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Composition on the theme "favorite pages of the novel war and peace". Tolstoy "War and Peace" - composition "Favorite pages of the novel by L.N. Tolstoy" Favorite pages of volume 3 war and peace

My favorite pages of Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace".

War and Peace is a multifaceted work, but each reader has his most favorite pages in it. For me, perhaps, the most interesting is the reflection of historical events, their creative interpretation.

In the military historical events 1812 takes center stage battle of Borodino. Tolstoy called the Battle of Borodino a mirror of the novel War and Peace. He attached exceptional importance to this battle. The Battle of Borodino is portrayed as a popular battle. The true beauty of the Russian people is revealed in the battle. L. N. Tolstoy claims that the Russians won a moral victory, which convinces the enemy of the moral superiority of his enemy and of his impotence. In this battle, the hand of the strongest enemy in spirit was laid on Napoleonic France.

Tolstoy depicts the greatness of the feat of the struggling people and at the same time the hardships, disasters, and torments that war brings. Cities and villages perish in the fire of conflagrations. It hurts to look at the broken, knocked out, like hail, rye, at the road laid by artillery across the arable land. What heavy hardships the Russian army, Russian peasants endured on their shoulders. People with faces mutilated by suffering, frightened and distraught soldiers, the disasters of the people and the troops, all this is truthfully drawn by the writer. But he calls all this a terrible necessity and speaks with love, pride and delight of those who endured severe trials in the name of the liberation of their native land. Kutuzov's words: Wonderful, incomparable people, these are the words of the author himself.

But now, from the soldiers' fires, the writer leads us to the hut where the generals have gathered. Here the conversation is different. Everyone boasts, lies, attributing unprecedented feats to themselves, emphasizing their role in the battle.

Heroism and cowardice, simplicity and vanity are contradictorily intertwined in the thoughts and actions of the participants in the battle of Shengraben. Participants in military events appear before us on the pages of War and Peace as bearers of the highest moral values.

Tolstoy considers the unleashing of war to be the greatest manifestation of evil: A war has begun, that is, an event contrary to human reason and all human nature has taken place. War is always a terrible thing. Individualism, immeasurable lust for power, a thirst for glory and honor, combined with a dull indifference to people whose corpses one can calmly walk towards power, this is what Tolstoy condemns from the standpoint of a purely moral feeling.

The most precious for Tolstoy is the love unity of people whose lives are subject to common purpose. The author sings the war of 1812 as just, aimed at defending the Fatherland, but at the same time sharply condemns its inhumanity, like any war. He emphasizes that living life does not stop during the war, people continue to be guided personal interests present. The events of 1812 are depicted in the epic novel as a cruel, but necessary and ultimately good hardening of the Russian people. That is why many characters in this work experience a kind of spiritual upsurge in moments of danger. For example, the departure of the Rostov family from Moscow is marked by a premonition of changes and catastrophes: ... they were cheerful because the war was near Moscow, that they would fight at the outpost ... that something extraordinary is happening in general, which is always joyful for a person, especially for the young. Pierre Bezukhov, in fear and together in joy, remains in Moscow, deserted before the arrival of the French. This joyful revival in the face of danger is filled with deep moral meaning in the novel. War changes the lives of heroes, saves them from many delusions, enriches them inner world. The war, forcing them to leave the usual path, connects the fates of Nikolai and Marya, Pierre and Natasha.

about almost all the characters, provide the development of action. So, for example, Andrei Bolkonsky experiences almost the first huge moral shock on the field of Austerlitz, and his life ends during the Battle of Borodino.

Gradually, the attention to the image of the people and the actual historical episodes increases in the novel. The description of the events reflected the worldview of the author. The views of L. N. Tolstoy on the role of the individual in history led to a denial of the importance of military science, politics, an inability to explain the causes of such historical events as the Peace of Tilsit or the beginning of the war of 1812.

The author created piece of art, and consequently, rethinking or even completely distorting some of the facts of history. The existence of such errors was acknowledged by the author himself. However, it must be taken into account that the main meaning was important for L. N. Tolstoy, in accordance with his views, he preferred the general over the particular. That is why for him such inaccuracies are insignificant, which struck contemporaries and continue to strike historians. So, for example, Kutuzov, after wounding Bagration, sends a new chief to take command of the first army. However, it is known that Barclay commanded the first army, while Bagration led the second army. For L. Tolstoy, the troops that took the first blow from the French and occupied the key left flank were the first in importance.

and patriotic pathos of the pages of the epic novel, dedicated to the description of the era, the wars of 1805, 1807 and 1812. The author shows real-life people, real-life events through the eyes of fictional characters to capture a human perspective on history. L. N. Tolstoy brought together, matched concrete facts and fiction, which allowed him to create truly unforgettable pictures of Russia's past.

