
Presentation on the culture of the Yamal peoples. Pedagogy Announcement about the dance groups of the indigenous peoples of Yamal

The unique culture of Yamal has been developing for many millennia. As evidenced by the excavations of archaeologists, this cultural heritage more than 10 thousand years. The life of local residents was formed in harsh conditions, such traditions still exist today. Artistic creativity has always served as an outlet and decoration in these northern latitudes, it is universally supported even now. The soul of the people was embodied in the preservation of faith and language, works applied arts, national dress, songs and dances, observance of traditions and rituals, knowledge of folk holidays, in fairy tales, legends, riddles.

The songs of the northern peoples are passed down from generation to generation, and each performer has the right to contribute something new. The melody is free, like a white snowy plain, the rhythm repeats the sound of deer hooves, the text is also free, the exclamations line the lines. Dances, like songs, can be everyday, labor, ritual, comic and personal. Dance movements can repeat animals or birds, tell the language of choreography about hunting or fishing, depict doing handicrafts or rocking a baby in a cradle.

Natural conditions dictated their own laws. Khanty, Nenets, Mansi, Komi-Zyryans, Selkups obeyed them and passed on this knowledge to their children and grandchildren. The ability to handle deer, fish, hunt an animal is held in high esteem on the peninsula, along with a sensitive attitude to everything that is in the nature of the North. The canons of local culture are observed to this day. National clothes can be seen not only on national holidays.

Artistic trades and crafts are associated with the traditions of life of small-numbered peoples:

Sewing national clothes, for children and adults, festive and everyday;

Manufacturing of fur, leather, woolen products with bead patterns;

Wood carving;

Artistic processing of bones, deer and elk antlers, mammoth tusk, walrus tusks.

The museum institutions of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug are of keen interest. Since 1906, the Yamalo-Nenets Regional Museum and Exhibition Complex named after V.I. I.S. Shemanovsky. The works of the Nenets poet Leonid Laptsuy are presented in the only literary museum. The guests of the peninsula will discover many discoveries in the ecological and local history museum of Muravlenko, the natural and ethnographic park-museum "Zhivun" and the House-Museum "Komi-Izba" on the territory of the Shuryshkarsky district, the city museum of fine arts of Novy Urengoy, in the museum of the development of the North in the city. Gubkinsky, Children's Museum of the Museum Resource Center in Noyabrsk.

The research activities of the staff of the Yamal museums, the findings of new historical and ethnographic expeditions make it possible to organize preparation and open new expositions. New technologies make it possible to constantly cooperate with Russian major museums... A worthy contribution to the development of the cultural life of Yamal is made by holding exhibitions, conferences, national holidays of the peoples of the peninsula and festivals.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 3", Tarko-Sale

Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District, Purovsky District

Music lesson summary
in grade 5
« Holidays and customs of the peoples of Yamal. " "Nenets folk holidays »


music teacher

Lemesheva Elza Viktorovna



Topic: "Nenets Folk Holidays"

Targets and goals:

    Study the history of the heritage of the indigenous peoples of Yamal.

    Expand knowledge about folk traditions Yamal.

    Get to know the history musical art northern peoples.

Equipment: Interactive board, music Center, products of national crafts.


Vedas: Hello guys! Today you and I will take an amazing journey through native land, in which we live, in our Yamal!

Do you know what peoples live in Yamal? Let's call these nationalities.

Children's answer: Khanty, Nenets.

Vedas: Right. And today we will take a closer look at the culture of the Nenets people.

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The Nenets song "Bell" performed by Gabriel Lagei

Vedas: The traditional culture of the peoples of the North (Khanty and Nenets) has evolved over the centuries. She was maximally adapted to the natural conditions of their habitation and was subject to certain laws passed down from one generation to another.

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Nentsy are the indigenous population of the European North and the north of western Siberia. Two ethnographic groups are distinguished: the tundra Nenets and the forest Nenets, distinguished by family and clan composition, dialect, and some cultural features. The traditional branch of the economy of the Nenets throughout the territory of their residence is hunting, fishing, and reindeer husbandry.

As you know, the Nenets do not have traditional folk holidays, but there are days of great joy.

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This is the birthday of the child, the arrival of welcome guests and relatives, and finally, the creation of a new family - a wedding.

A person's birthday is celebrated only once in a lifetime after the baby's umbilical cord falls off. This is a holiday for adults only, and the birthday man himself will never celebrate his birthday until the end of his life, and he will not know how his name day was. On the occasion of the birth of a child, a young fawn is slaughtered, and elderly women who have taken birth are presented with gifts. As a rule, these are small gifts: for example, braided braids, pieces of cloth, items for hygiene procedures, etc., a knife is given to the midwife to cut the umbilical cord.

