
Katka's name. The meaning of the name Catherine (Katya). Name Catherine: health and psyche


Meaning: The origin of the name Catherine is Greek. It comes from the Greek word "catherine", which in translation means "immaculate" or "eternally pure" girl. At one time, this name was firmly entrenched in the Russian name book and today is listed among the most popular female names.

The female name Catherine in its current form appeared in our country not so long ago by historical standards, but has already acquired incredible popularity. It has the strongest energy, has good compatibility, and at the same time is known all over the world ...

Conversational options: Katya, Katyukha, Katyusha, Katya

Modern English counterparts: Katrina, Katerina, Katherine, Katarina

The meaning and interpretation of the name

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This ancient Greek name for women is capable of endowing a truly unique nature. The meaning of the name Catherine can endow the bearer with a whole bunch of good characteristics, and moreover, it can create a truly imperious and regal nature. The peculiarity of the impact of the energy of this name on the bearer is the formation of an imperious, proud and self-sufficient character. Such a woman will obviously be a clear leader ...

Katya will have to achieve everything on her own, relying on her own qualities, skills, and efforts. She is powerful, a little greedy, self-serving and knows how to manipulate people, but at the same time she tries to look honest and pure in the eyes of people.

Advantages and positive features: Ekaterina loves to fantasize and has a very good imagination, she easily overcomes all routine obstacles and problems. She is able to cope even with the solution of the most difficult task, and often finds ways out of such situations, from which others simply cannot find a way out.

Ekaterina treats badly people who are trying to manipulate and dominate her. She does not forgive insults, she can take revenge if her pride is hurt, and she avoids people with inflated conceit.

Interesting about the name Ekaterina: By historical standards, the name Ekaterina came to us not so long ago, but today it has already become very popular.

The nature of the name Catherine

Such a parameter as the character of the name Catherine was once studied by dozens of researchers, and all of them eventually came to almost the same conclusion - it says that the character of the girl named so is primarily demanding and arrogant, despite the fact that these features are usually carefully hidden by carriers. Plus, Katya, this is usually a choleric person, a person who easily loses his temper, emotional, one whose character involves endless disagreements with the opposite sex, moreover, for the smallest and most insignificant reasons. In addition, her character is usually endowed with exorbitant self-criticism, which can lead to internal conflicts of Katerina herself, and which can have an extremely negative impact on her moral and psychological state ...

In general, the nature of the name, as well as the “fate” parameter, is quite difficult to predict, because it depends not only on the meaning of the name form, but also on a bunch of additional parameters, including the time of year of birth of the bearer of the name, day of the week and others ...

Early childhood

A girl named Ekaterina has an early childhood filled with disappointments and whims, and all for one simple reason - the very meaning of the name promises her many leadership and organizational qualities that do not allow her to put up with parental command and the parents' rejection of her opinions. Usually small Katyas have such traits as self-forgetfulness, narcissism, leadership, straightforwardness, honesty, regularity, ambition and rigidity.

Manifested in childhood and such as efficiency, activity, activity, vigor, restlessness, capriciousness and resentment, developing into aggression. Ekaterina, who is influenced by the significance and energy of this name, is too unpredictable baby.

This girl does not have clear plans, although she always tries to follow them. She has no favorites among her peers, no sensitivity and nobility, she is too callous and all the time wants everything to be just for her. But since childhood, she has been constructive and principled beyond her years, and this can have a positive effect on many things, including future schooling, career growth, and success in general.


Ekaterina, who has reached school age, is still the same commander, but already less capricious and touchy. Now it is very, very difficult to get this girl to cry - she rarely takes offense, and if this happens, then no one will see it.

Leadership, adherence to principles, justice, good nature and benevolence, correctness, commitment, assertiveness, diligence, prudence - these are her main qualities. The only thing missing is tact and diplomacy - it is precisely because of their absence that Catherine cannot make real friends, and everyone around her is mostly weak-willed people looking for a leader.

grown woman

Growing up, Catherine begins to acquire additional features, just the same, aimed at what she lacked throughout her childhood and adolescence - we are talking about diplomacy, tact, eloquence, restraint and brilliant organizational inclinations.

Not only does the significance at this stage promise her popularity in society and the emergence of a large number of friends, but also the symbolism of the name, in particular, the plant symbol, symbolic metal and others, promise her an increase in all of the above factors. In fact, a girl named Ekaterina in the future has the opportunity to become a really successful person, however, without proper upbringing, the chances of this are reduced by a multiple of ...

The interaction of the character Catherine with the seasons

Autumn - thanks to the significance of this season, the autumn bearer of the name Catherine in the future will become a serious and quite demanding girl, strong and stubborn, reasonable and fair. This will be appreciated by colleagues, and relatives, and friends. According to statistics, autumn Katyas are sexy and passionate, loved and romantic, but even in family relationships they strive to remain leaders, which can have an extremely negative impact on finding a soul mate.

Spring - this will dream of only one thing - so that they do not touch it. She is an excellent housewife, but a homebody who does not want to share her company with the outside world. With friends, she is sociable, but strives to be left alone. On a personal level, fate is difficult, it will be difficult for him to find a chosen one, a soul mate who will be to his liking - but when he finds it, he will devote all of himself to the chosen one, as well as to the children received from him.

Summer - a summer newborn is called by this name for those who crave the appearance of a true fidget in the family. Beauty, sociability, restlessness, activity, pragmatism and self-confidence - these character traits will attract potential boyfriends, and her chosen one will be lucky, she is an excellent keeper of the hearth, a dream woman, and her character is quite tolerant.

Winter is by nature silent and slow. A schemer, and this will prevent her from establishing a truly ideal family relationship. Pride, excessive self-sufficiency, pride, stubbornness, mixed with silence will play a cruel joke. There is also a great advantage - her love for the family is excessive, she will be torn to pieces for her relatives.

The fate of the name Catherine

As for such a factor as the fate of the name Catherine, the situation with him is much more complicated than with most others, and all just because Katya’s fate is usually full of mystery and unpredictability, and everything in it depends on parameters of different kinship (upbringing, zodiac, character, etc.). Truth. there are also centered moments - so. It can be said with certainty that it is always a girl. Thanks to her charisma, she is incredibly popular with the opposite sex.

There is also an endless search for the perfect man. The reason is her personal demands on members of the opposite sex. She always demands from men what she herself cannot give, and tries to idealize everyone, which naturally not everyone can withstand. Such is her fate, to always be in search of an ideal that may not even exist.

In general, the fate of a girl named Catherine in marriage, love, and relationships is very difficult. She will probably have to suffer all her life from difficult breakups and disappointments in men. And yet, no matter how life develops, in the end everything must necessarily lead to a happy and strong marriage ...

Love and marriage

Ekaterina is serious about creating a family and is rather meticulously looking for her betrothed. She can fall in love once and for all with a man with whom she is ready to spend her whole life. This man must be reliable so that he can be trusted and rely on him. Early marriage is not typical for Katya, so most often she has enough time and patience to find her only one.

Ekaterina is a true keeper of the hearth, able to brilliantly organize coziness, comfort, and relaxation in the house for each of the family members. In difficult situations and in case of adversity, she endures them with dignity and maintains the morale of her loved ones. She does not hide the fact that the family is the goal of her life, and for the sake of her well-being and prosperity, she is ready to do various things.

By the way, Catherine is a very temperamental lady in intimate relationships, so her husband should also be a brilliant partner in bed.

She is not one of the submissive wives, she skillfully secretly leads her husband and manages important moments in family relationships. At the same time, she is ready to seek compromises in controversial issues and, if necessary, make concessions. She tries by all means to avoid conflicts and quarrels in her family. Katya's only minus as a housewife is her dislike for cooking.

Catherine as Mother

Ekaterina considers motherhood a miracle, real happiness, so her love for children is boundless, but she is not ready to become a cook sitting in the kitchen all the time. She gladly gives her care and love to children, but will not become their slave.

Caring for and caring for babies is the norm for a woman, but this does not mean that men should not participate in this. Katya actively uses the help of her husband in the upbringing and development of children. She makes sure that the children always spend enough time not only with her, but also with dad. Going fishing, going to the water park, going to the zoo, or just going out into nature with the whole family are obligatory and regular events in Katya's family.

Ekaterina takes the process of raising and educating children very seriously. She teaches them independence and will never do their homework for them. It is important for her that her children grow up purposeful and self-confident individuals.

Horoscope named after Catherine


Catherine with the sign of Aries, due to its meaning, is luxurious by nature, purposeful, impulsive and too assertive. She is able to go to the goal to the end, but there is a problem - she does not always soberly assess the situation, makes mistakes, fatal, spoiling her further existence.


Taurus - here, under the influence of this zodiac sign and the name Catherine, an executive, accurate in actions and motives, an obligatory and responsible girl, capable of turning the world upside down, is born by the origin of her soul and character. Guys, mastering it, think of themselves as heroes, but rarely realize that this is just manipulation.


Gemini is witty and quick-witted, smart and cunning, can constantly act even against fate, active and assertive. Represents the soul of the company, but her desire for change often repels people, and therefore there are often periods of loneliness.


Cancer - and here the nature of a girl named Catherine is born, whose compatibility with a man is achieved only through relationships with a true romantic. She is tender and sensitive, appreciates loneliness and regularity of life, stability and idolizes at all. Become an exemplary wife.

a lion

The lioness is completely passionate and straightforward, for which she is respected by friends, but far from all guys can cope with such a nature. She will tell the truth as it is, she can offend, but deservedly, she will not regret what she has done - she is prone to self-interest and manipulation.


