
Butter calories per 100 grams. Butter. Product quality criteria

Butter calories: 680 kcal*
* average value per 100 g, depends on the fat content of the product and the components in the composition

The notion that butter is unhealthy is wrong. In fact, the product is rich in minerals and vitamins of several groups. With moderate use, it will not harm the figure.

Calorie butter 82.5, 72.5% fat and others

The nutritional value depends on how much fat is contained in the product and what components are included in its composition.

Popular types of butter with calories:

  • "Tea" (50%) - 540 kcal. It is a mixture of vegetable fats and a dairy product.
  • "Sandwich" (61%) - 550 kcal. Ideal for sandwiches and toasts.
  • "Chocolate" (62%) - 640 kcal. The composition includes sweet additives.
  • "Peasant" (72%) - 665 kcal. The most popular variety used in the confectionery business.
  • "Homemade" (various fat content) - 706 kcal. Instead of heavy cream, sour cream can be used in the composition.
  • "Amateur" (fat percentage from 78 to 80) - 710 kcal. The lower energy value is due to herbal supplements.
  • "Traditional" (82%) - 750 kcal.
  • "Glared" (more than 90%) - about 880 kcal.

The product has a high calorie content, however, if you consume no more than 10 g per day, then this will not affect the figure, and beauty and health will be preserved during a strict diet.

Calorie cereals with butter

Nutritionists advise eating sweet porridge with butter 1 or 2 times a week (only in the morning) due to the high calorie content of the dish. Oatmeal with milk contains about 100 kcal if cereal is used, and not instant cereal. When butter is added, the indicator increases by 46 units, but if boiled in water, then by 30 units. Read more about the calorie content of cereals.

Calorie content of buckwheat = 135 kcal if a 5 g piece of butter is added (buckwheat porridge on water ~ 100 kcal per 100 g).

The calorie content of millet porridge in water is 90 kcal, in milk - 110 kcal. One spoonful of a creamy product helps to increase the indicator in the first case to 159 kcal, and in the second to 195 kcal. The energy value of barley boiled in water is 109 kcal. With butter, it increases to 130 kcal.

A dish that is safe for the figure is mashed potatoes boiled in water or low-fat broth. The energy value is only 70 kcal per serving, but butter and milk increase this figure by 40 units. Read about it in our publication.

Butter calorie table per 100 grams

Calculate the calorie content of butter in your dishes according to the table.

How much does your breakfast weigh

A butter sandwich for breakfast with a calorie content of 80 to 150 kcal is quite acceptable, even if a person wants to lose weight. If you completely exclude fats from the diet, you may encounter the problem of skin peeling, brittle nails, hair and other problems.

If you make a sandwich from a long loaf, the value indicator will be 150 kcal, from white bread - 3 units less.

The best option is black bread (a slice weighing 30 g). In this case, the calorie content will be equal to 110-120 kcal. It is useful to use bread baked from flaxseed, whole grain or bran flour for a sandwich. Read about the calorie content of bread. The morning meal should account for at least 30% of the total daily number of required energy units. By the way, about the calorie content of vegetable oil.

Indulge in the pleasure of eating a slice of fresh bread with a slice of delicious butter. If you are afraid to get better, just calculate the allowable daily allowance of the product.

Often, many people mistakenly refuse to use butter, considering it too fatty and harmful, while a small amount of butter per day not only does not harm the figure, but also has a beneficial effect on the body. Consider what useful properties butter has, its calorie content and daily intake.


Butter is highly digestible, which is almost 99%, and at the same time high in calories.

This dairy product is very nutritious and beneficial for the body, as it contains a large number of trace elements.:

  • vitamins of group B, A, E, D, PP;
  • more than 10 essential (not synthesized by the human body) and 20 non-essential amino acids;
  • saturated and unsaturated fats;
  • phosphorus, calcium, copper, magnesium, sodium, potassium and zinc.

However, due to its high cholesterol content, butter can cause heart disease and blood clots in the body, so its consumption should be limited.


