
Can melissa be pregnant, will it harm the baby. Is it possible for pregnant women to mint: the main pros and possible cons Can pregnant women have tea with mint and lemon balm

Of course, there are many drugs that can help the body cope with these troubles. Preference should be given to natural.

For example, medicinal herbs. They will not harm your health, and will not hit your pocket. One of the most useful and popular herbs is Melissa.

Miracle herb melissa

Melissa, also called lemon mint, is a perennial plant from the Lamiaceae family. It has been known for over two thousand years.

There are several types of this plant. The most common is lemon balm. It grows up to 80 centimeters in height and is harvested before flowering.

During this period, the specific lemon smell of lemon balm is the strongest, as well as useful medicinal properties. Dry the grass as soon as possible in dark rooms with good ventilation.

Melissa has a very wide range of therapeutic effects. Thanks to essential oils, vitamins B and C, various macro- and microelements, phenylpropanoids and other beneficial substances in the composition, the plant is characterized by antiviral, sedative, immunomodulatory, antispasmodic, antiseptic, laxative and other properties.

Melissa - program "Live great!"

Melissa and pregnancy

The range of application of lemon balm in medicine is also wide. So, it is recommended to use it for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular, respiratory system.

Pregnant women often face similar problems. In their case, the use of the beneficial properties of this plant is the best alternative to artificial medicines.


Melissa contains a significant amount of essential oils, rosemary, caffeic acids, tannins, carotene, vitamins and other useful elements. This complex has a beneficial effect on the body of a pregnant woman.

Melissa quite replace inhalation medications. The essential oils of the plant evaporate quickly when heated, providing anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effects. Essential oils help relieve pain and spasms.

Nitrogen and oxygen compounds in the composition activate the production of gastric juice, increase appetite and fight flatulence.

Vitamin B helps the body to stimulate the production of hemoglobin, and also takes part in the metabolism of amino acids and proteins, provides a charge of vivacity.

In no case should you use this remedy if a pregnant woman has been diagnosed arterial hypertension.

And although lemon balm is indicated for diseases of the digestive tract, for those who have taken a chronic course, it is better to minimize the use of this medicinal plant. Such diseases include stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcer.

With epilepsy, liver failure, diseases of the central nervous system, you should also not abuse the intake of lemon balm.

Methods of use

Melissa has the highest value for pregnant women who suffer from toxicosis. In this case, the fresh plant or its decoction is used as food.

In the first case lemon balm leaves can be added to salads or any other food you like. You can also put dry chopped grass in them as a seasoning.

In addition, lemon balm in this form is good as a dietary food, because it helps to regulate digestion and fights fatigue.

Melissa is being used as tea. To do this, a teaspoon of herbs in fresh or dry form is poured into a glass of boiling water for 15 minutes.

Drink this drink hot or cold, adding sugar, cinnamon to taste. This tea can be frozen and used as a cosmetic, rubbing the face in the morning and keeping the skin youthful.

Melissa can be added to black or. 3-5 leaves are enough for one cup. As an addition - a slice. It is not only tasty, but also useful for gastritis with low acidity.

But the most common use of this plant is in dosage forms:

    1. Alcohol tincture. It is infused in the ratio: one part of grass and five parts of vodka or alcohol.
    1. Infusion for internal use- eight teaspoons of chopped lemon balm pour a glass of boiling water and leave in a thermos for half an hour.
    1. Infusion for external use- prepared, like the previous one, only lemon balm is used twice as much.
    1. Napar- pour a tablespoon of lemon balm with a glass of boiling water and, without closing the lid, leave for 10 minutes. Used only immediately. Otherwise, useful properties will be lost.
  1. Crushed fresh pouring lemon balm- gruel is used for bruises, polyarthritis, ulcers.

Melissa can also be used in combination with other herbs.

Precautionary measures

Like any drug, lemon balm should be taken in moderation. It has a stimulating effect on the sex glands, so it can affect the hormonal background of pregnant women.

You need to use lemon balm in courses- Take a break every three months.

Even without visible contraindications, before using lemon balm you need to consult with your doctor.

He will tell you in what form and in what doses it is necessary to use a medicinal plant in order to derive only benefit from this, avoiding harm to the mother and her child.

It should be noted that contraindications for use are quite rare. That's why melissa is the best assistant to maintain the health of a pregnant woman, because this plant can replace a number of medicines.