But under the auspices of the virgin, a self-confident and practical person is born, idolizing her own goals and desires, and irritated at the sight of indecision and insecurity in people. She is a leader, but she will give way to the leadership of the chosen man, temperamental and purposeful.


Libra - this sign of the zodiac is characterized by modesty, sincerity, compliance. The girl will grow up as a cheerful and cheerful dreamer, waiting for a prince not a white horse. Short-term novels will accompany her through life, in the end she will find a chosen one for life.


Scorpio is born a hot-tempered person named Ekaterina, difficult to communicate, incapable of normal contact. She sets herself up against the whole world, but at the same time she can show tenderness and sensitivity. Will stay with a patient and strong representative of the male half.


Sagittarius - this girl has been cheerful and frank since childhood, knows how to trust, after making a mistake she does not lose heart, is disappointed in people, but still reaches out to them. Treason and betrayal are things that are not adapted to forgive. Will look for what is designed for pure love.


Capricorn, this is Catherine with an excellent sense of humor. Cheerful and kind, but for the time being, at any moment, kindness can change into anger and aggression. She loves stability, but is not ready for long and serious romances, she prefers short and stormy romances to them.


And Aquarius, on the contrary, is a romantic and good-natured beauty, capable of endlessly dreaming about what is not destined to come true. She is looking for an ideal partner, does not accept deviations from the ideal, and therefore remains alone for a long time.


In the sign of the fish, compatibility is achieved only if a relationship is created with a stable and understanding man. Abstract decisions and rational actions are her forte. To infinity will plunge into a series of short-term novels.

Compatibility with male names

It is believed that the name Ekaterina has the most ideal compatibility in terms of relationships and feelings with such male names as Boris, Spartak, Taras, Demyan, Alexander, Vilen, Ivan and Vissarion ...

Katya will be able to build a happy marriage with men named by such names as Cyril, Timofey, Foma, Lazar, Klim, Alexei, Vladlen, Emelyan and Ignat.

Ustin, Ernest, Vitaly, Igor - Katya has no compatibility at all with these names.

The name Catherine is associated in people with the royal article, confidence. Indeed, in women who were given the name Catherine at birth, there is something high, proud and noble.

Origin and meaning

Ekaterina is a name derived from the ancient Greek “khaikaterine”, which means “ pure, unblemished“.

name day

Name for a girl

From early childhood, a girl named Catherine is especially greedy. Moreover, this greed does not bring anything bad to the people around - Katyusha will take more than she should, but only in order to make small reserves for the future. So, for example, having been visiting, little Katya will definitely bring home sweets, cookies and other goodies. By the way, Katyusha not only takes these treats, but deserves them intelligence and intelligence does not leave compassionate adults indifferent.

Young Katya - true selfish. She hardly accepts the fact of someone else's superiority.

During her school years, Katya is drawn to the "elite" among her peers and is a leader or is included in the circle of leaders among students. In the team enjoys prestige and respect.


The "royal" name influences Catherine's life until her old age. She is a typical choleric, who is overwhelmed with feelings and emotions that sometimes go beyond the limits. Katya can be called selfish. She strives in every way to be better than others in all areas of life. All behavior of a woman, all her actions are aimed at recognition and praise.

Catherine is so much in love with herself that she does not hear, and if she does, she does not listen to the opinions of others.

Katya is a rebel who, at any opportunity, will enter into an argument, defending his truth.

Nevertheless - Catherine's need for someone else's admiration for herself is justified - she is smart, talented and has exquisite taste. Most of those around her have a deep respect for her, and some strive to be like her.

Who is marriage possible?

As a husband, Catherine chooses a person with whom she feels under reliable and confident protection. Among the many admirers, she will search for a long time to determine “the only one” with whom she wants to spend the rest of her life.

Ekaterina can safely be called homemaker. She is able to ennoble even the most nondescript housing. Here, by the way, something “royal” is traced again - Katya does not tolerate inconvenience and lack of home comfort. In this regard, many women named Ekaterina can be called maximalists - for a comfortable family life and, of course, for herself, Katya will make efforts to achieve the maximum result.

Name Compatibility

The happiest marriage awaits Catherine with men named:

  • Peter;
  • Semyon;

Catherine and the sign of the Zodiac


Purposeful, smart and balanced a woman who combines the inability to analyze and weigh her decisions. This often leads to crushing failures in all areas of life. For the union, she chooses older men than herself.

Catherine Taurus

The main attractive features are accuracy, tact and responsibility. The men who surround and truly admire her are kept at a distance. Catherine's dominance over her chosen one, elusive to the male eye, is simultaneously combined with tenderness and care, which makes her even more attractive.


Characteristic qualities for Catherine, who was born under the sign of Gemini - ingenuity, resourcefulness and excellent sense of humor. It is also worth noting the natural zeal of a woman to do several things at the same time, of which she does not complete any of them.


Affectionate, sensual a family man who prefers at least routine, but stability in the family. The chosen one must be a purposeful man who at the same time agrees to accept the image of a “quiet homebody”.

Catherine Leo

Passionate, outrageous, straightforward and a liberated woman who, by the combination of these qualities, shocks the people around her. Men are treated with composure and cynicism. In marriage, she is usually not very happy, as she is practically unable to love someone other than herself.

Catherine the Virgin

Self-confident, determined a woman who knows exactly what she wants. With disdain refers to timid, indecisive people. Leadership is ready to yield only to a man with a tougher and stronger character.


Modest, accommodating, with beautiful refined manners, a woman who, in spite of everything, prefers a quiet life to noisy companies. He likes to travel, especially to remote corners of the planet. Marrying late.


Scorpio named Catherine has an irascible temper. Finding an approach to such a lady is not easy, as she is convinced that her opinion is the only true one. In communication with others impatient, harsh, critical. The man who happened to become her chosen one gets a hurricane of passions as a life partner, which, however, subsides over time. It is the degree of Catherine, which comes to her with age, that makes her an agreeable and faithful wife.

Catherine Sagittarius

Sagittarius is different from the rest vitality, optimism and openness. Sagittarius-Katya rarely becomes discouraged and tries to see everything as exceptionally good. Catherine's legibility in men leaves much to be desired - she is naive and too trusting, which often leads to suffering.


Man of moods. It can be both cheerful and friendly, and apathetic and rude. Relations with representatives of the opposite sex are very difficult.

Catherine Aquarius

Dreamy, romantic, good-natured nature. The desire to find a man who can understand her subtle mental organization often leads to loneliness.


Due to her strong emotionality, she often commits rash acts. The attractiveness of Catherine allows her to start many love affairs, which in the end can lead to emotional emptiness and loss of control over her own inner world.


Most women named Ekaterina try to lead a healthy lifestyle, but it is difficult to call their health strong. They are predisposed to bone fractures, endocrine diseases, diseases of the cardiovascular, digestive and respiratory systems.

An excess of emotions, characteristic of many Catherines, negatively affects the work of the nervous system.

Katya's fate

Catherine combines two main qualities - pride and patience. This combination allows her to become an excellent teacher or doctor and take full responsibility for the health or moral education of a person. The desire to overcome difficulties, the desire for the triumph of justice and the ability to defend her opinion makes Catherine a good defender or prosecutor in court. An inner sense of responsibility to help another helps find your calling as a volunteer.

Winter Catherine often silent and slow in action. Family life is often frustrating because of its difficult nature. Catherine, born in winter, is cunning, especially in relation to her rivals (she often treats them cruelly). Katya knows how to weave intrigues, and prefers to act alone. She likes to show her individuality, so she dresses brightly, without succumbing to the latest "fashion squeaks". Her pride, pride and inflated self-esteem are perceived by Katya as virtues. The unpredictability of winter Catherine often borders on inadequacy. She is a rather mediocre hostess, but at the same time she loves her children and her husband.

Spring Ekaterina - this is a hypochondriac homebody who does not like to stand out either in society or at work. He likes to receive guests and make pleasant surprises for friends. She is the soul of the company, with whom it is always fun and pleasant to communicate. Loves life in all its manifestations. She is constantly improving, so it is always interesting with her. Her husband should be faithful, because Katya will not forgive betrayal. In the family, Catherine is the undisputed leader, so she expects complaisance and even obedience from her husband. Sooner or later, the husband leaves such a wife, wanting to feel like a free person, but the spring Catherine will never admit her guilt.

Summer Ekaterina - This is a fidget woman who loves active pastime. Rough expression of feelings and beauty lead to the attraction of men, from whom she has no end. Can stand up for himself and loved ones. A good hostess, knows how and loves to cook. Scrupulously and pragmatically assesses the situation, which helps her to walk confidently through life. Summer Ekaterina is the owner and real keeper of the hearth. She has many male friends, while she rarely makes friends with women.

Autumn Catherine - a serious, sensible, demanding lady who is doomed to occupy leadership positions. A sense of justice will be appreciated in her by both colleagues and relatives and relatives. As a rule, Katya, born in autumn, is very beautiful and sexy. In her husband, she sees, first of all, a sex partner, since sex in her life occupies one of the leading places. But at the same time, Catherine is a romantic, ready to go to the ends of the earth for her beloved. She does not tolerate stingy men. The pride of autumn Katya will not allow her to live with a person who is superior to her in some way, because by nature she is a leader.


Agate and chrysolite are stones that suit Catherine.


This stone gives courage and calmness, it prolongs life and attracts success. For men, agate will help attract the attention of women.

