
Proper nutrition menu for weight loss for a month. Menu and three effective diets for a month for weight loss Menu of the fifth diet for a month

There are many different diets, but they all don't work as well as we would like. Often people face problems: either the diet is so meager that they don’t want to sit on it for a long time, or the efforts made give such a minimal effect that as a result, the desire to continue eating like this for a long time disappears. And a breakdown occurs. What to do?

Is it possible to lose weight by eating right?

If you eat right and follow a healthy lifestyle, you will not need to think about your figure, since such food itself helps to reduce excess weight and maintain health.

Proper nutrition for weight loss: weekly menu, food table - these are the main components in losing weight without harm to health

This article will look at proper nutrition, provide tables of foods that promote weight loss, and provide different menus that will help maintain a balance between filling and low-calorie foods.

To lose weight with proper nutrition, you don’t need to force yourself and deprive yourself of your favorite foods for a long time. You can eat familiar foods in a certain, correct combination and forget about the feeling of hunger.

In order for such nutrition to lead to the expected result, several rules should be followed:

  • count calories of consumed foods;
  • check the composition of food;
  • prepare food correctly;
  • follow the daily routine.

Being on a proper diet, you can sometimes allow yourself even forbidden foods in small quantities. This approach helps reduce cravings for cakes, chips and other similar products, since there is no categorical prohibition. You just need to understand that there should be much less junk food than healthy food.

But such a diet does not contribute to too dramatic weight loss, since the calorie reduction is only 500 calories per day. And this means that weight loss will be only 1.5 kg or 2 kg per month.

But if you add exercise to such a diet, the results will improve significantly. In this case, you can lose weight even by 7-8 kg in a month.

Is it possible to lose weight on baby food?

Proper nutrition also includes baby food. Boiled vegetable, meat or fruit purees are very good for weight loss because they are quickly absorbed by the body.

The advantages of a baby food diet include not only the speed of weight loss, but also the ease of eating. After all, you don’t need to prepare such food; you can simply open the jar and enjoy the taste at any time of the day. Well, if you have enough time to cook yourself, then you just need to boil and then puree your favorite food.

But there are also disadvantages to such a diet. One of which is a small amount of fiber. Therefore, if you follow a diet for more than a week, you need to include green vegetables in your diet. Another minus is the minimal choice of dishes. So this diet may soon become boring.

Interesting fact! The baby food diet was developed by Tracy Anderson, who is Madonna's personal trainer. Many celebrities have already tried the effect of this diet.

How to eat right to lose weight (the basics of proper nutrition)

It is better to give preference to boiled food with low fat content. Raw vegetables and fruits can be eaten in unlimited quantities because they are too low in calories.

For example, you can eat cucumbers or tomatoes even in the evening to satisfy your hunger. But it is better to exclude fried, fatty and floury foods from the diet; such foods are very difficult for the body and contribute to its slagging and the formation of harmful cholesterol.

To make it easier to understand how much food you need to eat to lose weight, you need to count all the calories you consume per day and subtract 30% from this amount. The resulting amount is exactly the amount of calories that will not cause obvious discomfort and will contribute to weight loss by 1-2 kg per month.

Diet for weight loss

The process of losing weight largely depends not only on the choice of products, but also on the diet. In addition to traditional breakfast, lunch and dinner, snacks are allowed, but they must be minimal in calories. Raw fruits and vegetables are best for this.

It is best to eat at these times:

List of products for proper nutrition and weight loss at home

To make it easier to figure out what you can eat with proper nutrition and what you can’t, there are tables of healthy foods. They indicate the number of calories and nutrient ratios. Such tables help you navigate when choosing a product for your main meal or snack.

What foods should you eat to lose weight?

Prepared products Amount in g and ml Fats Carbohydrates Squirrels Kcal
Low-fat cottage cheese100 1,85 3,34 18,02 101
Kefir 0.1%50 0,05 8,52 1,24 38
Hercules30 1,85 18,55 3,68 105
Milk 1.5%100 1,5 4,72 2,92 44
Chicken fillet170 2,12 39,24 188
Buckwheat50 1,71 35,74 6,63 172
bell pepper100 0,31 6,04 0,98 26
Onion100 0,08 10,12 0,91 42
Green bean100 0,22 7,57 1,82 33
Sunflower oil30 13,61 120
Egg yolk1 PC.4,52 0,62 2,71 55
Egg white3 pcs.0,18 0,71 10,78 51
Tomato1 PC.0,24 4,83 1,09 22
Cucumber2 pcs.0,34 10,88 1,96 45
Olive oil30 13,52 119
Banana1 PC.0,38 26,94 1,28 105
Pollock300 2,41 51,55 244
Rice50 1,11 38,36 3,92 172
Green peas50 0,19 6,85 2,62 38
Salmon150 22,64 31,18 338
Whole grain pasta50 0,66 35,24 5,52 169
Cheese casserole200 8,85 20,48 24,01 260

Almost all fruits and vegetables have a minimum amount of calories, so you can safely eat them at any time. They can also replace any foods or use them as snacks.

What foods to exclude to lose weight

With any diet, it is important to exclude unhealthy foods., which contain too much fat, sugar and simple carbohydrates. Such carbohydrates are dangerous because they are quickly broken down in the body, thereby increasing blood sugar.

