
Tricks on roller skates for beginners training videos. How to learn to skate: effective tips for beginners

April 5th, Carolina

Rollers are a great option for outdoor activities. Riding with friends is a lot of fun. You don’t know how to learn to skate easily, quickly and safely?   To learn this simple matter, use the advice of experienced professionals. Before you start learning, you need to choose the right videos. Your comfort will depend on their quality. Attention deserves the laces, fasteners and rivets on the rollers. High quality fittings guarantee a secure fit. Wheels are better to choose polyurethane. Having bought the rollers, decide on the place of skiing: it should have the most smooth surface.

How to learn to skate: first steps

The rollers should be worn correctly. It is important to fix each leg. Tighten the mounts well. But they should not exert too much pressure.
  To get to your feet, you need to lean forward a bit: this will prevent falling onto your back. The first time you should get up, holding on to the support. It can be a wall or a friend’s hand. Tighten your legs and put them together.

A comfortable position is the stance: one leg is behind the other and perpendicular to it. Wait a few minutes. This is necessary to get used to the rollers. Rate your feelings. Rollers should be comfortable. If you feel uncomfortable, then the fasteners are too tight.

The first steps of a beginner take precedence. Having successfully overcome the first meters, you will feel confident. Further training will go very quickly. Therefore, it is important to choose a good and patient teacher. The big mistakes of the assistants are the following actions: pushing in the back, persistent requests to accelerate the move, pulling hands, supporting shoulders. All this leads to the fact that the beginner does not have time to feel his body on rollers. He seeks to drive fast and falls. Safety net, of course, is needed, but there is no need to rush too much. If you are afraid to fall, then be sure to put on protection.

How to learn to skate: the learning process

The technique of roller skating differs from the technique that is applicable to ordinary skates. It is unacceptable to start the movement by making a push with the front wheel: this leads to a fall.

To budge, bend your knees and lean forward with your body. Feet stand together. Turn one boot out a little. This leg will go first. With a foot that has remained behind, do a little push. The process has begun! You are on the move! Now the leg that pushed off is pushed to the first. The push from the floor with the other foot should also be done at a minimum angle (out). Thus, you are repelled with slight offsets left and right.

The jerked foot is always attached to the supporting one. First you need to do weak shocks. Such skating occurs by inertia. It looks like a duck walk. You just roll over, gradually moving forward.

Using this simple approach, you can feel the nuances of skiing. Gradually, you will get a taste and be able to adjust the speed of movement. Do not forget about the knees. They must be bent. Low stance while riding allows you to get better results.

How to learn to skate: learn to slow down!

A brake is installed on the right shoe of the rollers. It is made of rubber and attached to the last wheel. Why is it needed? In practice, it is not used at all. Manufacturers make a brake in order to confirm the safety concept. In reality, it is best to slow down in other ways.

If you try to apply the brake, you may lose your balance and fall. The brake prevents experienced skaters from doing some difficult tricks. However, the brake can be used in the very first stages. It is also used by those who love calm riding with minimal speed.

At first, you can press the brake to avoid a collision or stop. You can stop without applying the brake:

  • just roll until the rollers stop moving (by inertia);
  • at a minimum speed you drop in on the lawn, slow down a bit and take steps, as in ordinary shoes;
  • it is convenient to brake by grasping large static objects (pillar, tree, fence).

Learning to Turn Right

In order to successfully complete the turn, start preparing for it in advance. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart. Ahead should go that foot in the direction of which you want to turn. If this is the right leg, then tilt the body to the right and sit down a bit. The left leg is pushed off the ground. The right leg should extend slightly forward, ahead of the left. Try to press on the outer edges of the wheels of the right roller. Turn, align and roll straight.

How to learn to skate: important rules for beginners

  • put on protection;
  • do not accelerate until you learn how to turn and brake;
  • look ahead carefully and calculate your movements (you must have time to complete a maneuver or slow down);
  • if an experienced roller skates directly at you, do not make any maneuvers - he will successfully go round you;
  • if you stand still, hold onto an object and strain your legs. Otherwise, the rollers will involuntarily roll back or forward.