It is believed that this stone protects from bad thoughts, and if you place it under your pillow, then you will definitely have good dreams.

Agate should be worn on the left hand, which will calm the nerves and even remove the evil eye.


Chrysolite brings good luck and prosperity to its owner. This stone protects against imprudent acts and bad dreams, protects from fires and many other dangers.

In addition, chrysolite strengthens strength, brings happiness to family life, relieves melancholy. Chrysolite talismans and amulets protect against night terrors and the evil eye.


Catherine is patronized by the blue color (more about the blue color can be found in the article "The influence of the zodiac sign and the color of the name on a person's life").





The globe is a symbol of Catherine. He promises Catherine good luck, respect in society and well-being.

© geralt / pixabay

The globe is a reminder that time is fleeting, and therefore you should appreciate every day you live, trying to fill it with new knowledge.


Animal talisman for Catherine are a swan and a termite.


The swan is a symbol of purity, fidelity, wisdom, pride and nobility. According to beliefs, the swan can personify both the light and the dark beginning, symbolizing life and death, good and evil.


This active insect cannot sit still, so it is not surprising that the termite is a symbol of the restless Catherine, who likes frequent changes.


Catherine's talisman is a wand, symbolizing not only power, but also the masculine principle. This talisman will give strength to accomplish the tasks and strengthen the spirit.



The most suitable plants for Catherine are cedar and lotus.


It is believed that the cedar amulet has healing properties:

  • protects from external negative influences;
  • gives vital energy;
  • promotes the awakening of creative abilities;
  • brings joy, happiness and love.


Lotus is a symbol of spiritual life. The bud of this plant symbolizes the unity of a man and a woman. Lotus brings harmony and love to relationships.


Catherine's metal is iron, which is quite natural, because she has the same hard and tough character, which helps her cope with many difficulties. In addition, it is believed that rings and bracelets made of this metal are able to ward off evil spirits.

auspicious day

bad day


The happy season for Catherine is autumn.


Catherine's year is the year of the rooster, symbolizing a bold character, dignity and fidelity. According to the Chinese calendar, the rooster is a symbol of the Sun, so fire is the element of Catherine. Those born in the year of the rooster Katya are most often creative people or warlike leaders.

Important years of life

The most important years for a woman named Catherine: 17, 20, 26, 29, 33, 37, 40, 50, 55.

Origin of the name Catherine

Name translation

The name Catherine comes from the Greek "Hikaterine" - "eternally pure", "rebellious".

Name history

The first official mention of the name Catherine was noted in the Moscow census for 1638. So, out of 441 women, 12 bore this name. The popularity of the name increased when Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich named his newborn daughter Catherine.

Interesting fact! Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich had a dream about Saint Catherine of Alexandria. After that, he decided to build the Catherine's Hermitage Monastery (now the Orthodox St. Catherine's Monastery) at the site of the events that took place in a dream, and named his daughter Catherine.

Forms (analogues) of the name

Famous analogues of the name Ekaterina: Katya, Katya, Katrina, Katerina, Katherine, Katarina, Catalina, Katel, Rina, Kat, Katy, Katyusha.

The legend about the name Catherine

The Holy Great Martyr Catherine of Alexandria was a well-known scholar who knew many books of poets and philosophers, spoke several languages ​​and practiced medicine. When she converted to Christianity, she began to actively introduce other people to the faith. She went to the emperor Maxentius, who was known for his atrocities, and tried to convince him to convert to Christianity. The king was struck by her beauty and tried to convince her of the truth of faith in pagan gods, for which he convened a council of 50 wise men who lost an intellectual duel with Catherine, for which they paid with their lives (they were put on fire).

© Alvaro Brenes / Getty Images

Maxentius did not give up his attempts to convince Catherine to worship pagan gods, only now he subjected her to torture. But the saint with dignity withstood this test. Moreover, she wrapped in the Christian faith the wife of the king - Porfiry, as well as servants, a military leader and 200 soldiers, for which Maxentius executed all the converts, including his wife. Catherine of Alexandria, who refused to become the wife of the king, was executed by cutting off her head. According to legend, milk, not blood, flowed from Catherine's wound.

The secret of the name Catherine

Angel Day (name day)

January: 2 number.

February: 5th, 13th and 17th.

March: 3rd, 9th, 20th and 24th.

May: 5 number.

June: 26 number.

July: 4 number.

September: 4th, 15th and 21st.

November: 23rd, 25th and 28th.

December: 7th, 17th, 28th and 31st.

Famous people

Famous singers named Catherine:

  • Katya Lel;
  • Ekaterina Semyonova.

Famous actresses named Catherine:

  • Katharine Hepburn;
  • Ekaterina Guseva;
  • Ekaterina Vasilyeva.

Famous TV presenters named Ekaterina:

  • Ekaterina Andreeva;
  • Ekaterina Konovalova;
  • Ekaterina Mtsituridze.

Famous writers named Catherine:

  • Ekaterina Yeltsova;
  • Ekaterina Wilmont.

Catherine II - Empress of All Russia.

Kate Moss is a supermodel who ushered in a new era of models who look like street hooligans.

The meaning of the name Catherine

The name Catherine contains, first of all, willpower, willfulness and love of freedom. Katya is a born celebrity and, in general, a professional in her field, who has always followed a clearly defined goal since childhood.

For a child

As a child, Katya is calm and reasonable, she loves active games, knows how to find a common language with her peers and rarely conflicts. Katya is smart and attentive, but at the same time conceited: all her achievements (even the most insignificant ones) must be accompanied by praise and gifts.

Ekaterina, already a child, begins to show her ambitions and think about the future. Katya does not like to share with her friends, besides, she must surpass other children in everything. The top student who enjoys authority in the class, she wants to become a famous person. Power and perfection are its main goals. At school, she studies well, and at the same time she chooses her friends to match.

It is important to provide Catherine with a certain degree of freedom and independence, otherwise we can expect a "revolt on the ship." Such independence will benefit Katya, which will have a positive impact on her studies, and in the future in the professional field.

For a girl

Matured Katya is a person of mood. Now she will be kind, affectionate and attentive, and in 15 minutes she will turn into a sharp, rude and cruel fury. One of the negative traits of Catherine's character is the subjectivity of thinking: for example, there is her opinion and the wrong one, and it is almost impossible to prove the opposite. At the same time, she tends to doubt herself, but she will never show this, therefore, for those around her, she is always restrained, smart and cheerful.

Catherine is used to achieving everything herself, not counting on the help of others.

For woman

Catherines are reliable and restrained women who know how to control their emotions, and therefore do not splash out anger, as well as irritation on others. They are generous, fair, noble and reliable, but often their self-confidence and dominance are regarded as arrogance.

A woman named Catherine can be successful in any activity. Scrupulousness, patience, the ability to confidently go to her cherished dream make her an unsurpassed specialist in her field. That is why there are so many Catherines among celebrities, because at all times they have been able to stand out among others, proudly bearing their name for centuries.

She clearly knows what she needs from a man and how he needs to be adjusted to herself, but at the same time she does not strongly fetter her chosen one with family "chains". We must give Catherine credit for her ability to create and maintain a "home".

Description of the name Ekaterina


Catherine's morals are moderate, but at the same time ambitious and depend, first of all, on the environment and accompanying circumstances. If you need to be intelligent and educated, Katya will be like that, but at the same time she can be loose, while she will equally feel comfortable in different images.

Ekaterina cannot be broken just like that, because her strong spirit and desire for heights will destroy any obstacles that stand in the way. Honor and devotion make Catherine a truly strong woman.


Catherine has been following her health since her youth, but nature did not endow her with strong physical data. Ekaterinas are prone to fractures and often suffer from impaired metabolism, which threatens to be overweight. In addition, Katya has a rather weak nervous system, she is prone to diseases of the heart, stomach and respiratory system.

© RyanKing999

It should be noted that Catherine is trying to lead a healthy lifestyle, subject to a strict daily routine.


In love, Catherine needs reliability and confidence in her partner. Love games for her as a symbol of purity and excellence. Catherine is able to fall in love once and for all. A man who wants to take possession of her must try hard to win her attention and trust. But the reward for hard work and patience will be high - this is the love of a charming and faithful woman! She is in no hurry to “jump out” to get married, although she has many fans. Such selectivity and slowness allows her to find the only man with whom she is ready to spend her whole life.


Ekaterina never cheats on her husband, because her role is "the keeper of the hearth." She knows how to organize comfort in the house and rest for the whole family. Ekaterina is usually a good mother to her children. During family adversity, he carries himself proudly and with dignity. supporting your family in every possible way. It is the family that is the goal of her whole life, so Catherine can go to great lengths for the sake of her preservation and prosperity. Marriage for Catherine is a kind of protection, a stronghold in life. It is important that Catherine's husband is not only an excellent family man, but also an excellent sexual partner.

Family relationships

In the family, Catherine is an unspoken leader, not a submissive wife. But she can also make concessions, looking for a compromise in any family troubles. Classical family values ​​are able to give Ekaterina spiritual food and give meaning to her life. Ekaterina loves her children and her husband, but is not always ready to implement their requests (for example, Katya does not really like to cook).


Katerina does not have a pronounced sexuality, but all because of her ostentatious arrogance and self-confidence, therefore she often pushes away a man who is interested in her. However, behind this screen stands, oddly enough, a sensual, passionate woman who can experience very strong feelings. She needs true love, not some ephemeral fairytale prince. In general, Catherine is endowed with increased sexual excitability, sensitivity and sensitivity.

