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What color to paint your nails according to Feng Shui. How to paint your nails according to Feng Shui to attract love, wealth and good luck. Why you should not focus on the fingers of your left hand

The manicure industry has gained great popularity in recent decades - many new types of coatings have appeared, a huge palette of all kinds of shades and various design accessories. Every girl who wants to look well-groomed and beautiful goes to a beauty salon or does a manicure at home. Knowing the principles of the Chinese Feng Shui teaching, you will achieve a memorable image and attract success, happiness, wealth or love.

Feng Shui manicure is a real trend of recent years. This is one of the easiest ways to make changes in your life and change the predisposition of Fate towards you for the better. The main thing for the method to start working is to have an optimistic attitude and believe in your actions.

In order for decorated nails to attract luck, money and love into your life, be respectful of the preparation for the procedure. It is important to choose the right place to attract good luck.

Love. If you want romance and relationships, get your nails done in the bedroom.

Money. If you are worried about your financial situation and urgently want to improve it, go to the place where you have everything precious. It can be a table with a box or a place in the closet in which there is a cash stash.

Career. A place where you earn money or learn something new, i.e. a work or computer desk.

Health. The area of ​​the house where you take care of yourself, such as the bathroom or kitchen.

And you can also use the compass and the Lo Shu square to determine the favorable sector in the apartment. So, in the southeast there is an area of ​​​​wealth, and in the southwest - a zone responsible for harmony in family relationships. Thus, you must decide what is missing in your life.

The meaning of the fingers in feng shui

Each hand has its own meaning. According to Chinese teachings, the right hand gives energy to others, while the left hand takes it. The paradox is that most often girls highlight the nails on their right hand. If you share something positive with others, then it will come back to you with a vengeance.

Left hand

  1. Thumb - fears, work that does not bring results, hopes for a better life.
  2. Index finger - strong complexes, doubt in one's abilities, suspiciousness.
  3. Middle finger - love, sensitivity, passion, sex life.
  4. Ring finger - sadness, longing, disappointment, loneliness, parting with a loved one.
  5. Little finger - lies, cunning, pretense, betrayal, betrayal.

Right hand

  1. Thumb - development of mental activity, success, good luck in business. It also means errors.
  2. Index finger - selfishness, contempt for others, distrust, dissatisfaction with life.
  3. Middle finger - resentment, discontent, quarrels, problems in the intimate sphere.
  4. Ring finger - good influence, harmonious relationship.
  5. The little finger is the main element of general well-being in Chinese practice: strong friendship, good health, enjoyment of life, harmony in the family.

feng shui nail shape

After you decide to make a manicure according to all the canons of Feng Shui, it's time to determine the shape of the nails. It is also critical. Prepare your nails for the procedure, wash them thoroughly, remove accumulated dirt and give shape and length.

  1. Rectangular nails can be left short or grown to the desired length.
  2. Round nails should preferably be kept short.
  3. Square-shaped nails should be cut evenly.
  4. Girls with wide brushes should not grow long nails.

The shape of nails is not the main aspect of Feng Shui manicure. It is much more important that they are neat and well-groomed. Lubricate the skin of the hands with a softening cream, treat the cuticles and do a light massage. Since there are a large number of bioactive points on the fingertips, the latter will be useful.

How to choose a combination of colors?

To attract money and general financial well-being, paint the ring and middle fingers of your left hand in green or turquoise. You can also choose gold. Among the recommended symbolism, there are a fountain and water symbols, goldfish, a turtle, money images. Among the decorative elements, it is recommended to use pebbles and sparkles.

To attract love, red or pink shades are used on the ring finger of the left hand. The varnish can be supplemented with images of doves, swans, fish, hearts. They need to be drawn with a thin brush or just use stickers.

Expert opinion

Melnik Dmitry

feng shui master

For health, both physical and spiritual, it is important to pay attention to the little fingers and thumbs of both hands. Choose black, blue and cyan as acceptable colors. Images of peach, crane, sakura are suitable as symbols for attracting health.

