
Makeup for gray eyes. What to do makeup for gray eyes? The best makeup for gray eyes

The gray color of the eyes is characterized by a wide variety of shades, from pale gray to dark gray, almost black.

The main among them are the following:

  • gray-blue;
  • steel;
  • dark gray;
  • grey-green.

Therefore, although the gray eye color of makeup artists is considered universal, due to its high compatibility with most of the palette, each of its shades has its own color scheme.

When performing a daily make-up, this circumstance must be taken into account. Otherwise, it is unlikely that you will be able to create an organic and natural image.

When selecting cosmetic tones, it is best to go by experience, testing several tones and choosing those that suit you best.

  1. In combination with light gray eyes, pale blue shadows look great. For eyeliner in this version, a more saturated blue or blue color is used.
  2. Gray eyes with a green tint look good in combination with greenish shadows. In this case, the eyeliner is selected in a dark green or emerald color.

There is one general rule for applying makeup for all eye shades. It boils down to the fact that the lightest shadows act as the main ones, and the darker ones serve to give relief and depth to the pattern.

How cosmetics are selected depending on hair color

Hair color is also of great importance in the selection of appropriate cosmetics.

Selection of cosmetic tones depending on skin tones

To make a beautiful and high-quality daytime makeup for gray eyes, it is necessary to take into account another factor that affects the choice of tones of cosmetics. This is the skin tone.

  • With fair skin, light brown and purple shades harmoniously look.
  • Owners of a cold skin type, characterized by a slight bluish or pinkish tint, can be advised to try daytime makeup for gray eyes based on shades of blue, deep lilac, pink and silver shades. In combination with them, you should use a dark gray or black eyeliner.
  • For skin of warm tones, olive or swarthy, warm tones of cosmetics are chosen. These are, first of all, golden, coral, bronze, brown or dark sapphire shades of shadows in combination with dark eyeliner.

Examples of colors

In addition to these factors, the choice of color solutions for everyday make-up is determined by a set of qualities that it must possess.

First of all, we are talking about the naturalness of the created image. In addition, daytime makeup should be practical, durable and easy to perform. Therefore, in order to make an everyday make-up for gray-eyed women, you should opt for light shades of shadows.

At the same time, the tones are distributed in such a way that the darkest of them are applied along the line of the base of the eyelashes. After application, they are shaded very carefully. Lighter shadows are applied to the upper eyelid above and are also carefully shaded.

  • The most expressiveness of gray eyes can be achieved by using desaturated shades of brown, such as cocoa.
  • Metallic shades - bronze, copper and gold - have proven themselves well. Moreover, they can be used both as base and as auxiliary shades.
  • In order to make the look softer and more feminine, you can try lilac or wine shades, while remembering that the shadows should be desaturated.

Makeup for gray eyes

Choice of pencil and ink

Eyeliner pencil can belong to the same color scheme as the shadow. Moreover, its tone should be quite soft. Only the upper eyelid is drawn with a pencil.

If for some reason it is not possible to do this, then you can replace the pencil with a neutral eyeliner. Neutral should be understood as eyeliner in brown, dark brown or black tones.

You can use black mascara to brighten up your eyes. Eyelashes before this should be slightly curled. For daytime makeup, as a rule, one layer of mascara is enough.

It is believed that the owners of gray eyes are girls who are serious, conservative in their beliefs, honest and decent. It is also said that people born with this eye color are lucky in life. Whether this is true or fiction is not known for certain, but one thing is certain: such girls have a pleasant and attractive appearance. To emphasize the natural beauty, the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity resort to various tricks: they cut and dye their hair, increase eyelashes, and correct the shape of their eyebrows. But there is something that can transform a woman instantly and without much effort: this is makeup. Going on a date, to a restaurant, to a holiday, a modern girl should not neglect the advice of cosmetologists and makeup artists. What should be the evening makeup for gray eyes, so that it emphasizes all the advantages and hides small flaws - consider below.

cosmetic color palette

Makeup artists consider the gray color of the eyes to be quite universal, since many shades are combined with such a color scheme, and you can easily pick up shadows, pencils, eyeliners and mascaras. The most preferred tones are as follows.

