
How to make a rake to collect leaves and grass in the country. How to choose a rake and use this inventory correctly? How to make a homemade rake fan

Is it possible to make a fan rake from a coil of steel wire, a holder and scrap metal in the country? Easily! And how to do this in a few minutes and without financial costs, you can find out further in the article.

What are the advantages of a fan tool and what functions does it perform

Regular garden rakes with hard teeth are only meant for raking heavy debris, breaking up large clods of soil, possibly deep loosening of the crust. They are used in a number of pre-sowing operations, but not for treating areas after crop emergence, as they can damage the seedlings and the stems themselves. Similarly, "green areas" should not be treated, as the stems of adult plants can break, even if it is a lawn or any other "flexible" grass.

A garden fan rake is a completely different class of tool that performs similar functions, but does it in a completely different way. They are much lighter, they have very long, flexible guides, the teeth are thin, the weight of the frame is 5-6 times less. Due to these characteristics, they have a lot of advantages in the processing of the site. Let's consider them in detail.

  1. The teeth, despite the fact that they are placed at an angle of 90 0, do not damage the root system of herbaceous plants, at the slightest contact with an obstacle, they rise up due to the shock-absorbing action of the stainless steel guide bars. Thus, the lawn and even flowers can be cleaned of dry leaves and other debris without any harm to a healthy plant.
  2. Increased tooth density. The tool provides for the installation of up to 20-30 "phalanxes" with a frequency of 2 to 5 centimeters, depending on the function that the tool must perform. Thus, a metal fan rake will play the role of a thick comb, and comb out all the small debris. After them, only a clean lawn, a flower meadow remains.
  3. Possibility of seedbed preparation for exotic crops. The soil fraction turns out to be very small, due to which the germination of whimsical plants increases significantly. Ideal for sowing cyclantera, poppy, asparagus.
  4. Light weight tool. It is very difficult to guess the total load on the teeth when working with a conventional rake. Here the fan is made of very light wire, due to this you will feel the load that you put on the soil. Ideal for work with seedlings, seedlings and in the cultivation of the soil "by crop" to remove seedlings of annual plants in the upper layers of the soil.

Soil cultivation, as a rule, is combined, that is, different types of rakes are used. Heavy is used to level the soil and break up large clods of earth. The lungs are then used to obtain a fine fraction and subsequent alignment. When caring for seedlings and plants, only fan ones are used, since only they allow you to perform all operations.

We make a work surface from improvised materials

In order to make a good tool, you need to find a material of similar quality. Secondly, you need to fasten it correctly in order to guess the weight as accurately as possible. Ease of use and beauty are also important, because, despite the fact that we make a thing with our own hands, it should not be inferior to the factory counterpart in any way. Let's move on to step by step instructions.

Step 1 Making teeth.

First you need to find the right material. Stainless steel wire, which can actually be bent with a solid physical effort, will work best. It does not burst, has excellent flexibility, due to this it can perfectly absorb shocks. The easiest way is to buy 15 meters of 0.4 mm wire at the base or on the market, but it will cost about 250 rubles. To save money, you can go to a scrap metal collection point. There is a lot of such goodness, and 1 kg of wire of the required quality will cost no more than 20 rubles. 1 kg is enough for us to make several rakes. We cut the wire into 50 centimeters. We clamp it with a vise, insert it so that a piece of no more than 5 centimeters peeks out. We hammer it with a hammer to the lips of a vise. We will get an angle of 90 0, exactly what we need. Leave the other end of the wire as is.

Step 2 We set the distance between the teeth.

To do this, we need 2 metal strips about 1.5 mm thick, 15-20 mm wide. Their length should be about 50 centimeters. We also take a 5 mm drill, drill 2 through holes. We insert a 5 mm bolt into them, tighten the nut, cut off the rest with a grinder. We get 2 metal strips, between which the fan will be placed. Now we take a hammer and a sample so that there is something to “compact”. We put the twisted fan on the anvil, put a breakdown between 2 steel wires and with a sharp movement hit the breakdown with a hammer. Do this after each "knitting needle". We get something like funnels - deflections that will limit the movement of steel wires left and right.

Step 3 We fasten the wire to the pipe.

