
Ethnic history and culture of the Turkic tribes. Türkic-speaking peoples Türkic-speaking peoples

The Turks are a large people with a huge life experienceaccumulated by generations. Now their community includes a huge number of people who have settled all over the world. They have had a tremendous impact on world history and other peoples.

Where do they live (territory)

The largest number of Turks live in Turkey (about 55 million). People's representatives can be found in Brazil, Argentina, Japan, Great Britain and France. More than 11 million people live in Russia, about 350 thousand - in Ukraine.


The history of the Turks begins in Central Asia. It is believed that the main place of residence turkic peoples were Altai and Khan Tengri mountains. The state in which the Turkic people lived was called Turkestan. It was divided into Western and Eastern. It was in this country that the Turkic people formed, created science, developed military affairs.
Descriptions of Turan (Turkestan) are preserved in the Hebrew Bible. The Assyrians, the inhabitants of Babylon, the ancient Chinese, Greeks and Romans wrote about him.
Later, the actively developing empire of the Huns captures ancient Turan and moves towards China. Part of the Turkic people decides to join the Huns in order to go with conquests again. It is known that many of the Mongol warriors were of Turkic origin. Most of the Turks readily joined the banner of Genghis Khan. Later they became part of the Ottoman Empire, in which the Turkic people were actively assimilated.
The appearance of the Turks in modern Russia due to the inclusion of the lands of the Golden Horde in the country.
Thus, the Kazan, Siberian, Astrakhan and Crimean khanates were annexed.


According to one of the versions, expressed by Wilhelm Thomsen, who headed the Danish Royal Scientific Society, the word “Turk” means “strong”. Another version was voiced by a Soviet Turkologist. According to her, the name of the people comes from the word "legality". In the ancient Turkic language there is a word similar in spelling and pronunciation, which means "one who has attained power." Some linguists put forward the assumption that "Turk" comes from the word "tur", which has Iranian roots.


The Turks created a unique culture, the main feature of which was mythology. Depending on the areas of residence, different representatives of the people had different myths. For example, for the inhabitants of the Caucasus, Crimea and Western Siberia, worship of the wolf was characteristic, and the inhabitants of the Volga region and the Urals had a number of gods. For a long time, beliefs in the brownie bichura and the fabulous creature Shurale persisted. The representatives of the Sayan-Altai community still have developed folklore and faith in spirits.


The Medieval Turks placed the family on the most important place in life. Great importance was attached to the elders, who were seen as mentors and teachers. This tradition is still observed in many modern Turkic families. Another custom has been preserved - holding meetings, which are called evenings of rest. Meetings begin in late autumn and continue until spring. The meeting brings together men of the same age from the same village or district. During the meeting, conversations are held on secular topics, usually the participants are united by common interests. During the meetings, you can sing songs, dance, show cooking. All men choose a judge who must keep a close eye on the participants so that they do not break the rules. The Türks call the instructions Uighurs, and the Türks themselves are sometimes called Uyghurs. In no case can you disobey the rules, otherwise the man will be excluded from the meeting. Such meetings are not just hobby groups, but allow you to form a circle of reliable and trusted friends, so they are taken seriously.
The head of the assembly takes part in various community affairs. During the funeral, he must become the organizer, call all families and make sure that the situation is observed. Before the funeral ceremony, everyone who knew the deceased should gather in his house and say goodbye to him.
The Turkic people consider white to be a mourning color. The woman covers her head with a handkerchief, and the man ties a white sash. Only women mourn the deceased, being in the house. Men are supposed to be outside and meet people. The grave is dug only by young people, the body is laid in such a way that the face of the deceased faces west. This custom is associated with the sunset, which symbolizes life, although there is currently no exact information about the origin of the ritual. Mourning lasts 7 days and ends with a memorial dinner. Members of the meeting must participate on all days. Their responsibilities include preparing memorial cakes, reading prayers. Women are supposed to visit the relatives of the deceased every day for 40 days and treat them with dishes.


The newlyweds get married only by mutual agreement. However, the tradition has been preserved to ask the bride's hand from her relatives, who may refuse.
Wedding ceremony may take 3 days. The day before the start of the celebration, a young bull is brought in, with a white scarf tied on its horns. On the wedding day, the scarf is removed and tied on the bride's head. It is customary to give a dowry in a chest. The feast begins with its opening. The dowry is given not only by the groom, but also by the bride. The first day ends with a walk around the fire, which symbolizes cleansing. Such a ceremony should bring happiness and save from adversity. The next day, it is customary to begin acquaintance with the relatives of the spouses. Of course, they learn about each other even before the wedding, but, according to the established tradition, guests should definitely taste the treats and chat with the newlyweds.



In ancient times, the Turks could determine their status by their clothes. The outfit indicated the estate and marital status.
In winter, fur hats were used as headdresses, which clearly resemble modern earflaps. In the summer they put on a felt cap. The usual outer winter clothing was a semblance of a fur coat - a fur caftan. Representatives of the wealthy classes wore furs of valuable breeds of animals, and the poor - clothes made of lamb fur. The Turks have always been very fond of the robes - thick and warm, with long sleeves. In such clothes it is warm, comfortable to walk and ride a horse. The main materials for its manufacture were wool and silk. As pants - harem pants. They could decorate clothes the most different ways... The Turks who lived close to China used dragon embroidery. As a result of excavations carried out by archaeologists, pieces of silk with ornaments corresponding to Sassanian motives were found. This means that the masters could be inspired by Persia.
The manner in which the dress was fastened was of great importance. Images found on stone sculptures indicate plowing on the left side. What exactly the buttoning style said remains a mystery. However, it is clear from the peculiarity of plowing that a lot of attention was paid to this procedure. Outer clothing was tied with a belt, less often a belt was used. Boots were without heels, with toes slightly bent upwards. To insulate them, they used a special stocking.
Excavations helped to establish quite precisely that the Turks loved jewelry since antiquity. Gilded bronze patches, as well as exquisite knives with jewelry processing - all these ornaments were found in the graves of noble men. Women wore items used in needlework. The warriors only had a richly decorated belt. Obviously, the decorations were awards received by him during the years of service and battles.


Now, depending on the place of residence, the Turks profess Christianity or Islam. However, before the majority professed Tengrianism. This is a unique pagan worldview. The name comes from the name of the god of the sky - Tengri. According to legend, heaven and earth merged together, which caused chaos. Tengri ruled over the sky, and Erlik - over the afterlife. He was depicted as a creature with a bull's head and three eyes. With these eyes, he could see the past, present and future. Erlik was perceived as an evil deity sending trouble.
Tengri had a wife, Umai, who patronized mothers and women in labor. Surprisingly, earlier the Turks considered themselves to be the descendants of the wolf, depicting the animal on symbols related to the Turkic states (for example, on the flag of the Gagauz). Such totemism has survived even now, although it is quite rare.
Apart from Islam and Christianity, the Turks also profess Judaism and Buddhism.


The Turks have always been nomads. Their traditional dwelling is a yurt, the walls of which were made of felt. This material is compressed wool. The basis of the yurt is a wooden frame. To assemble an ordinary yurt, it took only 3 people and one hour of time. Disassembled yurts were transported over long distances, making a nomadic journey.
It was customary to arrange a yurt only in a sunny place, away from trees. The door was installed so that it was facing east. This allowed sunlight to penetrate inside, forming a sundial (the hand was formed due to the special position of the poles).
Yurts were divided into male and female parts. Usually men were always on the left. Here were placed things, weapons, tools and equipment for managing a horse. In the women's section, dishes, children's things, household utensils were kept. In some cases, a curtain was used to help demarcate the space. In the center of the yurt, they set up a hearth, around which they sat down during a meal. The smoke came out through a special hole located in the center of the roof. Wealthy people could afford carpets, fabrics, expensive wooden furniture. Opposite the entrance was the most important part. They usually put a beautiful chair or armchair on which the host who received the guests sat. On rare occasions, the guest of honor was given the opportunity to sit on such a "throne." More often the guests were placed on small stools or mats. There were a number of requirements that had to be observed while staying in a yurt. Violation of the rules could lead to the anger of the owner. At best, the offender was treated with disdain like a dog. Here are a few rules to follow when in a yurt:

  • you cannot step on the threshold;
  • pouring fire into the hearth is prohibited;
  • do not touch the flame with a knife or other sharp objects;
  • garbage must not be thrown into the fire.

