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Form 2 farmer naked. Legislative base of the Russian Federation. State statistics for the Omsk region


Instructions for filling out form N 2-farmer

Information in the form of federal statistical observation N 2-farmer is provided by legal entities - small businesses whose main activity is agricultural activity (in accordance with the All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities (OKVED) codes 01.1, 01.2, 01.3, 01.4); peasant (farm) enterprises, as well as individuals engaged in entrepreneurial agricultural activities without forming a legal entity, having crops, perennial plantations.

These respondents submit the form of statistical observation on the second day after the reporting period determined by the state statistics body (depending on the procedure for developing the report).

In the code part of the form, the code of the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO) is mandatory affixed on the basis of the Notification of the assignment of the OKPO code sent (issued) by the territorial bodies of Rosstat.

1. This form is compiled taking into account the economic use of crops (for grain, green fodder, hay, etc.).

If the crops of grain and leguminous crops produced for hay, green fodder and silage and accounted for in the spring according to f. N 1-farmer in the number of crops of annual grasses or silage crops, actually harvested for grain, then in the report on f. N 2-farmer they are shown in the group of cereals and legumes for the respective crop.

Grain crops that died during the summer period and not sown (even if they were used for grazing, hay, green fodder and silage) are not excluded from the number of grain crops and are not transferred to the number of fodder crops.

2. In the free lines of the form, cereals, industrial and vegetable crops are shown by species that were grown on the farm in the current year. Free lines after winter wheat are intended for recording winter crops.

3. For leguminous crops, only the crops listed in the breakdown are shown in the free lines. In this case, it is necessary to enter the type of legumes and the corresponding code.

4. The line "forage legumes" shall show data on the types of leguminous plants (vetch, lupine, others) threshed to produce dry grain intended for fodder purposes.

5. The collection of cobs of sweet corn of milk and milky-wax ripeness for canning, fresh use for food is shown on the line "vegetables" (by the physical weight of the cobs - without discounts).

6. Line 1320 takes into account food watermelons and melons.

7. Gross harvest of cereals and leguminous crops is shown in weight after processing, sunflower and soybeans for grain - in the initially credited weight.

8. Line 1614 (for reference) only shows areas of bare fallow intended for sowing winter crops in the autumn of the current year, as well as for sowing spring crops next year. This line does not include areas plowed on fallow lands newly developed in the current year, as well as fallow plowing.

9. Section 4 provides information on the sales volumes of the main crop products of own production, which are made up of the amount of actually sold products (in physical weight) from the beginning of the reporting year to the time of submission of the statistical reporting form and the amount of products that, according to estimates, can be sold until the end of the year.

The volume of sold products includes products sold both on its territory and abroad through all distribution channels: processing organizations and wholesale trade organizations (canneries, distilleries, oil mills, processing enterprises of agricultural organizations, elevators, potato and vegetable storages and fruit storages), consumer cooperation, in the market; products donated, given as payment for services, as wages to employees are also taken into account.

When filling in data for individual products, agricultural raw materials of own production, spent on the production of processed processed products (sugar, butter, flour, cereals, etc.), are also taken into account.

10. Line 0010 indicates:

For legal entities - the average number of employees for the reporting year, which is determined taking into account all employees, including those working under civil law contracts or part-time, taking into account the actual hours worked, employees of representative offices, branches and other separate divisions of the enterprise. The indicator is filled in only for the whole organization;

For peasant (private) farms - the average number of members of the peasant (private) farm and employees (permanent, hired for a certain period or to perform a certain amount of work, performing temporary, seasonal or casual work);

For individuals engaged in entrepreneurial agricultural activities without forming a legal entity - the average number of employees (permanent; hired for a certain period or to perform a certain amount of work; performing temporary, seasonal or casual work).

These forms will only be used to obtain summary totals.



On approval of statistical tools for organizing federal statistical monitoring of agriculture and the natural environment

Revoked due to
order of Rosstat dated August 1, 2018 N 473

Document as amended by:
by order of Rosstat dated July 28, 2015 N 344;
by order of Rosstat dated August 4, 2016 N 387;
by order of Rosstat dated August 24, 2017 N 545.