But this sugar decreases just as quickly, so after a while you want to eat again, which provokes gluttony. In a balanced diet, sugar should be almost at the same level.

A few of the most unhealthy foods to avoid when losing weight:

Food diary for weight loss: how to keep it correctly

To know your weak points, you can keep a food diary, which will help you control the food you eat during the day and adjust the correct approach to losing weight.

There are different types of food diaries, but they all boil down to one thing - to ensure ease of control:

  1. Keep a diary This can be done either in a notebook or electronically.
  2. Notes should be taken daily, preferably immediately after meals.
  3. Must indicate meal time.
  4. For comfort you can make a table where the amount of food, calorie content, the presence of protein, fat and carbohydrates will be recorded (as shown in the table).
  5. Amount of food It is better to indicate in grams and milliliters.
  6. Calorie counts and the amount of fat will help you do certain programs.
  7. Diary you should always have it with you.

Nutrition program for weight loss

There are many nutrition programs for weight loss. It all depends on lifestyle, sports activities, individual preferences and the ability to comply with the rules of the program. Almost every program is based on compliance with the diet and control of consumed products.

Meals must be adjusted to your daily routine. For breakfast and lunch, you can eat fairly high-calorie foods containing carbohydrates, and for dinner it is better to consume low-calorie protein foods.

You also need to take into account daily physical activity. If low physical activity is planned, then the number of calories should be reduced. And with increasing loads, the caloric content of the diet increases.

Note! Any nutrition program for weight loss works many times better if you exercise. After training, it is better to eat no less than 30-40 minutes later. Products must contain fiber and proteins.

Healthy (balanced) diet for weight loss

Anyone who wants to reduce body weight has probably heard the following phrase more than once: “To become thinner, you need to eat less!”

But proper nutrition for weight loss does not mean reducing the amount of food itself, but reducing the calories consumed.

In order for weight to decrease, you need to consume approximately 1500 kcal per day. Also, nutrition should be balanced. That is, you need to maintain the proportions of protein, fat and carbohydrates in a ratio of 40-30-30%.

Dietetics - proper nutrition (diet) for weight loss: menu for the week

Dietetics is a whole science that helps women keep in shape. Many nutritionists recommend learning how to eat right first. To do this, you must adhere to the rule of the golden mean - consume almost equal amounts of nutrients, as well as reduce the number of calories so that more of them are burned than entered into the body.

First, you should try to create a menu for the week, calculating the number of calories and nutrients in the foods you consume. The table above and the approximate menu list below will help with this, the products in which can be replaced with ones of equal calorie content.

Proper nutrition menu for weight loss for a month

For such a diet, you need to eat enough protein-containing foods for a month. It’s easy to calculate: you need as many grams of protein as a woman weighs in kilograms. This number is then multiplied by a factor of 3.3. You need to consume the resulting amount 2-3 times during the day.

It is imperative to eat more vegetables and fruits, drink juices and teas. Sugar should be replaced with stevia or dried fruits, and bread with bran. Drink approximately 2 liters of fluids per day.

Three meals a day for weight loss

The daily amount of food should be divided into 3 times. The menu below can be consumed for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Depending on whether the menu is drawn up for a week or a month, choose 2-3 dishes for yourself, which are replaced daily in accordance with their calorie content.

Healthy breakfast (proper nutrition for weight loss)

  • 50 g porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, pearl barley, wheat),
  • 50 g boiled fish,
  • 50 g boiled chicken meat,
  • 150 g vegetable salad,
  • fruit salad,
  • 30 g granulated bran,
  • 100 g cottage cheese 0% fat.

From drinks you can choose 150 ml of juice, tea, coffee with milk or compote.

Healthy lunch (proper nutrition for weight loss)

Healthy dinner with proper nutrition for weight loss

Be sure to eat 30 g of granulated bran and 200 g of vegetables or fruits. You can drink it with low-fat yogurt, kefir or tea. You can eat boiled vegetables, poultry fillet or lean meat - boiled or baked. But no more than 50 g.

If the food eaten for breakfast or lunch is not enough, you can eat fruit or dried fruit for lunch or an afternoon snack, and wash it down with juice, tea or yogurt.

Nutrition for weight loss and exercise

If you just eat right, losing weight is not so effective. And if you also exercise, your body weight decreases much faster. But here you need to follow some nutritional principles.

The body stores fats in case of lack of energy. That's why, to force him to spend these reserve reserves, you need to not eat before the workout itself. And you should definitely eat about 2 hours before, so that it’s not hard to study.

The meal should be carbohydrate, but in small quantities. This way, the body will be sure that food is entering it, and will not drive you crazy during training with a feeling of hunger. And he will take the missing part of the energy from fat reserves.

You can eat oatmeal or buckwheat porridge, vegetables and fruits.

It is important to know! If you feel dry mouth, drowsiness or worsening mood, this may indicate a lack of water in the body. With a weight of 70 kg, the daily water intake is 2 liters. If you weigh more, calculate the amount based on body weight - for every extra 10 kg you need 250 ml of water.

Post-workout nutrition for weight loss

After training, you need to give the body some more time to burn reserve fats, and only after 2 hours can you start your first meal. Now you need protein products: cottage cheese, egg whites, boiled chicken, boiled seafood. It would also be nice to have a vegetable salad with a spoon of vegetable oil.

