
Evil fortune-telling twins of the soul parallel worlds. Astral counterparts. Higher Self, One Self

Well, today is Halloween, which means it's time to talk about "dark" creatures. After all, today is their night, when the boundaries between the worlds become thinner, and they easily pass through them. What are these mysterious creatures?
These are the ones you see in the dark out of the corner of your eye.
These are the ones who scare you when you are alone in an empty house or in the forest.
These are the ones who come into your dreams and scare you to death.
And those who are constantly near you, day and night. They are everywhere and nowhere at the same time. In a word, “In the black-black city on the black-black street there is a black-black house” ...
But enough of the horror stories, let's get serious.
We are talking about the inhabitants of the subtle worlds of our planet - astral entities, or, as they are called by the magical terminology of my line - inorganic beings.

People usually do not feel them directly, only indirectly. First, there is a feeling of incomprehensible anxiety, depression, sleep becomes restless - sometimes with an unpleasant feeling of heaviness on the chest, as if someone is pressing from above. After a while, working capacity decreases, well-being worsens, inexplicable seizures and mysterious debilitating diseases often occur. At the same time, doctors cannot find any specific disease, they talk about "chronic fatigue syndrome", etc.
Imperceptibly affecting people, some entities can lead to very serious mental disorders. It is them that the church calls "demons", and the emerging painful condition - possession. There are times when they, as if by order, appear in a certain place and attack the victim intended by someone. Such an attack is usually caused by black magic. There are also independent "astral parasites". They stick to the human body (but not to the physical, but to the subtle one) and feed on its energy. Penetrating into the carrier's aura, they deprive him of normal energy and may well bring him to illness.
Some of the inhabitants of the subtle world are created by man himself, his imagination, strong emotions or thoughts. Nervous atmosphere, careless and impure thoughts create corresponding astral "friends". I have already spoken more than once about the informational properties of places and objects. So, any apartment not only has the ability to remember the thoughts and feelings of its residents. Her energy can also attract "strangers", according to the law of similarity, extraneous invisible entities will be attracted to it. Well, if your house is constantly positive emotions - then good creatures will come. But if the room is energetically unclean, the “aliens” will be of a completely different kind.
Very bad energy remains in the room where drunk or drug addicts were. Therefore, after a long feast, it is necessary to “clean” the apartment especially carefully. However, energy cleaning is useful for any room, and it should be done at least once a year.
Signs that all is not well in the house:
- Bad mood and well-being at home.
- inexplicable irritability, rapidly advancing fatigue.
- causeless quarrels, scandals.
- different and progressive diseases in family members.
- inappropriate behavior and diseases of domestic animals.
- failures and breakdowns in business; troubles in life.
- things get lost.
- different household appliances fail too often.
- electricity spontaneously goes out or lights up, electrical appliances turn on or off.
- incomprehensible sounds at night in the apartment.
- a bad, unpleasant smell, the source of which cannot be determined.
- death of indoor plants
- nightmares, poor sleep of adults and especially children.
Try to keep people out of the house who cause you even the slightest dislike. And in the bedroom - no one at all, even close friends. Remember, your home is your castle. And the strength and reliability of these walls depends on how attentive you are to order - both energy and domestic.
The fact is that otherworldly evil spirits are very fond of cluttered places, especially the corners where dust and debris accumulate for months: there it is waiting for energy replenishment. And from there it affects the whole psychological atmosphere of the house. Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of rubbish and dust, especially in hard-to-reach places.
Take out the trash in time, do not leave dirty dishes overnight- all this attracts any astral mold to your house for a “night feast”.
Do not bring outerwear into the living room and even more so do not put her sofa or bed. If you were among random people (in transport, crowds, etc.). wearing these clothes, she will almost certainly attract unwanted entities to your sleeping place. Yes, and thrown somehow in the room, outerwear creates an atmosphere of the station, unfavorable for living quarters.
For the same reason do not walk around the room in street shoes.
I am often asked how to quickly clear the house of uninvited guests.
Some methods came to us from ancient times. All kinds of bells, bells and "breezes" from time immemorial served as a means to scare away evil spirits and evil spirits. Bell ringing could be heard not only during holidays, funerals or thunderstorms, but also during epidemics.
Excellent cleansing effect another tried and tested method is open fire candles, lamps, a fireplace, a bonfire… Such a fire not only gives warmth and sows, but also ennobles the psychoenergetic atmosphere around it.
Another way is to set fire to a sprig of dry wormwood in the room. it gives a wonderful cleansing effect. With such an open fire (candle, lamp, smoldering wormwood, juniper, incense sticks, etc.), you need to go around the room at least three times, paying special attention to the corners.
A well-known effective remedy is garlic. Since ancient times, people and magicians have used it only for its healing and "magical" properties. Garlic cloves were laid out for the night (or even for several days) in “bad places”, and then they were taken away and burned.
And, of course, it is important not only to get rid of negative entities, but also attract positive energy into your home. Invite the good and good people, hang on the walls such "positive magnets" as icons and sacred images, peaceful landscapes and still lifes. And yet the main remedy is not in this. The most important thing is the atmosphere of spirituality, love and mutual understanding in the house. Where prayer, mantra, beautiful music sound every day, pleasant smells and bright moods hover, there is no and cannot be a place for bad energies and uninvited guests. Even on a night like today, October 31st.

