
Lexical theme winter in the senior speech therapy group. Abstract of a speech therapy lesson on the formation of lexical and grammatical categories and graphomotor skills in children of the sixth year of life with general underdevelopment of speech and a violation of the musculoskeletal system

Olga Loginova
Synopsis of a speech therapy lesson in the senior group on the topic “Winter. Winter fun»

Conducted by Loginova O. V.


Correctional and educational tasks:

Consolidation of the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwinter and its signs

Activation and expansion of the vocabulary on the topic « Winter» , « Winter fun»

Development of linguistic flair through the formation of related words

Formation of nouns and adjectives with the help of diminutive suffixes);

The development of coherent speech, exercise in compiling compound sentences with the union A

Enrich vocabulary.

Correction-developing tasks:

Development of visual and auditory attention and memory, sense of rhyme, visual perception and attention, logical thinking.

Develop fine and general motor skills, coordination of speech with movement, smoothness and strength of exhalation

Develop speech breathing

Development of personal qualities: curiosity, activity, the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in independent activities, the development of the ability for self-esteem and introspection, independence

Development of dialogic speech

Correctional and educational tasks:

Develop memory; autonomy, confidence.

Raising a sustainable interest in occupation, striving for vigorous activity, independence in decision-making

Formation of skills of collective creative activity of mutual understanding, goodwill, independence.

Equipment: snowballs for throwing, snowballs of different sizes with written letters, snowflakes with pictures, pictures of children fun in summer and winter, images of big and small snowmen, puzzle picture, snowflakes for breathing

1. Organizational moment.


3. Finger gymnastics: “Winter".

4. Conversation about winter.

A game "Magic Ball".

A game "Say a word".

6. Breathing exercises.

7. Drawing up proposals for key words and pictures.

8. Physical Minute. « Winter» .

9. Riddles

1. Organizational moment.

(children with speech therapist are part of the group)

Guys, what unusual thing did you notice in group?

(photos winter landscape, designed as a photo exhibition)

Today in our group photo exhibition opened. I invite you to visit this exhibition.

Speech therapist. Now I will make a riddle. Listen carefully.

“I powdered the paths, decorated the windows.

Gave joy to the children and gave a ride on a sled "

What season is this riddle about? (About winter.)

Speech therapist: (And we talk today on lesson will be about winter, and let's play with our tongue)

2. Articulation gymnastics. (General articulation exercises).

1. "Smile", "Fence"

Our lips smiled

Straight to the ears stretched.

You try "I-i-i" Tell,

Show me your fence.

2. "Tube"

An elephant came to visit us,

Amazing child.

Look at the elephant

Sponges proboscis pull.

3. "Smile" / "Tube"

If our lips smile

Look - the fence appears.

Well, if the sponges are a narrow tube,

So we can play the flute.

4. "Watch" The pendulum swings hours:

To the left is tick, and to the right is so.

Can you do so:

Tick ​​and tock, tick and tock?

5. "Swing"

On a fun swing

Tanya and Nikita sat down.

The swing went down

And then they flew up.

Probably with the birds

They wanted to fly.

6 ."Pancake"

We get up early in the morning

We bake delicious pancakes.

A stream in a frying pan

The dough spreads...

look how handsome

A pancake is obtained.

7. "Brushing teeth"

Soft brush in the morning

Cleans children's teeth.

There will be strong teeth

White, beautiful

3. Finger gymnastics: “Winter".

Cold in winter. rubbing hands together

Yes-yes-yes - squeezing and unclenching fingers

The water turned into ice. rhythmic connection of fingertips

Dy-dy-dy - squeezing and unclenching fingers

In hoarfrost bushes. crossing the palms with fingers wide apart

Blizzards swept, circular rotation of the thumbs of both hands

Di-di-di - squeezing and unclenching fingers

Blizzards swept, circular rotation of the index fingers

Di-di-di - squeezing and unclenching fingers

The blizzards were swept up. circular rotation of the arms bent at the elbows

4. Conversation about winter. pres- tion: "World around in winter".Sly 3

What seasons do you know?

What season comes after autumn?

What time of year does the year start?

Which winter fun you know?

What is the weather like in winter? (cold)

What falls in winter? (snow)

If there is a lot of snow in winter, then what a winter? (snowy)

If it is very cold in winter, then what a winter? (frosty)

If a blizzard often sweeps, then what a winter? (blizzard)

And if a blizzard often walks, then what a winter? (blizzard)

If there is a strong wind outside, it is very cold, and they say that it is cold outside, it is cold, then what a winter? (cold)

What season follows winter?

What signs of winter do you know?

What makes winter different from other seasons?

That's how much we talked about winter. Now let's remember everything we said. And our magic wand will help us in this.

*- A game "Magic Ball".

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - we start playing. We all need to stand in a circle.

(children pass in a circle "magic wand", naming by one attribute).

(Snow, cold, frost, blizzard, cold, powder).

*-A game "Say a word".

Speech therapist: In winter, everything around is covered with white fluffy snow.

Zimushka: Let's play with the word "snow".

(Zimushka reads a poem, and the children add words related to the word "snow").

Quiet, quiet, as in a dream,

Falls to the ground. (Snow.)

