
February 16 is the name day of kikimora. Slavic holidays in February and March. Make friends with evil

Our home is our castle. The house is a living space filled with the history of our Family, family, anxieties, joys, love. This is a protected fortified castle, where a man returns and where a woman creates her family magic. But the world is much more complex than ordinary people think. Together with us, other creatures from the other world can live in our house. And proof of this are numerous testimonies about house spirits. For example, on February 16, we all have a chance to hear and see homemade Kikimora. After all, the Slavs one day a year remembered this rather malicious spirit that lives next to us and told different tales about her. Want to try? Then it is necessary to do as it was recorded in one of the ethnographic expeditions in our North.

- Many owners heard how she spins, pinches. We saw once a spinner - so the same person. Baba alone came to the old woman, and she taught: “Take, she says, a lamp, cover it with a scarf so that there is no light, but when it comes, shine it right away.” That - as the fire opened, how the woman will run! Just like a human!

What is known about kikimore?

The first thing to remember is that a guest is an uninvited, unlike a brownie. Kikimora has many names: “kikimara”, “kikimra”, “kukimora”, “kikimorka”, “shishimora”, “shishimara”, “neighbor”, “mara”. That alone speaks volumes about how often people talk about her. Is it because they meet often? When the marsh kikimora lives in nature, it behaves mischievously, but kindly.

As, for example, it is told in "The Tale of the Green Mermaids" (the book "Gods and People" by the Severnaya Skazka publishing house):

And uncle Leshy at that time, following the order of Veles, gathered all his army:

Do you remember what days and nights we have now?

He looked around at the leshachki, his assistants, Squealer and Turusik, swamp kikimora, aunt Shishiga and the eldest above all mermaids, the beautiful Mavka.

Yes, we remember, - Mavka raised an eyebrow. - The guys in the forest will be like foliage on trees, but everyone is eager for love and crazy.

Here I am about the same. Attract - Attract. Purr sweet words. But, it's my strict order that not a single guy be drowned. Otherwise ... - Leshy made a stern face and threatened the mermaid and the swamp kikimore with a huge fist. They giggled and turned away, avoiding Leshy's gaze.

Come on, Uncle Leshy, - Mavka said reconcilingly. - Once you order, so be it, we will not tickle to death! - and she laughed with a flood of inviting mermaid laughter.

And you, - he turned to Aunt Shishiga, - don't indulge either. Do not lure anyone into the swamp, on the contrary, pull out if someone wanders into it. Pull it out and take it out to a large clearing. Yes, notice if there is anything in the forest that should not be.

But it happens that, attracted by negative emotions, the swamp kikimora secretly sneaks into a human dwelling. And at first it "occupies" places near the house - garbage bins, for example, or dirty entrances. And then - sniff right into the house, if the amulet does not hang over the door. Settles, like a mouse, behind the stove, under the floor, in the attic, if any. It hides during the day, comes out at night, makes noise, fusses, bounces, stomps, annoys nervous owners with its fuss. By the way, they break the dishes too. And also - wet spots appear in your house from nowhere? Exactly. Has the swamp kikimora taken root?

Second. Kikimora is a petty dirty trick that brings harm, damage and trouble. They tell a charming northern tale about a kikimora. In the village of one mistress, the kikimora greatly tormented the goats, cutting their hair. No matter how hard the owners tried to get rid of the tormentor, nothing worked. Then the owners were going to move to another village, hoping that the kikimora would remain in the old place. They put things on the cart, the hostess asks: “Did you take everything from home?” And from the cart a thin voice is heard: “I don’t know if you took everything, but I took my scissors!”

Third. Kikimorka cannot resist yarn or sewing, sneaks at night to the untidy embroideries left by the hostess and starts doing something herself, sewing, embroidering, she cannot stop, even at the risk of being discovered! That's just not sewing from left to right, but vice versa. She sews, poor thing, badly, her stitches are uneven, uneven. “You won’t get a shirt from a kikimora,” says a Russian proverb.

Here is another entry made by researchers of folklore in our North:

- You're spinning. I was married, sat in the evening, spun. It was a beautiful spinning wheel. I just went to bed, I hear my spinning wheel spinning, even clicking. It got so scary. Get up - there is no one. As soon as I lay down, they click again. I hear: zhzherr, zhzherr - the spindle is spinning, the kikimorka is spinning. Zhzherr, zhzherr - after all, this must be spun in some way, zherkat.

But don't look like a kikimora

An insulting expression is known: "You look like a kikimora." And what does it look like, what was it, with what to compare? The fact of the matter is that they were seen differently.

Tales were told about kikimor as about ugly babies, whose head is the size of a thimble, and their body is as thin as a straw. They can become invisible, they can run fast, they are eternally young restless girls. According to other tales, a kikimora is a little crooked old woman dressed in torn rags, funny and sloppy. There was also the appearance of a maiden with loose hair, undressed or in a single-colored shirt. Occasionally seen in the guise of an adult woman. A kikimora was also shown that looked like a pig, a dog, a duck.

So it is not clear whether they insulted or praised, calling it "kikimora". In any case, you should not look so that others have such comparisons.