Many children’s roller skates are of interest, they ask parents to buy them and learn how to ride. Most mothers and fathers, often far from such an occupation, begin to fear possible injuries and do not know where to start training. The safety of roller skating and the level of mastery achieved in many respects depend on the correct start of classes.

  If you properly organize the training mode and observe safety precautions, injuries can be avoided.

When to start?

The question of at what age it is worth putting a child on the rollers and starting to learn how to ride depends on many factors. In 2-3 year old babies, the formation of the arch of the foot is still ongoing, so the beginning of classes at this age can harm the health of the child.

From the age of 4, you can already start teaching your child to roller skate. You can do this at this age, but only if the physical development of the child is normal and he has no problems with coordination. If at least one of these conditions is not met, then it is worth delaying the start of training for a year - until it turns 5 years old.

It is not too late to start learning to skate on a child at the age of 6-7, rather the opposite - it will take even less time before the first confident steps. It should be borne in mind that children under 7 years of age need individual instruction, but starting from the age of eight, group classes are also suitable.

  A school-age child is already better at owning his body, so he can quickly get on the rollers

Security measures

If you are going to teach your child to roller skate, take care of his safety. To ensure it is necessary:

  • choose the right roller skates;
  • purchase a helmet and protection (knee pads, elbow pieces, etc.);
  • carry out physical training;
  • set the child up for the learning process.

It is important to explain to the child that it’s impossible to learn to skate without falls, so you need to be able to group and fall correctly. You must do this ahead, with your hands in front of you, so that it’s on them and your knees (that is, those places where there is protection) that the main blow came. Unlike landing on hands, falling back is fraught with injuries, including spinal injuries.

Who will teach a child to ride?

First you need to decide how the classes will be held. You can teach a child to skate both independently and by contacting specialists or by writing him to the appropriate section.

The most effective will be to seek the help of a coach - in this case, it will take the least time before the first confident steps. Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to regularly take the child to training, so you should consider other options.

Parents can teach the child themselves, especially if they share a passion for videos and know how to ride them. Those who have never skated can also try to teach the child how to skate, but it will be much more difficult for them to do this. A variety of training videos can be of help in this case.

  If adults are experienced skaters, training can be done independently. In other cases, it is advisable to seek help from a trainer.

Where to start?

For the first steps, a large, flat area is best. It will be nice to first practice at home, if the size of the housing allows, only then go out into the street. For home training, it is worth choosing rooms with a wooden floor or linoleum, but on the carpet it is better not to try. On the street, starting classes is on the grass, then moving on to the asphalt.

  • The first lessons should be devoted to the ability to correctly stand on skates. Legs should be parallel, approximately shoulder-width apart and bent at the knees, arms slightly bent at the elbows and extended in front of you.
  • It is necessary to monitor the parallelism of the shoes and not to allow the socks to turn outward or inward. Legs should not be straightened.
  • The next step will be the ability to move on casters and raise legs without losing balance. Only then can one begin to learn to ride roller skates forward, paying particular attention to the correct stance.
  • Another important step in mastering roller skating skills will be braking. This should be done as follows: the right leg (since the standard brake is located on the right boot) is pushed forward and put on the heel.

Stopping on rollers instantly does not work, so you need to prepare for this in advance. There is another way of braking - with it, the toes of the boots gradually turn inward, and the stop itself turns out smoother.

Of the special exercises, “Flashlights” is the first to be studied. During its implementation, the distance between the legs must first be gradually increased, and then reduced. You can facilitate the workout by drawing markings on the pavement along which the shoes should ride. After mastering this exercise, you can begin to learn how to perform a snake.

