
Heating according to the meter or according to the standard. Installation of individual heat meters on batteries in an apartment with central heating. Determination of the consumption of thermal energy for ONE

In most Moscow houses, the payment for heating is calculated according to the indications of the general house heat meter. For this, the meter readings for the previous year are used.

  1. The management company divides the amount of heat that your house received last year, according to the meter, by 12 months.
  2. From the figure obtained, the consumption for non-residential built-in and attached premises is subtracted, and the difference is divided by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe living quarters of the house and multiplied by the total area of ​​​​your apartment and the current From July 1, 2019, the following tariffs for heat energy are set for residents of all districts of Moscow, except for TiNAO:
    • if the building is serviced by public joint-stock company Mosenergo - 1864.3 rubles/Gcal;
    • if the house is served by the public joint-stock company "Moscow United Energy Company" - 1904.28 rubles / Gcal;
    • if the house is served by the public joint-stock company "Moscow United Energy Company" and it is connected to the heating network after the heat point (or at it) operated by the heat supply organization - 2,389.72 rubles / Gcal.
    "> tariff
  3. At the beginning of the year, the management company compares the resulting figure with the actual amount of heat consumed and makes an adjustment in one direction or another, depending on how much heat your house spent last year. The payment adjustment is indicated in the receipt, in the "Recalculation" column.

You can request the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house and the readings of the general house heat meter from your management company. Her contacts can be found on the portal.

2. How are water and wastewater charges calculated?

  • by counters. If your apartment has individual meters, calculate the difference between the readings for the current and the previous month, multiply the resulting difference (actual consumption) by the current tariff. Water disposal is calculated as the sum of the actual consumption for cold and hot water supply and is also multiplied by the current From July 1, 2019, the following tariffs for water supply and sanitation have been established for residents of all Moscow districts, except for the TiNAO:
    • cold water supply - 40.48 rubles / m³;
    • hot water supply - 198.19 rubles / m³;
    • water disposal - 29.57 rubles / m³.
    "> tariff
  • without meters. If your apartment does not have individual meters, check with the management company (you can find its contacts on the portal) whether a common house water meter is installed in your house. If installed, then subtract from his testimony the general house water costs (for watering lawns, washing stairwells, and so on) and the readings of meters installed in non-residential premises (in the basement, in the attic, and so on) - all these readings can be clarified in the manager companies. From the resulting figure, subtract the readings of metering devices installed in residential premises; Divide the difference among all tenants registered in apartments without water meters. The result cannot exceed the standard established for one person by more than two times;
  • according to standards. If the house is emergency, dilapidated or in it If meters are not installed in the apartment, although such a technical possibility exists, the total amount will also be multiplied by a multiplying factor of 1.5. This can be avoided if you submit an inspection report to the service organization confirming the lack of technical feasibility of installing the meter."> no technical feasibility install a common house or individual meter, water consumption (for houses with all kinds of amenities) is determined at the rate of 6.935 cubic meters of cold water, 4.745 cubic meters of hot water and 11.68 cubic meters for sanitation for each person registered in the apartment. The standard is also multiplied by the current tariff.

In houses with an individual heating point (boiler room), the payment for hot water consists of a payment for cold water and for its heating. Cold water is paid as usual.

3. How are gas charges calculated?

If you do not have a gas meter installed, its consumption is calculated by Gas consumption standards:

  • in the presence of a gas stove and centralized hot water supply - 8.3 m³ / person;
  • in the presence of a gas stove, a gas water heater and the absence of a centralized hot water supply - 20.8 m³ / person;
  • in the presence of a gas stove, the absence of centralized hot water supply and a gas water heater - 10.4 m³ / person.
"> the standard for each tenant registered in the apartment and multiplied by the current From July 1, 2019, the following gas supply tariffs have been established for residents of all districts of Moscow, except for the TiNAO:
  • 4,904.86 rubles / 1,000 m³ - for houses with heating from gas heaters;
  • 6.83 rubles/m³ - for all other houses.
"> tariff

If a gas meter is installed in your apartment, then you pay only for the gas that you spent. To do this, calculate the difference between the readings for the current and the previous month, multiply the resulting difference (actual consumption) by the current tariff.

Gas meters need to be installed only if you consume more than two cubic meters of gas per hour. In practice, this means that, in addition to a gas stove, your home should at least have a gas water heater.