Getting rid of kikimora is extremely difficult.

In the medical book of the 18th century they wrote: “from kikimora in the house put camel hair, when the neighbor (also kikimora) presses, then the treatment is the same, put the wool under the hearth.” They also said: the “chicken god” helps - a black stone, about the size of an egg and a natural hole, a whole neck from a broken jug, and a worn bast shoe. Kikimora is afraid of juniper for some reason. Therefore, they scare her away from salt shakers, into which she likes to run her hairy paws, with a juniper belt. And if a kikimora is harmful, rattles dishes and beats pots, you need to wash everything with water infused with fern.

And just like that, on February 16, if the kikimorka is completely tired of her pranks, you can kick her out of the house. It is on this day that she becomes humble and obedient. Place with a juniper broom, saying:

- Oh, you goy, kikimora brownie, get out of my house as soon as possible.

It is better to remember northern fairy tales!

Or maybe you don’t need to expel the kikimora? Love and female generosity can change the behavior of a kikimora, which will become an invisible assistant in weaving, yarn, baking bread, washing dishes and caring for pets. After all, you can even talk with a kikimora. Ask questions - she answers by knocking if she agrees.

Or is it just that the housewife does everything without kikimora, a fictional mythical character? Don't know. I only believe that the house is the territory of the creation of a woman, it is she who creates this space, making it her own and the way she wants, laying in it the energies she needs.

This power was given to her by nature. Her task in relation to the house is to create such a space, such an atmosphere in which her relatives will rest their souls, saturate them with energy for life's accomplishments. And this is real magic, a real fairy tale. The house is like a sacred place, like a temple and at the same time as an object of the woman's creation, which she fills. And a loving woman is subject to all levels of the universe, including those that come to us in the form of house spirits.

It is precisely such subtle relationships between people and small Gods, spirits in the stories of the Severnaya Skazka publishing house. It is such a magical land that appears before us in these books. So let's start with ourselves, with our attitude!

Read our next article “Feast of Maslyanitsa-Komoeditsa. Is it possible to rejoice at the commemoration?", by clicking on.

Our home is our castle. The house is a living space filled with the history of our Family, family, anxieties, joys, love. This is a protected fortified castle, where a man returns and where a woman creates her family magic. But the world is much more complex than ordinary people think. Together with us, other creatures from the other world can live in our house. And proof of this are numerous testimonies about house spirits. Here, for example, Kikimora. On February 16, we all have a chance to hear and see homemade Kikimora. ">

The well-known, and many beloved and respected spirit of our house, Brownie, most often, does not live in our homes alone. It is understandable - how long will such an economic "guy" be bachelors? Domovoy has a wife - kikimora.

What can we say about Kikimore? Actually, it is better not to talk about Kikimore. And if you speak, then in a whisper, and even better - not in your house. This is just the case when you should not wake up dashingly while it is quiet. For the character of Kikimora - uuu! And even oh! And sometimes - oh!

Kikimora - the spirit of nightmares and home mold, a malevolent creature with a piercing raspy voice, knocks and rattles, causes riots in the house. In fairness, it must be said that his character is insipid, Kikimora shows negligent owners, and when he quarrels with Domovoi. And how did you want? Should they be guilty? Here you, dear hosts, are appointed by them.

If on some day everything suddenly starts to fall out of your hands, the cereal wakes up, the doors of the lockers open and even try to hit you on the forehead, the stove goes out, and someone invisible pulls your animals by the wool and increases the mess, if you want to tear and throw, and preferably something heavy - everything is clear here - Kikimora quarreled with Domovoi. Let's treat this with understanding, it happens to everyone.

Name day Kikimora celebrate February 16. The brownie is sleeping at this time. And most often, he does not sleep at all, but goes about his business. He's on winter leave, he's right. And for the house and household - Kikimora looks after. Therefore, skipping Kikimora's name day is a risky business. By the end of winter, she is not in the most rosy mood, and then the negligent owners forgot about the holiday.

But it’s time to gradually prepare your home for spring - get rid of junk, wash the curtains, put things in order in the cabinets, check the cereals, count the supplies, and buy the necessary things. What is lost - throw it away, what has been worn out, worn out, from which the children have grown - also out of the house. Getting ready for the spring wind! Not immediately, not abruptly, but we are starting. And we ourselves understand - the day has increased, the sky is blue - spring is coming soon. According to legend, on this day, February 16, Yarilo “raises the winter on the pitchfork,” which means winter has shortened.

Let's clean up this day at home, respect Kikimora. Do not throw your needlework anywhere either. Kikimora is very fond of sewing and spinning, embroidering and knitting. But - he can't. It will only spoil everything, mix up the threads, turn the tow into a bundle. Give Kikimore a ball or a hank, or a patch of embroidery - let him have fun on it. And she is happy, and you are calmer.
And in the evening you can sit at the table with a pie and liqueur, a women's circle. Kikimore put a treat, thank you for looking after the house. At the same time, appease her so that she doesn’t misbehave at night, but she doesn’t confuse yarn and thread.