If you feel very hungry after a workout, you can drink juice, yogurt or tea.

Fractional (five meals a day) meals for weight loss: menu for a month

This system involves eating every 2-3 hours. When losing weight, portions should be small, but contain enough calories for normal well-being.

Food should have beneficial properties, even if it is a snack. The basic principle of this diet is that during the day you need to eat a hot meal 3 times and have something light to snack on twice. Sweets are allowed only 1 time, and only 1 piece.

Approximate fractional meal menu:

  1. Breakfast may consist of porridge and fruit. You can drink tea or coffee.
  2. For lunch be sure to have soup, baked or raw vegetables and lean meats (chicken, turkey).
  3. Have supper Can be boiled fish, meat or eggs in combination with vegetables.
  4. Snacks– fermented milk products without fat (yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir), fruits, grain bread and tea.
  5. Before bed If desired, it is better to drink kefir.

Fractional meals for weight loss, reviews from those losing weight

Considering the reviews of women losing weight on this diet, it can be argued that this diet reduces weight slowly, but the desired effect lasts much longer than with rapid weight loss. In addition, this method can be used by everyone without restrictions on age and health. Therefore, we can safely say that this power system is much better than others.

Separate meals for weight loss: menu for the week

In order for food to be better absorbed by the body, it must be consumed separately, divided into proteins and carbohydrates. This is necessary so that gastric juice that is neutral in acidity is released to digest carbohydrates. And proteins require a more acidic environment, while carbohydrates are not digested in such an environment.

From this it follows that 1 meal should include either proteins or carbohydrates. But since almost all products contain both, they are usually divided into groups. When creating a menu, you must take into account the compatibility of products.

Separate nutrition table for weight loss

Useful material Products
SquirrelsMeat, fish products, cheeses, beans, nuts and cereals
Simple carbohydratesAll sweet fruits and dried fruits that do not contain acid - bananas, dates, pears, etc. As well as sugar and sweet syrups.
Complex carbohydratesWheat, rice, potatoes come first. On the second - pumpkin, zucchini, green peas, beets, carrots and cabbage. Other vegetables and greens contain very few carbohydrates.
FatsAll vegetable oils, avocados and nuts, fatty fish.
Sour fruitsLemons, grapes, etc.
Semi-acidic fruitsAll fruits and berries are sweet in taste with a slight acid content - pears, plums, sweet apples, etc.

It is important to know! Products containing more proteins or carbohydrates are not compatible with each other. But they can easily be consumed with fats and fruits.

Separate meals for weight loss, reviews from those who have lost weight

Based on reviews of this type of nutrition, one can judge that at first it will be quite difficult to get used to such a diet, since our usual dishes are too far from such a system. You will need to learn to cook again and get used to new tastes. Some girls observed changes in their mood and stress, which they associated with the inferiority of separate nutrition.

Another category of those who have lost weight on this system claims that switching back to a mixed diet is quite difficult because the body gets used to light and well-digested food. Many people even like to stay on this diet.

But all the reviews about this diet unanimously state that such a system works flawlessly and with its help you can lose 10-25 kg within 3 months. This is an excellent diet for those who are very heavy.

Intuitive eating, reviews from those who have lost weight

Intuitive eating is more of an anti-diet. Here you can eat whatever you want, you just need to control the amount of food you eat so as not to overeat.

Interesting fact! Intuitive Eating was created by Stephen Hawkes, who was also overweight for a long time. He tried many diets and came to the conclusion that they all gave short-term results.

Then he began to listen to the desires of his body and eat only those foods that he wanted. Stephen argued that everything depends only on the psychological factor.

Weight loss is a pressing topic for a huge number of people. Most of them theoretically know very well what to do to lose weight. In practice, few people manage to quickly and effectively lose excess weight. Everyone finds an objective reason for themselves why they cannot do this right now. All reasons are excuses. Any person has enough willpower to take and lose excess weight. We are not talking about a certain group of people whose obesity is a consequence of serious illnesses. Their fight against excess weight is the job of doctors.

Many, of course, do not have enough time to go to the gym or buy a swimming pool membership. The only acceptable means for weight loss is diet. With the right approach to choosing a diet, it will not be at all burdensome and will not require additional time and expense. The duration of the diet may vary; some people adhere to certain nutritional systems for years, calling them diets. A diet for a month is the best option. This period is quite enough to part with even ten kilograms. But you should be careful even when choosing a diet. You can find out how to lose weight in a month on almost any website. Intrusive advertising of means and methods for losing weight has long become a source of irritation. Every sane person understands that losing weight without doing anything for it will not work. It is also common sense to believe that you will not get significant results within a few days or one week. So - we lose weight in a month. There are plenty of diets of this kind. All methods that involve the use of not just one product, but a set of them, are suitable as a diet for a month. If any of the popular mono-diets looks attractive to a person, then it can be used as the basis of a diet for a month, the menu of which should be expanded by adding other dietary products.

It is enough to take a close look at popular diets, and how to lose weight in a month will not be an insoluble problem.

