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Paraffin therapy procedure - effect and benefits, tips and technique for performing the procedure. How to do paraffin therapy, advice from the master Detailed instructions for home paraffin therapy

Paraffin therapy for the skin of the hands is a cosmetic procedure recognized as one of the most popular services from the assortment of SPA salons. In terms of its demand, paraffin therapy can only compete with complex facial skin care procedures. Such demand is caused primarily by the fact that hands can be a kind of indicator of a lady's age, her social status and status in society.

The essence of the procedure

  • In the process of applying a layer of paraffin to the skin of the hands, its temperature rises by about 1-1.5 degrees.
  • The skin-tight paraffin film helps to increase the distance between the cells, which leads to a softening of the upper most dense layer.
  • In such a softened state, the ability of the skin to absorb the applied nutrient mixtures increases.
  • The pores on the skin open, causing profuse sweating, and with sweat, toxins also come out.
  • Paraffin serves as an insulator for the treated surface of the skin of the hands, which leads to the fact that the moisture resulting from sweating cannot evaporate into the environment and is absorbed into the skin, increasing the water balance of its cellular composition.
  • Cooling of cosmetic paraffin occurs within 15-20 minutes.
  • Cosmetic wax is removed from the surface along with exfoliated dead cells.

Many salon clients combine this hand skin care procedure with a non-edged manicure, which saves time.

Having become acquainted with the process itself, one can easily conclude that moisturizing or hydration is the main effect that the paraffin hand wrap procedure carries.

Basic properties and characteristics of paraffin

  1. The low temperature at which the melting process occurs. You should not experiment with ordinary candle wax for this procedure, because the temperature at which it becomes liquid is several times higher than that of cosmetic wax. Such experiments may result in burns. The melting point of the cosmetic product is only 50-55 degrees, and the maximum heating rate is 65 degrees, but such hot paraffin should be applied to the skin of the hands only over two layers of warm.
  2. Increased heat capacity parameters. Paraffin for cosmetic purposes gives off heat slowly. During the procedure, a thick wax layer and wrapping with a warm cloth is enough to keep the temperature of the cosmetic product for about half an hour. This time is enough for the skin to be moisturized at deep levels. During such a procedure, the temperature of the skin increases by no more than 2 degrees, and the intensity of blood circulation and metabolic processes increases by 15-20%.
  3. Compound. Cosmetic wax goes through several cleaning processes before it reaches the counter, therefore it is recognized as safe for humans. And to make paraffin therapy even more effective, the following additives can be added to the bath with a cosmetic product:
    1. Aromatic oils in order to combine the procedure of paraffin therapy and aromatherapy.
    2. Seaweed that deeply hydrates the skin of the hands.
    3. Valuable nourishing oils that nourish the skin and restore the fat mantle.
    4. Vitamin complex for rejuvenation and raising the tone of the skin.
    5. Extract of various plants to solve some problems of the skin of the hands (peppermint, aloe, vanilla, calendula, etc.).
  4. The ability to compress. Cosmetic paraffin expands during heating and contracts when cooled, which exerts a compressive effect on the skin. It is it that allows you to improve the outflow of blood in the veins and lymph, as well as reduce swelling, give skin elasticity and increase its tone.
  5. The ability to occlude. A layer of cosmetic substance reliably retains moisture formed on the surface of the skin. The meaning of this property is the loosening of the upper layer, which entails the complete opening of the pores and the penetration into the deeper layers of useful substances from the wax itself, if it is with additives, and the nourishing cream applied to the hands before paraffin.

What does paraffin therapy do for hands?

Paraffin therapy- this is not only a cosmetic procedure, but also part of a treatment program for the skin. Various paraffin baths are useful for people with high levels of salt deposits or people suffering from orthopedic diseases. Blood flow and improved blood circulation during this procedure contribute to the restoration of muscle tissue, the functioning of the motor function of the joints and the speedy healing of cuts and wounds.


  • Strengthening the joints.
  • Treatment of cracks that occur on the surface of the skin.
  • Restoration of defects resulting from mechanical impact.
  • Reduction of unpleasant pain in people with impaired motor functions of the joints.
  • Powerful temperature effect allows you to notice the effect after the first procedure.
  • The process of paraffin treatment itself is pleasant and is done quite simply.


