
English for children open lessons abstracts

  Rita Smirnova
  Summary of the English class for preschool children (4–6 years) “Color’s” “Colors”

Municipal Budget preschool  educational institution

korolev city district, Moscow region

“Kindergarten of combined type No. 48 "Topolyok"

(MBDOU "Kindergarten №48")

[email protected]

phones 8 (498) 646-92-09,

8 (495) 519-84-38 141091, Moscow region ,

about Korolev, md. Yubileiny, st. K. D. Trofimova, 5

Abstract of the English class

for preschool children(4-6 years old)

« Color’s» « Colors»

Held: Smirnova R.S.

Korolev 2017

Explanatory note

Given lesson is for children 4-5 years oldwho want to study english. Class occupation  held from October 1, 2016, 2 times a week. it occupation  developed on the basis of the materials of the authors I. A. Shishkov, M. E. Verbovskaya. English  for kids 4-6 years old. - Moscow: ROSMEN, 2011. Klementyev, Bouma: Paths to the World. . In 2 parts. 2015. English for children. Colors and numbers. Shalaeva G.P. 2007 Occupation  designed to ensure comprehensive and creative development children.


In accordance with the requirements of modern society for successful socialization and adaptation children, more in-depth foreign language development is needed preschoolers, their linguistic  and creativity. Circle classes  form an interest in foreign languageovercoming the psychological barriers in the use of foreign language  as a means of communication.

Software Content:

Purpose of this lessons  fixing lexical units on the topic " Colors"


1. Introduce children with vocabulary on the topic: brown, purple, white, black

2. Encourage the use of speech patterns "Good morning!", "Good bye!" Hello

3. Raise interest in learning of English languageunderstanding and respect for another culture.

Materials and equipment:

toys colored petals for the game« Semitsvetik» , colour pencils, paper for each child, cards, a bursting balloon.


Good morning! Hello, children! I am glad to see you! (There is a noise. Oh guys that happened there, what happened (I put in a group of piglets Piglet with a burst ball). Guys who came to visit us, did you recognize this hero? Why is he so sad?

Piglet: Hello guys Hello dear friends! ! I was in a hurry on my friend’s birthday Eeyore and brought him a present, a balloon. On the way, I tripped and fell, unfortunately my beautiful ball burst. What should I do now, what should I do? Guys, can you tell me?

Educator: You can just draw it. Which colors  what color balls are the  balls? (individual and choral answers). Well done. Well done!

We will draw Balloons and help Piglet!

And, first, my dear, let's play a little.

(Fun Physics - Clap your hands!

Clap, clap, clap your hands

Clap your hands together.

Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet

Stamp your feet together!

Touch, touch, touch your ears,

Touch your ears together.

Touch, touch, touch your cheeks,

Touch your cheeks together!

Shake, shake, shake your hands,

Shake your hands together.

Smile, smile at your friends,

Let us smile together)

Well done boys! Now look at the pictures. Which color petals(choral and individual answers in Russian the language)   OK, but Piglet out Of Englandand there they talk on english language. Let's call colors in his tongue.

Which color bead? (Red)

What color is it? (What colors)

On the english - red:

I have no doubt

red color of course. (red)

And what ball colors(Yellow)On the english - yellow

Licking a cat ate

yolk yellow, yellow - yellow

And what is this ball (Blue)On the english will be blue

I'm drowning, going to the bottom

Blue color of course. (blue)

And this ball (Green)  On the english - green

Oh not ripe mandarin

He is green, just green

(Choral and individual repetitions english words)

Great! Let us sing a song so that Piglet does not feel sad. We get up, (get up, my dear! We will sing and find colors:

I see that fellbow-yellow

I see blue, I see white

I see this and that and that

Great guys! Now take the pencils and draw beautiful balls so that Piglet can give them (Children draw). Well done. Now everyone will say what color ball did he draw in English(individual answers, tutor assistance)

Outdoor game " Semitsvetik"

Children get colored  petals and collect flower  at the command of the educator.

Guys, look how Piglet liked the drawings, now he can give them Eeyore! Let's say goodbye to our guest and tell him Good bye!

Do you think Eeyore will be happy? And what colors he will get balls(remember colors and rhymes) Thank you guys, well done, you didn’t leave Piglet in trouble! Good bye! I "ll see you later!