You can read more about how to install counters in ours.

4. How is electricity bill calculated?

If your apartment has individual meters, calculate the difference between the readings for the current and the previous month, multiply the resulting difference (actual consumption) by the current From July 1, 2019, the following tariffs for electricity supply have been established for residents of all districts of Moscow, except for the TiNAO:

For apartments and houses that have an electric stove or electric heating system:

  • tariff with a single rate - 4.65 rubles / kWh;
  • tariff differentiated by two zones of the day: day zone - 5.35 rubles/kWh, night zone - 1.50 rubles/kWh;
  • tariff differentiated by three zones of the day: peak zone - 5.58 rubles/kWh, semi-peak zone - 4.65 rubles/kWh, night zone - 1.50 rubles/kWh;

For apartments and houses that do not have an electric stove or electric heating system:

  • tariff with a single rate - 5.47 rubles / kWh;
  • tariff differentiated by two zones of the day: day zone - 6.29 rubles/kWh, night zone - 2.13 rubles/kWh;
  • tariff differentiated by three zones of the day: peak zone - 6.57 rubles / kWh, semi-peak zone - 5.47 rubles / kWh, night zone - 2.13 rubles / kWh.
"> tariff .

If there are no meters in your apartment, the fee will be charged as follows: the number is permanent or temporary The number of people living is determined according to the registration data in the apartment.

"\u003e living people is multiplied by the standard for electricity consumption and the tariff. In Moscow, the following standards apply:
  • for an apartment with a gas stove: 45 kWh - for each person registered in the apartment, 50 kWh - if one person is registered in the apartment;
  • for an apartment with an electric stove: 70 kWh - for each person registered in the apartment, 80 kWh - if one person is registered in the apartment.

If meters are not installed in the apartment, although such a technical possibility exists, the total amount will also be multiplied by a multiplying factor of 1.5. This can be avoided if you submit an inspection report to the service organization confirming that it is not technically possible to install the meter.

5. How can I find out about utility rates?

Managing organizations are obliged to provide free access to information on the main indicators of their financial and economic activities, on the services provided and on the work performed for the maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building, on the procedure and conditions for their provision and implementation, on their cost, on prices (tariffs) for the provided utilities through their placement in the GIS housing and communal services.

6. How is the payment for capital repairs and social rent calculated?

If you are a homeowner, you pay maintenance fees. From January 1, 2020, the unified minimum rate is 18.86 rubles per square meter. You can read more about capital repairs contributions in ours.

If you are a tenant of an apartment under a social tenancy agreement, then the city makes contributions for major repairs for you, but you must pay monthly for renting a dwelling. The fee is calculated by multiplying the base rate by various odds.

For social services and hiring of specialized residential premises For social services in non-subsidized houses
Basic board size

160.60 per 1 sq.m

160.60 per 1 sq.m

Board Compliance Ratio
Housing quality factor
The coefficient of improvement of the living quarters
  • 1.0 for buildings with an elevator
  • 0.8 for buildings without an elevator
Arrangement factor
  • 1.08 - zone I, within the Third Ring Road
  • 0.8 - zone II, outside the Third Ring Road

8. How are fees charged for other services?

Services related to the management of the house and the maintenance of the common property of its owners (for example, intercom maintenance) are provided by the management company. At the general meeting, the owners can decide which additional services they want to receive, and the management company will determine the tariffs for these services. You can see the contacts of your management company on the portal.

Services not related to the management of the house and the maintenance of the common property of its owners (for example, a radio or television antenna) are provided by third parties. The fee for them may be included in a single payment document or paid by a separate receipt. The cost of services and the conditions for their provision are specified in the contract.

The amount of payment for heating depends on the presence or absence of general house and individual metering devices, the payment period for heating, the area of ​​​​the apartment, the type of residential building, the chosen calculation method, the press service of the Ministry of Housing and Public Utilities of the Moscow Region said.

“The calculation of payment for heating in apartment buildings is carried out according to the rules approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 No. 354. The heating charge is based on two main indicators: the volume of the communal resource consumed by a separate apartment; the amount of energy spent on the common house economy,” the report says.