Mind (intelligence)

Catherine is distinguished by a high level of intelligence, while in her actions she can be too quick-tempered, impulsive and proud, which often interferes with her career growth. It is hard to accept the superiority of the people around her. This is due to the fact that this woman is constantly trying to find flaws in herself and suffers from a far-fetched feeling of inferiority.


Ekaterina is able to be an excellent doctor or teacher. She can take on the unbearable burden of responsibility and other people's suffering for others. She likes to create almost insurmountable difficulties for herself, which she successfully solves to the envy of enemies and ill-wishers. And here such qualities of Catherine as pride and vanity play an important role, because she is sure that without her the world will collapse. But at the same time, Ekaterina is ready to help people disinterestedly, showing kindness and tolerance.


Catherine's perseverance and conscientiousness help to achieve success and wealth, but on the condition that she shows her prudence, is careful and can choose the "golden mean". Rationalism, purposefulness and determination will help her achieve success in any field. In general, she can become a successful business "woman".


Ekaterina's favorite hobbies are studying history and the exact sciences, reading and dancing.

© Robert Kneschke

She loves company, trips to nature, travel. Catherine also notes affection and love for animals.

Character type

According to her internal energy, Ekaterina is not prone to aggression and the accumulation of tension for a long time, and therefore her quarrels with her parents, and later with her colleagues, are not protracted.

If Katya was brought up too harshly, then she can turn out to be a closed person, which can develop an inferiority complex, accompanied by shyness, shyness and indecision. With such a character, it will be very difficult for her to live.

If Katerina was given freedom of choice, if she led an active and mobile lifestyle from childhood, then in the future Katya will give the impression of a self-confident person with a kind and vulnerable soul.


Ekaterina is an intelligent person, for which others appreciate her. She tends to take everything to heart. It is important to praise Katya more often, thereby stimulating her to overcome the next high peaks. Despite the difficult nature, Catherine lives a full and eventful life, in which there is rarely a place for despondency and longing.


Intuition is completely closed by mental abilities (Katya does not allow emotions to take over the mind, which prevents her from trusting her inner feelings). Catherines are self-satisfied and consider themselves smarter than everyone else, because of which they can suffer great defeats, while they will never give up life's obstacles.

Horoscope named after Catherine

Catherine - Aries

This is the type of luxurious and purposeful woman. Progress towards lofty goals in life is too impulsive. She cannot think for a long time, going towards the goal, because Catherine-Aries needs everything at once. As a result, she makes annoying mistakes both at work and on the personal front. She likes mature and experienced men with whom you can feel protected.

Catherine - Taurus

Executive and educated personality. Polite, diligent, takes full responsibility for her duties. The men surrounding Catherine the Taurus feel like real "machos", so she is doomed to a productive marriage. She can rule over a partner, but at the same time take care of his feelings.

Catherine - Gemini

This is a witty, dynamic and quick-witted nature, capable of doing several things at the same time (in the end, she does not bring any to the end, but is willing to shift things onto someone else's shoulders). The cunning and very active Ekaterina Gemini is the real soul of the company. Her dynamism and activity do not allow others to keep track of the changes in Catherine's life, so it is always fun with her and there is something to talk about. He can constantly change men until he comes to his senses, choosing the only one, but for how long?

Catherine - Cancer

Sensual and tender woman. A family woman who appreciates a boring but stable life. Nevertheless, men go crazy for her, protect and carry on their hands. But Catherine-Cancer prudently chooses the one and only, to whom she is ready to give unearthly affection and love.

Catherine - Leo

This woman is passionate, spectacular and straightforward. She often confuses people with her emancipation, because she considers it a rule to tell people, without ceremony, the truth in person. As a rule, she is very beautiful and sexy. The impudent and cynical use of a man for his needs lies at the heart of the character of Catherine the Lion.

Catherine - Virgo

Catherine, born under this sign, is practical and self-confident, she clearly knows what she wants from life, so indecisive people annoy her. For the sake of achieving a high position and material wealth, she is ready to go to great lengths. She needs a self-confident, strong, assertive man. And if a man is very temperamental, then she is ready to give him leadership in a relationship.

Ekaterina - Libra

Modesty and pliability, refined manners - this is Catherine-Libra. She likes noisy and crowded companies, new acquaintances, travel.

© Ivanko_Brnjakovic / Getty Images Pro

She is attracted by natural spaces, she does not like to stay at home and arrange family holidays. Catherine-Libra is constantly surrounded by male attention, so she often starts short novels. For a long time, Katya did not understand that it was time to get married and create a family hearth.

Catherine - Scorpio

It is difficult to find a common language with the controversial and quick-tempered Catherine-Scorpio. Sometimes it seems that she goes against the whole world, having her own opinion on everything that happens. In fact, she has a tender soul, a sensitive and receptive heart. A man who chooses such Catherine should be patient, because with age she changes for the better.

Catherine - Sagittarius

Catherine-Sagittarius is distinguished by optimism, cheerfulness and frankness. She is trusting and never loses heart, despite all the troubles that stand in her way of life. He does not understand men, which is why he often suffers in family life. Treason, deceit, betrayal cannot break Catherine the Sagittarius, so she will look for her betrothed again and again, never losing faith in pure love.

Catherine - Capricorn

This Catherine has a changeable nature. He conducts his business according to his mood. She can be cheerful and friendly enthusiast, and can be gloomy, caustic and apathetic. Her relationships with men are also unstable. On the one hand, Catherine-Capricorn wants stability in relations, and on the other hand, she does not want to be dependent on anyone.

Catherine - Aquarius

Romantic nature, which idealistically looks at life. Her dreams are too lofty to come true. Good nature is inherent. Often, Catherine-Aquarius is not understood by others, and then she withdraws into herself. She is surrounded by many admirers, but loneliness weighs on her soul. She wants perfect feelings and relationships.

Ekaterina - Pisces

She is sensitive and emotional nature, whose abstract thinking does not allow to make rational actions. This is a very attractive woman who is passionate about endless novels, which eventually depletes her mental strength and contributes to complete chaos in life. She needs stability and understanding.

Catherine name compatibility with male names

Catherine and Alexander

A very strong union - they are made for each other. They have many common aspirations and interests, they understand each other without words. Between Katya and Sasha there can be both a strong friendship and a lasting marriage. Both partners show the best qualities when they are together.

Ekaterina and Dmitry

This union is possible, but it is not very strong. Ekaterina and Dmitry are united by such qualities as independence and love of freedom, but all this does not contribute to their unambiguous unification. If they converge, then their romance is doomed to brightness and passion. Catherine can give many reasons for jealousy, while perceiving her husband's reproaches as an encroachment on personal freedom. The durability of such relationships depends, first of all, on a man - on his patience, endurance and ability to insist on his own.

Ekaterina and Sergey

This union is more suitable for friendship than for love (however, after a long friendship, love can also come). Support, mutual understanding and reliability reign in this pair. Since their characters are quite different, they will not be bored. Sergey is rational and calm, Ekaterina is cheerful and restless. They will make an original pair, from which everyone will take something new for themselves.

Ekaterina and Andrey

Often in such a pair, both are crazy about each other. Fall in love with each other at first sight. But, as you know, the brighter the flash, the less the fire continues to burn. There is plenty of positive and violent emotions in such a tandem, but they will not be enough for a long time.

Ekaterina and Alexey

The couple wants more to be friends than to be sexual partners or have a long-term relationship. Often such pairs converge by calculation. And without love, such a marriage is doomed to failure.
Alexey - the meaning of the name, origin, characteristics, horoscope

Catherine and Ivan

Partners complement each other in everyday life and are suitable in sex. After the birth of children, a new, even brighter love breaks out between the spouses. They are so in love that they don’t even think about cheating. They are destined for a happy family life.

Catherine and Eugene

As a rule, this union is not lasting, but at the beginning of the relationship there is a lot of positive in it. Ekaterina treats marriage with Eugene as a free union, and he counts on a marriage with traditional values. A lot can connect them and a lot can separate them, but it all depends on patience and the desire to be together.

Ekaterina and Maxim

Friendship is what this couple needs. They can communicate, go for walks, go to the movies, but there can be no passionate love relationship between them. Maxim is looking for the perfect wife, which Katya is not.

Catherine and Vladimir

They are united by an enviable energy of feelings, a type of thinking, as well as a desire for power. If such a couple is put at the head of any enterprise, then it will begin to flourish. Together they can achieve excellent results in both love and marriage.
Vladimir - the meaning of the name, origin, characteristics, horoscope

Ekaterina and Denis

A very good tandem in all respects. Life's problems only bring them closer. Despite minor troubles, a warm, good atmosphere will always reign between this couple.
Denis - the meaning of the name, origin, characteristics, horoscope

Catherine and Pavel

There are more prerequisites for friendship than for creating a family. But if the strong half of this pair is tactful and assertive, then everything will work out. Katya will look closely at Pavel for a long time, but in the end, pleasant surprises and perseverance will prevail and melt Catherine's heart. Over time, their relationship can develop into quite a strong love.

Ekaterina and Artem

In life, friends, and in bed, lovers who are attracted by passion for each other. What else is needed for an ideal relationship? They are able to take care of each other and make compromises. Both are ready to give their partner freedom, turning a blind eye to some situations. No matter how long they stay together, she and Artem will not be bored.

Ekaterina and Anton

The striking similarity of the independent characters of Katya and Anton implies neither generally accepted values, nor fidelity, nor obligations, nor a family hearth. However, all this comes to them with time, because they are made for each other.