In order to fix a chaotic bud in the pipe, it is necessary to insert all the ends of the wires 5-8 centimeters into the pipe (it is best to take a pipe diameter of 30 mm), and then hammer this edge. With this action, you securely fasten the fan in the pipe, and simply shove a wooden handle into its other edge.

If everything is done correctly, then the workspace should not stagger. If there are any squeaks or backlashes, you can pour a little epoxy into the pipe or “harden” the metal with a hammer to clamp the fan more tightly.

We make a holder with our own hands

It is best to use pine for the manufacture of this tool. The main task is to make a light tool, the weight of which will not cause the death of ornamental plants. The only option when you can use an oak handle or a larch holder is reinforced metal fan rakes. Their wire has a diameter of 0.6 mm, and the metal bar and pipe are much more massive than before. The main task of such a tool is to comb out a thick lawn and remove debris from the territory. They are only 2 times lighter than conventional rakes.

Let's move on to the manufacture of the cuttings.

Step 1 We get raw materials.

We will need an unhewn handle for a chopper, it is a little thinner in diameter, so it will be much lighter than usual. Next, you should remove it under the cone from the end, which will be hammered into the pipe. The diameter of the handle should be 1-2 mm larger than the hole in the pipe in order to plant it more tightly. You can use the old holder from ordinary rakes - it will not be difficult to modify it. Another "revolutionary" option is a plastic pipe from the heating system. It is thick-walled, durable and lightweight. The diameter can be taken as 25 mm, for example. The length of the stem doesn't matter. It should be convenient for you to work with him - this is the main indicator of the right size. As a rule, it is 150-165 cm.

Step 2 Finishing.

We immediately cover it with paints and varnishes so that the wood does not rot after a few months of use, and insects do not sharpen their teeth on it. 1 time we process with impregnation or stain, wait until it dries, cover with ordinary varnish.

Step 3 We fasten.

It is recommended to heat the epoxy to a boil, then dip the edge of the handle, which will be inserted into the tube. After you hammer it in there, it will firmly get stuck there, and will never stagger. To be sure, you can hammer a small carnation through the hole that you pre-drill.

If everything is done correctly, then the construction of such a tool will cost you no more than 100 rubles, while a rake bought at a hardware store costs at least 300 rubles. And the quality of "handmade" will be a better level - the reliability is much higher.

How to make a garden rake with a wooden handle according to the old method, using modern woodworking tools.

Let's see what they are made of:

Metal ring


We cut the desired size from a thin-walled metal pipe (preferably stainless steel), the sharp edges of which are rounded with sandpaper.


Let's make from crude wood of an elm, an ash-tree, a maple, a birch or a mountain ash. The diameter of the workpiece of the thickened part (without bark) should fluctuate within 30 ... 40 (mm). We put a metal ring tightly on the thin part of the workpiece. On both sides of the ring, cut the workpiece to the desired size. In the middle of the thin part, we split it and insert the wedge, setting the required distance between both blanks and fix it.

In this position, let the cutting dry, after which we proceed to its further processing.

After the wood has dried, we round the parted ends of the workpiece and as accurately as possible - we go out to a diameter of 14 ... 15 (mm).

Sandpaper round the entire workpiece to give it a marketable appearance.


We will make it from a similar material. We mark the inclined holes for fastening the handle at the extended ends, put the workpiece on the block and determine the angle of inclination of the through holes. The block can be made from freshly sawn wood.

Reference: domestic breeds (the most common) with complete drying lose in volume from 11 to 17%, i.e. when its humidity is 0%.

Therefore, when the block dries out, the parts in its holes will shrink.


Let's make from wooden dowels, which you can buy or make yourself, as shown in the video:

Any owner of a summer house or a country house knows how important it is to have durable, high-quality rakes in the arsenal of garden tools. This tool greatly facilitates the process of tillage and helps to keep the area clean.

What are the types of garden rakes, what are they intended for and what should you pay attention to when choosing a tool? Let's try to figure it out.

A rake is an indispensable assistant for summer residents and gardeners

There is no worthy alternative to such an agricultural tool as a rake. Rakes perform various functions, the main of which are: loosening the soil and cleaning the area from fallen leaves, dry grass, weeds.

The design of the rake is very simple. A crossbar with pointed teeth is planted on the handle. Depending on the purpose of the tools, the number of teeth, their length, thickness, material of manufacture and weight of the rake differ.