Oil brings the following benefits to the body:

  • high nutritional value allows even a small piece to saturate the body with the necessary amount of energy and strength for the whole day;
  • cholesterol has not only a negative effect: it directly affects the synthesis of hormones and bile acids, helping vitamins and minerals to be better absorbed;
  • saturated fats are involved in the process of regeneration of all body cells;
  • Vitamin A helps to heal the affected areas of tissues in case of peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, restore the structure of the mucous membrane of organs;
  • Phospholipids help improve the digestion and absorption of food in the intestines.

Lack of oil in the diet of young children can lead to mental retardation, and in adults - to the deterioration of hair, skin and nails.


The nutritional value of butter is as follows:

  • proteins - 0.7 g;
  • fats - 82.5 g;
  • carbohydrates - 0.9 g;

How many calories are in butter

The calorie content of butter is on average about 700 kcal per 100 grams, but it depends on the variety and percentage of fat content.

There are the following types of product:

  • Traditional creamy- the most natural oil with a fat content of 82.5%. Its calorie content per 100 g is 748 kcal. It is made from whipped cream, without the addition of artificial ingredients, such as vegetable or other synthetic fats.
  • Amateur - less fatty variety, contains artificial additives. The fat content is 80%, so the energy value is lower - 100 g contains 709 kcal.
  • Peasant is also one of the most popular types due to its relatively low price. However, this cost is directly related to its composition: it contains lightweight vegetable fats added during the production process. The fat content of peasant butter is 72.5%, and the calorie content is 661 kcal per 100 g.
  • Sandwich creamy- in the composition, the amount of light vegetable fats is artificially increased, so the calorie content and cost are significantly reduced in comparison with the traditional product. The fat content of sandwich butter is 61.5%, and the energy value is 556 kcal per 100 grams.
  • Tea is the lowest-calorie variety, but also the least natural. In addition, it cannot even be called oil, it is already a spread - an artificial product with chemical additives. The fat content is only 59%, and the calorie content is 546 kcal per 100 grams.

The amount of oil consumed per day

Due to the already mentioned possible harm, the daily intake of oil is 20-25 grams - this is about 2 tablespoons or one piece of 1x2 cm. This dosage allows you not to increase the amount of cholesterol in the blood vessels.

Is it possible to use butter on a diet

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The diet of a healthy person includes fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins. Butter is a necessary and valuable product for the life of the body, and it is very tasty. The modern market for dairy products provides a huge selection of these products. It is important to be able to distinguish true oil from a low-quality product. Butter, the calorie content of which is below 82.5%, does not belong to the quality category. Similarly, if it is made with the addition of substitutes.

Calorie content, chemical composition and fat content

From this classification it becomes clear that the naturalness of butter depends on its percentage of fat content.

The fattest butter is ghee. Manufacturers achieved a high rate (98%) by removing sugar, water and proteins from natural butter.

How to choose a quality product

In the production of butter, it is permissible to add some ingredients that do not affect the number of calories, but can enrich the taste. These are products such as berry and fruit juices, cocoa, honey, vanillin, sugar.

What you need to know about the quality of the oil, so as not to buy a fake in a beautiful wrapper:

  • Natural oil dissolves evenly in hot water;
  • Margarine in such an environment will break into pieces;
  • A real product from the freezer will defrost for a long time;
  • The spread will be easily spread on bread in five minutes.

How much can be used

Butter has firmly entered our lives. Morning breakfast is not complete without a sandwich with butter, cheese, sausage for a cup of coffee. We also use this "menu" when traveling. Baking is generally not imagined without this product, and it is present in the recipes of various dishes and dressings. Is it possible to use it a lot and often, or not?

A high-calorie product in large quantities is not recommended. Small portions are useful and necessary. They give energy, strength, promote cell renewal. Various studies have shown that vitamin A contained in butter is not only useful, it is simply necessary for people with diseases of the stomach and duodenum (gastritis, ulcers), and promotes faster healing of wounds. By the way, if a child is limited in the use of oil, he will not receive the useful substances contained in the product. This can serve as a mental lag in the baby.