And for the expectant mother, it is extremely important to minimize the use of "chemistry" in her diet and use only natural and safe products for the baby.

Pregnancy is the most important period in the life of every woman. For a woman's general well-being, it is useful to take some infusions and teas to strengthen the body in general and replace some medications. For example, teas and tinctures from lemon balm.

Pregnant women take various infusions and herbal teas, such as lemon balm tea. The drink has many health benefits and qualities.

  1. Melissa tea perfectly removes toxins from a woman's body. They can replace some medications during pregnancy.
  2. Lemon balm leaves and a drink from this plant do an excellent job with insomnia.
  3. The plant has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the kidneys, and is often used to combat edema.
  4. Melissa is able to lower the pressure.
  5. Used as an antiviral agent, strengthens the woman's immune system.
  6. Ideal for women suffering from toxicosis.
  7. In the presence of low acidity or gastritis, a decoction of lemon balm helps the body produce gastric juice.
  8. Cooked green tea with dried lemon balm relieves spasms during pregnancy, eliminates the development of inflammatory processes.

It is important to know that a plant such as lemon balm should not be taken on its own; before use, it is necessary to consult a qualified specialist.

Use of lemon balm in early pregnancy

The first trimester of pregnancy is considered a difficult period. At this time, the woman's body is radically rebuilt. Toxicosis of varying severity is observed, hormone surges occur. Melissa is the most suitable remedy for this period. Tea prepared from its dried leaves relieves nausea, eliminates vomiting.

  1. Melissa decoction:
  • crush the dried leaves of the plant. Then, in a special teapot, dilute 1.5 tbsp. l. lemon balm in 400 ml of hot water;
  • cover the kettle with a lid and let the drink brew for 10-12 minutes;
  • carefully strain the broth, then dilute half with hot water;
  • It is recommended to take lemon balm decoction in the morning, before meals.

With proper observance of all recommendations, signs of toxicosis will quickly disappear, and appetite, on the contrary, will only get better. It is worth noting that lemon balm contains many useful vitamins that a pregnant woman needs at the beginning of pregnancy.

  1. Calming tea with lemon balm:
  • pour boiling water over 1 tsp. lemon balm leaves;
  • let the drink brew for 20 minutes, then strain thoroughly;
  • add 1 tsp to the finished drink. honey and a slice of lemon;
  • soothing tea should be taken warm before bed.

Use of lemon balm in late pregnancy

The last trimester of pregnancy is considered no less difficult and difficult time in the life of a pregnant woman. During this period of pregnancy, the plant will also benefit the body of the future mother and fetus. However, do not forget that its excessive use will not benefit and may even harm. Melissa tea and lemon balm tincture will perfectly cope with the puffiness that has arisen. The drink can also have a laxative effect.

Melissa tincture:

  • in a clean bowl, combine 200 ml of boiling water and 4 tbsp. l. dried leaves of the plant;
  • after that, cover the drink with a warm blanket or pour into a thermos, then let it brew for 30-40 minutes;
  • carefully strain the drink into a glass container;
  • let the tincture brew a little;
  • divide lemon balm tincture into 3 parts and drink throughout the day.

In late pregnancy, increased fatigue is observed. Disorders of the intestines, stomach, frequent headaches, and a state of fatigue make themselves felt. All this affects the appearance of the expectant mother. The prepared drink from lemon balm is able not only to direct the state of the woman's body in the right direction, but also to put in order the appearance. Melissa tincture can be successfully applied externally, i.e. make compresses.

It is important to consider that for the preparation of facial compresses, it is necessary to use a double dosage of the plant.

In the last trimester of pregnancy, various kinds of rashes on the skin are also observed. To eliminate them, you can prepare lemon balm tincture based on vodka or alcohol. To prepare it, it is necessary to place 200 g in a clean glass container with a volume of 3 liters. plants, pour the contents with alcohol or vodka. The drink should be covered with a blanket or placed in a warm and dark room, left to infuse for 3 weeks. The affected areas of the skin should be treated several times a day, until the rash is completely eliminated.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, a woman may have colds. Melissa during this period can be taken both in the form of a drink and as a dry seasoning for meat and fish dishes.

Green melissa tea:

  • brew green tea in a teapot, then pour into a glass container;
  • add 2-3 leaves of lemon balm to it, dry or fresh;
  • let the drink brew for 20 minutes;
  • strain the drink, then drink warm or cool.

Such tea can be drunk regularly, it does not pose any danger to the expectant mother and fetus.