Fluffs are gliding from the sky -

Silvery. (Snowflakes.

On the paths, on the meadow

Everything is going down. (Snowball.)

Here's some fun for the kids -

Everything is stronger. (Snowfall.)

Everyone is running,

Everyone wants to play. (Snowballs.)

Like a white down jacket

Dressed up. (Snowman.)

Next to the snow figurine -

This girl -. (Snow Maiden.)

In the snow, look -

With red chest. (Bullfinches.)

Like in a fairy tale, like in a dream

Decorated the whole earth. (Snow.)»

Speech therapist: How many relatives does a word have "snow". Let's look at related words again. (Children call.)

7. Breathing exercises.

Speech therapist: In winter, a cold wind often blows, and cheerful snowflakes fly in the sky.

Zimushka: "Blow winter breeze, the snow flew. Snow, snow, white snow, it covers you all.”

I will turn you into a cold breeze, and you will help me blow on the snowflakes. (Hands out snowflakes). Do you know how to blow properly? Please tell me how to do it.

Children tell: Inhale deeply through the nose, do not raise the shoulders. When exhaling, do not puff out the cheeks. (Children blow on a snowflake.)

Now let's warm up the hands. Let's blow warm air. (Children "warm" pens).

6. Drawing up proposals for key words and pictures.

a).- Now we will make proposals about the winter. But they must be different, unlike each other. Listen to my proposal (snow-covered houses, trees are attached to the magnetic board).

The harsh winter. (Now you come up with your own sentences).

9. Physical Minute. « Winter» .

finally came winter, (Children spread their arms to the sides)

The houses became white (fold hands over head)

It's snowing outside (move arms up and down)

Janitor sweeps the street (Imitate)

We're sledding (Squat, hands stretch forward)

We write circles on the rink (Hands are laid behind the back, slowly spinning)

Skiing skillfully, (Imitate)

And we all play snowballs. (Make and throw snowballs)

8. Riddles

Speech therapist: Winter frosty time, but a lot of games, entertainment and she brings fun to people. Now I will tell you riddles about winter fun and you guess them.

My new pals are both shiny and light

And they frolic with me on the ice, and they are not afraid of frost. (Skates)

Two new maple soles two meters:

He put two feet on them - and run through the big snows. (Skis)

Oh, it's snowing! I'm taking my horse out.

For a rope-bridle I lead a horse through the yard,

I fly down the hill on it, and I drag it back. (Sled)

They didn’t raise me - they blinded me from the snow.

Instead of a nose, they deftly inserted a carrot.

Eyes - coals, handles - knots.

Cold big. Who am i? (Snowman)

(Children guess riddles, speech therapist hangs subject pictures on a magnetic board).

8. Bottom line. Speech therapist: Here comes the end of our class. Let's remember what we did today, what did we talk about? Who liked what?

What did each of you do best?

Natalya Pakhomova
Speech therapy lesson on the lexical topic "Winter" for children of the older group with OHP.

annotation: subgroup speech therapy lesson on the topic« Winter» , For children 5-6 years old with ONR aimed at developing vocabulary-grammatical means of the language, the development of dialogic speech, the formation of mental processes using educational games and exercises for the development of general and fine motor skills. Class includes developing tasks using visual material and multimedia equipment.

Program content:

Improve the skill of conducting a prepared dialogue (conversation);

Learn to highlight signs, actions of objects;

Refine Views children about primary colors

Learn children some ways of word formation;

Expand the skill of building different types of sentences

Target: expand and activate vocabulary by topic« Winter» , develop vocabulary grammatical structure and dialogical speech.


Correctional and educational. Consolidation of ideas about winter and its signs. Refinement, expansion and activation of the dictionary by topic« Winter» . Perfection vocabulary-grammatical structure speeches: learn to highlight the names of objects, actions, signs; learn children some ways of word formation (formation of participles). Skill Development syllabic word analysis(dividing words into syllables). Consolidation of knowledge about the proposal.

Correction-developing. Develop dialogic speech, expand the skill of building different types of sentences, learn to use prepositions "on, with, in", denoting the spatial arrangement of objects, in combination with the corresponding case forms of nouns. improve syllable structure of words. Learn to choose synonyms, to express your thoughts more correctly and more accurately. Develop visual attention, logical thinking, fine and general motor skills, coordination of speech with movement.

Correctional and educational. Formation of skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, initiative, responsibility. Education of love and respect for nature.

Methods: verbal, visual.

tricks: emotional interest, riddles, individual approach, verbal encouragement, Forms and types of nursery activities: playful, communicative.

Preliminary work. Walk, observation of winter changes in nature. Learning the exercise "Snowman" and finger gymnastics "Snowball". Listening and discussion with the music director of a piece by Vivaldi "Seasons. Winter» .

Health saving technologies: physical education minute, finger gymnastics.

Decor. S. Vohrintseva World around. Winter. Didactic material, envelopes with sentence schemes.

Implementation of public requirements: integration of educational regions: "Music", "Communication", "Reading Fiction", "Knowledge", "Health".

Educational Resources:

Nishcheva N.V. Abstracts subgroup speech therapy classes in the senior group of kindergarten for children with OHP. - St. Petersburg: CHILDHOOD-PRESS 2007.- 704 p.