As a result of long communication with the Russian population, the European Nenets began to celebrate some of the Orthodox holidays. Linking them with the periods of their reindeer-breeding and fishing cycle. Here are some of them (old style):

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March 25 - Vorna Yalya (Annunciation; the beginning of spring migrations);
April 23 - Yegor Yalya (it was believed that by this time it was necessary to approach the hotel places);
May 9 - Nicolas Yalya (beginning of ice drift);
June 29 - Petrov yalya (the end of the sinking fishing, the beginning of the weed fishing);
July 20 - Ilyin Yalya (mid-summer);
August 15 - Assumption of the yalya (slaughter of deer for malitsa);
September 1 - Semyon Yalya (before that day they handed over sands, hired for fishing);
New Year's Eer'yal cheese (mid-winter).

Vedas: Nenets old-timers remember how in the old days they themselves and their ancestors celebrated the spring holiday of presenting the heavenly Thunder God with a deer. In the Panha Pyak family, this event took place like this.

The family of Panhi Pyak went to their sacred hill "Kavr nat ka" to sacrifice deer to the Gods of Water, Sky and Thunder. Pyak Panhai climbed the ridge of the hill, tied a gray dummy to a tree, took off his belt with a small bag on a suede cord, took out a knot from it and laid it at the roots of a larch. The deer was taken out on level ground with its muzzle to the east. Three men killed the deer, and when he let out his last sighs, raising his head to the sky, Pyak untied the knot and tied it to a larch branch. They ripped open the belly of the deer, the men took out and laid its entrails on the snow. When hot blood filled the belly, the person who sacrificed it, scooped up warm deer blood and slowly went to the Pur River. Kneel down and poured blood into the fast flow of the river, while bending over the water, saying a sacred prayer to the God-spirit of Water.

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“Omnipresent, give us good luck in the summer catch of fish for our children to eat well! Do not take away the spirit of my people during the autumn and summer period. " Do not disturb us with the sound of strong waves. Save the livestock of our deer. "

Having finished the sacred prayer, they sat down around the carcass of a deer. They put a fish on the head of the dead deer, sprinkled its mouth with reindeer blood, and proceeded to the meal. In the meantime, they killed the white deer of the choir (male deer), sacrificing it to the God of Heaven - Thunder. And made from a twig image-symbol God-Thunder in the form of a bird, anointing it with blood and a birch at the roots. At the same time, a prayer is pronounced:

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“O great master of heaven, we live under you. Our life is visible at a glance. We ask you, from the top looking eye, bring our tribe good luck, warm summer, a lot of game, berries, mushrooms for deer. To avoid mosquitoes and gadflies, there was no intense heat. Save us and our pastures from fires, thunder and lightning. "

All the relatives of Panha Pyak sat around the slaughtered deer, ate and drank fresh deer blood and tea from fragrant leaves. In the evening, everyone departed to their plagues, joyful from the fact that they had fulfilled their duty to the God of Heaven.
This custom is a thing of the past. The law of nature: everything flows, everything changes.

Children perform "Dance of the Deer"

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Vedas: The Reindeer Herder's Day is a traditional, annual national holiday of the Nenets, associated with their economic activities. It is organized on a district or district scale, usually in spring. A large number of people gather for it. On this holiday, among the national types of competitions, the most common are reindeer sled races, throwing a tynzei (lasso), an ax, jumping over a sled, and pulling a stick.

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Traditional sled jumping competitions are interesting. Several sledges (usually as many as there are empty empty sledges) are set parallel to each other at a distance of half a meter. Jumps are made with two legs together, first in one direction, then in the opposite direction, as long as there is enough strength. Good jumpers jump over 30 or more sledges without rest.

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The stick is pulled while sitting, resting the feet against each other (there are options).
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Tynzei is thrown on a stick set up vertically, a trochee, on the heads of the sled. The ax is thrown at range.

Reindeer sledding races are a beautiful and exciting sight. The best deer are selected, the harness is decorated with ribbons, strips of rovduga, multi-colored cloth. Depending on the season, four or six deer are harnessed. Competitions are held for speed, but those present invariably appreciate the beauty of the deer running, their color (white deer were always considered the most beautiful), etc.