In accordance with subparagraph 5.5 of the Regulations on the Federal State Statistics Service, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 2, 2008 N 420, and in pursuance of the Federal Statistical Work Plan, approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2008 N 671-r,

I order:

1. Approve the attached forms of federal statistical observation with instructions for filling them out and put them into effect:

per annum from the report for 2014:

N 4-OS "Information on the current costs of environmental protection and environmental payments" (Appendix N 1);
. - See previous edition)

N 2-TP (air) "Information on the protection of atmospheric air" (Appendix N 2);
(The form has become invalid since the report for 2015 - Rosstat order dated July 28, 2015 N 344. - See the previous edition)

N 2-TP (hunting) "Information about hunting and hunting facilities" (Appendix N 3);
(The form is no longer valid from the 2016 report - . - See previous edition)

N 1-PA "Information on specially protected natural areas" (Appendix N 4);
(The form has become invalid since the report for 2015 - Rosstat order dated July 28, 2015 N 344. - See the previous edition)

N 4-cooperative "Information on the activities of agricultural consumer cooperatives (with the exception of processing, supply and marketing and credit)" (Appendix N 5);
(The form is no longer valid from the report for 2017 - Rosstat order dated August 24, 2017 N 545. - See the previous edition)

monthly since the report for January 2015:

N P-1 (SH) "Information on the production and shipment of agricultural products" (Appendix N 6);
order of Rosstat dated July 28, 2015 N 344. - See previous edition)

Appendix to the form N 1-CX (balance sheet) "Information on the processing and availability of grain" (Appendix N 7);
(The form has become invalid since the report for January 2016 - Rosstat order dated July 28, 2015 N 344. - See the previous edition)

quarterly from the report for January-March 2015:

N 1-SH (balance sheet) - urgent "Information on the movement of grain and products of its processing" (Appendix N 8);
(The form is no longer valid from the report for January-March 2016 - Rosstat order dated July 28, 2015 N 344. - See the previous edition)

from the report for the first half of 2015:

N 2-TP-air (urgent) "Information on the protection of atmospheric air" (Appendix N 9);
(The form became invalid from the report for the first half of 2016 - Rosstat order dated July 28, 2015 N 344. - See the previous edition)

with a frequency of 2 times a year, 1 time a year since the report in 2015:

N 2-farmer "Information on the harvest of agricultural crops" (Appendix N 10);
order of Rosstat dated July 28, 2015 N 344. - See previous edition)

once a year since the report in 2015:

N 29-SH "Information on the harvest of agricultural crops" (Appendix N 11);
(The form became invalid from the report in 2016 - Rosstat order dated July 28, 2015 N 344. - See the previous edition)

N 4-SH "Information on the results of sowing for the harvest" (Appendix N 12);
(The form became invalid from the report in 2016 - Rosstat order dated July 28, 2015 N 344. - See the previous edition)

N 1-farmer "Information on the results of sowing for the harvest" (Appendix N 13);
(The form became invalid from the report in 2016 - Rosstat order dated July 28, 2015 N 344. - See the previous edition)

2. Establish the provision of data according to the forms of federal statistical observation specified in paragraph 1 of this order at the addresses and within the time limits established in the forms.

3. With the introduction of the statistical tools specified in paragraph 1 of this order, to recognize as invalid:

form of federal statistical observation N 1-CX (balance sheet) - urgent "Information on the movement of grain and products of its processing", approved by order of Rosstat dated August 18, 2008 N 194;

form of federal statistical observation N 1-reserve "Information on state natural reserves and national parks", approved by order of Rosstat dated September 17, 2010 N 319;

form of federal statistical observation Appendix to form N 1-CX (balance sheet) "Information on processing and availability of grain", form of federal statistical observation N 2-TP-air (urgent) "Information on the protection of atmospheric air", approved by order of Rosstat dated July 29 2011 N 336;

Appendix N 2 "Federal Statistical Observation Form N 2-TP (air) "Information on the Protection of Atmospheric Air", Appendix N 3 "Federal Statistical Observation Form N 2-TP (hunting) "Information on Hunting and Game Management", Appendix N 8 "Form of federal statistical observation N P-1 (SH) "Information on the production and shipment of agricultural products", Appendix N 11 "Form of federal statistical observation N 29-CX" Information on harvesting crops", Appendix N 15 "Form of federal statistical observations N 2-farmer "Information on the harvest of crops" approved ;