Borisenko M. G. Lukina N. A. Winter, winter fun. - St. Petersburg: Parity, 2005. (Series "Grammar in games and pictures").

« Logopedic work with children of the III level of speech development”. Authors: T. B. Filicheva, G. V. Chirkina.

Konovalenko S. V. Konovalenko V. V. Frontal speech therapy classes on a lexico-sematic topic« Winter» For children with ONR ed GNOM i D 2005.

Correction- logopedic work with children aged 5-7 years block-thematic planning / E. F. Kurmaeva. - Volgograd: Teacher 2012

Scenario of organized correctional and educational activities

I Organizing moment: music by Vivaldi "Seasons. Winter» , listening to an excerpt from the work.

Speech therapist: Guys, did you listen to the piece of music, what season does it look like?

Children: It's like winter.

Speech therapist: That's right winter has come to us.

II Introduction to the topic: a conversation about the signs of winter.

Speech therapist: Guys, how do we know what came to us winter?


It's very cold outside.

White fluffy snow fell outside.

Icicles hang from rooftops

There is a strong snowstorm outside.

The night is longer and the day is shorter.

The sun is shining but not warm.

Ice on the road.

Ground on the road.

III main part

1. Riddles

*Invisible artist

Goes through the city

All cheeks blush

They'll pinch everyone's nose.

And at night, while I was sleeping,

Came with a magic brush

and painted on the window

glittering leaves


* No arms, no legs

And he can draw


* Strange star

Fell from the sky

on my palm

Laid down and disappeared


* What a ridiculous person

Sneaked into the 21st century

Carrot - nose in hand broom

Afraid of the sun and heat.


*It grows upside down

Does not grow in summer, but in winter

Bake it in the sun

She will cry and die


* I rush like a bullet in front,

Only crackling ice

Let the lights flicker

Who is carrying me?


* Lukerya scattered silver feathers.

Twisted swept -

The street became white


* All summer stood,

Winters were expected.

Waiting for the pores -

Rushed from the mountain


* I was not raised - they blinded me from the snow

A carrot was deftly inserted in place of the nose,

eyes are coals, and lips are knots.

Cold, big. Who am I?


2. Drawing up sentences on plot pictures on a topic "Winter fun" and laying out proposal schemes. Appendix 2

Speech therapist: Guys, look at the board, there are hint pictures that depict winter activities. Tell me, how can children have fun in the winter season? Make up your proposals and lay out proposal schemes.


Children go down the hill on a sled.

Children are skating.

Children go skiing and snowboarding.

Children play snowballs.

Children make a snowman and a snowman.

The children are building a snow fort.

The children are shoveling snow.

Children feed the birds in winter.

Children play hockey.

3. Game "Find differences" "On the rink". Annex 1 (presentation slide 9)

Speech therapist: Guys look at these two pictures and find 9 differences


1. The girl got a bracelet on her hand

2. The boy in the yellow jacket has skates of different colors.

3. The boy in the yellow jacket opened his hand.

4. The girl in the pink jacket has one stripe.

5. The girl in the green sweater has no blue cap.

6. Hockey players have changed places.

7. The boy was out of clubs.

8. Children ride in pairs.

9. The girl fell to the left.

And now the guys will play a phone game, prepare your hands.

4. Dividing words into syllables game "Telephone"

Snow, snow-zhok, snow-zhin-ka, snow-go-vik, Snow-gu-roch-ka, snow-weight. What is the common part of all words? (Snow)

5. Game "Name the common part of the words".

Speech therapist: Winter, hibernating, kingfisher. Children: (Winter)

Speech therapist: Cold, chill, grow cold, refrigerator. Children: (Cold)

Speech therapist: Frost, frost, frosty, frost, froze, frost. Children: (Freezing)

Speech therapist: Ice, icy, icy, icicle, glacier, icy.

Children: (Ice)

6. Physical education

Exercise "Snowman".

Come on, my friend, be bold, my friend,

They walk in a circle, pretending to roll a snowball in front of them.

Roll your snowball in the snow. It will turn into a thick lump, "Draw" big circle with hands.

And it will become a snowman.

"Draw" snowman from three lumps.

His smile is so bright!

They smile broadly.

Two eyes, a hat, a nose, a broom.

They show their eyes, cover their heads with their palms, touch their noses, stand up straight, as if holding an imaginary broom.

But the sun will bake a little

Sit down slowly.

Alas! - and no snowman.

They throw up their hands, shrug their shoulders. V. Egorov

Finger gymnastics "Snowball"

One, two, three, four - Bend fingers starting from the big

You and I made a snowball - They mold, changing the position of the palms

Round, strong, very smooth - Show a circle, squeeze the palms together, stroke with one palm

And not at all sweet - They threaten with a finger

Let's throw it up once

Two - catch

Three - let's drop

And break

Guys, now let's think and say.

7. Game "Pick a Sign" Presentation slide 10-12

Snow (Which)- white, fluffy, soft, clean.

Freezing (Which)- strong, evil, strong, weak.

winter(Which)- cold, frosty, snowy, cheerful.

8. Game "Choose an Action" Presentation slide 13-14

Snow (what is he doing)- goes, falls, spins, lies, creaks.

