
Stories and tales about the fox names. The fox is a fairytale character. Why the fox is credited with a sharp mind and resourcefulness

\u003e Tales about the Fox and the Fox

This section presents a collection of fairy tales about Fox in Russian. Enjoy reading!

    The fox and the crane became friends. So the fox decided to treat the crane, went to invite him to visit her: - Come, kumanek, come, dear! I'll treat you to. The crane went to a banquet. And the fox boiled semolina and spread it on a plate. Served and regaled: - Eat, my dear-kumanek, - she cooked. Crane...

    There lived a wolf and a fox. The wolf has a brush hut, the chanterelle has an ice hut. The growth came, the fox's hut melted. The fox came to the wolf for the night to ask: - Let me go, kumanyok, warm up! “My hut is small,” says the wolf. - One has nowhere to turn. Where am I letting you go? The wolf did not let the fox. The fox appeared ...

    Once, they say, animals and cattle had no tails. Only one animal king - the lion - had a tail. Life was bad for animals without tails. In winter it is still somehow, but summer will come - there is no escape from flies and midges. How can you drive them away? Not one, it happened, in the summer before death, was seized by gadflies and horseflies. At least shout the guard, ...

    A woodpecker hollowed out a hollow in an aspen, made a nest and brought out children - three woodpeckers. They grow small, and the woodpecker rejoices. “I will raise, - he thinks, - children - there will be help in my old age”. But it is not for nothing that they say: "If the woodpecker had a long sock, no one would have found it!" He did not know how to rejoice in himself, but trumped the whole forest ...

  • The fox was in the service of the wolf and did whatever the wolf wanted, because he was weaker than him ... It is clear that the fox was not averse to getting rid of his master. It happened to them one day to walk together through the forest, and the wolf said: "Come on, red-haired, get me something to eat, or I'll eat you myself." - "I...

  • Once upon a time there was a rooster with a chicken. There was a bad harvest in those places, and the cock and the chicken had a hard time. “What a life,” they complained to each other. - How many times do you have to bend over, rake the earth with your paws to find a single grain! The rooster and the chicken decided to move somewhere else, to ...

    Once, on a cold winter day, a lion called a wolf with a fox and ordered them: - Today you will go hunting with me! The wolf and the fox bowed their heads respectfully in agreement and went hunting with the lion. They hunted for a long time in the mountains and ran around more than one winter pasture where shepherds kept their flocks ...

    Once a bird and a fox met, talked with each other, thought about it and decided to sow wheat in a small field. - You, - says the fox, - get the seeds, and I will sow. The bird agreed, flew to one peasant yard, flew to another, wandered around the barns and collected seeds. - Now go ...

    Once upon a time there lived an old man with an old woman. They had a granddaughter Snegurushka. She went in the summer with her friends for berries. They walk through the forest, pick berries. Tree for tree, bush for bush. And Snegurushka lagged behind her friends. They auked her, they auked her, but Snegurushka did not hear. It was already dark, the girlfriends went home. Snow Maiden like ...

    Once upon a time there was a fox and a hare. The fox had an ice hut, and the hare had a bast hut. Spring has come, red - the fox's hut has melted, and the hare's is the same. So the fox asked him to spend the night, and she kicked him out. There is a dear bunny. crying. Dogs met him: - Tyaf. tyaf, tyaf! What are you crying bunny? - How...

    Once upon a time there was a fox and a hare. And the fox had an ice hut, and the hare had a bast one. Spring came and the fox's hut had melted, but the hare's hut was as before. Then the fox came to the hare and asked him to spend the night, he let her in, and she took him and drove him out of her own hut. A hare walks through the forest and is bitter ...

    Once upon a time there lived a Sheep of a peasant. The owner disliked her, tortured her with nagging! She decided to leave home. She walked, walked. Fox met her: - Where are you going, Sheep? - Why, little fox-sister, I left the peasant, life was gone. Whatever happens: a goat scatter hay, a ram a hedge ...

    Crane met with a fox: -What, fox, can you fly? -No I do not know how to. -Sit on me, I'll teach you. The fox sat on the crane. The crane carried her high, high. -What, fox, do you see the land? -Barely I see: the earth looks like a sheepskin! The crane shook her off. The fox fell on a soft spot, on a hay heap. Crane...