Catherine and Michael

Not the right couple. Only friendship with the same interests is possible. Everyone is against them: statistics, history, and even stars. Of course, hope is always glimmering, but it rarely comes true.
Michael - the meaning of the name, origin, characteristics, horoscope

Catherine and Roman

If such a union arises, then nature wants to show a lesson in opposition and unity. Katya and Roma are so different that their natures are in constant confrontation with each other. Ekaterina is charming, but at the same time frivolous, which leads to excessive overexertion of her companion. She is unhappy with her partner's attraction to family comfort. Both suffer from endless quarrels and resentments, so this relationship can hardly be durable.

Catherine and Nikolai

Ekaterina and Igor

The compatibility of these names is minimal. In such a tandem, Katerina strives for the sublime, while Igor is interested in ordinary things: meetings with friends and family dinners. As a result, Ekaterina and Igor often disagree.

Ekaterina and Ilya

She is cheerful, flies in the clouds, and he is persistent and stands firmly on his feet, so this union is not often strong, because there are a lot of misunderstandings and resentments in it. At first, the dissimilarity of Katya and Ilya can serve as a source of something new and unusual, but after a while, quarrels are inevitable. If they want to be together, then she needs to become more responsible, and he needs to be less demanding.

Ekaterina and Vladislav

They are united by purposefulness, hard work, energy and respect for traditions. For business relationships, they are perfect for each other, but in friendships and love, boredom can reign. But on the other hand, these relationships do not require significant mental costs, so they can be directed to the development of a joint business.
Vladislav - the meaning of the name, origin, characteristics, horoscope

Ekaterina and Vadim

The couple has a spirit of adventure and adventure. Ekaterina and Vadim yearn for a life full of colors. And if they get bored, they will not hesitate to change their place of residence or work. But such a lifestyle is unstable, which can lead to the fact that for a long time they will not have time to arrange housing and have children.

Catherine and Konstantin

The union is quite rare: she is carefree, and he is businesslike and punctual. But their relationship is built on ambiguity and opposition, against which true love flares up. His frugality clashes with her indifference to money, his efficiency with her desire to arrange a holiday every day, his housekeeping with her restlessness.
Konstantin - the meaning of the name, origin, characteristics, horoscope

Ekaterina and Vyacheslav

Partners have an enviable creative potential. Their life together is based on the fact that both have an unusual view of some things. If Katya and Vyacheslav share each other's hobbies, then the love between them may not fade for a long time.

Ekaterina and Egor

Ekaterina and Yuri

This is a wonderful tandem of independent and bright people. Being very freedom-loving and inquisitive, Ekaterina and Yuri are perfect for each other. They love to travel, but they are in no hurry to legitimize their relationship, not wanting to turn their bright life into gray everyday life. Ekaterina and Yuri are waiting for a bright life and family happiness.

Ekaterina and Anatoly

These are two different personalities: she loves to travel, he is a homebody; she - goes to a restaurant, while he prefers home cooking. Despite the dissimilarity of characters, Katya and Anatoly can be together (it all depends on patience and fullness of feelings for each other).

Ekaterina and Ruslan

This couple complements each other with their energy. Ekaterina is smart, charming and good-natured, Ruslan is honest and faithful. As a result, as a rule, they have more than two children who have someone to take a life example from.

© Hrecheniuk Oleksii

Their family life is prosperous and extremely successful.

Ekaterina and Nikita

Catherine and Arthur

The perfect couple. They say about such people that they marry in heaven. Catherine and Arthur do not have a soul in each other, and passion is also present in their relationship. At the same time, they are concerned about the financial side of life.

In this article you will find information about the meaning of the name Catherine, its origin, history, learn about the interpretation of the name.

  • Catherine's Zodiac - Sagittarius
  • Planet - Jupiter
  • The color of the name Ekaterina is blue
  • Auspicious Tree of Catherine - Cedar
  • Treasured Plant of Catherine - Lotus
  • Catherine's patron saint - termite
  • Catherine's talisman stone - chrysolite

What does the name Catherine mean?: - pure, immaculate (name Catherine of Greek origin).

Short meaning of the name Catherine: Katya, Katyusha, Katyunya, Katena, Katyasha, Katerinka.

Catherine's Angel Day: The name Catherine celebrates a name day once a year: (December 7) November 24 - St. Great Martyr Catherine was a virgin of a princely family and very learned; She received holy baptism after a miraculous vision in a dream of the Mother of God with the baby Jesus. Catherine boldly denounced the pagan king for his persecution of Christians; suffered great torment for Christ and was beheaded in the 4th century. At the sight of her execution, they believed in Christ and died a martyr. Queen Augusta, the wife of a pagan king, Porfiry the commander and two hundred soldiers.

Signs of the name Catherine: Evening under Catherine - the time of divination. Before going to bed, girls put a piece of bread under the pillow and guess what the betrothed will be.

Positive traits of the name Catherine: Catherines are divided into two types: active and passive. For the character of the active type, mobility, sociability, a cheerful disposition, courage, and the desire for self-affirmation correspond. Catherine has an inquisitive masculine mind and a subtle feminine intuition. She started in the games, brave, can ride a motorcycle with the boys. If her parents give her the necessary freedom, then she can become independent early. Under favorable conditions, Catherine can receive a brilliant education and successfully apply it in her career. The second type (passive) is characterized by calmness, modesty and even shyness, good nature, cordiality, gentleness, high spirituality. These women often look like a swan: they are beautiful, graceful, majestic. Combines two types of meaning of the name self-esteem. They are not amenable to external influence, in any situation they remain themselves.

Negative traits of the name Catherine: For the nature of the active type, complacency, excessive rigidity correspond. Ekaterina considers herself very smart, and sometimes she evaluates those around her as "round fools", she can hardly endure someone's superiority, she strives to be the first. Catherine is capable of fits of anger, she lacks endurance. A girl named Ekaterina gives the impression of a woman “with a claim”, she seems proud and impregnable, although she often worries and worries. The second type (passive) is characterized by isolation, dissatisfaction with oneself, timidity, indecision. Ekaterinas of this type do not shine in their studies, they find it difficult to give exact sciences. They often follow their more active girlfriends. The ability to perform unpredictable actions combines two types of name meanings.

The nature of the name Catherine: Catherine is internally concerned about some of her mythical inferiority and tries to surpass others in everything, from rare thriftiness and housekeeping to extravagance in clothes and actions. In friendship and love, she seeks, first of all, reliability, the opportunity to gain self-confidence and peace of mind.

A little girl named Ekaterina attracts with her open look and calm prudence. She loves various outdoor games, plays well with children, quickly remembers everyone by name in kindergarten. Katya loves books very much, easily remembers verses, recites them with pleasure, but the girl is not without vanity: she is waiting for applause, some kind of gift.

Ekaterina is proud, it is important for her to be the first in the class. Catherine is friends with the best students because she herself is very indecisive, shy, she needs a reliable rear. However, if the teacher is wrong and does not openly admit the mistake, he will forever lose authority for Katya. Ekaterina is a very inquisitive girl and loves to learn. She is a dreamer, she has a well-developed imagination.

Having matured, the name Ekaterina seems proud and impregnable, although in reality she is still just as timid and unsure of herself. It seems to her that she is not smart enough, that she has bad taste, that she will not be able to answer the right way ... A girl named Ekaterina tends to take everything upon herself, is too subjective. In fact, Ekaterina, a person with high intelligence, who has enough taste and tact, lives an interesting and eventful life. She seeks to rely only on her own strength, in vain neglecting the help of others. Having failed to solve the problem on her own, Catherine is capable of such a fit of anger that can shock loved ones.

Ekaterina is very dependent on her own mood: she can be kind, majestically calm, easily excitable, quickly losing her temper, she has a rather difficult character.

In the team, the name Catherine tries to be balanced and restrained. But if she dislikes someone, which is rare, she will not restrain and hide her feelings.

Ekaterina does an excellent job in any profession, she has no priority. She is conscientious, but the work does not occupy her, she does not feel that she needs work. But, driven by ambition, she will achieve noticeable success, although she will not bring something new, extraordinary. Ekaterina is most often the head of the department of engineers, economists, she will be a good journalist, TV presenter.

In love and marriage, a girl named Ekaterina is looking for reliability, an opportunity to gain self-confidence. She is in no hurry to get married, although she has a rather rich choice. More often she is not mistaken, she chooses a person close to her in spirit. She does not cheat on her husband, usually a good housewife and a loving mother. Katerina knows how to create comfort and tranquility in the house. She becomes the support of her family, the household members especially feel it, if she goes somewhere or gets sick.

P.A. Florensky believed that the name Catherine is closest to Nicholas, his female complement.

Choosing a profession by name: Ekaterina of the active type copes well with any work in any form. Her life is full of surprises, as a rule, it develops unusually, noticeably different from routine life - this is favorable for scientists, statesmen and public figures, people of art. The name Ekaterina is engaged in economic affairs out of necessity. Catherine of the second type is a good housewife, a caring mother, but she can prove herself as a conscientious worker in the service sector, in production, and in agriculture.

Catherine's business and career: Catherine's conscientiousness and perseverance help her eventually achieve success and wealth, but the name of Catherine of the first type requires prudence, caution, the ability to choose the golden mean, and the second - purposefulness, determination. Both need such qualities as thriftiness, the ability to rationally manage the household.

