businessmen, such as the millionaire Knurov and the representative of a rich trading company Vasily Vozhevatov, who are able to buy and sell not only goods and things, but also human destinies. The first act of the play begins with their dialogue, which tells about the fate of the young woman Larisa Ogudalova, who was deceived by the rich master Paratov (a sort of matured Boris, Diky's nephew). From the conversation of the merchants, we learn that the first beauty of the city, whose artistry and charm has no equal, is marrying a poor official, absolutely insignificant and pitiful in their opinion, Karandyshev.

Larisa's mother, Khariton Ogudalova, who herself raised three daughters, tried to find a good match for each daughter, and for the youngest, the most beautiful and artistic daughter, she predicts a wonderful future with a rich husband, only one simple and well-known fact for all spoils everything: she is a bride from a poor family and has no dowry. When the brilliant, young master Paratov appears on the horizon among the admirers of her daughter, the mother is trying with all her might to marry her daughter to him. However, he, having played with Larisa's feelings, leaves her for a whole year without any explanation (during the dialogue it turns out that he squandered his fortune and is now forced to marry the daughter of the owner of the gold mines in order to save his position). Desperate Larissa declares to her mother that she is ready to marry the first person she meets, who becomes Julius Kapitonych Karandyshev.

Before the wedding, Larisa meets Paratov, who has returned after a year's absence, confesses his love for him and escapes from his unloved groom to his steamer "Swallow", which the unlucky bankrupt also sells for debts. There Larisa tries to find out from Paratov who she is now: his wife, or someone else, then she learns with horror about his future marriage to a rich bride. The millionaire Knurov, who wins this right from Vozhevatov, turns to the heartbroken Larissa with a proposal to take her to the Paris exhibition, and in fact become his mistress and kept woman (after consulting, the merchants decide that such a diamond as Larisa should not be wasted, they play her coin toss fate). Karandyshev appears and begins to prove to Larisa that for her fans she is only a thing, a beautiful and refined, but absolutely soulless object, with which one can do as its owner wants. Crushed by life's circumstances and the soullessness of people-businessmen who so easily sell and buy human lives, Larisa finds this comparison with a thing very successful, and now in life, not finding love, she agrees to look only for gold, and nothing else. Offended by Larisa, who called him miserable and insignificant, Karandyshev, in a fit of jealousy, anger and infringed pride, with the words "So do not get you to anyone!" shoots Larissa with a pistol, she dies with the words that she does not blame anyone, and forgives everyone everything.

main characters

The main character of the play, Larisa Ogudalova, a young woman without dowry from the city of Bryakhimov, is a slightly matured Katerina from the play "The Thunderstorm" previously written by the same author. Their images are united by an ardent and sensitive nature, which ultimately leads to their tragic ending. Just like Katerina, Larisa “suffocates” in the dull and musty town of Bryakhimov, among its inhabitants, who are also bored and dreary here.

Larisa Ogudalova finds herself in a difficult life situation, characterized by some ambivalence and undoubted tragedy: she is the first clever woman and the beauty of the city cannot marry a worthy man, because she is a dowry. In this situation, two options are outlined in front of her: to become the kept woman of a rich and influential married man, or to choose a lower man as her husband. social status... Grasping at the last straw, Larisa falls in love with the image she created of a handsome and brilliant man, bankrupt landowner Sergei Paratov, who, like Boris, Diky's nephew in The Thunderstorm, finds himself in real life a completely different person. He breaks the heart of the main character and with his indifference, lies and spinelessness literally “kills” the girl, that is, becomes the cause of her tragic death. The tragic death becomes a kind of "boon" for the main character, because for her the current situation became a life tragedy, which she could not cope with. That is why, in her last moments, the dying Larisa does not accuse anyone of anything and does not complain about her fate.

Ostrovsky portrayed his heroine as an ardent and passionate nature who survived severe mental trauma and betrayal of a loved one, who, nevertheless, did not lose her sublime lightness, did not become embittered and remained the same noble and pure soul that she was throughout her entire life. Due to the fact that the concepts and aspirations of Larisa Ogudalova radically differed from the system of values \u200b\u200bprevailing in the world around her, she, and although she was constantly in the center of public attention (like a beautiful and graceful doll), in her soul she remained lonely and not understood by anyone. Absolutely not understanding people, not seeing lies and falseness in them, she creates for herself the ideal image of the man that Sergey Paratov becomes, falls in love with him and cruelly pays for her self-deception with her life.