When the Turks began to switch to a sedentary lifestyle, they got wooden dwellings. Its feature was the height of the building.

  1. The house was literally buried in the ground, only the roof was above ground level.
  2. The main support was a wide pillar, on which the log-beam rested.
  3. Poles rested on the beam.
  4. Another row was laid on top of the poles, which was covered with a dense layer of straw and hay.
  5. The floor was earthen; along the walls a row of boards and additional supports for the platform were installed.

In such a house there was a stove on which dishes were placed. All the rest of the decoration depended on the wealth of the residents.


All representatives of the Turkic people eat pilaf. This dish can be considered nationwide. Turkic pilaf is cooked in lamb broth. Rice is fried in lard, onions, carrots, boiled lamb are added. Everything is mixed and put into a bowl of broth. The result is a semblance of porridge, which is insisted for a long time. This dish is called palau.
Palau is supposed to be eaten with hands, and broth is drunk from a cup. There is another way to prepare pilaf, which consists in using lamb fat, cut into small pieces. It is melted, fried a little, mixed with red pepper and salt. As soon as the fat turns red, add lamb, finely chopped onion, after a few minutes, carrots, quince and raisins. Palau with sour cream is a very tasty and unusual dish.
Many Turks often have dairy products, wheat, different kinds stews, sausages, horse ribs. The Turks living in Uzbekistan love shashlik, manti, and have their own recipes for making minced meat. In Russia, the samsa pie is well known, many have tried lagman. These dishes are also often used by the Turks. Kumis is a typical drink for the Turks.


Many Turkic-speaking tribes took part in the historical process of the formation and development of the ancient Turkic statehood and culture. An important role in this process was played by the Pechenegs, united in a powerful alliance of tribes.


The Pechenegs wandered in the VIII-IX centuries between the Aral Sea, the Lik and Volga rivers and controlled the territory where the Iranian-speaking Sarmatian, Finno-Ugric and other tribes lived.

Faced with pressure from the Khazars, Oguzes and Polovtsians (Kipchaks), the Pechenegs moved west. One of the reasons that prompted the first Pechenegs to move to the east of Europe, and then the Oguzes and Polovtsians, was an almost century-old drought, which sharply reduced the areas suitable for nomadic camps in the Aral Sea region and the Trans-Caspian region.

In the 9th century, the Pechenegs crossed the Volga and settled in the Northern Black Sea region, controlling a vast steppe strip from the Don to the Danube and fighting with almost all of their close neighbors: the Khazars, Magyars, Russia and Byzantium.

Byzantium often resorted to military assistance from the Pechenegs to weaken Ancient Rus... So, in 972, the Pechenegs met at the Dnieper rapids the squad of Svyatoslav Igorevich, who was returning from Byzantium, and defeated it.

The fierce war continued under Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich, who created several fortified lines to protect the southern borders of Rus, concluded an alliance with the Oguzes against the Pechenegs, and approached Byzantium.

In 1036 he defeated the Pechenegs near Kiev, after which the Pechenezh military association disintegrated.

The Oguzes-Torks completed the business, and later, who drove the Pechenegs in the middle of the 11th century to the Carpathians and the Danube. Groups of Pechenegs gradually dissolved among the surrounding population, and most of them merged with the Cumans (Cumans).

There are reasons to consider the Pechenegs, Oguzes and Polovtsians, who settled and lived on the Danube, the Turkic-speaking people of the Gagauz as distant descendants of the Bulgarians. The Gagauz people adopted Christianity in the 13th century and moved to Bessarabia in the late (late 18th - 19th centuries). Now they have formed the Gagauz Republic within Moldova.


The Oguz tribes were mentioned in the Orkhon-Yenisei inscriptions of the 8th century. called Tokuz-Oguz (literally - nine genera). Subsequently, they became part of the Türkic and Uygur Kaganates, where, in the process of the formation of the Uyghur ethnos, the name Tokuz-Oguz is replaced by the ethnonym “Uygur”.

In the 9th - 11th centuries, under the name Oguz, a Turkic union of the Aral and Caspian tribes was formed with the center in the city of Yangikent in the lower reaches of the Syr Darya. In the 10th century, the western Oghuzes (Guzes, Uzes, Torks) appeared in the east of Europe, while the other part of them moved to Central Asia. Western Oghuz-Torks fought with the Khazar Kaganate, the Pechenegs, made an unsuccessful campaign against Byzantium, and at the beginning of the 11th century roamed the steppes of the Black Sea region.

Oguzes-Torks often acted as allies of the Kiev princes. The chronicle first mentions the Torks in 985, when they participated in the campaign of Prince Vladimir against the Volga Bulgarians. Later they took part in the internecine wars of the Russian princes, fought with the Polovtsians. Part of the Torks, settled by the sons of Yaroslav along the rivers Ros and Torch (the city of Torchesk), eventually became glorified, and those who remained in the steppes were assimilated by the Polovtsy.

Mentioned from the end of the XI-XII century. the tribal association of "black hoods" also consisted of the remnants of the Turkic tribes - the Pechenegs, Torks, Berendeys. It defended the southern borders of Kievan Rus and was used by the Russian princes competing in the struggle for power as military support. Gradually, the torques moved to a sedentary lifestyle. In the XII century. the Kiev prince was formally "the supreme overlord of the black hoods". It is interesting to note that the ethnonym "Black Klobuki" has something in common with the self-name of the Karakalpaks - a modern Turkic ethnos living in Karakalpakstan within the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The Oguzes of Central Asia, led by the Seljuks, subjugated Khorezm, Iran, Azerbaijan, moved to Southwest Asia and the Middle East, creating by the end of the 11th century a huge Seljukid state. In the XI-XIII century, the ethnonym "Oguz" was replaced in Central Asia by the ethnonym "Turkmen", and in the Middle East - by the ethnonym "Turkic". Oguzes have played a significant role in the ethnogenesis of modern Turkmens, Azerbaijanis and Turks.

Kipchaks (Cumans, Cumans)

In the 11th century, the peoples of Eastern Europe and Central Asia witnessed the next wave of migration of nomadic peoples after the great Hunnic migration, caused by the movement of a new strong alliance of Turkic nomadic tribes called the Kipchaks, Polovtsy or Cumans. The term "Kipchaks" was used in the east, the Polovtsians were called the Slavs, and the Cumans were most often called in Europe.

The Kipchaks in the VIII century were part of the so-called Kimak Kaganate, which existed in Western Siberia, and were the western group of this tribal union. After separation, the Kipchaks occupied the territory of North-West Kazakhstan and in the 10th century bordered on the east with the Kimaks, in the west with the Khazars, in the south with the Oguzes. Already in the middle of the 10th century, the Kipchaks, following the Oghuz-Torks, crossed the Volga and in a wide wave spread over the steppes of Eastern Europe, subjugating the main part of the Pechenegs and Tork-Oghuzes that remained there.

The huge territory controlled by the Kipchaks in the XI-XIII centuries was named Desht-i-Kipchak in the east (from the Persian “Kipchak steppe”), its borders stretched from the Irtysh to the Danube.

It is assumed that the northern border of Desht-i-Kipchak ran along the Moskva River, where the Turks bordered on the Finno-Ugric peoples, and deduces a toponymic series of names near Moscow: Kolomenskoye - from "kolloma" (protection), Kapotnya - from "high settlement" (" tall grass "), Kuntsevo - from the" shelter "(" visiting yard "), Desht-i-Kipchak was conditionally divided into the western and eastern parts, the borders of which were the Ural and the Yaik river.

The western part of the Kipchak steppes received the name Polovtsian land in the Russian chronicles. The basis of the Kipchak economy remained nomadic cattle breeding, but under the influence of the peoples of the occupied lands, a part of the Kipchaks switched to a sedentary lifestyle, agriculture, crafts and trade. A significant role was played by the military aristocracy, seeking to expand power and replenish wealth.