Freezing (frost what does)- pinches, cracks, bites, draws.

9. Game "Create a Sign" Presentation slide 15

snow glitters in the sun (so what is he) snow shining in the sun

snow sparkling in the sun - snow sparkling in the sun,

snow sparkles under the rays of the sun - snow sparkles under the rays of the sun,

snow crunches underfoot - snow crunches underfoot,

snow creaks underfoot - snow creaks underfoot,

snow falls on the ground - snow falling on the ground,

snow swirling in the air - snow swirling in the air.

10. Game "Say Different"

snowfall - blizzard, blizzard, blizzard, storm, snowstorm, blizzard.

cold - cold, coldness, frost.

to freeze - to chill, to freeze, to stiffen, to tremble from the cold, to freeze, to freeze.

IV. Final part. Reflection.

Svetlana Ivanova
Synopsis of the speech therapy lesson "Zimushka-winter"

Target: the formation of lexical and grammatical means of the language.

Correctional and educational task: consolidation of ideas about winter and its signs. Refinement, expansion and activation of the vocabulary on the topic "Winter"(winter, snow, snowflake, flakes, grains, blizzard, blizzard, blowing snow, snowfall, ice, snowdrift, pattern; cold, white, fluffy, snowy, frosty, strong, hungry, "freeze, cover, fall out, howl, sweep, To consolidate the ability to select homogeneous definitions, build sentences grammatically correctly, form nouns with diminutive suffixes in the singular.

Correction-developing task: development of auditory and visual attention, thinking, speech breathing, fine and general motor skills, creative imagination, coordination of speech with movement, dialogic speech.

Correctional - educational task: formation of skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, goodwill, independence. Education of love and respect for nature.

Equipment. Snowman toy, letter, plot pictures on the topic "Winter", tape recorder, cassette with a play by P. I. Tchaikovsky "Winter morning", individual colored sheets, white gouache, paints, Christmas tree, paper snowflakes.

Preliminary work. Walking in the park, observing winter changes in nature. Learning poems about winter. Acquaintance of children with proverbs and sayings about winter. Modeling and decorating a snowman on the site.

cultivate love for the poetic word, for nature.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment. Audio recording sounds "Winter morning". The Snowman comes to visit and brings a letter.

Speech therapist: Guys, let's open the letter and read it. In a riddle letter.

The one who guesses mine will sit down puzzles:

Strange asterisk What a ridiculous person

Fell from the sky Sneaked into the 21st century?

On my palm Carrot - nose, in my hand - a broom,

She lay down and disappeared. Afraid of the sun and heat.

(snowflake) (snowman)

The invisible artist is transparent as glass,

Goes through the city: Don't put it in the window.

All cheeks blush, (ice)

Everyone will be pinched on the nose.


The cold has come, He flies in a white flock,

Water turned into ice, And sparkles on the fly.

Long-eared hare gray It melts like a cool star

Turned into a white bunny. On the palm and in the mouth.

The bear stopped roaring - (snow)

The bear went into hibernation in the forest.

Who's to say, who knows

When does it happen?


Speech therapist. Guys, what time of year is it?

Children. Winter.

2. Post topic classes.

Speech therapist. What do you guys think, what are we going to talk about? lesson?

Children. Today on lesson we will talk about winter.

Speech therapist. What lies around?

Children. There is snow all around.

Speech therapist. What's on the river?

Children. Ice on the river.

Speech therapist. What's on the street? Why is it cold?

Children. It's frosty outside.

3. Mimic exercises

To express our state and mood at different times of winter, we rejoice at the first snow, we shiver from the cold wind, we are shivering to the very bones in frosty, icy weather. To convey the angry intonation of Santa Claus.

Santa Claus slept in bed

I got up, ringing icicles: -

Where are you, blizzards and snowstorms?

Why don't you wake me up?

Express the mood and actions of Winter with facial expressions, gestures and movement.

Here Winter the sorceress dressed the trees and bushes in white clothes, strewn the ground with sparkles and silver.

But the angry Winter, the old woman, froze the birds, people and animals, bound the rivers with ice, etc.

Exercises for cheeks and lips

Snowmen rejoice in snow and frost. Puff out your cheeks. Cheerful expression of eyes.

Sad snowmen in spring. Lower the corners of the lips down. Convey a sad look.

Language exercises

Icicle. stick out "spicy" tongue as far as possible from the mouth and hold it in this position (counting up to "six - eight").

Ice sleds. Make a tongue "cup".

Hill for descent. Open your mouth, lower your tongue behind your lower teeth, bend the back of your tongue "hill".

Sanochki. Mouth open, lips in a smile. Press the lateral edges of the tongue tightly against the upper molars, bend the back down, the tip is free. Movement back and forth, the lateral edges of the tongue should slide over the molars. Make sure that the lower jaw does not move, the lips do not touch the teeth.

A hurricane wind opens and closes the window. Mouth op covered. The tongue is stuck out of the mouth. Raise and lower the tip of the tongue.