In his play, the great Russian playwright surprisingly talentedly portrayed not only the image of the main character Larisa Ogudalova, but the people around her: the cynicism and unprincipledness of the hereditary merchants Knurov and Vozhevatov, who played out the fate of the girl with a simple lot, the immorality, deceit and cruelty of her failed bridegroom Paratov, greed her mother, trying to sell her daughter as profitable as possible, envy, pettiness and narrow-mindedness of a loser with heightened vanity and a sense of ownership of the jealous Karandyshev.

Features of the genre and compositional construction

The composition of the play, built in a certain way in a strict classical style, contributes to the growth of mental tension among the audience and readers. The time interval of the play is limited to one day, in the first act the exposition is shown and the plot begins, in the second act the action gradually develops, in the third (a dinner party at the Ogudalovs') - the culmination, in the fourth - the tragic denouement. Thanks to such a consistent linearity of compositional construction, the author reveals the motivation of the characters' actions, which becomes well understandable and explainable for both readers and viewers, who realize that people act one way or another not only because of their psychological characteristics, but also because of the influence of social Wednesday.

Also for the play "The Dowry" is characterized by the use of a peculiar system of images, namely, the "speaking" names invented for the characters: the name of a sublime nature, Larisa Ogudalova in translation from the Greek "seagull", the name Kharita is of gypsy origin and means "lovely", and the surname Ogudalova comes from the word "ogudat" - to deceive, to cheat. The surname Paratov comes from the word "paraty", which means "predator", Knurov - from the word "knur" - a wild boar, by the name of the groom Larisa Julia Karandyshev (The name is in honor of the Roman Gaius Julius Caesar, and the surname is a symbol of something small and insignificant ) the author shows the incompatibility of desires with the capabilities of this hero.

In his play, Ostrovsky wanted to show that in a world where money rules and everyone has a certain social stigma, no one can feel free and do what they really want. As long as people believe in the power of money, they will forever remain hostages of social clichés: Larisa cannot become the wife of a loved one, because she is a dowry, even rich and influential merchants, just like the bankrupt Paratov, are bound hand and foot by social dogmas and cannot marry at will, to receive love and human warmth just like that, and not for money.

It is thanks to the enormous power of emotional impact, scale, topicality of the problems raised and indisputable artistic value that Ostrovsky's play "The Dowry" takes an honorable place among the classics of world drama. This work will never lose its relevance, each generation of readers, immersed in the world of experiences of the characters of the play, will discover something new and find answers to eternal spiritual and moral questions.

The writing

Ostrovsky wrote the drama "Dowry" in 1879, that is, in the last, third period of his work. Prior to this, the playwright had already created the plays "Thunderstorm" and "Hot Heart". These three dramatic creations of Ostrovsky are united by a single theme. Katerina in "Thunderstorm", Parasha in "Ardent Heart", Larisa in "Dowry" - they all belong to the same type of women, women with a rebellious soul. But, despite the fact that all the girls are worried about love, each of them has her own drama in life.

"Dowry" differs from the other two works in that it contains main character faces the cruel world of bourgeois relations, and is not opposed to the "dark kingdom", as in "The Thunderstorm." main topic plays are a drama of a human personality in an inhuman society. And this dramatic personality in the work is Larisa Ogudalova.

Larisa Dmitrievna is a well-mannered and kind girl. Hence her good attitude towards people, her respect for her mother. We feel sorry for the main character when we see her mother. She is looking for profit in everything, wants to find the daughter of a rich groom. To do this, the mother teaches Larissa the tricks that she must apply in life. The older Ogudalova is a more down-to-earth and practical nature than the younger. This is a misunderstanding between mother and daughter, the striking difference in their characters is striking. Of course, this only makes Larisa harder. Not only has she already once become disillusioned with love, she was abandoned, so now she must humiliate herself by looking for rich suitors. Thus, Larisa's life in her home is not colored in bright colors, it is overshadowed by misunderstanding and constant humiliation. The girl's mother says: “We are poor people, we humiliate ourselves all our lives. It’s better to humiliate yourself when you are young, so that you can live like a human being ”.

The most important drama of Larisa is her emotional, heartfelt experiences. The girl had already experienced disappointment in love and betrayal, when Sergei Sergeyevich Paratov went to her for two months, “fought off all the suitors,” and then disappeared into no one knows where.