    Once upon a time there was a man. This man had a cat, only such a mischievous man, what a trouble! He was sick to death. So the man thought, thought, took the cat, put it in a sack and carried it into the forest. He brought it and threw it in the forest - let it disappear. The cat walked, walked and came across a hut. He climbed into the attic and lay down to himself. And if he wants to eat, he will go ...

    Listen: once upon a time there was an old man, he had a cat and a rooster. The old man went to work in the forest, the cat carried him to eat, and left the rooster to guard the house. At that time, the fox came: - Kukareku, cockerel, Golden scallop, Look out the window, I will give you a pea, So the fox sang, sitting under the window. The rooster opened the window, stuck out its head ...

    Lisa was very hungry. He runs along the road and looks around: is it not possible to get hold of something edible somewhere? She sees: a peasant is carrying frozen fish on a sleigh. - It would be nice to taste the fish, - thought Fox. She ran ahead, lay down on the road, threw back her tail, straightened her legs. Well, dead, and full! ...

    A fox fell into a pit, and a tree stood above this pit, and a blackbird nest in the tree. The fox sat and sat in the pit, looking at the blackbird and saying to him: - Blackbird, blackbird, what are you doing? - Nest view. - What do you need a nest for? - I'll bring the children out. - Blackbird, feed me. If you don't feed, I'll eat your children. Thrush to grieve, ...

    A blackbird made a nest in a tree, laid the testicles and brought out the young. The fox found out about it. She came running and - knock-knock her tail on the tree. The thrush looked out of the nest, and the fox told him: - I'll hook the tree with its tail, I'll eat you, thrush, and eat your children! The blackbird got scared and began to beg, began to pray to the fox: - Little fox, mother, trees ...

    Once upon a time, there were two friends: the Gray Tail bunny and the Red Tail fox. They built houses for themselves and began to visit each other. As soon as the fox does not go to the bunny, the bunny runs to the fox and shouts - Red Tail! what's wrong? And if the bunny does not go to the fox, the fox runs to the bunny and shouts: - Gray Tail! ...

  • The fox ran, gape at the raven - and fell into the well. There was not much water in the well: you couldn't drown, and you couldn't jump out either. The fox is sitting, grieving; there is a goat - an intelligent head. He walks, shakes his beard, shakes his mugs; I looked into the well for nothing to do, saw a fox there and asked: - What are you there, fox, ...

  • The chanterelle walked along the path, found a rolling pin. She picked it up and walked on. I came to the village and knocked on the hut: - Knock-knock-knock! - Who's there? - I, little fox-sister! Let me spend the night! - We are cramped even without you. - Yes, I will not squeeze you: I myself will lie on the bench, a tail under the bench, a rolling pin under the stove. They let her in. Here ...

  • A fox slept under an aspen and saw thieves' dreams. The fox is sleeping, is it not asleep - all the same, there is no life from it for the animals. And they took up arms against a fox - a hedgehog, a woodpecker and a crow. The woodpecker and the crow flew forward, and the hedgehog followed. A woodpecker and a crow sat on an aspen. - Knock-knock-knock, - the woodpecker knocked on the bark with its beak. And the fox had a dream ...

  • Once upon a time there was a Flea, and so vicious and arrogant. She only knew how to jump high, but imagined that she was special. The Flea climbed into the Kitten's ear and squeaks: - Hey, woolen, from today I am your mistress. So now you will obey me. - How much? - the Kitten was indignant.

  • Once the Fox came to the river, and there the Bear was catching fish. Patrikeevna wanted to fish, but it hurts to wet his paws reluctance. She thought, thought for a moment and said: - I, Mikhailo Potapych, had a bad dream yesterday. There is no trace of those fish today.

  • A rumor spread through the forest that the Owl can do magic. Allegedly, he makes such miracles that he can neither say in a fairy tale, nor describe with a pen. Can help any trouble. The hare heard about this, and decided to ask her to give in. He ran to the hollow, where the Owl lives, he sees it sitting on a branch. The eyes are huge. Brushes on the ears. By all appearances, the bird is important. The Hare froze, and then pulled himself together and said:

  • One morning, the Fox woke up with a new sound. He raised his pointed ear warily and listened. "Drip-Drip-Drip" - came from outside the hole. The curious Little Fox stuck his red head out of the den, eyes narrowed from the bright light.

  • Winter came, and with it came the crackling frosts into the forest. All the trees were covered with white fluffy snow. The river was covered with a layer of thick ice. How good winter fun! You can play snowballs, make snowmen, sled, ice skate, ski ... The squirrels, laughing, poured onto the ice and quickly drove on their skates down the river back and forth: - Zipper! Zipper! - came to the Hare.