For good luck and success, decorate your index and middle fingers with an orange or yellow tint. Lotus, dragon or fan symbols will increase the chances of success.

How to choose the color of varnish in accordance with your element?

Traditionally, five main elements are distinguished, on which all specialists of Chinese practice rely. You must determine the element characteristic of you and, in accordance with it, choose a manicure design. To do this, perform the following mathematical calculation: subtract four from the last two digits of the year of your birth. Divide the resulting number by 9 - the remainder of the division is the number of your element. If it equals 0, then this number is nine. For example, you were born in 1988. (88 - 4) / 9 = 9.3. Your elemental number is three.

Water (1)

This element symbolizes wealth, emotional maturity and new achievements. Give preference to shades of water. White color represents purity, blue shades - calmness. And you can also use black, which is considered a symbol of practicality and reliability. Complement your nail design with patterns of marine life, waves, droplets and snowflakes.

Earth (2, 5, 8)

Representatives of this element are distinguished by stability in personal and professional terms. The colors that are most suitable for the elements of the Earth are considered brown, terracotta, yellow. They characterize reliability and stability, while beige is a symbol of positive mood and harmony in all areas of life. You can use modern manicure techniques to create the effect of sand, as well as draw square or round shapes.

Tree (3, 4)

Bamboo is the main "wooden" symbol in all Asian countries. It is associated with the flexibility of the mind, creativity and creativity. In accordance with this element, choose brown, black and green for manicure. They contribute to the development of creativity and the achievement of peace of mind. For decoration, it is better to prefer drawings of plants and animals.

Metal (6, 7)

Often representatives of this element are people with a strong character. If you want to strengthen your character and bring success and wealth into your life, choose silver or gold lacquer. And also diversify the manicure with gray, black and metallic shades, symbolizing harmony with others. Rhinestones, beads and kamifubuki will complement such a manicure.

Fire (9)

Most often, the personalities of the fiery element have a truly explosive character, passion and active energy seethe in them, they demonstrate firmness and power. To emphasize these characteristics, paint your nails in all shades of red - crimson, burgundy, pink, etc. You can also draw symbols of the fire element, for example, a flame. It will be appropriate to decorate the nails with rhinestones and other shiny decorative elements.

Is it possible to color the fingers in different ways?

Feng Shui experts are sure that more attention should be paid to the “giving” right hand. Each finger has a special meaning, so it will be correct to paint them in different colors.

  1. The thumb affects your mental activity, helps you succeed in your chosen field of commerce. If you highlight it with a separate color or pattern, you will soon notice that your business has gone up.
  2. The index finger symbolizes the alter ego. Having painted this nail, you will become a more stress-resistant and firm person in your endeavors.
  3. The middle finger is usually associated with a tendency to conflict and excessive temper. By highlighting it, you will achieve business success and increase cash flow.
  4. Ring finger. Activation with the help of Feng Shui methods will give stability in relationships with a partner and family, good mood and energy.
  5. The little finger is responsible for physical and mental balance. By highlighting it, you will avoid strong conflicts with your family and enjoy harmony and tranquility.

Making a Feng Shui manicure is quite simple. The main thing is to determine your element and develop a design that you will like. If you listen to the advice, you can attract good luck in your life.

The ancient Buddhist teachings of Feng Shui have long been part of pop culture, esotericism and design. And now the "science of water and wind" is used not only in the countries of Asia, where it originated, but throughout the world.

Some time ago, feng shui orientation was used in home improvement to attract good luck and luck, in the psychology of behavior to create strong relationships. Now the doctrine of harmony has penetrated even into the sphere of beauty. Recently, the basics of Feng Shui have been popular in the nail service.

What fingers to paint?

The basis for creating a Feng Shui manicure remains classic - this is a hygienic manicure of your choice. Different colors are the key element here. There are several factors that determine the location of the shades on the nails. First of all, it is belonging to a certain natural element. Secondly, it all depends on the preferences of the client - what aspect of life you would like to influence positively. And finally, the third factor is the fingers. Each finger has its own meaning. And, most interestingly, there are significant differences between the fingers of the right and left hands.