Larisa has no choice but to marry petty Karandyshev, a profitable groom who will save her from humiliation. The future husband, according to the girl, is not at all like Paratov, whom she truly loves and cannot forget. Larisa sees all the insignificance of Karandyshev, she is even ashamed of his "arrogance", because he is nothing for everyone around him. From all troubles and shame, the girl seeks salvation in the village, in nature. She constantly tells her mother that she wants to escape to the village, where she will finally rest her soul. Larisa finds temporary comfort in singing, when sounds take her away from problems. In her musical and sensitive soul, a gypsy song and a Russian romance, poems by Lermontov and Baratynsky sound. Inner world Larissa is rich, in contrast to knurovy and vozhevatovyh. The poetic nature of the girl flies over the world on the wings of music. No wonder her name in translation from Greek means "seagull" ...

When Paratov returns, Larisa thinks that he is alien to that world of cold and calculating businessmen. Having idealized the image of her beloved, the girl considers him to be a "master" and is ready to follow him even to the ends of the earth. With all her heart and soul, she rushes into the pool of love, gives herself to Paratov, not suspecting that he is not worthy of her. Him spiritual world much more primitive, calculating and proud than the soul of Larissa. In order to have fun with the rest of his "idle days" Sergei Sergeevich calls the girl to the Volga. Larissa, seeing his determination, believed in love, believed him and went to meet imaginary happiness. However, Knurov and Vozhevatov know Paratov better. They guessed that "it was not without deceit, that he again beckoned her with words," they knew that Sergei Sergeevich would never exchange a homeless woman for a millionaire.

The scene of Paratov's conversation with Larisa after a trip along the Volga is full of drama. The girl was expecting a marriage proposal, otherwise what were these beautiful words, the time spent with her for? But Paratov not only did not justify her hopes, but also severely insulted Larisa, announcing that he was already engaged. Isn't this a drama? What could be worse? Trust a person, give part of your soul, and in return get a stupid game, empty words, and, in the end, cruel betrayal. Larisa turned out to be a toy, entertainment for Paratov. What can a girl expect further from life? Even marriage to Karandyshev cannot save her now. Although Karandyshev still saves her: having shot, he does a "good deed". Before her death, Larisa sees the collapse of her illusions, reality is revealed to her: "They are right, I am a thing, not a person." Dying, she thanks Karandyshev for giving her the opportunity to leave the world in which a high ideal is trampled underfoot and where she feels like a “thing”, an object of sale and purchase: “I was looking for love and did not find it. They looked at me and are looking at me as if it were fun. "

The main character's drama lies in the fact that her spiritual world cannot exist in a society of money and primitiveness, in which the interests of men and women are limited to six-figure dowries. Material here crowds out kindness, soulfulness and even love. Love is always in second or even third place after money and position in society. Larisa could not adapt, could not fall in love with the rubles of Karandyshev and experience disappointment in the ideal image of Paratov created by her. It seems absurd: good does not triumph over evil, love does not rise above the dowry, as it usually happens on the pages of most books. Ostrovsky, having written "Dowry", made the reader or viewer think, realize the problem of the relationship between feelings and calculation. If all of us choose the latter, love will disappear in the world. Is material well-being worth it? I think not.

Although the play "Dowry" was created more than one hundred and twenty years ago, it is still interesting to read it or watch it on stage. And in our time, you can find calculating paratour and down-to-earth Karandyshev. I think that Ostrovsky can be thanked for the fact that after multiple performances of the play "The Dowry" there are less and less such people, and more and more women with the soul of Larisa Ogudalova, and natures like her find their happiness in this world.

Other compositions on this work

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A.N. Ostrovsky created an amazing gallery of the characters of the Russian person. The main characters were representatives of the merchant class - from the "domostroyevsky" tyrants to real businessmen. The playwright's images of women were no less vivid and expressive. Some of them resembled the heroines of I.S. Turgenev: they were just as bold and decisive, had warm hearts and never gave up their feelings. Below is an analysis of Ostrovsky's "Dowry", where the main character is a bright personality, different from the people who surrounded her.

History of creation

An analysis of Ostrovsky's "Dowry" should begin with the history of its writing. In the 1870s, Alexander Nikolaevich was an honorary judge in one district. Participation in court proceedings and familiarity with various cases gave him new opportunity search for topics for their works.

Researchers of his life and work suggest that the plot for this play was taken from his judicial practice. It was a case that caused a stir in the district - the murder of a local resident of his young wife. Ostrovsky began writing the play in 1874, but progress was slow. And only in 1878 the play was completed.

Characters and their brief description

The next point in the analysis of Ostrovsky's "Dowry" is a small characteristic actors plays.

Larisa Ogudalova is the main character. A beautiful and impressionable noblewoman. Despite her sensitive nature, she is a proud girl. Its main drawback is poverty. Therefore, the mother tries to find a rich groom for her. Larisa is in love with Paratov, but he leaves her. Then out of despair, she decides to marry Karandyshev.