All these types of competitions are for men. Women occasionally only took part in deer races. Among other games and amusements in the open air, one can note women's games - blind man's buff, ring, - which differ from similar Russian games. So, for example, when playing a ring, it was often passed from hand to hand, and not along a rope.

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On the Day of the Reindeer Breeder, usually national treats are prepared (reindeer meat, planes). Fairs are organized where products of national handicrafts are sold.

A folklore group performs a song

Vedas: This was the end of our first trip across the expanses of Yamal. We are waiting for you at the next meeting, where we will tell you about the traditions of the Khanty people.

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Yamal is a harsh northern region, which is famous not only for its minerals, but also rich in various traditions that have been passed down from generation to generation and have survived to this day. Yamal is my homeland. My name is Ivan Sukhonosov, I am 14 years old. I was born in the city of Labytnangi. My mother is from the village of Muzhi, Shuryshkarsky district. In the summer of 2014, my parents and I went to the village of Muzhi, my grandmother lives there. In the village of Muzhi, we visited the Shuryshkarsky regional museum complex.
There we learned a lot of interesting things about the life of the indigenous peoples of the north. Mom's former classmate, and now the head of the sector general issues and information support Savelieva Nadezhda Semyonovna gave us a whole excursion. She told us about the celebrations and traditions of the northern peoples and provided the photographs I used. From the story of Nadezhda Semyonovna, we learned that all traditional holidays are usually held in the village of Khanty-Muzhi. It used to be an ordinary small village in which several families of fishermen lived. This village is located three kilometers from the Men. There are only seven houses in the Khanty-Muzhi village. These are the former Khanty dwellings. Now there is a natural and ethnographic park-museum "Zhivun".
In my work, I used material from the Wikipedia site, a free encyclopedia, from the sites: http: // vesti-yamal and the Yamal Region television and radio company, as well as from the book "On both sides of the double-sided", which was released to the 80th anniversary of Shuryshkarsky district. Authors: T.V. Anufrieva, A.G. Brusnitsyna, P.M. Gudkov.

308610662940Vorna Hutl - a celebration of awakening

Raven Day is one of the main national holidays. It symbolizes the arrival of the northern spring. But before you meet the warmth, you need to properly say goodbye to the cold winter. Every spring people come to the same place. At their special festival, they awaken the ancient spirits of this land from their winter sleep. All this is called the Day of the Crow, in Khanty - Vorna Khatl. It was on this day, according to ancient legends, that humanity was born on earth. To set foot on the sacred ground, guests undergo a ritual of purification. After that, you must definitely eat drying. Bread dryers are used to decorate everything. An edible ring is even hung on the beak of a symbolic raven. It is believed that it is the crow that awakens the nature sleeping under the snow with its cry. Spring renewal of life begins from this day. The Ob Khanty considered this bird to be the patroness of women and children. The more twigs, chips and shavings the children brought home on Crow's Day, the more luck this year promised them. The Khanty believed that the crow, having flown from the south to the cold Yamal, warms its paws in the collected brushwood and invites even more children into the house. “If a person got up very early on this day, exactly on the 7th of April, collected a lot of chips and brought them home, then you will be so lucky until the next period of the Vorna Hutl holiday.
Children on this day are woken up early in the morning. Parents tell them: "Get up, or the crow's eyes will gouge out," so that the children wake up and help their mothers with the housework. The main place for the celebration of Vorn Khatl is considered to be the place where the sacred trees grow. Khanty have worshiped them for centuries. Only women come here. They bring scraps of cloth with them, put their gifts there, usually coins, and tie them to a tree. At the same time, it is customary to mentally talk with a tree and ask him, for example, for family well-being.

