
Comparative characteristics of Olga and Tatyana Larin based on the novel Eugene Onegin (Pushkin A.). Tatyana and Olga: comparative characteristics (based on the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin") Characteristics of the Larin sisters

A. S. Pushkin in his famous novel in verse compared the images of two girls. The comparison of Olga and Tatyana in the novel "Eugene Onegin" performs the most important function in the narrative: in this way the author shows the unusual features of Tatyana.


Comparative characteristics of Tatyana and Olga Larin include both similarities and differences. The similarities of the girls are manifested in the fact that they are sisters, both are young noblewomen who were brought up in the same conditions. Both sweet, innocent and innocent girls. However, the differences between these female images much more than similarities.

Olga has a beautiful appearance, and the author emphasizes this in every possible way. Blue eyes, flaxen hair, a smile, movements, a voice that attracted the people around her. The author says that Tatyana had neither sisterly beauty nor her "ruddy freshness". He emphasizes Tatyana's pallor, she is pale "like a shadow."


Olga was younger than Tatyana, but she already knew how to behave in society. Olga is “always modest, always obedient, always as cheerful as morning.” She was a secular person, Tatyana loved to spend time alone, she read novels in which she was looking for love ideals. Olga, in reality, communicated with the opposite sex, the poet Lensky was crazy about her. However, Olga was fickle, windy, which the author of the novel always emphasizes in verse. Tatyana is a constant girl, even after the wedding she confesses to Onegin that she has always loved him. Olga, after the death of her “adorer” Lensky, almost immediately forgets him and finds a replacement in the form of a lancer.

Tatyana did not like comfort, she was bored playing with other guys, they considered her strange. Olga was the soul of the company, she had many friends with whom she played burners.

The epithet “frisky”, which characterizes the image of Olga, is opposed to the epithets “wild, sad, silent”, which are associated with the image of Tatyana.

Olga's laughter never ceased in the house, she was an economic girl, the whole family loved her. Tatyana was the “wild doe” in the family, she was constantly sad. For her, it was not her mother who was closer, but the nanny.

Tatyana, unlike Olga, believes in “old legends”, which is why her image is so mysterious. She is one of the sisters who has symbolic dreams.

Author's attitude

A. S. Pushkin, describing the beauty of Olga, says that her image is typical, it is these girls that are described in all novels. Therefore, he is already tired of this type, he does not want to describe in detail the image of Olga. He puts Tatyana at the center of the story, who is unlike anyone else. He is attracted by the unusual nature of the heroine, for him Tatyana is a “cute ideal”.

In his opinion, the older sister is much more interesting than the younger one.

“Just a little out of diapers, / Coquette, windy child!”, - this is how A. S. Pushkin describes Olga Larina. There was not a drop of coquetry in Tatyana. The writer compares her with the heroine of V. A. Zhukovsky's ballad "Svetlana", whose image is silent and mysterious.

The image of Olga is typical of the modern society of A. S. Pushkin. Therefore, against her background, Tatyana becomes an unusual heroine, interesting for detailed consideration. Comparing two female images, the writer showed two types of girls who were almost completely different from each other.

This article will help to see the similarities and differences between the images of Tatiana and Olga Larin. She will help write an essay “Comparison of Olga and Tatyana in “Eugene Onegin”.

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Pays much less attention to Olga than to Tatyana. Tatyana Larina is described with all psychologism, unlike Olga, who is a typical heroine of Western sentimental novels. He treats Tatyana with sympathy, but describes her character without embellishments. Tatyana is a heroine who is beautiful, first of all, with her soul. She learns from her mistakes, unlike Onegin, she knows how to change, but at the same time she is true to her principles. Tatyana expresses all the features of an ideal Russian woman according to a. The girl is close to the author in her thoughts and worldview.

Olga is unlike her sister. Her image emphasizes the depth of Tatyana's image, contrasting cheerful girl, a silly thoughtful woman with a huge and complex inner world. Tatyana is initially presented as a dreamer detached from the world, but as her image is revealed, we see that Tatyana is a realist and not insensitive. Olga, who at first attracted the reader with her cheerful disposition, opens up for us as a carefree girl who does not understand serious things. The author describes Olga as a porcelain doll - an ideal girl, cheerful, beautiful ... but nothing more. Olga has a poor inner world, and although she also has positive traits, yet the image of Tatyana is a real woman with whom you can connect fate, start a family and raise children. With Olga, you can only have fun and have a short romance. skillfully describes the cloying image of Olga. A woman full of virtues is a picture, not a living person. He thinks so, and he skillfully expressed his opinion by describing the female images of the novel, the heroes of which chose Tatyana.

In conclusion, we can say that he conveyed the depth of the image of Tatiana, showing her through the prism of the image of Olga. Both images are found in our days, but, unfortunately, there are fewer of them spiritually deep. Monotony is boring, the image of Tatyana is not the only true one, you just need to strive so that your worldview and principles are closer to the ideal and do no harm to you or others.