War and Peace is a multifaceted work, but each reader has his most favorite pages in it. For me, perhaps, the most interesting is the reflection of historical events, their creative understanding. The Battle of Borodino occupies a central place in the military-historical events of 1812. Tolstoy called the Battle of Borodino a mirror of the novel War and Peace. He attached exceptional importance to this battle. The Battle of Borodino is portrayed as a popular battle. In battle, the true beauty of the Russian people is revealed. L.N. Tolstoy claims that the Russians won a moral victory, which convinces the enemy of the moral superiority of his enemy and of his impotence. In this battle, the hand of the strongest enemy in spirit was laid on Napoleonic France. Tolstoy depicts the great feat of the struggling people and at the same time the hardships, disasters, and torments that war brings. Cities and villages perish in the fire of conflagrations. It hurts to look at the broken, knocked out, like hail, rye, at the road laid by artillery across the arable land. What heavy hardships the Russian army, Russian peasants endured on their shoulders. People with faces mutilated by suffering, frightened and distraught soldiers, the disasters of the people and the troops, all this is truthfully drawn by the writer. But he calls all this a terrible necessity and speaks with love, pride and delight of those who endured severe trials in the name of the liberation of their native land. Kutuzov's words: Wonderful, incomparable people, these are the words of the author himself. If we take the pages where the Battle of Shengraben is described, we will see in these chapters the heroism of a man whom no one considers a hero, who himself least of all thinks about heroism. different voices, different fates , life, interests. The battle ended, and the people who fought heroically returned to military everyday life ... But from the soldiers' fires, the writer leads us to the hut where the generals gathered. Here the conversation is different. Everyone boasts, lies, attributing unprecedented feats to themselves, emphasizing their role in the battle. Heroism and cowardice, simplicity and vanity are contradictorily intertwined in the thoughts and actions of the participants in the battle of Shengraben. Participants in military events appear before us on the pages of War and Peace as bearers of the highest moral values. Tolstoy considers the unleashing of war to be the greatest manifestation of evil: A war has begun, that is, an event contrary to human reason and all human nature has taken place. War is always a terrible thing. Individualism, immeasurable lust for power, a thirst for glory and honor, combined with a dull indifference to people over whose corpses one can calmly walk to power, this is what Tolstoy condemns from the position of a purely moral feeling. The most precious for Tolstoy is the love unity of people whose lives are subordinated to a common goal. The author sings the war of 1812 as just, aimed at protecting the Fatherland, but at the same time sharply condemns its inhumanity, like any war. He emphasizes that living life does not stop even during the war, people continue to be guided by the personal interests of the present. The events of 1812 are depicted in the epic novel as a cruel, but necessary and, in the end, good tempering of the Russian people. That is why many characters in this work experience a kind of spiritual uplift in moments of danger. For example, the departure of the Rostov family from Moscow is marked by a foreshadowing of changes and catastrophes:. .. they were cheerful because the war was near Moscow, they would fight at the outpost ..., that in general something extraordinary is happening, which is always joyful for a person, especially for a young one. Pierre Bezukhov remains in fear and together in joy remains in Moscow deserted before the arrival of the French.This joyful revival in the face of danger is filled in a novel of deep moral meaning.War changes the lives of the heroes, saves them from many delusions, enriches their inner world. The war, forcing them to leave the usual path, connects the fates of Nikolai and Marya, Pierre and Natasha. L.N. Tolstoy noted that he tried to write the history of the people.... This creative attitude explains not only the problems of the novel, but also its composition. Historical events serve as a background for the narrative of almost all the characters, ensure the development of the action. So, for example, Andrei Bolkonsky experiences almost the first huge moral shock on the field of Austerlitz, and his life ends during the Battle of Borodino. Gradually, the attention to the depiction of the people and the actual historical episodes increases in the novel. The description of the events reflected the worldview of the author. The views of L.N. Tolstoy on the role of the individual in history led to the denial of the importance of military science, politics, the inability to explain the reasons for such historical events as the Peace of Tilsit or the outbreak of the 1812 war. The author created a work of art, and therefore, rethought or even completely distorted some of the facts of history. The existence of such errors was acknowledged by the author himself. However, it must be noted that the main meaning was important for Leo Tolstoy, in accordance with his views, he gave preference to the general over the particular. That is why for him such inaccuracies are insignificant, which struck contemporaries and continue to strike historians. So, for example, Kutuzov, after wounding Bagration, sends a new chief to take command of the first army. However, it is known that Barclay commanded the first army, while Bagration led the second army. For L. Tolstoy, the troops that took the first blow from the French and occupied the key left flank were the first in importance. Nikolai Rostov is awarded in 1805 the soldier's St. George's Cross, which was established two years later. Other similar examples can be given. But all these inaccuracies do not in the least reduce the heroic and patriotic pathos of the pages of the epic novel devoted to the description of the era, the wars of 1805, 1807 and 1812. The author shows real people, real events through the eyes of fictional characters in order to capture a human view of history. L.N. Tolstoy brought together, matched concrete facts and fiction, which allowed him to create truly unforgettable pictures of Russia's past.