184785779145 Reindeer Herder's Day
Reindeer Herder's Day is a traditional holiday of the tundra population. Held from early March to mid-April. The Reindeer Herder's Day holiday is held first of all, of course, for the tundra population leading a traditional way of life. On this day, people are honored who remained faithful to their ancestors and continue to live in the tundra, in their tents, and all year round move from one pasture to another with their families and reindeer herds. The deer is the meaning of life for the inhabitant of the tundra. He receives everything from him: food, and dwelling (the traditional chum is made from reindeer skins), and clothes (malitsy, yagushki, kitties), and a means of transportation, and money that is rescued for meat, skins, horns. The more deer a reindeer herder has, the richer he is.
Traditionally, a large number of tundra people come to the Reindeer Herder's Day, because they often meet with each other only once a year, precisely at a holiday.
On the holiday Reindeer Herder's Day, in addition to rewarding and honoring the best reindeer breeders, cultural and sports events are held.
The cultural part of the holiday includes the following types: a women's clothing competition, a children's clothing competition, a men's belt competition, a competition for the best reindeer team.
The sports part of the holiday includes throwing a tynzyan (lasso) on a khorey (wooden pole), jumping over sledges, pulling a stick, national wrestling, reindeer sledding races, and snowmobile races.
The history of the Day of the Reindeer Herder began in the 30s during the period of collectivization, when private reindeer herding farms were united. The two largest of them - Kazymskoye and Saranpaulsky - began to hold special Olympiads on their territories, which were attended by the best
reindeer herders. Subsequently, these Olympiads became annual and turned into a wonderful national holiday - the Reindeer Herder's Day. Much time has passed since then. Today the children of reindeer breeders, former participants of the Olympiads, come to the holiday, win races and receive valuable prizes. Reindeer Herder's Day is, first of all, a professional holiday. However, whole families come to the event, both from neighboring settlements and districts, and from the most remote territories. Interesting acquaintances often arise during the holiday and even new families are born. For example, young winners of competitions immediately become real candidates for fiance. Girls also have their own "selections", for example, in the competition for the best dish. It turns out that the Reindeer Herder's Day helps to create new ethnic families.
Bear games

The holiday of Bear Games reproduces the image of a Khanty village at the beginning of the 20th century. The purpose of the ancient rite, which has miraculously survived to this day, is the reconciliation of the soul of the hunter with the soul of the bear he killed. The holiday can last from three to seven days. It is not accepted to pronounce the words "bear", "killed" at the venue of the holiday, allegorical expressions are used, for example, "invited my younger brother to visit."
At the place where the games are held, men set up a huge chum, where they greet the brought "brother", give him gifts. In the evening, the main ceremony begins in the chum, including songs and dances, which continues until three in the morning. The meaning of the ritual is that a bear met in the forest is invited to the house, where he is greeted as a dear guest: his fur coat is removed from him, presented with gifts. In the morning, the bear is awakened and a morning song is sung to him, in the evening they are put to bed. Relatives, bear spirits are also invited to visit. The rite is, if possible, hidden from prying eyes; in the Bear's games there are sacred, secret rituals for women and TV journalists. The most difficult thing in organizing this event is finding a person capable of performing the ceremony.

The holiday is held in the vicinity of the Zhivun natural and ethnographic complex, which reproduces the image of the Khanty village of the early XX century.

40123611638Lun Qutop Hatl - Midsummer Day

Lun Qutop Hatl, or Midsummer Day, is also considered a pagan holiday. In the Shuryshkarsky region, this holiday can be safely called one of the revered by the indigenous people.
The Yamal Khanty celebrate the Moon Kutop Khatl holiday when the round-the-clock solstice, or the time of the white nights, ends in the north. Therefore, the Khanty holiday is associated with the ancient ritual of the transition of life to the dark side, that is, to a winter of nine months.
Reindeer herders on the eve of the cold season ask the supreme god Num-Torum to be supportive of their main source of life - the reindeer, which provides people with shelter, food and clothing.
Khanty Lun kutop khatl celebrate in the same way as their ancestors, according to pagan canons. A deer is sacrificed, blood is drunk and fresh steamed meat or fish is eaten.
On Midsummer Day, it is customary for the Khanty to sum up the results of the outgoing fruitful summer. Fishermen weigh nets with live silver, reindeer herders count the cattle. On this day, according to pagan traditions, the most beautiful deer are slaughtered. They prepare a treat from it, and then at a round table
treat guests who have arrived from settlements and distant reindeer herding brigades. The mistress will sew a malitsa from the skin of the sacrificial deer for the most beautiful daughter. All guests at the festival are traditionally fed with fish soup made from fresh fish. The festival includes sightseeing tours, traditional rituals, performance of national songs and dances of folk groups, games and competitions: "kusy", throwing tynzyan on a trochee, national wrestling, archery, rowing on kaldanks.
Fisherman's Day
Fisherman's Day was originally conceived as a professional holiday, and then fell in love even with those people who do not really know how to hold a fishing rod in their hands. This is a great getaway for the whole family during the height of summer.
When did Fisherman's Day appear on the calendar? Here you can find the most contradictory information. Some are convinced that they have been celebrating it since 1980, while others are sure that the first celebrations in honor of professional fishermen took place back in 1965. Most likely, the most reliable date is 1968. It was in this year, in November, that a decree was signed stating that the second Sunday of July is now considered a professional holiday of fishermen. Fishing in those days, along with agriculture, was already one of the leading industries.
In the early years, Fisherman's Day could indeed be considered a holiday exclusively for workers in the fishing industry. Labor brigades gathered on the shores of lakes and rivers, competitions were organized for catching the largest or smallest fish, competitions for the most delicious fish soup or for the funniest ditty, dedicated to the holiday... And while the fishermen are catching their catch, local hostesses show their skills. Of the tools we are used to, only a knife is used, but instead of a board and napkins, real grass is used. The production is almost waste-free - the skeleton and the head will become the basis for the fish soup, and slightly salted from the pulp. It is prepared, by the way, in a matter of time, so the tasting was carried out immediately.
Young residents are also not averse to competing in fishing. However, instead of nets, they have fishing rods. Despite their age, local boys are fond of fishing
very serious.

