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Lesson - reflection on the story of K. Paustovsky “Telegram. Literature lesson "Before it's too late" based on the story of K.G. Paustovsky "Telegram", carried out using the technology of counter-efforts What he appreciates in people

1001 ideas for interesting activities with children


Yatsenko Tatyana Andreevna, municipal educational institution "Secondary school №24" city of Asbest, teacher of Russian language and literature, Sverdlovsk region.

Subject (focus): literature.

Children's age: 8th grade.

Location: Class.


For several years I have been using lessons - workshops. I believe that these lessons are aimed at implementing an activity-based approach to learning, helping to ensure the fullest development of the individuality and abilities of each child. Going to the lesson, we, teachers, must remember that we are doing this in order to help the growing up person realize his place in a diverse and interdependent world, teach him to think rationally, make optimal decisions, and be guided in life by universal human moral and ethical values.

A workshop lesson based on the story of K.G. Paustovsky will help students understand the value of family relationships, take a fresh look at those who are nearby: relatives and friends. I present some theoretical calculations from the article by A.K. Kolechenko. and Selevko G.K. about the workshop.

The workshop got its name because children themselves acquire and process subject knowledge and skills.

The purpose of this pedagogical technology is the joint search for new knowledge. The teacher needs to create an atmosphere of openness and benevolence, appeal to the feelings of the student and even call for frankness, work together with the students on an equal footing. In the course of the workshop, no marks are given, there is no criticism.

And although the workshop resembles a problem lesson in the form of various games, discussion, performance or drawing competition, nevertheless, the workshop lives and is built on a well-thought-out system of tasks.

Workshop law : do it your way, based on your abilities, interests and personal experience, and adjust yourself.

Workshop structure.

The workshop consists of a series of tasks that direct the children in the right direction, but within each task the students are absolutely free.

1 "Induction" ("guidance") - the creation of an emotional mood that motivates the creative activity of everyone, the inclusion of feelings, subconsciousness, the formation of a personal attitude to the subject of discussion. The proposed task is unexpected, somewhat mysterious and necessarily personal.

2. Working with material (text, words, paints, sounds) - "deconstruction". Students individually analyze the material, put forward their ideas.

3. "Socialization" - presenting to everyone the intermediate result of their work, correlating their activities with the activities of others.

One of the main parts of socialization is "advertising": hanging out the works of students and the master (texts, drawings, diagrams) in the classroom and familiarizing with them. Protection of the project, decision, conclusion.

4. "Break" - the culmination of the creative process. Here, the teacher needs not only to prepare various creative tasks, it is necessary to provide for a variety of tasks - information that will be offered to students when the need arises.

5 "Reflection" - reflection, introspection, generalization of feelings, sensations that arose during the workshop. Students talk about their feelings that they had during the workshop. Workshop based on the story of K.G. Paustovsky"Telegram" (literature lesson in grade 8) Target: Improve the ability to analyze literary text.Tasks:- update the knowledge of each child;- give students the opportunity to discover themselves in the work with the text of a work of art;- create conditions for the formation of your reader's opinion;- to contribute to the formation of a high moral position: a grateful feeling for the father's house, loved ones. Equipment: illustrations for the story, paper, paints or markers, tape recorder, audio cassette. Music accompanies the children’s work to create images of heroes (when completing task number 7) (the teacher can choose the music at his discretion). During the classes: 1. Introductory speech of the teacher. Today we will summarize our work on the story of K.G. Paustovsky "Telegram". Working in a workshop will help you to show your knowledge and abilities, to express your attitude to the characters and problems posed in the work. .Inductor... Write down all associations with the word telegram. Clustering (students name their associations). Writing words on the board joy, news, meeting, relatives, friendship, love, grief, separation, pain, arrival, immediate message, text, death. 2.Deconstruction. The following phrases are written on the board: - a lot of work - no time - no money - long distance - there are personal problems Assignment: choose the reasons why people cannot come home for a long time. Write it down. Socialization: they say what they wrote down .. 3. Reconstruction... Work on the composition of the story based on homework. Assignment: Discuss in the group your compositional plans for the story, make a general one, select an epigraph from the text for each part. Approximate plan: 1 part "Mother". "Eh, grief, her bitter, unwritten suffering?" Part 2 "Daughter". "Oh, you magpie!" Part 3 "Telegram" "For good, pay with good, do not be a kestrel." Part 4. Epilogue. 4. Working with text... KG Paustovsky is considered a master of details. Assignment: Think about the ambiguous meaning of the highlighted expressions. Discuss in pairs. In groups. Justify the answer. (Appendix # 1). Group 1 text. Kerosene the night light shuddered on the table. He seemed to be the only one a living being in an abandoned house - without this weak fire Katerina Petrovna would not have known how to survive until morning. Approximate answer: The night light is “the only living being”, he shudders, conveying the hostess's anxiety, her sadness, pain. At the same time, he seems to signal trouble, asks for help and participation. Text of group 2: She gasped, stopped by an old tree, put her hand on a cold, wet branch and learned: it was a maple tree. She planted him, already a laughing girl, and now he stood flying around, chilled, he had nowhere to go from this homeless, windy night.Approximate answer: The tree is perceived by Katerina Petrovna as living. She identifies her state of weakness, loneliness, hopelessness with his: "there was nowhere to go from this homeless, windy night." In addition, every object in the house, trees in the garden, with which the whole life of Katerina Petrovna is connected, is inspired by the author in order to emphasize the horror of the old woman's loneliness - the depth of her longing for her daughter Text of group 3: Manyushka, sniffling, took this letter to the post office, stuffed it into the mailbox for a long time and looked inside - what is there? But nothing was visible inside - one tinny void.Approximate answer: Emptiness - Nastya does not find time to write a long-awaited letter to her mother; tinny emptiness - soullessness, unjustified cruelty of the daughter.5. Live picture... Now let's turn to Nastya's life. Staging of the episode "Nastya at the sculptor Timofeev's." Assignment for groups: Group 1: Share your opinion about Nastya based on what you saw. Group 2: Tell about Nastya's life on her behalf. Group 3: Pass on Nastya's state after she understood the meaning of the telegram. Discuss in the group. Socialization.6. Break. Teacher: The work is called "Telegram". There are two of them in the story. Both telegrams are sent by Tikhon. It is he who owns the words addressed to Manyushka: "For good, pay with good, do not be a kestrel." kestrel. We turn to the illustration. (The students made the illustrations with the drawing teacher.) Think and answer, why are these words addressed to Manyushka? Socialization. Go back to the records of the reasons why a person cannot come home for a long time. Has your opinion changed? Socialization. (The guys come to the conclusion that a person should always come to his family. There is nothing more important than a grateful feeling for his father's house, loved ones.) 7. Three hearts are attached to the board, under them are the signatures: 1. Nastya. 2. Katerina Petrovna. 3. Another hero. Teacher: A person cannot live without a heart. But sometimes love and hatred, friendship and betrayal, good and evil coexist in the hearts of people. The main criterion of humanity is considered to be the possession of such qualities as generosity, cordiality, sincerity. A literary hero is perceived by us as a living person. This means that their hearts are filled with different feelings. Now you have a difficult task that will allow me to find out how deeply you have understood the heroes of KG Paustovsky's story. I ask each of you to cut out a symbolic image of the hero in the form of a geometric figure, paint over with a color that best matches his moral qualities. The guys are transplanted into groups depending on the chosen heart. The guys stick figures on the silhouette of the heart and protect their composition. 8. Generalization. The story about the relationship between mother and daughter is called "Telegram". Write a syncwine on the topic "Telegram". The guys write five-verses on telegram forms. Appendix No. 2. (The teacher acquaints students, if necessary, with the peculiarities of telegraph forms) Example of syncwine: Telegram.