Peace english is full of newuncharted roads. A child learns it with his hands, eyes and hearing. Playing on circle lessonchildren learn foreign language, thereby discovering wide open spaces ...


1. I.A. Shishkova, M.E. Verbovskaya. English  for kids 4-6 years old. - Moscow: ROSMEN, 2011.

2. Klementyev, Bouma: Paths to the World. English for preschoolers. In 2 parts. 2015.

3. English for children. Colors and numbers. Shalaeva G.P. 2007


www.metod-kopilka.ru/avtorskaya-programma-fakultat. ya-klassa-64074.html

5.nsportal.ru/detskiy-sad/raznoe/2013/06/14/proekt-n. ors-tsveta-v-ramkakh

6. www .. e-solor-s-cveta.html

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Image Library:

This compendium was compiled taking into account the age characteristics of children middle group  DOE. The lesson provides simple tasks in a playful way, aimed at the development of lexical units, creative abilities, memory, attention. Abstracts can also be used in English classes in elementary school.



English for kids. Synopsis of the comprehensive lesson for middle-school children “OUR FUNNY TRIP TO THE MEADOW”

Goals and objectives:

1. The development of logical thinking, memory and attention.

2. The study of the color palette.

3. The development of fine motor skills.

4. Development of creative abilities.

5. Repetition of lexical units.

6. Learn to verbally respond to the request of the teacher.

Phonetic language material:

[m], [a], [n], [s].

Lexical language material:

Colors: yellow, blue, purple, pink, green, red, white; numbers: 1 -5; words: an ant, a butterfly, a balloon, to fly, rain, to count, a house, a star, good morning, we, let’a.

Grammar material:

It’s a ... It’s red. Let’s ...

Material for creativity:

Colored pencils, paper for drawing.


Colored balloons, plasticine ant, wooden sticks (mushrooms, berries), paper leaves (imitation of the leaves of any tree).


Teacher: Hello, children! Hello my dear kids! Today we will go on an entertaining walk in the meadow. We will play there, have fun, and maybe meet someone. But our meadow is far away. How do we get there? Let's fly there in balloons. Our balls different colors. What color balls will you fly? (The children are given a basket of colored sweets and each child chooses which color balloon he will fly on. Olya, you have a red candy. You fly with the red ball.). Let’s fly, my dear kids! (children with the teacher run in a circle with colored balls and sing: “We fly! We fly!“

Well, here we are. Look what a beauty! Look! How nice! What a beautiful meadow!

Oh! It seems to rain. As we flew, gray clouds appeared. How will we play if it rains?

Children: (supposed answer) We won’t be able to play. We all get wet.

Educator: Let’s then ask the rain to water another meadow. Let's show him the finger game.

Rain, rain, go away!

Come again another day.

We want to play!

Teacher: Good boys and girls! Oh look! Who is it? It’s a little ant. Children, look what a little ant. He carries something. What’s this? What is it?

Children: Sticks. Sticks

Teacher: Ants love to work. See how many sticks and leaves he brought. Let's help him count them. Let’s count! (children, together with the teacher, count how many leaves and chopsticks are collected in piles). Thank you, my dear! Guys, who is flying to us? Bees! Let's say hello to them. Hello bees! Let's sing a song for them. (children with a teacher sing a song)

Good morning! Good morning!

Good morning to you.

Good morning! Good morning!

I’m glad to see you!

Teacher: Good boys and girls! Thank you. Look, the bees liked your song and they invite you to play. (children play an outdoor game):

I’m a mouse.

You are a cat.

One, two, three

You catch me!

Teacher: Well, are you tired?

Kids: Yes!

Teacher: Let's take a little rest. Sit down, please. (the children sit on the carpet.) Let's restore our breath. Then we can play on. (breathing exercises):

A small caterpillar crawls (inhaling and exhaling intermittently, the sound [s-s-s] is pronounced).

Sits on your handle ladybug. Let’s help her fly home. (inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. Blow on the palm). All exercises are performed three times.

Teacher: Kids, look! It’s butterfly! Many butterflies! They got lost! Let us help them fly to their houses. ( didactic game  “Pick the right color.” Children should choose a butterfly and an asterisk of the same color for each colored house. For example: A blue house A pink house

A blue star A pink star

A blue butterfly. A pink butterfly.