Snowstorm. Old, gray-haired, with an ice stick, Blizzard hobbles Baba Yaga. Howling snowstorm: "Z-z-z-z-z-z". (With sound boost.) The forest groaned blizzards: "M-m-m-m-m-m". (Quietly, in a high voice.) I moan hard Oak trees: "M-m-m-m-m-m". (Loudly, in a low voice.) moaning birches "M-m-m-m-m-m". (Quietly, in a high voice.) Noisy ate: "Sh-sh- P: W-HI-HI". subsides snowstorm: "S-s-s-s-s-s".

5. Didactic game "Name as many beautiful words as you can".

Children answer questions: what, what? what?

What's the weather like? - snowy, cold, frosty.

What snow? - fluffy, white, light, soft, silvery, sticky.

What is the sky? - cloudy, gray, blue.

What day? - frosty, short, winter, cold.

What wind? - strong, cold, prickly.

6. Finger gymnastics "We went for a walk in the yard".

One, two, three, four, five, bend fingers one at a time.

We went for a walk in the yard. They go to the table. and avg. finger

They sculpted a snow woman, "Sculpt" lump with two palms.

The birds were fed with crumbs, "Crumble" bread with all fingers.

Then we rolled down the hill, Leading the decree. finger on the palm.

And they rolled in the snow. The palms are placed on the table of one and the other side.

Everyone came home in the snow. Shake off palms.

We ate soup and went to bed. "Eat with a spoon" soup.

7. Didactic game "How are snowmen different?"

Speech therapist. What can be molded from snow?

Children. Snowman, snowman.

Speech therapist. On the board are pictures where two snowmen are drawn.

How are these snowmen different?

Children name the differences.

8. Didactic exercise "Finish the sentence".

We decided to build a snowman.

We attached a carrot nose to our (to the snowman).

We showed our neighbors (snowman).

We played with (snowman).

We talked about (snowman).

9. Game "Call it sweetly" with snow.

It's time to play snowballs. I will name the word, and you will talk about it affectionately.

Snow-snowball Icicle - icicle

Frost - frost Tree - tree

Wind - breeze Hill - hill

Ice-ice, ice sledge


Winter- winter

10. Physical Minute (accompanying speech with movements).

"Like snow on a hill, snow"

(Raise your hands up, to the words "snow", "snow",

And under the hill - snow, snow,

(Put your hands down.)

And on the Christmas tree - snow, snow.

(Join your palms over your head "house")

And under the tree - snow, snow.

(Put your hands down.)

11. Didactic game "Magic Snowflakes".

Speech therapist. Guys, look, there are snowflakes hanging on the Christmas tree. You need to each choose your favorite snowflake and see how many dots are on it. How many dots on a snowflake, so many words will be in your sentence.

Speech therapist Invite children to choose one snowflake.

Speech therapist. How many words will be in the sentence?

Children. Two words.

Speech therapist. Make a two-word sentence using the word snow.

Children. It is snowing.

Speech therapist: "And how many points do you have?".

Children. Three dots.

Speech therapist. How many words will be in the sentence now?

Children. Three words.

Speech therapist. Make a three-word sentence using the word snowflake.

Children come up with a proposal.

Speech therapist. How many words will be in the sentence now?

Children. The sentence will have four words.

Speech therapist. Make a four-word sentence using the word gorka.

Children come up with sentences.

Children ride down the hill.

And so on, changing the words.

12. Didactic game "Let's draw and color a snowman".

Speech therapist. Children are each given colored album sheets and white gouache. Draw and color your own snowman.

13. Summary classes. Evaluation of children's activities.

What time of year are we talking about? lesson?

Children. We talked about winter.

Speech therapist. What did you like about lesson?

Children's individual responses.

Synopsis of a speech therapy lesson on the topic “Winter. Winter fun.

Kudryashova Irina Nikolaevna

Teacher speech therapistGBDOU d / s No. 2 of the Kirovsky district of St. Petersburg

Correctional and educational goals:

  • Generalization and clarification of children's knowledge about winter and winter fun. Activation and expansion of the dictionary due to words-actions, words-signs. The development of linguistic flair through the formation of related words. Development of coherent speech (drawing up proposals on the topic of the lesson "Winter. Winter fun"; establishing semantic connections in the work to correct a deformed sentence).
  • Improvement of the grammatical structure of speech, the formation of the skill of inflection and word formation (the formation of relative adjectives; the formation of perfective, past tense, feminine verbs using the prefix "za-"; the formation of diminutive forms of nouns with the suffixes "-ets", "-its" , "-ok", "-points-"; the use of nouns in the genitive case; the selection and use of related words in speech).
  • Consolidation and improvement of the skills of sound-syllabic analysis of words and reading words.

Correction-developing goals:

  • Development of auditory and visual attention, perception, memory.
  • The development of speech hearing.
  • Development of optical-spatial representations, visual analysis and synthesis.
  • The development of dialogic speech.
  • Development of the ability to comment on one's actions, give a verbal report on the exercise, make verbal and logical generalizations.
  • Development of the skill of relieving physical and emotional stress.
  • The development of personal qualities: activity, curiosity, independence, the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in independent activities, the development of the ability for self-esteem and introspection.
  • The development of universal prerequisites for learning activities: the ability to listen to an adult and follow his instructions.

Educational goals:

  • Raising a steady interest in studies, initiatives, the desire for vigorous activity, independence in decision-making.
  • Education of love and respect for the Russian language and attention to one's own speech.