Happy clients see the effect of the procedure as soon as the paraffin is removed. One of the brightest advantages of paraffin therapy is that the result does not need to wait, it is instant and lasts for several days.

After completing this procedure, clients receive:

  • Deep hydration of the skin.
  • Removal of the peeling process.
  • Eliminate the feeling of roughness.
  • Nice and healthy color.
  • Increasing elasticity.
  • Tone up.
  • Crack healing.
  • Reduction or complete removal of pain in the joints of the hand and fingers.

Types of paraffin therapy and methods of applying cosmetics

For paraffin wrapping of hands, two types of paraffin are used:

  1. Hot.
  2. Cold.

For those people who for some reason are contraindicated in thermal procedures, and, accordingly, exposure to hot paraffin, cold wax is perfect. Such contraindications are not at all a reason for refusing paraffin therapy. In almost any beauty salon, such clients will be offered a procedure in which hot paraffin will be replaced with cold one.

Cold cosmetic wax does not need to be heated, it melts already at room temperature and has a liquid consistency. During the production of this procedure, the risk of thermal exposure is completely absent, but at the same time, all the benefits of such a procedure will remain.

Cosmetic procedure with the use of cold paraffin is recommended for pregnant women.

In addition to the types of paraffin used in the cosmetic procedure, the methods of its application may also differ:

  1. Full immersion. To implement this method, a specialized electric bath is required that heats the cosmetic substance to the required melting temperature and maintains its liquid state. It is in the container of this electrical appliance that the client dips his pens, usually several times, increasing the number of layers of wax;
  2. Application with a brush. With this method, the cosmetic product is applied to the skin of the hands with a brush, with which the wax is distributed evenly over the entire surface;
  3. Combined application method. This procedure is suitable for clients whose skin tolerates heat well. When performing paraffin therapy with this method, about 3 layers of wax, brought to a temperature of 55 degrees, are applied to the client's hands by immersion, and then the wax is layered, heated to 65 degrees. The effect of such a wax coating will be many times higher due to the stronger temperature effect.


  • Age changes.
  • The process of peeling the back surface of the hands.
  • Joint ailments accompanied by pain.
  • Cracking.
  • Loss of firmness and elasticity of the skin.
  • High sensitivity to low temperatures, humidity and wind.

You should not worry that such a thermal procedure can be dangerous, on the contrary, paraffin therapy will only bring benefits.


  • The presence on the skin of such defects as scratches, rashes, ulcers, purulent wounds or abrasions.
  • Hypertension of the vessels, which is accompanied by exacerbations.
  • Allergy to cosmetic preparations.
  • infectious diseases.
  • Diabetes of decompensated type.
  • Excessive hairline.
  • Phlebeurysm.
  • Hypertension.
  • Heart ailments.

If there is even just one contraindication, you should consult with a therapist about whether it is dangerous to perform a procedure using hot wax.

Description of the salon procedure

The paraffin therapy procedure has the following step-by-step execution, each stage of which is important and necessary:

  1. The first step is to disinfect your hands.
  2. Next, a nourishing cream with a moisturizing effect is applied to the hands. Also, instead of a cream, a specialized emulsion with a nourishing effect can be used.
  3. After these actions, the client's hands are lowered into a bath with heated paraffin. Hands are immersed for a few seconds, after which they are pulled out for a few seconds, and again lowered into the bath. It is very important that a layer of sufficient thickness remains on the surface of the hands.
  4. Further, the bath is set aside and specialized plastic mittens or ordinary plastic pockets are put on the handles.
  5. Terry cloth mittens are put on top of the gloves.
  6. In such a warm bath, hands are kept for about 20 minutes.
  7. After the expiration date, mittens, gloves and wax residues are removed and the skin is simply wiped dry.

As soon as the pens are freed from paraffin, it is not recommended to leave the salon, you should spend at least half an hour indoors. Perceptible temperature changes adversely affect the skin, removing the effect of therapy.