Brownie, on the name day of Kikimora, the house is announced. And he is interested in treats, and observes "safety precautions". Not to appear on a name day to his wife with such a character is desperate recklessness! Although they don’t pour Domovoy on Kikimora’s name day, he, however, will not miss his.
It can walk and roam, and if you have a yard, the yard joins the celebration. The consequences of these violent festivities, in general, are insignificant - at most the dishes are broken, but the noise is incomprehensible in the house and in the yard. But not for long - Kikimora knows how to call to order, educates her husband behind the stove, you look - again peace, harmony and silence.

On Kikimora's name day, in addition to cleaning and preparing the living space for spring, they made various amulets for the household and the home. They worked magically for cleaning, for harmonizing the house, for peace and harmony. On this day, they avoided conflicts and quarrels, cherished peace. The scope in the celebration of Kikimore is not needed, but respect is nice. The calmer and more pleasant you spend this day, the longer the atmosphere comfortable for the residents will remain in the house, the more secure and comfortable it will be for the household.

Ardana, 2017

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01.02.2019 - 10:38

Only one step remains until spring in February. And therefore, most of the Slavic holidays and rituals are aimed at showing Zima-Morena that her dominion over Yavu is once again nearing its end.

(The paintings of the Russian artist Vsevolod Ivanov were used as illustrations).

First Battle of Spring

On February 2, the Slavs celebrated Gromnitsa - the time when Spring converges with Winter for the first time in the battle for power over the human world. And no matter how this first battle ends, Morena-Zima understands that her boundless dominion once again comes to an end. Another name for the holiday is Winter Perunya (in honor of the Thunderer Perun), because only on this day thunder peals sound in the sky, which are completely uncharacteristic for winter weather - echoes of the battle between darkness and light going on in the heights of the heavenly Rule.

And as a reflection of heavenly fire in every Slavic family, magic was created on Gromnitsa: the eldest man in the house made a special thunderous candle. The more she went out, the more Perun's strength she could contain. The candle was supposed to be lit at the temple under the special prayer of the Magi. Then the owner went around with her salting (in the direction of the sun) every corner and nook of the hut, filling it with sacred light and driving away all ailments, troubles and misfortunes. After cleansing the house, the time came for the household: the head of the family created a cross over the head of each of them with a candle, protecting them from illnesses and filling them with vitality. The same was done with all livestock, a thunderous candle even set fire to a little animal skins and left a wax mark on them, protecting them from death and spoilage. In some regions, in addition to the listed rituals, another one was held - the most prosperous of the members of the community went around all the houses with his candle, as if sharing with his neighbors a particle of his well-being and prosperity.

The loud candle for the next year became a powerful family amulet, it was kept in the home altar and lit only on the most important everyday occasions. They went with her to matchmaking, for the first time they went out into the field to sow and reap, they gave it to those who went on a particularly long or dangerous journey. If someone in the family was overtaken by a serious illness, the elements of fire, that is, the same thunderous candle, were used as an effective remedy for it. In drought, it was installed on the window as a fire protection. And of course, neither the removal of the evil eye, nor the removal of damage, nor any other action from the category of household family magic, could do without a miraculous candle.

We knock down the horn of winter

On February 11, Winter Veles came to the Slavs - on this day one of the most powerful Slavic gods "knocked down the horn of winter." The legend says that he wandered through the snow-covered fields and forests, played his wonderful flute, and the sounds of his music warmed the viviparous Mother Earth, and along with her all people and all animals. And no matter how angry Marena-Zima was with the musician, no matter how much she let snowstorms and cold on people, and on cattle - a terrible “cow death”, she could not defeat Veles, she could not return her former strength.

Since Veles was considered the patron saint of cattle breeders, various rituals were performed on his holy day, aimed at protecting livestock from all kinds of diseases and at increasing the income from livestock on the farm. From the very morning, young women were allowed to drink strong honey so that “the cows were affectionate,” and then they should lightly beat their husbands (who were obliged to endure the beating) with a spinning board so that “the bulls were obedient.” During the day, the “plowing up” ritual was performed, designed to drive away the “cow death” sent by Marena and her servants from the community.

Only women also took part in it - their husbands were ordered not to stick their nose out of the house in order to avoid "great misfortune." The most authoritative woman in the community was appointed as a "hanger": she went from house to house and gathered women with an appeal to "calm down the cow's dashing". Then the assembled "female army", armed with sickles, tongs, brooms and even clubs, with a hanger at the head, went to the village outskirts. There, the hanger was stripped naked, she was put on a collar and harnessed to a plow, after which she plowed the village three times with a protective "inter-water" furrow. The rest of the women accompanied her with lighted torches, bare-haired and dressed only in shirts. At that time, no one risked getting in the way of those performing the ceremony: it was believed that “cow death” could inhabit anyone they met, and therefore such a person was beaten without any mercy, and could well have been beaten to death.

Toward evening, the "competitive" part of the holiday began. It was opened by the ritual battle of the "cattle god" with the "black death": a strongman disguised by Veles after a short battle "knocked off the horn" from the winter goddess. And then, for the glory of the victorious god, the Veles wrestling flared up - a special type of struggle, devoid of Perun's fury, but filled with bullish perseverance and measured strength. Its rules consisted in clasping the opponent with your hands and pushing him out of the circle or in overturning into the snow. After the competition, the community honored the winners and sat down to a hearty feast, the only forbidden dish on the menu of which was beef.