Common Errors

With prolonged roller skating training, pay attention to whether your child is doing the most typical mistakes. These include:

  • Wrong stand. Attempts to ride without bending the knees, or constantly toeing the toes of the shoes will lead to the fact that even the slightest unevenness will cause loss of balance, since the chosen position is extremely unstable. If this is your case, you need to work out the correct stance, only then continue classes.
  • Blockage of the ridge on the inner rib. The reason for this error may be improperly sized shoes in which the leg is not fixed properly. Also, such a mistake may appear due to constant attempts to catch the balance, since, by bending the skates, the child feels more stable. This error must be dealt with, as it can lead to injuries due to the unnatural position of the ankle. It is very important to control the stay of the legs in an upright position in order to avoid unpleasant consequences. Special exercises to strengthen the ankle will help to cope with the second reason for the rollers to fall inside while riding.
  • Deviation back. Often, when riding, the child begins to tumble backwards, but this position is uncomfortable and requires constant tension of the spinal muscles. The consequences of such a mistake can be falling on the back and, as a result, injuries to the spine and head. You can fight only by constant work on the correct stance.

How to teach a child to roller skate? The answer to this question is actually not so complicated. Contacting a trainer is the best option, but you can cope with a similar task on your own. The main attention in training should be given to the correct stance, after its development progress will not be long in coming.

Be sure to teach your child safety rules. He must remember well that you can’t skate on the roadway.

Since you have started teaching a child to skate, you can’t do without patience!

  1. We all remember ourselves in this matter and understand that not everyone can get up and go the first time, although one of you may have been able to do it.
  2. So that the child quickly does not give up and does not lose interest, you need to create the illusion of a game!
  3. Observe the gradualness, do not scare the child, starting with difficult exercises, let him perform a lung and understand that everything is working out for him!
  4. The main thing is to teach your child how to stand. This is where basic training begins. Without the correct stance, all further actions will be useless and will not lead to success in this matter. So: heels together, socks apart, we tilt the entire body (not only the shoulders, but the entire body) forward, slightly bent knees.
  5. Next you need to work out this rack, preferably first on the lawn, then go to the asphalt. Your child should understand and remember the position in which he should be while rollerblading.
  6. If you feel insecure when the child is on the roller skates, roll him holding hands. Remember to explain that the legs should be parallel to each other.

After all this, do the following exercises to help you learn.

Exercises how to teach a child to roller skate

  1. Take the chalk, draw imaginary lanterns in the shape of a circle on the pavement, and explain to him how he should go around them, let him imagine that the circles are car tires. The movement begins with the fact that the heels are together, and the socks are apart, then the skates diverge to the sides, evenly bend around the circle and do not converge to the end, since you immediately need to go around the next circle.
  2. You need to push off with your heels, keeping your legs side by side, parallel to each other, to perform like a snake wagging from side to side. After successful execution, do the same, only back.
  3. The exercise is called "Eight." Very similar to the first exercise, only here we will cross our legs. It is very important to train well to perform light exercises in order to do without fright and injuries.
  4. To protect ourselves from injury, we learn to fall without risk to health. For this, it is necessary to clearly explain that falling to the back and back of the head should be avoided to the maximum, for this the whole body is moved forward to fall forward. If it so happened that the child lost his balance, first you need to land on the knee pads, then the elbow pieces and, last but not least, on the protection of the hands to soften the blow. We conduct this training exclusively on the lawn !!!
  5. Do not do without the ability to brake properly. This is an important stage of training, if you do not teach to brake the child correctly, the entire effect of joy from the acquired skiing skill may disappear. And even worse, lead to sad consequences.

How to brake

Let's analyze the types of braking:

  • One way. During movement, the knees should be bent and the socks turned inward. We represent on the road the same tire that should go round, we finish the detour with effort.
  • The second way. We brake using the T-stop.
  • The third way. It is carried out by a standard brake made of plastic and rubber lining. The main thing in this method is to choose the right position, when moving, you need to push the skate forward, the toe on yourself, therefore, when the brake contacts the asphalt, braking is obtained. You won’t be able to stop quickly, so you need to start in advance.

By following all these rules, your child will be able to quickly master roller skating. And you give your child a lot of positive emotions.

Every person has a hobby. One likes fishing, someone prefers needlework, while others like outdoor activities. In this article, I’ll show you how to learn to skate quickly and show some useful videos.

Legs or supernatural abilities are not required for training. Enough inline skates, securely mounted on their feet, and you can go on an asphalt track. The main thing is a dry road surface without pits and bumps.

