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Works in which the image of the prosecutor is depicted. Text analysis. The story of the prosecutor. Compositional construction of the poem

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Let's repeat what we learned

The main method of depicting landowners in the poem is expanded portraits, which are accompanied by:

  • interior,
  • details,
  • characteristics of other characters, the behavior of the hero during the transaction,
  • speaking names.
  • Slide 3

    • Courteous
    • Careless
    • Courteous
    • Primitive
    • Talker
    • Sugary
    • Characterized by ingratiating manners
    • Feigned thoughtfulness
    • "Nice meeting".

    The landowner Manilov is a sterile dreamer and dreamer.

    Slide 4

    Landowner Korobochka Nastasya Petrovna is a collegiate secretary who is ready to sell you

    even your soul at a bargain price.


    • Wary
    • Rude
    • Tightfisted
    • Silly
    • Distrustful
    • Greedy
    • Prudent
  • Slide 5

    The landowner Nozdryov - a reveler, a gambler and a chatterbox - with great pleasure will lose to you all his

    fortune in cards, then he will drink and eat at your expense in any tavern.

    • Cutila, talker
    • Playboy
    • Absurd
    • Chatterbox, liar
    • Empty
  • Slide 6

    Landowner Sobakevich Mikhailo Semyonovich - a hater of enlightenment, a strong owner, unyielding

    in the auction, - will be glad to "throw mud" at all friends over a hearty dinner in his home.


    • Glutton
    • Tenacious
    • Ruthless
    • Neotesan
  • Slide 7

    Landowner Stepan Plyushkin is a cruel serf-owner, stingy, suspicious, distrustful of everyone

    - does not want to see you on his estate and is not going to treat you even with last year's cake.

    • Petty suspicious
    • Spiritually and physically degenerate
    • Lost human form
    • Slave to things
    • Storage device
    • Extremely stingy
    • Sunken man
  • Slide 8

    Arrival of Chichikov to the city of N

  • Slide 9

    • Manilov
    • Box
    • Nozdrev
    • Sobakevich
    • Plyushkin
    • The governor
    • The prosecutor
    • Chief of Police
    • Poem image system
    • Postmaster
    • Landowners, villagers
    • Officials, city dwellers
  • Slide 10

    Provincial city officials

    • What are the main occupations of officials?
    • Why Sobakevich calls officials "idle people"?
    • What comparison does the author use for a collective portrait of officials?
  • Slide 11

    At the Governor's Ball

    At the governor's ball, young and elderly officials are shown, who rushed in heaps on the parquet floor, as "flies scamper on white shining refined sugar in the hot July summer."

    Slide 12

    Chapter 7. In the provincial chancellery

    • What amazes the reader when the author describes the office?
    • How is Chichikov met in the office?
  • Slide 13

    Image of Themis - goddess of justice

    "Themis just as it is, in a negligee and a dressing gown received guests."

    Why N.V. Gogol uses a caricature of Themis?

    Slide 14

    Ivan Antonovich "jug snout" - a delicate official

    The ability of an official to turn into an eagle or a fly is striking. Ivan Antonovich is an eagle at his desk, and a fly is in the chief's office.

    This is a bribe-taker, a bureaucrat, a clever solicitor of all illegal matters. Even Chichikov gave him a bribe, although he was a friend of his boss.

    Slide 15

    Ivan Antonovich "jug snout" - a typical hero

    All officials, starting with a petty official in a provincial town, and ending with a nobleman, reveal the same pattern: fraudsters, soulless people are guarding the law.

    Slide 16

    "How the purchase was injected ..."

    “... started from all sides with forks to the table and began to discover, as they say, each

    own character and inclinations, leaning some on caviar, some on salmon, some on cheese. "

    Slide 17

    Slide 18

    The governor

    • What is the characteristic of Governor Manilov? Sobakevich?
    • What does the author say about the Governor's preferences? What technique is used in this?
    • How do officials relate to the Governor?
  • Slide 19


    The governor - a "secular" man, kind and charming - was neither fat nor thin, had Anna on his neck, and it was even said that he was presented to the star, however, he was a great kind-hearted man and even "sometimes embroidered on tulle himself."

    Slide 20

    Chief of Police Alexey Ivanovich

    • What characteristics does N.V. Gogol to the Chief of Police in Chapter 7?
    • How do the townspeople treat him? What the hell does a police chief contribute to this?
    • Why is the phrase “I have grasped my position perfectly” in relation to the chief of police?