Sergei Paratov is a nobleman over 30 years old. Unprincipled, cold and calculating person. Everything measures in money. He is going to marry a rich girl, but does not tell Larisa about it.

Yuliy Kapitonich Karandyshev is a petty official with little money. Vanity, his main goal is to win the respect of others and impress them. Larissa is jealous of Paratov.

Vasily Vozhevatov is a young rich merchant. Familiar with the main character since childhood. A sly person without any moral principles.

Mokiy Parmenych Knurov is an elderly merchant, the richest man in the city. He likes young Ogudalova, but he is a married man. Therefore, Knurov wants her to become his kept woman. Selfish, only his own interests are important to him.

Kharita Ignatievna Ogudalova - Larisa's mother, a widow. Sly, she tries to marry her daughter profitably so that they do not need anything. Therefore, he believes that any means are suitable for this.

Robinson is an actor, mediocrity, drunkard. Friend of Paratov.

One of the points of analysis of Ostrovsky's "Dowry" is short description plot of the play. The action takes place in the Volga city of Bryakhimov. In the first act, the reader learns from the conversation between Knurov and Vozhevatov that Sergey Paratov is returning to the city - a rich gentleman who loves to appear effectively in society.

He left Bryakhimov so hastily that he did not say goodbye to Larisa Ogudalova, who was in love with him. She was desperate about his departure. Knurov and Vozhevatov say that she is beautiful, intelligent and perfectly performs romances. Only her suitors are shunned, because she is a dowry.

Realizing this, her mother constantly keeps the doors of the house open, in the hope that a rich groom will woo Larisa. The girl decides to marry a petty official, Yuri Kapitonych Karandyshev. During the walk, the merchants inform them of the arrival of Paratov. Karandyshev invites them to a dinner party in honor of his bride. Julius Kapitonich makes a scandal for the bride over Paratov.

Meanwhile, Paratov himself, in a conversation with merchants, says that he was going to marry the daughter of the owner of the gold mines. And Larisa is no longer interested in him, but the news of her marriage makes him think.

Larissa quarrels with her fiancé because she wants to go to the village with him as soon as possible. Karandyshev, despite his financial constraints, is going to give a dinner party. Ogudalova has an explanation with Paratov. He accuses her of treason and asks if she loves him. The girl agrees.

Paratov decided to humiliate Larisa's fiancé in front of the guests. He gets him drunk at dinner, and then persuades the girl to go with him on a boat trip. After spending the night with her, he informs her that he has a bride. The girl realizes that she is disgraced. She agrees to become the kept woman of Knurov, who won her in a dispute with Vozhevatov. But Yuri Karandyshev shot Larisa out of jealousy. The girl thanks him and says that she is not offended by anyone.

The image of Larisa Ogudalova

In the analysis of Ostrovsky's "Dowry", one should also consider the image of the main character. Larissa appeared before the reader as a beautiful, educated noblewoman, but without a dowry. And, finding herself in a society where the main criterion is money, she is faced with the fact that no one takes her feelings seriously.

With an ardent soul and a warm heart, she falls in love with the treacherous Paratov. But because of his feelings he cannot see his real character. Larisa feels lonely - no one even tries to understand her, everyone uses her as a thing. But despite her subtle nature, the girl has a proud disposition. And just like all heroes, she is afraid of poverty. Therefore, she feels even more contempt for her fiancé.

In the analysis of Ostrovsky's "Dowry", it should be noted that Larissa does not have great fortitude. She does not decide to commit suicide or start living the way she wants. She acknowledges the fact that she is a thing and refuses to fight further. Therefore, the shot of the groom brought her comfort, the girl was glad that all her suffering was over, and she found peace.

The image of Yuri Karandyshev

In the analysis of the play "Dowry" by Ostrovsky, one can consider the image of the heroine's groom. Julius Kapitonich is shown to the reader as small man, for whom it is important to earn the recognition of others. For him, a thing has value if rich people have it.

This is a proud person who lives for show and only causes contempt from others because of his pathetic attempts to be like them. Karandyshev, most likely, did not like Larisa: he understood that all men would envy him, because she was the dream of many. And he hoped to get the public recognition he desired after their marriage. Therefore, Julius Kapitonich could not come to terms with the fact that she had left him.

Comparison with Katerina

Comparative analysis of "The Thunderstorms" and "Dowry" by Ostrovsky helps to find not only similarities, but also differences between the works. Both heroines are bright personalities, and their chosen ones are weak and weak-willed people. Katerina and Larisa have warm hearts and fall in love with men who correspond to their imaginary ideal.