It is also important that even the morally pure Tatyana also turned out to be a victim of that “disease” of the entire nobility, which Klyuchevsky would later call “intercultural mezheumok”. Yevgeny really suffered from this “disease”. The symptoms of the “illness” are the contempt of one's culture, the loss of roots. In Europe, the Russian nobleman was not accepted, he was still a stranger. And it turned out that a whole generation stood in the middle of the river, because both banks turned out to be alien. Tatyana, however, remained, unlike Evgeny, at a moral height: "but I am given to another and I will be faithful to him for a century." She remained the "Russian soul". The proximity to the people and the simple village wisdom absorbed with the stories of the nanny also affected here. Even having been in the highest society, Tatyana remains an internally real Russian woman, who really understands the importance of duty. Her morality, despite the all-encompassing "disease" of the nobility, comes from the people, from provincial simplicity, but no less honest and wise simplicity.

Pushkin introduces two heroines into the novel - sisters Tatyana and Olga. But this elusive image of a thin girl that arises in the reader's imagination is like the opposite of Olga's younger sister, whose features can be found in any novel of that time. The frivolity of the verse in which Olga is described is suddenly replaced by a serious intonation:

Allow me, my reader,
Take care of your big sister.
And she appears on the pages of the novel.
Nor the beauty of his sister,
Nor the freshness of her ruddy,
She would not attract eyes.
Dika, sad, silent,
Like a forest doe is timid,
She is in her family
Seemed like a stranger girl

This is not the heroine to whom the novel is dedicated. There is another, to which "we will arbitrarily dedicate the tender pages of the novel." Olga's beauty is familiar, and Tatyana is different, memorable. But Pushkin nevertheless notes a certain relationship between the sisters. And besides the external similarity (“movement, voice, light camp” is inherent in both), there is a spiritual unity between them:

... a friend of so many years,
Her dove is young
Her confidante is dear ...

Tatyana is not round and not red-faced, she is pale, but at the same time there is life in her features. Paleness is Tatyana's constant epithet: “pale color”, “pale beauty”. Already being a princess, eclipsing the “brilliant Nina Voronskaya” in the world. Tatyana is still the same “old Tanya, poor Tanya” “sitting untidy, pale.” Pushkin does not give a direct description of Tatyana's appearance, does not resemble a painter with his specific image of the subject, but "based on a specific force, conveys the impression made by the subject." The poet creates the image by a method inherent only in verbal art. The image is transmitted through the impressions, sensations, attitude of the author. 3. The time has come, she fell in love.

The image of the moon in "Eugene Onegin" is inextricably linked with inner experiences main character. Tatyana is under the influence of the moon when, seeing her
...two-horned face...
In the sky on the left side
She trembled and turned pale.”
illuminated by the moon,
Tatyana writes a letter to Onegin.
And my heart rushed far
Tatyana looking at the moon...
Suddenly a thought popped into her mind...
... the moon shines on her.
Leaning on, Tatyana writes.

Tatyana writes without a lamp. The state of mind takes her away from the world of reality, which generates daylight. This is the highest degree of abstraction.
Tatyana's letter is in front of me;
I keep it holy
I read with secret anguish
And I can't read.

It should be noted that Tatyana's letter is a translation from French. Writing in French, thinking in a foreign language is an indicator of high education, which is typical for any Russian nobleman of that time. Of course, there was no original in French, and the letter is “a mythical translation from the wonderful original of Tatiana’s heart.” Researchers of Pushkin's work, in particular Lotman, argue that "a number of phraseological clichés date back to Rousseau's New Eloise." For example, “That is the will of heaven; I am yours”, “... Souls of inexperienced excitement.

for example, “This is the will of heaven; I am yours”, “... Souls of inexperienced excitement. Reconciled with time (who knows?)”. Pushkin defines such clichés as Gallicisms:
Gallicisms will be nice to me,
Like the sins of past youth
Like Bogdanovich's poetry.

In addition to the influence of "Eloise" Rousseau, Tatiana may have read poetry, a French poetess. Tatyana understands what she is condemning herself to if Onegin divulges the secret of the letter. Both “shame” and “contempt” will really fall on Tatyana. In the 19th century it is a shame to write to a stranger young man confessing love. But Tatyana writes with a firm hand, this is her choice. She always decides her own fate. Subsequently, the decision to marry and move to Moscow depended only on her.

