
Collage presentation for a lesson in fine arts (iso) on the topic. Collage. History and basics of composition What is a collage presentation

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For many thousands of years, people built dwellings, made tools and clothes from the materials that nature provided them. For example, clothes were made from animal skins. Then they learned how to process skins and get leather suitable for sewing various products. Woven from the fibers of flax, cotton, and other plants. In China, they learned how to make silk fabric from the secretions of a small insect - the silkworm. Wood and stones were used to build dwellings. With the help of various operations (grinding, firing, etc.), natural materials were modified so that they acquired new useful properties. Bricks were made from clay, glass was made from sand and lime, building gypsum was made from natural calcium sulfate, and cement was made from limestone and clay.

Following the chemistry of dyes, the chemistry of synthetic drugs began to develop rapidly. First, scientists found out the structure of natural compounds that were used in medicine. Having learned how to create them artificially, they began a targeted synthesis of new drugs, including those with a very complex structure. Synthetic drugs have cured millions of people and saved many from death.

Chemists have made great strides in developing synthetic fibers that can be used to make textiles. Initially, they experimented with natural fibers, modifying them to give the desired properties. In 1890, a method was developed for the industrial production of artificial silk from natural cellulose. First, cellulose was dissolved by means of chemical transformations. A thick solution was squeezed out through small holes - spinnerets and thin fibers were obtained that could be woven. In the XX century. purely synthetic fibers also appeared. Among them are polyvinyl chloride, nylon, nylon, lavsan and many others. These synthetic fibers revolutionized the textile industry. Various combinations of synthetic and natural fibers make it possible to obtain fabrics with a wide variety of properties.

Using synthetic fabrics, we will make a collage. Collage (from French collage - gluing) is a technical technique in the visual arts, which consists in creating paintings or graphic works by gluing objects and materials that differ from the base in color and texture onto a base.

Master Class. Collage. Still life with flowers

Age of children - 9-10 years

Target: development of children's creative abilities through acquaintance with one of the types of applications - a collage.


Educational- mastering the technology of drawing up a decorative composition on the theme "Still life with flowers" and the technology of working with various materials (newspapers, magazines, colored paper).

Educational- development creativity, imagination, fantasies based on familiarization with the collage method.

educators- to educate pupils in accuracy, composure in the performance of work methods, diligence.

Methodical equipment:

Samples of previous work.

Necessary materials: a sheet of paper, A-3 format, gouache, a jar of water, brushes, glue stick, scissors.

Course progress.

1. Introduction.

Collage (from the French collage - gluing) is a technical technique in the visual arts, which consists in creating paintings or graphic works by gluing objects and materials that differ from the base in color and texture onto a base.

At the heart of any collage is an application with which children have been familiar since kindergarten. Our task is more complex. First you need to come up with a decorative still life with flowers, and then use glossy magazines to make a collage.

To begin with, we make a sketch in which we must depict a vase or a jug of flowers. In the background we place a window or landscape.

(Children always get more emotional work)

Poets come to the aid of children, whose poems allow you to come up with a composition in which you can combine everything you want.


I like to scribble in a shabby notebook,

On the way to work a couple of lines ...

'Cause I feel like I'm on the hunt

Watching the flow of the city beat...

Here is passion, here is loneliness, here is happiness...

There are a lot of topics in the human stream ...

I write "from nature" with the power given from above,

That's why I carry a notebook!

And if there is no invoice,

I turn my mind to the landscape

I look at the face of architecture,

With nature constituting a collage...

Many amazing discoveries

I did while watching...

When I forget - life is out of tune!

The children's compositions remind us that autumn has come, but the memories of summer are still strong. Almost all depict exactly the summer landscape.

We proceed to the most interesting, we consider magazines.

We select various shades of color that we need to implement the idea and get to work. First, we work on the center of the composition - flowers.

Gradually we create a picturesque environment. In this case, a window, a wall.

Gradually we move on to the jug and the table on which the jug stands.

The collage is ready.

Tatyana Saenko

"Collage" comes from a French word meaning literally "sticking". A collage is when a variety of pieces of materials are glued onto a base - paper different color and textures, fabric, feathers, flowers - it depends only on the imagination of the creator. Collage is used mainly to obtain the effect of surprise from the combination of dissimilar materials. Some believe that this is a "garbage dump" technique. Scraps of magazines and newspapers "to throw away" acquire new life in a collage. Collage is a creative game.

Collages of magazine clippings are inexpensive, read old magazines can be found in every home.

Cutting objects with an asymmetric structure, with curvilinear contours, with complex outlines, develop hand-eye coordination. This creative activity has a positive effect on the development of aesthetic feelings, improves the skills and abilities necessary for children, develops fine motor skills, perseverance, intellectual and creative activity.

You can cut and paste whatever you like, indiscriminately. And you can collect a collage on a specific topic.

Magazine paper is great for cutting out symmetrical objects, the main thing is to find a beautiful background.

The collage can be completed with felt-tip pens, pencils, paints, etc.

Collective work "The street is full of surprises"

Collective works "Wonder Tree"

Teamwork "Supermarket"

Teamwork "Useful Products"

Collective work "Visiting Moidodyr"

Thank you for your attention! I will be very glad if our works inspire you to create!