Diet rules for a month

  • Monitor your weight daily;
  • Don't allow yourself to deviate from your intended course;
  • Take vitamin and mineral supplements;
  • Eliminate sugar consumption. Limit food from the store to a minimum - everything must be prepared yourself;
  • Among the cooking methods, preference is given to boiling and steaming. The food on the monthly diet menu should not provoke overeating, i.e. contain a minimum of taste and maximum benefit;
  • Drink at least one and a half liters of fluid per day (unless a different amount is prescribed by the chosen diet);
  • Move, be in the fresh air;
  • A weight loss diet for a month should smoothly transition into an updated daily nutrition system - then the achieved result will be lasting.

Diet for a month

The best effect usually comes from those monthly diets that have a precisely prescribed menu. This allows you to properly plan your day and prepare meals in advance. In addition, a specific diet menu for a month disciplines and motivates you to lose weight.

“Lose weight in a month” program: diet

The weight loss diet for this program is scheduled for each week of the month. There are two menu options that must be alternated throughout the week.

So, diet for 1 month:

1st week

Option #1

  • 1st breakfast: 200 grams of warmed milk with a spoon of honey, crackers with bran;
  • 2nd breakfast: 1 glass of tea without sugar, 2 slices of black bread with butter and lettuce;
  • Lunch: a serving of soup (you can add a few potatoes), a piece of boiled beef with 2-3 potatoes (if potatoes were not used in the soup), assorted fruits with lemon juice;
  • Afternoon snack: 2 tomatoes, a glass of tomato juice without salt and a cracker;
  • Dinner: 1 glass of kefir, 2 slices of black bread with butter and parsley;
  • Option #2:
  • 1st breakfast: a glass of tea without sugar, black bread with parsley;
  • 2nd breakfast: 200 grams of low-fat kefir, several crackers with bran, 10 radishes;
  • Lunch: boiled fish with a side dish of 2-3 potatoes, any green vegetables in the form of a salad with olive oil;
  • Afternoon snack: assorted fruit or glass of juice;
  • Dinner: 200 grams of milk, several crackers with bran, a teaspoon of honey.

2nd week:

Option #1:

  • 1st breakfast: a glass of any juice, a cracker with bran;
  • 2nd breakfast: two slices of black bread with a small amount of butter and curd cheese, tea;
  • Lunch: two meat cutlets with a side dish of carrots, 200 grams of jelly;
  • Afternoon snack: fruit platter;
  • Dinner: kefir, several crackers with jam or jam;

Option #2:

  • 1st breakfast: tea with milk, a slice of black bread, a teaspoon of honey;
  • 2nd breakfast: 2 slices of black bread, boiled lean meat, 2 medium tomatoes, tea;
  • Lunch: beetroot soup with egg, boiled fish with a side dish of two potatoes;
  • Afternoon snack: kefir, 2 crackers with bran;
  • Dinner: radishes (up to 10 pieces), 2 slices of low-fat cheese, tea.

3rd week:

Option #1:

  • 1st breakfast: a cup of coffee without sugar, a slice of black bread, a teaspoon of honey;
  • 2nd breakfast: a glass of kefir, black bread with butter, radishes;
  • Lunch: a portion of any grilled meat, vegetable salad with sour cream, juice;
  • Afternoon snack: assorted fruits, bran crackers;
  • Dinner: 200 grams of milk, low-fat cottage cheese, wheat crackers.

Option #2:

  • 1st breakfast: Warmed milk with a teaspoon of honey, crackers with bran;
  • 2nd breakfast: 2 slices of black bread, 2 slices of ham, 2 medium tomatoes, tea;
  • Lunch: 200 grams of meat broth, boiled rice, boiled mushrooms (this will make a wonderful soup!), 2 apples;
  • Afternoon snack: fruit platter;
  • Dinner: black bread with boiled meat, apple, tea.

4th week:

Option #1:

  • 1st breakfast: tea, crackers with bran, smeared with honey;
  • 2nd breakfast: 2 slices of black bread with butter and cheese, 2 apples;
  • Lunch: chicken breast with vegetables, 2 potatoes, vegetable salad with vegetable oil, a glass of jelly;
  • Afternoon snack: a glass of freshly squeezed carrot juice, wheat crackers;
  • Dinner: kefir, black bread.

Option #2:

  • 1st breakfast: 200 grams of milk, black bread with butter;
  • 2nd breakfast: 2 soft-boiled eggs, wheat crackers, apple, tea;
  • Lunch: 200 grams of meat broth, stewed beans, 2 potatoes, greens, a glass of juice;
  • Afternoon snack: coffee, crackers;
  • Dinner: 2 slices of black bread with meat pate, radish.

Even the most picky user would not call such a diet for 1 month hungry. The daily diet is quite consistent with common sense: all nutrients are presented in a wide range. According to reviews, a monthly weight loss diet can help you lose 10 to 15 kilograms.

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Not every person has the opportunity to exercise three times a week and eat healthy 5 times a day. An effective diet designed for weight loss of 15 kg. At the same time, you can get rid of excess weight in a month. Let's look at the principles of the method and describe the diet by day. So, let's begin!

Diet for losing weight by 15 kg. for 1 month – detailed menu by day

The technique is based on fractional meals in small portions. You need to eat every 2.5-3 hours, and the portion should not exceed 200-250 grams.

The main feature of the diet is to do fasting every 6th day. Special attention is paid to the diet so that the stomach begins to secrete juice at a certain time.