American physicists received sensational confirmation. Four NASA satellites are exploring space on a mission called MMS. At the end of May 2016, with the help of special equipment, they first observed the collision of the magnetic fields of the Sun and the Earth. Scientists said that at that moment the space was distorted, and something like gaps appeared in the magnetosphere, in which the distance is illogically reduced, rapidly and the traditional laws of physics cease to operate.

Once in such a gap, you can instantly move to any point in the universe. Specialists of the American space agency claim that these are the very partals to parallel worlds.

Parallel worlds can be everywhere, including near us. The researchers argue that the appearance of everything anomalous: UFOs, ghosts, poltergeists, and even the ability to foresee the situation for many years to come - is associated with parallel worlds.

Science fiction writers still write about the existence of parallel worlds. But today it becomes obvious that this is no longer a fantasy.

Where does "evil" come from and where do people disappear

In one Chinese city, a television camera recorded the moment of teleportation. First, two cars drove by, then a truck, smoothly picking up speed, enters the frame. A cyclist is moving across him, thinking about something of his own. A collision is inevitable. However, someone flies into the frame at great speed, leaving behind a flash of light, and a cyclist with a cart instantly finds himself on the other side of the street. He is saved.

The incredible case of teleportation was filmed on a video recorder. A car crosses tram lines. And suddenly, as if out of thin air, another car appears in front of his hood. The driver is shocked. He was sure that the lane of the road was free for passage and, as the DVR showed, it was so, but then where did this passenger car come from?

Another incident recorded by the same DVR looks no less strange. The SUV goes to the right and it is clearly visible that there is no one between the dividing strips, but suddenly a person appears there. Slow motion shows in detail that he had nowhere to come from here.

Cases with the sudden appearance and disappearance of people have been known since ancient times. One of them is documented in pre-revolutionary Russia. Two peasants were grazing cows and got into the fog. The fog was so strong that they had to sit out in a ravine, and when the fog cleared and the peasants came to the village, the unbelievable became clear: they had been absent for twenty years! How did it happen? They probably fell into some kind of parallax, into contradictions of a spatio-temporal nature.

Skeptics attribute evidence of the appearance to an optical illusion or the violent imagination of eyewitnesses.

At different times, prominent thinkers who claim that our world is multidimensional have become outcasts of society. In the sixteenth century, the Catholic Church condemned and sentenced to a painful death Giordano Bruno, who declared the infinity of the universe and the multiplicity of worlds.

In ancient sources there are statements that our Earth is hollow inside and underground inhabitants live in the depths. No wonder we got a saying from our ancestors: "fall into hell." Greek mythology tells about "tartar" - an ominous underworld.