Most of the Polovtsians remained pagans. The dominant religion, obviously, was shamanism, which had been preserved among the Kipchaks for a long time. The Polovtsian archaeological monuments of the Black Sea steppes are considered to be burial mounds, on which "stone women" were usually installed - statues of human figures from one and a half to three and a half meters in height, having early analogues among the Scythian-Sarmatian and Turkic peoples. The sculptures preserved in the southern Russian steppes make it possible to represent the details of the costume and weapons of the Polovtsians. The social system of the Polovtsians was at the stage of formation of early feudal relations.

Despite the vastness of the territories controlled by the Kypchaks, they did not have a state as a formalized political institution. Individual tribal unions, headed by khans-princes, were nothing more than a conglomerate. But, being located at strategically important geopolitical and trade crossroads connecting countries, cultures and civilizations of the East and Europe, they played an important role in the fate of many peoples of Eurasia, especially Russian and Tatar. The Kipchak enzyme gave brightness and strength to the multicolored Turkic civilization.

Thus, by the beginning of the Middle Ages, the Great Steppe was not only charged with the energy of the multi-ethnic flow of the Eurasian peoples, but also turned into an arena of unique historical creativity and cultural and civilizational competitive rivalry.

About the Turks.

The same Wikipedia speaks about the modern Türks somehow quite vaguely: “the Türks are an ethno-linguistic community of peoples speaking Türkic languages”. But about the “ancient” Türks, she is very eloquent: “The ancient Türks are the hegemonic tribe of the Türkic Kaganate, headed by the Ashin clan. In Russian-language historiography, the term Türküts is often used to denote them (from Türk. - Türk and Mong.-Yut - Mongolian plural suffix), proposed by L.N. Gumilev. By physical type, the ancient Türks (Türkuts) were Mongoloids. "

Well, well, let the Mongoloids, but what then to be with the Azerbaijanis and Turks - a typical "Mediterranean" subrace. And the Uighurs? Even today, a considerable part of them can be attributed to the Central European subrace. If anyone does not understand, all three peoples in today's terminology are Turks.

The picture below shows the Chinese Uighurs. If the girl on the left already clearly has Asian features in her appearance, then you can judge for yourself the appearance of the second one. (photo from See what the right facial features are. Today, even among Russians, this is not often found.

Especially for skeptics! There is no one who has not heard anything about the Tarim mummies. So, the place where the mummies were found is Xinjiang Uygur National District of China - and in the photo their direct descendants.

Distribution of haplogroups among the Uighurs.

Please note that R1a predominates with the Asian marker Z93 (14%). Compare with the percentage of haplogroup C, also shown in the diagram. As you can see, the C3, typical for the Mongols, is completely absent.

Small addition!

You have to understand that haplogroup C is not purely Mongolian - it is one of the oldest and most widespread haplogroups, it is found even among the Amazon Indians. A high concentration of C today reaches not only in Mongolia, but also among the Buryats, Kalmyks, Hazaras, Kazakhs-Argyns, Australian aborigines, Polynesians, Micronesians. Mongols are just a special case.

If we talk about paleogenetics, the area here is even wider - Russia (Kostenki, Sungir, Andronovo culture), Austria, Belgium, Spain, Czech Republic, Hungary, Turkey, China.

Let me explain for those who believe that haplogroup and nationality are one and the same. Y-DNA does not carry any genetic information. Hence the sometimes bewildered questions - I, Russian, what do I have in common with a Tajik? Nothing but common ancestors. All genetic information (eye color, hair color, etc.) is located in autosomes - the first 22 pairs of chromosomes. Haplogroups are just labels by which one can judge the ancestors of a person.

In the 6th century, intensive negotiations began between Byzantium and the state today known as the Turkic Kaganate. History has not even preserved the name of this country for us. The question is why? After all, the names of more ancient state formations have come down to us.

The kaganate only meant a form of government (the state was ruled by the khaan chosen by the people, kaan in a different transcription), not the name of the country. Today we do not use the word “Democracy” instead of the word “America”. Although someone like her does not suit such a name (just kidding). The term "state" as applied to the Turks is more befitting "Il" or "El", but not the kaganate.

The reason for the negotiations was silk, or rather trade in it. Residents of Sogdiana (between the Amu Darya and Syr Darya rivers) decided to sell their silk in Persia. I did not make a reservation by writing "my". There is evidence that in the Zarafshan Valley (the territory of present-day Uzbekistan), at that time, they already knew how to grow a silkworm and produce matter from it no worse than Chinese, but this is a topic for another article.

And it is not at all a fact that the homeland of silk is China, and not Sogdiana. Chinese history as we know it is 70% written by Jesuits in XVII-XVIII centuries*, the other thirty were "supplemented" by the Chinese themselves. Especially intensively "editing" went on during the time of Mao Zedong, the entertainer was still the same. He even has monkeys from which the Chinese descended. were their own, special.

*Note. Only a small part of what the Jesuits did: Adam Schall von Belle took part in the creation of the Chongzhen calendar. Later he served as director of the Imperial Observatory and the Tribunal of Mathematics, in fact he was engaged in Chinese chronology. Martino Martini is known as the author of works on Chinese history and compiler of the New Atlas of China. An indispensable participant in all the Sino-Russian negotiations during the signing of the Treaty of Nerchinsk in 1689 was the Jesuit Parreni. The result of Gerbillon's activity was the so-called so-called imperial edict of religious tolerance in 1692, which allowed the Chinese to accept Christianity. Emperor Qianlong's mentor in science was Jean-Joseph-Marie Amyot. The Jesuits, led by Régis in the 18th century, participated in the compilation of a large map of the Chinese Empire, published in 1719. In the 17th and 18th centuries, missionaries translated into Chinese and published 67 European books in Beijing. They introduced the Chinese to European musical notation, European military science, the device of mechanical clocks and the technology of manufacturing modern firearms.

The Great Silk Road was controlled by the Venetians and Genoese, the same "black aristocracy" (Italian aristocrazìa nera *) - Aldobrandini, Borgia, Boncompagni, Borghese, Barberini, Della Rovere (Lante), Crescenti, Colonna, Luassimo, Chidzhi Ruspoli, Rospillosi, Orsini, Odescalchi, Pallavicino, Piccolomini, Pamphili, Pignatelli, Pacelli, Pignatelli, Pacelli, Torlonia, Teofilakty. And don't be fooled by Italian names. Take for yourself the names of the people among whom you live - long tradition dedicated **. This aristocrazìa nera actually rules the Vatican and, accordingly, the entire Western world, and it was at their direction that, later, Jewish merchants took out all the gold from Byzantium, as a result of which the country's economy collapsed and the empire fell, conquered by the Turks ***.


* It is the members of aristocrazìa nera who are the true "masters of the world", and not some Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Coons. From Egypt, anticipating its imminent fall, they migrate to England. There, quickly realizing what "nishtyaki" the teachings of the crucified one carry with them, most of them move to the Vatican. My dears, read the Masonic literature of the 18th-19th centuries, everything is very frank there - today they are "encrypted".

** The Jews simply adopted this, and much more, from the arsenal of their masters.

*** If anyone does not know, from the USSR, before its end, almost the entire gold reserve was also taken out.

It is worth adding here that the Hephthalite tribes, also called White Huns, Huns-Chionites, and to whom Central Asia (Sogdiana, Bactria), Afghanistan and northern India (Gandhara) belonged were completely conquered by the Ashina Turks (Bactria passed to the Persians). The question arose - Persia does not want to buy Turkic silk - we will trade with Byzantium, there the demand for it is no less.

Silk was to the world economy of the time what oil was today. It can be assumed what pressure was put on Persia in order to force it to abandon trade with the Turks. In general, it is worth writing a separate article about the secret diplomacy of that time, but today we are interested in precisely the negotiations, or rather the journey of Zimarch, sent by Emperor Justin as an ambassador to the Turks in Altai.