And the Magi considered Veles' day to be especially suitable for making amulets and performing special ceremonies over them. The amulet made on this day, according to popular belief, had irresistible power and brought many benefits to its owner.

Make friends with evil

Few people know that the solid “grandfather-neighbor” Brownie sometimes lived in the houses of our ancestors not alone: ​​he was paired with Kikimora, a tiny, malicious old woman. It was believed that a hardworking and calm brownie could partly re-educate his wife, but if he himself had a grumpy disposition and was lazy, then the owners of the house had a hard time. True, Kikimora never settled in the house just like that, there were usually reasons for this. Most often, this happened due to the construction of a house in an inappropriate, “dead” place, in the event that the mistress of the house decided to have an abortion, or if a special slander was made on the house.

As soon as Kikimore settled in a new place, chaos immediately reigned in the household with her. The always grimy dirty woman beat the dishes, scattered cereals and flour, confused yarn and threads. The only merit of her tricks was that any ineptitude in needlework could blame her own sloppy work on the "help" of Kikimora. By the way, the evil creature was not limited to domestic antics, she also got pets from her. As soon as she made her way into the poultry house or the barn, she immediately began to pluck the feathers of the bird, drive the piglets, pull the wool from the sheep. There was no way to calm her down, it remained to put up with an unpleasant “neighbor”.

The only day of the year when the owners had a chance to calm down Kikimora was her name day - February 16th. At that time, the brownie was supposed to sleep soundly, huddled in a warm corner of the hut, so that only Kikimora remained “on the farm”. Therefore, it was especially short-sighted for the family to miss her holiday - who knows what dirty tricks the offended spirit will come up with.

Interestingly, the most correct behavior of the owners on Kikimora's name day was the comprehensive preparation of the house for spring. It was in mid-February that it was supposed to get rid of rubbish, throw away broken and beaten things, old clothes - in a word, everything that would no longer be of any use. In addition, all cabinets and stacks were shaken up, the products in the cellars were audited, the houses were ventilated and washed to a shine. As a sign of respect for Kikimore, a decoction for washing floors, walls, cabinets and other household surfaces was prepared on the root of a fern - this plant was very respected by domestic evil spirits.

The mistresses put their needlework in boxes and boxes away from sin - the restless birthday girl would not have gotten it. And for her, balls of thread, scraps of fabric, buttons and trimmings of ribbons were left on the window or in another prominent place: Kikimora will start to amuse herself with gifts - you look, and she will stop being mischievous. In addition to gifts, it was supposed to give the ugly a piece of cake baked for her day and a mug of milk or broth. Our ancestors believed that a properly appeased Kikimora could both make friends with the owners and stop making their endless pranks.

Do not throw words to the wind!

On February 21, when winter was already drawing to a close, the Slavs paid tribute and reverence to the ubiquitous Stribog, the lord of the winds. According to legend, the air lord, born from the breath of the Great Family, lived where the birds of heaven fly, in the middle between heaven and earth. His power was great: he sent light clouds and heavy clouds to the sky, and life-giving rains to the earth, but he could just as easily punish mortals with drought and hurricanes. Stribog was usually described as a lean old man flying in an airship, holding a horn in one hand and a smashing spear in the other.

On the day of Springtime, the Winter Stribog brings spring on the wings of his servants, brings to Yav the first news of the imminent onset of heat. And he himself best of all heard the prayers that the winds carried to him. Therefore, with the beginning of the Stribog Day, plowmen threw grain into the air and asked for an abundant harvest, sailors and merchants threw coins along the rivers and seas for good luck in wanderings, and the Magi went out to “listen to the winds”, bringing on their wings either good or bad news. On the day of the air lord, it was allowed to ask him for the preservation of material well-being, worldly luck and revenge for the offense inflicted. However, Stribog vigilantly followed the observance of justice. Material wealth was received only by those who earned a living with their favorite work, and did not fulfill the prescribed “under duress”. Good luck came to anyone who "hoped in God, but did not make a mistake himself." And it was possible to take revenge on someone who himself was completely innocent of the quarrel.

But what was forbidden in Vesnoway was to “throw words to the wind”: to give empty promises, squander meaningless compliments, and even more so deliberately deceive the interlocutor. For this, the liars and windbags were overtaken by the inevitable punishment of the master of the winds.

Paying for falsehood

It is known that the Slavs treated both good and evil deities with equal respect, remembering that life and death are impossible without each other, they are only parts of one whole - the circle of life, the circle of the endless rebirth of nature. But still, for the holiday of Kashchei-Chernobog, the owner of Navi, the god of cold, evil and madness, our ancestors set aside only one day in 4 years - February 29th. Years, when one day is added to February, people have long called leap years, and they believe that the whole year, and especially the “extra” February day, brings only trouble, illness and other disturbances to everyone around. And the Slavic belief also says that on Koshchny Day (Koshchei's Day), all the evil he once created returns to a person. They say that every villain, scoundrel and bastard receives from the Black God what he deserves, and this supreme punishment cannot be avoided in any way.