    Artist P. Boklevsky

    Slide 21

    Conclusion about the image of the police chief

    The chief of police, "the father and benefactor of the city," must strictly and unswervingly monitor how the laws are being implemented, bring those who violate them to justice, but when he visits the seating yard, he feels here as in his own storeroom. “Even though he will take,” the merchants say, “but he certainly won't betray you.” In other words, a bribe will hide a crime. By this he acquired love and "perfect nationality".

    Slide 22


    • What story will the postmaster tell the provincial society?
    • How does this characterize him?

    The postmaster is the same nebokoptitel, like everyone else. He is negligent in his duties: he can leave work earlier, participates in illegal shipments.

    Slide 23

    The postmaster is a witty and a "philosopher" who unsuccessfully suggested that Chichikov is Captain Kopeikin:

    "This, gentlemen, my judge, is none other than Captain Kopeikin!"

    Slide 24

    The prosecutor

    • What detail is used by the author in the portrait of the prosecutor?
    • What does Sobakevich call the prosecutor?
    • How did the prosecutor feel about fulfilling his duties?
    • What strikes the reader about the death of the prosecutor's funeral?

    Death of the prosecutor

    Slide 25


    • The prosecutor did nothing except the thoughtless signing of the papers, since he provided all the decisions to the solicitor, "the world's first grabber."
    • Obviously, the reason for his death was the rumors about the sale of "dead souls", since it was he who was responsible for all the illegal cases in the city.
    • Bitter Gogolian irony is heard in meditations about the meaning of the life of the prosecutor: "... why he died, or why he lived, God alone knows."
    • Even Chichikov, looking at the funeral of the prosecutor, involuntarily comes to the idea that the only thing that the deceased can remember is his thick black eyebrows.
  • Slide 26


    Provincial Olympus

    The rulers of the city are unanimous only in their desire to live widely at the expense of "the sums of their dearly beloved fatherland." Officials rob both the state and the petitioners. Embezzlement, bribery, and robbery of the population are everyday and quite natural phenomena. No request is considered without a bribe.

    Slide 27

    Chichikov is going to the ball

  • Slide 28

    Ch. 8 Provincial society

    • How will Chichikov prove himself at the ball?
    • How do the guests of the governor treat him? Why? How does this characterize the provincial society?
  • Slide 29

    Nozdryov's appearance at the ball

  • Slide 30

    • How does Chichikov react to the appearance of Nozdryov?
    • Will officials believe Nozdrev, who told Chichikov about the purchase of dead souls? Why?
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    Ch. 8 Ladies of the City N

    • What constitutes the world of interests of the ladies of the provincial society?
    • What is special about Nikolai Gogol in the speech of the ladies?
  • Slide 35

    One said that Chichikov was a doer of state bills, and then he himself added: "or perhaps not a doer"; another claimed to be an official of the Governor-General

    chancellery, and immediately added it: but the devil only knows, you can't read it on your forehead. "


    The nullity of their bureaucratic rule.

    Slide 36

    Chichikov's face, if he turns and turns sideways, is very much like a portrait of Napoleon.

    Isn't Chichikov a disguised Napoleon?

    Slide 37

    • middle man
    • pleasant person
    • kherson landowner
    • collegiate counselor
    • Napoleon
    • counterfeiter
    • spy
    • robber
    • Antichrist
    • millionaire
    • lover Hero
    • eligible groom
    • scoundrel
    • acquirer
    • master

    Who appears before us Chichikov?

    Slide 38

    Slide 39

    In this way,

    Bribes, theft, reverence for dignity, mutual responsibility are the vices of officials. Officials are cruel and inhuman.

    Satirically portraying provincial officials, the author strikes a blow at the bureaucratic apparatus of the entire autocratic-serf state and makes it clear that these "keepers of order and law" are as dead souls as the landowners.