  • If you haven’t skated before, first of all learn how to stand on them. An assistant who plays the role of a support will not hurt. The best result will be brought by the assistant who understands a question.
  • Take the correct pose, with slightly bent legs and a torso leaning forward. Push off with one skate, and then with the other.
  • Make sure that the toe of the boot in front looks slightly outward. Otherwise, your legs will get tangled and fall. Do not overdo it, otherwise the legs will corrode to the sides.
  • Learn to brake without fail. A special brake is attached to the frame of one roller skate. Use it at low speed. One foot is involved in braking. Loss of balance is fraught with a turn or fall.
  • Some people buy inline skates without braking. These videos help to master different kinds   skating, for example, with your back forward. The brake does not allow riding in this way.
  • A full stop is made in several ways. The first method involves the use of static objects: fences, poles or trees. Hold on to an object to stop.
  • You can stop with a lawn or grassy lawn. It’s enough to go to the grass and go for a run. Ultimately stop. Sometimes obstacles appear on the way and stopping abruptly will not work. To avoid a collision, use a workaround.
  • Prepare for a change of direction in advance. If you intend to turn right, extend your right leg slightly forward and vice versa. When maneuvering, sit down slightly and tilt your torso slightly in the desired direction. After exiting the turn, align the movement.

At first, training is accompanied by falls and setbacks. But even a professional is not immune to loss of balance. Be sure to use protective equipment. To increase your workout efficiency, check out our helpful tips and video tutorials. Do not accelerate strongly until you master the cornering and braking skills.

Video tutorial for beginners

Constantly count the actions and monitor the situation on the track. This will help to timely maneuver and avoid trouble. With the help of recommendations and constant training, quickly learn to skate.

Teaching a child to roller skate

Continuing the topic of the article, I will consider teaching roller skating for a child. As practice shows, it is easier for children to learn to ride, training is quick and easy if parents are interested in the child.

There are schools, courses and clubs, visiting which the child will learn to stand on skates and skillfully ride. But the services of such institutions are paid.

Master art will work at home. Need roller skates and the right approach to training. Step-by-step instructionSee below for help.

  1. Video selection . Choose a roller skate responsibly. Remember, one set is enough for a child for several years. Even popular and trendy models are meticulous.
  2. Protection - Baby Health . Obligatory purchase a protective kit from a helmet, knee pads and elbow pieces. Nothing will threaten the child if you skate using protection.
  3. Training   . Only a person who understands the intricacies of roller skating can teach a child to stand on his feet and ride. Usually, children are taught by dads and mothers who run after children in parks and streets, giving tips and tricks. This is not entirely correct. It is better to ask the child to perform a series of simple exercises, with the help of which he will get used to the “new shoes” and learn to keep balance. In this case, the child should not slouch.
  4. Wear and tighten casters correctly . Starting the first training, support the child until he learns to hold his legs in parallel and move forward and backward.
  5. First steps   . When the child is confident, the first step is to be taken. It's about U-turns, bends and squats. Parents must help.
  6. Introducing the braking system . For braking, a mechanism is provided at the rear of the roller, which plays an important role. Teach your child to use the brakes and fall correctly.

Do not forget that the achievement of the goal is hindered by fear, which fetters movement and hinders the adoption of independent decisions.

Video training for children

Children are afraid of falls. They will overcome fear by realizing that the protection used will prevent trouble. To do this, ask the child to kneel or lean on his elbow.

How to ride roller sneakers

You won’t surprise anyone with roller skates. For many people, skating is a way to have fun and chat with friends. Roller sneakers have appeared on the market recently and are of interest to people.

Further, the conversation will go on the development of riding roller skates. If you think that it’s easy to learn riding this unusual shoe, you are mistaken. Sneakers have one wheel, and braking is done by lowering the toe. Therefore, mastering the technique is problematic.