Brief, unexpected.

Flies, worries, reports.

I have received good news.

9. Reflection... Express your attitude to work in the workshop and define its prospects, your dreams, continuing the phrase "I understood today ..."


    Kolechenko A.K. Workshop technology. Encyclopedia of Pedagogical Technologies, St. Petersburg, "Karo", 2002. Selevko, G.K. Developmental learning technologies. Modern educational technologies. New education, M., 1998.
12.01.2015 5906 824

Mercy and kindness ennoble, adorn a person, make him happy.

Target: to give an idea of ​​K.G. Paustovsky as a person and a writer, to acquaint with the work of a wonderful artist of the word; give a characterization of the heroes; reveal the main idea of ​​the story; improvement of logical thinking and the ability to work on a literary text; education of kindness, morality, mercy; instill love for loved ones, remember the great duty to the mother; education in children of humanity, mercy, the ability to come to the aid of those in need of it, the desire to be noble in life;

Equipment: " Literature at school "1996 -6; Literature Lessons 2004 -3; Megarif 2005 - 11; Vil Kazykhanov "Lessons of Morality" -2004; Kramskoy "Unknown"; the text of the story "Telegram"; portraits of the writer; illustrations; poems about mom; a fragment from the film by V. Shukshin "Red Kalina";

Notes on the board: words - antonyms:


Kindness heartlessness

Sensitivity cruelty

Fidelity heartless

Responsiveness callousness

Devotion ingratitude

Generosity of soul indifference




Conscience shame

Statements of famous people.

- Never do what you have to punish yourself for. Kant.

- Whoever does good, he thrives. Kant.

- A person lives on earth not in order to become rich, but in order to be happy. Stendhal.

“By caring for the happiness of others, we find our own. Plato.

- There is only one way to put an end to evil - to do good to evil people. L. Tolstoy.

- There have been, are and will always be more good people in the world than bad and evil. V. Astafiev.

- He who does not do good, when he has the opportunity to do it, will suffer. Saadin.

- A person who thinks only of himself and seeks benefits in everything cannot be happy.


- Keep a close eye on the young shoots of good and evil, admiration and envy. Be beautiful, strong, kind, pull out envy and evil without pity. O. Foneko.

- When one candle lights another and one candle lights thousands, so one heart lights another, and thousands are kindled. Leo Tolstoy.

- By doing good to others, you help yourself.

- The greatest happiness in life is the confidence that you are loved. Hugo.

- Happiness is the feeling of being needed. Hemingway.

- Virtue develops by deeds, not chatter. Ya.Komensky.

- For good, pay good. K. Paustovsky.

- There is the most beautiful creature in the world to whom we are always in debt - this is the mother.

M. Gorky.

There is a lot of evil

In any human destiny,

And they will only say a kind word -

And it's easier on your heart.

But a kind word is

Not everyone knows how to find

To cope with longing for a friend,

Overcome adversity on the way.

There is no kind word dearer

The cherished word of that

But rarely, my friends, yet

We say it out loud. Schechter.

Loved you for no particular reason

For being a grandson

For being a son

For being a baby

For growing

For being like mom and dad.

And this love for the rest of your days

Will remain your secret support. V. Berestov

During the classes:

Teacher's word.

To be always needed by people, to feel the dictates of the times is a great happiness for an artist. It fully fell to the lot of the famous writer Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky. This year, in the spring, he will be 115 years old.

His activities are diverse: he is the author of novels, stories, short stories; he is a playwright, critic, publicist. His books - bright, romantic - are read willingly, with enthusiasm. They teach us to love nature, Motherland, art, people. The writer opens the reader's eyes to beauty in everyday life and in masterpieces, helps to find answers to eternal questions.

The writer has always been interested in the life of wonderful people. He gladly wrote essays and stories about famous people - about Gogol, about Green, Chekhov, Blok, Lermontov.

Reading his books, we cannot feel the charm of the personality of the writer, his disinterestedness, honesty, adherence to principles. This is no coincidence: Paustovsky is a man who "created himself", his life can serve as an example of a rare purposefulness, nobility and dedication to his work.

Biography of K. Paustovsky. (student message)

Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky was born in Moscow on May 31, 1892 in the family of a railway statistician.

The father was from the Zaporozhye Cossacks, and the grandmother on the father's side was Turkish.

Despite the profession of a statistician, which required a sober outlook on life, Paustovsky's father was a dreamer. And therefore I could not stay in one place for a long time. After Moscow, they moved to Vilno, then to Pskov and, finally, settled in Kiev for a long time.

The writer's mother was a domineering and stern woman.

The family was large, inclined towards art, they sang a lot, played the piano, argued, loved the theater.

The boy began to study at the 1st classical gymnasium, where he studied a year older than the writer M. Bulgakov, the author of the novel "The Master and Margarita". But when he moved to the 6th grade, their family broke up and he himself had to earn a living and study. Interrupted by tutoring.

In 1911, in his last grade, he wrote his first story and published it in the literary magazine Ogni. And Paustovsky sent his first poems to Bunin. AND.

After graduating from high school, he spent 2 years at Kiev University, and then transferred to Moscow University.