Appendix N 1 "Federal Statistical Observation Form N 4-OS "Information on Current Environmental Protection Costs and Environmental Payments", Appendix N 3 "Federal Statistical Observation Form N 4-cooperative" Information on the activities of agricultural consumer cooperatives (with the exception of processing, supply and marketing and credit)", Appendix N 5 "Federal statistical observation form N 1-farmer" Information on the results of sowing for the harvest", Appendix N 6 "Federal statistical observation form N 4-CX "Information on the results of sowing for the harvest", approved by the order of Rosstat dated August 6, 2013 N 309.

4. Recognize as invalid from the report for 2014 Appendix N 6 "Federal Statistical Observation Form N 01-GR "Information on Exploration Works" and Appendix N 7 "Federal Statistical Observation Form Appendix to Form N 01-GR "Information on Geological Exploration Works on minerals by stages of work", approved by the order of Rosstat dated August 9, 2012 N 441.

A.E. Surinov

Appendix N 1. Form N 4-OS "Information on the current costs of environmental protection and environmental payments"

Appendix No. 1

Form N 4-OS became invalid from the report for 2015 -
order of Rosstat dated July 28, 2015 N 344. - See previous edition

Appendix N 2. Form N 2-TP (air) "Information on the protection of atmospheric air"

Appendix No. 2

Form N 2-TP (air) became invalid from the report for 2015 -
order of Rosstat dated July 28, 2015 N 344. - See previous edition

Appendix N 3. Form N 2-TP (hunting) "Information about hunting and hunting facilities"

Appendix No. 3

Form N 2-TP (hunting) became invalid from the report for 2016 -
order of Rosstat dated August 4, 2016 N 387. - See previous edition

Appendix N 4. Form N 1-PA "Information on specially protected natural areas"

Appendix No. 4

Form N 1-PA has become invalid since the report for 2015 -
order of Rosstat dated July 28, 2015 N 344. - See previous edition

Appendix N 5. Form N 4-cooperative "Information on the activities of agricultural consumer cooperatives (with the exception of processing, supply and marketing and credit)"

Appendix No. 5

Form N 4-cooperative has expired from the report for 2017 -

Type of document order, instructions
Host body Rosstat
Document Number 41
Acceptance date 01.01.1970
Revision date 15.02.2008
Date of registration in the Ministry of Justice 01.01.1970
Status repealed/lost
  • At the time of inclusion in the database, the document was not published
Navigator Notes

Instructions for filling out form N 2-farmer

Information in the form of federal statistical observation N 2-farmer is submitted by legal entities - small businesses engaged in agricultural activities (in accordance with the All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities (OKVED) codes 01.1, 01.2, 01.3, 01.4); peasant (farm) enterprises, as well as individuals engaged in entrepreneurial agricultural activities without forming a legal entity, having crops, perennial plantings.

In the code part of the form, the code of the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO) is compulsorily affixed on the basis of the Notice of assignment of the OKPO code by state statistics bodies.

1. This form is compiled taking into account the economic use of crops (for grain, green fodder, hay, etc.). If the crops of grain crops produced for hay, green fodder and silage and accounted for in the spring according to f. N 1-farmer among the crops of annual grasses or silage crops, actually harvested for grain, then they are in the report on f. N 2-farmer are shown in the group of cereals for the respective crop.

Grain crops that died during the summer period and not sown (even if they were used for grazing, hay, green fodder and silage) are not excluded from the number of grain crops and are not transferred to the number of fodder crops.

2. The gross harvest of grain crops is shown in weight after processing, sunflower and soybeans for grain - in the initially recorded weight.

3. In the free lines of the form, cereals, industrial and vegetable crops are shown by species that were grown on the farm in the current year. Free lines after winter wheat are intended for recording winter crops.

4. Collection of cobs of sweet corn of milk and milky-wax ripeness for canning, fresh use for food is shown in the vegetables line (according to the physical weight of the cobs - without discounts).

Statistical reporting in 2017: deadlines.

5. Line 1320 takes into account food watermelons and melons.

6. For annual and perennial grasses, in column 5, in lines 1412, 1413, 1418, 1419, 1422, 1423, harvested areas are shown.