Children pick up cards and pronounce the names of flowers and objects.

Teacher: Good boys and girls! You guys know that very beautiful flowers always grow in the meadow. Do you like flowers?

Kids: Yes!

Teacher: Do your mothers love?

Kids: Yes!

Teacher: Let's give them a present. We will draw with you beautiful bouquets  and give them to mothers. I think that they will be very happy. Let’s draw flowers! (children sit down at tables and paint flowers of different colors).

Teacher: Well, my good ones, we have to go back to kindergarten, to our group. The rest of the kids missed us. And we will fly again on our balloons. Let's take them, but before we fly, let's say goodbye to our friends. (children say farewell rhyme):

Good-bye, good-bye my doll.

Good-bye, good-bye you all.

Teacher: Now, let's take our balls and fly. (children

take their colored balls and run in a circle, saying: We fly! We fly!).

Teacher: Well, here we are. Did you like our walk?

Kids: Yes!

Teacher: Next time we will fly somewhere again. And now it’s time for us to say goodbye too. Good-bye, my dear kids!

Kids: Good-bye!

Lesson in English for children 5-6 years old "Journey through the fairy forest - in search of Capy"

Author- Pluzhnikova Julia Vladimirovna
  This lesson is intended for preschool children in order to interest them english language, increase the vocabulary of words.
  Consolidation of lexical units on the topics “Family”, “Colors”, “Account”, “Verbs of action”, “Wild and domestic animals”
  -the ability to answer questions in a short form: No, I can’t. Yes It is. No. It isn’t. Yes I do.
  - develop the ability to correctly and clearly pronounce English sounds
  - To develop the skill of dialogic speech.
  - Develop attention, logical thinking, memory, speech activity.
  - Continue the development of visual memory, visual-figurative and practical value, the ability to imitate.
  - Learning the rhyme of "Two Little Black Birds"
  - Consolidation of lexical units on the topics: “Animals”, “Colors”, “We count”, “Family”, “Verbs of action”
  - education of a good attitude towards animals
  -bringing love for family members
  - To foster a friendly attitude towards your comrades, a desire to help others, the ability to work in a team.
  Equipment: doll - puppet, note, traces of paper, a house with windows that open, red cards for the number of children, wild animals, imitation of the forest, audio recording of the voices of nature, audio recording of the song "I'm in the Sun"

Course progress:

1. Organizational moment
   Teacher: Hello, children! I am glad to see you. Let "s begin our English lesson
  Today we’ll count to10. Now we’ll count to 10 and someone should appear in our room. I think our friend Capie will come to us today. Now close your eyes, let’s count to10. One, two, three ... 10. Open your eyes!
Children close their eyes and count in English until 10
  Educator: Open your eyes. Where "s Kepy? I can" t see him. Can you see him, Olya? And you, Tanya, can you see Kepy? (The teacher asks the children, one at a time, if they see Capi.)
  Children: No, we can "t ...
  Teacher: Kepy is not here. Oh, look, what is it? (On the floor are pre-arranged multi-colored tracks.) I can see somebody "s steps. They may be Kepy" s. Oh, there "s a note here. Here is a note. (There is a note on the floor or on the table. The teacher reads it.)" Kepy is near here. Follow the steps. "" Capi nearby. Follow the footsteps. " I think guys, it’s Capy who thought of it all so we could look for it. Well ... Let "s follow the steps. Let's try to find Kepy. Let's follow the trail. Try to find Kepi. Stand up. Oh, there "s something else written in the note. (Reads again.) "Jump to the blue step." “Jump on the blue trail.” Let's do what is written in the note, then we can find Capy.
  Children take turns executing commands (Run to the green step. Fly to the red step. Walk tiptoe to yellow. Touch the white step.)
2. Repeat vocabulary on the topic "Family", (recharge)
  (house with windows)
  Teacher: We followed in the footsteps and came to the English house What "s this? It" s the house in England. It "s a very nice family.
  Teacher: this is a very good family, a nice family. Look, there are even windows in the house! There are  windows in the house! One, two, three, four, five, six windows! They are all in different colors! Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet. Let "s open the red window. (Opens the window.) Oh, who is this
  Children: This is Mother.
  Teacher: I see, mother, OK, now let "s open the orange window. (Opens the orange window.) Who is it?
  Children: This is Father.
  Teacher: Father, I see. Clear. Now the (yellow) window. Who's here? (Opens the yellow, then the rest of the windows.)
  Children: This is Sister, (Brother, Grandmother, Grandfather, Baby).
  Teacher: Guys, can you hear nothing? When we open some windows, I hear some kind of sound. Now again let "s open the red window. Well, of course, it's Englishsound. He loves to indulge - turns into a fly, flies into the windows and buzzes, he still blows his tongue. Let's listen to whom he flew into the window. When you hear the sound, clap your hands louder. Let "s open the red window.
  Children: Mother.
  Teacher: Have you heard how Englishsound buzzes? Clap your hands then!
  Children clap their hands.
  Teacher: Now, open the orange window.
  Child (opens the window): Father.
  Children clap their hands.
Teacher: Now the yellow window.
  Child (opens the window): Sister. (Brother, Grandmother, Grandfather, Baby).
  Children clap (do not clap).
  Teacher: Excellent! Well, it didn’t work for the English sound to hide from us, we find it everywhere.
3. Strengthening the skills to briefly answer the question of the teacher
   Teacher: Now let's play a game called "Yes, I do. Yes, it is." To do this, divide into two teams. Seryozha’s team will always say Yes, I do. The wiki team will say Yes, it is. I will ask you questions, if at the beginning of my question you hear the word do, then the team of Seryozha Yes, I do answers. And if you hear the first word is, the Wiki team answers Yes, it is. If the team answers correctly, the captain receives a red card.
  Teacher (s): Do you like to jump?