Information about the embassy has come down to us in the writings of several authors, I will use the description of Menander the Protector. This will allow us to get closer to the solution - who the Turks really were - Mongoloids or still Caucasians: “From the Turks, who in ancient times were called Saks, the embassy to Justin arrived for the world. Vasilevs also decided at the council to send the embassy to the Turks, and a certain Zemarkh from Cilicia, who at that time was the strategist of the eastern cities, ordered to equip this embassy. "

That is how much you need to be sure that “people are eating everything” presented to him on a silver platter with the name “official history” in order to lie about the Mongoloid nature of the Turks? We look at the same Wikipedia: “Saki (Old Persian Sakā, Old Greek Σάκαι, Lat. Sacae) is a collective name for a group of Iranian-speaking nomadic and semi-nomadic tribes of the 1st millennium BC. e. - the first centuries A.D. e. in ancient sources. The name goes back to the Scythian word saka - deer (cf. Osset. Sag "deer.) Both ancient authors and modern researchers, Saks, along with the Massagets, are considered the eastern branches of the Scythian peoples. Initially, the Saki, apparently, are identical to the Avestan tours; in Pahlavi sources under the Türkic tribes are already understood as Türkic. In the Achaemenid inscriptions all Scythians are called “Sakas”.

Few people know about this: the totem animal of the Don and Kuban Cossacks is the white deer. Remember the Strabo parva Scythia, later called by the cartographers Little Tartaria.

I return again to the theme of bell ringing. This excerpt describes the ritual of purification carried out by the Turks for Zemarkh: “On the fire from young sprouts of incense tree they dried them (the things of the embassy), whispering some barbaric words in the Scythian language, ringing bells and beating tambourines ...” You still continue believe that the use of the bell ringing is the prerogative of the Christian religion - then we come to you ... (Pardon! I apologize for the foolishness ... I could not resist ...)

Now about the technological level of the Turks: “The next day they were invited to another room, where there were wooden columns covered with gold, as well as a golden bed held by four golden peacocks. There were many carts in the middle of the room, in which there were many silver things, discs and something made of reeds. Also, numerous images of tetrapods made of silver, none of them is inferior, in our opinion, to those that we have. " (emphasis mine)

Especially for those who consider Tartary a fake.

A little about the territory of the Turkic state. Professor Christopher Beckwith in his book "Empieres Of The Silk Road" notes that Mesopotamia, Syria, Egypt, Urartu from the 7th to the beginning of the 6th century BC. submitted to the Turks. In the ruins of the walls of the cities of these countries, bronze arrowheads of the Scythian type are still found - the result of invasions and sieges. From about 553 it occupied the territory from the Caucasus and the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov to the Pacific Ocean, in the area of \u200b\u200bmodern Vladivostok, and from the Great Wall of China * to the Vitim River in the north. Klapro argued that all of Central Asia was subject to the Turks. (Klaproth, "Tableaux historiques de L" Asie ", 1826)

You should not assume that it was something unshakable, the Turks, like other peoples, quarreled among themselves, fought, dispersed in different directions, they were conquered, but again and again, like the legendary Phoenix bird, they rose from the ashes - Russia to that a good example.

*Note. Do not confuse the real wall with the "remake" shown to tourists today: "... a magnificent and almost perfect structure, which modern travelers see at a distance of almost fifty kilometers from the capital, has little in common with the ancient Great Wall, built two thousand years ago. Most of the ancient wall is now in a dilapidated state "(Edward Parker," Tatars. History of origin ")

Istarchi called all fair-haired Turks Sakaliba. Constantine Porphyrogenitus and a number of eastern authors called the Hungarians Turks. In all early Arabic geographical writings, the description of the peoples of Eastern Europe was located in the chapter "Türks". The geographic school of al-Jahain, starting from Ibn Rust and up to al-Marvazi, attributed the Guzes (Uyghurs), Kirghiz, Karluks, Kimaks, Pechenegs, Khazars, Burtases, Bulgars, Magyars, Slavs, Rus to the Turks.

By the way, the Ashina Turks are considered by the Chinese to be the "branch of the Hun house". Well, and the Xiongnu (Huns) are 100% Mongols. Don't you know? Ay-ya-yay ... If not - contact your comrades from "Sanity", they will show you pictures of the Mongols, I answer ...

And one more addition.

You know, I was always surprised by the fact that people who do not have something claim to own it. A typical example is Sanity. What, not even "sensible", but just "thoughts" can be discussed in "people", whose brain apparatus is completely devoid of the very thought functions - only basic instincts and other people's "attitudes". There, I mean the upper part of their body, there is nothing else. I'm not even talking about the presence of mentally ill in their ranks ... But, here you go - "sane", period. Jews among them - a separate song, they are in their minds, in their articles there is Russophobia literally from all cracks ... (Who in the subject, I think, guessed - we are talking about a "free artist" and some other "comrades").

It was not by chance that I said about "other people's attitudes" - all the reservations and omissions in my articles are not accidental. The private information that we have today allows us to assign a significant part of the members of "Zdravomysl" to the so-called fourth group with a predominance of right-brain instinctive-animal states.

The question of the Turks would remain incomplete without evidence of who the Huns (Huns) are: “In addition, the question of the origin of the Huns is closely related to the question of which race and tribe the famous Huns in the history of Europe belonged to. This is evident at least from the fact that representatives of all theories consider it necessary to talk about this connection between the two peoples. The question of the origin of the Huns belongs to a field not only completely alien to Sinology, but even, to a certain extent, belonging to the history of Europe. So, if the history of the Hunnu refers largely to the history of China, and the Huns to the history of Europe, then the question of the relationship of one people to another belongs to the history of Central Asia, as a country through which the Hunnu moved to the West (if these two peoples are the same), or where the Huns and the Huns collided (if they are different). " (K.A. Inostrantsev)

Anyone who wants to get acquainted with this issue in more detail, I refer to the work of the Russian historian-orientalist, doctor of oriental studies K.A. Inostrantseva "The Huns and the Huns, an analysis of theories about the origin of the Hunnu people of the Chinese chronicles, about the origin of the European Huns and about the mutual relations of these two peoples." (L., 1926, Second revised edition.) I will give only his conclusions.

“The results of our research boil down to the following three conclusions:

I) The Hunnu people, who roamed to the north of China and founded a powerful state, were formed from the strengthened Turkish clan. A significant part of the subordinate tribes consisted, in all likelihood, also of Turks, although, both from the founding of the state, and especially during its prosperity, various other tribes, such as Mongolian, Tunguzian, Korean and Tibetan, were included in it.

II) After the disintegration of the state into two parts (the disintegration caused more by political and cultural reasons than by ethnic difference - the southern Hunnu more obeyed the influence of the Chinese civilization, the northern Hunnu preserved their tribal features better), the northern Hunnu could not maintain their independence, and some of them moved to West. According to the historical news that has come down to us, these resettled Huns followed the usual path of nomads through Dzungaria and the Kyrgyz steppes and entered Eastern Europe in the second half of the 4th century A.D.

III) In North-West Asia and in Eastern Europe, the Turks of the Hunnu or Hunnu clashed with other tribes. First of all, Finnish tribes stood in their way (and it is difficult at the present time to decide whether the Turks completely dissolved in the Finnish mass or, on the contrary, contributed to the conversion of the Finns into a nomadic equestrian people). The further the Huns moved, the more the Turkish element became thinner among them, and other peoples, such as Slavic and Germanic, were added. It is very likely that there was very little in common between the subjects of Mo-de and Attila. However, it seems to us beyond doubt that the invasion of the formidable conquerors of the 4th-5th centuries is connected with and caused by coups in the extreme eastern limits of Asia. "

And what did these Xiongnu look like?

Below in the photo are fragments of a carpet (bedspreads, mantles) found in one of the Xiongnu burials in Noin-Ula (31 mounds). Embroidered on canvas is the ceremony of (presumably) making a drink of catfish. Pay attention to the faces.

If the first two, most likely, can be attributed to the Mediterranean subrace, then a man on horseback ... Meet such a type today, you would say - a pure "hare".

Of course, the carpet was declared imported. Well ... It is quite possible ... Professor N.V. Polosmak believes: “The dilapidated fabric found on the floor of the Xiongnu burial chamber covered with blue clay and brought back to life by the hands of restorers has a long and difficult history. It was made in one place (in Syria or Palestine), embroidered in another (possibly in Northwest India), and found in the third (in Mongolia) "

I can assume that the carpet fabric could well have been imported, but why is it embroidered in India? Didn't you have your own embroiderers? Then what about it.