  • Magnetic board
  • magnets
  • Modules designed for stumps
  • flannelgraph
  • Laptop
  • Costumes of Zimushka and Snowman;
  • Snowflakes;
  • Envelopes with riddles;
  • Subject pictures (skis, skates, sleds, snowman);
  • Pictures of snowmen with missing details;
  • Envelopes with flat letters.
  • Multi-colored circles for sound analysis;
  • Flat letters for flannelgraph;
  • Envelopes with deformed offers;
  • "Magic snowball";
  • Bell;
  • Colour pencils.

Preliminary work:

Learning lexical topics: "Winter", "Winter fun". Observations in nature, conversations on these topics. Reading fiction.

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational moment.

Children come in and say hello. The speech therapist tells the children that today's lesson is unusual, and many guests have come to see it.

2. Introduction to the topic.

Speech therapist. Now I will make a riddle. Listen carefully.

“I powdered the paths, decorated the windows.

She gave joy to the children and gave a ride on a sled.

What season is this riddle about? (About winter.)

And we will talk today in class about winter.

Whoever names the signs of winter will sit on a stump.

(Snow, cold, frost, blizzard, cold, powder).

(Children answer and sit on the "stumps").

The bell is ringing. Zimushka enters, greets.

I am a cold winter

From lace my outfit.

Came to work with you

In a wonderful kindergarten.

3. Formation of relative adjectives.

Speech therapist: Zimushka, will you play with us?

Zimushka: I want to hear what you know about winter? Can you tell me what the weather is like in winter?

The speech therapist offers options: If it is snowing outside, then the weather ...

Snow - (snowy);

Frost - (frosty /;

Wind - (windy);

Cold - (cold);

Cold - (cold)

4. Formation of perfect past tense feminine verbs with the prefix "for".

The game "What has winter done?"

Speech therapist: Guys, come, look out the window. (Children get up). I woke up early in the morning, looked out the window and was surprised. Zimushka-winter, what have you done?

Winter came with frosts and that's it ... - (froze).

A blizzard of chalk and all the paths - (swept up).

The river was covered with ice and all ... - (frozen).

Winter called a blizzard and that's all ... - (swimmered).

The snow powder of the path is all ... - (powdered).

5. Formation of diminutive forms of nouns.

The game "Call it affectionately."

Speech therapist: Although winter has frozen and covered everything, but we love it and affectionately call it what? (Winter).

Zimushka: Frost - (frost).

Ice - (ice).

Cold - (chill).

Snowflake - (snowflake).

Blizzard - (blizzard)

6. Breathing exercises.

Speech therapist: In winter, a cold wind often blows, and cheerful snowflakes fly in the sky.

Zimushka: “A winter breeze blew, a snowball flew.

Snow, snow, white snow, it covers you all.”

I will turn you into a cold breeze, and you will help me blow on the snowflakes. (Hands out snowflakes.) Do you know how to blow properly? Please tell me how to do it.

Children say: We inhale deeply with our nose, do not raise our shoulders. When exhaling, do not puff out the cheeks. (Children blow on a snowflake.)

Now let's warm up the hands. Let's blow warm air. (Children “warm” their hands).

7. Riddles

Speech therapist: Winter is a frosty time, but it brings a lot of games, entertainment and fun to people. Now I will tell you riddles about winter fun, and you guess them. But where are our mysteries?

Zimushka: Here they are. I hid them under the snowflakes. Choose riddles.

(Children come to the table and choose envelopes with riddles).

speech pathologist reads:

My new pals are both shiny and light

And they frolic with me on the ice, and they are not afraid of frost. (Skates)

Two new two-meter maple soles:

He put two feet on them - and run through the big snows. (Skis)

Oh, it's snowing! I'm taking my horse out.

For a rope-bridle I lead a horse through the yard,

I fly down the hill on it, and I drag it back. (Sled)

They didn’t raise me - they blinded me from the snow.

Instead of a nose, they deftly inserted a carrot.

Eyes - coals, handles - knots.

Cold big. Who am i? (Snowman)

(Children guess riddles, a speech therapist hangs subject pictures on a magnetic board).

There is a knock on the door. Snowman enters, greets.

“Guys, I’m a Snowman, I’m used to snow, cold.

You blinded me cleverly, instead of a nose there is a carrot.

And a bucket on my head, and a broom in my hand.

I came to your kindergarten to please the children.

8. The use of nouns in the genitive case.

The game "What did the artist forget to draw?"

Speech therapist: Snowman, you seem to have stepped out of our picture.

Snowman: Yes, it was me who painted the artist, who was very fond of painting winter pictures. Once he decided to draw my snowman brothers, but he hurried and did not finish everything. Let's help the artist - draw snowmen and tell about it. Sit down at the table and choose pictures.

(Each child talks about what he is going to do and completes the picture.)

“My snowman does not have ... (buckets, brooms, nose, eyes, hands). I will draw…”

(The snowman praises the children, and the speech therapist hangs pictures on a magnetic board.)

9. Physical education minute.

Snowman: Children, all stand in a circle,

Start your exercise session.

(Children stand in a circle).