It is worth remembering that a drink made from lemon balm is not recommended to be taken regularly to combat edema. Do not forget that it is still a liquid.

Contraindications to the use of lemon balm during pregnancy

Melissa is a medicinal plant, which, like the rest, has a number of contraindications:

  1. Hypotension is low blood pressure. Melissa is able to lower the pressure, which will adversely affect the well-being of the expectant mother.
  2. Allergic reaction to the plant.

Melissa tincture is contraindicated for those who suffer from the following diseases:

  1. Various diseases of the stomach, such as ulcers or gastritis.
  2. epileptic seizures.
  3. Liver failure.
  4. Duodenal ulcer.
  5. Chronic alcohol dependence.
  6. Disturbed functioning of the nervous system.

Side effects of taking lemon balm during pregnancy

  1. Gag reflex and nausea.
  2. Feeling tired, muscle weakness.
  3. Sleepiness, headaches.
  4. Diarrhea.
  5. Bloating and constipation.
  6. Heartburn.
  7. Carelessness.
  8. Skin itching.

All of the above side effects indicate intolerance to the components of the plant, as well as an overdose of them.

Alternative methods of treatment with lemon balm during pregnancy

After consultation and approval of a specialist to take lemon balm for medicinal purposes, you can choose and prepare yourself the drink that you like more.

  1. Melissa tea for colds:
  • mix 100 gr. fresh melissa leaves, 50 gr. dried fruits and 50 gr. mint in a special teapot;
  • add 1 tsp. cinnamon;
  • pour the contents of the kettle with boiling water;
  • leave the prepared broth to infuse for 30 minutes.

Tea should be drunk 50-100 ml before meals.

  1. Melissa decoction for swelling in the legs:
  • in a separate bowl, place 8 tbsp. l. dried lemon balm leaves and stems;
  • pour the plant with 400 ml of hot water;
  • leave the decoction to infuse for 30 minutes.

Apply a decoction in the form of compresses on swollen legs. The procedure must be carried out before going to bed, literally in 30 minutes.

  1. Soothing lemon balm decoction:
  • pour 4 tbsp. l. dried lemon balm 400 ml hot water;
  • add 1 tsp. honey;
  • leave the broth to brew for 10-15 minutes.

The prepared broth should be drunk before going to bed, 50 ml, after diluting it with warm water. The drink can help to cope with insomnia and calm the nervous system.

Melissa decoction during pregnancy can be drunk 2 times a day. The therapeutic effect can be seen a month after the start of the course of treatment.

Melissa is a plant with a delicate aroma and mild taste. Highly appreciated by gourmets. It is widely used in medical practice, is part of traditional medicine recipes. Can pregnant women use lemon balm? Are there any contraindications? How to use lemon balm for future mothers, how to brew tea with it? Do doctors allow it?

What is lemon balm, its composition

Melissa has been used as a medicine for over 2000 years. Persia and the eastern part of the Mediterranean are considered her homeland. Currently growing everywhere. You can grow fragrant grass even on the windowsill. It looks and smells like mint. If you grind a leaf of lemon balm, you can feel the mint-lemon aroma. Therefore, the people call it lemon mint.

Melissa is part of some sedative drugs. Decoctions, tea, infusion of lemon mint have proven themselves in the treatment of a large number of diseases. It is a useful nutritional supplement, not just an effective drug.

Melissa contains a wide range of useful elements:

  • active organic compounds
  • vitamin C
  • essential oil with lemon aroma,
  • b vitamins,
  • organic acids
  • bitterness affecting digestion,
  • flavonoids that increase the elasticity of blood vessels,
  • saponins that lower cholesterol
  • trace elements (iron, zinc, manganese, magnesium, potassium).

The use of lemon balm during pregnancy

Can Melissa be pregnant? This question is asked by many women who, before their exclusive position, liked to drink mint tea. The question is reasonable, since most drugs and plants are contraindicated during pregnancy. Melissa is a useful plant, it has very few calories (44 kcal per 100 g). Women may not be afraid that the use of lemon balm will affect the weight.

In the first trimester, many suffer from toxicosis. There is vomiting, nausea, loss of appetite. Hormonal changes that a woman's body undergoes in late pregnancy adds a feeling of anxiety, anxiety, tearfulness, irritability. The expectant mother's mood changes, she is worried about pressure, swelling. Lemon Balm successfully helps to manage these symptoms.