  • Take a starting position . Stand on a flat surface and place one foot in front of the other so that the feet are in line.
  • Learn to stand . Raise your socks and keep your balance. After receiving the result, do a few tilts to the sides to feel the balance.
  • Learning to stand, start moving . Lower the toe of the hind leg, slightly tilt the body back and start the movement, pushing the hind leg. In movement, make sure that the hind leg touches the front leg.
  • At first, do not accelerate much . Before that, master the technique of stopping. To stop, lower both feet and go forward a bit. Otherwise, a fall is inevitable.
  • The heel is also used as a brake. . If you need a stop, raise the toe as high as possible so that the rear edge of the sole touches the road surface. This stopping method is suitable for beginners.

It’s easy to learn riding on “shoes with wheels”, but to achieve the result, patience, endurance and perseverance are required.

Having mastered roller skating, it remains to find a place that is suitable for this variety of outdoor activities. And do not forget about protection. She will make sure that a medical policy is not required. Even professionals do not go on the track without protective uniforms.

How to choose videos

If you want to choose good roller skates, I recommend giving preference to a comfortable model that matches skills and abilities. The market offers various options. Some of them are focused on fast driving, others on performing tricks, and others on skating. Rollers - a great gift for the New Year or birthday.

Roller skates consist of several elements - boots, frame, wheels, cuffs, clips and straps with laces. Every element is important.

Since you are a beginner, first decide on the type of roller. Refuse models with small wheels, they are focused on performing tricks and do not contribute to learning to ride. A model with a large number of wheels will also not work. Such roller skates are designed for high-speed riding. A model with four wheels on each boot and brake is ideal.

  1. The main function of the boot is to maintain the foot. It determines the level of comfort and balance. Choose shoes of the appropriate type and size.
  2. Shoes should be comfortable and comfortable. Do not stop at the first model you like. Only in this case, skiing will bring pleasure.
  3. The quality of the rollers depends on the size of the wheels and the material of which they are made. Big wheels provide fast driving, and small wheels - maneuverability. Pay attention to the hardness of the wheels. It depends on the indicator on which surface to ride.
  4. I recommend to refuse to buy cheap roller skates with plastic wheels. Riding them is difficult, and skating is accompanied by unpleasant sounds. Do not fall for the trick of the seller offering bad goods for little money.
  5. An important element of the rollers is bearings, for the manufacture of which alloy steel or carbon material is used. The first option is resistant to wear and more expensive.
  6. For bearings, oil and grease are used. In the first case, due to the small resistance, rapid rotation is achieved. As for greased bearings, they are more inert and more water resistant.
  7. A frame attached to the sole of the boot holds the wheels. It is made of metal, plastic or composites. Composite frames, characterized by high rigidity and the ability to reduce vibration, deserve attention.
  8. The last important element is the clips - mechanical fasteners, through which the shoes are fixed on their feet. The main thing is that they allow you to quickly fasten your shoes and securely fixed on your foot.

I hope the tips will help you choose reliable, high-quality, beautiful and convenient videos. When you learn to skate and ride, you can burn calories, increase stamina and strengthen the body. Promisingly, right?

Video tips

Movie History

Any thing has a story, and inline skates are no exception. The official presentation of the first videos in the world took place in 1760. The inventor was Joseph Merlin. The grant of a patent for a miracle of technology took place in France in early 1819.

The first rollers in the world had wheels located in a line, but in 1863 quads appeared - rollers with wheels on both sides of the platform. This version of inline skates was characterized by increased stability, which reduced the number of falls. As a result, quads supplanted classical linear models for a long time.

In 1876, the commercials received several innovations. It is about two bearings and a brake. If the wheel design has changed many times during its existence, the brakes remain the same.

In the eighties of the last century, polyurethane wheels were added, which before that were made of wood or metal. In the first case, the wheels wore out, and in the second, vibration was poorly damped. Polyurethane is an elastic material with excellent rolling resistance and is resistant to shock and abrasion. As a result, wheels made of this material increased the durability of the rollers, reduced vibrations and facilitated control.

Until the end of the last century, roller skates were created on hard boots, while in 1995 one of the manufacturers did not use soft ones. This innovation has found application.