For every element

Traditionally, five elements are distinguished: earth, water, fire, metal and wood. This is the quintessence that masters rely on when creating a Feng Shui manicure. The main thing is to determine your element, because each corresponds to a set of certain properties. Also, each element has its own “elemental color”, with which the master highlights one or two fingers, in addition to the main shades.

Calculating a number is very easy. For this, a special formula was invented. It is necessary to take the year of your birth, subtract 4 from the last two digits. The result of the calculations must be divided by 9. The remainder of the division will become your element number. If the remainder is zero, the elemental number will be 9.

For example, let's take 1987 for the year of birth. Subtract 4 from 87, get 83 and divide by 9. As a result, we have 9 with a remainder of 2. So, 2 is the number of your element. It remains only to look at the list and you can start manicure!

  • 1 - Water element symbolizes a new beginning, wealth and emotional maturity. Accordingly, when choosing colors, it is better to give preference to "water" shades: blue and blue characterize calmness, white color - purity and simplicity, black - practicality. You can also use drawings and patterns related to water: waves, marine life, snowflakes and drops.
  • 2, 5, 8 - Earth Element means comfort and stability in all areas of life. The most preferred colors are brown and yellow, which characterizes reliability and calmness, beige and brown shades - harmony and good mood. Patterns can be round or square, which characterizes the stones, and you can also use various manicure techniques to represent the sand.
  • 3, 4 - Element of Wood. In Asian countries, the main tree is bamboo - it symbolizes flexibility and creativity. Primary are various shades of green and brown, as well as black. They attract peace of mind, stimulate creative development and harmony. A floral print with a variety of insects and plants is welcome.
  • 6, 7 - Metal Element inherent in people with a strong character. If you want to attract wealth and fortitude, use all the colors of silver and gold shades, as well as gray and gold, metallic and black, which also guarantee harmony with yourself and others, success in business. Foil decor elements, beads, rhinestones and kamifubiki will be the perfect complement to such a manicure.
  • 9 - Fire Element characteristic of girls with an "explosive" character. Such individuals attract active energy, passion and power into their lives. And for this you need to paint your nails in all shades of red, wine and orange. Additionally, use patterns with the image of a flame and the sun, as well as rhinestones and other shiny elements.

Which fingers to highlight?

According to the laws of Feng Shui, the right hand is considered the "giving" hand. That is, through it, your positive energy flows out and returns to your left hand with a vengeance. Therefore, the left hand is the "receiving". Connoisseurs of the doctrine believe that the right hand is dominant and the meaning of the fingers on it is much more important, and the left hand only serves as a reflection of the right.

In addition, each finger carries a certain message:

  • Thumb responsible for intelligence, various kinds of mental activity, helps to attract success in the commercial sphere. By highlighting this nail, you will notice how things have gone uphill, good luck will accompany you in all your endeavors.
  • Forefinger- a symbol of your alter ego, a second nature with a complex character, characterizes arrogance and contempt for others. But, having painted this nail, you will strengthen the firmness of the spirit, become a more powerful and stress-resistant person.
  • Middle finger characterizes irascibility, propensity to conflicts. The emphasis on this finger will attract growth in business, a significant inflow of cash.
  • ring finger gives active energy, physical strength and good mood. It symbolizes stable relationships, including romantic ones with the opposite sex.
  • Little finger- a symbol of balance, both mental and physical, it also characterizes the family and marriage ties. By painting this nail, you will acquire a tendency to compromise and smooth out conflicts.

To attract money

To attract financial abundance to your home, you must first paint your nails in accordance with the zoning in the part of the house where you keep money. It can be an office where your safe is located, or a hall where all the expensive property is stored. The thumb and middle finger of the right hand are considered the most suitable for attracting commercial success. And the most correct shades for this procedure are metallic ones: gold and silver, yellow and gray, moreover, according to the traditional ideas of Feng Shui, the brightest and richest shades of red attract money.