At the beginning of the First World War, he worked as a conductor on a tram, then as an orderly on medical trains

Once in the detachment he came across a piece of newspaper, where he learned that on the same day both of his brothers were killed on different fronts. He returned to his mother - she lived in Moscow, but could not sit still for a long time and began a wandering life: he left for Yekaterinoslav and worked at a metallurgical plant. Then to Novorossiysk, and from there to Taganrog. In his free time he began to write the novel "Romantics".

During the February revolution, he returned to Moscow and began working as a journalist, and here he also witnessed the 1917 revolution.

And again he was whirled around. He went with his mother to Ukraine, to Kiev, then to Odessa. There he first got into the environment of writers - Ilf, Bagritsky, Babel, Yuri Olesha.

Paustovsky was very fond of traveling, during them he met interesting people, saw the world, peoples - and all this helped him in his work on his works. The writer visited Batumi, Tiflis, Armenia, Persia. He traveled all over the Ukraine and the Caucasus, the Volga, Oka, Kama, was in Central Asia, Altai, Siberia, Mikhailovsky, in the homeland of Pushkin, Estonia, Lithuania, Belarus and Czechoslovakia. In 1956 he sailed around Europe and visited Istanbul, Athens, Rome, Paris ...

During World War II he was a war correspondent.

In his memoirs, he said: "... my life as a writer began with a desire to know everything, see everything and travel."

The writer's works have been translated into many languages ​​of the world. In the Paustovsky Museum in Moscow, above his last photograph there is an entry: “We lived on this land. Do not give it into the hands of devastators, vulgarians and ignoramuses. " This recording sounds like a reminder, like a covenant to descendants, more precisely, to us.

Teacher's word.

Paustovsky often wrote about ordinary and unknown people, about whom we read with excitement, although the works do not have a sharp plot, exciting incident. What's the matter? Maybe in love for people? Maybe in the ability to stop and look closely at what surrounds you?

Today we will discuss Paustovsky's work "Telegram". At home, you should have read this story. I will ask you to summarize it briefly.

A summary of the story "Telegram".

Teacher's word.

You see, no exciting plot, but INTERESTING.

- How does the story begin? His emotional background. Nature and Catherine. Description of nature - autumn

- Tell us about the life of Katerina Petrovna.

- How is Katerina Petrovna's loneliness conveyed?

- How has she been feeling lately?

- Read the letter of Katerina Petrovna, to whom is it addressed? What surprised you in the letter?

- Who is Nastya? Describe her appearance.("Cold eyes")

- Can you call Nastya callous, heartless, ungrateful?

- in relation to the mother;

- and her participation in the fate of the artist Timofeev?

- Why, when talking about Katerina Petrovna, the writer shows a landscape, and when about Nastya, we do not meet any landscape?

- Katerina Petrovna condemned her daughter?

- why does the writer use the painting by Kramskoy "Unknown"?

This picture reminds of the life of Katerina Petrovna when she was young and cheerful. There are a lot of such unknown, single mothers.

- So who should have thought about, first of all, Nastya?

- What reasons did she think of not to go to her mother?

- Why does Gogol's sculpture appear twice in the story?

- Did Nastya realize the mistake?

- What biblical commandment did Nastya break?

"Honor your father and your mother, that it be good for you, and you will be long on earth." (5 commandment of God).

- What do the names Katerina and Nastya mean?

Katerina (Greek) - pure, Nastya (Greek) - resurrecting.

- The writer introduces us at the end of the story to a young teacher. Why?

- And what kind of people did we meet in the story?

- Tell me, is it permissible to lie in the name of salvation?

- What moral lesson did Tikhon teach the girl?

- Guys, what is more expensive: career or family, mom?

- In your heart, what nicks did this story leave?

- What do you think: more kind or cruel people?


I hope Paustovsky's talent touched your hearts, and you look at yourself from the outside and think: am I not a kestrel?

- What conclusion did you draw from this lesson? What have you understood? What new things have you learned for yourself?

You have to be kind, and pay for good with good. We realized that real kindness is caring for loved ones, this is a sensitive attitude towards the mother. Kindness, devotion, loyalty are essential in our life.

I want to wish that ungrateful, cruel, soulless people never meet on your way.

(Reading poems about mom).

I want to be affectionate with you.

Affectionate and gentle to the end

So that not a single tear

You didn't sadden your face.

I want you to sleep well

Listening to the autumn rains

So that all the sorrows and hardships

Are forever left behind. V. Lomanov.

Mother ... We call the earth so,

When we grow bread and flowers

When we soar over it in a rocket

And we see how she is from above.

Reading, pure, all blue -

This is probably because

That moms walk on it, smiling

Children, their future.

I would take flowers - a billion bouquets

And scatter them over the planet.

Moms will get them, smile

And immediately summer will come everywhere.

Mother, I have traveled the earth. I knew many cities.

And I saw good, and the war scribbled death at me.

But my friends, my mother, I never left in trouble.

And I never lied. This is how you taught me.

You taught me not to hide grievances in my heart.

(It is difficult for the heart and so why is it so heavy?)

If you gave your word, it means forever. Granite.

If you go uphill, go up, not pushing others.

Ah, the mother's covenant, and that you are wiser in the world!

You lead us to the stars even on dark deaf nights.

I can argue: there are few bad mothers in the world!

Why, then, do bad people appear?

Why, then, is evil still crawling on the earth?

And selfishness stinks? And hoarding dries up the hearts?

But how would it become light for people on the planet,

If only offspring would obey all their mothers! ..

You taught us wherever we go in life -

We marked our destiny with the highest meta!

If we are fighting the enemy - so we are fighting for the happiness of the Earth!

If we bring happiness - so we share with the whole planet!

Mom, how kind you are! .. How great you were!

The whole city used to come to you for advice.

If a person was freezing, you gave him warmth.

And always imperceptibly, always from the heart. Secretly.

For this, for everything - I am your son! And as long as I live

Mom, I carry your name through life, like a shrine.

The years will go by. Apples will fall into the grass.

The sun will rise. Rivers will rush into the desert.

Ships will sail into the whiteness of the Martian seas.

Life will rage. With every atom. Every vein.

People! My brothers! Take care of your mothers!

A real Mother is given to a person once. S. Ostrovoy.

Teacher's word.