Various materials are used to create the working part of the rake. Painted iron rakes are quite heavy. Many note that it is inconvenient to work with such a rake, and the teeth quickly bend and wear out. The advantage of such a tool is its low price.

Rakes made of steel are considered the highest quality and durable. However, these rakes are quite heavy.

Today, many people prefer to buy lightweight tools that will be very convenient to use. This parameter is possessed by a rake, in which the handle and the working part are made of hardened aluminum (the weight of an aluminum rake is about 800 grams).

Rake nozzles are also made of extra strong plastic or plastic - this allows you to further reduce the weight of the equipment.

Plastic rake weighs about 400 grams (depending on the type of handle). Plastic equipment is suitable for cleaning up debris on the site, combing grass, but such a rake is not suitable for breaking up clods and leveling heavy soil.

The main types of garden rakes and their purpose

In order to achieve the greatest efficiency of the work performed, while applying a minimum of effort, it is necessary to use different types of rakes strictly for their intended purpose.

traditional (straight) rake

Straight rakes are considered the most versatile, as they are suitable for a wide range of jobs in the garden, namely:

A straight garden rake has teeth that are perpendicular to the handle and slightly curved inward at the ends.

Such rakes are produced with different widths of the working part:

A variety of traditional rakes are tools with twisted teeth. In such models, the teeth are not just located at right angles, but also rotated around the base by 180 degrees.

A rake with twisted teeth copes better with clods of dense earth, easily cuts the soil, preparing it for the upcoming planting.

A wooden rake with short teeth and a wide base is used for hay and dry mowed grass. Their main advantage is lightness, since the working base is made of birch, and the handle is made of pine or aspen. Cleaning with such a rake will turn out much faster than ordinary ones, because the grass does not fit and does not get stuck between blunt wooden cloves.

The straight rake shaft is usually made of wood or aluminium.

fan rake

Fan-type garden rakes are shaped like a panicle in the form of an unfolded fan. The working base has long wire teeth bent at the ends.

Fan rakes are not suitable for tillage. They are mainly used in the following garden work:

To clean the territory, it is necessary to use a rake with flat teeth, which do not injure young shoots, grass cover. It is desirable that such inventory be made of plastic or soft metal.

The flat surface of the site, as well as the corners and edges of the fences, the beds, are more effectively “combed out” by a fan rake of a triangular design.

Many fan rakes have the ability to adjust the working width. This is very convenient and allows you to control the pressing force and the size of the working surface as needed.

The standard width of the fan rake is 50 cm (adjustment allows narrowing to 30 cm), the height of the handle is 130 cm. Longer handles are available (up to 180 cm) that can be attached to the working base - this option is suitable for tall people. As an alternative, you can purchase a fan rake with a telescopic handle, the length of which can be changed independently.


Transforming rakes have become popular among gardeners. The kit includes a handle made of aluminum and various plastic nozzles. The rake is equipped with a quick-clamping mechanism, which makes it easy to change the purpose of the inventory - just rearrange the nozzle.

Usually the set includes a universal rake, a rake for leaves of different sizes, a rake for roses. Rakes-transformers are easy to transport and store, and wear-resistant durable plastic will not rust over time.

Combisystems can contain various elements. For example, in addition to a rake, the set may include nozzles: a ripper, a hoe or a shovel.

highly specialized rake

Highly specialized rakes have a special design that allows you to effectively perform any one task.

Rake aerators in their structure they are the same as straight rakes. The main difference is in the material of manufacture and the structure of the teeth.

The stamped teeth are sickle-shaped and pointed at the bottom. They are made of high-strength steel, hardened and galvanized.

When processing with a rake-aerator, leaves and moss are removed, horizontal cuts are formed on the soil surface (depth 1-3 cm) - this contributes to the penetration of air and nutrients into the root system of plants.

Milling rake have a double-sided work surface. Base on one side with sharp rounded teeth that penetrate the ground and remove dead vegetation cover, moss. On the other hand - a denser row of teeth for cleaning small pebbles, ground lumps and debris. In fact, these are the same rakes-aerators, only more functional.

Special lawn rake have a wide working part (at least 60 cm). Their design allows you to quickly, easily and efficiently clean the cut grass. When working, closely set teeth fit snugly on the lawn, and the grass collected during combing is collected under special limiter rods that are installed on top of the working base.