In the photograph, the anthropological material from the burial of the 20th Noin-Ula mound represents well-preserved enamel covers from seven lower teeth of constant change: right and left canines, right and left first premolars, left first and second molars. On the first left premolar, artificially worn facets were found - linear traces and shallow cavities. This type of deformation could appear when doing handicrafts - embroidery or making carpets, when threads (most likely woolen) were bitten by teeth.

The teeth belong to a 25-30 year old Caucasian woman, most likely from the coast of the Caspian Sea or between the Indus and Ganges rivers. The assumption that this is a slave does not stand up to criticism - the Noin-Ula mounds, according to the archaeologists themselves, belong to the Xiongnu nobility. The main thing here is that the woman was embroidering, and there were many, as evidenced by the marks on her teeth. So why did they rush to declare the found carpet imported? Because those depicted on it do not fit into the official version, which says that the Xiongnu were Mongoloids?

For me, facts are of paramount importance - new ones appear - my opinion changes. In the official version of history, the opposite is true - there the facts are adjusted to the prevailing versions, and those that do not fit into the framework are simply discarded.

Let's turn again to Wikipedia: "The Indo-Scythian kingdom is an amorphous state in terms of borders, created in the Hellenistic era on the territory of Bactria, Sogdiana, Arachosia, Gandhara, Kashmir, Punjab, Rajasthan and Gujarat by the eastern branch of the nomadic Scythian tribe - the Sakas." Our woman is from there, and this is not my opinion, but scientists (Doctor of Historical Sciences T.A. Chikisheva, IAET SB RAS). Now, re-read the place above where I speak about the territory of the Turkic state again. Having a huge country always means moving not only material resources, but also people. What is surprising if a woman born in one place is married thousands of kilometers from her father's house?

All carpets from the Noin-Ula burial mounds were made in one place and approximately at the same time. Their similarity was pointed out by S. I. Rudenko: "The technique of embroidery of drapery-rugs is characterized by the imposition of multi-colored threads of weak twist on the fabric and fixing them on its surface with very thin threads." A similar technique of embroidery "in attachment" is found in burials already from the 1st century BC. BC e. throughout the territory inhabited by the Turks (Central Russia, Western Siberia, Pamir, Afghanistan). So why declare them imported?

What about the Mongols, you ask?

In fact, the Mongols were conquered by the Turks in the 6th century, and since then have been part of the Turkic state? Could Genghis Khan, whom modern historians attribute to the Mongols *, stand at the head of the Turkic tribes? I do not exclude such a possibility, remember Stalin. However, it never occurred to anyone to call Georgia the ruler of Russia. Can we talk about the Mongols as the conquerors of the universe? Well ... It's not even a bad joke ...

*Note. Arab sources, the same Rashid ad-Din (Rashid at-Tabib), call Genghis Khan a native of one of the Turkic tribes.

IN modern history The Turks were not the luckiest of all. Under Soviet rule, almost all references to this people were destroyed (Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU of 1944, which actually banned the study of the Golden Horde and the Tatar khanates), and scholars of Turkic studies went together to “logging”. The authorities simply chose to replace the Turks with Mongols. What for? This is already a topic for another article, and it is closely related to the question of whether Stalin was in fact the sole ruler, or, albeit the main one, but still a member of the Politburo where issues were decided collegially, by a simple majority.

Quite a reasonable question: the conquest of Russia by the Mongols to this day remains the only officially recognized version of history, so all scientists are mistaken, am I the only one so smart?

The answer is no less reasonable: scientists are simply serving the current government. And the authorities also did not such tricks - for most of the 20th century Russia lived with the firm conviction that communism, invented by a Jew, a descendant of famous rabbis, is our Russian bright future. I'm not even talking about Christianity. Look how zealous people, having betrayed their own gods, praise strangers. Continue further?

Above I spoke about the mystery of the Turks, in fact, there is no mystery - the Scythians, Sarmatians, Huns (Xiongnu), Turks, Tatars (Tartars) and about two hundred more different namesgiven by others - they are all one and the same people. As K.A. Foreigners: “the Hunnu clan won - everything is done by the Hunnu, the Xian-bi clan won - everything is done by the Hun-bi, etc. From this comes the frequent change of names in the history of nomadic peoples. "

Unfortunately, there remains one more question that has not received any explanation today: why did the Caucasoid population of Altai, Siberia, Kazakhstan mutate into Mongoloids so quickly, over the course of some one and a half thousand years? What was the reason for this? The notorious fly in the ointment (Mongols) in a barrel of honey? Or some more serious and massive changes in the genetic apparatus caused by external factors?

Let's summarize.

We can say with confidence that the Turkic state (states) was not mono-national; in addition to the Turks themselves, there were also a lot of other nationalities in it, and the ethnic composition changed depending on geography. And the Turks themselves preferred to be related to the local nobility.

Neo-pagans today talk about - everywhere there were "ours"; The "thinking", in turn, stamping their feet, squeal - everywhere there are only Mongols. Neither one nor the other is wrong, Russia is an excellent example of this - are there many Russians, say, in the north of Yakutia? But this is the same country.

Anthropologists V.P. Alekseev and I.I. Hoffman cites the results of studies of two Xiongnu burial grounds (Tebsh-Uul and Naima-Tolgoi): “The paleoanthropological material of the first, located in the south of Central Mongolia, is distinguished by pronounced Mongoloid features, the second - Caucasoid. If for clarity we resort to comparing the modern population, then we can say that the people who left these monuments differed from each other, as, say, modern Yakuts and Evenks - from Georgians and Armenians. " You can compare modern Russian and Chukchi - the situation is similar. And what is the conclusion? Are they residents of different states? Or are there no "national" cemeteries today?

The Turks themselves were Caucasians, in fact they are Turanian tribes, descendants of the legendary Aryans.

The Turks became the ancestors of not only the Russian people, but almost three dozen others.

Why were the Turks deleted from our history? There are a lot of reasons, the main one is hatred. The confrontation between Russia and the West has much deeper roots than is customary to think today ...

P.S. An inquisitive reader will definitely ask the question:

Why do you need this? Why rewrite history at all? What's the difference, how it actually happened, it's not worth changing anything - let it be as it was, as we are all used to it.

Without a doubt, the "ostrich pose" is very comfortable for the majority - I see nothing, I hear nothing, I know nothing ... It is easier for a person who has shut himself off from reality to endure stress - only this does not change the reality. Psychologists even have the term "hostage effect" ("Stockholm Syndrome"), which describes the defensive-unconscious traumatic connection that arises between the victim and the aggressor in the process of capture, abduction and / or use (or threat of use) violence.

Mr. Khalezov, in one of his articles, noted: "Russia rose from its knees only to stand with cancer." And while we will all be "Ivans who do not remember kinship" we will again and again be put in a pose known to everyone in the Kamasutra.

We are the heirs of the Great Steppe, and not some kind of dead-end Byzantium! Realization of this fact is our only chance to regain its former greatness.

It was the Steppe that helped Muscovy withstand the unequal struggle with Lithuania, Poland, Germans, Swedes, Estonians ... Read Karamzin and Solovyov - they are so frank, you just need to be able to separate the wheat from the chaff. "... the Novgorodians drove the Muscovites beyond Shelon, but the western Tatar army suddenly attacked them and decided the case in favor of the Grand Duke's troops" - this is Solovyov about the battle on June 14, 1470, and this is Karamzin, speaking of the war of 1533-1586, describes the composition of the troops Principality of Moscow: "apart from Russians, princes of Circassian, Shevkal, Mordovian, Nogai, princes and Murza of the ancient Golden Horde, Kazan, Astrakhan went day and night to Ilmen and Peipus."

And it is the Steppe, call it Tartaria or something else, we betrayed, flattered by the promises of the grandiose Western emissaries. So why cry now that we live badly? Remember: “... And, throwing the pieces of silver in the temple, he went out, went and hanged himself. The chief priests, taking the pieces of silver, said: It is impermissible to put them in the church treasury, because this is the price of blood. Having made a conference, they bought the potter's land for the burial of strangers; therefore, that land is called "the land of blood" to this day. " (Matt., Ch. 27)

I would like to end today's article with the words of Prince Ukhtomsky: “... there is no other way out for the All-Russian state: either to become what it has been called to be from the ages (a world power combining the West with the East), or ingloriously go down the path of fall, because Europe is itself In the end, we will be suppressed by our external superiority, and not by us, the awakened Asian peoples will be even more dangerous than Western foreigners "

Actually, I considered the article finished, just a friend, after rereading it, asked to add - literally one or two more minutes of your attention.