But, a lot - it does not mean useful. In everything, it is necessary to observe the measure and in the use of oil as well. A large amount of cholesterol in it can lead to weight gain, and ultimately obesity. Therefore, it is necessary to control its intake - the daily norm is not more than twenty grams. In this case, the cholesterol level will remain the same and fullness does not threaten you.

In our diet, butter is one of the main products. It is used in the preparation of many dishes, used for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It is considered the most valuable and good because it has a high nutritional value, and also has a pleasant smell and taste. Find out how many calories and calculate your daily allowance.

Butter calories

The calorie content of butter, if it is made according to the standards, should be 748 kcal per 100 g. In comparison with other products, this is a rather high indicator, for example, it is more than the calorie content of 100 g of the fattest chips. The most high-calorie fruit - a banana - has a calorie content of about 8 times less than butter.

A tablespoon can hold about 30 g. One gram of butter contains 7.48 kcal. From the calculation, you can get 224.4 kcal, which are contained in a tablespoon.

With butter

Many people eat such a sandwich for breakfast, but do not even suspect that the amount of fat is much higher than the calorie content. Bread and butter may well fill you up, but this will add extra calories to you.

How to find out with butter? A sandwich of black bread with butter has a calorie content of 170 kcal. With white bread, a sandwich will come out 20 kcal less. But it is more useful to eat black bread. These figures are calculated per 100 g of products. And your sandwich is probably 2-3 times larger in mass, which means that you eat a lot of calories in a snack.

Where is used

There are many types of oils, but ghee is made from butter. It happens in the following way. At 75-80 degrees milk fat is melted. Along with this product, other impurities are formed, but they are separated. The fat content in ghee can be astonishing - from 98% in its composition. But this is offset by the almost complete absence of biologically active components. Good has no foreign taste and smell, has a granular texture and a pleasant yellow color.

Butter is used in the preparation of a huge number of dishes. Bakery products can not do without his participation, many sweets have it in their composition. Sandwiches are prepared with butter, it makes mashed potatoes and cereals tastier. But knowing how many calories are in butter sometimes puts people off using the product.

The dosage of oil is very important in cooking. It is especially important to measure grams in the preparation of desserts. And not to make them less caloric. The taste and texture of the dish depends on the amount of oil. For example, if you overdo it with butter in the preparation of shortcrust pastry, then it will turn out rough after baking.

What should be the oil

In stores, you can find salted or unsalted butter. Salt is added to it to make it more stable during storage. 4 grades of butter are allowed for sale: extra, highest, first and second. But it does not depend on how many calories are in butter.

High-quality oil according to the standard has a clean smell and taste. The presence of foreign tastes and strange odors that are not characteristic of butter may indicate that low-quality components were used in the manufacture or storage conditions were violated.

The consistency should be dense. Determining the sufficient density of the oil is simple - only small water droplets can be observed in the section, or they should not be. A uniform white or cream color is also an indicator of good quality butter. Salted butter should have a uniform flavor and not exceed 2% salt content.

The benefits of butter

Even if you are following a strict diet and plan to lose a lot of calories in the near future, you cannot completely exclude butter from your diet. It gives our body useful and important substances and trace elements. And if you know how many calories are in 100 gr. butter, you will simply regulate its use. So you will not gain weight and benefit your health.

Butter can give us vitamin A, which is involved in protecting the digestive system from disease. Especially if you are prone to cancer, having oil in your diet is a must. But use no more than 15 g of oil.

If you are a man and do physical work, the benefits of oil for you are invaluable. It is a great source of energy. You will understand this by finding out how many calories are in a spoonful of butter. A person working in a harsh climate will be able to maintain good performance by regularly consuming oil, but not overdoing it.

Butter fats have a beneficial effect on the regeneration of brain cells. It also has a good effect on his work in general. Eating a small amount of oil improves your condition, as do many other foods.