  • Once upon a time there lived an old man with an old woman, they had neither children nor grandchildren. So they went out of the gate on a holiday to look at other people's children, how they roll lumps out of the snow, play snowballs. The old man picked up the lump and said: `` What, old woman, if you and I had a daughter, so white, so round! Old woman ...

  • The fox and the wolf ran somewhere on their business, and they ran across the meadow. There is a haystack on a meadow, a bird sits on a haystack - the head and back are black, the feathers are red and red. Fluttered and flew away. The wolf says: - I wish I could become like that! “It's simple,” said the fox. - Provide, gossip, mercy, services. Redo ...

    Various animals lived in the forest. Everything would be fine, but a lion appeared in the neighborhood and imposed a tribute on the animals: hares should bring him a live hare, wolves - a wolf cub, foxes - a fox cub. I had to submit: who will argue with the formidable lion! Animals cry, but they carry their cubs to the formidable lion. Now it has come ...

Reading 4 min.

The fox has cubs. The kids were so pretty, fluffy.

The fox mother loved them very much, she warmed them with her body, tried to take care of them so that they were always full and cheerful.

Time passed, the cubs grew up and soon the fox mother began to take them out into the street.

She did not leave them for a minute. After all, the kids were completely stupid, they could easily get lost or get into trouble.

The little chanterelles were very friendly and often played in the dense grass that grew near the fox's house. They loved playing in the sun, coming up with new fun every day.

The fox dad was caring and responsible. Therefore, the family always had good food, and the dwelling itself was spacious and warm.

Soon, the chanterelles had grown so much that their parents began to let the little ones go for walks in the forest.

They were finally even allowed to attend a forestry school.

At first, the chanterelles diligently attended classes, but as soon as classes became difficult, they began to come up with various reasons not to go to school.

- Why do we need to go to a forest school, because we are already very clever, - said one to the other.
- Indeed, what new can they tell us at school, because my mother has long told us about everything.

So they justified their absence from classes and now, with a clear conscience, instead of classes, they went for a walk in the forest.

Mom, of course, did not know that her chanterelles, going to the forest school in the morning, run merrily through the forest and do not even feel guilty about deceiving mom and dad.
So summer flew by in walks, then autumn passed and soon winter came.

Chanterelle's fur coats have become warm and beautiful. They showed off their fur coats to everyone, and they themselves could not stop looking at their fluffy tails.

Everyone's favorite holiday was approaching New Year... In the forest school, everyone was preparing for the celebration, but the chanterelles knew little about this, because they did not go to classes and rarely met other animals.

But on New Year's Eve, they nevertheless learned that animals were gathering in a large meadow to celebrate and have a lot of fun together.

At first they did not pay attention to it, but then they also wanted to participate in a fun holiday.
- Let's sneak up in the evening and see what kind of holiday it is.

- It's a good idea. We will see everything, but no one will notice us.
And then came the festive evening.

All day the animals decorated the Christmas tree, brought and put various treats on the table.

The winter was unusually mild, which is why everyone decided to celebrate outside. For the trouble, they did not notice how evening came.

Everyone went home to put their fur coats in order, and since it was decided to arrange a masquerade, some of the animals decided to wear fancy dress.

The chanterelles waited for darkness and stealthily went to the clearing.
They saw a Christmas tree decorated with toys and shining with rain.

The animals gathered in the clearing, they had fun and congratulated each other. Lanterns were placed at the edges of the clearing, so everything was well lit.

In addition, lighted candles were placed on the table.

Such lighting made the atmosphere even more solemn and festive.

Presents were stacked on the dais under the tree.
The chanterelles felt so offended that everyone was having fun, and they were peeping from behind the bushes.

They were firmly convinced that no one could see them.

But they were wrong, they had long been noticed by an old fox who was a teacher in a forest school. He understood how much the chanterelles wanted to participate in the holiday, but they were ashamed to appear in front of everyone, because the chanterelles deceived everyone.

The old teacher carefully watched the chanterelles, and then turned to the merry animals.
- Listen, we have interesting spectators here.

Two chanterelles lurked behind those bushes. Let's invite them to our holiday.
Chanterelle was quickly found and with a laugh was invited to the clearing.

At first they were shy and just timidly stood near the tree, but then the holiday mood captured them and they soon danced and had fun with everyone.