People often, both in the comments and in the PM, pay attention to the discrepancy between my views and the official version of history, give links to "left" sites like "Anthropogenesis", and sometimes to the opinion of well-known scientists. Good ones, I know the academic version just as well, and maybe even better than many KONT visitors, you shouldn't bother yourself.

Once upon a time, in other matters, not very long ago, people believed that the flat earth rests on three huge whales, which, in turn, swim in the endless ocean, and in general, we are the center of the universe. I'm not kidding, I'm absolutely serious. Just now, very briefly, I have voiced the version of the world order, which quite recently, by historical standards, of course, was taught in the best European universities.

The key word here is "believed." They didn’t check, but they believed it. An unenviable fate awaited that small group that decided to "check". Do you think something has changed since then? No, today they no longer make fires in the squares, today they act much smarter, those who think otherwise are simply declared fools. If the name of Giordano Bruno is still known to many, then how many "ridiculed" have simply sunk into oblivion. Do you think there were no great ones among them?

S.A. Zelinsky, speaking about methods of manipulating consciousness, cites a technique (one of many) called “ridicule”: “When using this technique, both specific persons and views, ideas, programs, organizations and their activities, various associations of people can be subjected to ridicule against which the fight is being waged. The choice of the object of ridicule is carried out depending on the goals and the specific information and communication situation. The effect of this technique is based on the fact that when individual statements and elements of a person's behavior are ridiculed, a playful and frivolous attitude is initiated towards him, which automatically extends to his other statements and views. With the skillful use of such a technique, it is possible for a specific person to form an image of a “frivolous” person whose statements are not trustworthy. " (Psychotechnology of hypnotic manipulation of consciousness)

The essence has not changed one iota - you have to be like everyone else, do like everyone else, think like everyone else, otherwise you are an enemy ... Today's society has never needed thinking individuals, it needs "sensible" rams. A simple question. Why, in your opinion, is the topic of lost sheep and shepherds, that is, shepherds, so popular in the Bible?

Until next time, friends!

* This item is implemented in the syllabus at the discretion of the teacher

Lecture 1. IntroductionThe first Turkic tribes.

1.Historiography of general Turkic history.

2. The concept of the culture of nomads.

3. States of the Huns

4. Turkic states

To date, there are very few communities in the world that received their name at the very beginning of history, determined their geography of residence, developed historically and have survived to this day as turbulent, continuous streams of the river. One of these communities is the Turkic nation or community. For the Turks inhabiting the Turan space, the “golden apple” is represented as a symbol of a round ball made of pure gold or ruby \u200b\u200bon the thrones located in the eastern, western, northern and southern directions, which stimulate the thirst for its acquisition. This golden ball is both a symbol of victory and a symbol of dominion. It is located in those regions that are waiting to be conquered. The concept of Turan must be considered in the realities created by history.


Turan was originally the name of the territory of present-day northern Iran, which was named so by the Persians. This word began to exist from the 4th century AD. The meaning of the root of the word Turan is the word Tura (Front), which was used in the Iranian Avesta (the old religion of the Iranian Sassanids, the sacred book of the Zoroastrians) in a certain sense. In the sacred book of the Zoroastrians, this word is used as a personal name and the name of a tribe of nomads.

The root of the word Türks or a root with a similar name appeared at the very beginning of our era. We must not forget that these words have always been associated with the meaning of "Turkic". The word "tura" in Persian means extraordinary, courage, selflessness. The most accurate meaning of the word Tura was determined by Marquat. According to the aforementioned scientist, the well-known homeland of the Persians called "Airyanem waejo" was in Khorezm. The war between the Persians and the Turans once determined the course of world history.

Nomads living in the mouths of the Amu Darya River and Lake Aral called themselves Turanians. One of the most important and significant facts is the work of Ptolemaeus (translated by the Armenian translator S? Rakl? Anania’nin), which speaks of the administrative territory in Khorezm called "Tur", which confirms the existence of the Turanian tribe.

The great migration of tribes, served as a change in the national map of the Asians. Gradually, the word Tura began to be used for the enemy tribes of the Persians as Yue-chi, Kushans, Khionis, Hephtalites and Türks. This idea reached its apogee in the works of Mahmud of Kashgar. This scientist, who is very fond of Turkism, speaks of the emergence of Turkic values \u200b\u200band the mission of the Turks as a "sacred phenomenon" sent down by God. Alisher Navoi, being a fan of the Turkic culture, proved that the Turkic language is in no way inferior to Persian.

Geographical concept of terminology "Turan": This name comes from the name of the Turan people. The Turkic states were named Turan. This term is referred to in a work called "Hvatay-namak" in the Pahlavi language in Arabic and Persian sources. Islamic scholars (Arab, Persian and Turkic) very often used the term Turan in their works. Arab geographers indicate that the Turks lived in the territories located in the eastern part of the Syr Darya River. Therefore, other geographers also believed that the homeland of the Turks (Turan) was the territory between the Syr Darya and the Amu Darya.

The word Turan became known to Europeans from De Herbelot's eastern library. The sources stored in this library say that Afrasiyab, the son of Faridun, comes from the Turkic clan Tur and was the great ruler of all countries located in the eastern and western parts of the Amu Darya River. the state of Turkestan, indicated on the maps of the 16th century Ortelius and Mercator. The word Turan began to be used in the scientific terminology of European countries at the beginning of the 19th century.

Turanian languages

The term Turanian languages \u200b\u200bwas first used by the historian Bunsen (1854).

Castren divides the ancient Altai languages \u200b\u200binto five subgroups: Finno-Ugric, Semitic, Turkic-Tatar, Mongolian, and Tungusic. Subsequent research has made some changes regarding the grouping of languages. The first two subgroups of languages \u200b\u200bwere separated from the last three groups forming the Altaic language group.


The Türks, who are one of the most ancient and fundamental peoples, over the course of their approximately four thousand years of existence, settled on the continents: Asia, Africa, Europe.

The name "Turk"

The fact that the Turks are an ancient people made researchers look for the name “Turks” in the oldest historical sources. Targits (Targit), mentioned by Herodotus as one of the eastern peoples, or the so-called Tiraki (Yurki) (Tyrakae, Yurkae), who lived on the lands of Iskit, or Togharman, mentioned in biblical legends, or Turughi, found in ancient Indian sources, or Trukki, or Turukki, which are mentioned in the old sources of Western Asia, or Tiki, which, according to Chinese sources, played an important role in the 1st millennium BC, and even the Trojans were Turkic peoples who bore the name "Turk".

The word Turk was first used in writing in 1328 BC. in the history of China in the form of "tu-kiu". The name “Türks” entered the historical arena together with the creation of the state of Gok-Türks in the 6th century. AD The name "Turks", found in the Orkhon inscriptions, in most cases is referred to as "tyuryuk". It is known that the first political entity that bore the word “Turk” in its name was a Turkic state called the Gok-Turkic Empire.

The meaning of the word "Turk"

Different meanings were assigned to the name "Turk" in sources and studies: T'u-kyue (Turk) \u003d helmet (in Chinese sources); Turk \u003d terk (abandonment) (in Islamic sources); Turk \u003d maturity; Takye \u003d a person sitting by the sea, etc. It was found out from the document in the Turkic language that the word "Turk" has the meaning of strength, power (or "strong, mighty" as an adjective). According to A.V. Le Coq (A.V. Le Coq) used here the word "Turk" is the same as "Turk", meaning the Turkic people. This version was also confirmed by V. Thomsen, a researcher of Gök-Turkic inscriptions (1922). Later, this circumstance was fully proved by the studies of Nemeth.

The first political entity to use the word "Turk" to designate the official name of the Turkic state was the Gok-Turkic Empire (552-774). This suggests that the word "Turk" does not have an ethnic character characteristic of a particular community, but is a political name. Since the creation of the kingdom of the Gyok-Türks, this word first meant the name of the state, and then became the common name of other Turkic peoples.