In other words, February 29 was truly dangerous only for those who lived in Krivda, did not honor gods and ancestors, and did not respect the communal law. Those who followed the Truth and did nothing bad to those around them were under the protection of the forces of light, and could not worry about their future. And in order to certainly avoid misfortunes, a number of simple rules were additionally observed in the Slavic communities. On Holy Day, without extreme need, no one took up any work, it was customary to sleep until dinner and once again not go out not only into the street, but even into the courtyard of one's own house. This day was also considered unsuitable for visiting, even with the closest relatives. Weddings and other celebrations that could have been postponed for at least a day were under a categorical ban on February 29.

There was, however, an event which it was decidedly impossible to postpone. You can't ask a day to wait for a woman whose time has come to give birth to a child. True, there was an opinion among the people that only weak babies, prone to many ailments, would be born on the Chernobog holiday. But the Magi claimed that among them one can often meet the chosen ones - those who have the gift to foresee the future, speak with the gods, or who are endowed with other magical skills from birth. The proportion of such children was usually special, as if the gods assigned them a path that few can go.

It was supposed to end the Koshchny day with a simple ritual, affirming the death of Winter and the onset of spring days. The elder man in the house at exactly midnight solemnly crushed a fresh chicken egg in his hand, melting, according to legend, "Koshcheev's death." Together with the ritual "death" of Chernobog, the time of cold weather ended, giving way to the space of Reveal spring.


An unclean force lives on Earth:
With no one knows and does not belong,
Often does not know where to bow his head -
Brownie Kikimora, playful spirit.

How Domovaya finds housing
And in the family takes root quickly?
If that house is built on an unclean place
Or an evil person leads her to a hut.

Knocks constantly in the corner or behind the stove,
From morning to evening there is a kolobrodit,
Fear-horror leads to household members.
Maybe kick them out of the house forever.

Dealing with evil spirits
Give a poor house a good hope?
Burn accumulated rubbish, bad clothes,
Patiently clean the yard from debris.

Then protect yourself with a simple amulet:
Hang a chicken god on a thread
A pot with a broken bottom above the gate.
The brownie will say goodbye to the dwelling forever.

*Not to be confused with Swamp Kikimora.
** Stone with natural through hole.
February 16, 2018


Not true, all Russian gods and spirits are distorted and slandered by enemies. Kikimora brownie, is an assistant to women. She finished the work for the mistress of the house at night, always cared for and helped her. Her husband was a brownie assistant for men, he kept order and protected the house. And Baba Yaga is generally a holy woman, you can talk a lot about her.

I have read enough about the earthly children of Veles. I also know about Aunt Yoginya. But in the stories about Kikimora Domovoi they characterize her in this way. I have not seen positive reviews about her, unlike Kikimora swamp. The argument is useless. The truth is no longer known.
Thank you for your visit, review and personal opinion.

This is not a dispute, these are facts that few people know.
And yet - there is no prophet in his own country! People will willingly believe what I said, but from a foreign author. Love your gods. And no one canceled the dispute, and I myself will decide when and what to cancel!

P.S. Do not use the phrase - "There is nothing to know", everything is left, everything is there, everything is in plain sight, who needs to know and see. It would be a wish!

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Kolo Svarog - February holidays

Recorded video courses - 4 lessons of 2 hours

Find out what has been hidden from you for centuries.

Revive the great wisdom and strength of your ancestors!

We get acquainted with the worldview of the Slavs, the Gods - Ancestors, solar holidays, traditions and way of life - with what helped the people to save themselves and what is written in our genes.

We focus on the Vedic times, on what was before the baptism of Rus'. There is little information about this period. It is known that people then lived in harmony with nature. But for nature there is no difference what color you are and what nationality. Therefore, in our classes there are no restrictions for people.

February is the time for the SlavsVlesovoy speech- komoeditsa, a holiday of the revival of life. On December 21-22, a new Sun was born - Kolyada. By February 4-5, if measured by human standards, Kolyada is already about 7 years old. At this age children passed the first initiation, training began. In February, winter and spring meet, but they do not fight - there is a transfer of wisdom and tasks.

Maslenitsa-Komoeditsa is not one day on March 8 and not one week. Maslenitsa is a long process of awakening Mother Earth from hibernation. This process is not fast. The Planet has a better rhythm than that of a person, and in 7 weeks this happens at our latitude.
The beginning of February is the beginning of spring - Spring.
Man - the Sun, as an active principle, gives the Woman - Earth the first push or impulse.
A woman as a passive principle does not immediately answer him explicitly.
She is no longer sleeping, but she has not yet gone out to see him on a date.
She's going on a date for 7 weeks.
While I woke up, while I put myself in order ...
But the very beginning is Spring, around February 2-5.
(In America, February 2 is Groundhog Day). Veles conveys many keys of wisdom. During Veles - a unique time - we can improve our health. Veles is the patron of wealth. When a person knows and owns his health, his mind, his wealth, there are no barriers for him. Veles - "all pouring."