When the holiday drew to a close, gifts were given to everyone, and the chanterelles also received bags with gingerbread cookies, nuts and toys.

The holidays flew by quickly. The chanterelles spent all this time at home. They got up early and spent the whole day at the table with their textbooks.

They tried to catch up with their classmates at least a little. And when the holidays were over, the chanterelles became the most diligent students.

Now they didn’t miss a single lesson and found it very interesting to study.

After all, every day the teacher told a lot of interesting things and the young foxes were very sorry that they missed school so much time.

Lisa Patrikeevna lives in our forest, very beautiful. Few of these beautiful animals can be found here. Patrikeevna's fur coat is the most expensive, but her eyes are kind of bleak. And the muzzle is not happy. Do you know why? Nobody wants to be friends with Lisa, she is lonely.

As a child, Patrikeevna was the most beautiful fox both in the forest and in the family. Mom loved her very much, but, like all little animals, Lisa did not obey her mother and did not like very much when she scolded her. The chanterelle grew up a little and thought: "And I'll try to deceive my mother!"

Once my mother caught some tasty fish in the river, and Patrikeevna took everything and ate it while my mother and her younger brother were walking. I couldn't resist. “It's not my fault that the fish is so tasty, but my mother could have caught more,” Lisa Patrikeevna thought to herself. Mom came home with her brother, but there was nothing to eat. Then Patrikeevna began to cry and said that it was a cat from the village that came running and ate everything. Mom believed her beloved daughter.

Once my mother asked Patrikeevna to clean up the hole, and she left on important mother's affairs. Patrikeevna, of course, did not want to clean up at all, it’s better to lie in the sun. Mom returned, but the hole was not cleaned. My daughter said to her: "Mom, I was already cleaning and cleaning, I was already sweeping and sweeping, and the wind blew in and swept the garbage back."

Mom doubted a little, but this time she believed her favorite.

Patrikeevna grew up in love and satiety. Sometimes she cunning and deceiving, but she got away with everything. Once my mother had to go to the neighboring forest. Patrikeevna was already a big fox, almost an adult. So my mother says: "Watch your brother, don't leave one alone." Patrikeevna promised her mother that she would follow her brother, but she just deceived. I went for a walk with him in the woods, and then I met my friends and ran to play catch-up. But my brother still did not know how to run fast and fell behind. It began to get dark in the forest, Lisa Patrikeevna returned home without her brother. And soon my mother came. I saw that my son was not there, and let's cry, grieve, scold my daughter. And Patrikeevna says: “He ran away from me. I was looking for him, but I did not find him. " And my mother wails, worries, suddenly the son will fall into a trap, suddenly the hunter will meet him ... Well, the good animals saw a fox in the forest and brought him home. Since then, the mother stopped trusting her daughter, was offended, and realized that her daughter had grown up as a liar.

Meanwhile, Patrikeevna, meanwhile, began to deceive the forest animals.

Once the Fox is walking through the forest, looking - the Hare is eating a carrot, crunching. The Hare wanted to treat Fox to her, and she told him: "Hare, I don't eat carrots, but the Wolf loves very much." Just then the Wolf was passing by, the Hare handed him a carrot, and the Wolf snapped his teeth and almost bit off his paw. Happiness Zaikino, that he knew how to run quickly. But since that time he stopped making friends with Patrikeevna.

And this is what happened to the Bear. He somehow sits on a tree stump and yawns. The fox saw this and asks why are you yawning with a clubfoot? “I want to sleep,” answered the Bear. “Of course, after all, winter will come in a day,” says Patrikeevna. And in the forest it was the height of summer, Bear believed his friend and began to cook for the den and went to bed. I slept for several months, felt hungry and woke up, and around the snow, cold ... What to do? The emaciated Bear wandered towards the people. And there, you know, the dogs are evil, hunters. It was very hard for the Bear. “Eh, Patrikeevna, you have evil jokes, you deceiver! I will not be friends with you anymore, ”he said to Lisa.

By this time, other animals told everyone about fox deceptions. So Patrikeevna was left alone. Not only people do not like deceivers, but also animals in our forest.

The fox in Russian folk tales has become the personification of an evil mind. She is beautiful, seductive, eloquent, can easily pretend to be defenseless and weak, manipulating others for her own benefit. To achieve what she wants, the red-haired beast is ready to use all her trump cards - deception, deceit, fraud, seduction. In fairy tales, the fox acts as a negative character who, trying to outwit positive hero, he himself becomes a victim, paying the price for his meanness and hypocrisy.