Eat strictly by the hour:

  1. Breakfast: 08:00-09:00 hours
  2. Snack: 11:00 o'clock
  3. Lunch: 13:00-14:00 hours
  4. Afternoon snack: 17:00 hours
  5. Dinner: 19:00-20:00 hours

Any effective diet for weight loss requires a complete abstinence from alcoholic beverages. If you are trying to lose weight by 15 kg. in a month, completely eliminate salt, sugar, and quick snacks. Eat strictly according to the menu.


  1. A mixture of flaxseed and oatmeal, boiled in water (100 g).
  2. Pear, apple.
  3. Broth based on chicken or turkey meat (200 ml.).
  4. Boiled chicken breast (100 gr.).
  5. Low fat kefir/ryazhenka with a teaspoon of bran.


  1. Cottage cheese in packs with a fat content of 1.8% (100 g), a glass of milk.
  2. Two diet bread, hard cheese (2 thin slices).
  3. Vegetable soup (200 gr.), fresh cabbage salad.
  4. Grated raw carrots with a spoon of butter.
  5. Natural yogurt without additives “Activia” (100-120 gr.).


  1. Stewed zucchini with a pinch of salt.
  2. Grapefruit/pomelo.
  3. Chicken breast in foil (100 gr.).
  4. Two cucumbers, a tomato.
  5. Ryazhenka with wheat bran (150 ml.).


  1. Warm milk with a handful of berries.
  2. Cottage cheese "Prostokvashino" (150 gr.).
  3. Stew of vegetables and chicken fillet (150 gr.).
  4. A glass of kefir.
  5. Apple or orange (optional).


  1. Buckwheat, filled with water in the evening (100 gr.).
  2. Oatmeal with sour berries (100 gr.).
  3. Apple and pear baked in the oven in foil.
  4. A piece of boiled chicken breast.
  5. Boiled egg.


For this effective weight loss diet to work in conjunction with complete cleansing, you will lose weight by 15 kg. in a month, you need to arrange a fasting day. Drink kefir (1%) all day, eat buckwheat steamed in the evening (no more than 500 grams per day).


  1. Water with lemon juice, a pinch of cinnamon (300 ml.).
  2. Grated carrots with the addition of a spoon of honey.
  3. Boiled shrimp (50 gr.), vegetable broth (200 ml.).
  4. Drinking yogurt, natural (200 ml.).
  5. Cottage cheese 0% fat (80-100 g).


  1. Banana.
  2. Pomelo or grapefruit.
  3. Buckwheat steamed with kefir with berries (150 g).
  4. Hard cheese (3 slices), dietary bread.
  5. Stewed vegetable mixture, sold frozen in packs (100 g).


  1. 2 egg omelette, cooked without oil.
  2. Stewed cabbage (100 gr.).
  3. Grated carrots with a spoon of butter, boiled chicken (100 g).
  4. Orange.
  5. Ryazhenka 2.5% (100 ml.).

DAY 10

  1. Diet cheesecakes cooked in foil (2 pcs.).
  2. Buckwheat steamed in boiling water without salt (100 g).
  3. Stew of cabbage, carrots, zucchini (200 gr.).
  4. Pear, apple.
  5. Kefir with a teaspoon of bran (200 ml.).

DAY 11

  1. Oatmeal on water (100 gr.).
  2. Sour berries with milk (200 gr.).
  3. Light vegetable soup (200 gr.).
  4. Turkey or chicken breast (100 gr.).
  5. Boiled cauliflower (80 gr.).


So that an effective diet for weight loss fully lives up to its name, and you reduce your weight by 15 kg. in a month, you need to arrange a fasting day. During these days you need to drink 1.3 liters. kefir (1%), eat 1 kg. green apples and use at least 1.5 liters. clean water.

DAY 13

  1. Rice soaked in boiling water with a handful of raisins (100 g).
  2. Whole grain dietary bread (2 pcs.), 1 cucumber.
  3. Vegetables baked in the oven (100 gr.).
  4. Cucumber and bell pepper salad dressed with olive oil.
  5. Grapefruit.

DAY 14

  1. A mixture of flaxseed and oatmeal (80 g).
  2. Whipped cocktail of berries, milk and honey (200 gr.).
  3. Boiled eggs (2 pcs.), grated carrots.
  4. Broccoli and boiled potatoes (70 and 50 gr.).
  5. A glass of kefir with chopped herbs.

DAY 15

  1. Banana.
  2. Baked cheesecakes in foil (2 pcs.).
  3. Zucchini puree (100 gr.), boiled chicken fillet (100 gr.).
  4. Stewed cabbage.
  5. Drinking yogurt, completely natural (150 ml.).

DAY 16

  1. Lean mashed potatoes (80 gr.).
  2. Fish baked in foil - hake or pollock (100 g).
  3. 2 egg omelette with spinach and tomato.
  4. Boiled shrimp (100 gr.).
  5. Granular cottage cheese 5% “Prostokvashino” (150 gr.).

DAY 17

  1. Diet casserole PP (80 gr.).
  2. Crispbread (2 pcs.), cucumber (2 pcs.).
  3. Chicken broth (200 ml.).
  4. Kefir (200 ml.), cheese (3 slices).
  5. Warm milk (150 ml.).


It was already mentioned earlier that an effective diet designed for losing weight by 15 kg. per month, should be accompanied by fasting days. Eat “Brush” salad in small portions throughout the day. It is prepared from raw beets, cabbage, and carrots. Everything is rubbed, seasoned with olive oil and lemon juice.