Useful properties of lemon balm during pregnancy

Melissa tea can be of invaluable benefit to expectant mothers during this difficult period.

  • Will put in order digestion.
  • Increase appetite.
  • Calms the nervous system and restores restful sleep.
  • Strengthen immunity.
  • It will have a mild laxative effect.
  • Compensate for the lack of iron.
  • Relieve itching and inflammation.
  • It will have a beneficial effect on the heart, brain function.
  • Reduces swelling, improving the functioning of the genitourinary system.
  • Relieve spasms and reduce pain.

After childbirth, lemon balm can also help restore the menstrual cycle and increase lactation.

Melissa contraindications during pregnancy

Melissa is certainly a valuable plant, but consultation with a doctor is required. It is very important that the intake of medicinal herbs does not affect the intrauterine development of the baby. Only a doctor can foresee all the unpleasant consequences and indicate the exact dosage of lemon balm. There are also categorical contraindications, these include:

  • diseases of the gallbladder, kidneys;
  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • predisposition to low blood pressure;
  • individual intolerance.

Healthy Melissa Recipes

Melissa can be used fresh, in a pharmacy you can buy dried herbs. There are several ways to use lemon balm. During pregnancy, it is better to take it with tea or in the form of a decoction. Melissa oil helps to calm down, it is also used for inhalation for colds as prescribed by the doctor. Fresh leaves can be added to salads. But lemon balm infused with alcohol and pregnancy are incompatible concepts.

Green tea with melissa

This is the most common combination. To prepare a healthy drink, mix 1 teaspoon of green tea with 1 teaspoon of lemon balm. All pour 400 ml of hot water (80 ° C). Wait 10 minutes. You can add a few leaves of lemon balm to already prepared green tea (or black).

Melissa tea

3 teaspoons finely chopped lemon balm leaves

200 g of boiling water

Pour boiling water over the grass and leave for ten minutes. It turns out a fairly saturated infusion, which is better for pregnant women to dilute with boiled water before drinking. After dilution, you get almost half a liter of a refreshing and very aromatic drink.

Tea with lemon balm, cinnamon and honey

This recipe during pregnancy can only be used by women who are not allergic to tea components.

Melissa - 50 g dried leaves (100 g fresh)

Water - 500 ml

Honey - 1 tbsp. spoon

Dried fruits - 50 g

Dried mint - 50 g

Ground cinnamon - 1 teaspoon

Put everything except honey in a glass teapot. Pour hot water over and leave for half an hour to infuse. Drink before meals 50 ml, adding honey.

Melissa, a medicinal herb with a wonderful lemon flavor, has earned great popularity. The tea component is the most common use of lemon balm. This plant has an excellent taste and a variety of beneficial properties. However, not all herbs are allowed to be used during pregnancy - some of them can harm the health of the expectant mother and baby. How is it with Melissa?

Female "green doctor"

Fragrant lemon balm (lemongrass, mint, honeydew), known to people for more than 3 thousand years, has useful and healing properties. Among the people, there is another name for lemon balm - lemon mint, by the way, not entirely correct, because lemon balm and, although they belong to the same family, have a different biological genus.

Outwardly, the plant looks like mint, they can easily be confused with unaccustomed, however, if you rub the leaves, then lemon balm will give out a smell with pronounced lemon notes.

Essential oil is what gives lemon balm medicinal properties. It is found in the aerial part of the plant, and fresh flowering stems are processed to obtain it. The raw materials are dried at a low temperature, this contributes to the preservation of the essential oil in lemon balm.

Melissa essential oil is sold in pharmacies. It is forbidden to take it orally during pregnancy. Even one drop added to tea can cause negative effects. External use must be agreed with the doctor and, having received permission, use the number of drops, two times less than indicated in the recipes.

The chemical composition of essential oil is quite rich:

  • more than 200 different monoterpene compounds (monoterpenes are the main component of essential oils);
  • phenylpropanoids (plant organic compounds, rosemary, caffeic and other acids);
  • flavonoids (plant substances, dyes, antioxidants with antimicrobial action);
  • phenolcarboxylic acids;
  • tannins (have an astringent effect);
  • coumarins (protect the plant in diseases, affect its growth);
  • vitamins (β-carotene, B1, B2, C);
  • macronutrients (iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium);
  • trace elements (copper, zinc, nickel, selenium, manganese, vanadium, chromium, molybdenum).