7. In the reference information on line 1614, only areas of pure fallows are given, intended for sowing winter crops in the fall of the current year, as well as for sowing spring crops next year. This line does not include areas plowed on fallow lands newly developed in the current year, as well as fallow plowing.

8. Section IV provides information on the sales volumes of the main crop products of own production, which are made up of the amount of actually sold products (in physical weight) from the beginning of the reporting year to the time of submission of the statistical reporting form and the amount of products that, according to estimates, can be sold until the end of the year.

The volume of sold products includes products sold both on its territory and abroad through all distribution channels: processing organizations and wholesale trade organizations (canneries, distilleries, oil mills, processing enterprises of agricultural organizations, elevators, potato and vegetable storages and fruit storages), consumer cooperation, in the market; products donated, given as payment for services, as wages to employees are also taken into account.

When filling in data for individual products, agricultural raw materials of own production, spent on the production of processed processed products (sugar, butter, flour, cereals, etc.), are also taken into account.

9. The average number of employees for the previous calendar year is determined taking into account all its employees, including employees working under civil law contracts or part-time jobs, taking into account the actual hours worked, employees of representative offices, branches and other separate divisions of the enterprise. The indicator is filled only for the whole organization.

These forms will only be used to obtain summary totals.

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Accountant calendar for July 2018, reporting deadlines, table

Information letter on the procedure for filling out forms 1-KFH "Information on the production activities of peasant (farmer) households" for 2015 and 2-KFH "Information on the availability of resources in peasant (farmer) households" for 2015

Information on forms 1-KFH and 2-KFH for 2015 is provided by individual entrepreneurs:

A) registered as heads of peasant (farmer) households (form 1-KFH_str010_gr3);

B) individual entrepreneurs engaged in agricultural production (f.1-KFH str011_gr3). Str.011_gr3 f.1-KFH is not in the Order of the Ministry of Agriculture and is highlighted only in the program "1C: Code of APK reports".

Note: for peasant (farm) farms registered as legal entities, an identifying indicator was introduced in form 6-APK “Report on sectoral performance indicators of organizations of the agro-industrial complex” for 2015 under line code 073 - “peasant (farm) farms”. This category of farms provides reports of agro-industrial complex organizations on the type of activity "agriculture" (from 1 to 17 forms).

Form 1-KFH individual entrepreneurs fill out on the basis of the entrepreneur's credentials. The form is filled in thousand rubles.

Section II “Information on income and expenses” on line 020 “Income-total” reflects all income received in the reporting period. When determining and recognizing income, the economy is guided by the provisions of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation in accordance with the chosen taxation regime.

Line 020 “Income-total” is equal to the sum of lines 021 + 022 + 023 + 024. Incomes in the form are divided by sources of education, namely: income from the sale of agricultural products (p. 021), income from the provision of services, work (p. 022), state support (subsidies from budgets of all levels, grants) (p. 023 ), other income (line 024).

When filling out page 023 “State support (subsidies from budgets of all levels, grants)”, it is necessary to take into account the linkage of this indicator with the actually received state support funds, reflected in the form 10-APK (farmer) “Report on targeted funding”.

Line 030 “Costs-total” is equal to the sum of lines 040+050+060+061+065+070. Line 030 “Costs-total” reflects all expenses incurred in the reporting period. When determining and recognizing expenses, an individual entrepreneur is guided by the provisions of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation in accordance with the chosen taxation regime.

Expenses are divided by sources of occurrence, namely: line 040 “Expenses for the acquisition of fixed assets, including lease payments” (line 040 \u003d 041 + 042 + 043 + 044), line 050 “Costs for the acquisition of material resources" (p. 050=051+052+053+054+055+056), Labor costs (p. 060), Insurance premiums (p. 061), Loan servicing costs (interest and bank commissions ) (p.065), “Other expenses” (p.070).

Line 060 “Labor costs” reflects information on the costs of paying employees (including members of the peasant farm, if employment contracts have been concluded with them that provide for the payment of wages). When filling out this indicator, it is necessary to take into account the linkage of this indicator with the average annual number of employees according to p. 181 of form 2-KFH “Information on the availability of resources in peasant (farmer) farms.” Information on the amounts of personal income tax withheld directly from the income of employees during the actual payment of wages reflected on line 060 “Labor costs”.