An interesting solution is a lawn rake on wheels, which greatly speeds up and simplifies the work of collecting mowed grass.

We make rakes with our own hands

You can make a rake yourself by choosing the size of the shaft, gripper and type of teeth, referring to your own needs.

Consider the sequence of manufacturing a metal rake with long teeth.

  1. Cut off a strip of steel (length 430 cm or choose at your discretion).
  2. Bend the base of the working part slightly and round off the edges.
  3. Mark the position of the teeth and drill holes (diameter - 5.8 mm).
  4. Prepare teeth from metal rods (cut off 11 pieces 8.5 cm long and sharpen on one side).
  5. Heat the workpiece on fire and hammer teeth into the holes.
  6. After cooling, it is necessary to weld the rear ends of the teeth to the workpiece.
  7. Cut off from the pipe (diameter about 35 mm) a part for making the fastener. The length of the fastener is about 20 cm.
  8. Make a cut - a "slingshot" for attaching to the base. Cutting length - 8 cm.
  9. Dilute the propyl only after heating the pipe red-hot.
  10. To attach the handle, drill a hole in the pipe.
  11. Weld the base of the rake and the holder together.

If a pipe with a seam is used, then the cut must be made along the seam, since it can disperse during deformation

You can improve the appearance of the finished product and protect the rake from corrosion by painting them. In the same way, you can "reanimate" the old rake.

When choosing a garden tool, it is necessary to take into account the functionality, convenience and strength of the rake.

Here are the main criteria for choosing a quality rake:

It would seem that a rake is such a simple and understandable tool. However, their choice should be considered carefully, having determined their main purpose and their own priorities: convenience, weight, reliability and cost of garden tools.

Any gardener, amateur gardener or farmer has no idea how you can cultivate your land without using a rake - be it ordinary garden or industrial. With this tool, you can work the soil, harvest and keep the entire area clean. What types of rakes exist, what kind of work are they intended for and how can you make a wooden rake yourself?

Garden rakes perform a variety of functions: loosening the beds, cleaning the area from dry leaves, mowed grass and weeds, etc. This is the best assistant for gardeners, gardeners and farmers. The design of this tool is extremely simple: a handle on which a transverse bar with teeth is mounted. Based on their purpose, the configuration also changes: the number of teeth, their shape, length, thickness, material, and more.

The working part of the rake is made of various materials, on which the strength and weight of the entire tool directly depend:

  • painted iron - relatively heavy, rapid tooth distortion, high wear;
  • steel - durable, but heavy;
  • hardened aluminum - has the best ratio of quality and weight;
  • plastic and plastic - light and maneuverable, but fragile;
  • wooden - quite strong and light.

For farms and large agricultural lands, special rakes-tedders are produced - a machine that is designed for raking and tedding mowing.

Types of rakes

In order for the work carried out on the site to be as efficient as possible, but with minimal effort, you need to use various types of rakes for their intended purpose. Straight rakes are the most versatile type. In this type, the teeth are perpendicular to the handle, slightly bent inward. They are great for:

  • for raking leaves;
  • soil loosening;
  • leveling the earth after digging;
  • extraction of the remaining roots.

Among the traditional types, rakes with twisted teeth are distinguished - they better break up piles of earth and fluff up the soil well. Homemade wooden rakes usually have a wide base with short teeth. Their main purpose is the cleaning of dry weeds and mowed grass. For this type, wooden or aluminum cuttings are often made.

Fan rakes consist of a base that resembles an open fan. The teeth are long thin rods bent at the ends. Often such a rake is used:

  • for raking out leaves and small debris from hard-to-reach places;
  • lawn cleaning before mowing;
  • lawn thinning.

When choosing a fan rake, it is worth considering some design features: in order not to injure young plants, it is better to use equipment with plastic teeth; for work along fences and in corners, triangular rakes are perfect, etc. In agriculture, different types of rakes are also distinguished, depending on the features of the mechanism:

  • tape;
  • wheel tedder rakes (GVK);
  • wheel-finger, which also belong to the GVK;
  • transverse, etc.