Paraffin therapy for hands at home

Such therapy is not so complicated that it cannot be done right at home on your own. To do this, you need to purchase:

  • Purified cosmetic paraffin at least 2 kilograms.
  • A bowl in which it will melt.
  • Plastic bags.
  • Thick moisturizing hand cream.
  • Scrub.
  • Terry towels (one for each handle).

You need to act as follows:

  1. Paraffin must be melted in a water bath. The main thing is that splashes of water do not get into the wax container; Wax should be warmed up only 1 time, because after repeated melting it completely loses its cosmetic, useful properties.
  2. While the paraffin is melting, it is necessary to prepare the skin of the hands for the procedure:
    1. Handles should be treated with a scrubbing agent to remove dead cells;
    2. Next, a moisturizer is applied;
  3. Before starting dipping, you should check the temperature of the paraffin, for which 1 drop is dripped onto the back of the hand, and if it is not too hot, then dipping can be done in several stages;
  4. After waxing, the pens must be placed in plastic bags;
  5. Handles in polyethylene are wrapped with terry towels;
  6. In this state, you need to keep the handles for about half an hour, after which the coating can be removed and wipe your hands dry.

In order to achieve the maximum effect of this procedure at home, auxiliary agents, such as vitamin E or aloe vera juice, should be added to the paraffin.

Frequency and number of sessions

There are simply no strict recommendations on how often such a cosmetic procedure can be carried out, and how often they should be done. You can go to the salon for paraffin therapy or do it at home as soon as you want. Salon masters recommend, in order to achieve the desired effect, to conduct a course of 10 sessions held every other day.

After one procedure, the effect lasts 3-4 weeks, and no special hand care is required during this period.

During winter, at temperatures below zero, the procedure should be repeated at least once a week in order to keep the skin on the hands soft and smooth.

Approximate prices

The price range of paraffin therapy can vary from 450 to 1500 rubles:

  • 450 rub. - the usual and ubiquitous price for most salons;
  • 1 - 1.3 thousand rubles. - the cost of this procedure in elite salons;
  • 1.5 thousand rubles - this price can be found quite rarely among the masters of the highest class.

The price of paraffin therapy depends on many factors:

  • salon status;
  • Cosmetic class;
  • The presence of additional types in the procedure (scrubbing, massage, etc.).

In order for the final amount not to become a surprise, it is necessary to clarify its completeness and nuances before the procedure.

Paraffin therapy for hands is one of the most popular procedures in beauty salons, which in its popularity can only be compared with facial care programs. And this is not surprising, since hands can not only give out or hide a woman's age, but also tell about her status and social position.

In addition to its rejuvenating effect, it has a pronounced relaxing effect, helping to relieve fatigue and stress after hard work, moisturizes and strengthens nails, and prevents their brittleness.

Types and their properties

Relatively low melting point

Photo: candle paraffin

Candle paraffin is not suitable for the procedure, since with its melting point you can get severe burns. For paraffin therapy, a special cosmetic is needed, which melts at a temperature of 50-55 ° C.

It can be heated to a maximum of 65 ° C, but only if the “hot” paraffin is applied over two layers of “warm”.

High heat capacity

Photo: cosmetic paraffin

It slowly releases heat. A thick layer of paraffin and a heat-insulating layer of dense fabric is enough to provide a thermal effect on the fabric for 25-30 minutes.

This time is enough to deeply moisturize and nourish the skin of the hands. During the entire procedure, the temperature of the skin and underlying tissues increases by only 1-3 degrees, while the intensity of metabolic processes increases by 15%.

Special composition

Such paraffin is specially cleaned from harmful impurities, therefore it is absolutely safe for the skin.

To make the procedure even more effective, it can be added to its composition:

  • aroma oils for aromatherapy;
  • seaweed for deep skin hydration;
  • valuable base oils for nourishing the skin and restoring the water-fat mantle of the skin;
  • vitamins for skin tone and rejuvenation;
  • plant extracts (peppermint, vanilla, aloe vera, calendula, etc.) to solve specific skin problems.


When paraffin is heated, it expands. Accordingly, when cooled, it contracts and exerts a compression effect on the tissues.

Compression leads to an improvement in the outflow of venous blood, lymphatic drainage, a decrease in edema, an increase in skin tone and elasticity.