The habitat of the Turks before the beginning of the nomadic movement from the last century is the cause of controversy. Historians based on Chinese sources. The Altai mountains are recognized as the homeland of the Turks, ethnographers - the northern regions of inner Asia, anthropologists - the area between the Kyrgyz steppes and the Tien Shan (God's Mountains), Art historians - northwest Asia or the southwest of Lake Baikal, and some linguists - the east and west of the Altai mountains or Kingan ridge.

The Turks, who were the first to pacify horses and began to use them as an animal for riding, spread high views about the state and society over wide geographical areas. Their settled and nomadic life is based mainly on the culture of animal husbandry and self-sufficient farming. Historical sources also indicate that the Turkic nomads were made due to economic difficulties, that is, because of the lack of living in their native Turkic lands. Severe droughts (Hunnish resettlement), dense population and lack of pastures (Oguz resettlement) forced the Turks to wander. The Turks, who, in addition to farming on small plots, were engaged only in animal husbandry, had other natural needs: for clothes, various food products, etc. Then, when the available lands became insufficient to feed the constantly growing population, the neighboring Turkic lands were still poorly populated, rich in natural resources, and had a favorable climate.

These circumstances, indicated in the sources of the Turkic history as the main reasons for the migrations, contributed not only to their direction different countries, but also an attack on other Turkic lands, comparatively more favorable for trade. Thus, some Turkic tribes, attacking others, forced them to roam as well (for example, the nomads of the 9-11th centuries).

Hun name

The political unity of the Huns, stretching from the Orkhon and Selenga rivers to the Huango-Kho river in the south and having its center in the Otyuken district, which was considered the sacred country of the Turks, can be seen from the 4th century BC. The first historical document associated with the Huns was a treaty concluded in 318 BC. After that, the Huns increased the pressure on the Chinese lands. Local rulers, after long defensive wars, began to surround the areas of residence and places of military concentration with protective structures in order to protect themselves from the Hunnic horsemen. One of the Chinese rulers Xi-Huang Ti (259-210 BC) built the famous Great Wall of China (214 BC) against the attacks of the Huns. And at this time, when the Chinese brought proof of protection from Turkic attacks, two important events took place: the birth of the Han dynasty, which for a long time raised discerning emperors (214 BC) and the arrival of Mete Khan as the head of the Hunnic state. (209-174 BC).

Mete Khan, responding with a war to the constant demands of the land by the Mongol-Tunguz tribes, conquered them and expanded his territory to the northern Pechla, he returned to the south-west and forced the Yue-chi, who lived in Central Asia, to leave. Mete Khan, developing trade relations with China, took control of the steppes that stretched to the Irtysh bed (Kie-Kun \u003d the country of the Kirghiz), the land of the Ting-Lings, to the west of them, northern Turkistan and conquered the Wu-Suns who lived along the banks of Issyk-Kul. Thus, Mete Khan gathered all the Turkic tribes that were in Asia at that time under his control and a single flag.

In 174 BC. The Great Hunnic Empire, with its military and property organization, domestic and foreign policy, religion, army and military equipment, art, was at the very height of power and subsequently served as an example to the Turkic states for centuries. The son of Mete Khan Tanhu Ki-Ok (174-160 BC) tried to preserve this inheritance.

At the beginning of the 2nd century BC. the Asian Huns were three groups: 1- in the vicinity of Lake Balkhash the remains of the Chi-chi Huns, 2- in the vicinity of Dzungaria and Barcola- Northern Huns (they moved here in 90-91 BC from the Baikal-Orkhon region) , 3- on the territory of northwestern China - the southern Huns, who, being promoted to the east by the Suenpi tribe from the Mongolian clan, in 216 were almost completely expelled from their lands. The southern Huns, the disagreements among themselves, were divided into two more parts and China, which increased the pressure in 20, completely seized their territory. However, the Asian Huns existed until the 5th century. and some people from the Tanhu clan created short-lived small states. Three of them: Liu Tsung, Hia, Pei-liang.

After the fall of the Chi-chi power, some Huns dispersed and continued their existence, especially in the steppes east of the Aral Lake. The masses of the Huns, which increased in number due to the other Turkic tribes living there and the Huns who came there in the 1st-2nd centuries. from China, after a while they got stronger and headed, presumably due to climate change, to the west. After the Huns conquered the country of Alan in the middle of the 4th century, they appeared on the banks of the Volga in 374. The great offensive of the Huns, led by Balamir, fell first on the eastern Goths and destroyed their state (374). The Hunnic attack, which continued with amazing speed and skill, this time defeated the Western Goths along the banks of the Dnieper, and King Atanarik with a large group of stars. Gottow fled west (375).

The Great Migration of Nations, which began in 375, is of great importance in the history of the world and especially Europe. The Great Migration had a direct impact on the fall of the Roman Empire, the ethnic and political formation of Europe and, starting a new era (Middle Ages), is considered a turning point in the history of Europe. in 395 the Huns began to operate again. This offensive was carried out from two fronts: one part of the Huns advanced from the Balkans to Trakia, and the other, a large part, through the Caucasus to Anatolia. This offensive represents the first appearance of the Turks in Anatolia. the capture of Byzantium under their rule is the main goal of the Huns, and since the barbarian tribes, constantly threatening Western Rome with ruin, were enemies for the Huns, it was necessary to maintain good relations with them. With the appearance of Uldiz on the Danube, the second wave of the Great Nations Migration began. turkic tribes. ... a generation, illuminated history people, him everyday life morals, customs, and ... culture peoples Russia, including the Bashkirs. In a new way interested them history and the morals of the freedom-loving people ...

  • The role of the Huns in the ethno and sociogenesis of the Kazakh people

    Abstract \u003e\u003e History

    Hunnu with Kangyuis. Everyday life Huns according to the Romans ... Among the many aspects origin Kazakh people can be distinguished ... can be traced throughout stories turkic peoples... Hunno-Chinese relations ... in themselves and synthesized culture many peoples Asia. First ...

  • The Turks are a community of ethno-linguistic peoples who mainly speak Turkic languages. Most of the Turks today are Muslims. However, there are also those who profess Orthodoxy. Enhanced integration with other peoples led to widespread globalization of the Turks around the world. In this article, we have collected brief information about the Turkic peoples, as well as interesting facts about the above-mentioned communities.

    The first mention of the Turkic peoples

    For the first time, the Turkic peoples became known in 542. The term was used by the Chinese people in the annals. Almost 25 years passed and the Byzantines started talking about the Turkic peoples. Today the whole world knows about the Turks. In general, the term "Turks" is translated as firm or strong.

    Who were the ancestors of the Turks?

    Mostly, the ancestors of the Türks had "Mongoloid" facial features. What does it mean: dark stiff straight hair, dark eye color; small eyelashes; light or dark skin color, cheekbones strongly protruded, the face itself is flattened, often a low nose bridge and a highly developed fold of the upper eyelid.

    Turks today

    Today the Turks are far from their ancestors. At least when it comes to looks. Now it is a kind of "blood and milk". That is, it is a mixed type. Today's Turks no longer have pronounced facial features, as it was before. And naturally, there is a logical explanation for this. As mentioned earlier, the Turkic peoples have integrated with other peoples around the world. A kind of "crossing" of the Turkic peoples took place, which led to a change in appearance.


    Today, Azerbaijanis are one of the most massive communities among the Turkic peoples. And by the way, this is a large Muslim stratum all over the world. Today, over seven million Azerbaijanis live in the country of the same name, and this is over 90 percent of the total population of the country. The history of the origin of the people dates back to primitive times. The gradual colonization resulted in mixed ethnic origins. A special difference is the mentality, which, in a way, appears in modern world connecting link between West and East.

    They have the following qualities:

    • Temperamental, emotional, very hot-tempered;
    • Hospitable and generous;
    • Opponents of interethnic marriages, in other words, Azerbaijanis - for the purity of blood;
    • Respect and reverence for elders;
    • Very capable of learning languages.