DAY 19

  1. Liquid mashed potatoes with milk without oil and salt (100 g).
  2. Salad of grated carrots, ground garlic, lemon juice (50 g), 1 diet bread.
  3. Regular cottage cheese in packs with 0% fat content (100 g).
  4. Boiled brisket (100 gr.).
  5. Fruit salad (orange, pear, apple).

DAY 20

  1. Buckwheat steamed overnight (100 g).
  2. Grapefruit, apple.
  3. Broccoli puree soup (200 gr.).
  4. Boiled potatoes (1 pc.).
  5. Natural yogurt “Activia” (100-120 gr.).

DAY 21

  1. Herbal tea, after 15 minutes - lemon water with cinnamon and honey.
  2. “Brush” salad made from grated raw beets, cabbage, carrots, lemon juice and olive oil.
  3. Oven-cooked fish steak (200 gr.).
  4. Salad of Chinese cabbage and boiled carrots with lemon juice (100 g).
  5. Kefir (200 ml.).

DAY 22

  1. Diet bread (2 pcs.), cheese (4 thin slices).
  2. Vegetable stew with chicken (100 gr.).
  3. Boiled shrimp, seasoned with a slice of butter (100 g).
  4. Stewed cabbage (100 gr.).
  5. Apple, pear, orange.

DAY 23

  1. Millet on water (80 gr.).
  2. Banana.
  3. Boiled mussels (100 gr.), cucumber.
  4. Tomato, bread.
  5. Low-fat milk “Parmalat” (150 ml.).


Prepare the “Pastel” salad from grated apple, carrots, celery stalk, and cucumber. Sprinkle with oil and season with lemon juice. Consume throughout the day. An effective weight loss diet with this salad will help you reduce your body weight by 15 kg. per month. Because along with increasing metabolism, a comprehensive cleansing of the intestines from stagnation is carried out.

DAY 25

  1. Boiled egg (2 pcs.).
  2. PP cheesecakes baked in the oven (2 pcs.).
  3. Broth with chicken pieces and vegetables (200 gr.).
  4. Grapefruit.
  5. Kefir (1 glass).

DAY 26

  1. Oatmeal with a handful of nuts of your choice (100 gr.).
  2. Rice cooked in water without salt (100 g).
  3. Broth with vegetables and pieces of chicken fillet (200 g).
  4. Cottage cheese "Prostokvashino" (130-150 gr.).
  5. Apple, orange.

DAY 27

  1. Omelet on 2 eggs with herbs, spinach, tomato.
  2. Young zucchini baked in the oven.
  3. Cheesecakes, steamed or in foil (2 pcs.).
  4. Natural drinking yogurt (150 ml.).
  5. Grain cottage cheese (100 gr.), kefir (150 ml.).

DAY 28

  1. Omelette of 1 egg, wrapped in pita bread, with cucumber.
  2. Boiled young potatoes (60 gr.).
  3. Diet soup (200 gr.).
  4. Vegetable stew without potatoes (100 gr.).
  5. Ryazhenka with the addition of rye bran (200 ml.).

DAY 29

  1. Buckwheat with kefir (100 gr.).
  2. Banana.
  3. Boiled shrimp seasoned with lemon juice (150 g).
  4. A handful of nuts.
  5. Fish in the oven (80 gr.) or a glass of apple juice.


So we have reached the moment when the most effective diet for weight loss has come to an end. Body weight should have already decreased by 15 kg. per month. It is necessary to consolidate the result with a fasting day. Drink water, kefir, natural juices, herbal teas and water in large (!) volumes.

This technique is considered tough, but with its help you can lose a lot of weight. However, remember that leaving the diet should be done smoothly. Introduce new foods slowly over 2-4 weeks. Additionally, do some exercise and don’t eat junk food.

What woman doesn’t dream of getting in shape as quickly as possible? What most of us haven’t tried to fight excess weight. And, although experts almost unanimously recommend combining proper nutrition with sports, women continue to exhaust themselves with diets, believing that this method of dealing with extra pounds is much more effective. We bring to your attention an effective diet for a month, which, judging by reviews, allows you to lose up to 20 kilograms of excess weight.

The diet is suitable for people who are truly obese. If you are at a normal weight, then the plumb line may not be so impressive. Before using the diet, it is recommended to consult a doctor, check with a therapist and take appropriate tests. Remember, any, even the most effective diet for a month or another period of time is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, people with heart and vascular problems, as well as diseases of the digestive organs.

The proposed diet is classified as low-calorie, but what distinguishes it from other similar diets is its long shelf life. 30 days of a modified diet will not have a stressful effect on your body, and the results will last for a long time. But to do this, you must strictly follow the menu, designed exactly for the duration of the diet for a month. We also advise you to follow a number of necessary measures:

- Cleanse the intestines. To do this, you can use a regular enema or laxative solution. It is better to “cleanse” a week before the diet.

- Do not eat sweets or drink alcohol during the diet.

- Do not change the sequence of days and do not mix the menu.

- To drink a lot of water.

To avoid frustration, we recommend keeping a diet diary. You can also hang the menu for a specific day or week in a visible place. To make your life easier and not slip up again, we recommend visiting the supermarket at the beginning of each new week and purchasing a list of products that you will need over the next seven days.