You do not like to play sports, but want to keep a good figure? Go in for rollerblading - inline skating. You will not be attached to time, as for morning charge   or visiting gyms. This is a sport, and fun outdoor activities at the same time. It is suitable for everyone.

How to teach a child to skate

We purchase shoes attached to shoes and a protection kit for the child. Let's start training:

  1. We look closely at the site where the child will be trained. Need a good flat asphalt surface, located away from roads.
  2. In order to avoid the health effects of your child, it is necessary to wear full protective equipment over clothing.
  3. We help to take the main stance: legs - shoulder-width apart, one at the same time slightly forward, knees slightly bent.
  4. Further experiment: swaying left and right, tearing off one leg from the ground. In the fall we learn to get up: one skate should stand with all four wheels, with both hands lean in front of you. Next, the child must pull up the second leg, put it perpendicular to the first with all the wheels and try to rise.
  5. Motion training: the heels must be put together, and the socks apart, tilt the body slightly forward and begin to move. To stop, you need to turn the noses of the skates so that they begin to converge, and straighten the body.
  6. When moving, steps should be taken sequentially - this is the basis of the roller motion technique. It is necessary to control the situation until the child begins to move confidently.

Self roller skating

Before you teach a child to skate, you first need to master them yourself, so that he can understand the tips. Yes, and working together is much more fun than running around the playground for a child. How to learn to roller skate an adult? Protective equipment must be worn to avoid possible personal injury. Explain how important this is for an adult is not necessary.

How to skate from scratch

The technique of roller skating is simple. The following simple exercises are required:

  1. Tear off legs in turn from the asphalt and roll each for as long as possible. Take a step, and the rollers will roll you yourself, you just need to catch the balance. Keep the body leaning forward, legs bent at the knees. Be repelled in sequence by all the wheels of each ridge.
  2. For quick getting used to the rollers, it is necessary to perform the movement in the pose “legs along the width of the shoulders”. Each leg sequentially moves parallel to the second without tearing the rollers from the surface of the asphalt. Roll it back and forth, increasing the speed of movement, until you feel confident.
  3. Two similar techniques: Snake and Labyrinth. In the first case, you need to place small objects in one line after 1-1.5 m, in the second - after 2-3 m along the site, and try to go around them. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart, then try to bring them closer. Increase the speed gradually, while it is necessary to work the body and not ride with straight legs!
  4. To complicate movements by jogging, jumping from one foot to another, tearing both legs off the asphalt, bouncing from two legs. In doing so, push off with all the wheels and try to maintain stability to land on your feet so that one is half a horse ahead of the other.

How to brake on casters

Before learning how to skate well, learn the braking technique:

  • By turning: approaching the stopping place, turn around. To do this, continue to ride forward with your supporting leg, and put the second at a right angle to it and connect the heels together.
  • A regular brake (the brake is more often located on the right boot). Put your right leg forward, keeping your body level. Avoid a U-turn.

Roller Tricks

If you have mastered how to ride, slow down, turn - you can perform the simplest roller skate tricks for beginners:

  • Riding with both legs synchronously, “writing out” two lines along the track. In this case, it is necessary to cross the legs in one cone, breed in the next, and then reduce again.
  • Riding your back forward. Skating speed should be increased as experience is gained. Proper body positioning is important: the shoulders should be maximally deployed to provide sufficient visibility, and the knees should be bent.
  • Riding on one leg. First you need to learn how to accelerate with this trick. Then, when moving forward, try to push off with the heel of the supporting leg, and when moving backwards - with the toe.

Where to go rollerblading

A little about this is described at the beginning of the article. Need a smooth wide area without any slides. To learn the first lessons when there are still problems with braking, choose a platform around which there are trees or tall parapets that you can grab onto. Grass around the site is also suitable. You can ride on it, then a safe fall is provided.

If you gained little experience, you can ride along the paths around the house, in parks, gradually increasing the distance. In this case, you must carefully monitor the interference that may come under your feet. With their help, you can quickly learn to maintain balance, maneuver, bypassing obstacles. And for practicing the technique of turns, they significantly help.

Video: how to skate properly