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Decorative and applied art of Yamal masters

Traditional folk arts and crafts of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug have centuries-old traditions and are associated with the life of the indigenous peoples of the North, who have long lived in this territory: the Nenets, Khanty, Selkups, Komi-Zyryans.

Due to the territorial extent of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, which covers the Arctic coast, tundra, forest-tundra, Ural and taiga zones, each territory has its own characteristics in the types of arts and crafts and the use of certain materials.

In the zone of the Arctic coast, partly in the Taz and Yamal regions, in addition to materials related to reindeer husbandry (fur, leather, suede, deer horn), materials related to fishing for sea animals (walrus tusk, seal skin) have long been widely used.

In the taiga zone (Nadym, Krasnoselkupsky, Purovsky, Shuryshkarsky districts), wood, birch bark, and herbs were used.

The skins of small fur-bearing animals (squirrel, ermine, chipmunk), as well as skins of game, fish (burbot, sturgeon) were widely used.

Today the main types of traditional folk arts and crafts of Yamal are: * Sewing of national clothes, footwear of peoples: Nenets, Khanty, Komi. * Artistic processing of bone, mammoth tusk, deer and elk antlers. * Artistic products made of fur, leather, cloth and beads (ceremonial and festive products). * Wood carving. * Artistic processing of birch bark.

Sewing and decoration of clothes

For centuries, the skill of primary processing of fur, dressing of skins, leather, the ability to dye fur and suede in various colors is carefully stored modern masters artistic processing of fur and leather.

For the manufacture of artistic fur products, deer, elk, seal, dog, fox, arctic fox, squirrel, and beaver fur are used. The need for comfortable and very warm clothing was dictated by nature.

Fur clothing has been perfected over the centuries. Distinctive features of fur clothing: monumentality, austerity, a subtle sense of color, a harmonious combination of shades of fur and finishing materials - cloth or rovduga.

Weaving from beads, embroidery

One of the very interesting types of creativity of the peoples of the north is the art of making jewelry from beads. On the territory of our country, glassware, beads and beads were known among the peoples who inhabited it in the 6-5th century BC.

Specificity of patterns

The decorative image of birds, fish, animals turned into a pattern is called a zoomorphic ornament. Like the plant motif, the animal pattern does not exactly repeat the appearance of the animal, it depicts it conditionally.

Figures were drawn in a generalized and simplified manner, so that it is convenient to use them in an ornament. Sometimes, instead of the entire figure of an animal, a part of it was depicted. The ornament was depicted in different ways.

Articles made of leather, bone, wood were made by men. And women did better with a needle and beads. Applying an ornament took as much time as making a thing.

Sometimes, instead of the entire figure of an animal, a part of it was depicted. The ornament was depicted in different ways. Articles made of leather, bone, wood were made by men. And women did better with a needle and beads. Applying an ornament took as much time as making a thing. From ancient times, there are ideas that a thing is complete and ready only when it is covered with a pattern.

In ancient times, patterns on household items served not only as decoration. They gave things the properties of amulets and played the role of magical protection of the object itself and its owner. The ornamentation was primarily used to decorate the collars, sleeves, hem, i.e. All openings through which all diseases and evil forces can penetrate.

Currently, ornaments serve more as decoration than a talisman. But their ancient meaning can be deciphered by their names and images. The simplest geometric patterns depict earth and water (wavy line or zigzag). The circle represents the sky and the sun, the cross represents a person or a god. The ornament is made of leather, fur and cloth; decorate with beads, braid.