  • All shades of gray: graphite, wet asphalt, steel, river mother-of-pearl and others. Silver shades and metallics are perfect for an evening look.
  • Gold, bronze, copper. They are combined with gray eyes no less effectively, and for a festive bow they can be simply irreplaceable.
  • Nude tones: beige, sand, and similar pastel colors.
  • Shades of pink: peach, powdery, directly pink.
  • Blue, blue, purple - maximize the look and its depth, while the latter is ideal for gray-green eyes. Azure colors set off blue and therefore can be used in a make-up for gray-blue eyes.

Depending on the shade of the skin, the color of the curls, gray-eyed girls may come up with different colors of shadows, mascara, and eyeliner. Before you make the final version of evening makeup, you need to do a trial, without being afraid to experiment.

What colors are contraindicated

Despite the versatility of gray, there are still colors that are better not to use in combination with it. These are the shades that will make the eyes of such a color scheme faded or tired.

  • Orange, terracotta, brick.
  • Dark brown.
  • Bright black used for eyeliner.
  • A color that matches the natural color of the iris - it will make the look blurry and inexpressive.

Speaking of the so-called "forbidden" colors, it should be understood that this is not an absolute contraindication. So, in the hands of a professional makeup artist, any shade can play in a new way and bring a unique zest to the image. But if the make-up is done at home on your own, it is still better to abandon the above color options.

You also need to add that gray eyes are “not friendly” with too sharp and pronounced makeup, since such a make-up can overshadow eyes that are not too bright by nature.

evening make-up for a brunette with gray eyes

Everyone knows that the color palette of decorative cosmetics for the eyes is selected not only for the color of the eyes themselves, but also for the tone of the curls. Yes, mike d For a brunette with gray eyes will be significantly different from that for a blonde. And so, what options for an evening make-up can be offered to a dark-haired girl?

First of all, you need to decide on the color. Most preferred in this case:

  • grey;
  • Navy blue;
  • blue;
  • copper, bronze;
  • apricot;
  • violet.

In the evening look, do not be afraid to use bright shades. With regards to the execution of makeup, smokey ice is still fashionable in the new season, from the novelties - geometric and gothic makeup.

Evening make-up for a blonde with gray eyes

For trendy nude makeup, blondes can choose sandy, beige shades of shadows, giving the image lightness, youth and romance. However, for an evening look, brighter and more saturated colors are often chosen, among which the best fit:

  • lilac;
  • peach;
  • pink;
  • coral;
  • bronze;
  • coffee.

It is better for fair-haired girls to shade shadows and pencils, since clear lines with such a combination of eye and hair color look too bright and out of place.

In the new season, blondes can use decorative pastel colors for an evening look.

Universal evening makeup for gray-eyed

There are types of makeup that fit different color types and can be combined with different bows. One of these options with a step-by-step photo is presented below.

  1. Apply to the face, including the eyelids, as a make-up base.
  2. Apply eggplant-colored shadows on the moving eyelid.
  3. On the upper part of the moving eyelid, partially stepping on the already applied ones, as well as on the outer part of the eyelid, apply walnut-colored shadows or other variations (gray, graphite, brown). Blend.
  4. Cover the area under the eyebrows with transparent beige shadows.
  5. Using a soft pencil or brown eye shadow, use a thin brush to draw a line along the lash line on the lower eyelid. Shade it.
  6. With the help of black eyeliner on the upper eyelid, draw a classic arrow along the lash line.
  7. Eyelashes make up with black mascara in two or three layers.

For an evening look, you can use products with mother-of-pearl and sparkles. Eyebrows must be highlighted with a darker than usual color.

Evening makeup for gray eyes has some features. First of all, we are talking about a palette of decorative tools. Given the nuances of your own appearance and the advice of stylists, you can achieve an impressive result.

Gray eyes are most often found in girls from the eastern and northern regions of Europe, Pakistan, Iran, as well as among residents of some African countries. The owners of the presented shade of eyes are quick-witted and decisive individuals who are able to independently solve problems that arise. A restrained and beautiful picture that emphasizes the natural feminine beauty is the best solution for daytime makeup of gray eyes.