To attract love

If your main goal is to establish a romantic relationship, to attract love into your life, it is best to paint your nails in the bedroom, in the so-called "love zone" in accordance with the "ba-gua" zoning. The main thing is not to do a manicure in the bathroom or in the kitchen. Due to the proximity of water, the love from your life will "leak". When choosing colors, it is best to rely on all shades of red - from coral to marsala - a symbol of sensuality and passion. It is best to emphasize the ring finger, because it is not in vain that it is intended for a wedding ring. The little finger also plays a role in attracting romance - it is responsible for establishing a conflict-free relationship and the emergence of feelings.

Many manicure masters intuitively distinguish the middle and ring fingers into separate colors. As it turned out, not without reason!

A color scheme

In Feng Shui manicure, there are basic shades and colors of the elements. The right combination of them guarantees success in attracting what you want into your life. We discussed the colors of the elements above, and now let's look at the basic shades:

  • Beige- stability and tranquility.
  • White- a symbol of purity and serenity.
  • Blue- helps to strengthen the spirit and develop the inner core.
  • Blue- has a positive effect on the psychological aspect of life.
  • Green- the color of vitality and inner harmony.
  • yellow and gold- the guarantor of physical strength and mental balance.
  • Red- personifies passion and optimism.
  • Orange- a symbol of cheerfulness.
  • Brown- warmth and friendliness.
  • Violet- a shade of power and composure.
  • Pink- characterizes tenderness and softness of character.

In recent years, Feng Shui manicure has become very popular. If you pay attention, you will notice that many famous actresses, TV hosts, singers and even Hollywood stars prefer this particular nail design option. It is believed that by observing certain rules for combining colors, you can not only create a memorable image, but also attract good luck and achieve what you want. Before you start doing Feng Shui manicure, read the opinions, recommendations of researchers, experts from the field of psychology on this topic.

The main thing is to be aware of the meanings of the fingers (each has its own), the colors used, the rules for their harmonious combination. Try and use the secrets to attract money, luck and, of course, love. In addition to the fact that you need to have a good psychological attitude, you also need to properly prepare your hands and nail plates. Also important is the place where the procedure will be carried out, because not all parts are suitable.

We determine the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment where it is better to arrange a Feng Shui manicure. Most masters are of the opinion that you should pay attention to your appearance in places endowed with unusual energy. It is necessary to build on the goals pursued, for example, such:

  1. in order to succeed in business, you need to do a feng shui manicure for good luck at your workplace;
  2. to attract money, choose a place where money usually goes. Suitable kitchen table, bar counter, located next to the refrigerator. Painting nails according to Feng Shui can also be done near the cabinet, closet where your savings or wardrobe are stored;
  3. Do you want to make nails using Feng Shui as a base to attract love? As already clear, this should be done in the appropriate area - in the bedroom. For these purposes, you can still use the bathroom, where you put yourself in order every day, put on makeup. If you dream of marriage, then you can get a feng shui manicure in the kitchen, this place is always associated with the family;
  4. besides luck, we all need good health, realizing this, it is better to choose a living room, bedroom, kitchen as a place for the procedure.

Whatever goals you pursue, the first thing you should definitely look at is a photo of a Feng Shui manicure. In general, opinions about zones among specialists in this field often differ, the main thing in this matter is to feel comfortable.

Photo of nails according to feng shui, meaning of fingers

Not everyone is familiar with the Feng Shui technique, it is fraught with many secrets. Information on which fingers to paint during a Feng Shui manicure will be useful.

  1. The thumb of the right hand is considered "smart", which means that it is he who is responsible for events and actions related to mental activity. The same finger only on the left hand symbolizes useless work, unjustified hopes, random misunderstandings.
  2. The index on the left hand is considered unsure of anything, symbolizes recklessness, a risk that is not destined to be justified; on the right upper limb - means dissatisfaction with oneself and everything around.
  3. Middle fingers - symbolize sensuality, passion (left hand), dissatisfaction in personal life, increased irritation (right hand).
  4. The ring finger is the wedding finger on the right hand, associated with the union of two souls. On the left hand, he is characterized by loneliness, restlessness.
  5. Little fingers - as for the selection of these fingers, this is done on the right hand, because this element of the hand is a symbol of mutual attraction. On the left limb, the smallest finger is a pretender, a gossip.