    Slide 40

    Resources used

    B.I. Turyanskaya, L.N. Gorokhova and others. Literature in the 9th grade. Lesson by lesson. - M .: OOO "TID" Russian Word ", 2002

    the Internet

    View all slides

    Relevance of images

    In the artistic space of one of the most famous works of Gogol, the landowners and those in power are linked. Lies, bribery and the desire for profit characterize each of the images of officials in Dead Souls. It's amazing how easily and naturally the author draws essentially disgusting portraits, and so skillfully that you don't doubt the authenticity of each character for a moment. Using the example of officials in the poem "Dead Souls" were shown the most pressing problems of the Russian Empire in the mid-19th century. In addition to serfdom, which hindered natural progress, the real problem was the vast bureaucratic apparatus, for the maintenance of which huge sums were allocated. The people in whose hands the power was concentrated worked only for the sake of accumulating their own capital and improving their well-being, robbing both the treasury and ordinary people. Many writers of that time addressed the topic of exposing officials: Gogol, Saltykov-Shchedrin, Dostoevsky.

    Officials in Dead Souls

    In "Dead Souls" there are no separately prescribed images of civil servants, but nevertheless life and characters are shown very accurately. The images of the officials of the city of N appear from the first pages of the work. Chichikov, who decided to pay a visit to each of the mighty of this world, gradually acquaints the reader with the governor, the vice-governor, the prosecutor, the chairman of the chamber, the police chief, the postmaster and many others. Chichikov flattered everyone, as a result of which he managed to win over every important person, and all this is shown as a matter of course. The bureaucratic world was dominated by pomp, bordering on vulgarity, inappropriate pathos and farce. So, the governor's house during the usual dinner was lit as if for a ball, the decoration dazzled the eyes, and the ladies were dressed in their best dresses.

    Officials in the county town were of two types: the first were subtle and everywhere chased the ladies, trying to charm them with bad French and greasy compliments. Officials of the second type, according to the author, resembled Chichikov himself: not fat or thin, with round pockmarked faces and slicked hair, they looked sideways, trying to find an interesting or profitable business for themselves. At the same time, everyone tried to spoil each other, do some kind of meanness, usually it happened because of the ladies, but no one was going to shoot at such trifles. But at dinners they pretended that nothing was happening, discussed the "Moskovskie Vesti", dogs, Karamzin, delicious dishes and gossip about officials of other departments.

    When characterizing the prosecutor, Gogol combines the high and the low: “he was neither fat nor thin, he had Anna on his neck, and it was even said that he was presented to a star; however, he was a great kind-hearted man and sometimes even embroidered tulle himself ... "Note that nothing is said here about why this man received the award - the Order of St. Anne is awarded" to those who love truth, piety and loyalty ", and is also awarded for military merits. But after all, no battles or special episodes where piety and fidelity would be mentioned are not mentioned at all. The main thing is that the prosecutor is engaged in needlework, and not in his official duties. Sobakevich speaks unflattering about the prosecutor: the prosecutor, they say, is an idle person, so he sits at home, and works for him as a solicitor, a famous grabber. There is nothing to talk about - what kind of order can there be if a person who does not understand the issue at all is trying to solve it while an authorized person is embroidering on tulle.

    A similar trick is used when describing the postmaster, a serious and silent person, a short but witty and philosopher. Only in this case, various qualitative characteristics are combined in one row: "low", "but a philosopher." That is, here growth becomes an allegory for the mental abilities of this person.

    The reaction to worries and reforms is also shown very ironically: from new appointments and the number of papers, civil servants are losing weight ("And the chairman lost weight, and the inspector of the medical board lost weight, and the prosecutor lost weight, and some Semyon Ivanovich ... and he lost weight"), but there were and those who courageously kept themselves in their former form. And the meetings, according to Gogol, were successful only when it was possible to have a party or dine, but this, of course, is not the fault of the officials, but the mentality of the people.

    In Dead Souls, Gogol portrays officials only at dinners, playing whist or other card games. Only once does the reader see officials at the workplace, when Chichikov came to draw up a bill of sale for the peasants. In the department, Pavel Ivanovich is unequivocally hinted that things will not be done without a bribe, and there is nothing to say about a quick solution to the issue without a certain amount. This is confirmed by the chief of police, who “has only to blink, passing by the fish row or cellar,” and he gets balyks and good wines. No request is considered without a bribe.