“Finally, winter has come, (Children spread their arms to the sides)

The houses have become white, (They fold their hands like a house above their heads)

It's snowing outside, (Moving hands up and down)

Janitor sweeps the street, (Imitate)

We are sledding, (Squatting, arms stretched forward)

We write circles on the rink, (Hands are laid behind the back, slowly spinning)

Dexterously skiing, (Imitate)

And we all play snowballs. (Make and throw snowballs)

10. Formation of related words.

The game "Tell me a word."

Speech therapist: In winter, everything around is covered with white fluffy snow.

Zimushka: Let's play with the word "snow".

(Zimushka reads a poem, and the children add words related to the word "snow").

Quiet, quiet, as in a dream,
Falls to the ground ... (Snow.)

Fluffs are falling from the sky -
Silvery ... (Snowflakes.)

On the paths, on the meadow
Everything is decreasing ... (Snowball.)

Here's some fun for the kids
Everything is stronger ... (Snowfall.)

Everyone is running,
Everyone wants to play ... (Snowballs.)

Like a white down jacket
Dressed up ... (Snowman.)

Next to the snow figurine -
This girl is ... (Snow Maiden.)

In the snow, look -
With a red breast ... (Bullfinches.)

Like in a fairy tale, like in a dream
Decorated the whole earth ... (Snow.) "

Speech therapist: How many relatives the word "snow" has. Let's look at related words again. (Children call.)

11. Development of auditory attention.

Game "Find the extra word."

Snowman: You played so well with Zimushka. Now play with me. Listen and find the extra word.

(Children find an extra word and explain their choice.)

"Frost, freezer, ice cream, drizzle."

"Snow, bullfinch, tackle, snowman."

"Cold, good, refrigerator, chill."

"Ice, ice, medicine, ice."

12. Development of sound-syllabic analysis of words and reading words.

Game "Collect the word".

Speech therapist: Our children are going to school. They work hard and have already learned a lot. Now we will sit down at the table and see what unusual snowballs winter has blinded us. Choose yourself.

(Children choose envelopes with "snowballs" on which letters are written. "Snowballs" of different sizes.)

Speech therapist: Arrange the snowballs from smallest to largest. What words did you get? /Children read the words: slide, sled, skating rink, pattern/. How many syllables are in a word? How many vowels are in a word? What is the stressed vowel sound? Come up with a sentence with your word. /Children come up with sentences./

Snowman: Zimushka and I also study at the forest school and want to show what we learned there.

The speech therapist invites Zimushka and Snegoman to conduct a sound analysis of the word "WINTER", determine the number of syllables in the word, determine the stressed syllable. Then he hangs a snowflake with the letters “Z, I, M, A, B, L, E, K, O, N” on the board, asks to put the word “Winter” on the board and make sentences with this word.

13. Working with a deformed proposal.

Speech therapist: I also came up with beautiful sentences about winter, but the wind blew, and all the words scattered. Help me collect them. Choose yourself.

(Children come to the table and choose envelopes with offers).

"Snowy, I like winter."

“Us, in, the yard, in, the hill.”

"Children, slides, ride, with."

"Fun, winter, love, children, everyone."

14. Emotional relaxation.

Speech therapist: Around winter, around snow and wind and frost. In winter, we have different moods: joyful and sad, sad and cheerful. Let's listen and see how musicians and artists talk about winter.

(Children sit on the carpet, listen to music and look at the slides).

15. The final part.

(Children get up).

Speech therapist: Our lesson is coming to an end. Let's remember what we did today, what did we talk about? Who liked what?

What did each of you do best?

(Children pass “Magic Snowball” from hand to hand and answer).

Zimushka and the Snowman thank the children for an interesting activity, say goodbye and leave.

Speech therapist: So our lesson ended. Thank you for your attention.

Goals: Formation of lexico-grammatical categories and graphomotor skills.

  • To consolidate ideas about winter and its signs.
  • Clarify, expand and activate the vocabulary on the topic "Winter".
  • Exercise in the formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes; in the formation of plural nouns; in the formation of relative adjectives; in the selection of words-actions and words-signs to the word-subject; in making simple sentences.
  • Learn to coordinate the word with the movement.
  • Develop visual attention, thinking, fine and general motor skills, graphic-motor skills.
  • Develop the ability to listen to comrades, answer questions with a full sentence.

Dictionary: winter, December, January, February, snow, frost, ice, hoarfrost, sky, stars, moon, day, night, sleet, patterns, fringe, snowflakes, snowman, skis, sleds, skates, snowballs, birds, animals, winter hut, feeder, clothes, snowfall, drifts, snowstorm, storm, blizzard, snowstorm, cold, rivers, lakes, flakes, fun, cold;

frosty, cold, harsh, fierce, blizzard, icy, light, fluffy, shiny, sparkling, loose, slippery;

sweeps, blows, howls, falls, spins, flies, freezes, howls, cleans, rakes, slides, creaks, sparkles.

Equipment: Toys (Lilu doll - popuas), subject pictures, simple pencils, colored pencils, handout cards.

preliminary work: Looking at illustrations about winter, guessing riddles on a winter theme, talking about pictures with winter landscapes.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment

Speech therapist: Today we have a guest in class - a girl Lilu from hot Africa. There is never winter and snow. Let's tell her about winter and show pictures, and then we'll play games. Lilu brought us a letter, but she cannot understand what it says.