061 “Costs for the payment of insurance premiums” reflects information on the amount of insurance premiums for wages (to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Social Insurance Fund, the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund) of both employees and fixed payments of insurance premiums to individual entrepreneurs, including including the Head of the KFH and permanent members of the KFH.

Individual entrepreneurs using the general taxation system fill in information on income and expenses excluding VAT.

Section III "Information on debt" reflects information on the accounts payable of an individual entrepreneur to suppliers and contractors (line 100 = line 110 + line 111 + line 112 + line 113).

When filling in information on lines 200-211 in terms of loans and borrowings, it is necessary to reflect debt on short-term loans and borrowings (lines 200 and 210, respectively) and long-term loans and borrowings (lines 201 and 211, respectively). At the same time, short-term loans include loans with a maturity of up to 12 months inclusive, and long-term loans over 12 months. "Balance of outstanding debt as of December 31, 2015" - for all loans and all loans at the end of the reporting year. The balance of previously received long-term loans and borrowings is reflected only in column 4 "Balance of outstanding debt as of December 31, 2015".

The table “Calculations on taxes, fees and mandatory payments” reflects information on debts on taxes, fees and mandatory payments (including insurance premiums to off-budget funds) as of December 31, 2014, taking into account penalties and fines (column 3) actually accrued taxes and fees in 2015, taking into account penalties and fines (column 5), on payments made in 2015, taking into account penalties and fines (column 7) and debts as of December 31, 2015 (column 9). At the same time, the debt at the end of the reporting period (column 9) is calculated as the total debt as of December 31, 2014 (column 3) plus accrued for 2015 (column 5) minus paid in 2015 (column 7). Gr.9=(gr.3+gr.5)-gr.7.

For personal income tax (p. 303), an individual entrepreneur indicates information as a taxpayer.

Section IV “Information on the production and sale of agricultural products” reflects data on the production and sale of crop and livestock products. When filling out this section, you need to pay attention to the units of measurement of indicators.

Produced and sold crop products (pp. 310-415) are indicated in weight after completion.

Information on produced and sold milk (page 500) is indicated in physical weight.

“Information on the availability of resources in peasant (farmer) households” (form 2-KFH)

Section I “Fixed assets” (p.020-050) reflects data on the availability of fixed assets at the beginning (column 3) and end (column 4) of the reporting year. The data is reflected in quantitative terms - according to lines 020-022 - in pieces, according to lines 050-051 - in hectares.

Line 020 reflects fixed assets owned by the entrepreneur and leased (including under leasing).

On line 050, land plots are reflected: owned by the entrepreneur, leased, in perpetual use on the basis of contracts.

Section II “Presence of animals” (in heads) reflects the actual number of own and leased farm animals that an individual entrepreneur had at the end of the reporting year (including peasant farms).

Section III "Number of employees" reflects information on the average annual number of employees of a peasant (farm) economy.

According to line 181, group 3 “Average annual number of members of a peasant farm”, information is reflected on the average annual number of members of a peasant farm. therefore, according to p. 181, the average annual number of members of the peasant farm, including the Head of the peasant farm, is indicated. In addition, when filling out information on the average annual number of members of a peasant farm, it must be taken into account that, in accordance with the concluded agreement on the establishment of a farm, the income of a member of a peasant farm is the result of entrepreneurial activity and is determined as the share of income received from the activities of the farm (clause 6, clause 3, art. 4 74-FZ "On the peasant (farm) economy"). Accordingly, the indicators of line 181 are not linked to the cost of wages for employees (line 060 f.1-KFH).

From lines 180 to lines 182, “average annual number of employees” reflects information on the average annual number of employees, temporary and seasonal workers (including members of peasant farms involved under an employment contract providing for the payment of wages).

Reporting of KFH on the Unified Agricultural Tax in 2018

The activities of the peasant farm are classified as entrepreneurial (commercial) and are subject to taxes. The choice of taxation system for peasant farms is wide: you can apply the traditional taxation system, one of the options for a simplified taxation system or a single agricultural tax.