Occlusion ability

Its layer retains water vapor evaporating from the surface of the skin. As a result, the epidermis loosens, the pores expand, and all the beneficial substances from paraffin (if it is with additives) and from the cream penetrate deep into the skin.


  • dry, dehydrated hand skin;
  • the presence of peeling of the back surfaces of the hands;
  • chronic degenerative diseases of the joints, accompanied by pain;
  • the presence of cracks in the skin that appeared due to dehydration;
  • skin laxity, loss of elasticity;
  • increased sensitivity of the skin of the hands to the action of cold, moisture, wind.

Video: How to spend at home


  • the presence of injuries on the skin (scratches, abrasions, trophic ulcers);
  • arterial hypertension occurring with frequent crises;
  • allergic reactions to cosmetics;
  • infectious diseases;
  • angina pectoris of physical exertion;
  • decompensated diabetes mellitus;
  • excessive hairiness.

Cold and hot paraffin

Not everyone is shown thermal procedures, including prolonged exposure to hot paraffin. But this is not a reason to deny yourself the pleasure of conducting an effective hand procedure, since in almost every salon the masters can replace it with a cold one.

It is not heated. It initially has a liquid consistency at room temperature, so it can be applied with a regular brush. As a result, there is no undesirable thermal effect, but there are all the benefits of the procedure.

Can be used during pregnancy if a woman has doubts about whether the procedure will harm her baby.

Description of the procedure

Paraffin therapy for hands can be carried out as an independent procedure or in combination with a manicure.

  • Nail processing.

If nail treatment, application of color coating and hand skin care are planned to be carried out in one session, then it is better to do a manicure before applying it. At a minimum, it is desirable to treat the cuticle and apply nourishing oils to the nails.

Why is that? But because if you do a manicure after removing the paraffin, you will have to dip your fingers into the water, while washing off the moisturizer. And the skin of the hands remains moist for a long time after paraffin therapy, which makes it difficult for the master to work.

  • Applying paraffin.

The procedure has several required steps. The technology for performing the procedure can only slightly change depending on which method of applying paraffin will be chosen.

Video: Execution technique

The procedure usually goes like this:

  • the skin of the hands is cleansed of impurities and cosmetics applied to it;
  • the cuticle of the nails is processed and moisturizing oil is applied to the nails;
  • a light hand massage is performed using a scrub, the scrub is washed off;
  • a moisturizing or nourishing cream is applied, which is selected based on the client's problems with the skin of the hands;
  • several layers of paraffin are applied to the hands in any way;
  • cellophane gloves are put on top of the paraffin;
  • cloth mittens are worn over gloves;
  • after 25-30 minutes, the paraffin is removed and everything is covered with a protective hand cream.

It should be remembered that in cold weather it is necessary to stay warm for at least another 30 minutes so as not to wind the skin that is moist after the procedure.

Application methods


For this method, a special device is used - a bath, in which the paraffin is heated to a predetermined temperature and kept warm for a long time. The client lowers his hands into it several times. Each time you dive, the paraffin layer gets thicker.

Brush application

Heated paraffin can be applied to the skin with a brush and spread evenly.

Combined Method

Suitable for those who tolerate thermal procedures well. With this method, first, 2-3 layers of paraffin heated to 55 ° C are applied by immersion, and then paraffin is layered with a brush, the temperature of which is 65 ° C. The effect of such a procedure will be higher due to a more pronounced thermal effect.


You will notice the effect of the procedure as soon as the paraffin is removed. This is all the advantages of the procedure: the result does not need to wait, it is almost instantaneous, and it lasts for several days.

What do you get as a result:

  • deep hydration;
  • elimination of peeling and roughness of the back surfaces of the hands;
  • improvement of skin color;
  • increased elasticity and tone of the skin;
  • rapid healing of cracks;
  • reduction or removal of pain in cases where there are chronic diseases of the joints of the fingers.

How often to do

There are no strict recommendations regarding the number of procedures and the intervals between them. Paraffin therapy can be done as needed. In winter, it is considered optimal to repeat the procedure once a week so that the hands always remain smooth and soft.

Most clients of beauty salons do paraffin therapy at the same time as a manicure to save valuable time.