The philosopher Anaxagoras in the fifth century AD even built a model of the universe of parallel worlds, in which there are people, cities and heavenly bodies. It would seem that this is a consequence of an early, naive idea about the structure of the world, when science was in its infancy, but is it really so?

Arkaim - fortified settlements, whose age, according to scientists, reaches four thousand years. This system of cities is found on a large area covering Kazakhstan, Bashkiria, Chelyabinsk, Sverdlovsk and Orenburg regions. According to reputable scientists, it is there that an illogical flow of time is clearly observed: it either slows down or accelerates. Members of the expedition have repeatedly reported the disappearances and then the appearance of their colleagues.

Most likely, there is a breakthrough in some other reality. For us, this is the world of spirits or the afterlife, or some other reality; for them our reality is the same.

Parallel worlds under the microscope of scientists

Today, in our view, the Earth and the planets surrounding us are some kind of cobblestones filled with something dense and hot. And all this dense and hot consists of atoms, and here a paradox arises. Examining an atom through a microscope, which we consider to be a solid ball, we immediately recognize that the atom is not solid - it is just a tiny particle of a dense substance, in the center surrounded by a soft cloud of electrons that disappear and jump out of existence.

It turns out that in physical terms, an atom is a void, however, filled with a colossal one. And there is enough space in it for the existence of other worlds, which from time to time can touch.

Once upon a time, spirits, gods, or the devil were believed to be responsible for kidnapping people into unknown realms.

During the history of its existence, human civilization has collected a number of evidence of such a phenomenon as time travel. Both during the reign of the Egyptian pharaohs and during the Middle Ages, eyewitnesses appeared, telling about meetings not only with ghosts and ghosts, but also with strange people, machines and mechanisms.

About a year ago, the British government declassified a curious document. It is connected with the mystical episode of the First World War. It turns out that in 1915, two battalions of the Norfolk Regiment disappeared without a trace, which landed on the Turkish coast as a landing force. 267 soldiers under the command of Colonel Boshim moved in the direction of the enemy fortified area. On the way, the soldiers entered a cloud of fog, and when it dissipated, no one was in place. The bodies of the missing British have not been found so far.

And this is not the only case when people, planes, ships disappear without a trace. Over the past century, dozens of books have been written about it.

Who leaves modern objects in the past

A sensational discovery was made by Chinese scientists. During the excavation of an ancient tomb, a strange object was discovered. At first they thought it was a ring, but after cleaning it of dirt, they realized that it was a watch. And not just watches, but Swiss ones. A corresponding modern inscription was made inside. The hands of the clock stopped at ten o'clock and six minutes. But how is it? After all, the tomb is 400 years old and has never been opened.

Until now, none of the scientists can clarify the situation with another discovery made in the USA back in 1934. An ordinary-looking hammer has literally grown into limestone about 140 million years old. The composition of iron, made at the Ohio Institute of Technology, showed that such a pure metal had not been obtained in the entire history of industrial metallurgy.

Such artifacts are scattered all over the world, including in Russia. Modern things are literally embedded in rocks that are millions of years old. One of the conclusions can be this: perhaps after some time people will create a time machine and be able to travel into the past. The same Swiss watch found by Chinese archaeologists may have been lost by a guest from the future.

What exists is only assumed modern science. And our ancestors, apparently, knew about them for many centuries and communicated with them as best they could. Among the entities inhabited by others, there are kind, positively disposed towards people and evil or demonic spirits, one of the main tasks of which is to harm a person in every possible way.

This division is very conditional, because much depends both on the situation and on the nature of the person communicating with the spirits and his goals. Unambiguously unpleasant spirits, from which we expect only dirty tricks, include evil spirits, including devils, demons, mermaids, water and other infernal creatures.

Some of the history of the attacks of the forces of darkness

1606, winter - in Basel, a trial took place over a certain Francoise Bos, who was accused of conspiring with the devil, who bewitched her husband. Francoise swore that she did not call the devil, but he himself appeared and paralyzed her husband, who slept soundly for several days.