There are two categories of individuals in the KFH: members of the KFH and employees. On the wages of employees, taxes and insurance premiums are paid in the same manner as with any other employer. The heads of peasant (farm) households pay the appropriate insurance premiums in a fixed amount to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for themselves and for each member of the peasant farm.

Againregistered peasant farm must notify the tax authority of the transition to the UAT within 30 calendar days from the date of tax registration (clause 2, article 346.3 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Notification of the transition to the payment of ESHN must be submitted to the inspection at the place of registration of the peasant farm no later than December 31 of the year preceding the transfer (clause 1 of article 346.3 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Accounting for income and expenses under the Unified Agricultural Tax is carried out on a cash basis. Tax accounting for the purposes of calculating the unified agricultural tax for organizations is carried out on the basis of accounting data.

The tax rate is set at 6 percent of income less expenses (revenue minus expenses 6%).


Submission of reports to the Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service (IFTS):

1 . Entrepreneurs submit their UAT declaration to the tax office no later than March 31 of the year following the expired tax period (once a year).

2 .It is also necessary to keep the Book of Income and Expenses. The book can be filled out manually or kept in electronic form, it is not necessary to certify it with the Federal Tax Service since 2013.

Payment of taxes and contributions:

1. After the end of the reporting period - six months, no later than 25 calendar days, you must transfer the advance tax payment in connection with the unified agricultural tax.

The deadline for paying insurance premiums to the MHIF and PFR from income, ( RUB 32,385) RUB 2,698.75) or quarterly (8,096.25 rubles)

Deadline for payment of insurance premiums from income, over 300,000 for 2018 - not later than 1 April of the year,


Submission of reports to the Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service (IFTS):

1) Entrepreneurs submit their UAT declaration to the tax office no later than March 31 of the year following the expired tax period (once a year).

Accountant's Calendar for Farmers (ESHN)

2) Information on the average number of employeesuntil January 20 next year

3) Need to lead Book of income and expenses. The book can be filled out manually or kept in electronic form; it is not necessary to certify it with the Federal Tax Service.

5) 6-personal income tax provide quarterly(not later than Q1 - 30.04; II quarter - 31.07; III quarter - 31.10; IV quarter - 01.04).

6) ESS(Unified social insurance fee) - quarterly (no later than I sq. – 30.04; II quarter. – 31.07; III quarter. – 31.10; IV quarter. – 30.01)

After concluding an agreement with the first employee, the Head of the peasant farm must register with extrabudgetary funds (in the PFR - within 30 days, in the FSS - within 10 days)

Reporting to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (PFR):

1) SZV-M– information about insured persons monthly until the 15th

For peasant farms and individual entrepreneurs using the UAT, reduced rates of insurance premiums are provided for payments and other remuneration in favor of individuals (27.1% of wages).

Reporting to the Social Insurance Fund (FSS):

1) Form 4 FSS (on contributions "for injuries») ( quarterly no later than I quarter - 20.04, II quarter - 20.07, III quarter. -20.10, IV quarter. -20.01)

2) Until April 15 - annually, it is necessary to confirm the main activity.

Payment of taxes and contributions:

1) After the end of the reporting period - a quarter, no later than the 25th day of the next month, an advance on tax in connection with the simplified tax system must be transferred. (for the I quarter - until April 25, for the half year - until July 25, for 9 months - until October 25). Tax for the year is paid no later than April 30 of the year following the reporting year.

2) Personal income tax 13% for employees (withheld on the day of salary payment). Transfer 13% no later than the day following the day of the actual payment to the employee.

3) Contributions to the FIU(22% - insurance part; 5.1% - CHI), FSS(2.9% - temporary disability; 0.2% - min injury rate) for employees(paid monthly no later than the 15th day of the following month)

4) Deadline for payment of insurance contributions to the MHIF and PFR from income, not exceeding 300,000 for 2018(RUB 32,385) – no later than December 31, 2018 Contributions can be paid monthly ( RUB 2,698.75) or quarterly (8,096.25 rubles) until the 31st day of the current month in fixed payments.