It turns out to be much easier to learn the meanings of fingers in Feng Shui from a photo of a manicure.

feng shui nail painting

Knowing the year of birth, you can find out that a person belongs to an element characterized by some color. You can find out by the last digit of the date of birth. It could be the element:

  • metal;
  • water;
  • tree;
  • fire;
  • earth.

Everyone's colors are different. Knowing the color, you can give preference to it when it comes to nails, wardrobe, makeup, selection of accessories.

Decided to paint your nails according to Feng Shui? Remember:

  • people belonging to the sign of fire go red in all its shades, calm tones, for example, under a tree;
  • owners of a flowing sign - water, it is better to choose the colors black and blue. Also, to create an original design, you can use a white palette, chameleon colors, metallic;
  • the tree is by nature reliable, so green, blue, black are ideal in this case. You can make Feng Shui nails with ornaments on the theme of vegetation;
  • metal - white, brown, yellow;
  • earth - beige colors as the main ones, shades of brown, yellow - as additional ones. Pink, red should be used only as a decor.

Feng Shui nail art options

If you are planning to make your own nails according to Feng Shui, then you must remember that untidiness is simply unacceptable. Everything should be perfect in a manicure, so you can’t start painting until the nail plates are properly prepared. This means that even if there was no varnish before, the nails still need to be treated with nail polish remover and then polished with a special nail file.

The next step is to apply the base layer, it can be either a healing or just a colorless varnish. This is done in order to level the surface, then you can proceed directly to painting. After reviewing the photo of Feng Shui nails the day before, as well as familiarizing yourself with the significance of each of the fingers, you must decide which nails you will highlight with color. Most often, the choice falls on the ring and middle fingers, because it is believed that such a combination contributes to good luck, love, luck. First of all, the main varnish is applied to the nails, and then the remaining ones stand out.

There is another way to highlight significant fingers. If you do not like just varnishing a different color, then you can make an original pattern, for example, on the ring finger.

Knowing the basics of creating a Feng Shui manicure, you can attract good luck, love, luck. And most importantly - remember that you need to sincerely believe in it, then everything will work out. Better yet, watch a thematic video as a good example of how the manicure described above is done.

Manicure with the selection of some nails is now at the peak of popularity. But few people know what it is - Feng Shui nails. By making accent nail art, you can attract luck, love or other blessings into your life, or, conversely, destroy what is already there.

If Feng Shui, as a science, was cultivated in ancient Egypt, then it is likely that Cleopatra would be the first to apply it in cosmetics. After all, nothing prevented her from being the first to create a culture of painted nails - the prototype of modern manicure.

Nail polishing has become not just an element of hand care, it is a philosophy, a sacrament, a ritual. Let's not scare - it's not difficult. To properly paint your nails, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, you need to follow a few simple steps.

  • Step one: you need to know your element.
  • Step two: choose colors according to the element.
  • Step three: decide on the areas in which you want luck, and highlight the nails corresponding to them with a certain color.

Determining your element

So, among the five elements (metal, water, wood, fire, earth) you need to find your own. There are two easy ways to determine.

First (created based on numerology)

We determine by the last digit of the year of your birth:

  • 0 or 1 - your element is metal.
  • 2 or 3 - water.
  • 4 or 5 is a tree.
  • 6 or 7 - fire.
  • 8 or 9 - earth.

The second is the trigram formula.

For women: we perceive the last two digits of the year of your birth as a separate number and subtract 4 from it. Divide the resulting difference by 9. For men: subtract the number of the last two digits of the year of birth from 100, divide by 9 and thus determine the remainder indicating the trigram .