The amount of the fee depends on many factors, including: the presence or absence of general house and individual metering devices, the payment period for heating, the area of ​​​​the apartment, the type of residential building, the chosen calculation method.

Charges for heating can be made in two ways: during the heating season or throughout the year.

If there are no common house and individual heat meters in an apartment building and charges are made only during the heating period, the simplified formula for calculating looks like this: P \u003d S x N x T. The area of ​​​​the room (S) is multiplied by the established norm of heat energy consumption ( N) and the tariff for thermal energy (T).

“If a house-wide heating meter is installed in the house, then the calculation is made, as a rule, during the heating season according to the readings of the meter. The simplified calculation formula in this case is as follows: the amount payable P = the amount of heat energy spent (V) is divided by the total area of ​​​​the house (So) and multiplied by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment (Skv) and the tariff (T),” the message adds.

From January 1, 2019, legislative changes came into force, which secured the right of residents to pay for heating in apartments according to the readings of an individual meter (IMU). Another innovation concerns owners of residential premises with autonomous heating. Now they are not required to pay for central heating services, but, like other residents, they still pay for heating common areas.

The heat going to the general needs of the house, the amount of heat spent on heating non-residential premises in the house, are determined by the general house metering devices (if any) or based on the standards. The norms for the consumption of resources for general house needs are approved by the Ministry of Housing and Public Utilities of the Moscow Region and the administrative documents of local governments. The amount of the payment for heating at the ODN is calculated in proportion to the area of ​​the occupied dwelling.

The Constitutional Court dealt with payment for heating in apartments. Now the tenants of all houses built or overhauled since 2012 will pay according to their meters, and not according to the standards. That norm, because of which everyone was forced to pay without taking into account the readings of meters in apartments, was recognized as unconstitutional. Although it was once approved by the government and prescribed in the housing code.

All this time, the norm violated the rights of owners, and they overpaid. And one owner did not put up with this, went through several instances, reached the Constitutional Court and achieved justice for everyone. Now the law will be changed, but you can save money now: in some regions, for heating

Ekaterina Miroshkina


How do you pay for heating in an apartment?

If there are no heating meters in the house, everyone pays according to the standards. Then they don’t even consider how much energy was spent on a particular house and apartment.

For houses with a common house meter, there are two options for calculating payments for heating in apartments.

If heating meters are in each apartment. All tenants pay according to their testimony. Norms will be imposed on them and the total amount of resources will not be distributed in proportion to the area. How much thermal energy is spent, so much must be paid. Someone left or likes to be cool - then they will pay less. And someone has small children and a corner apartment, so you need hot pipes - which means you have to pay more.

If there are no meters in all apartments. For example, if they are not in at least two apartments, then they take general readings and divide them into all apartments. They do not consider who spent how much: the larger the apartment, the more you have to pay. Even if no one lived in the apartment all winter, you still need to pay in full.

Fair enough. What is the problem?

The problem was with those tenants who installed meters for themselves or immediately bought an apartment in a new building with meters for heating. For example, according to the law, all houses built since 2012, or if they have undergone major repairs, must be equipped with individual heating meters - each apartment.

And now all tenants pay themselves according to their testimony. And then their cunning neighbors take and dismantle the counters. And they do not have more metering devices and readings.

For those residents who continued to save heat and save money, the payment formula changed instantly. They could no longer pay according to their testimony, because now not all apartments in the building were equipped with meters. And the rules say so: according to your testimony, you can pay only if there are meters in all apartments.

Because of a few uneconomical neighbors, the rest began to overpay. Now the readings of the common house meter were divided proportionally into all apartments.

This is the rule that one of the tenants of such a house decided to appeal against. He did not want to overpay because of the neighbors and went to the authorities. He demanded that the management company recalculate the heating fee for him and take into account the readings of his meter. The man was denied everywhere, even in the Supreme Court. Everyone said the same thing: there is a law, there are rules, they must be observed. Sorry, sorry, we can’t help, because of the neighbors you will pay not only for yourself, but also for that guy.

What did the Constitutional Court say?

You can apply to the Constitutional Court not with any complaint and not for any reason, but here the grounds were found. This time, the owner asked to recognize the formula for calculating heating as unconstitutional. It turns out that because of the cunning of some people, others suffer - economical and law-abiding. And the current legislation infringes on their interests.