Another mystical event took place in Lower Saxony. The story tells of a woman who was also visited by unknown creatures in the middle of the night. When Frau Anchen was getting ready for bed, she saw a strange light outside the window, and after a while she felt that there was someone outside the house. She lit a candle, and by her son's bed she saw a nondescript dwarf with an exorbitantly large head. Ankhen screamed and rushed to her son, but the dwarf suddenly disappeared.

Despite the fact that most medieval evidence of encounters with demons concerns the female, the male part of the population is also exposed. Noteworthy is the documented testimony of one priest who claimed that he was a victim of temptation by an infernal being who appeared to him under the cover of night. The devil arose in the midst of a dwelling inside a luminous ball and tried to seduce the spiritual person by materializing naked women in front of him.

Malicious poltergeist and UFO in modern Russia

In the New Age, some people are also the objects of attack and persecution by demonic beings. But in our country, where the main part of the population, due to the 70-year cultivation of godlessness, does not believe in either God or the devil, the appearance of mysterious entities from behind the looking glass is associated with such a phenomenon as a poltergeist or a UFO, which, however, is not essentially changes, because it's not the name.

A classic example is the notorious Barabashka, which appeared during the years of perestroika in a women's hostel. But not all spirits turned out to be so sweet and harmless brownies. In some cases, the poltergeist destroyed or set fire to all property, and brought the residents themselves to a nervous breakdown. Examples, even with the extreme rarity of the phenomenon, are enough. The cruelty of the poltergeist concerned only things, objects, less often - pets of one apartment and did not extend to neighboring ones. And very rarely there was a physical attack "" on people.

A connection was also established between the raging poltergeist and some one tenant of the “bad apartment”, who subconsciously charged him with energy. Today it has been established that this kind of unwitting initiator or carrier of a poltergeist is often a teenager in a state of pubertal crisis or a person suffering from some kind of mental or endocrine disease.

It is noteworthy that the poltergeist turns out to be a more ardent atheist than any of the communists. This is manifested in the fact that the noisy spirit deals with the attributes of any religious cult with special brutality. At the same time, the nature of the confession does not matter to him. Unlike cinematic vampires, he is not afraid of Christian crosses, which he destroys in the first place, which once again speaks of his demonic nature.

Incubus and succubus

So called in medieval Europe evil spirits who visited women (incubus) and men (succubus) at night and had sexual intercourse with them. One of the first theorists of the origin of violent spirits was the Parisian bishop Guillaume Auvergne. It was thanks to him that in the 12th century interest in this issue increased dramatically. Guillaume claimed that demons are not capable of full-fledged sexual contacts, but skillfully create the illusion of such in the mind of their victims, while stealing sperm on the side. How they do this, the theologian did not explain. The stolen incubus seed is then "blown into the female womb." To prove his version, the bishop refers to some Portuguese witches who, as they initially assured, became pregnant "from the wind."

In the protocols of the Holy Inquisition, with surprising regularity, sexual relations of interrogated women with Satan or with one of his deputies are mentioned. In The Hammer of the Witches, a unique guide to medieval demonology, compiled in 1487 by Heinrich Institoris and Jacob Sprenger, it is written: “... such a woman, introduced to the kingdom of the devil, receives her own special trait for love. He arranges a wedding with her, while others have fun. This devil often visits her, enters into sexual relations with her, sometimes orders her to do this or that evil ... ".

It should be noted that many women themselves devoutly believed that they actually entered into a love affair with the devil and were in a marriage union with him. Of course, one cannot trust the testimony obtained under torture in the dungeons of the Inquisition, but nevertheless, one is struck by the amazing uniformity of such evidence, which coincides even in details and practically did not change over several centuries of the rule of the Inquisition. It was also believed that the number of incubi exceeds the number of succubi by almost ten times, because women are supposedly more lustful creatures and often sin with demons.

Recently, incubi and succubi have become the subject of interest of ufologists, because cases of the so-called "rape" of both men and women have become more frequent not by demons, but by aliens.