  • 9 (0) - fire (Li).
  • 8 - earth (Ken).
  • 7 - metal (Tui).
  • 6 - metal (Chien).
  • 5 - earth (Ken - woman; Kun - man).
  • 4 - tree (Sun).
  • 3 - fire (Ho).
  • 2 - earth (Kun).
  • 1 - water (Kan).

Each element corresponds to a certain shade. The relationship of the elements one with another, the elements with man, the elements with the Universe and man can always be applied and "read" with the help of color.

  • Red color with shades - full compliance with the elements of fire;
  • green, blue-blue and black - the elements of wood;
  • all cold shades from dark blue to pale blue are the elements of water;
  • white, silver, brown and yellow - the elements of metal;
  • beige, yellow, brown pink and red are earth elements.

In addition, it will be useful to know that red attracts love, blue is suitable for the upcoming brainstorm (exam, discussion, any mental work), gold and purple contribute to the development of leadership skills, purple adds mystery.

Fingers: Feng Shui meaning

To begin with, let's see why feng shui advises highlighting the fingers of the right hand.

Even the ancient Slavs, who did not know Chinese philosophy, noticed that the right hand is more actively involved in work, with its help you give more energy and in return you get some benefits from your work.

This theory is fully consistent with Feng Shui, which states that the right hand multiplies positive energy.

Consider the relationship of the fingers with the energies and their inherent properties.

Right hand:

  • thumb energy of intellectual activity (successful transactions, discoveries, victories in mental competitions);
  • forefinger the energy of your ego (attitude towards yourself and the environment);
  • the middle finger is the energy of negative emotions (anger, quarrels, dissatisfaction). Apparently, this finger should not be singled out;
  • ring finger the energy of relationships (dating, friendship, love);
  • little finger energy of well-being (material well-being, family ties, peace of mind).

Left hand:

  • thumb energy of anxiety (empty labors, empty hopes, slight misunderstandings);
  • forefinger energy of uncertainty (fear, unjustified risk, trauma);
  • the middle finger is the energy of sensuality (discovery and sexual satisfaction);
  • nameless energy of loneliness (parting, sadness, disappointment);
  • little finger energy of deceit (gossip, pretense, lies, flattery, loss).

feng shui manicure rules

As for any other manicure, for this unusual, energetically saturated manicure, the nails must be prepared according to the standard scheme: remove the remnants of the old varnish, file, sand, degrease. And - to begin the main sacrament. We choose the nails that need to be highlighted, select the varnish of the desired shade - and sincerely wish ourselves that all our plans come true.

May luck be with us. And it WILL arrive as much as possible.

  • White
    A symbol of perfection and purity, associated with angels, virtue, divinity. Able to purify energy.
    People who prefer white are usually honest, accurate, sincere. One disadvantage is that they demand the same from others.
  • Red
    Passion, irresistibility, energy. Attracts attention, activates, warms.
    People in red are a bright accent in the crowd. Energetic, fiery, sometimes somewhat dangerous.
  • Orange
    The color of creation. Pushes to action, symbolizes freedom. It relieves fears and depression, one of the most "good-natured" colors of the palette.
    Orange people strive for popularity, are proud and independent.
  • Yellow
    Sunny and joyful. Awakens vitality. Activates mental activity. Useful for timid and shy people.
    Fans of yellow are artistic and energetic. They like to be original, have creative inclinations and at the same time are honest and tolerant.
  • Green
    Harmony and serenity. There is no better therapy for the nervous system than green.
    Those who love green more than others are generally sentimental, compassionate, trusting like children, and constant in love. They still have a lot of advantages: generosity, tact, enviable performance. Here we recall their gullibility and try not to use these wonderful people with such an ideal mental set for personal purposes.
  • Blue
    Cold calm. Peace, wisdom, balance. Contemplating the blue, you can have a great rest - it has.
    Favorite color of people striving for spiritual achievements. Selfishness is not inherent in them, but character is often absent. But they are patient and wise philosophers.
  • Blue
    Inspires and fulfills desires. The color of justice and devotion.
    People who choose this color are distinguished by friendliness and devotion, but they value their independence too much and do not tolerate the slightest pressure.
  • Violet
    Very strong color. Symbolizes leadership. As well as the highest kindness, wisdom and love. Able to sharpen intuition and sensuality.
    If among the rest you highlight the purple color, then, admit it: you are a little prone to a sense of self-importance. Having a sense of self-worth is great, but it should be in moderation. And you are probably a mystic ...
  • Black
    The color of mystery, mystery and even greater mysticism. For some, it's dark. For some, sophisticated.
    If you prefer black, you are a strong and calm person. Just don't cross the line between calm and insecure.