Prices for the service

How much the procedure costs depends on many factors: the class of cosmetics used, the presence of additional care steps (massage, scrub), and so on. Therefore, without fail, clarify all the nuances before agreeing to the procedure.

Video: Cold paraffin therapy procedure

Photos before and after paraffin therapy for hands

Due to its excellent cosmetic effect, paraffin therapy has become a very popular procedure. It is carried out most often for the hands and feet, but in some salons there is equipment that allows paraffin therapy for the face and the whole body.

You can go to a special page of our portal if you are interested in hands and face

What is the secret of the love of the fair sex to this procedure? The answer is simple - the skin after the application of paraffin becomes soft, silky and moisturized. This is especially true for hands in the cold season, when the skin begins to peel off and turn red, becoming covered with microcracks. For legs, on the contrary, the procedure is popular in warm weather, when the skin is "overworked" by wearing uncomfortable shoes, dry skin, calluses and cracks appear.

Literally in one session of paraffin therapy, the skin of even a mature woman becomes tender and “velvet”, like that of a newborn baby. No small wrinkles and peeling! And in a few sessions of paraffin therapy, small wrinkles are smoothed out. Moreover, it should be noted that this the procedure is pleasant and brings no less pleasure than spa treatments.

Technology of the procedure of paraffin therapy

The technology of paraffin therapy for hands and feet is so simple that many even do it at home. First, the skin of the hands or feet is cleansed with peeling, the remnants of which are cleaned with a terry towel. After that, a special nourishing cream is applied, designed to increase the effectiveness of the procedure and to prevent paraffin from sticking to the skin.

Then, if you trusted the professionals and turned to the salon, you will be offered dip your hands in a bath of molten paraffin. Hands are held in the bath for twenty seconds, then removed and dipped again. Such repetitions make 3-4 times, after which they allow the paraffin to harden on their hands, wrap their hands with a film over it and put on terry mittens. Remove the formed layer through 15-20 minutes, after which a protective cream is applied with massaging movements.

Paraffin therapy for the face is also in demand. How is it carried out? After all dipping your face in paraffin will not work! Quite simply: gauze is applied to the face and molten paraffin is applied over it with a special brush. 3-4 layers. Especially often women with dry and sensitive skin resort to this procedure.

Paraffin therapy for the body can be applied in the form of applications to problem areas (stomach or thighs) or to the whole body. At the same time, not only a moisturizing effect is noted, but also an anti-cellulite one.
The effect of the procedure lasts quite a long time 3-4 weeks, after which it can be repeated. Special skin care between procedures is not required, regardless of where paraffin therapy was performed. It is enough to apply twice a day the cream that you always use.

Videos of paraffin therapy

What is used for paraffin therapy

For the procedure in salons use purified cosmetic paraffin, in which, at the request of the client, can be added essential oils. To melt paraffin, special electric baths are used. In addition, terry mittens and cling film are needed, and gauze is also required for the procedure on the face. With paraffin therapy of the body, in addition to the above, a terry dressing gown will not be superfluous. Most salons use rolling products to cleanse the skin. based on fruit acids. Creams used before applying paraffin in salons use professional ones, which completely exclude paraffin sticking to the skin.

The mechanism of action of paraffin baths is that the paraffin, warming the tissues to a sufficient depth, increases blood flow and causes sweating of the liquid, and with it toxins, but the impenetrable layer of paraffin does not allow moisture to evaporate and it is absorbed into the surface layers of the skin, while the toxins remain. on the surface and absorbed into the paraffin. It turns out a super-moisturizing effect.

The cost of paraffin therapy

Prices for paraffin therapy for hands and feet

Note: The information is not official or promotional. Prices of beauty salons may not be relevant at the time of viewing. The data was obtained by random analysis of the price lists of ten beauty salons in Moscow to provide general information about how much the service costs.

Prices for facial paraffin therapy

Note: The information is not official or promotional. Prices of beauty salons may not be relevant at the time of viewing. Data obtained by random analysis of price lists of ten beauty salons in Moscow to provide general information.

Paraffin therapy for the body this procedure is carried out by few salons, which naturally increases the price, to about 3000 rubles per session. And when ordering a series of services, the cost in most salons is reduced. But that's not a big price to pay for such an amazing effect, is it?