    Officials in "The Tale of Captain Kopeikin"

    The most cruel is the story of Captain Kopeikin. A disabled war veteran, in search of truth and help, travels from the Russian hinterland to the capital to ask for an audience with the tsar himself. Kopeikin's hopes are dashed against a terrible reality: while cities and villages are in poverty and receive less money, the capital is chic. The meeting with the king and dignitaries is constantly postponed. Completely desperate, Captain Kopeikin sneaks into the reception room of a high-ranking official, demanding that his issue be immediately brought up for consideration, otherwise he, Kopeikin, will not leave the office. The official assures the veteran that now the assistant will take the latter to the emperor himself, and for a second the reader believes in a happy outcome - he rejoices with Kopeikin riding in the chaise, hopes and believes in the best. However, the story ends disappointingly: after this incident, no one else met Kopeikin. This episode is actually frightening, because human life turns out to be an insignificant trifle, from the loss of which the entire system will not suffer at all.

    When Chichikov's scam was revealed, they were in no hurry to arrest Pavel Ivanovich, because they could not understand whether he was the kind of person who needed to be detained, or one who would detain everyone himself and make everyone guilty. The characterization of officials in Dead Souls can be the words of the author himself that these are people who sit quietly on the sidelines, accumulate capital and arrange their lives at the expense of others. Excitement, bureaucracy, bribery, nepotism and meanness - this is what characterized the people who ruled in Russia in the 19th century.

    Product test

    Officialdom in Nikolai Gogol's poem "Dead Souls"

    Approximate text of the essay

    In tsarist Russia in the 30-40s of the XIX century, not only serfdom, but also a vast bureaucratic bureaucratic apparatus was a real disaster for the people. Called to stand guard over law and order, representatives of the administrative authorities thought only about their own material welfare, robbing the treasury, extorting bribes, and mocking people without rights. Thus, the topic of exposing the bureaucratic world was very relevant for Russian literature. Gogol repeatedly addressed her in such works as The Inspector General, The Overcoat, and Notes of a Madman. She found expression in the poem "Dead Souls", where, starting from the seventh chapter, the bureaucracy is in the center of the author's attention. Despite the absence of detailed and detailed images similar to the heroes of the landowners, the picture of bureaucratic life in Gogol's poem is striking in its breadth.

    With two or three masterful strokes, the writer paints wonderful miniature portraits. This is the governor, embroidering on tulle, and the prosecutor with very black thick eyebrows, and the short postmaster, wit and philosopher, and many others. These sketched faces are remembered for their characteristic funny details that are filled with deep meaning. Indeed, why is the head of an entire province characterized as a good-natured person who sometimes embroiders on tulle? Probably because there is nothing to say about him as a leader. From this it is easy to draw a conclusion about how negligent and dishonest the governor is to his official duties, to his civic duty. The same can be said about his subordinates. Gogol makes extensive use of the characterization of the hero by other characters in the poem. For example, when a witness was needed to register the purchase of serfs, Sobakevich tells Chichikov that the prosecutor, as an idle person, is probably sitting at home. But this is one of the most significant officials of the city, who must administer justice, enforce the rule of law. The characterization of the prosecutor in the poem is enhanced by the description of his death and funeral. He did nothing but mindlessly signing papers, as he left all the decisions to the solicitor, "the world's first grabber." Obviously, the reason for his death was the rumors about the sale of "dead souls", since it was he who was responsible for all the illegal cases in the city. Bitter Gogolian irony is heard in meditations about the meaning of the life of the prosecutor: "... why he died, or why he lived, God alone knows." Even Chichikov, looking at the funeral of the prosecutor, involuntarily comes to the idea that the only thing that the deceased can remember is his thick black eyebrows.

    The writer gives a close-up the typical image of the official Ivan Antonovich Pitcher snout. Taking advantage of his position, he extorts bribes from visitors. It is ridiculous to read how Chichikov put a "piece of paper" in front of Ivan Antonovich, "which he did not notice at all and immediately covered it with a book." But it is sad to know what a hopeless situation Russian citizens have found themselves in, who depend on dishonest, greedy people who represent the state power. This idea is emphasized by Gogol's comparison of an official of the Civil Chamber with Virgil. At first glance, it is unacceptable. But the nasty official, like the Roman poet in The Divine Comedy, leads Chichikov through all circles of bureaucratic hell. This means that this comparison reinforces the impression of the evil that pervades the entire administrative system of tsarist Russia.

    Gogol gives in the poem a peculiar classification of the bureaucracy, dividing the representatives of this class into lower, thin and fat. The writer gives a sarcastic characterization of each of these groups. The lower ones are, according to Gogol's definition, nondescript clerks and secretaries, as a rule, bitter drunkards. By "thin" the author means the middle stratum, and "thick" - this is the provincial nobility, which firmly holds on to their places and deftly extracts considerable income from their high position.