Here are the findings of the Constitutional Court:

  1. The state regulates the calculation of payments for housing and communal services, but must do this taking into account the interests of all owners.
  2. People need to be encouraged to put up meters. This helps to conserve resources and fairly calculate the payment for them.
  3. Those who do not install meters must pay more.
  4. Heating meters can not be installed in all houses: it is technically difficult and expensive. Therefore, the requirement to put them on a mandatory basis applies only to houses that have been commissioned since 2012. Or after an overhaul.
  5. If there is a meter, the owner expects that he will pay according to the testimony. Then he will save heat, and in return he will be able to pay only for the resources actually used. So the state will achieve a careful attitude to thermal energy.
  6. The formula that forces you to pay for an apartment with a meter not according to your own testimony, but according to general ones, violates the rights of tenants. Those who dismantled the meters actually shifted part of their payments to the neighbors.

Outcome. We need to change the law and the rules. Those who have heating meters should pay according to their indications and not depend on cunning neighbors.

How do you pay for heating now?

So far, the law has not been changed, but the conclusions of the Constitutional Court are already in force, before the amendments.

If all the apartments in the house were initially equipped with heating meters, and then one of the residents dismantled it, then payments will be calculated as follows.

For apartments with meters- according to individual indications. Now it does not matter that the neighbors do not have them, although they used to have them.

For apartments without meters- according to the regulations. That is, not even according to general indications, divided into all apartments, but as if there was no metering device in the whole house at all.

Does this apply to all houses? Can I put a meter and pay according to the testimony?

No, the decision of the Constitutional Court only applies to those houses that have been commissioned or renovated since 2012. By law, they must have meters, and residents are required to keep them. Who did not save, now will pay.

If there were no heating meters in the house and everyone paid in proportion to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment, it would not be possible to simply install a meter for yourself and pay according to your testimony. For such cases, the formula from paragraph 42.1 of Rules No. 354 will continue to operate. So far, it has been recognized as illegal only for specific cases with cunning neighbors.

And you can not pay for heating the entrance, if you leave or just do not want to. I don't need a warm entrance

No, everyone will have to pay for common house needs. The Constitutional Court also considered this issue.

He explained that it is important for everyone to heat the entrance and non-residential premises. This is done not only for heating, but also to maintain structures and communications in good condition. Even if the tenants are away for the winter, they are still required to pay for the upkeep of the common property. Due to this, the house will have serviceable pipes, dry walls and reliable ceilings.

An individual meter cannot show how much heat energy has been spent on general house needs per specific apartment. Therefore, they are guided by common counters. It is impossible to refuse payment for heating for general house needs; it is also impossible to recalculate it for the time of departure. Everything is legal here.

How to install heating meters throughout the house to pay less?

The payment calculation formula will not change. It will simply be clarified or a new one will be added, especially for houses that should already be with counters by law. If your house is not one of these, you cannot force all residents to install meters: you need to hold a meeting, and then pay for all this. Installation of meters in apartments is always at the expense of the owners. By law, there is an installment plan, but it depends on the management company.

In order for everyone to pay according to the meters, the management company must carry out the work. It is her duty by law: to make sure that the house saves resources. Therefore, it is best to start by contacting the management company. They will explain what to do in order to pay according to the meters, even for heating. But by themselves, the counters in the apartments will not appear.

It always makes sense to deal with payments for utility services. Even if it is not possible to install heat meters in apartments, it may turn out that you pay for the whole house according to the standards, although there is a common meter

The payment for heating in 2019 is charged according to the updated Rules. They had to be corrected, since the Constitutional Court considered some paragraphs of the document to be inconsistent with the Basic Law - the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Now the readings of individual apartment meters will be taken into account, even if not all residents of the house have installed them.

Why new heating payment rules were needed

Citizens living in heated apartments pay for heat in accordance with the established Rules. They are approved by government Decree No. 354 of 05/06/2011. Since the beginning of 2019, the Rules have been in force in a new edition in connection with the pre-New Year changes (Government Decree No. 1708 of December 28, 2018).

In the old version of the Rules, they were formulated in such a way that they followed: if at least one apartment or non-residential premises does not have an individual heat meter, all residents of an apartment building will pay for heating according to the standards, even if such meters are available in their apartments.