The above biologically active substances have a therapeutic effect on the human body. You can make a long list of useful properties that lemon balm has:

  • it reduces emotional stress, promotes calm, without causing drowsiness (sedative property);
  • improves mood, relieves feelings of lethargy, anxiety, melancholy in depressive patients due to the effect of an antidepressant;
  • promotes natural and deep sleep;
  • acts as an immunomodulator;
  • has antimicrobial and antiviral properties;
  • lowers high blood pressure;
  • used for asthma and shortness of breath;
  • prescribed for painful menstruation;
  • helps eliminate migraine;
  • able to suppress or reduce the gag reflex;
  • favorably affects appetite;
  • recommended for use as a mild diuretic.

Video: properties of lemon balm

Is it possible to drink lemon balm pregnant, including in the early and late stages

Pregnancy imposes on the expectant mother a great responsibility for her well-being and the health of the baby. Some healthy foods and drinks that could previously be consumed without significant concern can now harm both of them. Note that the use of lemon balm is considered quite safe during pregnancy, however, a woman should be aware of the possible dangers that lie in wait, as well as all the positive qualities of the plant.

Phytotherapy is not at all a harmless occupation for pregnant women. And although lemon balm is not included in the list of prohibited plants, there may be individual contraindications for its use.

In the instructions for lemon balm, pregnancy is not indicated as a contraindication. Nevertheless, it is impossible to actively include tea with lemon balm in the diet without consulting a doctor.

Benefits in different trimesters of pregnancy

The medical instructions indicate as the main sedative effect of this herbal remedy, that is, the main effect it has is calming and relieving anxiety, strengthening the nervous system. But a doctor can prescribe it to a future mother not only as a natural antidepressant, when a woman is disturbed by mood swings, tearfulness, and increased emotional sensitivity due to hormonal changes in the body. The list of indications also includes other conditions:

  1. Toxicosis in the early stages is a problem for many pregnant women. The antiemetic effect of lemon balm will have the desired effect and help alleviate the condition of the woman.
  2. If pregnancy is accompanied by edema, then lemon balm with diuretic properties will help remove excess water from the body.
  3. Expectant mothers often suffer from migraines. In this case, the doctor may recommend compresses with a decoction or a couple of drops of lemon balm essential oil.
  4. In the second and third trimester of pregnancy, a woman may be disturbed by problems of the gastrointestinal tract. Melissa normalizes his work, relieves spasms, improves appetite, in case of constipation, a slight laxative effect of the plant comes to the rescue.
  5. Vitamin C contained in lemon balm strengthens the immune system, helps the body fight viruses and bacteria. This beneficial herb can be used as an aid in the treatment of colds or flu in pregnant women.
  6. Melissa eliminates insomnia and promotes good, sound sleep.

Contraindications and restrictions

Restrictions in use, like all medicinal herbs, there are also lemon balm. A doctor may prohibit a woman from taking tea or lemon balm infusion for a number of reasons:

  1. Low blood pressure in pregnant women - hypotension. The blood vessels are in a state of low tone. The action of lemon balm will lower the pressure even more, and all together will cause poor health.
  2. Individual intolerance, if there is an allergy to lemon balm or even mint related to it.

It is believed that this plant is able to stimulate the action of the female hormonal sphere, and this can contribute to unwanted changes in the hormonal background and the appearance of a threatened miscarriage. The question of the severity of the action of phytohormones in science is still controversial, but in any case, the use of lemon balm during pregnancy should be strictly limited to the scheme of taking tea or infusion that your doctor recommends.

It should be remembered: lemon balm is contraindicated for constantly low pressure and allergies.

In the use of infusion, caution is needed if the patient has any of the following diseases:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • liver failure;
  • epilepsy;
  • duodenal ulcer;
  • chronic alcoholism;
  • disturbances in the work of the central nervous system.

In addition, there are a number of possible side effects when using lemon balm:

  • vomiting and nausea;
  • muscle weakness, fatigue;
  • dizziness, drowsiness;
  • diarrhea;
  • constipation;
  • convulsions;
  • heartburn;
  • lethargy and loss of concentration;
  • skin itching.

These consequences develop with intolerance or a serious excess of the recommended dosages and require discontinuation of treatment.

Melissa is a boon for the female body, but do not forget: caution does not hurt! Before use, be sure to consult a doctor who, knowing your state of health and familiar with the course of pregnancy, will decide whether to include lemon balm in the diet and what dosage should be preferred.