Harm of butter

The amount of each, even the most useful product, should not exceed the daily allowance. Otherwise, its benefit will turn in the other direction. So, you can not abuse the oil. Overeating oil will lead to an increase in cholesterol levels and the appearance of cholesterol plaques. This phenomenon is especially dangerous for the elderly and obese people. Another disease - vascular atherosclerosis - can be a consequence of excessive eating of oil. Therefore, it is important to know how many calories are in butter in order to convince yourself of regulating its consumption.

Often on store shelves you can find a low-quality oil substitute. It has a similar composition, but contains a large number of non-natural additives. A sandwich with such oil will not bring benefits, but will only lead to diseases. Read the composition on the package to avoid buying a low-quality product. There you will find many substances encrypted with "E". If the packaging indicates a fat content of less than 80%, then this product will also apply to ersatz (poor quality substitutes).

Buying butter is definitely worth it, as it is important for our body. But check its composition and do not abuse it.

Butter is an amazingly healthy product, which many people unjustifiably consider a source of "harmful". In reality, this is not so. By including oil in your diet, you will improve your health, because it contains vitamins A, E, D, K and a lot of useful minerals. From this article, you will find out how many calories are in butter, and whether it can be consumed when losing weight.

Butter calories

Depending on the variety and fat content, the calorie content of butter can vary significantly. Consider the most popular varieties of butter:

  1. traditional oil- 82.5% fat. This product is the most natural, it almost never contains various vegetable and other fats, designed to reduce the price of the product. As a rule, the price for such butter is quite high, but it is it that represents a real, classic version of a product made from heavily whipped cream. Its calorie content is 748 kcal per 100 g, of which 0.5 g of protein, 82.5 g of fat and 0.8 g of carbohydrates.
  2. amateur oil- 78-80% fat. This product is slightly lighter, and at the same time - a little less natural than traditional oil, because the calorie content is reduced by adding other, lighter components. The energy value of such a product is 709 kcal, of which 0.7 g of protein, 78 g of fat and 1 g of carbohydrates.
  3. peasant oil- 72.5% fat. This is the most popular product - many people buy it because it is presented in a rich assortment and, as a rule, is cheaper than traditional oil. However, it is worth considering: what is added to the composition of the oil, due to which its fat content has decreased by as much as 10 units? If you are not afraid of the presence of chemically lightened vegetable fats in the composition of the oil, then you can afford this option. Its energy value is 661 kcal per 100 g, of which 0.8 g of protein, 72.5 g of fat and 1.3 g of carbohydrates. Since this product is the most popular, we will consider various measures using it as an example. So, for example, a teaspoon of butter has a calorie content of 33.1 kcal (it contains 5 g), and a tablespoon with a small slide - 112.4 kcal (it fits 17 g of the product).
  4. sandwich butter- 61.5% fat. This product is perfectly spread on bread, does not crumble, is easy to use, however, its composition contains not only butter, but also light vegetable fats, which reduce the calorie content and the final cost of the product. Its energy value is 556 kcal, of which 1.3 g of protein, 61.5 g of fat, 1.7 g of carbohydrates.
  5. tea oil- 50% fat. This product is also a spread - a mixture of classic oil and vegetable fats, due to which it decreases. The energy value of such a product is 546 kcal.

The high fat content of butter is an indicator of its natural origin. When purchasing any type of oil, except for 82.5% fat, you are not always sure know what is actually in it. Therefore, if you want to eat exactly butter, and not a spread, then you won’t be able to save.

Butter for weight loss

Butter is a high-calorie product, but in amounts up to 10 g per day (that's about two teaspoons), you can still include it in your diet. This will allow you to maintain beauty during the diet, especially if it is low in fat.

Due to the lack of fat on strict diets, many girls experience dull hair, brittle nails, cracked lips and flaky skin. A standard sandwich with butter (its calorie content is 80-100 kcal) for breakfast will save you from this problem.