    Gogol is inexhaustible in his choice of surprisingly accurate and apt comparisons. So, he likens officials to a squadron of flies that swoop down on tidbits of refined sugar. The poem also characterizes the provincial officials in their usual activities: playing cards, drinking, lunches, dinners, gossip Gogol writes that "meanness, completely disinterested, pure meanness" flourishes in the society of these government officials. Their quarrels do not end with a duel, because "they were all civilian officials." Gogol portrays this class as thieves, bribe-takers, loafers and swindlers who are bound to each other by mutual responsibility. That is why officials feel so uncomfortable when Chichikov's scam was revealed, because each of them remembered their sins. If they try to detain Chichikov for his fraud, then he can accuse them of dishonesty.A comic situation arises when people in power help the swindler in his illegal machinations and are afraid of him.

    Gogol in the poem expands the boundaries of the district town, introducing into it "The Tale of Captain Kopeikin". It tells no longer about local abuses, but about the arbitrariness and lawlessness that are committed by the highest Petersburg officials, that is, the government itself. The contrast between the unheard-of luxury of St. Petersburg and the miserable poverty-stricken position of Kopeikin, who shed blood for his fatherland, lost an arm and a leg, is striking. But, despite his injuries and military merit, this war hero is not even entitled to his pension. A desperate disabled person tries to find help in the capital, but his attempt breaks down on the cold indifference of a high-ranking dignitary. This disgusting image of the soulless Petersburg nobleman completes the characterization of the world of officials. All of them, from the petty provincial secretary to the representative of the highest administrative authority, are dishonest, mercenary, cruel people, indifferent to the fate of the country and the people. It is to this conclusion that the remarkable poem of N. V. Gogol "Dead Souls" leads the reader.

    The episodes with the participation of the prosecutor in "Dead Souls" are small. The first meeting of Chichikov with him in the governor's house, appearance at the ball in the society of Nozdryov, the death of the prosecutor, the collision of Chichikov with the funeral procession.

    But if you look closely at the text, it becomes clear that Gogol does not pay attention to the prosecutor for nothing.

    The author gives the appearance of his character with sharp, extremely characteristic features. This is a man "with very black thick eyebrows and a slightly winking left eye", that is, with obvious signs of a nervous tic, a disturbed nervous system. Such a sign cannot be considered accidental. Indeed, the prosecutor turned out to be an excitable person who died of fright at the news of Chichikov's scam. Not the least role was played by the understanding that he, the prosecutor, the guardian of the law, made such an official oversight.

    The inability of those in power to discern a fraud in a visitor underlines a very important idea - to show "insignificant people."

    “I needed,” wrote Gogol, “to take away from all the wonderful people I knew, everything vulgar and disgusting that they had accidentally seized, and return it to its rightful owners. Do not ask why the first part should be all vulgarity and why all the faces in it should be vulgar: other topics will give you an answer to this. That's all!"

    One of the plot lines of the poem: Chichikov successfully buys dead souls, takes away the fortresses of sale with him, and the one who should have prevented him - the prosecutor - dies.

    Let us remember how Nozdryov appears at the ball with the prosecutor: he literally drags him by the arm. The prosecutor becomes one of the first listeners of Nozdryov's revelations. Nozdryov appeals to him, repeating: "Here is His Excellency here ... isn't it, Prosecutor?" They almost shout in his ears that Chichikov is buying up dead souls. The prosecutor cannot fail to understand that it is necessary to understand, check the legality of transactions. The atmosphere thickens. The lady's invention about the kidnapping of the governor's daughter is brought to the attention of the prosecutor.