In 2016, we held a webinar "Vlesova Srecha", where we worked with the string of internal tension, shook out the energy dirt from ourselves; awakened their dormant dreams, talents and opportunities by talking with the inner child; felt a connection with Father Veles. Check out some comments from the chat:

If you wish, you can order a recording of this lesson and work through everything yourself. This year the lesson will be bigger and more powerful, because a lot of new information and new energies have come. Naturally, we do not have repetitions, so for newcomers, I offer a set of past and current classes at a significant discount.

This month was called by our ancestors Fierce (for severe frosts), Snezhen, Mezhen, Kruzhen and Bokogrey.

In February, there were several days that helped people get through the half-winter period.

1st of February- expulsion of sickness early tea(it was supposed to light the stove and brew tea as early as possible in the morning). Candle or torch stubs were donated to the sun. Many of the participants in our classes already know how to collect and brew tea, which is both a delicious tea, a cure for many diseases, and an excellent cosmetic product. Do not forget to brew your magic tea for yourself and your loved ones on February 1

12th of February Slavic holiday is celebrated "Gromnitsa"- the meeting of Winter with Spring on the World of Yavi, when the forces of the Young Spring give the first battle to the forces of Morena-Winter, and the only time in winter when Perunov Thunder rumbles and you can see lightning. Therefore, the Serbs call him "Svjetlo". Dedicated to Perun's wife Dodola-Malanitsa - the goddess of lightning, on this day also called Queen Molonya or Melania. Gromnitsa also revered by the first invocations of Spring.

February 3rd celebrated Small Velesov Day or Veles-Wolf Matchmaker- a holy day dedicated to Veles the Wolf Matchmaker, anticipating the Small Veles (Wolf) Christmas time. "Wolf" Small Veles Christmas time is called because these days the wolves make a choice of who and with whom will lead the cubs - the so-called "wolf weddings" are played. At the time of dual faith in Rus', this date was the day of Simeon and Anna, also called Little Blasius. The people said: "Semyon and Anna mend the harness, and Vlasy saddles the horses." According to popular beliefs, the dashing Domovoi "rides" horses on Vlasiy, and in order to prevent this, a whip, mittens and onuchi were tied to the horse at night. The brownie then does not dare to touch the horse, imagining that the owner himself is sitting on it. This day is also called "Repairs", because they are currently inspecting and repairing summer harness. No wonder it is said: "Prepare the cart in winter, and the sleigh in summer."

February 15 - Meeting, when Winter and Spring meet, experiences and tasks are exchanged.

February 16 Name days are celebrated Kikimory- the day when people create amulets at home. For Orthodox Christians, this date was the day of Maremyana the Righteous, popularly nicknamed Meremyana-Kikimora. Sometimes she helps the owners, warns them of trouble, but sometimes she harms herself over trifles. On this day, with special offerings, they tried to appease kikimoru(the supporter of Morena and Mokosh, the wife of Domovoy), so that she does not confuse yarn and misbehave at night. The same people said: "To Maremyana Yarilo - with a pitchfork." For, according to popular beliefs, about this time Yarilo Velesich "lifts the winter on the pitchfork."

February 21 Vesnovey is celebrated ( Stribog Winter) - the day when the winter winds, Stribog's grandchildren, bring the first news of the coming spring warmth. At the time of dual faith, this date was the day of Timothy Vesnovey. The people said: “Spring warm welcomes”, “Timofey Vesnovey - it’s already warm at the door”, “February Timothy - Vesnovey, no matter how angry the blizzard, everything blows in the spring”, “Live to Vesnovey, and there the winter is not terrible”, " Spring brings spring spring", "Warmly welcomes - it blows warmly, warms the old people", "Spring warmth blows - it warms the old", - and they called: "Spring, spring, bring warmth to the village", "March bought a fur coat from winter, but through sold it for three days.

In the Universe, Stribog is the Cosmic Wind, the Breath of the Primordial, the personification of the Breath of the All-God Kind, the Eternal Pulsation of the Worlds. The exhalation of the Kind is the birth of countless Universes, His Inhalation is the Great Return of all that exists to the Source of Being.
The Stribog winds blowing in the Celestial Empire are the earthly reflection of the Universal Breath of the Family.
The Deep Book says:

“That’s why the Wild Windmills were conceived - From Himself from the Breath of Rodov ... Hear the breath of Eternity rumble in the songs of the winds, read the Ancient Veda of the Ancient Gods - behold the Prophetic Eye, the Wisdom of the Highest opened. And in an instant, with an invisible breeze, the Old God will sweep away from your awakening soul everything superficial, everything else - all the blind light, dead veils of your ignorance.

This symbol Stribog helped people protect their homes and fields from bad weather. Sailors and fishermen gave a calm water surface. The millers built windmills, reminiscent of the Stribog sign, so that the mills would not stand.
The Mighty Stribog has children - four Winds of the four Directions of the World:
Whistle-Cold – soul-chilling Server Wind, in black robes;
Dogoda-Teplovei (Weather) - the warm South Wind, dressed in red clothes;
Gloomy West Wind - the messenger of Death, dressed in white clothes;
Light-winged East Wind - the herald of the Dawn, in green robes.
From these four sons of Stribog, all the other winds were born - Stribog's grandchildren.