This house is located on the outskirts of the city. Old people live there who have come from different parts of our country. And the reasons for their arrival here are, of course, completely different: some have never had children and therefore, having grown old, they found refuge here; others did not find a place in the families of their own children; still others could not find a common language with their daughters-in-law or grandchildren; fourth ... However, is it worth going through all the reasons? It is extremely clear, like a sunny day, that no one has escaped here from a good life.

Finding this house is not that difficult. A narrow path from the bus stop leads to it. Its windows are dull, which makes it seem that some kind of cold blows from the house. Not a tree or a single bush grows around.

The most favorite place in the courtyard is the very platform where the path connects with the footpath from the stop. They will sit on benches and sit for a long time, pensively fixing their gaze on the road along which buses and cars pass. They are desperately waiting for someone, but very few people come here. There is no time for their relatives to visit their parents and grandmothers at least occasionally ...

A young woman appeared on the path, leading an old woman by the arm with a large bundle in her hands. This woman of 25-30 years old is all full of health and irrepressible energy, so the old woman can hardly keep up with her.

She started to stutter: “Daughter, can’t be quieter, it’s hard for me to breathe…” - But in response she heard a shout that did not tolerate objection:

I have to be home by 6 o'clock in the evening! One of my friends has a birthday today.

Stepping on the porch of the house, the woman said: "Thank God, we finally got there!"

They were greeted by a gray-haired, short, stocky, affable man about fifty years old.

Come in, please sit down.

The woman took a parcel out of her purse, carelessly wrapped in newspaper and laid it in front of the director. He took it and slowly began to read. Then he asked:

Khanum, who are you like Marfuga ebi?

How by whom? A daughter, of course.

Daughter? Excuse me, is she your own mother?

Yes, the social security officials assured me that everything is in order with the documents.

Of course, of course, - the director said half-ironically, - only one thing is not clear: for how long, for how long are you leaving your mother with us?

She wanted to come here herself.

Yes, yes, - supported her mother, - I asked for it myself.

Delighted with the support of her mother, the woman seemed to perk up and added:

How many times Alyosha and I tried to persuade her to stay. Not in any.

Everything is clear, - said the director, - you can go.

When the woman, without even saying goodbye, left the room, the director asked the old woman directly:

Tell me honestly, did you come here on your own?

But where does such a desire come from, son! She answered in a trembling voice. - After the death of my husband, my daughter and her husband moved to me. Since that day, I have not known rest. I could no longer bear the grievances and asked to be taken to you in old age ... ..

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Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school number 1"

town of Borodino, Krasnoyarsk Territory

Model Lesson - Reflection in Grade 8

"Test for true humanity"

(based on the story of K.G. Paustovsky "Telegram")

teacher of Russian language and literature

Theme: "Test for true humanity" (based on the story of KG Paustovsky "Telegram")

The form: model lesson - reflection

Method: problematic with the use of ICT and the application of technology for the development of critical thinking

The purpose of the lesson: teaching, to develop communicative, social and informational competence; create conditions for the manifestation of cognitive activity of students.

Three-pronged tasks:

    educational: the formation of skills in the analysis of a story based on spiritual issues, the language of the work; observation of the techniques of artistic skill of K. G. Paustovsky;

    developing: development of speech, thinking, creative abilities of students through the use of techniques of RCM technology;

    educational: education of moral qualities (sensitivity, compassion, mercy).


    multimedia presentation;

    excerpt "Letter to Mother" from a feature film;

    music accompaniment in mp3 format;

    workbooks of students;

    A4 sheets with mini-studies on the subject of the work ("Fishbone" diagram).

Preliminary homework:

    Make a diagram (technique "Lotus Flower") in the image of Katerina Petrovna, using quotation

    Assignment for groups: fill in the Fishbone diagram, examining the problematics of the work (one from each row)

During the classes


1. Introductory speech of the teacher

- Today we have an unusual lesson: a lesson-reflection and at the same time a lesson-discovery. Meditation because we are going to talk about a writer, the reading of whose works requires a lot of work of thought and heart.

A opening because the story we are going to work on today is a moral commandment, or rather, commandments left to us, the descendants of Paustovsky.

2. Communicating Lesson Objectives

The writer has always been interested in the life of wonderful people. I hope you will enjoy reading in the future stories, stories and essays about Lermontov and Gogol, Chekhov and Blok, Green and Gorky. But still, Paustovsky wrote more often about people simple and unknown, about whom we read with excitement and trembling in our souls, although the works do not have a sharp plot, exciting incidents. What's the matter?

Maybe in extraordinary love for people, in the desire to understand the truth of human feelings?

We will try to answer this and other questions by reflecting on the story of K.G. Paustovsky "Telegram".

- In the last lesson, the story was read by us. We talked about the problems raised by the author in the work. Name these problems (lonely old age, motherly love, relationships between children and parents, humanity).

- Look at the topic of the lesson. Based on it, try to state the purpose of today's lesson yourself. (must determine whether the heroes have passed the test of true humanity).

    Problematic storytelling conversation with elements of analysis

Let's turn to the story.

Why do you guys think people send telegrams? (When they want to communicate something very important)

- What feeling does this word - "telegram" give rise to? (Alarming)

- Which of the heroes of the story needs help, support? (Katerina Petrovna)

- Why? (Because she's old and lonely)

- Let's try to prove that Katerina Petrovna is really bad. For Paustovsky, nature is a living being connected by an invisible thread with a person. Now you will hear the music of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky from his "Seasons" ("October").

SLIDE 2 (music with slide)

- Look at the landscape sketch from the story "Telegram".

- Refer to the text and remember what details in the description of the landscape the author highlights in order to emphasize the loneliness of a woman living out her life.

(1.“The forgotten stars looked piercingly at the earth” - a parallel: Katerina Petrovna, as it were, was also forgotten, and the stars understand this and therefore look piercingly.

2. " Only a small sunflower near the fence kept blooming and could not finish blooming and crumble. "

3. Frozen Maple « He has nowhere to go from this homeless, windy night "- K.P. no one is waiting either, she also has nowhere to go, she just lives out. Maple is her memory, seeing him, she remembers herself.)

- So, how is Katerina Petrovna's life? What is her state of mind? Tell us briefly about her life, based on the plate you filled out at home.


The "Lotus Flower" technique for the development of critical thinking made it possible to include students in mental activity and creatively process information. The guys did not just give a description of the heroine, they made a model of the image based on the selected and analyzed information (this work was done by the guys at home). There was training in generalized knowledge, skills, skills and ways of thinking.