Me with tears of spell
Mother prayed; for poor Tanya
All were equal in lots ... Mother did not order, but prayed. Tatyana is sure that after reading the letter, Eugene will not reject her: “Though keeping a drop of pity, you will not leave me.” So she knew she would be loved. Intuition? Or it's not confidence at all, but hope, a plea. Belinsky will say: “Onegin did not recognize his own soul; Tatyana recognized in him her soul mate, not as in its full manifestation, but as a possibility…”. Tatyana guessed about this possibility. At the beginning of the letter, Tanya's self-evident unity with her loved ones comes through childishly ingenuously. Yes, Tatyana saw Eugene briefly, several times, she listened to him attentively, but is this enough for true high love to arise? Who is this stranger to whom Tanya refers to you, he is much older than the 18-year-old heroine, brought up by the capital. She is right:

In the wilderness, in the village, everything is boring for you.
All that remains for her is “Think everything, think about one thing
And day and night until a new meeting.

The wise Litrekon outlined all the similarities and differences between Olga and Tatyana, not only in a comparative description, but also in the table at the end of the page. If you did not find what you were looking for, let him know in the comments.

(365 words) "Eugene Onegin" - a novel in verse by A.S. Pushkin, revealing the life and customs of the Russian nobility of the XIX century. The main characters are two sisters, the contrast of which reveals the depth inner world Tatyana and Olga's frivolity. However, girls have not only differences, but also similarities.

Tatiana and Olga Larin grew up in the same house. In a provincial noble family, parents instilled in the girls hospitality, courtesy and innocence. However, the girls who grew up in the same conditions turned out to be completely different from each other. Olga was the epitome of classical beauty: blue eyes, flaxen curls, a ruddy, round, but uninteresting face. Tatyana did not shine with the charm of her younger sister: no one could call a thin and pale girl an incomparable beauty. Alien to the idle charms of life, she preferred to spend time alone and with novels in hand. Already in her childhood, she found the sonorous laughter of the cheerful games that Olga played with her friends boring. Her soul was captivated by terrible stories and melancholy contemplation of nature. Growing up only intensified the contrast between the sisters: Olga loved social life, flirted with young people and, despite her young age, knew how to behave in society. The same could not be said about Tatyana: the girl's detachment and taciturnity made her a stranger even in her own family. The older sister's thoughtfulness contrasted with Olga's frivolous nonchalance.

The heroines of "Eugene Onegin" are revealed in love. The beautiful Olga easily falls in love with Vladimir Lensky, filled with youthful romanticism. His adoration for her was only a kind of game, and therefore the sadness about the death of the groom leaves her a year later: Olga marries an officer. Tatyana, on the other hand, seems to be the ideal of fidelity and true love. Having passionately fallen in love with Eugene Onegin, she wrote him a touching letter in which she confessed that she was ready to give him her soul. However, Eugene, a stranger family life, was forced to refuse Tatyana: he saw her purity and morality, but he loved only as a sister. Years passed, the heroine was married to a rich prince, but love for Onegin still lived in her heart. Eugene meets Tatyana again: now she is no longer a sweet, but a self-confident lady. He falls in love with her, writes a letter to her, but now he himself is refused. The heroine still loves her chosen one, but the value of the family is higher for her.

Thus, against the background of the coquettish beauty Olga, the soul of the “sweet” Tatyana is revealed. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin finds in her the ideal of a Russian woman, educated, wise and appreciating morality above all else.

The works of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin were on various topics. Most of it is poetry. One of the most famous works of the poet is the novel in verse "Eugene Onegin", written in 1823-1831. The remarkable thing about this novel is that it was written in a special "Onegin stanza", which no one was able to repeat.

All events unfolded around Onegin himself and the girl in love with him.

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Tatyana truly loved Onegin, the first to open up to him in feelings. And after the rejection of feelings by the main character, she did not stop loving him. But a year later, when Eugene realized what he felt for her, Tatyana was married and could no longer be with Onegin (I love you, / But I am given to another; / I will be faithful to him for a century "). Tatyana knows how to truly love and always remains true to his choice.

Despite the society in which the girl was brought up and lived, she did not like noisy balls, small talk, coquetry.

But Tatyana was not the only girl in the novel. What was the beloved of Onegin's best friend? Olga is Tatiana's younger sister. Sometimes, they can be opposed to each other. She is sociable, playful, cheerful. Likes to be in noisy companies. But only behind the mask of fun lies emptiness. Olga does not know how to love and treats feelings superficially. She became the muse of the young poet: "She gave the poet the first dream of young delights ...". But after the death of Lensky, Olga will mourn and very soon forget him "with a smile on her lips", and almost immediately gets married.

In appearance, she is an ideal girl, but only she quickly becomes uninteresting to society because of the emptiness in her soul.

Tatyana and Olga Larina are sisters, but how different even the most kindred people can be. Sensitivity and emptiness, modesty and sociability. But at any time, such modest, but smart, loving girls like Tatyana will be the best wives, mothers, because it is not for nothing that the author calls Tatyana a "sweet ideal."

Updated: 2017-12-14

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