    “... He began to think, to think and suddenly, as they say, he died for no reason. Whether he was paralyzed, or what else caught him, only he, as he sat, slumped back from the chair. They shouted, as usual, throwing up their hands: "Oh, my God!" - They sent for a doctor to bleed, but they saw that the prosecutor was already one soulless body. Then it was only with condolences that they learned that the deceased had, for sure, a soul, although he, out of his modesty, never showed it. "

    V. Ermilov, assessing the significance of the figure of the prosecutor for the theme of “Dead Souls”, wrote: “The subtlest sad irony is hidden in the history of the prosecutor. The comic remark of Sobakevich that in the whole city there is only one prosecutor "a decent man, and even that pig" has its own inner meaning. Indeed, the prosecutor is deepest of all experiencing the general confusion and fear caused by Chichikov's "case". He even dies for the sole reason that he began to think ... He died of habit of thinking. By his very position, he really should have thought more than anyone else about everything that surfaced in the minds of the shocked officials, in connection with the incomprehensible case of Chichikov ... "

    The death of the prosecutor summons Gogol to argue about the equality of people in front of her: “Meanwhile, the appearance of death was just as scary in small things as it was scary in a great man: the one who walked, moved, played whist not so long ago, signed various papers and was so often seen between officials with his thick eyebrows and a blinking eye, now he was lying on the table, his left eye no longer blinked at all, but one eyebrow was still raised with a kind of questioning expression. What the deceased asked about: why he died or why he lived - only God knows about this.

    The story of the prosecutor is another link in the chain of heroes who "don't know why they live." Those around them learn about the existence of a soul only after death. Gogol directly connects the death of the prosecutor with the Chichikov scam, making it clear that it is far from harmless.

    The callousness, callousness and selfishness of city officials are especially pronounced during the funeral of the prosecutor. Leaving the city Chichikov sees officials walking behind the coffin and thinking only about their career: “All their thoughts were concentrated at that time in themselves: they thought what the new governor-general would be like, how he would get down to business and how he would receive them. .. "The first volume of the poem ends with this sad picture.

    In the description of the death of the prosecutor, the peculiarities of Gogol's comic were visibly revealed; the cheerful turns into sad, the funny becomes scary - in a word, "laughter through tears."

    The share of the prosecutor's participation in the narrative is small: Chichikov's first meeting with him at the governor's house, Nozdryov's appearance at a ball in society, the death of the prosecutor, and Chichikov's collision with the funeral procession - nevertheless, Gogol pays attention to the prosecutor for a reason.

    The inability of those in power to discern a fraud in a visitor emphasizes a very important idea - to show "insignificant people."

    “I needed,” Gogol wrote, “to take away from all the beautiful people I knew, everything vulgar and disgusting that they had accidentally seized, and return to its rightful owners. Don't ask why the first part should be all vulgarity and why everything is in it. every face must be ASX: other topics will give you an answer. That's all! "

    So, Chichikov successfully buys dead souls, and the one who should have stopped him - the prosecutor - dies.

    The prosecutor becomes one of the first listeners of Nozdryov's revelations. They almost shout in his ears that Chichikov is buying up dead souls. The atmosphere thickens. The lady's invention about the kidnapping of the governor's daughter is brought to the attention of the prosecutor. All this needs to be considered.

    "... He began to think, think, and suddenly, as they say, he died for no reason. Whether he was paralyzed or caught in something else, only he, as he sat, slumped backwards from his chair. They screamed, as usual, throwing up their hands: "Oh, my God!" - they sent for the doctor to bleed, but they saw that the prosecutor was already one soulless body. Then only with condolences did they learn that the deceased had, for sure, a soul, although he was modestly never showed it. "

    V. Ermilov, assessing the significance of the figure of the prosecutor for the theme of "Dead Souls", wrote: "The subtlest sad irony is hidden in the history of the prosecutor. The comic remark of Sobakevich that in the whole city there is only one prosecutor" a decent person, and even that pig "has its own inner Indeed, after all, the prosecutor experiences the deepest general confusion and fear caused by Chichikov's “case.” He even dies for the sole reason that he began to think ... He died of habit of thinking. By his very position, he really should have most of all to think about everything that surfaced in the minds of the shocked officials in connection with the incomprehensible case of Chichikov ... "

    The death of the prosecutor gives Gogol the opportunity for another lyrical insertion, reflections on the fact that in the face of death, everyone is equal: "Meanwhile, the appearance of death was just as scary in small things as it is scary in a great man: the one who walked , moved, played whist, signed various papers and was so often seen between officials with his thick eyebrows and a blinking eye, now he was lying on the table, his left eye no longer blinked at all, but one eyebrow was still raised with a kind of questioning expression What the deceased asked about: why he died or why he lived - only God knows about this. "

    But no death will make city officials think about the frailty of the world: "All their thoughts were concentrated at that time in themselves: they thought what the new governor-general would be like, how he would get down to business and how he would accept them ..." the first volume of the poem ends with a sad picture.