On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

"Decorative and applied arts and music of the Russian people"

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Infocenter site submits article Yuri Morozov about the indigenous peoples of the Yamal-Nenets Okrug, published on the website of IA "Sever-Press". All photos from the author's archive

Let's briefly talk about some of the cultural characteristics of the population of the Yamal-Nenets Okrug. After all, representatives of more than a hundred nationalities with their own cultural characteristics live in the region. Therefore, in all cities and districts of the district, various national and cultural holidays of the ethnic groups of Yamal - Russians, Ukrainians, Tatars, Bashkirs, peoples of the North Caucasus and others - have become a tradition.

But the basis for cultural policy in the region is the indigenous population, and although it is only six percent, the public is most interested in colorful folklore festivals and holidays of the indigenous population, works of literature and culture closely related to their worldview, lifestyle and economy.

Unfortunately, there are few written sources about the culture of the indigenous population of the past centuries, and its ancient material culture is represented by the works of archaeologists. The culture of the aboriginal population of the north of Siberia, after its annexation to Russia, is recorded in ancient Russian and Russian literature. A number of descriptions of the life and everyday life of the population of the north of Yamal have preserved the travel sketches of foreigners who have been here, and foreign scientists who worked in the region.

The descriptions mainly concerned the Khanty, with the Nenets it is more difficult - they lived in the far north, led a nomadic economy, it was more difficult to get to them. If we touch, again, material culture (it is presented in the museums of the district), then the picture is still far from complete. And in the traditional life of the indigenous population, elements of the material culture of the distant past have been preserved and are used to this day.

Spiritual and material culture, aesthetics of the life of the indigenous population were determined by the geography of habitation, ways economic activity; as well as the harsh conditions of the Arctic and a mobile nomadic way of life, which does not imply traditional elements sedentary culture.

The aesthetics of other peoples was determined by the taiga-tundra living conditions and the mixed settled - nomadic way of the economy. But the indigenous peoples of the region did not have a written language, with the exception of the Komi-Izhemtsy. So, at the end of the nineteenth century, the Komi obdoryan Tikhon Rochev subscribed to the newspaper "Bulletin of Fish Industry". He was also the first amateur photographer in the region, writes Victor Bartenev... The Northern Komi have preserved a lot about themselves and neighboring peoples in written sources that historians actively use.

Among peoples without a written language, spiritual culture was preserved in oral folklore, household items, household items, as well as through the writing of other peoples. The content materials of church missions, exiled and amateur ethnographers tell a lot about the spiritual culture of the Yamal population in the past. The missionaries, translating the scriptures into the languages ​​of the peoples of the North, at the same time fixed the elements of the spiritual culture of the peoples, and ethnographers made up its content. A lot of material about the culture of the Nenets and Khanty is concentrated, for example, in the book by Viktor Bartenev "In the extreme north-west of Siberia." Bartenev was exiled to Obdorsk in 1891 and lived here for four years. Then he left for Pskov, where he wrote a book about the region, and together with the composer Eswald transcribed the recordings of local songs and published a collection of Obdorsk songs in Arkhangelsk.

In general modern culture the indigenous population of the region has been formed by the cultural revolution in the USSR since the twenties of the last century on the basis of traditional folklore, existing material culture, through the thousand-year-old Russian writing. Since the thirties of the last century, employees cultural institutions districts begin to tell the public about the spiritual culture of the indigenous population, consolidating and shaping it. Then, as they receive education, people from the national environment begin to comprehend the historical baggage of their peoples, preserved in folklore, evaluate its imagery, historicity, wealth and originality, create their own works of art.

Folklore of the Nenets, Khanty, Selkups is diverse in genre content. These are magic and everyday tales, songs - lyrical, ritual, epic, personal name songs, travel, ritual, sacred and others. They store the history, worldview and philosophy of the peoples of Yamal.

The performance of most folklore works both in the past and in the present always presupposes a song character.

Probably, the song beginning of folklore comes from an ancient tradition - from the creation of a personal amulet song at the birth of a child. An adult's song is composed independently at the time of adulthood, and a dying song is composed in anticipation of leaving. The manner of performing songs is different and is determined by everyday life, state of mind, conversation with the gods. In the past, throat singing was widespread among the peoples of Yamal, today only a few people speak it. The secrets of two-voice singing, which was performed by one person, are also lost.

For a long time, the verbal and song folklore of the indigenous peoples of the North was known to a narrow circle of specialists. It is presented as exotic at various festivals of the past.

For the first time, the verbal song folklore of the Yamal Nenets, and the modern songwriting created on its basis with a fundamentally new type - the choral one, was presented to the general public in 1988.