One of the options for filling out the table:

Lives in the village of Zaborie. Memorial house, she is the last inhabitant of it.

Her father was a famous artist. She once lived in Paris with her father, saw the funeral of Victor Hugo, a French writer.

She has no relatives, except for her daughter Nastya, who works in Leningrad.

Kind, suffers from loneliness, but does not reproach her daughter, loves her.

Katerina Petrovna

She constantly sits silently on the couch, hunched over, small, all goes through some pieces of paper in her reticule, sometimes she cries quietly.

For her the nights are long, hard, she has insomnia

Doesn't know how to survive until morning.

Writes a letter to her daughter.


- How does Katerina Petrovna feel about her daughter? ( Loves his daughter very much. In spite of everything, in spite of Nastya's inattention, her mother justifies her: “… Nastya is not up to her, old women. They, young, have their own affairs, their own incomprehensible interests, their own happiness. Better not to interfere. " But Katerina Petrovna misses her daughter and really wants to see her.)

Let's watch an excerpt from the film, listen to Katerina Petrovna's letter to her daughter. But I would also like to ask you this: when you feel the greatest excitement, pity for Katerina Petrovna or some other feelings, raise your open palm, like this. Good?

(After watching) Using this Open Hand technique, I wanted to know who we are: just a teacher and students who have to discuss a certain topic, or we are people who look at very important things in the same way, and we are not participants, but very uncommon participants. simple conversation. Thank you for your concern. I think we can proceed further.

- So why did Katerina Petrovna, who rarely wrote to Nastya, suddenly wrote a letter to her daughter at night? ( realized that she had very little left to live, and wanted to say goodbye to her daughter)

- What is the most important word in a letter? ( Darling.)

- How do you understand the meaning of this word?

- How did Nastya react to the letter she received from her mother? ( hid in her purse without reading)


- How does the author describe it? Find confirmation in the text. ( There are no direct author's assessments in the text, but Paustovsky's attitude is unambiguous. He emphasizes Nastya's narcissism. “At one of the sites, Nastya took out a mirror, powdered

and grinned, "now she liked herself." The artists called her Solveig for her blond hair and big cold eyes ")

- Paustovsky wrote out the character of Nastya in one epithet. What detail of her portrait did you immediately notice? ( Cold eyes)

- What are they? ( indifferent, empty,indifferent, always calm, unemotional)

L.N. Tolstoy said that "the eyes are the mirror of the human soul." It's scary when you meet a person with cold eyes. Obviously he has the same cold, cruel heart, doesn't he?

    Research of a problematic topic

(Fishbone strategy)


- And now let's start researching the problem of humanity in the story "Telegram". Let's see if the heroes have passed the test of true humanity?

- But first I ask you to choose words close in meaning to the word "humanity". On each row there are 4 cards with concepts, choose those words that will help answer the question: "What is humanity manifested in?"

Attach the selected cards to the board using magnets.

On the cards, the words:

Humanity is (mercy, kindness, care, participation, compassion, attention, pity, sympathy, hatred, betrayal, anger, humanity).

- What cards were left unused?

- As a homework assignment, you were asked to work in groups on solving the question of how the problem of humanity touched the heroes of the story and whether they passed this difficult life test.


- Each group was given such a fish diagram, based on which you had to extract the necessary information from a literary work and translate it from text into a diagram, eventually answering the question whether the hero passed this difficult life test.

- On the upper "bones" the causes of the events are recorded, on the lower ones - the facts confirming the existence of the reasons. Records should be concise and contain key words and phrases that reflect the essence. In the "tail" it was necessary to put a conclusion on the problem being solved.

- The first row guys will be the first to present their work. One person represents the work of the group, the others complement it. Children from other groups ask them questions.


Attention! A problematic question: did Nastya pass the test for humanity, mercy?

(a representative from the group of children of the first row comes out, after the speech a sheet with a diagram is attached with a magnet on the board)

Additional questions:

- Why did Nastya, kind and attentive to other people, turn out to be so callous in relation to her mother? ( She incorrectly defined life priorities, put in the first place not the most important thing.)

- Can Nastya be called a selfish person (indifferent, indifferent, indifferent)?

Can “humanity” be fake? ( Yes, Nastya has it like that. She is engaged in business, albeit a good one, but a stranger, having not found time for the last meeting with her mother.)


Did Tikhon and Manyushka pass this life test?

(performance of the guys of the second row)

Additional questions:

- Why did Tikhon decide to cheat? (To support Katerina Petrovna, to console, soften the bitterness of loneliness)

- These are ordinary people whom Paustovsky loved. They are invisible, they are not used to talking beautifully, but they will not pass by someone else's grief.

- What telegram is mentioned in the title of the story and why? (About Tikhon's second telegram, he wanted to cheer Katerina Petrovna, give her hope and prolong her life. He wanted to get through to Nastya first, but, alas, to no avail. Both telegrams were important, but the second of them is filled with mercy, which, according to the author, is so necessary for all people)


Young teacher

(performance of the guys of the third row)

Additional questions:

- And why is the image of a young teacher introduced into the story? (This image is contrasted with the image of Nastya. She immediately remembered about her mother, who remained in the city. Her heart is kind, because she did not know Katerina Petrovna, but went after the coffin, then, during the funeral, she kissed the “dried-up yellow hand” of the deceased.)

- Why did she do it?(She, apparently, understood all the horror of this woman's loneliness, felt some kind of guilt in front of her, realizing that all young people, living their interesting lives, are guilty before their mothers, giving them little attention. Probably, the young teacher understands this better than Nastya and, perhaps, will educate her students with kind, sympathetic people.)

- Let's summarize our research. Which of the heroes passed the test for true humanity? (For K.P. strangers did not pass by the bitter loneliness of the abandoned daughter of the old woman. But Nastya did not pass this test, so she came out of it with feelingirreparable guilt, unbearable severity.)

    Paustovsky's commandments

- I think, guys, there is a deep connotation in the name "Telegram". In fact, the whole story is a telegram addressed to you and me. K. Paustovsky left us invaluable moral precepts.


    Final words of the teacher


- Remember, guys, I once read to you the words of Bernard Shaw: "We learned to swim like fish, fly like birds, we just have to learn to live like a human being." Be Human! Do not forget about the closest and dearest people. Don't extinguish your soul light.

The research carried out in the lesson went through all the important, significant stages:

    motivation (problematic question - did the heroes pass the test of humanity),

    research (in small groups),

    information exchange,

    organization of information (diagrams),

    linking information,


Logical techniques were used: problem statement, comparison, generalization, identification of signs.