Both heroines feel lonely in society, and the internal conflict is heating up more and more. And here the differences appear. Larisa did not possess the inner strength that Katerina had. Kabanova could not come to terms with life in a society where tyranny and despotism reigned. She threw herself into the Volga. Larisa, realizing that she is a thing for everyone, cannot decide to take such a step. And the girl does not even think about the struggle - she just decides to live now like everyone else. Perhaps that is why the viewer immediately liked the heroine Katerina Kabanova.

Stage performances

In the analysis of Ostrovsky's drama "The Dowry", it can be noted that, contrary to expectations, the performances failed. The viewer found a boring story about a provincial girl who was deceived by a fan. The critics also did not like the acting: for them it was too melodramatic. And only in 1896 the play was staged again. And even then the audience was able to accept and appreciate it.

An analysis of Ostrovsky's work "Dowry" allows us to show what a serious psychological implication the play has. How detailed the characters are. And, despite the sentimental scenes, the play belongs to the genre of realism. And her characters joined the gallery of Russian characters, masterfully described by A.N. Ostrovsky.

Ogudalova Larisa Dmitrievna - the main heroine of the play, a dowry. The remark is described succinctly: “dressed richly, but modestly,” we learn more about her appearance by the reaction of others. Joins the role of a poor bride, which is the subject of rivalry between several applicants for her feeling or hand. As always, such a heroine is given a rather imaginary choice, she chooses only in her heart, while in fact she is deprived of the right to commit an act.

L. loves Paratov as a person who embodies and is able to give her a different life. She was "poisoned" by Paratov, with him the idea of \u200b\u200ba completely different, poetic and light world, which certainly exists, but is inaccessible to her, entered into her consciousness once and for all, although she was intended, in the opinion of all those around him, for him. For L., this is a fantasy world, much more poetic than it really is, traces of this world in her own life are her favorite poems, romances, dreams, which give his image attractiveness.
Marrying Karandyshev, she feels humiliated, unfairly sentenced to the life that a petty official is capable of giving her. Moreover, she cannot forgive his personal humiliation, his failures in attempts to catch up with Paratov, for her the difference between them becomes more and more obvious: “With whom are you equal! Is such blinding possible! " She not only does not want to correspond to his morbidly ambitious quirks like a pretentious dinner, but in private she constantly instills in him that she does not love him, that he is infinitely lower than Paratov, for whom she will follow at his first call: “Of course, if Sergey Sergeyich had appeared and was free, so one glance is enough ... "

In her soul, there is a struggle between the desire to come to terms with the inevitable fate of the wife of a poor official and longing for a bright and beautiful life. The feeling of humiliation by his lot and the desire for a different life induce L. to try to decide his own destiny. It seems that the path to this romantic world lies through the same romantic, reckless and spectacular act. But this act is reckless, leading to death, because it was committed in pursuit of the ghost, which personifies Paratov, for the world that exists only in poetry and romances.

Just like Karandyshev, she makes a choice in favor of illusion, not reality. For Ostrovsky, this attempt to immediately, with one reckless act, to receive love and happiness looks like a refusal, an escape from his own fate. The trip to the men's picnic, which she perceives as an act of her own choice, opens L.'s eyes to her true position - a prize that men argue against each other: “They are right, I am a thing, not a person. I am now convinced that I have tested myself ... I am a thing! " Dying, she thanks her killer, Karandyshev, for giving her the opportunity to leave the world in which a high ideal is trampled underfoot and where she feels like a thing, an object of sale: “I was looking for love and did not find it. They looked at me and look at me as if it were fun. No one has ever tried to look into my soul, I have not seen sympathy from anyone, I have not heard a warm, heartfelt word. But it's so cold to live. It is not my fault, I was looking for love and did not find it. She is not in the world ... there is nothing to look for. "

In her speech and behavior, the style of a cruel romance is used, which at the same time has a kind of poetry and borders on vulgarity, falsehood, "prettiness": quotations from M. Yu. Lermontov and E. A. Baratynsky are combined with statements such as "Sergei Sergeich ... this is an ideal men "," You are my master. " This reflects the property of the ideal itself, which attracts L., it is poetic in its own way and at the same time internally empty, false. In her gestures and remarks, a touch of melodramatism is combined with genuine penetration and depth of the experienced feeling: "For unhappy people there is a lot of space in God's world: here is a garden, here is the Volga." This combination makes the role of L. extremely advantageous; she attracted such actresses as M. N. Ermolov and V. F. Komissarzhevskaya.