Deadline for payment of insurance premiums from income, over 300,000 for 2018 - not later than 1 April of the year, following the expired billing period. (recommended payment deadline is December 31st)

Upon termination of the activity in respect of which the UAT was paid, no later than 15 days from the date of its termination, a corresponding notification must be submitted to the inspection (clause 9 of article 346.3 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Upon termination of activity as an agricultural producer, it is necessary to pay tax and submit a declaration for the ESHN no later than the 25th day of the month following the one in which, according to the relevant notification, activity was terminated (clause 5 of article 346.9 and under clause 2 of clause 2 of article 346.10 of the Tax Code RF).

Order of the Federal State Statistics Service
No. 387 of 08/04/2016


In accordance with subparagraph 5.5 of the Regulations on the Federal State Statistics Service, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 2, 2008 N 420, and in pursuance of the Federal Statistical Work Plan, approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2008 N 671-r, I order:

1. Approve the attached forms of federal statistical observation with instructions for filling them out and put them into effect:

per annum from the report for 2016:

N 4-OS "Information on the current costs of environmental protection and environmental payments" (Appendix N 1);

N 2-TP (air) "Information on the protection of atmospheric air" (Appendix N 2);

N 1-PA "Information on specially protected natural areas" (Appendix N 3);

N 1-LH "Information on the reproduction of forests and afforestation" (Appendix N 4);

N 12-LH "Information on the protection of forests" (Appendix N 5);

N 2-TP (hunting) "Information about hunting and hunting facilities" (Appendix N 6);

N 5-SB "Information on the processing of potatoes, vegetables and fruit and berry products" (Appendix N 7);

N 21-SH "Information on the sale of agricultural products" (Appendix N 8);

Appendix to form N 21-CX "Information on the export of agricultural products" (Appendix N 9);

N 24-SH "Information on the state of animal husbandry" (Appendix N 10);

monthly since the report for January 2017:

N P-1 (SH) "Information on the production and shipment of agricultural products" (Appendix N 11);

N 2 "Production of agricultural products in personal subsidiary and other individual farms of citizens" (Appendix N 12);

monthly from the report for January 2017, annually from the report for 2016:

N 3-farmer "Information on the production of livestock products and livestock" (Appendix N 13);

quarterly from the report for January - March 2017:

N 1-CX (balance sheet) - urgent "Information on the movement of grain and products of its processing" (Appendix N 14);

with a frequency of 2 times a year, 1 time a year since the report in 2017:

N 2-farmer "Information on the harvest of agricultural crops" (Appendix N 15);

once a year since the report in 2017:

N 29-SH "Information on the harvest of agricultural crops" (Appendix N 16);

2. Establish the provision of data according to the forms of federal statistical observation specified in paragraph 1 of this order at the addresses and within the time limits established in the forms.

3. With the introduction of the statistical tools specified in paragraph 1 of this order, to recognize as invalid:

Calendar of statistical reporting for 2017

N 166 "On the approval of statistical tools for the organization of statistical monitoring of agriculture and the environment";

order of Rosstat of October 15, 2009 N 227 "On approval of the Instructions for filling out the form of federal statistical observation N P-1 (SH)" Information on the production and shipment of agricultural products ";

order of Rosstat of September 17, 2010 N 319 "On approval of statistical tools for organizing statistical monitoring of agriculture and the natural environment";

form of federal statistical observation Appendix to form N 21-CX "Information on the export of agricultural products", approved by order of Rosstat dated July 29, 2011 N 336;

Appendix N 4 "Federal Statistical Observation Form N 1-LKh "Information on Reforestation and Afforestation", Appendix N 5 "Federal Statistical Observation Form N 12-LKh, approved by Order of August 9, 2012 N 441;

Appendix N 3 "Form of federal statistical observation N 2-TP (hunting)" Information about hunting and hunting economy ", approved by order of August 29, 2014 N 540;

Appendix N 1 "Federal Statistical Observation Form N 4-OS "Information on Current Environmental Protection Costs and Environmental Payments", Appendix N 2 "Federal Statistical Observation Form N 2-TP (air) "Information on Air Protection", Appendix N 3 "Form of federal statistical observation N 1-SPNT "Information on specially protected natural areas", Appendix N 4 "Form of federal statistical observation N P-1 (SH) "Information on the production and shipment of agricultural products", Appendix N 6 "Form federal statistical observation N 3-farmer "Information on livestock production and livestock", Appendix N 7 "Federal statistical observation form N 1-CX (balance) - urgent "Information on the movement of grain and products of its processing", Appendix N 8 " Form of federal statistical observation N 2-farmer "Information on the harvest of agricultural crops", Appendix N 9 "Form of federal statistical whom observation N 29-SH "Information on the harvest of agricultural crops", approved by order of the Federal State Statistics Service of July 28, 2015 N 344;

order of Rosstat of September 16, 2015 N 425 "On approval of statistical tools for organizing statistical monitoring of agricultural production in personal subsidiary and other individual farms of citizens."