At the stage of organizing information, the Fishbone strategy was used, which made it possible to implement the “research in research”. "Fishbone" is a mini-research work with the text of a work of art, which makes it possible to form the ability to use the elements of cause-and-effect analysis; extract the necessary information from a literary work and translate it from one sign system to another (from text to diagram); coordinate and coordinate personal activities with the activities of other guys when working together.

Metasubject approach, which was the basis of this technology, allowed the content of the work to be presented not as information for memorization, but as knowledge for meaningful use. The diagrammatic diagram, with the help of which the guys analyzed the problem, is universal, since meaningful work with information is important in life.

Group work allowed the guys to jointly conduct mini-research, cross-exchange of questions and opinions.

Music, videos brought emotionality into the lesson, were designed to arouse interest in the lesson and contributed to the development of creative imagination.


used in preparation for the lesson

1 KG. Paustovsky. Telegram // Litru.Ru Free electronic library.

2. K.G. Paustovsky. Notches in the heart. Chapter from the book “Golden Rose // Litru.Ru Free electronic library.

3. Literature: reference materials: A book for students. - M .: Education, 1989.

4. Wikipedia: Article "Artistic detail".

5.T.T. Levashov. Before it's too late // Literature at school. - 1996, no. 6.

6. N.I. Gusakov. For good, pay with good // Literature at school. - 1996, no. 6.

Lesson on the topic: "K. G. Paustovsky" Telegram "is recommended for students in grades 7-8, dedicated to the holiday - Mother's Day. The literary text of the work contains a huge moral (educational) potential, which is especially important in our life of modern society.

Preparation for the lesson: the students read the story of K. Paustovsky in advance.

Based on the analysis of episodes, drawing up a diagram, students independently approach the comprehension of the main idea of ​​the story, identify the problems, the relevance of the entire work as a whole.

This lesson can be taught as an extracurricular reading lesson.



Literature lesson.

(Extracurricular reading)

Grade: 7-8

Theme: K. G. Paustovsky "Telegram".


  1. Acquaintance with the work of K. G. Paustovsky.
  2. Formation of the ability to analyze episodes, formulate the main idea of ​​the episode and the whole story.
  3. Development of oral speech, memory, attention, imagination.
  4. Fostering a sense of responsibility, love, respect, compassion; feelings of filial duty.

Equipment: writing on a blackboard, text of a work of art.

During the classes.

1. Message of the topic of the lesson. Working with the epigraph.

On November 30, 1998, the first president of Russia signed a decree establishing the International Mother's Day holiday.

Mama! How wonderful this word is! This is our closest, most beloved person. This is our advisor, friend, helper.

The epigraph of our lesson is written on the blackboard, read the words of O. Balzac.

Mother's heart is an abyss

in the depths of which there is always

there is forgiveness.

O. Balzac.

How do you understand this statement? Do you agree with the opinion of the writer?

Today in the lesson we will analyze the story of KG Paustovsky "Telegram". And let's get back to the epigraph at the end of the lesson.

2. Conversation on primary perception.

What feelings did KG Paustovsky convey?

Which of the heroes do you remember? Why?

3. Analysis of episodes of the story.

For a detailed analysis, consider the following episodes:

  1. Waiting for a daughter.
  2. Letter from Katerina Petrovna.
  3. Telegram from "Nastya".
  4. Finale of the story.

Reading out and discussing episodes.

1 episode.

- What feelings remain after reading the story?

How does the description of nature help to understand the state, mood of Katerina Petrovna?

What was the only living thing in the house?

How does the mother relate to Nastya? Why does he justify being busy with his daughter?

Episode 2.

- What lines in Katerina Petrovna's letter touch the soul?

How do the image of the sculptor Timofeev and his sculpture Gogol reveal the image of Nastya?(Nastya takes care of the opening of an exhibition of a stranger to her, forgetting about the most precious thing - her mother.)

When did Nastya read the letter?

Why does the girl feel a silent reproach? What does this mean?

Why did Nastya hurry to Zaborye to her mother? What lines show her remorse? ("Mom! After all, I have no one in my life. No, and will not be dearer. If only to have time, if only to forgive ...")

Episode 3.

Why is the title of this episode in quotation marks? (The watchman Tikhon wrote the telegram.)

How did Katerina Petrovna figure this out?

Strangers - Tikhon, a neighbor's girl Manyushka - turned out to be dearer, they took care of her, pitied the dying woman.

Episode 4.

Why do you need the image of a young teacher?

How did the villagers say goodbye to Katerina Petrovna?

Read the closing lines of the story.

What lesson did Nastya learn?

4. Working with the scheme "The main characters of the story"

On the board - a diagram for the story "Telegram", consider it.

Why are the heroes in this position?

Why is the symbol of Katerina Petrovna - Sun ?

How do its rays relate to other heroes?

Even one ray of her love broke through the wall of employment and indifference in Leningrad. After all, Nastya repented, but too late.

Do you think Katerina Petrovna forgave her daughter?

5. Lesson summary.

Let's compare the conclusion with the epigraph. How does it relate to the main idea of ​​the story?

Try not to upset your mother in your life, do not forget about her, so that later you do not feel heavy guilt, like Nastya. And start simple: help your mother with household chores, please with a good grade and do not forget to congratulate you on the holiday!

6. Homework.

Choose one of the tasks:

1) pick up the poems of our Trans-Baikal poets about mothers for the next lesson, memorize one of them.

2) write a miniature essay on the topic "My most dear person"


Scheme "The main characters of the story"

Zaborie Leningrad


Watchman Nastya TikhonManyushka Young teacher

Lesson type: combined

Form of conducting: lesson - reflection

Technologies: ICT (presentation).

Methods: conversation, working with text, expressive reading, clustering.

Equipment: portrait of the writer, multimedia projector, screen.

Place of work: MOU Secondary School No. 34, p. Sbega, Trans-Baikal Territory, Mogochinsky District.

Lesson topic: Loneliness is the damn thing ...

According to the story of K.G. Paustovsky "Telegram".

No! A person cannot live without relatives,

how one cannot live without a heart.

K.G. Paustovsky.

The purpose of the lesson: determination of the ideological content of the work, the author's position, the formulation of a personal attitude to the problem raised by the writer.