So, let's start studying the menu. The first three weeks of an effective diet for a month include the same, monotonous menu, but the fourth week, also known as the week of leaving the diet, is slightly different.

So, for 1,2 and 3 weeks you need to eat as follows.

The first day. It's a hungry day. It is recommended to drink a liter of low-fat milk per day, distributing it in equal portions throughout the day.

At night, 50-100 grams of black bread with tomato juice are allowed.

Second day. We please ourselves with protein. We have breakfast with black bread with ten grams of butter. You can also treat yourself to natural black coffee with the addition of one tsp. honey

For lunch we eat any meat (except pork) with meat broth, bread and cheese. In general, the amount of food eaten should not exceed 350 grams.

Day three. We eat vegetables and fruits.

Breakfast on the third day is expected to be very sweet and quite nutritious. You are allowed to eat 2 apple, orange or peach fruits of your choice.

For lunch we cook vegetable broth and directly boiled vegetables. For dinner we eat a salad of tomatoes and cucumbers with yogurt dressing.

You are allowed to drink tea with honey.

Day four. Protein-milk.

For breakfast we treat ourselves to one hundred grams of cheese and coffee with low-fat milk. For lunch we eat 100 grams of lean meat with two boiled chicken eggs. You can also add a slice of bread to your lunch menu.

Dinner on the fourth day is very meager and consists of one glass of kefir or low-calorie fermented baked milk.

Next, the diet menu is repeated. So, on the fifth day we consume the products of the 2nd day. On the 6th day we eat vegetables, as in day 3. At 7 we repeat the protein and milk menu.

We complete an effective diet for a month, thanks to which you can lose up to 20 kilograms, with fractional meals.

So, on the first day of the fourth week you need to eat one kilogram of apples. In the second - 1 kg of lean boiled meat. In the third - 1 kg of vegetables. In the fourth - again meat. In the fifth - 0.5 kg of cheese with 1 bottle of mineral water. The sixth day menu consists of two eggs, 200 grams of boiled or steamed fish, 1-1.5 liters of kefir. Day 7 is a gourmet day - after all, you can treat yourself to a bottle of dry red wine (a kind of reward for patience) and 1 kg of hard cheese (preferably Dutch).

We hope this diet option will help you become slimmer and more beautiful. Good luck!

Don't you like looking at yourself in the mirror? Even at home, where no one is watching you? Does the “carcass” you see there make you upset? So, you need to lose weight! We immediately refuse all kinds of “magic pills” and “miracle remedies”. At best, they will not give you the desired result even in a month, and at worst, they will cause such harm to the body that you will have to be pumped out in the hospital.

Nutritionists say that the simplest and safest method is to create a menu for weight loss, provide yourself with physical activity and cultivate willpower.

A sedentary lifestyle and poor nutrition at work and at home affect not only Americans, but also our compatriots. We won’t go into details about how excess weight has a bad effect on the body, but let’s immediately move on to how to effectively get rid of it in less than a month. And for a long time. And believe me, all the complexity lies in the last phrase. After all, losing weight with a diet is not difficult.

After sitting on a semi-starvation regime for a week, you can get rid of even 10 kilograms. But the trick is that within a week, or maybe even a month, the weight will return, even with “additives.” What to do? Start losing weight properly.

To do this, you need to follow three basic principles:

How and what to eat?

When creating a menu for weight loss, be based on the principle: the number of calories received should be less than the number expended.

By reducing the calorie content of your food, you can achieve this goal. But for accuracy, you will need to accustom yourself to write down each meal, counting the amount and calorie content of the foods you eat (a special table will help you with this).

For the weight loss menu to work, you need to eat often and in small portions. Your day should consist of five meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner and 2 snacks. The last meal should be at least two hours before bedtime. It is recommended that the interval between doses be 3 hours.

Eliminating high-calorie foods containing starch: pasta, baked goods, cereals, potatoes, sweets and animal fats will help reduce caloric intake by 10-15% from the diet you had before.

Try not to eat foods that can increase your appetite: spices, alcoholic drinks, spicy, salty, smoked foods, seasonings.

It is worth excluding from the diet menu everything that contributes to obesity. A special table will help you find these products. Proper nutrition will make you forget about sweets, cakes and pies, fatty meat and fish, jams and sugar for a long time.

When creating a menu for weight loss, remember that you need to reduce the amount of table salt you consume as much as possible. This will reduce the amount of water stored by the body. Lack of salt reduces appetite, which is especially important if you work at home and have constant access to the refrigerator.

When adhering to a diet, give preference to fermented milk products without fruit fillers (preferably those prepared at home) and low-fat varieties of cheese and cottage cheese.

If you absolutely cannot give up the first one, then include vegetarian soups or dishes cooked in light broth in your diet menu.
Among vegetables for your diet, choose cabbage, cucumbers, zucchini and carrots. They are low in calories and can fill you up.

In the diet menu, 50% should be protein foods of animal origin (the table will help you determine them). Among the fats, it is better for you to choose those that do not contain cholesterol, but are rich in unsaturated fatty acids. The correct menu excludes fatty meats and poultry, and contains olive, flaxseed and corn oils.

Drink water

For proper weight loss, it is very important not only to count calories, which the table helps with, but also to provide the body with the amount of fluid it needs. Therefore, it is best for you to drink up to 8 glasses of water every day.