Form No. 4-OS

Form No. 2-TP (air)

Form No. 1-LH

Form No. 12-LH

Form No. 2-TP (hunting)

Form No. 5-SB

Form No. 21-CX

Annex to Form No. 21-CX

Form No. 24-CX

Form No. P-1 (SH)

Form No. 3-Farmer

Form No. 1-SH (balance sheet) - urgent

Form No. 2-Farmer

Form No. 29-CX

Acting Head of the Federal State Statistics Service G.K.OKSENOIT

repealed/lost Edition from 15.02.2008

Type of documentorder, instructions
Host bodyRosstat
Document Number41
Acceptance date01.01.1970
Revision date15.02.2008
Date of registration in the Ministry of Justice01.01.1970
  • At the time of inclusion in the database, the document was not published


Instructions for filling out form N 2-farmer

Information on the form of federal statistical observation N 2-farmer is submitted by legal entities - small businesses engaged in agricultural activities (in accordance with the All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities (OKVED) codes 01.1, 01.2, 01.3, 01.4); peasant (farm) enterprises, as well as individuals engaged in entrepreneurial agricultural activities without forming a legal entity, having crops, perennial plantings.

In the code part of the form, the code of the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO) is compulsorily affixed on the basis of the Notice of assignment of the OKPO code by state statistics bodies.

1. This form is compiled taking into account the economic use of crops (for grain, green fodder, hay, etc.). If the crops of grain crops produced for hay, green fodder and silage and accounted for in the spring according to f. N 1-farmer among the crops of annual grasses or silage crops, actually harvested for grain, then they are in the report on f. N 2-farmer are shown in the group of cereals for the respective crop.

Grain crops that died during the summer period and not sown (even if they were used for grazing, hay, green fodder and silage) are not excluded from the number of grain crops and are not transferred to the number of fodder crops.

2. The gross harvest of grain crops is shown in weight after processing, sunflower and soybeans for grain - in the initially recorded weight.

3. In the free lines of the form, cereals, industrial and vegetable crops are shown by species that were grown on the farm in the current year. Free lines after winter wheat are intended for recording winter crops.

4. Collection of cobs of sweet corn of milk and milky-wax ripeness for canning, fresh use for food is shown in the vegetables line (according to the physical weight of the cobs - without discounts).

5. Line 1320 takes into account food watermelons and melons.

6. For annual and perennial grasses, in column 5, in lines 1412, 1413, 1418, 1419, 1422, 1423, harvested areas are shown.

7. In the reference information on line 1614, only areas of pure fallows are given, intended for sowing winter crops in the fall of the current year, as well as for sowing spring crops next year. This line does not include areas plowed on fallow lands newly developed in the current year, as well as fallow plowing.

8. Section IV provides information on the sales volumes of the main crop products of own production, which are made up of the amount of actually sold products (in physical weight) from the beginning of the reporting year to the time of submission of the statistical reporting form and the amount of products that, according to estimates, can be sold until the end of the year.

The volume of sold products includes products sold both on its territory and abroad through all distribution channels: processing organizations and wholesale trade organizations (canneries, distilleries, oil mills, processing enterprises of agricultural organizations, elevators, potato and vegetable storages and fruit storages), consumer cooperation, in the market; products donated, given as payment for services, as wages to employees are also taken into account.

When filling in data for individual products, agricultural raw materials of own production, spent on the production of processed processed products (sugar, butter, flour, cereals, etc.), are also taken into account.

9. The average number of employees for the previous calendar year is determined taking into account all its employees, including employees working under civil law contracts or part-time jobs, taking into account the actual hours worked, employees of representative offices, branches and other separate divisions of the enterprise. The indicator is filled only for the whole organization.

These forms will only be used to obtain summary totals.