How to use it to your advantage

There are various ways to prepare medicinal products from lemon balm:

  • water infusion - for ingestion or externally for poultices (the difference will be in the proportions of water and grass);
  • alcohol tincture - prepared with vodka or alcohol;
  • fresh lemon balm leaves - used for migraine compresses, for various injuries;
  • tea with lemon balm - water infusion on lemon balm of low concentration or adding a small amount of herbs when brewing black or green tea.

In addition, fresh leaves are also used in cooking as an additive to drinks and desserts, and dry leaves are used as a seasoning for second courses. The doctor may also recommend chewing fresh lemon balm to relieve an attack of nausea. In this case, specify how many leaves will be your daily portion, because, of course, you cannot eat this grass in bunches.

Important! Do not confuse water infusion and alcohol tincture. Tincture due to the content of ethyl alcohol is categorically contraindicated for expectant mothers.

Black or green tea with lemon balm

The greatest popularity in the culinary environment, perhaps, was won by tea with lemon balm. The leaves of the plant can be added to black or green tea, or you can simply make lemon balm tea.

Before use or drying, lemon balm leaves should be washed well.

For 1 teaspoon of lemon balm (crushed fresh or dry leaves), 1 teaspoon of loose leaf tea (black or green) is taken. The mixture must be poured with hot, but not boiling water - 300-400 ml and let it brew for 10 minutes. You will get two cups of a fragrant drink that can be drunk chilled.

Do not abuse herbal teas. Ask your doctor how many cups are safe for you, if you can drink the drink on an empty stomach, if you should add lemon or honey, and follow these tips.

Light or rich medicinal infusion

Here is the recipe for the infusion from the medical instructions for the dried herb of lemon balm: pour 2 tablespoons of lemon balm into 1 glass of hot water, heat under the lid in a boiling water bath for 10 minutes, then cool and strain. It is recommended to store the product in the refrigerator.

The infusion is much more concentrated than tea. Without a doctor's prescription, the expectant mother cannot take it, and even more so drink it in glasses. The doctor prescribes an individual regimen for taking this remedy, depending on the disease.

For migraines in an infusion of lemon balm, moisten the cloth and apply on the forehead for 30 minutes.

Melissa infusion can also be used for skin care, it refreshes and tones. If you freeze it in molds, you get an excellent cosmetic ice.

During pregnancy, a woman brews medicinal herbs more and more often, as chemicals can harm the baby.

Pharmacies offer many herbal preparations that help overcome insomnia, reduce signs of toxicosis, get rid of edema, and even eliminate mood swings. In this regard, medicinal lemon balm can give odds to other herbs - it is not only very useful for mom and baby, but also really tasty.

Melissa tea has long been used to treat various diseases and improve well-being during pregnancy. However, before starting herbal medicine, you need to familiarize yourself with the possible limitations and contraindications.

Chemical composition

Aromatic "lemon mint" is a valuable source of useful components:

  • B vitamins, ascorbic acid;
  • essential oils;
  • coumarins;
  • useful resins;
  • bitterness;
  • flavonoids;
  • tannin components;
  • organic acids (coffee, rosemary, chlorogenic, etc.);
  • monotherapy;
  • phenylpropanoids;
  • phytosterols (plant analogues of female sex hormones);
  • phenolcarboxylic acids (salicylic, vanillic, lilac and others);
  • myrcene;
  • linalool;
  • saponins;
  • ursolic acid;
  • carotenoids.

Macro- and microelements (potassium, nickel, magnesium, chromium, calcium, zinc, vanadium, iron, molybdenum, manganese and many others).

The composition of tea with lemon balm is surprising, because we hear many names for the first time. But it is precisely thanks to rare compounds that the herb gently affects the organisms of the mother and child, strengthens them.

Valuable ethers have a positive effect on overall well-being and psycho-emotional state. Tea with lemon balm calms, reduces anxiety and irritability, helps fight depression and apathy.

Phenylpropanoids are natural immunomodulators that strengthen the body's defenses. They also act as antioxidants, protecting cells from acidic reactions and prolonging their youth. Phenylpropanoids affect the functioning of the liver and protect the organ from excessive stress as the uterus grows.

Tannins stop inflammation and promote blood clotting, preventing blood loss during childbirth.

Flavonoids produce an antimicrobial effect, protecting mother and child from pathogenic microflora.

Coumarins prevent neoplasms (polyps, cysts, abscesses, fibroids and oncology).