How to choose shadows for gray eyes

The chosen shade should perform one main function - to emphasize the natural beauty of the eyes and not overshadow their brilliance. For gray-blue eyes, you can choose shades to match the eyes or give preference to pink and purple colors. A beautiful daytime make-up will turn out using light golden chords. To make the picture spectacular, you should avoid shadows that completely match the color of the eyes. Such a decision can hide charming eyes behind a mask of inexpressive accents. You can emphasize the beauty and lightness of a daytime look with the help of mother-of-pearl shadows. Restrained overflows and an elegant wet effect - daytime makeup will outshine those around you with its unobtrusiveness.

Deep blue, delicate silvery chords will help to focus on dark eyes. For owners of swarthy skin, dark brown products are selected. Experts recommend not limiting daytime makeup for gray eyes to one component, creating a multi-faceted picture from matching solutions.

A win-win model for gray-green eyes is brown shades in which there is a charming copper or gold pigment. Light violet and lilac colors color the make-up with romantic notes, silvery shades favorably emphasize the gray component of the eyes.

When creating a daytime make-up, professionals also take into account the color of hair and skin. For blondes with gray eyes, light, restrained shades are chosen, the skillful use of which will help create a variety of images. An impregnable boss lady or a romantic student - any look will take on the necessary character with the right use of natural chords.

Blondes in daytime makeup use blue, pink, taupe and purple shadows. A light touch on the eyes will help turn a standard look into an unforgettable masterpiece, expressive and delicate.

Brunettes with gray eyes are spectacular personalities, whose daily make-up is almost impossible to spoil. The type of appearance involves the use of all kinds of shadows, among which dark blue, light blue, gray chords look best.

Brown-haired women with gray eyes often use light beige, charming golden chords in their image. When choosing shades for a day out, they also focus on the color of the outfit. Lilac, violet, green, blue chords turn the picture into an unsurpassed extravaganza. For a combination of dark curls and light eyes, it is not recommended to use pink and dark brown colors.

Fair-haired beauties with gray eyes, as a rule, belong to the cold type. For such girls, funds from cold colors are suitable: blue, green and purple. Silver metallic is an attractive option that can turn an unremarkable appearance into a bright picture. For dark-skinned women with light brown curls and gray eyes, it is worth taking a closer look at the shadows with a yellow component.

Makeup for gray eyes for every day: step by step photo

A beautiful symphony for gray eyes with an impending eyelid

Hide a flaw, while maintaining a harmonious combination of all components - an important skill when creating daytime makeup. The hanging eyelid spoils the natural picture with notes of fatigue, visually ages the female face. Professionals know how to create beautiful daytime makeup, skillfully hiding the overhanging eyelid.

The first step is the selection of shadows. For the presented make-up, matte shadows are ideal. We apply a base on the working surface, which prevents cosmetic products from rolling. We put dark chords on the border of the century, for the outer corners we select matte options. We use light accents for a smooth transition between the moving eyelid and the area near the eyebrow. Under the eyebrows, we apply mother-of-pearl shadows that will make you draw attention to yourself, while successfully hiding the flaw. We also apply the main color to the lower eyelid, paint over the cilia with lengthening mascara.

In addition to the design of the eye, in the daytime make-up, you need to take care of creating the perfect shape of the eyebrows. Beautiful natural curves and moderate density emphasize the expressiveness of the face, give the look a unique character.

The airy image does not require much effort and time, it goes well with any outfit. The first step is to apply a nude shade on the eyelid. With a soft pencil, draw an arrow that starts from the middle of the border of the movable area. The tip of the stroke is slightly raised, visually lengthening the line of the lower eyelid. We emphasize the inner corner and the lower border with light chords. Charming make-up can be used for a variety of occasions. Heavy workdays or a relaxing meeting with friends - makeup looks appropriate in any setting.

Light brown shadows with gray accents are a winning combination that enhances the natural beauty of gray eyes and makes the look deep and expressive. The first step is to apply the base. An 8-hour work day is a test for makeup, which will help extend the life of the base under the shadows. Next, paint the surface with your favorite shade of brown and draw a neat thin stroke. Blend the line and add color to the cilia. Work or leisure, a walk in the park or shopping - daytime makeup colors the image with gentle notes.