What Science Says

From the standpoint of eniology and partly modern psychology both incubi and succubi are the result of an obsessive imagination in forced sexual abstinence. At the same time, distinct astral mirages of these characters arise, which, under the conditions of their unconscious importunity, are finally alienated from the personality, taking on the appearance of lustful demons.

Approximately the same can be said and, which is formed due to the increased or distorted work of the psyche and endocrine glands in humans. But the question arises: why does not this happen to every sexually preoccupied? Apparently, this is all the same because the basis is the primary manifestation of the spirit itself, which is weak and frail, and therefore does not exert any external force if it is not saturated with energy from a suitable person.

Astral doubles

The phenomenon of astral twins has long been very carefully studied by scientists and parapsychologists. To date, they qualify the concept of "astral twin" ("astral body") as a kind of "subtle" copy of the physical body of a living being. It reflects it in itself as a purely material object and at the same time is the substratum of consciousness. In the normal state, the "astral double" is one with the physical body. Their separation occurs due to a strong specific change in the state of the body's bioenergetics. These can be conscious efforts or extreme life circumstances: a crisis of illness, near-death state, death, etc.

According to traditional occult ideas, at the time of a person's death, the "astral double" loses contact with his physical body. There remains a kind of "imprint" in the "information twin" of our world. Sometimes he appears as a ghost.

So, each of us has an astral double, but a date with him can be dangerous. There are many examples of this! A special place among the testimonies of lifetime ghosts is occupied by the stories of the "originals" about meetings with their "copies". Such a case is very curious, connected with the poet P. A. Vyazemsky, who not only met his own double, but also received from him a certain text, that is, a real physical trace of his presence. The story of the St. Petersburg Bishop Porfiry (Uspensky), recorded by him from the words of the poet himself, has been preserved. “Once,” Vyazemsky said, “I was returning at night to my apartment on Nevsky Prospekt, near the Anichkov Bridge, and saw a bright light in the windows of my office. I enter the house and ask the servant: “Who is in my study?” The servant told me: "There is no one there," and gave me the key to this room. I unlocked the office, went in and saw that in the back of this room a man was sitting with his back to me and was writing something. I went up to him and, reading what was written from behind his shoulder, I shouted loudly, clutched my chest and fell unconscious; when I woke up, I no longer saw the writer, but I took what he wrote, hid it, and to this day I am melting, and before death I will order to put this secret of mine with me in the coffin and grave. I think I saw myself writing." Thus, it is obvious that such a meeting of a person and his double can be dangerous and even fatal.

This is confirmed by other cases. One of them is described in the Memoirs of Countess A. D. Bludova. His witness was a relative of Prince A. N. Shcherbatov, the countess's grandfather. Here's how it was: “The guard stood near the throne room; the sentry was at the open door. Empress Anna Ioannovna has already retired to the inner chambers. Suddenly, the sentry commands: “On guard!” The soldiers jumped to their feet, the officer drew his sword to salute. He sees the Empress walking up and down the throne room, her head bowed thoughtfully and her arms thrown back, paying no attention to anyone. The officer, seeing that she was resolutely not going to go further than the hall, not daring to get too close to the doors, finally decides to go through another passage to the ladies' room and ask if they know the empress's intentions. Here he meets Biron and reports to him what happened. “It can’t be,” says the duke, “I’m now from her majesty, she went into the bedroom to go to bed.” "Look for yourself: she's in the throne room." Byron goes and sees her too. “This is some kind of intrigue, deceit, conspiracy to influence the soldiers!” - he cried, rushed to the empress and persuaded her to come out in order to expose the impostor in the eyes of the guard, some woman who uses some resemblance to her in order to fool people. The Empress decided to leave as she was. Biron went with her. They saw a woman strikingly like her, who was not in the least embarrassed. "Daring!" Biron shouted and called the whole guard. The young officer, and this was a relative of Prince Shcherbatov, saw with his own eyes two Anna Ioannovnas, of which the real, living one could be distinguished from the other only by her outfit and by the fact that she went up with Biron from another door. The empress, standing for a moment in surprise, stepped forward, went to this woman and asked: “Who are you, why did you come?” Without answering a word, she began to back away, not taking her eyes off the Empress. "That's a cheeky liar! Here is the Empress! She orders you: shoot this woman!” Biron shouted to the platoon. The astonished officer ordered, the soldiers took aim. The woman, who was standing on the steps near the throne, turned her eyes once more to Her Majesty and disappeared. Anna Ioannovna turned to Biron and said: “This is my death!” Then she bowed to the dumbfounded soldiers and went to her room.