Fox in Russian folk tales

Why is the fox credited with a sharp mind and resourcefulness?

The cunning fox, as a character in fairy tales, appeared as a result of the observations of ordinary people for this animal. These are mainly the stories of hunters who personally saw the tricks of the red cheat. More than once she pretended to be dead in order to catch game. In the role of a prisoner, she behaves similarly in order to weaken the vigilance of the hunter and escape. She can fall when the weapon is fired, as if she were wounded, but when she is thrown to the rest of the prey, she will slip away at any convenient moment. Even with serious injuries, the foxes managed to get out of the bag and flee back into the forest. Since she is not endowed with special strength, in order to survive she has to resort to cunning.

And they often hunt for her, sometimes because of her beautiful fur, sometimes because of her predatory activities. She herself is a good hunter - dexterous, cunning, silent. Its victims are hares, grasshoppers, mice, butterflies, fish, May beetle, young roe deer, as well as poultry and eggs hatched by it. Due to the fact that she often climbs on chicken coops, the owners of poultry disliked her. That is why among the people the fox acquired the image of a clever villainess-thief.

Fox nicknames in fairy tales

In fairy tales, the fox is painted as a real beauty because of her luxurious red fur coat. And, despite the negativity of the character, they are often affectionately called "gossip" or "sister". She has similar family ties with another anti-hero of fairy tales - a wolf and other animals, which she can still also fool. There is another prerequisite for this nickname - crafty female image, which met among the people. A cunning and sharp-tongued gossip or a neighbor who was in every village, capable of swallowing the interlocutor and achieving her selfish goals.

In one of the Russian fairy tales, the fox is even given a name - Patrikeevna. But it is not in honor of the woman, but in honor of the governor of Novgorod, Prince Patrikei Narimantovich. He became famous among the people as a cunning and unscrupulous steward, manipulating people and profiting in an dishonest way.

The image of a fox from folk tales

In each of the tales, specific features of the chanterelle stand out. Rarely is she a victim. Basically, this is a skillful deceiver and cheater:

  • "Fox and Crane" displays duplicity - external benevolence and hospitality, hiding indifference to other people's needs and calculation;
  • "Little Fox and the Wolf" shows the adventurism of the villainess, her penchant for mischief and mockery, hypocrisy even with her brothers;
  • "Fox - Confessor" - the image of the red-haired heroine personifies deceit and rancor;
  • "Cockerel - a golden comb" and "Kolobok" - the heroine deceives naive good-natured characters for the sake of her selfish goals;
  • "Chanterelle with a rolling pin" - reveals the image of a swindler fox, greedy and dishonest;
  • "Fox and black grouse" shows the main features of the character - flattery and deceit, hypocrisy;
  • "Snegurushka and the Fox" - one of the few fairy tales where the character of the animal is positive. Here she shows kindness and altruism, helping Snegurushka.

The people in fairy tales showed a negative attitude not towards the animal itself, but towards the qualities that it symbolizes.

The fox is always busy with something. The cheat has no free time at all. Look around, look around, she has no time. But then one day magical events made her look at the world in a new way ...

Fairy tale "Fox and boots-runners"

Once upon a time there was a fox. She once found running boots in the forest. Who's Lost? The fox took them to the hare. He refused to take, said that he was already running so fast, he did not need running boots.

The fox thought, and offered the walking boots to her chatterbox friend forty, but she said that it was more convenient to fly without boots.

Then the fox put on her magic boots and went to the magic forest. In the magic forest, she flew like a bird. The fox looked down and wondered what beauty all around! Then she went to her native forest. “How could I have missed the beauty that surrounded me every day? It was worth being in a magical forest to understand how beautiful the world is! "

Questions and tasks for the fairy tale

What magic item did the fox find in the forest?

Who did the fox offer the running boots?

In which forest did the fox fly?

What discovery did the fox make for itself?

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe tale is that the world is really beautiful. Sometimes, in order to understand this, you have to put on magic boots and find yourself in a magic forest. But sometimes it happens that the magic forest is no different from the real one. The forest is always a little bit magical. What events are taking place there, behind tall pines, centuries-old oaks and spreading birches? Various. This is from the field of sacrament ...

What proverbs and famous expressions fit the tale?

Beauty is sweeter than simplicity.
Beauty is not a burden, but a joy.
Life is beauty. Admire her!