Leo Tolstoy's novel, as the title implies, is not only about war, but also about peace. Peace is not war; The world is a community of people, people.

In the novel, the family is also revealed as part of the world. The family follows from the wedding, the wedding follows the ceremony of matchmaking.

There are several such rituals in the work: the courtship of Pierre and Helen, Anatole and Princess Mary. It is the rite of marriage proposal

The Kuragin family of the daughter of Nikolai Bolkonsky is my favorite episode of the first volume.

The Kuragin family again brings doubts into the minds and hearts of the heroes. Prince N. Bolkonsky at the first meeting constantly frowns,

with all his appearance he tries to show that he is dissatisfied with the groom, since Anatole spends all his time in amusements, and

"listed" in the army. For Bolkonsky Sr., serving the fatherland is the duty of every man.

He is unhappy with the situation.

Before the arrival of the future groom, he sincerely rejoices at the snow that has fallen, demands that the road be abandoned. Nikolai laughs at Marya

away, calls her a fool. At the same time, Tolstoy makes it clear that Bolkonsky loves his daughter, albeit in his own way.

His paternal feelings and emotions are different from the feelings of Ilya Rostov, Nikolai is more harsh and insightful, he hurts

for his daughter and her misfortunes, perhaps somewhere in the depths of his soul he feels guilty before her and repents.

Before meeting with Anatole, Marya is dressed up by her friends. Everyone understands that the princess is ugly and they try to brighten her up.

can be changed with any decoration. Marya, excited and confused, goes out to the guests. Blinded by the beauty of the guest,

forgets about her father and his grumbling: "She could not see him (Anatole), she only saw something big, bright and beautiful."

Anatole is silent and feels pleasure, seeing his influence on others. Kuragin sees Mademoiselle Bourienne and notes that

he won't be bored. This confirms Tolstoy's words that Anatole is "simple and with carnal inclinations."

Interestingly, Tolstoy depicts Marya as agitated and sad: "eyes full of sadness and thought." She worries

about her future, she is ashamed of herself in front of her father and others. Despite the fact that the author outwardly disfigures the heroine, he

loves. It is through the eyes that he shows his attitude towards the character, in Marya they are "radiant". She radiates light and goodness, knows how

worry. Even after seeing the scene between Anatole and Bourienne in the garden, the princess understands everything, does not feel

offended and sacrifices his abilities for the happiness of others.

The wedding day of Anatole and Marya reveals to us the attitude to life and others of such wonderful characters as

Anatole, Nikolai Bolkonsky and Marya. What a pity that Leo Tolstoy gave these characters so little attention and episodes.

“I don't know how to answer your question,” says Pierre. “I definitely don’t know what kind of girl this is; I can't analyze it at all. She is charming. And why, I don’t know: that’s all that can be said about her.
This answer was heard by Marya Bolkonskaya, who asked him to tell about Natasha
Rostova. Tolstoy showed the secret of the charm of this heroine through the richness of her nature.

The common favorite of the family, Natasha, overflowing with love, affection and joy for the people around her, from the first pages of the novel settles in the soul of the reader. First, this is a “potion-girl”, “Cossack”, then “a wonderfully pretty girl”, at the end of the work not “just a person”, but “completely different, higher” (according to Pierre), an exemplary wife and mother who “to the extreme extends her love to her husband and children.

One of the secrets of the heroine's charm is that she has her own world, which Tolstoy gradually reveals to us.

Natasha is a noblewoman, an aristocrat. However, revolving in a noble environment, she is close to the people and their poetry with her whole being. Folk music, songs and dances capture her. In Mikhailovka, she freezes, listening to how her uncle performs the Russian song “Along Pavement Street” on the guitar. A passionate desire to dance picks up the heroine. "Well, well, my dear, uncle, -
... Natasha groaned in an imploring voice.

This episode captivated me the most. “Natasha threw off the scarf that was thrown over her, ran ahead of her uncle and, propping her hands on her hips, made a movement with her shoulders and stood.”

Together with Nikolai and those present there, I was frightened for the heroine, worrying "that she would do something wrong." “She did the same and so precisely that
Anisya Fedorovna ... shed a tear.

Tolstoy depicts the dance of Natasha as an instinctive penetration into the innermost secrets of the people's soul, which this
a "countess" who danced only salon dances with shawls and never danced folk dances.