    Azerbaijanis are famous for their carpets. For them, it is both a traditional occupation and a source of income. Besides, Azerbaijanis are excellent jewelers. Until the 20th century, Azerbaijanis led a nomadic and semi-nomadic lifestyle. Today, Azerbaijanis are culturally and linguistically similar to the Turks, but in origin they are no less close to the most ancient peoples of the Caucasus and the Middle East.


    This nation is probably one of the most mysterious. For several centuries Altaians have been living in their own "galaxy", which by right will not be appreciated by a single living soul in the modern world. Nobody will understand. The Altai people are divided into 2 communities. These are the northern group and the southern group. The first ones communicate exclusively in the Altai language. The latter usually speak the North Altai language. Altaians have carried cultural values \u200b\u200bthrough the years, and continue to live according to the rules of their ancestors. It is interesting that the source of health and the so-called "healer" for this nation is water. The Altaians believed that a spirit lives in the depths of the waters, which is capable of curing any ailment. The people continue to exist today in balance with the outside world. Wood, water, rock - all of this they consider to be animate objects and treat the above with great respect. Any appeal to higher spirits is a message of love to all living things.


    The native home for the Balkars is the Caucasus Mountains. Northern. By the way, the name itself suggests that the Balkars are mountain dwellers. These people are easy to recognize. They have characteristic features of appearance. Big head, "aquiline" nose, skin - light, but hair and eyes are dark. The history of the origin of the aforementioned people is a mystery shrouded in darkness. However, cultural values \u200b\u200band traditions have been known for a long time and originate from ancient times. For example, a woman, a girl, any representative of the weaker half is obliged to unconditionally obey a man. Sitting at the same table with your husband is prohibited. Being in front of other men is like cheating.


    Bashkirs are another Turkic people. There are about 2 million Bashkirs in the world. One and a half million of whom live in Russia. The national language is Bashkir; the people also speak Russian and Tatar languages. Religion, like most Turkic peoples, is Islam. It is interesting that in Russia, the people of Bashkiria are considered to be "titular". Most of them live in the south of the Urals. For a long time, the people led a nomadic lifestyle. In the beginning, families lived in yurts and moved to new places following the herds of cattle. Until the 12th century, the people lived in tribes. Cattle breeding, hunting and fishing were developed. Due to the enmity between the tribes, the people almost disappeared, since marriage with a representative of a hostile tribe was compared to betrayal.


    The Gagauz are a people, mostly living on the Balkan Peninsula. Today the house of the Gagauz people is Bessarabia. This is to the South of Moldova and the Odessa region of Ukraine. The total number of modern Gagauzians is about 250 thousand people. The Gagauz people are Orthodox Christians. The whole world probably knows about the Gagauz music. In what, and in this art form they are professionals. They are also famous for open political struggle and a high level of democracy.


    Dolgans are a people of Turks living in Russia. In total, there are about 8000 people. In comparison with other Turkic peoples, this community is very small. The people are devoted to Orthodoxy, in contrast to the majority of the Turks. However, the story says that in ancient times the people practiced animism. In other words, shamanism. The language of the Dolgans is Yakut. Today, the Dolgans' habitat is Yakutia and the Krasnoyarsk Territory.


    The Karachais are a community that lives in the Caucasus, in its northern part. Most of them are the population of Karachay-Cherkessia. There are about three hundred thousand representatives of this nationality in the world. Profess Islam. It is noteworthy that the Karachais have a unique character. For centuries, the Karachais have led an isolated lifestyle. Therefore, today they are independent. The Karachais need freedom like air. Traditions go back to ancient times. This means that family values \u200b\u200band respect for age are a priority.


    The Kirghiz are a Turkic people. The indigenous population of modern Kyrgyzstan. There are also numerous Kyrgyz communities in Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, China, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkey and Uzbekistan. The Kyrgyz are Muslims. There are about 5 million people in the world. The history of the formation of the people dates back to the 1st and 2nd millenniums of our era. And it was formed only in the 15th century. Ancestors are inhabitants of Central Asia and South Siberia. Today, the Kyrgyz have combined a decent level of development and dedication to traditional culture. Sports competitions are very common, namely horse racing. The folklore is well preserved - songs, music, the heroic epic work "Manas", the improvisational poetry of the akyns.


    Today, over one hundred thousand representatives of the people - Nagays live on the territory of the Russian Federation. This is one of the Turkic peoples who have long lived in the Lower Volga region, in the North Caucasus, in the Crimea, in the Northern Black Sea region. In total, according to rough estimates, there are just over 110 thousand representatives of the Nogai in the world. In addition to Russia, there are communities in Romania, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and Turkey. Experts are sure that it was founded by Nogai, the Golden Ordian temnik. And the center of the Nogais was the city of Sraichik on the Ural River. Today, a memorial sign is installed here.


    The Telengits are a relatively small people living in the territory of the great Russian Federation... In the early 2000s, the people were included among the indigenous peoples of Russia. Currently, Telengits live in the southern regions of Altai. In especially dry places. However, they are sure that they have chosen a place that is saturated with unprecedented, extraordinary and tremendous strength, so there can be no question of moving. The total number of Telengits is slightly more than 15 thousand people. This people is on the verge of extinction, it is possible that after some 100 years the representatives of the Telengits will not remain at all. Today, they believe in spirits. The shaman is a kind of guide between people and spirits. The harsh climate of Altai does not prevent Telengits from leading a nomadic lifestyle. The people are engaged in cattle breeding: they raise cows, sheep, horses and so on. They live in yurts and periodically move to new habitats. Men are engaged in hunting, women are engaged in gathering.


    Teleuts are rightfully considered the indigenous people of the Russian Federation. The language and culture of the people is very similar to the culture of the Altaians. Modern Teleuts settled in the southern regions of the Kemerovo region. There are 2,500 Teleuts in total. And most of them are residents of rural areas. They profess Orthodoxy and adhere to traditional customs in religion. The people are literally dying out. Every year there are fewer of them.


    Turks are the second largest ethnic group in Cyprus. In total, there are almost eighty-one million people in the world. Most of the believers are Sunni Muslims. They make up almost 90 percent of the total. Interesting Facts about the Turks:

    • Turkish men smoke a lot, the country's authorities are fighting for healthy way life even began to fine citizens who smoke in crowded places;
    • Tea lovers;
    • Men cut men, women cut their hair. Such a rule;
    • Sly sellers strive to weigh more than they should;
    • Bright makeup for women;
    • They love board games;
    • They adore Russian music and are very proud of it;
    • Good taste.

    Turks are a kind of people, they are patient and unpretentious, but very cunning and vindictive. Non-Muslims do not exist for them.


    The Uyghurs are a people who live in the eastern part of Turkestan. Profess Islam, Sunni interpretation. Interestingly, people are literally scattered all over the world. From Russia to the West of China. At the beginning of the 19th century, they tried to forcibly convert the people to the Orthodox faith. However, this was not crowned with great success.


    The Shors are quite a small people of the Turks. Only 13 thousand people. They live in the south of Western Siberia. Most of them communicate in Russian. In this regard, the native Shor language is on the verge of extinction. Every year the traditions grow "Russian". They call themselves Tatars. Appearance - Mongoloid. Dark and elongated eyes, pronounced cheekbones. Truly beautiful people. Religion - Orthodoxy. However, to this day, part of the Shors profess Tengrianism. That is, three kingdoms and nine heavens, which have powerful power. According to Tengrianism, the land is overflowing with good and evil spirits. Interestingly, a young widow with a child was considered a major find for men. This is a sure sign of wealth. Therefore, there was a real struggle for young mothers who had lost their spouses.


    Chuvash. There are about one and a half million people in the world. 98 percent of whom live in the Russian Federation. Namely in the Chuvash Republic. The rest is in Ukraine, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. They communicate in their native Chuvash language, which, by the way, has 3 dialects. Chuvash profess Orthodoxy and Islam. But if you believe the myths of the Chuvash, then our world is divided into three parts: the upper, middle and, respectively, lower worlds. Each world has three layers. The earth is square. And keeps on a tree. On 4 sides the ground is washed away by water. And the Chuvash believe that someday it will reach them. By the way, according to myths, they live exactly in the center of the "square land". God - lives in the upper world, together with saints and unborn children. And when someone dies, the path of the soul lies through the rainbow. In general, not myths, but a real fairy tale!