Love and marriage of Catherine: Catherine of the first type is a strong attractive woman who has success in communicating with the opposite sex, many love affairs and novels. There are always a lot of admirers near Catherine of the second type, but she does not get married for a long time, she is looking for a person who is close to her in terms of psychological make-up, reliable support. The marriage of the name with Anton, Vadim, Grigory, Denis, Ivan, Luka, Mstislav, Peter, Svyatoslav, Semyon, Yaroslav is successful. The relationship of the name with Alexander, Anatoly, Baruzda, Belyay, Budimir, Vasily, Viktor, Dmitry, Cyril, Nikolai, Stanislav, Philip is unsuccessful.

Health and talents named after Catherine: From early childhood, Catherine is very capricious. Develops normally. Teeth climb hard, at this time the temperature rises. At the age of three, Ekaterina can suffer pneumonia.

Ekaterina, if she was born in February - the "February" Ekaterina has a weak nervous system, she can throw a tantrum. Her bronchi are weakened, often there is laryngitis, there may be a malfunction of the thyroid gland, make sure not to chill the kidneys. However, overheating in the sun is contraindicated for her. The problem may be with the teeth, the wrong bite.

The likelihood of stomach problems, the name Ekaterina may have colitis. Her stomach problems are mainly due to taking a large amount of antibiotics. Ekaterina is weakened throughout her life, she is unbalanced, quick-tempered, there are nervous breakdowns. This mainly applies to the "November", "December" and "February" Catherines.

Catherine needs a measured lifestyle, long sleep, fresh air. Some of Ekaterinas are observed in the neurological dispensary due to complications after birth injuries. It may be late to start talking, but they surprise with their quick wit, fearlessness and phenomenal memory. Subject to stress, after fright can stutter. May suffer from enuresis. "Mayskaya" is disposed to rheumatism, which is a complication after the flu.

Ekaterina, who was born in January - in her old age, "January" Ekaterina develops cholecystitis, her legs hurt, with diabetes, non-healing wounds appear on her lower legs. At this age, the vascular system is disturbed in the name of Catherine, there is a possibility of vegetative-vascular dystonia, which is accompanied by severe headaches. Her vision is weakened, polyarthritis, thrombophlebitis develops. Sometimes Catherine does not have children due to inflammation of the ovaries. A girl cannot be called Catherine in honor of her grandmother, mother or other relative. In this case, the name Catherine will often get sick and develop poorly.

Name Ekaterina in other countries:: The translation of the name Catherine in different languages ​​\u200b\u200bhas a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. In English it is translated as Catherine - Catherine, in Spanish Catalina - Catalina, in Italian Caterina - Catherine, in French Catherine - Catherine, in Polish Katarzyna - Katarzyna (Katarzhina).

The fate of the name Catherine in history:

  1. Ekaterina Alekseevna Dolgorukova (1712-1745) - Princess, daughter of Prince Alexei Grigoryevich Dolgorukov. Obeying her father's orders, Princess Catherine agreed to marry Emperor Peter II, although she had a passionate love for Count Melissimo and was mutually loved by him. However, heavenly thunder struck: in January 1730, Catherine's fiancé suddenly fell ill and died of smallpox on the 18th. In 1745, she married General-in-Chief Count Bruce, but died soon after.
  2. Ekaterina Romanovna Dashkova (1743-1810), born Countess Vorontsova, married Princess Dashkova. Friend and associate of Empress Catherine II, participant in the coup d'état of 1762, president of the Imperial Academy of Sciences (1783-96).
  3. Catherine de Medici or Catherine Maria Romola di Lorenzo de Medici (1519 - 1589) - Queen and Regent of France (1560-1563 and 1574), wife of Henry II, King of France from the Angouleme line of the Valois dynasty.
  4. Ekaterina Gordeeva (born 1971) is a Soviet and Russian figure skater who competed in pair skating. Paired with Sergei Grinkov - two-time Olympic champion in 1988 and 1994, four-time world champion, three-time European champion and three-time world champion among professionals. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1988). Honored Master of Sports of Russia (1994).
  5. Ekaterina Budanova (1916 - 1943) - the first female pilot, Hero of the Russian Federation, fighter pilot.
  6. Ekaterina Maksimova (1939 - 2009) - Soviet and Russian ballerina, choreographer, choreographer, ballet teacher. People's Artist of the USSR (1973). Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR (1981).
  7. Catherine Deneuve (born 1943) nee - Catherine Fabien Dorléac - French actress. The third of four daughters of French actors Maurice Dorléac and Rene Deneuve. She began to use her mother's surname at the very beginning of her career, so that she would not be confused with her older sister, Francoise Dorléac, who was more famous at that moment. Two other sisters - Sylvia and Daniela Dorléac - are also actresses.
  8. Ekaterina Furtseva (1910 - 1974) - Soviet state and party leader. Minister of Culture of the USSR from 1960 to 1974.
  9. Katharina Witt (born 1965) - outstanding German figure skater, two-time Olympic champion in single skating (1984, 1988), four-time world champion (1984, 1985, 1987, 1988), six-time European champion (1983-1988 in a row), eight-time champion of the GDR .
  10. Katharina Böhm is a Swiss film actress.
  11. Ekaterina Vasilyeva (born 1945) - Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1987).
  12. Ekaterina Radziwill (1858 - 1941) - Polish writer and swindler, representative of the Rzewuski count family. Niece of Karolina Sobańska and Evelina Hanska.
  13. Ekaterina Raikina (born 1938) - Russian theater and film actress, Honored Artist of the RSFSR.
  14. Catherine Zeta-Jones (born 1969) is an English film actress.
  15. Katherine Heigl (born 1978) is an American film actress.
  16. Ekaterina Semenova - stage name - Katya Semenova; Russian pop singer, composer and film actress.
  17. Ekaterina Bagration - nee - Skavronskaya; Princess, wife of the commander Bagration, famous in Europe for her beauty and careless behavior.

Katerina: the meaning of the name and fate

Katerina, whose name means “pure, immaculate” (translated from Greek), from childhood can show a lot of outstanding talents. She has an excellent memory and sociable character. Katya - the girls are very active and mobile. They are learning pretty well. At school, these girls are usually friends with the first students in the class, as they themselves are quite indecisive, and therefore they are looking for support on the side.

In adolescence, Katerina, whose name meaning absolutely excludes aggression, never conflicts with her parents the way her friends do. She has an excellent relationship with her mother. Depending on the upbringing in the future, Katya's character can manifest itself in two ways. With a fairly tough attitude from the parents, a girl with this name can grow up quite closed and indecisive. If mother and father treat her more gently, adult Katya will have a rather cheerful and sociable disposition.

Since Katerina, whose name determines some shyness, is a kind person by nature, she will have very good relations with others. However, she is unlikely to be frank about her true feelings with anyone. The only exception to this can be the case if she does not like someone very much. She will not hide her relationship with such a person.

Katerina, whose name, as mentioned above, means "immaculate", is very picky about the choice of a life partner. Having given preference to a man whom she considers congenial, she will remain faithful to him for the rest of her life. However, the bearers of this name should take into account that care is needed not only for them, but also for their husband. If Katya ignores this fact, then her marriage will quickly fall apart. But most often, Katya is still a wonderful wife and caring mother.

Katerina, the meaning of whose name determines the mobility and diversity of interests, does not give preference to any professional activity. She can successfully work with absolutely anyone. Katya's natural self-esteem can eventually develop into ambition. In this case, the bearer of this name can achieve significant success in moving up the career ladder, although she will not bring anything particularly extraordinary to the activities of her own company. Katya's success is achieved mainly due to her hard work and commitment. However, career growth will be possible only if Catherine gets rid of such an unpleasant trait as touchiness.

Another character trait that Katya will have to deal with will be her dependence on her own mood. In the team, she will need to try to behave with restraint. But the majority of Katya understand this very well, and therefore they usually do not have problems in this area.

So, now you know what the name Katerina means. Women are quite proud, but at the same time independent and kind. Having coped with her natural shyness, Katya can achieve a lot both in her professional activity and in her personal life. In the pictures - the famous bearers of this name (Catherine the Great, Catherine Dashkova, Catherine de Medici).

What does the name Catherine mean: characteristics, compatibility, character and fate


Cheerful Charming Kind

Ekaterina Andreeva, TV presenter

  • Meaning of the name
  • Impact on the child

Name origin: Greek

When you're lucky: Saturday

When there are problems: Wednesday

Important years of life: 43, 54

Zodiac sign: Taurus

Lucky number: 54

What does the name Catherine mean?

Hearing that someone's name is Catherine, most often they remember the great Empress Catherine II. So, this name in the understanding of the majority will be endowed with something regal. Meanwhile, the meaning of the name Catherine is completely different.

This "royal" burden of responsibility sometimes haunts little Katya from childhood, leaving indelible marks on the characteristics of the already mature Catherine. And therefore, instead of a proud and majestic woman, people around often see a constrained and indecisive person who can only sometimes lose her temper and flare up, most often just trying to remain less noticeable. Although such a description of character is not suitable for every Catherine.

After all, if Katya was lucky and her parents cherished and cherished her in childhood, and also taught her to believe in herself and not be afraid to be funny, a bright, light and cheerful person grows out of her, next to whom it is pleasant to be literally everyone.

Therefore, the secret of the name Catherine lies in her hidden self-doubt, which can and should be fought.

After all, having won this difficult victory over herself, Katyusha becomes a very pleasant person, open, honest. Without being afraid of herself, believing in her strength, she can achieve great success in her work and even in her own business.

Would you name your child by this name?
Not really

You can understand what the name Catherine means by delving into the history of origin. It came to us from the Greek language and came from the name "Aikaterine". The latter, in turn, was formed from the word "kataros". Translated from ancient Greek, it is "true, immaculate, pure." Such an interpretation, as it were, puts the owner of this name on a pedestal for universal admiration.