You can dilute the daily look with bright colors with the help of juicy shadows and their non-standard presentation. Light and at the same time rich chords look appropriate in daytime makeup, especially in the hot season. The first step is applying sand chords. Then add darker brown pigments to the outer corner and above the moving area. We outline the lower border with juicy greenery, emphasize the graceful curves with a thin line along the contour of the growth of eyelashes. The presented daily make-up can be tried on for daytime events of a different nature.

Day smokey ice for gray eyes

For exits during the day, it is not recommended to use shadows that are too dark and saturated in order to preserve feminine naturalness. Smokey ice can be done with brown or peach shades, blending the borders carefully and avoiding clear lines. We apply the main color on the working surface, leave shadows a tone darker for the area above the moving eyelid. We paint over the lower border with a similar shade, give the picture a smoky effect. Add gray shadows to the outer corner, emphasize the contours of the eye with black accents. We lengthen the cilia and give them an elegant curve. Charming makeup can be created every day or saved for special occasions.

It is easy for gray-eyed girls to impress others by making a harmonious make-up. It is believed that the owners of steel-colored eyes exude mystery and calmness, and correctly selected colors in makeup only reinforce this impression.

Basics and accents of gray eyes make-up

When starting makeup for gray eyes, it is important to consider the existing hair color.

For dark or blond hair

It is important to consider skin tone. If yours is warm, then feel free to emphasize your eyes with bronze and golden shadows, highlighters, blush and other cosmetic products. Your makeup will look natural if you apply a bronze tone on the cheekbones, and sand iridescent shadows on the inner eyelid. Line your eyes with a rich bronze tone along the upper and lower eyelids, carefully blending the pigment. Makeup will be natural, and at the same time attract the eye with its delicate radiance. In general, with your skin tone, it is better to use a “warm” palette of shades.

If you have a cool skin tone and you are pale, then many warm colors will look inharmonious on you. You should choose a cold range, you can experiment with natural natural tones. If you want your eyes to appear a little greener, accentuate them with olive eyeliner. Blue eyeliner will add blueness to the eyes.

Smokey makeup is ideal for gray-eyed and dark-haired ladies. A simple option: use gray or black shadows (you can use a pencil), blend them well. If you apply more shadows to the outer corner, they will appear a little elongated.

For blonde or red hair

Blonde and gray-eyed women look very harmonious in natural and delicate images. However, a little "drama" in the evening make-up also does not hurt, it will give them a spectacular look. For everyday makeup, it is undesirable to use "flashy" colors - just emphasize the natural beauty, avoiding rough and harsh lines, as well as excessive brightness, which can go into vulgarity. The lighter the tone of your hair, the more gentle your make-up. In the daytime, you do not want to line your eyes with black - opt for gray or brown eyeliner. The same rule applies to mascara.

Makeup artists do not recommend red-haired and gray-eyed beauties to abuse dark shades, and this is especially undesirable for girls who are also distinguished by their pale skin. Gloomy shades can lie in dark inappropriate spots. In daytime make-up, give preference to eyeliner and mascara in brown shades. If you have a cool skin tone, then you can try applying blue mascara - it is quite possible that this experiment will turn out to be very successful. In this case, you need an eyeliner to match, or a rejection of it. Smoky, malachite, walnut, golden, beige or olive shades will suit you.

If you are the owner of a warm skin tone, then make the appropriate makeup for gray eyes in beige and chocolate tones. First, spread the base over the space from the eyebrow to the eyelashes, and apply nude shadows. Apply peach shadows on the moving eyelid, and light brown in the crease. Add brown to the lower eyelid as well. Gently blend the transitions of shades. Apply a thin arrow above the upper lashes, use lengthening mascara. Girls with a cold skin tone can do a similar make-up, but replace the peach shadows with ivory, and brown ones with smoky ones.

If you do not like too bright colors in natural daytime makeup, but at the same time you want to somehow emphasize your eyes, then you can make a beautiful makeup, which consists of almost one arrow. Of course, in order for the arrow to look harmonious and neat, in this case one eyeliner is not enough. First, even out skin tone with a suitable foundation or powder, apply base and skin shadows on the eyelids. After that, carefully draw an arrow, apply mascara. The mucous membrane of the lower eyelid can be painted with a white pencil - this will visually enlarge the eyes. Also, slightly bring a third of the lower eyelid, closer to the inner corner.