Siverko (Northern wind)- brings cold from the Arctic Ocean, very severe and only a little kinder by the summer;
Eastern wind- as an Asian has an unexpected, mysterious and insidious character;
Poludenik together with Midnighter frolic day and night.
Hurricane- the embodiment of the Wrath of the Mighty God (Stribog in His Punishing Manifestation), terrifying and fearful of all those who do not live according to the Rule;
These winds released whirlwinds, blizzards and blizzards from their open mouths. In other tales, the winds blow huge horns, blowing storms and storms.
These are the children and grandchildren of Stribog.
On all four Sides - on all four Winds - the White Light spreads all around, connects with paths-roads, fills with wondrous divas. As four Paths diverge from Alatyr-Stone, four Estates are led from the Family itself:
1) Oratayskoye - Estate of tillers - honest workers (Element - Earth);
2) Merchant - Class of people, fair bargaining of the leading (Element - Water);
3) Ratai - the Estate of good warriors (Element - Fire);
4) Volkhovskoye - the Estate of people, to the Gods of the family more than the light of the worldly devotees (Element - Air).
And the honest oratay of the Gifts of Stribog are waiting - the winds that bring warmth and life-giving moisture.
And the quick-witted merchants of the Gifts of Stribog are waiting - the winds that inflate the sails of their fast-moving boats.
And the good warriors of the Gifts of Stribog are waiting - the winds that inflame the flames of watchfires.
And the Wise Magi are waiting for the Gifts of the Stribogs - the Secret Winds that lift their thoughts higher than the flying birds and the clouds going, - the Winds flying invisibly through space and time - beyond the Edge of this World, beyond the visible edge, where only the gaze of the Eye of Wisdom of the Prophetic God penetrates, into the dawning The self-radiant Light of the All-God Kind far far away ...
According to legend, Stribog raged on the earth with winds, and also, together with Perun, commanded thunder and lightning. He, along with Svarog and Svarozhichs, defeated the Black Snake. He helped Perun in his fight with the Beast Skipper, and Khors in the fight with the Moon.

Even in the 19th century, millers on the Don called Stribog, whom they called Stryb. Children helped the elderly with this song:
“Blow, Stryba, to us from the sky,
We need bread for tomorrow!”
Very little time passed - the wind came up, the wings of the windmill began to rotate, and after them the millstones, grinding the grains into flour.
There are earthly winds - currents of air in space, and there are other winds - currents of Force in the subtle body of a person, flowing secretly under the covers of our flesh, spinning wind wheels, which are located along the spine (spine) of a person.
And just as earthly winds convey to the Gods the glories recommended by us and the requirements placed on the Fire, so other winds convey to the Gods our internal requirements, brought by us on the innermost Fire.

Do not create, people of the Clans of the Great Race, a free wind in your heads, thunder clouds in your speeches, and a thunderstorm in your hearts.

24 February - Veles day(second Veles, Veles beast). It was believed that this holiday of the cattle god is the main, the most ancient, because, unlike the rest of the Veles, it retained the date and name despite Christian prohibitions and the passage of time. As the Slavs believed, on this day Veles comes to the aid of Spring: Cattle god - knock down the horn from winter. At this holiday Veles sacrifices were made of milk, butter, cottage cheese and cheese. In the villages they celebrate the Cow Holiday (for Veles is not only the God of Wisdom, but also the “Cattle God”), they create amulets for cattle and the yard, they ask Veles for protection and protection, and for cattle and good for everyone - offspring. Preparations for the Veles holiday begin in advance - from the evening of the previous day. Milk is poured into consecrated jugs, skins are spread around the house, on which cow horns, peeled and dried, are placed.

On the Temple (or in a place indicated especially by knowledgeable people), they begin to equip an altar, preparing skins in advance and fumigating the place with the smoke of a burning bull's hair. Sometimes bull and cow skulls are displayed on poles along the sacred fence of the Sanctuary, which personify the connection with the Other World, and are also powerful amulets from all evil spirits.

At night, the Magi go there alone and perform special sacred rites there in order to find out the will of the Prophetic God. The girls, meanwhile, are guessing, combing bull hair with combs. Before going to bed, they say a talisman-amulet for the coming dream:

Save, all the Gods, and more - Veles, My sleep-rest!
With a boat fast, light thinking,
To rest from the labors of the righteous, Transfer me to Ino Zarechnoye.Maru da Moroka, fears, tributaries,
Charms kikimora, navi, inova
Wash away the bonds and the sciences, take them away.
Be in harmony, in delight with me,
To wake up healthy
Come back! Goy!