All popular procedures, as a rule, are overgrown with myths. But this did not happen with paraffin therapy due to the fact that although it has been used as a cosmetic procedure not so long ago, but in medicine, it has found wide application in the 80s. Paraffin applications are used in the treatment of pink lichen, psoriasis and other skin diseases, as well as in the treatment of myositis, tendovaginitis, joint diseases.

Interestingly, the popularity of the use of paraffin for cosmetic purposes, a kind of return to the roots. Paraffin therapy methods were passed from mouth to mouth as early as the early seventies. And this procedure at one time rescued and Edita Piekha, and Lyudmila Gurchenko, and even a foreign star Edith Piaf! After all, paraffin therapy instantly solves almost all skin problems. Many current stars who suffer from flaking and redness problems also resort to paraffin therapy, and Angelina Jolie calls it "grandma's favorite recipe."

Paraffin therapy at home

Many, wanting to save money, carry out the procedure of paraffin therapy at home. If we are talking about arms and legs, then this is not at all difficult. Main, properly melt the paraffin in a water bath.

Firstly, you should not overheat it, and secondly, you need to ensure that splashes of boiling water do not get into the paraffin.

For the face and body, such a procedure is literally impossible to carry out at home. In any case, even if it is possible to expose the face to paraffin, then this should be done with extreme caution. And the point here is not only the possibility of a burn. The fact is that the skin around the eyes is so sensitive that it can make a rather unpleasant surprise at the slightest mistake.

But if you want to enjoy the procedure to the fullest and not peel off the adhering paraffin from the skin, then it's better to go to the salon. On top of that, special tools are used in the cabin. No scrub that you can buy in the store will not provide such cleansing and smoothing of the skin as peeling used by professionals.

Contraindications for the procedure

Despite all the benefits of paraffin therapy, there are people who, as they say, "are not up to paraffin." First of all, these are people suffering from cardiovascular diseases and disorders of the autonomic nervous system, accompanied by increased pressure, as well as those suffering from diabetes and diabetes insipidus and varicose veins. It is worth refraining from conducting paraffin therapy and in the presence of rashes, pustules and fresh scratches.

Beauty is a terrible force that can overwhelm both a formidable boss and a caring loved one. But as the years go by it gets harder and harder to maintain. After all, our skin is exposed to all kinds of negative influences and begins to suffer from dryness, which leads to irritation, peeling and other very unpleasant consequences. And that's when paraffin therapy can help us out. This is a unique tool that will restore your youth and beautiful appearance.

Do you still not believe in magical elixirs? In vain, they exist, and today we will talk about one of them.

Paraffin therapy is a chance to change your life

Are we increasingly hiding our hands from prying eyes? It is not surprising, because the skin on them gives out the age of a woman. And on a hot summer day, do we prefer closed shoes, because the heels look unattractive? And the mirror is increasingly not happy with its reflection? Well, in such cases, there is only one way out - paraffin therapy. This miracle remedy will save you, return looseness, self-confidence and your own attractiveness.

Secrets of paraffin therapy

For medicinal purposes, this material has been used for a long time. Warming up with paraffin was prescribed for respiratory diseases, severe coughing, as well as for the treatment of muscle strain or dislocations. Today, new horizons have opened up for paraffin therapy. This plastic material began to be used for cosmetic purposes. He has already won many fans. Still would! After all, one procedure is enough to notice the effect.

By the way, do not be afraid of high temperatures, because paraffin gives off heat in small portions, so it is safe. But it's better to check the temperature first with a wooden stick.

Healing properties of the product

Why is this procedure so popular today? Yes, because paraffin has unique properties:

Indications for use

Paraffin therapy is a universal remedy. It is used both for the treatment of diseases and for solving cosmetic problems. For medicinal purposes, this procedure is often used for the following ailments:

  • Varicose veins.
  • Burns, frostbite, many skin diseases.
  • Poliomyelitis.
  • Serious diseases of the internal organs.

Completely different indications for cosmetic purposes. Paraffin therapy is simply necessary in such cases:

  • If you want to get rid of mimic wrinkles.
  • If you have dry skin or are already tired of fighting swelling on your face.
  • With cellulite.
  • When the skin of the hands betrays the age of its mistress.
  • With multiple scars.
  • In the fight against corns and calluses on the legs.