Saponins cleanse the body due to a mild diuretic, laxative and choleretic effect. They also normalize digestion and sleep, have sedative properties.

What is useful tea from lemon balm pregnant

The medicinal plant demonstrates the following medicinal properties for the body of the mother and child.

  1. Affects hemostasis, ensuring normal blood clotting.
  2. Reduces pain, spasms, headaches and migraines.
  3. Helps to weaken muscle tone, including uterine.
  4. Calms the nervous system and psyche, relaxes, provides quick falling asleep and long deep sleep.
  5. Helps the body to fight viruses, infections and bacteria more effectively. Produces the prevention of influenza, other colds.
  6. It has a positive effect on the respiratory system, clears the nasopharynx and oropharynx of mucus in asthma, rhinitis, bronchitis.
  7. Provides good digestion and intestinal motility, facilitates the absorption of useful components. It is believed that lemon balm tea reduces the signs of toxicosis: nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, weakness. It also increases appetite, which allows the expectant mother to fully eat in the first trimester.
  8. Helps to get rid of chronic constipation in the 2nd and 3rd trimester due to a mild laxative effect.
  9. Accelerates the production of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen to cells.
  10. Accelerates metabolism, providing the body of mother and baby with the necessary energy and vigor.
  11. It softens mood swings in the first trimester, eliminates fears, irritability and overexcitability due to copper in the composition.
  12. Promotes the healing of mucous membranes in case of colds, as well as dental problems (for example, candidiasis, periodontal disease, stomatitis or glossitis). Tannins provide rapid tissue regeneration.
  13. Helps reduce itching of the epidermis in various dermatitis (including allergic nature).
  14. Removes excess fluid from the body, which helps to eliminate swelling.
  15. Gently reduces pressure, which helps the expectant mother to fight hypertension and prevents eclampsia.
  16. It cleanses the body of poisons, metabolic products, radionuclides, "bad" cholesterol, salts, free radicals.
  17. It is a natural lactagon agent that stimulates milk production after childbirth.

First of all, the expectant mother needs to properly collect the medicinal herb. It is believed that the highest concentration of esters is achieved during its flowering period. The plant can be grown in your garden, as well as in the apartment (melissa grows well in a pot on the windowsill).

In winter, it is difficult to get fresh lemon balm, so the expectant mother can use a dry pharmacy collection or grass essential oil.

Before brewing, fresh leaves are thoroughly washed and dried, and dry ones are crushed.

Tea can be brewed only from lemon balm or in combination with green or black tea leaves. For treatment during pregnancy, the plant is combined with mint, strawberry and currant leaves, lemon, thyme.

To prepare medicinal tea, 2 tablespoons of the crushed plant must be poured with 300 ml of boiling water. Healing broth is brewed in a thermos for 10 minutes. The resulting drink is diluted with water 1 to 1.

If tea from lemon balm is consumed before bedtime, then it should be weak and with the addition of honey.

Are there health risks

Each medicinal herb has side effects and contraindications.

  1. Melissa contains extracts and esters, as well as vitamin C, which are strong allergens. At the same time, a pregnant reaction may not occur, and a food allergy and even atopic dermatitis may develop in a child in the future.
  2. It should be borne in mind that the herb has a diuretic effect. That is why people with kidney diseases (for example, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis) and the genitourinary system, as well as in the presence of stones, do not use it.
  3. The laxative effect makes it unacceptable to use lemon balm tea during an exacerbation of diarrhea.
  4. Also, some doctors believe that lemon balm increases the production of female sex hormones, and this can disrupt the endocrine system and adversely affect pregnancy (for example, increase uterine tone).
  5. The abuse of tea can lead to excessive sedation and a decrease in the tone of the vascular walls. As a result, the expectant mother complains of headaches or migraines, dizziness, numbness of the limbs, general malaise.

Contraindications to a medicinal drink from lemon balm are as follows:

  • hypotension and vegetovascular disorders;
  • exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcers, colitis, hyperacidity);
  • diseases of internal organs (liver, kidneys, pancreas, gallbladder, etc.);
  • history of allergy to medicinal herbs.

Fragrant and tasty lemon balm helps the expectant mother calm down and relax, comfortably expect the appearance of the long-awaited baby. One mug of a weak drink is enough per day to improve the nervous system, relieve the symptoms of toxicosis and normalize sleep.

Video: beneficial properties of lemon balm