Then, on the initiative of the poet, translator of northern prose, literary critic Lydia Smooth(at that time the head of the department of the district house of culture of the peoples of the North) with the support of the culture department of the Yamal-Nenets regional executive committee, the Melodiya company released the gramophone record "Shootei Yamal - Singing Yamal".

Recorded on disc folklore works Nenets performed by soloists and the choral group of the Yamal national song and dance ensemble. His artistic director Nelly Lebedeva worked for many years. The ensemble was awarded many certificates of honor and diplomas: diplomas of the Exhibition of Economic Achievements of the USSR, 1985 - the twelfth World Festival youth and students in Moscow. Yamal is a laureate of the Second All-Union Festival of Folk Art, dedicated to the seventieth anniversary of the October Revolution in 1987, and the All-Russian Exhibition “Children of the North - Life and Work” held in the same year.

The soloists of the ensemble recorded on the disc folklore works in processing Leonid Laptsuya and other authors. This is a song-legend about Vauli Nenyange, other folk legends in musical choral and solo processing. The works were performed Elena Susoy, Gennady Puiko,Raisa Laptander,Polina Turutina, the disc was recorded in the Nenets and Russian languages. Unfortunately, the disc has become a rarity today. In 1990 the Melodiya company released a set of two LPs Music of the Northern Lights. The discs present folklore and musical creativity of the indigenous peoples of the Soviet North and Siberia, various language families collected in 1964-1988. The set includes legends of the peoples of the Yamal North, there is a folklore record made in the eighty-eighth year Elena Pushkareva.

Thus, at the end of the last century, these publications presented to the Russian audience the song folklore of the indigenous peoples of Yamal. Currently, the work of masters of ethnic folklore, such as Roman Kelchin, Nadezhda Longortova,Gennady Puiko,Elena Susoy,Valentina Nyaruy,Tatiana Lar and others, has a meaning that went far beyond the district.

The works of folklore performed by the masters are of great interest abroad and in Russia. V last years there is a new wave of interest in the study of the folklore of the peoples of Yamal, which has become a fact creative life writers, scientists, artists.

The ensemble "Syra-Sev" ("Snowflake") received no less wide popularity. It was organized in 1962 at the district house of culture of the peoples of the North. Its creators and creative collaborators were Alexey Kozyr- the head of the ensemble, composer Semyon Nyaruy, Alexey Olenichev, choreographer Vladimir Sigunei. The ensemble has become a frequent participant in concerts in the Kremlin Palace of Congresses. The audience of Russia, Finland, Spain, Belgium, Holland, France is familiar with his art. Another well-known collective in Russia and abroad: the ensemble "Seotey Yamal" - "Singing Yamal". Thus, the song folklore of the peoples of the north of Yamal has become one of the most important components of professional and amateur artistic creativity. And various folklore events serve to study the origins of traditional culture and form a folklore data bank of the district.

Musical culture is not limited to folklore, although its motives sound in the works of professionals. Among the works of the first Nenets composer Semyon Nyaruya, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, there are pieces for orchestra folk instruments, compositions for button accordion, piano, but most of the creativity is devoted to the song genre. Creativity gained wide popularity Yuri Yunkerov- the first music editor. When we talk about artists of words, music, and other types of artistic creation, we often say the first one. And indeed it is.

The first Nenets opera singer Gabriel Lagey... He performs both modern songs and compositions related to the history and mythology of native peoples. Singer Elena Laptander is widely known in the region. Her repertoire includes songs of national patriotic content. One of them - "My House Yamal" - is almost Elena's personal song. And she prefers national folk songs in pop arrangements. The event was her performance of the legend about "Sikhirta", arranged by Sergei Tsupikov and with tunes Elena Susoy.

For propaganda musical culture the indigenous population of the region is currently doing a lot. The collection “Author's songs of the Khanty people” was published, booklets about the work of the ensembles “Yamal”, “Seetey Yamal”, “Syra-Sev”, laser discs with a solo performance by Gabriel Lagey, Elena Laptander, performer of folk tales Tatyana Lar and others were published.

And the fine and decorative-applied arts of the northerners took shape in the district in the thirties. Naturally, this art existed before - take a look at the perfect construction of the sled, the boat carved out of solid wood. I am not talking about holy idols for obvious reasons.