It turned out that citizens who did not want to pay according to individual metering devices deprived their neighbors of this opportunity. This rule was challenged in the Constitutional Court by a resident of the Moscow region Demints S.N. On July 10, 2018, the judges of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation adopted Resolution No. 30-P, in which they recognized the need to revise the rules for calculating payment for heat in houses where not all apartments are equipped with meters.

The new rules for paying for heating in 2019 are an “echo” of another judicial act of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. On December 20, 2018, he adopted Decree No. 46-P, in which he protected the interests of consumers of thermal energy received from an autonomous source. The Constitutional Court found it unreasonable to impose on them the obligation to pay for centralized heating (with the exception of its consumption for general house needs), which they do not use.

The essence of the main changes

The essential change is as follows: now citizens who have installed individual meters for heating have the right to pay for them, regardless of whether all neighbors use them or not.

The new rules have developed a special formula that allows you to calculate the payment for heat in apartment buildings, where not all residential and non-residential premises are equipped with individual meters. The total amount of payment for owners of such devices will consist of several values:

    the amount of heat energy consumed inside the apartment;

    the volume of thermal energy spent on general house needs - the total volume for the month will be “scattered” to all apartments in proportion to their area.

From January 1, 2019, the heating fee is calculated as the sum of these two values ​​multiplied by the statutory tariff (for heat energy). That is, now the situation is reversed - if at least one apartment in the house is equipped with a meter, payment for its residents is calculated taking into account the readings of this device. But on one condition: an apartment building must be equipped with a collective metering device for consumed heat energy. If there is no common house meter, owners of individual metering devices will have to pay for heat according to the standards.

The new rules also introduced a fairer fee for residential premises that are not heated centrally, but autonomously. Previously, citizens living in them were not released from the obligation to pay for centralized heating services. Other expenses were added to these:

    to pay for heat energy supplied to public places;

    for the operation of the device - an autonomous heat generator.

Since the beginning of 2019, this bias has been eliminated. According to the updated formula, the area of ​​households with an independent heat source is deducted from the total area of ​​the house when calculating the payment for centralized heating. The owners of such apartments must pay for its consumption only for general house needs. In particular, in proportion (of the total area of ​​the apartment), they must pay for the heating of the following premises:


    concierge (security) rooms;


    halls and vestibules;

    corridors and lobbies.

Another innovation concerns houses where apartments are equipped with heat distributors. These devices determine the share of heat energy received in a separate apartment from the total amount of heat consumed by the whole house. Payment for heating in 2019 can be calculated taking into account distributors if more than 1/2 of the total area of ​​​​residential and non-residential premises are equipped with them. In this case, the heating fee is adjusted at least once a year. You can change it more often if a decision is made at the general meeting of residents.

Installing a heating meter in an apartment is the best solution for saving the family budget. The installation of the device is carried out in accordance with a certain technology, so the work must be carried out by specialized organizations.

To obtain benefits, it is necessary to focus on the adopted regulations, on the basis of which the flow meter is recognized as put into operation, and the readings of the device are taken to calculate the monthly payment.

Heating meters in the apartment: profitable or not

In accordance with Federal Law No. 261, in apartment buildings that are connected to central communications, ODPU must be installed. The presence of a common device allows the owners of apartments and non-residential premises to equip their objects with individual reading devices.

To switch to IPU accounting, owners must install heat meters. The installation is provided for by the procedure for calculating payment, which is enshrined in Government Decree No. 354.

Based on the feedback from consumers who, in accordance with the rules, equipped apartments with flow meters, a number of positive and negative points are identified that are inherent in heat energy metering devices.


  1. Getting significant savings. Household meters - profitable, but on condition that the house corresponds to a high energy efficiency class (devoid of places of media loss and heat leakage).
  2. Room temperature control. The owner can reduce the heating of the object: just close the shut-off valve a little. The action is reflected in the reduction of resource consumption, which affects payment.
  3. Exclusion of unfair charges. If you install ODPU and IPU heat, you can secure the house from payments that are formed taking into account the losses incurred by the resource supply organization.
  4. The presence of an individual meter complies with the current legislation, which has been developed as part of energy conservation. Equipping multi-storey buildings with apartment and general thermal measuring devices eliminates the need for calculations according to the standard.