Most of all, I, like Anisya Fedorovna, my uncle, is struck by how
Natasha "knew how to understand everything that was in Anisya, and in Anisya's father, and in her aunt, and in her mother, and in every Russian person."

Together with Tolstoy, I never cease to wonder, “where, how, when, she sucked into herself from that Russian air that she breathed - this countess, brought up by a French emigrant - this spirit, where did she get these techniques that pas de chale should have been expelled long ago? But these spirits and methods were the same, inimitable, unstudied, Russian, which uncle expected from her.

In the development of Natasha's character, not only her family, upbringing and people close to her played a role, but also Russian customs, traditions, mores of folk life, with which the life of the Rostovs was closely connected.

Natasha's musical talent was revealed in a new quality in
Mikhailovka, where she wholeheartedly enjoyed the purely Russian, rural life, the playing and singing of her uncle, who “sang the way the people sing, with that complete and naive conviction that in the song all the meaning lies only in the words, that the melody is only , for the warehouse.

In the image of Natasha Rostova poeticized folk elements, preserved in some places in the patriarchal noble environment.

The girl is spontaneous and spontaneous, like nature itself. She has an extremely inherent feeling of closeness to everything Russian, to everything folk - and to her native nature, and to ordinary Russian people, and to Moscow, and to Russian song and dance.

That is why the heroine is happy because she felt her blood closeness with the people. “You know,” she suddenly said, “I know that I will never be as happy, calm as now.”

Reading these pages, we admire Natasha Rostova, as she admires her
Tolstoy, showing her deep, sincere, poetic, active nature.
She has an inner instinct that draws her to those, sometimes unconscious, selfless actions, in which her spiritual impulses are revealed, turned to life, to people, her ability to always guess what needs to be done and how. The heroine brings joy to people, because she believes in the possibility of happiness. Looking at Natasha, it is easier to learn to be a person who loves life.

Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace" is one of the the best works world literature. "War and Peace" is not just an epic narrative about the historical events of that time. The main problem that the writer poses in his novel is the problem of human happiness, the problem of finding the meaning of life.

Many variants, rough sketches, have been preserved, the volume of which significantly exceeds the main text of the novel. One of the brightest and interesting characters novel - Andrei Bolkonsky. This hero is in constant search for the meaning of life, passing the "road of honor." For me, it is those pages that tell about the life and fate of Andrei Bolkonsky that are the most interesting and beloved.

We meet Prince Bolkonsky in the salon of Anna Pavlovna Sherer. He is clearly not satisfied with the way of life that he has to lead, and the society in which he has to rotate.

“This life that I lead here, this life is not for me,” he says to Pierre. He tries to find himself, knowing that the society surrounding him is thoroughly saturated with falsehood and hypocrisy. He seeks understanding, but does not find it, because intrigues and gossip reign around him. People are only interested in wealth and power.

Striving for useful activities, Prince Andrei goes to the army. He dreams of glory, of heroism, of people to know and love him. Napoleon is his idol, and Andrei goes to the war of 1805, because it is there that he will be able to become like him.

At the same time, he understands that he must fight with his idol. In the battle of Austerlitz, being wounded, Andrei meets Napoleon. But instead of delight, he is disappointed: “All the interests that occupied Napoleon seemed so insignificant to him at that moment, his hero himself seemed so petty to him ...”

The disappointment of the hero is more and more aggravated, as he realizes that, in the army, the same falseness reigns, from which he wanted to break out. Here are the laws, the same greed and careerism. Again noticed and rewarded are not the true heroes, imperceptibly and honestly fulfilling their duty, but those who managed to catch the eye of the authorities in time, although they were distinguished by mediocrity and limitations.

A meeting with Natasha brings Andrei fresh and vivid sensations: “No, life is not over at thirty-one. It is necessary that everyone knows everything that is in me. It is necessary that my life does not go on for me alone, so that they do not live like this girl, regardless of my life, so that it is reflected on everyone and that they all live with me together! It was love for Natasha that was the source of the spiritual revival of Andrei Bolkonsky, who lost faith in people and experienced disappointment in social life, war, and the death of his wife.

The young and pure soul of the girl, her dreaminess and desire to love and be loved amaze the prince, awaken in him an irrepressible thirst for life. It is through the feeling of love that the author leads the hero to self-purification and self-improvement. This reveals the philosophy of all-forgiving love of Tolstoy.

After leading his hero through suffering, physical and mental pain, the author reveals to us the truth about the need to love your neighbor, forgive and strive for spiritual and moral perfection. Being mortally wounded, Prince Andrei realizes that he has to go the last way, but he is no longer afraid of death, because he managed to overcome mental suffering and achieve his goal, having learned that it is and what it is.