After the formation of autonomous regions, the works of traditional and contemporary art exhibited at VDNKh, at art exhibitions in Moscow, Leningrad and other cities of the USSR. Before the war, VDNKh of the USSR exhibited both bone and wood carvings and objects of decorative and applied art. Then the carving, products of folk ornamental masters aroused great interest. The art of craftswomen was presented at the exhibitions Belyaeva and Nakova from Shuryshkarsky district, Yuganpelik and Bychina from Priuralsky, Eway and Yando from the Tazovsky districts. In the post-war years, carvers were famous for their skill Eway,Yaptunai,Vengo,Tylikov.

Today, museums of Tyumen, Tobolsk, and the regional museum and exhibition complex keep large collections of works by Yamal authors of fine and decorative and applied arts, small sculptures and artistic wood and bone carvings. In his funds there is even a painting "Lenin in the tundra". And it is possible to arrange an exhibition of works by artists of the first half of the twentieth century, to show the dynamics of the mastery of the artistic growth of the Yamal people. By the way, the creative artistic growth of the Yamal people in the field of painting is presented in the album "North of Russia - the twenty-first century", published in 2001.

In the eighty-fourth year, a scientific-practical conference "Problems of the development of culture and art of the peoples of the Yamal North" was held in Salekhard. The problems of the development of arts and crafts were discussed at the 1989 conference. It noted that by the end of the twentieth century, a kind of art school masters.

At present, the work of artists from the indigenous peoples of Yamal is well known in the Russian Federation and abroad: Leonida Lara,Igor Khudi,Gennady Khartaganov,Nadezhda Taligina, Antonina Syazi,Viktor Yadne,Evgeniya Alyaby,Mikhail Kanev and others. They exhibited their works at foreign and domestic exhibitions, conferences, symposia on the development of ethnic art.

In the district museum and exhibition complex named after I.S. Shemanovsky, the Art Center hosts regional exhibitions of artists and craftsmen. They show the art of bone carving, ornamentation, and other types of traditional arts and crafts of the indigenous peoples of Yamal. Since 2004, district festivals of park sculpture have been held, where artists from all districts of the district took part.

Artistic crafts, as amateur folk art, develop the population in places of traditional existence. In reindeer-breeding regions - Priuralskiy, Yamalskiy, Tazovskiy and Nadymskiy - carving on bone and wood, artistic processing of fur and rovduga - leather, sewing from cloth are widespread. In the forest-tundra - Krasnoselkupsky and Shuryshkarsky districts - birch bark is widely used. Household items, utensils for collecting and storing wild plants, fish, decor items are made from it. In the Purovsky region, there is weaving from rhizomatics, the manufacture of products from the skins of small fur-bearing animals - squirrels, ermine. In the regions, weaving from beads, ornamentalism from deer fur, cloth, and the manufacture of traditional clothes as an object of decorative and applied art are widespread.

An extensive literature is devoted to the art of ornament of the indigenous peoples of Yamal. In it, there are three hypotheses of the origin of the ornament: biological; magic-religious and purely technical Probably, there is some truth in all. So, a female yagushka, trimmed with an ornament, is created over the years and through the ornament says a lot about her mistress.

Three functions of the ornament are considered to be decisive: communicative; magical-religious and aesthetic. The works of Nadezhda Lukina from Tomsk, Tatyana Moldanova from Khanty-Mansiysk, and Antonina Syazi from Salekhard are devoted to the study of ornamentalism.

Since the beginning of the nineties of the last century, the art of ornamentation has received a new content among urban residents from among the indigenous population. The traditional clothing of the indigenous population is not adapted to the conditions of the city, therefore, elements of the national one are included in urban clothing, first of all, elements of ornamentation. Such details immediately speak of the ethnicity of the costume owner. The details of national clothing and ornaments are most actively used by women through the form of cut of outerwear, through ornamentation. Quite often there are ladies' coats in style that are consonant with yagushki, trimmed with ornaments. Often, modern handbags, cosmetic bags, handbags for mobile phones are decorated with ornamental elements. Elements of traditional clothing, especially ornamentation, become prestigious symbols of ethnicity and give a second life ancient art ornament.

A major contribution to the development of arts and crafts and artistic creativity of the peoples of the North is made by the District Center of National Cultures, the District House of Crafts, the District Museum and Exhibition Complex. I.S. Shemanovsky. Exhibitions on national souvenirs and folk art Yamal residents are held in Tazovsky, Yamal, Purovsky, Shuryshkarsky districts, in the cities of Nadym, Novy Urengoy, Gubkinsky, Tarko-Sale, they have become traditional in Salekhard. Artistic products of Yamal masters are exhibited at exhibitions in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tyumen, and abroad. Artistic creativity of the northerners increases its level and attracts fans by telling them about the peoples of the north.