Lesson Objectives:

Read the story of K.G. Paustovsky; analyze the content of the story, acting characters; be able, based on the text, to understand the topic, to determine the main idea; help students identify issues raised by the author;

Foster a sense of kindness, patience, sensitivity, respect, caring, attention towards their parents.


I. Organizational moment.

II. Introductory speech of the teacher.

Good afternoon guys! I am very glad to see you. (Knock on the door, postman: "Telegrams for you"). To whom are telegrams? You guys! (distribute telegrams to students) (Appendix 1).

Please read it. (reading aloud the text of the telegram: "No! A person cannot live without relatives, just as one cannot live without a heart") From whom is the telegram?

Telegram, guys, from Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky. (Slide number 3).

What is the meaning of these words by the writer? (Student responses)

The conclusion of the teacher: Native people - mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, without whom, indeed, you cannot live. They are always there. They will listen, understand, support, help with a kind word.

III. Homework survey.

Purpose: to check the assimilation of the content of the story, the ability to briefly retell the literary text, to determine the theme of the fiction.

Today in the lesson, guys, we will reflect on the story of K.G. Paustovsky "Telegram". To begin with, let's recall the content of the story.

1. Brief retelling of the work. (Individual task)

2. Reflections on the story read.

I think that the story did not leave you indifferent. Share your thoughts, impressions. (Student responses).

Try to define the theme of the piece. What a story? (about mother and daughter, their relationship)

The conclusion of the teacher: The writer talks about the relationship between loved ones, mother and daughter. Do children, especially those who have matured, always rush to help their parents living far away, do they always write letters to them, call them, do they know how to take care of them, are they always kind to them, sympathetic, affectionate?

IV. Analysis of the story. Comprehension.

Purpose: to promote the formation of the ability to analyze text, IVS; evaluate the actions of the heroes; formulate your point of view, draw conclusions.

1) Lesson topic.

Teacher's word: - Words by K.G. Paustovsky “No! A person cannot live without relatives, just as one cannot live without a heart, ”we will take as an epigraph to our lesson. They will help you understand the main idea of ​​the story, reveal the author's intention. And the topic of the lesson is designated as follows: “Loneliness is a damn thing! This is what can destroy a person. " (Alexander Green). (Slide number 4)

2) "The main character". (Monological story. Reading episodes).

Who is the main character of the story by K.G. Paustovsky "Telegram"? (Katerina Petrovna). (Slide number 5).

Tell us what you learned about her. (Katerina Petrovna lived out her days in an old house built by her father, a famous artist, "memorial", according to the hostess herself. She complained that there was no one to talk to about paintings, about Petersburg life. She once lived in Paris with her father, saw the funeral of Victor Hugo. Katerina Petrovna suffered greatly that her "only dear person" daughter Nastya, who lives in Leningrad, did not come to her, did not write letters).

Paustovsky depicts one more "living image" in parallel. What is it? (Nature). Let's turn to landscape sketches. (Reading episodes) ("The tangled grass in the garden fell ..."

We see a picture of late autumn. Nature fades, dies, dies. What means of language does the author use to depict her? (epithets, impersonations)

Now let's go back to the heroine's house. Description of Katerina Petrovna's room. Her life is in the distant past. Let's pay attention to the details of the interior: "dusty pre-revolutionary magazine" Vestnik Evropy "," yellowed cups on the table "," a long-uncleaned samovar "," paintings that have faded from time to time. "

What feelings does an autumn landscape evoke? Home interior? The landscape and the interior are similar. How? (Cause feelings of sadness, longing, loneliness, anxiety from neglect, uselessness, forgetfulness, abandonment)

Let us recall the episode of a short walk by Katerina Petrovna: “She suffocated, stopped by an old tree, took hold of a cold, wet branch with her hand and found out: it was a maple ... he had flown around, chilled, he had nowhere to get away from this homeless, windy night ...” (Sadness, longing in the heart of Katerina Petrovna.She remembered her youth and took the maple as a native creature: it is just as lonely and homeless as she is).

Compare the two images "alive" and "animate". Their condition. What is the relationship between them? (The writer, with the help of landscape sketches, shows the state of mind of the protagonist. They are doomed. The garden "bloomed", Katerina Petrovna "lived out")

The conclusion of the teacher: Katerina Petrovna lives out her life in oblivion and loneliness. Loneliness is twice as terrible and terrible if the sufferers have relatives who do not show attention and care.

3) Relatives. (Monological story. Selective reading)

The dying Katerina Petrovna constantly thinks about her daughter Nastya, who is in distant Leningrad. (Slide number 7)

What have you learned about Nastya, about her life, work, affairs? (Nastya is the only daughter of Katerina Petrovna. She lives in Leningrad, works as a secretary in the Union of Artists. She has a lot of work: organizing exhibitions, competitions. She shows persistence, determination, ardent interest, attention to the artist's fate, helping him organize an exhibition. , respect, pin great hopes on her. Careerist. But about her mother she completely forgot "there were no letters from Nastya either, but once every two or three months ... the postman Vasily brought Katerina Petrovna a transfer for two hundred rubles").

How does Nastya characterize her attitude towards her mother? (We run into a wall of heartlessness, indifference, callousness, selfishness)

Is Nastya soulless to everyone, to everything? (Not at all. She sympathizes with the sculptor Timofeev, spends a lot of time organizing his exhibition. "Caring for a person becomes that wonderful reality that helps us grow and work", "We owe this exhibition entirely to one of the ordinary employees of the Union, our dear Anastasia Semyonovna." - these words addressed to Nastya). (Slide number 8)

Remember how the artists called Nastya? (Solveig is a solar path or ray). Why? (For her care, exactingness, for the ability to bring the matter to the end)

How could it happen that Nastya, caring about others, shows inattention to her own mother? (It's one thing to get carried away with work, do it with all your heart, give it all your strength, physical and mental, and it's another thing to remember about your loved ones, about your mother - the most holy being in the world, not limited to money transfers. Tests for true humanity Nastya can't stand it.)

Does Katerina Petrovna condemn her daughter? (Katerina Petrovna knew that Nastya had no time for her, the old woman, "they, the young, have their own affairs, their own incomprehensible interests, their own happiness."

The conclusion of the teacher: Anyway, Nastya failed to achieve harmony between worries about the “distant” and love for the closest person. This is the tragedy of her position, this is the reason for the feeling of irreparable guilt, unbearable heaviness.

4) Others' loved ones.

Nastya's guilt before her mother looks especially clear in comparison with the behavior of people who are strangers to her mother, who show sincere concern for her - Manyushka and Tikhon.