But such close attention to her person is still not very to her liking - after all, she strives to be the best not for someone, but first of all for herself, and not at all because of this origin of the name. But Katerina Dmitrievna may well deviate from principles and occasionally gossip or argue, sometimes trying to impose her opinion on others.

This origin of the name Ekaterina leaves its mark on Katya's character: she wants to be the best in everything, she is distinguished by high morality and an impeccable reputation.

This originally Greek, and later Orthodox, Russian name was very fond of the Slavs and for a long time it was, and is now one of the ten most popular names. The most revered in Orthodoxy is Catherine of Alexandria, the patroness of all brides, the intercessor of children, women, and students. She is also the patroness of the cities of Krasnodar and Yekaterinburg.

Forms of the name Simple: Katya Full: Ekaterina Affectionate: Katyusha

Since childhood, Katyusha has been very self-willed and wayward. Often it happens to be an "imp in a skirt", which cannot be left alone - it will turn everything upside down. In her youth, she suddenly becomes indecisive, and here parents often wonder where this came from in her. Even with a stunning appearance, Katya will doubt and delve into herself with enthusiasm. Being dependent on the opinions of others, she will never show this. She will always look like she doesn't care about other people's opinions. At the same time, the owner of the middle name Evgenievna loves to be in the center of everyone's attention.

The characteristic of the name Catherine is most often associated with her uncertainty, caution. It's hard for her to make up her mind.

And even if the unloved work is tired, and a close friend has not called for marriage for 5 years, and the relationship has already cooled down, history claims that Katya will pull the strap to the last.

She will be able to decide on an act only in some extreme situation.

Katyusha often looks as if detached, independent. Of great importance to her is "protection" - a reliable friend or girlfriend whom she can unconditionally trust. Then the girl will be really open.

Katya, especially Alekseevna, is usually calm and balanced, but thunder can strike suddenly - and then it is better to stay away from her. All the accumulated negativity will require an exit - and therefore outbursts of anger are stormy and fast.

What the name Catherine means for its owner is not difficult to guess. In fact, Kat can be divided into two types. The first - active, cheerful, open. The latter, on the contrary, are closed, timid, embarrassed. Both of them are united by indecision and self-doubt. Only if the first carefully hide their weaknesses behind external activity, easy disposition, laughter and sociability, then the second does not succeed.

Katerina always counts only on herself, it is difficult for her to ask for help. Although, having an extraordinary mind, she can really cope with many problems on her own.

This is a diligent and hardworking person, able to succeed in any business, because she simply does not allow the thought that some task can be done poorly. That is why she methodically and scrupulously copes with any task.

A woman with the simple name Catherine often seems impregnable, proud, too independent - like some kind of deity. In addition, many of the owners of this name are really very beautiful. However, this image often hides a little defenseless and insecure girl who tries to fence herself off from the whole world with a wall of impregnability so that she is not offended.

Character traits Charm Cheerful disposition Shyness Developed mind Good nature Reclusion Dissatisfaction with oneself Shyness Indecision Outward callousness

Very dreamy, Katya still in her youth carries in her heart the image of an ideal man. And therefore, even despite the crowds of fans and boyfriends, it is very difficult for her to find the very one, the only one that fully corresponds to the prevailing image.

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The most important thing that is required from a man who wants to become Catherine's husband is determination, determination and reliability. He must show that he is ready to be her knight and is quite capable of making decisions for both of them, however, taking into account the interests of the partner.

But if Katya is lucky to meet her soul mate, she turns out to be a faithful and devoted wife. She will be her husband and friend and adviser.

Only household chores don’t particularly attract her, she doesn’t really like to cook, although she can surprise her husband with some tricky dish like Ratatouille or delicious pastries. Katerina Andreevna is an exception: she is not a burden to household chores.

Honesty and trust are of paramount importance for Katyusha in family relationships, and therefore she will never forgive deceit or betrayal.

The meaning of the name Catherine for a girl

For a little girl, the meaning of the name Catherine will be manifested in the versatility of her character. Despite her poise and equanimity, Katya will be too picky about herself and self-critical. And therefore, it may even require increased attention to itself in order to compensate for this rejection of itself.

Such a beautiful, but difficult name will require infallibility from its owner. And in childhood, it is difficult for a child to put up with this. Therefore, some Katya will go their own way, and the second will really try to become a kind of role model, “the very best” in everything.

In what way will Catherine succeed? Katerina easily turns out to be an excellent student because of her desire to succeed in everything. However, the girl has an analytical mindset, which means that algebra, geometry, chemistry (and later statistics, and even programming) - everything that requires knowledge of clear rules and formulas - will be given to her effortlessly.

Parents should definitely take into account Katya's isolation, indecision, mixed with the desire to be better than others, and teach her love, openness, and trust. Convince not with words, but with actions that their child is the best in any case, and that she will definitely be able to succeed in any business, if only she herself wishes it.

What games will Catherine like? Katya is attracted to mobile and noisy games, so she prefers hide and seek to hide and seek and “Cossack robbers”. And chess, checkers or dominoes do not attract a child at all, although these activities could help develop her nimble intellect.

When is the name day?

December 7 © Author: Alexey Krivenkiy. Photo:

Name Catherine: mystery, origin, meaning. What does the name Katya mean for a girl?

The beautiful name Katya is considered royal in the common people. It became popular among the population only in the 17th century, when Empress Catherine II the Great came to the Russian throne. The main selection criteria that guide parents are its origin and significance.

The name Katya and the influence of the season of birth. Winter

The girl who bears this name is very controversial. This manifests itself depending on the season in which the girl was born.

Catherines "winter" are often silent and rather slow. The cause of difficulties in personal and family life can be the difficult nature inherent in the meaning of the name Katya.

Ekaterina is a cunning and resourceful girl. This is most clearly manifested in relation to rivals. She easily weaves intrigues, builds insidious plans, which often turn out to be cruel enough for a competitor. Husband, children and family are of particular importance to a girl. The name Katya determined her mediocrity in relation to the household, but she loves those close to her infinitely. A proud proud character includes a little high self-esteem, but all these personality traits are perceived as the virtues of a girl. In choosing clothes, Ekaterina is guided not by fashion trends, but by her own taste and opinion.

Katyushas born in spring

Catherine "spring" - domineering girls, recognizing only their own opinion. They know and see only their own "I", they do not care about other people's interests. Their husbands are more often henpecked, as freedom-loving and disobedient men will not be able to withstand the leadership qualities inherent in Katya's character for a long time.

The name Katya is inherent in the desire for self-improvement and self-development of the individual. Catherines are quite sociable, hospitable, but, despite this, they are terrible homebodies. Choosing between cozy home gatherings and a noisy company, they will prefer the first option. Being the soul of the company, the girl does not like to attract too much attention to herself. But this does not apply to relationships: the second half should give everything of themselves, and in any situation be the first to make concessions. Catherine will never ask for forgiveness, even if she is to blame for the discord that has occurred.

"Summer" Katya

A fidget, a walking fountain of emotions, a wonderful hostess, a little eccentric and fickle, domineering and majestic, a secret girl ... The name Katya, or rather, its owner, has all these qualities if the girl was born in the summer season. But excessive sensitivity does not prevent Catherine from remaining a pragmatist, scrupulously and meticulously assessing all life situations. This quality has an active life position and a confident attitude towards life.

“Summer” Katya, like “spring”, is a terrible owner, however, she keeps a man not by willpower and tough character, but by a laid-back attitude to life. Love for her is like a fire: it lights up from a small spark, but if you do not maintain interest, it quickly fades away. Therefore, she surrenders to the feeling entirely: she dreams about her man, and only about him.

The list of her friends mainly consists of representatives of the stronger sex, but the women in it are not often found.

The name Katya and the influence of autumn

"Autumn" Katya is the most reasonable, demanding and serious of her seasonal namesakes. She is doomed to become the boss, if not at work, then in family life, this fate is inherent in the origin of the name. Katya, in addition to leadership qualities from birth, will have an inexorable craving for justice. Thanks to this property, the girl will be an honest boss and a wonderful wife. As a rule, the secret of the name Katya also implies the burning sexuality and beauty of its owner.

These qualities will be important for a girl when choosing a soulmate. The main criterion is: the success of a man in sex, generosity and the ability to make concessions. Pretending prudence does not interfere with Catherine's romantic moods: for the sake of her beloved, she is ready to even climb Everest, even walk along the bottom of the sea. The only thing a girl is not capable of is concessions, so she will not be able to live with a person superior in character and will.

Origin and meaning of the name Katya

Catherine from childhood behaves like a regal, arrogant and stately person. This is explained by the origin and history of the name.

The name Katya came, like many other names, from Greece. According to the word from which it originates ("katharios"), Catherine is pure and blameless. Many bright women from different historical eras bore the proud name of Katya.

She knows how to get what she wants. The charm of the girl attracts the people around her, they pamper her. And this spoils Katya's character from childhood. She can grow up too proud, wanting to be the first and best everywhere. However, this desire helps her in life: she is a good student at school, has great success at work.

Ekaterina chooses friends from the "elite", which enjoys authority among those around her. The popularity of the girl plays a cruel joke with her: she often uses people and they indulge her in everything. Peers are ready to please her in everything: to give her favorite toy, a treat.