Individuals with gray eyes can make a very effective make-up for the evening, emphasizing their beauty favorably.

First, as with any other makeup for gray eyes, you need to apply the base. Now spread the body shadows all over the eyelid. In the outer corner, add a matte gray-green dark pigment. Apply a dark pink stroke to the crease. Highlight the inner corner with satin champagne or sparkling white eyeshadow. On the center of the eyelid, gently apply golden shadows with a flat brush, which will add festivity to any makeup. The boundaries between tones should be carefully shaded, making the transitions soft. Make an eyeliner, with a dark gray or dark green pencil, drawing an arrow that will look the most harmonious. If desired, the arrow can be shaded a little.

Bring the lower eyelid with golden shadows, adding a little gray-green color closer to the outer corner, blend the colors. Bring the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid with a black pencil, this will give the look of languor and mystery. Cover your lashes with volumizing mascara, and if that's not enough, apply false lashes. Be sure to take the time to shape your eyebrows.

How to accentuate gray eyes

By adopting the simple tricks of makeup artists, you can create a wonderful make-up daily for your type of appearance.

When starting a visage, pay attention to what shade the iris has. Your look will be more attractive if you choose a shadow a couple of shades darker than the natural pigment of the eyes. If you notice brown blotches, then emphasize them with walnut or golden shadows. Green blotches can be emphasized with olive, and so on.

Skin color is also important. Dark-skinned women are suitable for both caramel and bronze, as well as cold blue, smoky, purple tones. Pale-faced beauties should pay attention to lavender, light gray textures. In turn, all the named tones can suit dark-haired girls - try experimenting. Gray-eyed blondes are advised not to make a “screaming” make-up during the day, but it is permissible to show imagination in the evening or before festive events.

It is undesirable to use shadows or a pencil in tone with the eyes or much lighter than them, so as not to look pale, faceless. Dramatic black and navy blue will be out of place in daytime makeup - save them for the evening, and work with them very carefully. Emphasis on eyebrows and eyelashes will help to achieve expressiveness for gray-eyed ladies, but here it is also important to observe the measure. In a daily make-up, gray, brown mascara and eyeliner will look harmonious. If you don’t have black hair, don’t bring your eyebrows with this color - make them more natural.

Contrasting solutions will look interesting with your iris color. Apply a chocolate tint on the upper eyelid, and on the lower one make an eyeliner with a light blue pencil, blend the textures. To enhance the effect, sketch the inner lower corner with a silver pencil. Makeup can be completed with gray, dark brown or blue mascara.

For gray-eyed girls, the Smokey technique is ideal in an evening make-up. If you have gray-green eyes, then make-up in malachite tones, “royal blue” color is suitable for gray-blue, and just gray is smoky.

Video makeup tutorials for mixed eyes

If the irises of your eyes are not only gray, but also interspersed with other colors, you should definitely take this circumstance into account. With the help of makeup, you can focus on this feature and experiment with images.

Beautiful makeup for gray-green eyes

Usually, persons with such an appearance have a warm color type, and it is desirable to emphasize this warmth and attractiveness. You should get a palette with a chocolate range of colors. Bronze, olive, malachite, herbal will look interesting. The base layer in such a make-up is often a delicate peach, light yellow or golden hue. On the lower eyelid, a brown palette will be appropriate - from light to dark. You can also draw an arrow in chocolate shades, and choose a similar mascara for the image. However, black eyelashes and arrows in a festive make-up will also look spectacular.

Makeup for gray-blue eyes for every day

Gray-blue eyes are often compared with the color of the evening sky. Having made a harmonious make-up, you will achieve a bewitching and charming image. It is desirable that the daily make-up be quite restrained and delicate - otherwise, your image will seem defiant, and possibly ridiculous. In the daytime, it is recommended not to use contrasting and very bright colors. Choose gentle, but at the same time saturated shades. Note that if you focus on gray textures, it will further emphasize the corresponding iris pigment. If you paint with pale blue, lavender pencils, then you can highlight blue blotches in the iris. Whichever option you choose, remember that your look should be compatible as a whole - with lipstick, blush, hair and outfit.