Even then, many believed that between the fact that Anna Ionovna saw her double and her death, there was some kind of mystical connection. This conjecture is confirmed by another event, equally incomprehensible and mysterious: the meeting of another Russian Empress Catherine the Great with her double ended in exactly the same way. Louis XVIII, in his Memoirs, from the words of his subjects entering the palace of the Russian Tsaritsa, described this incident as follows: the empress, in a night dress and with a candle in her hands, leaves her bedroom, goes towards the throne room and enters there. At first they were very surprised at such a strange and late exit, and soon began to worry about her prolonged absence. What was their astonishment when they heard the call from the Empress's bedroom, which was usually used to call the servants on duty! Rushing into the bedroom, they saw the empress lying on the bed. Ekaterina asked with displeasure who was disturbing her sleep. The ladies-in-waiting hesitated, afraid to tell the truth, but the empress quickly noticed their embarrassment and forced them to tell the whole incident in detail. Vividly interested in the story, she ordered herself to be dressed and, accompanied by her ladies-in-waiting, went to the throne room. The door was open... A strange sight met the eyes of all present: the huge hall was illuminated by some kind of greenish light. A ghost sat on the throne - another Catherine. The Empress screamed and fell unconscious. From that moment her health failed, and two days later an apoplexy stroke ended her life.

A contemporary record has been preserved that shortly before the death of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, many saw her ghost walking in summer garden. Pyotr Ivanovich and Ivan Ivanovich Shuvalov observed the appearance of a ghost in the rooms of the palace, although at that time the Empress was definitely in her chambers. And again, the same inexplicable pattern: the appearance of the double of the Empress is followed by her death.

Cases of twins famous people V Russian history it doesn't end there. Evidence of this can serve as a mysterious story with V. I. Lenin. Shortly before his death, the bedridden leader of the world proletariat suddenly appeared in the Kremlin. The head of the guard, who saw him, was indignant at the absence of guards with him and immediately began to call Gorki. Imagine the surprise of the Chekist when he was told at the other end of the wire that Vladimir Ilyich was in place and had not gone anywhere. However, many people saw Lenin in the Kremlin that day. It needed to be explained somehow. Therefore, this story later appeared in the memoirs of N. K. Krupka and the personal guard of the leader A. Belmas. True, when comparing them, flashy discrepancies immediately catch the eye. So, N. K. Krupskaya writes that she and Vladimir Ilyich spent the night in Moscow, and the guard - that they returned the same day to Gorki. Krupskaya claims that they drove past the Agricultural Exhibition, and Belmas that Lenin even visited the exhibition. All these inconsistencies in the memories suggest that an attempt was made to construct a version of an event that did not actually happen. But people who saw Lenin in the Kremlin that day could not know that he did not leave his residence in Gorki. It was necessary to convince them that it was he, and not his double, who really visited Moscow, since to admit that this mystical phenomenon took place meant to abandon their materialistic convictions.

Why do doubles appear shortly before death? Maybe the ghost, the “second self”, seeks to warn its owner that he is running out of time so that he can complete the work he has begun and with a clear conscience go to another world? How to know...

Strange stories happened to others prominent people like the English poet Byron. In 1810, while in Greece, he fell ill and was bedridden. Meanwhile, many people who knew the poet well saw him at that time on the streets of London. In particular, Secretary of State Peel wrote to Byron that he had met him twice on Saint-Germain Street. With his usual seriousness and self-irony, the poet answered him: “I have no doubt that we can - as we know it - split in two: moreover, the question that arises as to which of the twins is currently valid and which is not, I submit to your decision ".