Characteristics of Catherine's personality

Outwardly bright and proud Catherine in her heart often turns out to be a timid and insecure woman. The contradiction between the external appearance and the internal state of the girl overlaps with excessive impulsiveness.

From the first years of her life, Ekaterina stands out from the crowd of children: she is calm, sociable. He learns to speak faster than his peers. Successful in education.

Parents who from birth consider Katya to be a princess and a beauty, even if she does not shine with the attractive features, provoke a daughter's personality disorder in advance. Failure to meet their expectations leads to frequent depression. Therefore, it is not worth talking to Catherine about her visible shortcomings - a girl can hold a grudge, and she remembers them for a long time and can take evil revenge.

Clothing for a girl is of particular importance. The name "Katya" initially prescribes to the girl a slightly secretive character: shyness and confusion are hidden behind the feigned majesty and courage. Extravagant clothes help Catherine hide her true self.

Choosing a first name

Now the name for the girl Katya is one of the ten most popular names. Future parents are based on the characteristics, origin, correlation of the name with the patronymic.

The compatibility of the name Katya with patronymics, based on numerous sources, is quite controversial.

Some say that if the child's father's name is August, Yuri, Ephraim, Adam, Gleb, then the baby should be called Ekaterina. Others, on the contrary, advise in the presence of such a patronymic not to call the girl by this name.

But in the existing information chain, you can notice similarities that affect patronymics: Alexandrovna, Alekseevna, Anatolyevna, Andreevna, Antonovna, Valerievna, Vasilievna, Vladimirovna, Vyacheslavovna, Gennadievna, Glebovna, Danilovna, Dmitrievna, Evgenievna, Ivanovna, Igorevna, Konstantinovna, Maksimovna, Matveevna , Mikhailovna, Olegovna, Romanovna, Svyatoslavovna, Sergeevna, Timofeevna. It is they who are preferred to Katya and are most favored by them.

Catherine and numerous admirers

In relationships with men, the name and its meaning play an important role. The name Katya instilled in its owner imperiousness, exactingness and pickiness in relation to the stronger sex.

The girl from childhood is accustomed to the attention of others. She is loved and worshiped by the opposite sex. Even in kindergarten, the girl has numerous admirers. Having matured, Catherine is very popular among young people. Therefore, she chooses her husband for a long time and scrupulously, but, having found her soul mate, Katya remains faithful to him. The married life of a woman is successful, but she is not the best housewife and mother. She does not see life, comfort and raising children as the main goal of life. On the one hand, she is ready to take care of the child, but on the other hand, she cannot choose the right tactics: either she is overly strict, or she is too affectionate and undemanding. The responsibility of raising children is usually placed on the shoulders of Catherine's husband, but, given the malleable and affectionate nature of the alleged chosen ones, this is only a joy for them.

Among men with what names to look for a spouse

If the spouse makes small concessions, then Catherine is ready to do whatever it takes to change her worldview and disposition. Based on this, pliable and calm men will suit Katya.

The ideal compatibility of the name Katya with men will take place when the girl sees the following features in the chosen one: the ability for physical and psychological support, confidence in her strengths and abilities.

Family life will not work out with Victor, Cyril, Nikolai, Philip, Yakov. Lovers may feel connected at the beginning of a relationship, but usually do not maintain happiness and feelings for many years.

The question is logical: what names suit Katya? The girl should look for suitable suitors among Antonov, Vitaliev, Denisov, Petrov, Pavlov, Semenov, Ruslanov, Yuliev, Borisov, Valentinov, Valeriev, Alexandrov, Nazarov. In marriage with men bearing these names, harmony, mutual respect and love will reign.

Prominent personalities named Katya

The origin of the name Katya left its mark on the character of the girl.

The great Russian empresses, many future famous actresses and singers were called Catherines. All historical figures who bore this name are by their nature bright, extravagant, unusually beautiful people.

The Great Russian Empress Catherine II had a cheerful and calm disposition, but sometimes she was too quick-tempered. Historians note that the smile of the empress not only fascinated, but also filled those around her with a sense of devotion and respect for her.

Sumarokov P.I. He described the features inherent in Catherine the Great in the following words: “The unusually majestic appearance inspired respect in everyone; whoever had not seen her would never have recognized the empress even among the crowd.

Catherine the Great, according to the memoirs of her contemporaries, knew how to skillfully control her feelings and character. They explained this with the wisdom inherent in the Empress. She was even credited with the ability to command and control the universe.

Catherine and pets

It is noteworthy that, when choosing a pet for herself, Katya should also be guided by her name, otherwise the relationship with him will not work out.

The most preferred animals for Catherine are dogs. Among them, it is worth choosing the following breeds: Newfoundland, Chow Chow, St. Bernard, Collie. It is impossible - boxer, bull terrier, dog. It is quite simple to explain this: it is necessary to have such pets, with the upbringing of which the girl will definitely cope - not irritable, not nervous.

Obedience and pliability to the temper of the pets will give the right nickname: Til, Hamilton, Lizzy, Dune, Bonnie, Jessica. The pet's nickname should contain a combination of soft and voiced letters.

But Catherine should not start animals from among the patrons. After all, termite and swan are among them. The first will destroy everything in its path; and the second simply will not survive at home. Therefore, wanting to recharge with positive energy from favorable animals, it is better for Katya to go to the zoo or visit their natural habitat.

The meaning of the name Katya, Catherine

The meaning of the name Katya, Katyusha or Ekaterina for most people who know the history of Russia well is "royal". Its very sound is associated with majesty, pomp, authority and intelligence.

The meaning of the name Katya from the Greek "katarios" means "immaculate", "pure". Even in childhood, girls bearing this name are distinguished by thriftiness. If Katyusha went to visit, then in her pocket there will definitely be sweets or an apple. Surely adults at the same time are touched by her intelligence and intelligence.

Katya is very proud. At the same time, she endures someone else's superiority very painfully. Being schoolgirls, girls with this name always strive to be the best. With whom they communicate at this age, they choose themselves. As a rule, their environment includes children who make up the "elite" of the class and enjoy the authority and power of their influence.

The meaning of the name Katya in girls born in the spring is often associated with an indecisive character. Often they have manifestations of extravagance, as well as bravado in clothing or behavior, especially in extreme situations.

The meaning of the name Katya means impulsiveness of character, the desire to always and in everything get the palm. At the same time, it is difficult for women with this name to endure the superiority of another person over themselves. Catherines are preoccupied with their own inferiority, invented by themselves. They constantly worry because of the desire to surpass all the people around them.

Katya, whose name is also associated with a person with a rich imagination and imagination, does not always resemble the bright image of the Russian Empress. In real life, girls and women bearing this name are often not so stately. But in friendship and love, Katyushas are always intelligent, tactful and kind. They value confidence and reliability both in themselves and in their partners. However, due to the demanding character, it is not easy to get along with them.

Catherines are never deprived of male attention. They always have a lot of admirers and admirers. However, they do not want to get married early. Katyusha needs a life partner who is psychologically suitable for her. And she is ready to spend time looking for him.

The inner anxiety of women bearing the name Catherine can intensify for the most insignificant reason. This emotional outburst causes rash impulsive actions.

Women bearing this name, as a rule, are well arranged in life, but they are not always exemplary mistresses. Katya succeed in all their endeavors, but they do not give a certain preference to any specialty. They sincerely believe in the predictions of palmists and astrologers, they can turn to them for advice.

The secret of the name Katya lies in the period of birth. Women with this name, born in winter, are powerful and unbalanced. Autumn Katerinas are prudent and strict. Women born in the summer are fickle and eccentric, and in the spring they are selfish and capricious.

Ekaterinas should pay special attention to the health of the lungs and the genitourinary sphere. Also, take care of your heart.

Characteristics of the name Catherine | The secret of the name Catherine

Catherine - "pure, immaculate" (gr.).

Characteristics of the name Catherine

Katya is proud, painfully endures someone's superiority. At school, the characteristic named after Ekaterina is one of the best students and strives to be friends with those who make up the "elite" of the class, enjoys authority. This is largely due to her indecision, which is especially characteristic of the "spring" Catherine. Bravado, extravagance in behavior and clothing is not such a rare occurrence in the secret of the name Catherine, this is especially evident in extreme situations.

Ekaterina does not get married for a long time, although she has more than enough admirers: wealthy, with cars and money, witty and not very - they all pass in front of her, but she will stop her gaze on someone who is close to her psychologically. The anxiety of the secret of the name Catherine, her inner restlessness are intensified by the most insignificant trifles, which is the reason for impulsive, at first glance, actions. Catherine needs a husband who would help her feel confident in life. She is a dreamer, she has a well-developed imagination, she often underestimates the importance of the domestic side of family life. Mostly faithful in marriage.

The nature of the name Catherine

He does well enough in any kind of activity, he does not give preference to something in choosing a profession. The characteristic of the name Catherine believes in the predictions of astrologers and palmists, loves to go to psychic sessions.

The secret named after Catherine has a tendency to pulmonary diseases. She has a weak point - the heart and the genitourinary system.

"Winter" Ekaterina is an imperious, unbalanced woman.

"Autumn" - prudent and strict. Can work as a department head, economist, accountant. The name is well suited to patronymics: Viktorovna, Valerievna, Vladimirovna, Sergeevna, Danilovna, Samuilovna.

"Summer" - eccentric, fickle.

"Spring" - capricious, selfish. Can work in trade, in the service sector, as a teacher.

What patronymic is suitable for the name Catherine

The name is suitable for patronymics: Avgustovna, Yulievna, Yurievna, Efremovna, Adamovna, Glebovna.