Among the units of the GVK class, experts call the following models the best: GVK-6, GVK-7, GVK-3, GVK "Solnyshko", GVK-2.5KT. In particular, GVK-6 perfectly rakes dried grass, hay and straw into swaths of a certain size, and also teds swaths so that the grass mass is collected in an airy, not twisted swath. The principle of operation of the GVK is that during the movement of the unit, the impellers rotate and move the grass with their fingers to the length of the wheel grip. After the passage of all the wheels, the hay moves towards the central axis, thus forming a swath. Now many craftsmen make such units with their own hands, adapting equipment, terrain, crops, etc. to their needs and characteristics.

Video "Varieties of rakes"

This video talks about the types of rakes. You can also find out which species is best suited for your land.

We make a cutting

In order to get a reliable and convenient do-it-yourself rake handle, it is best to start with the choice of wood:

  • pine - not afraid of moisture, light enough, but fragile;
  • birch - is the best option, combining sufficient strength and low weight, easy to process;
  • beech - in terms of its qualities, it is as close as possible to birch, but requires additional processing;
  • poplar - also refers to the best options for quality, weight and ease of processing;
  • oak is the most durable material, but heavy and difficult to process.

For self-production of the cutting, you can take non-standard material - the trunk of a young tree (the best are: hazel, aspen or maple). Select the desired length of the workpiece and check that it is free of defects (knots, cracks). Additionally, grinding or painting the finished cutting is not worth it, since the very smooth surface of the cutting will rotate and rub dropsy, calluses. It is very important that the ready-made stalk fit well and securely fasten in the rake holder. You should also cut the stalk so that it does not go beyond the planting nest.

How to make a work surface

Now in specialized stores and on the market you can easily find different types of rakes, but wooden rakes are quite rare, so you can easily make them yourself. They consist of a handle, a main part with teeth and a coupling. To make a wooden rake, you should take several types of wood: a lighter one (pine or spruce) is suitable for a handle, and a hard one (elm, oak, mountain ash, etc.) for a plank-block and teeth.

Make a block up to 60 cm long, 5 cm wide, 3 cm high from a bar. Plane it with a planer. Then, with a drill, make holes for the teeth (10-15 mm) in the block at a distance of 40 mm from each other. Make square blanks for the teeth from the material of your choice. Then cut out the desired number of teeth with a knife. Their length should be 10-12 cm.

Please note that the head of the teeth must be made 1–2 mm larger than the holes made in the block. The shape of the teeth can be arbitrary, but always with pointed ends. Plane a cutting from a straight branch, sharpen one end, sand the surface with sandpaper. Make a cut 25 cm at the other end of the handle and fix it with a sleeve and nails. Then spread the sawn parts 15 cm apart and also sharpen them. Do-it-yourself homemade rakes are ready!

Video "How to make a fan rake"

In this video you can see the option of making a fan rake with your own hands.

The weak point of the sliding fan rake is the mechanism for adjusting the width of the grip. Household models equipped with tin clamps break after two or three seasons of operation. Let's consider a simple way to restore the working capacity of a garden tool within half an hour.

The movable mechanism of a steel fan rake becomes unusable due to wear of the working part of the lever and deformation of its axis, usually an M4 screw. The clamp of the device ceases to compress the tube and fixing the position becomes impossible. The problem is solved by replacing the pin with a new one and adding a homemade insert that compensates for the development of the lever.

For a quick repair of garden tools you will need:

  • Screwdriver;
  • pliers;
  • Open-end wrenches for "seven";
  • Scissors for metal;
  • Flat file;
  • Measuring tool;
  • Strip of galvanized sheet;
  • New bolt, nuts.

The procedure for repairing a fan rake

1) Unscrew the nut from the rod using a wrench and a screwdriver.

2) Having pulled out the axis, disassemble the mechanism.

3) Mark and cut out a strip of tin, determining the dimensions on the movable plate of the device:

  • They will have the same width.
  • To the length of the "tongue" add 20-25 mm to the bends.

4) At a right angle, bend the edge of a strip 10 mm long with pliers.

5) The bent end of the workpiece is brought under the "tongue".

6) Pressing on the tin, press it all the way.

7) Using pliers, fix one side of the part.

Perform a similar bend on the opposite side of the plate.

9) Turning the part, finally squeeze both strips of metal together.

10) Align the clamp so that its parts return to parallel positions.

11) With a file, metal influxes are grinded off from the lever.
A do-it-yourself “current” repair of a fan-type metal rake takes less than 30 minutes and allows you to use the tool for its intended purpose for at least one more season.