When is paraffin prohibited?

Despite a whole range of healing and rejuvenating properties, this procedure has contraindications for use. It is better to refuse paraffin therapy if:

  • You have chronic diseases in the acute stage.
  • You suffer from cirrhosis or other liver dysfunctions.
  • Diabetes is on your list of ailments.
  • High blood pressure is your common problem.
  • There are purulent inflammations or open wounds on the skin.
  • Do you have an allergy or just an individual intolerance to certain components.

Varieties of paraffin therapy

Where is this procedure most commonly used? However, it is suitable for any parts of our body, including even the hips and abdomen. But the following types are considered the most common:

A trip to the salon or magic at home?

Where to perform this procedure? If you are attracted to paraffin therapy in the salon, then why not trust experienced professionals?

Today, this procedure is performed both in beauty parlors and in any beauty salons. The course for the hands is usually limited to 10 sessions, it is desirable to carry out the procedures for the legs once a week. But if you want to restore beauty and health to your face, then it is advisable to do anti-aging manipulations at least 1-2 times in 7 days.

You yourself will appreciate the effect that paraffin therapy gives. The price for this procedure depends on the areas of the body, but on average it is low. So, paraffin therapy for hands or feet will cost only 500 rubles. For a face, such a pleasure will cost a little more - 790 rubles.

However, this simple procedure can be done at home. In this case, a number of rules must be observed.

Paraffin therapy: what not to do

If you decide to be a cosmetologist yourself and conduct healing sessions at home, you should know that you cannot do the following:

  • Allow liquid to enter already prepared molten paraffin.
  • Apply the product to mucous membranes, as well as to wet or damaged skin.
  • Use too oily cream before applying the paraffin mask. It can lead to excessive swelling.

If you suddenly feel a burning sensation during the procedure, then it must be stopped immediately.

In addition, for a more comfortable manipulation, you will need a paraffin therapy kit.

Acquisition of hand tools

For any cosmetic procedure, special tools are needed. Now we are not talking about all kinds of scrubs, creams, lotions. No, there is a more necessary thing in this case, namely, a set for paraffin therapy.

What is included in it?

  • First of all, of course, it can be either an ordinary white substance, purified from harmful impurities and additives, or all kinds of its varieties. For example, if you want to engage in SPA procedures and prevent diseases of the legs or hands, choose paraffin with tea rose extract and tocopherol. But citrus supplements provide enhanced nutrition of the integument. Paraffin with chocolate is an excellent tool that is suitable for skin regeneration, and renewal occurs at the cellular level.
  • It is especially necessary if you decide to carry out paraffin therapy for the face.
  • Protective bags and thermal mittens.
  • Bath for paraffin therapy. It is also called paraffin wax. It can have a different shape and volume, as well as several temperature regimes. Most often there are two. First, the paraffin is heated to 80 degrees, and then the temperature is reduced to 55-60 degrees. In addition, the baths are distinguished by an internal coating. It can be made of Teflon or heat-resistant plastic.

Instead of an epilogue

Many women have already experienced and appreciated the effect of paraffin therapy. Feedback from those who are already familiar with this procedure confirms the amazing results. Paraffin therapy is especially helpful in winter.

As you can see, being young and beautiful is not so difficult, there would be a desire. And if you have it, then it's time to become a fan of paraffin and pay tribute to its healing properties.

Paraffin therapy is one of the most effective procedures for healing the skin. More and more women turn to her every day, since you can conduct a session not only in the salon, but also at home. What is remarkable about paraffin therapy and how to carry it out at home, read our article.


The use of heated paraffin for therapeutic purposes allows you to achieve excellent moisturizing and nourishing the skin of the hands and feet, removing toxins and toxins. Due to the increase in temperature, the pores open and release the skin from accumulated toxins and toxins, and the nutrients from the preparations applied to the skin are perfectly absorbed and penetrate deeper than with normal use.

Restoration of lipid balance, nutrition, healing of cracks occurs quickly and painlessly, the result of paraffin therapy is visible immediately after the procedure. The skin takes on a healthy appearance, becomes soft and smooth.