No less interesting is the story that happened to the Russian poet Delvig. Contemporaries recalled that shortly before his death, he sat in the evening with his good friends. The conversation turned to mysticism, various visions from the other world. “Do you want me to come to you from the other world?” asked the poet. “Come, Anton Antonovich!” - the owners answered him. The strange conversation was not given any importance, and it was soon forgotten. And some time after Delvig's death, his landowner friend talked with his wife in the evening and recalled that until recently they had also sat and talked with the poet. The landowner got up several times, walked around the room and looked into the hall with a balcony, on which there were once flowers. Suddenly it seemed to him that a forgotten rose bush was standing in front of the door. The lights in the house had not yet been lit, and at dusk it was difficult to see clearly the object standing in front of the balcony door. When the conversation came to an end, the landowner decided to go up to an imaginary bush, but what was his amazement when he saw in front of him ... the figure of Delvig. The poet was dressed in a frock coat and stood with his arms folded across his chest. The landowner was dumbfounded and rushed to his wife, shouting: “Water! Water!" Seeing her husband turned pale, his wife also looked into the hall and saw Delvig. A moment later, the ghost suddenly disappeared. So the promise given by the poet during his lifetime was fulfilled. And this is not the only case when earthly circumstances, relationships or deeds continue to retain some of their mystical significance for the dead.

As you know, there was a lot of mystical and mysterious in the life of the great Russian writer Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. The first link in the chain of these mysterious phenomena was his illness. The game of insanity eventually turned into reality. The second reason was the difference in the attitudes of the spiritual fathers that surrounded the writer at the end of his life: Father Matthew, an extremely ascetic nature, exhausted him with fasts, demanded that he renounce A. S. Pushkin, and Metropolitan Filaret, on the contrary, believed that he should not fast. And of course, the signs of the writer's split personality were especially pronounced in last years life, when he often saw himself from the side. When a madman named Koreysha showed up at the Preobrazhensky hospital, Gogol, who was interested in mysticism, came to him to get acquainted with his notes. Shortly before his death, the writer saw his astral double, who repeatedly appeared in the Russian capital even after Gogol's death. Eyewitnesses claim that the ghost was mild-mannered, although formidable. When in 1931 it was decided to transfer the remains of the writer from the cemetery of the Danilovsky Monastery to Novodevichy, one of the gravediggers dragged away the rib of the deceased. Gogol's spirit did not take revenge on the hard worker, and in the best traditions of some of his heroes went straight to the cemetery authorities. The writer G. L. Lidin recalled how the disheveled director of the cemetery came running to him and said that for the third night in a row a classic came to him in a dream and demanded to return the rib. An official investigation was carried out, and the missing part of the body was returned to its place.

The last time the astral double of Nikolai Vasilyevich was seen was in the early 1990s. XX century in the house on Nikitsky Boulevard, where he died. At that time, the higher literary courses were located there. The headman said that at night the ghost of the writer wandered around the house and cursed “like a shoemaker” - the most decent word in his tirades was “mediocrity”.

It is believed that death is a kind of Rubicon that only changes the form of human existence: the destruction of the material shell is the beginning of a new, as it is called "afterlife", life. According to one version, the most common are the astral twins of people who have passed away against their will. Violent death or suicide, death in an accident or catastrophe - this is the strongest impetus for the appearance of twin ghosts. In these cases, the energy body and soul form a stable framework that can exist in the physical world. Often people who were cursed during their lifetime become ghosts, and the stronger the curse, the more likely it is to meet such a double. The easiest way to get rid of such a vision is a church funeral.

The hidden abilities of the human mind also include the ability to create your own, more or less "stable" double. In this regard, a curious story that happened to the famous American writer Theodore Dreiser, about which he left an entry in his diary. One of his friends, either jokingly or seriously, promised him in a somewhat strange way to come to him in the evening. A few hours later, Dreiser really suddenly saw his friend - he was standing at the door of his office. As soon as the astonished writer tried to approach him, the double disappeared. The most interesting thing is that before that, Dreiser locked the doors with a key. The next morning they met again, but the friend flatly refused to explain to him how he managed to "transport" to the writer's office.