Creative work on the topic: “Collage: the history and basics of composition” Teacher of the subject “Technology” Kuchinskaya I.V. movie " The World History painting", as well as from sites:

Collage denies the concept of the whole, since it is a fragment and consists of fragments. In connection with this, it is difficult to give an unambiguous, precise definition of this type of art. Collage (French collage - “sticking”) is a method of creating a composition that combines elements of dissimilar texture (newspaper clippings, pieces of fabric, photographs). They are superimposed on each other and are fixed on a common basis. A collage is when an image is created from various pieces of quite understandable objects, which in meaning is something else, like a poetic metaphor, but not in words, but in images. COLLAGE IS...

From the point of view of the combination and synthesis of individual materials and objects, we can say that collage has always existed, and it formed the basis of such art forms as painting (paint-plaster, paint-canvas), sculpture (metal-stone), architecture (sandstone- gold-gypsum). Collage was recognized as an independent art form only in the 20th century, when artists (cubists, futurists) began to use pieces of newspapers, wallpapers, photographs in their works, sticking them on canvas. The date of origin of the collage is considered to be 1912, when the French artist Georges Braque used newspaper clippings in his painting. Pablo Picasso immediately picked up the innovation and interpreted it in his own way. HISTORY OF COLLAGE

Collage makes it possible to: Combine and synthesize images of various textures and colors, objects: color and black and white, photographs and drawings, texts and fonts Use fragments of paintings, objects as compositional details Transmit thought through extraneous details of the composition, not related to the main topic. COLLAGE ADVANTAGES

To build a collage composition, you need: PRINCIPLES OF CREATION 1. Determine the idea, task, the theme of the collage, the mood, the impression that it should have on the viewer 2. Determine the format, size, shape, height, width 3. Select the scheme of the desired psychological perception of the collage on the viewer? Does the chosen scheme express your idea and the mood of the collage?

There are few schemes for constructing a collage. They are based on the principles of psychological perception of reality by a person. Examples: 1) "loneliness" is solved through the representation of a lonely object and a huge empty surrounding space 2) "small size" of the object is conveyed through contrasting with a large object 3) "depression" is conveyed through the placement of the object in the lower part of the plane and heavy, overloaded with elements / flowers the upper part of the CONSTRUCTION DIAGRAM 1)2)3)

"decoupage" - a decoration technique in which images / fragments of a pattern are cut out of various materials (paper, napkins, fabric, leather) and then pasted onto various surfaces (dishes, furniture, jewelry) "assembly" - a decoration technique in which the base various objects or details of objects are attached "application" - a technique for creating an ornament on fabric / paper by applying pieces of various materials (paper, fabric, leather) "accumulation" - a combination of completely identical objects in order to create an unusual aesthetic effect "cinema collage" - a combination in one in a movie, fragments of feature, documentary and animated films "altar" - home interior decoration, in which an "idol museum" is created: clippings from newspapers, magazines, photos, articles, clothing items TYPES OF COLLAGE

It can be said that the collage has gone from being an independent craft to the film industry (film collage), theater (scenery), advertising (posters, signs, videos), and remains one of the most popular and widespread techniques today. The only museum of its kind with a rich collection of collage works is located in France, Sergin. The museum regularly conducts collage workshops and organizes an international salon of contemporary collage in Paris, which exhibits up to 110 artists from 25 nationalities. In addition, the Museum organizes collage studios in schools, rest homes, and hospitals. COLLAGE TODAY

"Forms of application" - Tape application. Safety engineering. Application type. Tape and invoice application. Leaf fantasies. Silhouette application. symmetrical application. Mini-exhibition of works. Application types. Safety precautions when working with glue. Consignment note and symmetrical types of application. Application. What is an application.

"Application" - Cold colors. Depicting a pattern or ornament. You got acquainted with the patchwork technique "application". Animals, plants, transport. Warm colors. Fabric applique. Fundamentals of color harmony. Lesson goals. Application. Application is a type of arts and crafts. A few recommendations. Neutral colors.

"Appliques of flowers" - Materials. Fabric, paints for batik. Batik. Wool thread appliqué. "Yellow tulips". 1 "B" class. Execution technique. Dyed sawdust, orange peel, dry leaves. I. Goethe. "Lilac". "Out of diversity arises modern harmony." "Garden Bouquet"

"Volumetric application" - Flower composition. We carry out in this sequence 2 flowers of medium size. Glue a colored sheet of paper. We imitate veins on the leaves. We draw a sketch of the composition. Green sheet of paper. Stripes for stems. We got three beautiful flower. Glue the ends of the strips. We make leaves and stems of flowers.

"Production of applications" - Openwork application. Stages of execution. Trimming off excess parts of the fabric, stepping back 1mm from the edge of the pattern. Duplicate the applique fabric with interlining. Repeat the work done with the next element of the application. Temple. Execution technology. Execution of the application. Cheerful cockerel. Application production.

"Application "Puppy"" - Application. Working with different materials. Tool. Magic lines. Handle scissors very carefully. Circles of different diameters. Learning to save paper. Torso. Translate the details of the puppy. Poodle silhouette. Poodle. Cartoon Rex and Dachshund. Rules for safe work with glue. Dachshund. Pekingese. Close the scissors.

In total there are 14 presentations in the topic