Paraffin therapy is especially useful for people with dry, flaky skin, and for skin care of hands and feet during periods of adverse external factors, it can be either bad weather or household chemicals, etc.

Paraffin therapy provides excellent moisturizing of the skin of hands and feet, restoration of its water balance, healing of cracks, skin whitening, reduction of pain in case of disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Paraffin therapy is especially effective in the off-season, when the skin on the hands is weathered, flaky and cracked. During the paraffin therapy procedure, you receive not only hand care, but also a session aromatherapy: oils contained in paraffin give spiritual comfort and peace.

Execution technique

Stages of the procedure of paraffin therapy:

  1. Hand disinfection.
  2. Applying nourishing cream.
  3. Hands are immersed in a bath with heated paraffin 3-5 times.
  4. Protective bags and special warm mittens are put on over the hardened paraffin.
  5. After 20-30 minutes of exposure to the preparations, the mittens are removed, the paraffin packets are thrown away.
  6. The skin is wiped with a warm, damp towel, removing the remnants of paraffin and toxins released by the skin.
  7. A protective nourishing cream is applied to the skin.

Before the procedure of paraffin therapy, it is possible to use light peeling using a scrub to enhance the effect of the action of paraffin therapy, depending on the wishes of the client and the recommendations of the master.
The result of the paraffin therapy procedure is a deep cleansing of the skin, excellent moisturizing and nourishing the skin, healing and restoration of the epidermis, reducing pain during stress and disorders.

Contraindications to paraffin therapy are high blood pressure, varicose veins, rashes and open wounds on the skin.

Conducting at home

To conduct "classic" paraffin therapy at home, buy medical flavored paraffin in a pharmacy and heat it in a bowl in a water bath.
Put on plastic gloves or a regular bag and dip the brushes in a bowl for 15-20 minutes. In this case, paraffin plays the role of a "warmer", which increases blood circulation, increases skin elasticity and evens out wrinkles.

It is the brushes that most often suffer from dryness, cracks, redness and peeling. In just one session, paraffin therapy copes with all these unpleasant phenomena. The skin of the hands becomes so even, soft and smooth that cosmetologists called this procedure "velvet hands". Such hand care is especially relevant in winter.

The effect of paraffin therapy is noticeable after the first session and, importantly, lasts a little more than a week.

In addition to therapeutic and aesthetic properties, paraffin therapy has a fairly pronounced psychotherapeutic effect. A half-hour immersion in a warm bath, and even with aromatic oils, has a great relaxing effect and will undoubtedly bring you real bliss. After all, this procedure is so easy and unpretentious that it can be done independently at home.

Paraffin baths

Paraffin baths can complement any manicure. For a home procedure, you need to stock up on paraffin. Ordinary melted candles will not work.

You will need specially purified cosmetic paraffin, which is sold in stores at beauty salons or pharmacies. When buying it, you need to take into account that quite a lot of material will go into each procedure - at least 2 kilograms.

The paraffin is melted in a “water bath”, and the piece should be placed in a fairly high enameled dish so that splashes of water do not fall on this capricious cosmetic material. While the “melt” is taking place, you need to prepare the skin for the procedure: remove dead particles of the epidermis with a scrub, and then apply a moisturizer to the place of the future application, which will play the role of the main mask.

Before applying paraffin to the skin, it is necessary to check its temperature on the back of the hand to exclude the possibility of burns.

Such primitive precautions are necessary, despite the fact that "paraffin" burns are very rare.

After a successful test, you can proceed to the procedure itself:

  1. If you are going to carry out paraffin therapy of the hands, then you need to lower your hand into paraffin up to your wrist, hold it for a few seconds, pull it out for 10 seconds, then immerse it again in the bath.
  2. These simple “load-pull” movements should be repeated 6-8 times until the brush is covered with a thick layer of paraffin.
  3. After that, put a plastic bag on your hand, and on top - a terry mitten.
  4. After 25-30 minutes of blissful warmth, the mitten and bag are removed, and the paraffin is removed in the direction: from the wrist to the fingers.

That's the whole procedure. According to the same scheme, paraffin therapy of the feet is carried out.