Feng shui nail art. What colors do we paint other nails?

The concept of "nail art" is, simply, nail design, which includes various techniques for aestheticizing them. Manicure, extension, decoration.

Getting started, it is important to remember that the highlighted nails should not look too catchy - to the point of vulgarity.

There is an opinion that the nails on energy-positive fingers need to be painted brighter so that the color literally “screams” about your intention to bring good luck to life. This opinion is unjustified.
It is better to choose shades that are comfortable for you and appropriate for the environment. It is indecent to go to the office with acid-colored nails.

Shades of the same color scheme look great on the hand: some are brighter, others are muted.

The so-called contrasting combinations look good: yellow with green or blue, white with black, orange with black, red with black or white.

Our feng shui, our luck is faith. If according to science, then faith is the usual statement of fact, certainty. If it is from the heart, then all our experiences and victories are reflected (be it positive or negative) in our life. And the manicure is beautiful. Yes, and we profess the philosophy of Feng Shui, with or without faith.

And even if he treats manicure philosophically, then:

  • defining the element;
  • choosing a color
  • enhancing the desired energy.

we get a wonderful result - joy, self-confidence and beauty.

Recently, I have been thinking more and more about harmony. The desire for harmony is one of the best human desires. More and more often, women who strive for harmony between soul and body, between themselves and the outside world, are turning to feng shui.

I have already written about the role it plays in my life, and there is nothing surprising in the fact that I like feng shui manicure. However, from time to time I hear that these are just marigolds painted in different colors.

In fact, a feng shui manicure has a certain meaning, and it affects the life of its mistress - all you need to do is paint your nails correctly.

The Taoist doctrine of feng shui covers many aspects of human life, but manicure as such is not included in its interests. Perhaps this is due to the fact that in ancient times more attention was paid to other issues? However, keeping in mind the classics, thinking about the beauty of nails is one of the favorite activities of every modern girl. So, according to Feng Shui, values ​​can be distinguished for:

  • each hand;
  • each finger;
  • any flowers;
  • color combinations.

Thus, you can not only make a beautiful and fashionable manicure, but also influence your own energy - it depends on how and which nails to paint.

Meanings of hands and fingers

The right hand, according to Feng Shui, is bestowing - accordingly, the fingers on it are responsible for the return of one or another energy to the world. I will not be too original and remind you that the more we give something to the world, the more we get in return.

Some girls prefer to paint different fingers on their left and right hands. But it seems to me that if you activate any energy, then by all means you need to pay attention to both its bestowal and its acceptance. However, you can cheat a little and combine different energies.

Remember: the right hand is giving in Feng Shui, and the left hand is receiving. This must be remembered before choosing any colors and directions.

Which fingers are responsible for what?

All fingers have their own feng shui meaning, one or another force and energy is activated depending on which fingers how to paint.

On the right hand:

  • The thumb is responsible for various intellectual and mental affairs;
  • the index finger of the right hand is responsible for relations with oneself and the world;
  • the middle finger is highlighted in color in order to attract the most powerful cash flow into your life and normalize relations with money;
  • the ring finger, highlighted in a different color, will help to gain good luck in love affairs, attract a loved one, and achieve reciprocity;
  • the nail on the little finger, highlighted in color, will help establish peace in the family, lead to harmony and peace of mind.