  1. Price. A home appliance and its installation can cost much more than the estimated savings, especially if the appliance has to be mounted on each battery.
  2. The need to comply with the calibration interval. - a paid service that involves the removal of IPU. The result can be a significant amount - half or more of the cost of the flowmeter.
  3. The impossibility of calculating payment by the meter if a common house device is not installed or not all owners of the premises decided to install individual meters.
  4. Failure. The heat energy meter does not belong to extremely reliable units, because many factors affect performance. Among the main causes of breakdowns are outdated heating systems, in which there are a lot of pollutants and mechanical particles.

When deciding on the installation of a heat meter, it is necessary to evaluate the technical feasibility and take into account compliance with regulatory and legislative acts.

On a note! It is important to choose the right mechanism. The device must pass mandatory certification in the Russian Federation and meet the requirements that apply depending on the type of system at home.

How to install an individual heat meter

The installation procedure for the IPU is not difficult if the steps are performed according to the step-by-step instructions:

  1. The installation of heat meters begins with a general meeting of MKD owners. Owners of apartments and non-residential premises must come to the decision that the equipment of the house with flow meters will be 100%.
  2. Coordination with the resource supplying organization is being carried out. The procedure will allow you to select a suitable model of the mechanism, determine the list of processes that must be performed in advance. The least number of problems occurs in houses in which the wiring is arranged horizontally.
  3. It is recommended to carry out an assessment of the condition of the system in advance, on the basis of which it is easier to obtain the specifications of the installation.
  4. In addition, it is advisable for each owner to take care of increasing the energy efficiency of the residential premises: insulation is carried out, places of possible heat leakage are eliminated.
  5. A project is being made. An official commercial organization is involved, which is entitled to provide specific services. It is more profitable to perform general apartment work, which will save a lot.
  6. The technical documentation is coordinated with the heat supply organization. Depending on the form of management of an apartment building, it may be necessary to involve the management company.
  7. A company is selected that will install the meter, and an agreement is concluded. For everything to be legal, the selected company must have permission to carry out the work. In some cases, it is more efficient to invite a supplying organization.
  8. After installation, an application is submitted to the utility service provider to put the device into operation, which is accompanied by a seal and the issuance of an appropriate act.

Coordination and installation of heat meters in apartment buildings is a lengthy process, moreover, the savings from such devices do not always justify the cost of them

If all work is carried out by the resource supplier or the management company, difficulties can be avoided, because the contractor most often provides the whole range of paid and free services.

With horizontal wiring of the heating system, an individual meter is most often installed outside the apartment in a special box. If you want to move the mechanism to the premises, you must obtain a separate permit.

The nuances of installing heat meters in an apartment with vertical wiring

The scheme is implemented in many old multi-storey buildings and causes certain difficulties when placing metering devices. Several risers are brought into the room, to which separate radiators are attached.

At the moment, most domestic apartment buildings have a vertical heating distribution system, which makes it much more difficult to obtain permission and install individual heat meters

Installation of heat meters on batteries in apartments with central heating and vertical wiring is prohibited. The taboo is fixed in Order No. 627, officially approved by the Ministry of Regional Development.

The current regulation does not restrict consumers in their right to supply devices that will take into account the consumption of a communal resource. There are rules:

  • An exception from Order No. 627 is made for apartment buildings that are subject to amendments to Federal Law No. 261-FZ.
  • If, according to the design characteristics of the engineering heating system, it is not possible to place a meter, heat consumption indicators, which are called flow meters, are used for accounting.

The second option provides that a special apparatus will be installed separately for each battery, the work of which is to analyze the heat in the room and the temperature of the radiator. The procedure for calculating the monthly payment in 2019 is carried out on the basis of RF GD No. 354.

Do not confuse a counter embedded in a heating system with a proportioner or regulator, because the counter takes into account the temperature in the entire system, the proportioner takes data on only one radiator, and the regulator does not count anything at all, it sets the temperature


Accounting for thermal energy using individual meters or flow meters is a great opportunity for savings, but only if current laws and regulations are observed.

The installation process should be carried out by specialized organizations, and in order to switch to a new form of calculation, the re-equipment should affect the house completely, each apartment.

It is planned to introduce relaxations to the current rules, which will facilitate the transition to heat meters, but the final date for the introduction of amendments has not yet been determined.