Who is next to her? Who are these people?

(Manyushka, the daughter of a collective farm shoemaker, comes running every day to fetch water from the well, wash the floors, put on the samovar. For six days she did not leave Katerina Petrovna, without undressing, sleeping on an old sofa) (Slide number 9).

(Tikhon is a watchman at a fire shed. He was often busy with the housework, out of pity, but still helped with the housework: he chopped dead trees in the garden for firewood. Tikhon could not look at the “hunched over, little” woman. postman Vasily, took the telegraph form and wrote a telegram and brought it to Katerina Petrovna). (Slide number 10)

What feelings did they show for Katerina Petrovna? (care, respect, affection)

Remember how Tikhon Manyushka raised, what did he tell her? (“For good, pay with good, don't be a kestrel,” says Tikhon Manyushka.

How did you understand the meaning of this phrase? (PUSTELGA - 1. A bird of prey of the falcon family. 2. A frivolous, empty man (colloquial Disagreeable) (Nastya turned out to be such a kestrel).

The conclusion of the teacher: These are fellow villagers of Katerina Petrovna. Simple people. They helped her, showing compassion, care. People with a good heart. But they could not constantly be with Katerina Petrovna. They have their own affairs, family concerns. In their absence, Katerina Petrovna was alone.

4) Letter. (Slide number 11).

Katerina Petrovna writes a letter to Nastya. ("My beloved," wrote Katerina Petrovna. "I won't survive this winter. Come even for a day. Let me look at you, hold your hands. I became old and weak to the point that it's hard for me not only to walk, but even to sit and lie, death has forgotten the way to me. The garden is drying up, it’s not at all the same, but I don’t see it. Today the autumn is bad. So hard; my whole life, it seems, has not been as long as this one autumn ")

Nastya received a letter from her mother. How did she react to him? (“I hid it in my purse without reading it, since the mother writes, it means she’s alive”).

What words should have alerted Nastya? (I became old and weak to the point that it’s hard for me not only to walk, but even to sit and lie, death has forgotten the way to me)

Why? (Mother is lonely, sick, helpless, she needs care. She wants to die, she is tired of being alone).

The conclusion of the teacher: Nastya did not respond to the letter, the request of the mother. She did not show sympathy, respect, cordiality, love for her mother, while at the same time caring for the well-being of strangers to her.

5) Conscience.

Who awakens her consciousness? (Gogol (sculpture): “mockingly, knowing her through and through, he looked at her”, “And the letter was unopened in my purse,” Gogol’s piercing eyes seemed to say. “Oh, you, magpie!”) (Slide number 12).

The conclusion of the teacher: Gogol appeals to conscience. The great satirist N.V. Gogol, and the author of the story K.G. Paustovsky showed that Nastya is deprived of true soulfulness, humanity. She thinks only of herself, of her career.

6) Telegram.

Nastya receives a telegram: “Katya is dying. Tikhon ". (Slide number 13).

Did Nastya make it to her mother's funeral? What happened? (Slide number 14 + Sound-song “Sad song about mom.” Listen to 1, 2 verses or 2 verses). (Other options are possible)

The conclusion of the teacher. Nastya lost her dear, closest person - her mother. Katerina Petrovna dies without waiting for her daughter. Dying of loneliness and melancholy. The daughter does not make it to her mother's funeral in time. Nastya left Zaborye stealthily so that no one would see her and ask about anything. (Slide number 15).

Why was Nastya scared? (human judgment)

Who could forgive Nastya? (Only her mother could forgive her: "... no one, except Katerina Petrovna, could remove irreparable guilt and unbearable severity from her").

Why does the writer introduce the image of a young teacher? (There are people on earth with a kind, sensitive heart who will never pass by someone else's grief. “There, in the regional city, she has a mother — this is the same little one, always worried about her daughter, and the same completely gray-haired”).

The conclusion of the teacher: Let's re-read the episode "Funeral". How does nature change? (Frosty, but fresh and clear. Katerina Petrovna's suffering is over. She calmed down forever).

IV. Cluster compilation. Teamwork. (students work at the blackboard, take notes) (Appendix 2)

Purpose: to teach the compilation of a cluster, to promote the free expression of thoughts.

What happened? Why did it happen? Who is to blame for this?

Conclusions of the students: A terrible thing happened! A man has died! He died of loneliness, longing and grief. There were people next to him who helped, looked after, took care of. But in their absence Katerina Petrovna was left alone. She had a daughter, but she lived far away. Katerina Petrovna was alone. A person cannot be alone for a long time, he needs communication, care, care, help.

V. Lesson summary.

Purpose: to lead students to the definition of the ideological content of the work

Sad story ... Guys, we defined the theme of the work at the beginning of the lesson. (a story about the relationship between parents and children, mother and daughter). Let's get back to the epigraph: “No! A person cannot live without relatives ... ”. How did the words of K.G. Paustovsky to understand the ideological content of the story? (A person cannot live without relatives. Elderly parents require special attention. They often get sick. They need care, attention, help, love. And if there are no loved ones nearby, they are helpless and lonely. man. ”(Alexander Grin).

What does the author urge the reader to do? (Remember about your parents - this is your sacred duty to those who gave you life. Now, when you are with your parents, surround them with care, warmth, attention. Help them cope with household chores. Study well, making them happy with your successes. Love yours relatives, call them more often, visit them, do not skimp on affectionate words, tell them more about yourself, they are interested in knowing about every step of your life). (Slide number 16).

Vi. News to relatives. (Song "Mom - the first word")

I suggest that you send telegrams to your parents. Write them kind, warm words of love. Give them joy. I will deliver your telegrams to the addressee. (all write telegrams, collect).

Vii. Home assignment.

Make a list of the problems that the author raises in the story. Comment on each shortly. Remember! Problem (what?)
Write an essay on the topic "What was Nastya left with?"

VIII. All the best! Thank you for the lesson!

Used sources

Belenky G.I. Literature Grade 8: a textbook for educational institutions. 2 hours / auth.-comp. G.I. White. - 10th ed., P. - M .: Mnemosina, 2012 .-- 383 p.
Belenky G.I. Methodical advice for a textbook for grade 8. Literature. A guide for the teacher. - 2nd ed., Rev. - M .: Mnemosina, 2010.
Ozhegov S.I. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language / S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova, Moscow: Az, 1996, 938 p.

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Author: Ushanfa O.T.
Tags: Paustovsky
Item: Literature