2. The game "Letter from Mother Winter"

Speech therapist: This Mother Winter sent you a letter and asks you to tell:

What and why happens in winter;

Do you know the signs of Mother Winter?

Meet the winter-winter and answer as soon as possible:

What day? (Short.) And what night? (Long.) What always happens in winter? (Snow.)

Who does not sing on the branches? (Birds.) Why is it snowing? (Freezing.)

And the trees look bare? (Leaves flew around.)

Who sleeps in the forest until spring? (Bear, hedgehog, badger.)

What covered the river? (Ice.) And what clouds? (Snowy, heavy.)

How do people dress? (People wear warm winter clothes and shoes.)

How do children have fun? (Children sled, skate, ski, make a snowman and play snowballs.)

3. (demo table )

Children come to the blackboard and look at the picture.

Speech therapist: About the picture, give an answer: is everything here true or not?

Who is upset here, who is afraid, who is surprised, who is having fun?

Children's answers: The girl is having fun - she is skating.

The boy is having fun - he rolls a snowball and sculpts a snowman.

The bear sleeps in winter, and does not collect flowers. (It doesn't happen.) etc.

4. Fizminutka "Winter"

Speech therapist with children pronounce the text and perform movements.

Speech therapist: Let's imagine that we went out onto a snowy path and warm ourselves.

We warm up a little

We clap our hands

Let's stomp our feet

And pat ourselves.

5. The game "Winter fun with winter words"

Speech therapist: Call all items winter soon,

Play games with these words.

Game "Greedy"

Game "One - many"

The game "Call it affectionately"

The game "What's gone"

The opposite game

The game "Hide the syllables in the palms."

The speech therapist starts the game:

I will drive now

say the words aloud,

The word needs to be repeated

And divide into parts.

The speech therapist pronounces the words (lexical material on the topic "Winter"), and the children divide the words into syllables by clapping their hands.

6. The game "Circle the snowdrifts"(distributing cards)

Speech therapist: Guys, look at what snowdrifts the blizzard has covered. Let's circle them.

Lead the line without interruption

Circle all the snowdrifts quickly.

(Children draw a line with a blue pencil.)

7. Game "Snow Page"

Speech therapist: Look at the picture on the board. And name all the snow pictures and explain.

Why did you choose this picture.

Find items made of snow

And circle with a pointer.

(Snowball, snowman, snowy (slide),

Snow Maiden, snow ... (cloud) ...)

8. The game "What is the snow like?"(handout cards )

Speech therapist: Tell Leela about the snow.

Which does it snow? Say it slowly.

And for every sign color the triangle.

Children receive cards and name word signs, and then color the triangle on their card with a colored pencil.

Sign words: light, white, fluffy, sparkling, shiny, loose, dense, sticky, crumbly ...

9. The game "We walk - we call actions" ( handout cards for task 7, 8)

Children call action words and circle the arrow with a blue pencil.

Speech therapist: What makes snow? Try to say

All arrows-actions to walk.

Action words: goes, flies, pours, lies down, falls, spins, creaks, melts, sticks, molds ...

10. Game "Draw a snowflake"(handout cards )

Speech therapist: Snowflakes have melted - draw pictures.

Children draw snowflakes and count how many snowflakes they have completed.

11. The game "Snow Fortress"(demo table)

The speech therapist asks to look at the table on the board. Lead the way on which Vanya must exit the labyrinth. Children lead the way with a pointer and pronounce the words (additional verbs to the word walked):

Speech therapist: Vanya built a fortress, he tried so hard,

What ended up in a snowy labyrinth.

Help him a little - lead the path to the exit.

Vanya went to the right (walked), went to the left (walked), turned right and walked along the wall (walked), walked for a long time, went through the opening in the wall, walked to the left, walked, walked. And out of the labyrinth.

12. Game "Finish the sentence"(demo table)

Speech therapist: Complete the sentence with one of these words.

Your story about snow and winter will be ready.

On the street...
We waited...
White color at...
We are glad...
We admire...
We think about...

13. Game "Tell and draw"

Speech therapist: Listen to the story of how Petya made a snowman. Let's retell the story and draw the snowman.

Story: “It snowed a lot. Petya went outside. He began to build a snowman. First I rolled up a large ball, then a medium one, and then a small one. Instead of eyes, he inserted pebbles, instead of a nose, a carrot, instead of a mouth, a twig. The snowman turned out beautiful.

Speech therapist: To make a snowman, you need to be very precise.

You outline the lumps and do not leave the dotted line.

Draw the smallest lump yourself, my friend!

Draw the eyes and nose and don't forget about the mouth!

14. Summary of the lesson

The speech therapist summarizes the lesson. And he asks the children to tell what they remembered in the lesson and which game they liked more than others.

Jobs completed without error?
Well done, paint a smile!


  1. Kiseleva G. A. "Book-teacher", Publishing house "Knigolyub", 2007.
  2. Smirnova L. N. “Speech therapy in kindergarten. Classes with children with general underdevelopment of speech. Handbook for speech therapists, Publisher: Mozaika-Sintez, 2010.