The stories described above indicate that a person, especially if he is on the verge of death, is capable of creating and projecting his double. People often call them ghosts. This is a kind of television image, which in some cases has the properties of a solid body - it can open doors, shake hands, etc. The conclusion suggests itself - a person's mind can survive his death.

According to one hypothesis, there are many incorporeal creatures around us in a form that we are not yet able to recognize, although scientists have long since learned to fix the "aura" - the energy field that surrounds all bodies. By the way, Russian researchers Semyon and Valentina Kirlian were the first to do this.

The well-known psychiatrist V. L. Raikov studied the phenomenon of "astral twins" in detail. A psychic participated in his experiments, who “singled out” his double, who obeyed him. By order of the “owner”, the phantom moved to the next room, where there was a woman, immersed by Raikov in a hypnotic state. She had not been introduced to a psychic before, and, naturally, she did not know what he looked like. Then the woman was asked to describe the appearance of the ghost. The resulting description completely coincided with the appearance of the psychic. In addition, she was instructed to prick the phantom with a needle, and whenever she did this, his "master" felt these pricks.

A large number of evidence of the appearance of "astral twins" was analyzed by the American scientist R. Kukol. He came to the conclusion that such a double is indeed an exact copy of a person, only it consists of a different type of matter. When it separates from the body or returns to it too quickly, its "master" often experiences a blackout. It can even cause physical shock.

So far, no complete hypothesis of this phenomenon has been created. And this is not surprising - after all, the appearance of twins happens too unexpectedly and meetings with them do not last very long. In addition, researchers still do not have reliable methods and means to prove or disprove any of the versions with absolute certainty. Over time, maybe they will be able to get to the bottom of it, but for now there is only one thing left: to write down, document, photograph, accumulate and systematize what they see.

From the author's book

From the author's book

Twins of mushrooms Two departments of protists - oomycetes and chytridiomycetes - are disgustingly similar to mushrooms, they were considered full-fledged subjects of the mushroom kingdom for a very long time, and this audience was expelled from there only after an in-depth study of its ins and outs. As with

What until recently seemed like fairy tales is now being seriously discussed at scientific symposiums. This applies to many things. For example, parallel worlds.

Occultists they have been known since time immemorial, while scientists started talking about parallel measurements in the second half of the last century, with the development of quantum physics.

It is believed that the first theory about many worlds, which exist in parallel with ours, belongs to the American scientist Hugh Everett. Since then, new theories have emerged, almost every decade.

But magicians not only always knew about the existence of another reality, but they could also interact with it. It must be said right away that this activity is quite dangerous. Such experiments should not be carried out without proper guidance and without sufficient qualifications.

An illustration is the numerous cases of missing people in caves and ancient castles, which regularly happen every year around the world.

How to see parallel worlds

Divination methods have been known since antiquity, when, under certain conditions, the surface of a mirror or water surface can show how events will develop. For example, in Rus', girls have long guessed at Christmas time using a mirror so that it would show them their betrothed.

You can also get into the process of meditation. But for this you need not only to direct your consciousness in a certain direction, but also to enter a state of trance. Shamans with the help of their practice can go to the dimension of their choice and receive the necessary information.

In European magic, rituals are known when creatures from parallel worlds were summoned and the magician could see them and communicate with them.

How can you try

In conclusion, I would like to give the most safe way , with which you can try enter a parallel dimension. This is a method of dynamic meditation.

First, choose a spell that you will repeat. It is better not to use any background music in the form of a tape recording. If you want music, then beat the rhythm on an impromptu tambourine.

spell or mantra should be clear to you. If this is an appeal to a deity or spirit, then you should already have a certain relationship with him.

So, choose a place where no one will distract you, sit in front of the image of a deity or spirit and chant the mantra. If you do this for long enough, you will go into a trance. Meditation called dynamic because you can sway to the beat of sounds or even stand up and dance.

Do not try to artificially immerse yourself in another reality. It should happen by itself.