The dreams given by Veles on this night are considered prophetic - prophetic and, according to popular belief, always come true.The night following the Veles day is considered favorable for the conception of children strong in body and spirit. Before lying down in a matrimonial bed made of lined skins, women comb their husbands' hair with charmed combs, which should protect them from various ailments for a year and endow Veles himself with strength and wisdom. The Magi alone go into the night, looking at them with clear stars - through the eyes of the Ancestors, in the very fortification of the forest, where they put a pole with bull horns hoisted on it and keep watch until the very morning, ringing their beats in kobna-tambourines, singing the Prophetic God,

Prophetic magicians, inspired storytellers, violent buffoons honor Veles - the All-Wise God especially: magic and chanting, joy and praise. Guslars and buffoons woke up the people: wake up! Veles is the patron of wealth: gold is stored in his underground storerooms, wealth was considered by the number of cattle on the farm - Veles is the god of all animals that did not become human beings. Veles is the patron of the family, he loves when the family gets together.

These days they were cleared of everything old, obsolete. Old clothes went to outfits for Morena's effigy and burned with him. We have 9 "wells", elecampane - our spine, and the Far Far Away kingdom - our body. During the Forest Speech, we can cleanse our body and improve our health. Veles days are an amazing time during which amazing things happen to those who honored Veles.

February 29 (lute)- once every four years (leap year) Koshcheev Day. On this day, the Koshny God "returns" to people in the form of all kinds of disasters the untruth they have created. But the Wise teach not to be afraid of this, but to turn in the Heart to the NATIVE Gods for admonition and strength in order to be able to reject Falsehood and live according to the Truth ...

Here is what they write about dates and numbers from the Kolosvet community https://vk.com/club138405129 :

"Komoeditsa, glorification of Veles on February 23.
This is when there is still a lot of snow and people are having fun playing winter games.
The bear also begins to move in the den, but continues to sleep more,
and the air already smells of spring ...
March is the vernal equinox,
we in Kolosvet call this day Ladoday,
when Lad - Balance between day and night is established.

Many people in many Slavic (root) associations call this day,
not the entire period of awakening, namely this day Maslenitsa.
I repeat that we, Kolosvetovtsy, are a science village.
We study ethnic culture.
We know that Maslenitsa is an ancient holiday,
it was celebrated and celebrated by our relatives, including our contemporaries.
But in our time they celebrate it not according to the Sun, as in ancient times, but already according to the lunar calendar,
adopted after the calendar reforms.

We live in a time of transition, when the old time has not yet gone,
and the new time is already penetrating into the space of the present...
It's like in the pre-dawn twilight - it's not night, but it's not morning either.
The human forest sleeps and will sleep until dawn, the clear light of the sun's rays,
but the first rustles and voices are already audible...

For us, Kolosvetovtsy, it is important, taking from the Past the Greatest heritage of our Ancestors,
Yes, to show this Greatest legacy to modern Descendants,
in order to unite, transfer this Wealth, as if through a Bridge, into the Future.
We have a huge responsibility.
The future depends on us...

What awaits you in class:

  • You will carry out an energy cleansing of the body - this will give a powerful healing effect for a long time;
  • Harmonization of the endocrine system;
  • Awakening of unmanifested talents and abilities;
  • Activation of internal resources;
  • Restore and activate the connection with the solar Gods, which will give a powerful surge of strength to strengthen, external and internal;
  • Activate some runes (Veles is their patron);
  • Cleanse the space of the dwelling and fill it with beneficial energies; this will add health to your loved ones, bring joy to the house;
  • Wake up your Inner Child with love and set it up for achievement;
  • Practice to strengthen your Higher Self and strengthen your connection with the Higher Forces;
  • With the help of the energies of Veles days, pave the way to abundance and success.
  • Vlesova Srecha, like all year-round holidays, happens annually. You will be able to conduct these powerful practices by appointment every year, strengthen your health, fill your life with love and joy.

What awaits you as a result of this work:

  • General improvement, strengthening of the spine and all body systems;
  • establishing successful relationships in the family, with children, at work;
  • attracting wealth and abundance into your life;
  • filling with energies that will help to achieve the biggest goals;
  • finding the state of love in every deed and in every moment.
    It is very difficult to understand and build internal relationships, manage wealth, accumulate it, be responsible for your economy, for your family, for your country - for everything that you are a part of. But when a person manages his health, his mind, his wealth, there are no barriers for him.


I help people regain inner simplicity and get rid of artificial complexities.I have a huge “piggy bank” of various psychological methods and practices, which I generously share at webinars and consultations. I work with author's methods, based on spheral thinking.If a person comes to me with a serious matter, he will get the result - without fail, tangible, quickly.In other cases, even immediately. But in achieving the result, a person must also invest his soul, time, effort, concentration, honesty and optimism. You can only help someone who does something himself.

I really need to get things done: for me, the criterion of truth is still practice. So that a person comes out of his own shell, looks at the World again, and again - maybe for the first time in many years - smiles. I like it - to rejoice at your success, for me it is also my own transformation.

You can pay directly:
Sberbank MIR card - 2202200443746316
Yandex wallet - account number 410011741894722

paupal- [email protected]


If you decide to transfer money directly, immediately after payment, write to me by mail [email protected] date, time, method and activity or cycle that you have chosen and paid for. After that, you will receive an invitation to the lesson in your mail.

Please indicate only your last name in the purpose of payment. All payments are now tracked. A bank employee may call you and ask about the appointment - in this case, everyone in unison just says the magic word "Debt". These are recommendations from social networks.

If you have questions about payment or the course,