On the left hand:

  • the thumb of the left hand responds to vanity, lack of peace of mind, minor problems and various empty hopes;
  • the index finger on the left hand will help in the fight against fear and insecurity;
  • the middle finger is responsible for sensuality and sexual relations;
  • the ring finger is isolated in order to overcome negative feelings - it can be fear of loneliness, sadness and longing, sadness for any reason or even without it;
  • the little finger of the right hand is responsible for lies, envy and the energy of gossip and deceit.

From all this it follows that you need to carefully choose your fingers in order to paint them according to all the rules of feng shui.

How to identify your element in feng shui

Feng Shui uses such a concept as the number of Gua. Different values ​​​​of the number help determine the propensity for a particular element. In order to calculate your Gua, you need to add the last two digits from the year of birth, and then, if the number came out in two digits, you need to add its numbers together. Next, women need to add 5 to the resulting number, and if the number again turned out to be two-digit, then its numbers also need to be added. What happens as a result is the Gua number.

After the number of Gua is clarified, you can find out your element by Feng Shui.

  • Earth - numbers 8 and 9. All shades of brown are suitable for people born under this element. Don't forget about gold colors. The element of earth symbolizes reliability, the ability to live stably and firmly stand on the ground with both feet. In order to enhance the influence of the elements, it is better to give the nails a square shape.
  • Fire - numbers 6 and 7. Any bright warm colors will only decorate girls born under the sign of fire. The best form of nails is stilettos, they resemble flames. To decorate the nails, you can use various rhinestones and foil.
  • Trees - numbers 4 and 5. People born under the element of Trees can decorate themselves with any shades of green and brown. The shape of the nails can be any, but it is better to give the nails a round or oval shape.
  • Water - numbers 2 and 3. Any shades of blue, lilac, as well as metallic colors and even black varnishes will emphasize the influence of water.
  • Metal - numbers 0 and 1. This element is characterized by shades of white and any metals. Most often, the "metal" element is emphasized by a long rectangular shape, as well as various glitters and rhinestones.

It makes sense to take into account the value of the elements, but this does not mean that you cannot paint your nails in other colors. What shades to choose? Depending on what effect you want to achieve.

The meanings of colors and their use for manicure

Each color carries some specific meaning, and in order for a feng shui manicure to be as effective as possible, it is necessary not only to highlight the desired nails with a contrasting color, but to select a color depending on what you want to get in the end.

  1. White color is a symbol of purity, virginity, absolute tranquility. It makes sense to choose this color when you just want to activate some sphere, attract more energy into it.
  2. Blue color leads to harmony. Most often it is used when there are any disorders in any area. Just choose a nail that is responsible for the area of ​​life in which you feel unbalanced, paint it in any shade of blue, and watch your life change.
  3. Turquoise color and shades of the sea wave will lead to monetary abundance and well-being. If the situation with money needs to be resolved as quickly as possible, then it is better to choose one shade of turquoise for all nails, and highlight the fingers that are responsible for money matters in a darker or lighter color.
  4. Beige tones symbolize tranquility. If some areas of life are full and successful, and you want to keep this trend, you can use beige shades.
  5. Red color is one of the most powerful, it leads to happiness, it can be used for any nails.
  6. The golden color should be used as carefully as possible, if the elements do not imply shades of gold, then it is better to use not full coverage, but partial or just gold decor for nail art.
  7. Gray color will help to increase judgment in relation to any issues.
  8. Pink tones enhance femininity, they will help if you want to look younger, emphasize or attract tenderness into your life and realize your feminine destiny.
  9. Blue and lilac tones help to come to the triumph of harmony and intelligence. These shades can be used carefully, only for individual fingers.

How to use the secrets of feng shui

Manicure is something that is in front of our eyes every day, and hands have a certain esoteric meaning. I don’t do manicures every day that affect my energy, but in those cases when I need support or help from the world, I will definitely sit down and come up with the right meaning and some kind of design for a manicure that can help me.

The results always make me happy, firstly, the feng shui design almost always looks original and attractive, secondly, looking at my hands, I remember what I need to focus on, and thirdly, I feel how the world responds to my desires - always with goodness and great power!

Try to make such a manicure, and you will understand what I mean.