Plain still water is perfect. It will speed up your metabolism and remove toxins and other harmful substances from the body. Their departure also means lost kilograms. Within a week, you can easily accustom yourself to drinking 2 glasses of water on an empty stomach in the morning. Doing this every day will help you replenish the fluid you lost overnight.

The skin will thank you very much for this, because with enough liquid it stops drying out. In a month, you will learn to drink a lot of water, which means you will begin to lose weight faster.

Lose weight in 21 days

It takes a month to lose weight and develop healthy eating habits. Or rather, 21 days. After all, this is the number that psychologists call in order to develop a habit. By sticking to a diet, you can not only get rid of extra pounds, but also build your life in such a way as to maintain health. But don't think that stunning results will appear in just a week.

Proper weight loss occurs gradually and it may take a month or even more to see excellent results. But you will be able to evaluate the first results in the first week. Especially if, in addition to diet, you don’t forget about physical activity and willpower.

In the first week you should eat the following foods:

  • oatmeal and some dried fruit (200 g), 150 g of low-fat milk and fruit;
  • whole grain toast (2 pcs.), cheese (30g), hard-boiled egg (1 pc.), fruit;
  • low-fat cottage cheese and honey (200 g), nuts (30 g), freshly squeezed juice (1 tbsp.);
  • oatmeal and some dried fruit (200 g), 150 g of low-fat milk and fruit;
  • whole grain toast (2 pcs.), cheese (30g), hard-boiled egg (1 pc.), fruit.
  • fruit or crackers with cheese.
  • vegetable salad with olive oil, hot sandwich made from whole grain bread, fruit;
  • salad of bulgur, chicken breast, cherry tomatoes with honey and mustard, fruit;
  • sandwich (whole grain bread and salmon), natural yogurt;
  • vegetable salad with olive oil, hot sandwich made from whole grain bread, fruit.
  • bake the fish and add vegetable salad to it;
  • whole grain pasta with the addition of lean minced beef, garlic, parsley, tomato, herbal tea;
  • a piece of chicken fillet, baked vegetables (pumpkin, broccoli, onion), tomato and 1 tbsp. feta cheese;
  • bake the fish and add vegetable salad to it.

Sample diet menu for the second week:

  • omelette (2 eggs), tomato, cheese (30g); baked apple (1 pc.) with honey and cinnamon;
  • smoothie (yogurt, banana, vanilla); roll (salmon, avocado, cucumber);
  • buckwheat in water (200 g) with sautéed onions, carrots, sweet peppers;
  • natural yogurt, fruit.
  • fruit or crackers with cheese.
  • chicken and vegetable soup (250 g), chopped tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, onions and lettuce with olive oil;
  • salad (baked pumpkin, spinach, feta cheese), dressed with lemon juice and oil; rye bread and pieces of lean ham (2 pcs.);
  • fruit;
  • couscous with fried carrots, onions, corn, green peas (250 g).
  • fermented milk food product or vegetable salad.
  • pita with beef, lettuce, seasoned with natural yogurt, garlic and dill;
  • steak plus a side dish of fresh vegetables; baked apple with honey and cinnamon;
  • baked beets (1 pc.), rye bread with goat cheese (3 pcs.), large olives (10 pcs.).

And your meals for the last week:

  • cheesecakes and a little maple syrup, natural yogurt, fruit;
  • a warm sandwich of rye bread, lettuce, boiled egg and pieces of fried chicken breast, fruit;
  • muesli with milk and dried fruits (200 g), fresh figs, hard cheese (30 g).
  • fruit or crackers with cheese.
  • warm salad (roasted vegetables, turkey and cilantro), fruit;
  • broth with the addition of croutons and a boiled egg, tomato with mozzarella (50 g) with balsamic sauce;
  • some fish fillet with ginger and vegetable salad, toast with peanut butter, fruit.
  • fermented milk food product or vegetable salad.
  • whole grain pasta with minced chicken and tomato sauce, add garlic and parsley, vegetable salad;
  • baked bell peppers stuffed with brown rice and minced beef, cherry tomatoes (6 pcs.) with 1 tbsp. l. soft cheese and some greens;
  • fish fillet with a side dish of vegetables, natural yogurt.

Choose from the options given what you like.

What should you not do when losing weight?

Don't skip meals. Indeed, in this case, next time you will probably eat more than required. By consuming food in small portions, you can easily cope with the feeling of hunger and be able to control yourself by eating food prepared at home.

Don't expect quick results. Losing weight quickly in a week or losing a lot of weight in a month can take a toll on your body. For example, the skin will not have time to recover, it will sag, and stretch marks will appear.

Proper weight loss is a kilogram per week. That is, 4 kg per month. Yes, you will slowly lose them, but this means that you will not gain them back soon. And this is a big plus.

Do not change the ratio of proteins, carbohydrates, fats. Only with a nutritious and varied diet will weight loss benefit you. Do you find it difficult to follow the menu at work? Take boatloads of home-cooked food there. By doing this every day, you will soon get used to it.

Don't exercise for too long. Physical activity that exceeds your capabilities can harm you. Especially if you exercise without the support of a trainer. You may survive in this mode for a month, but then you will be forced to treat your injuries in the hospital or at home.