  Teacher (takes a pencil): Right, just louder. Is this a pencil?

  Teacher: Do you like to sing (walk, hop, fly, smile etc)?
  Children (first team): Yes, I do.
  Teacher (takes a crocodile)): Is this a crocodile (bear, hare etc.)?
  Children (second team): Yes, it is.
  At the end of the game, red cards are counted.

4. Consolidation of lexical units on the topic “Wild animals”
  (an audio recording of the voice of nature sounds)
  Teacher: Guys, have you ever been in the forest? And let's go for a walk today in the magical fairy forest. The animals in it do not hide, but go out to people and play with them. Stand up! Let "s go to the forest! Let's go to the forest. (Teacher" walks "on the spot, Spot also" walks "legs on the table). Go, Sveta! Go, Dima! Let" s go to the forest together.
  Children "walk" through the "forest."
  Teacher: How beautiful it is here! Different sounds are heard. A bee is flying. She stuck a tongue between her teeth, so she got such a sound. A dragonfly flies quietly. Oh, the bear roars (you can show the little men with the corresponding sound). But two birds, one little sings, and the other big [u] - [u] - [u], probably this is an owl.
  Children repeat sounds.
  Children: Oh, I can see a bird!
  Teacher: I can see a bird, too.
  Children: Oh, I can see a bear!
  Teacher: I can see a bear, too. (shows a picture.)
  Children: Oh, I can see a hare!
  Teacher: I can see a hare, too. (shows a picture.)
  Children: Oh, I can see a squirrel!
  Teacher: I can see a squirrel, too.
  Children: Oh, I can see a hedgehog!
  Teacher: I can see a hedgehog, too.
  Children: Oh, I can see a wolf!
  Teacher: I can see a wolf, too.
  Children: Oh, I can see a fox!
Teacher: I can see a fox, too. That's how many animals there are in the forest. Forest animals in English - forest animals. Let's play a game called "Forest animals". Remember that there are predator animals that can eat other animals? Name them. Right you are - a wolf, an owl, and a fox, a bear. You will jump, have fun in a forest clearing, and I will say which animal comes here. If not a predator, a kind animal, call him here with a wave of your hand to yourself and shout “Come here!”, That is, “Come here!”, And if you are a predator, wave your hand from you and shout “Go away!”. Let's practice. I can see a hare. A hare- bunny, what should you scream? Good for you.
  Educator: Now the game is over. Well, that's it, the game is over, well done. Sit down, please.
5. Physics
  And now let's have a little rest in our magic forest (for the audio recording of the song "I am in the sun," the children perform exercises:
  Put your fingers on your nose

  On your nose, on your toes
  On your hips and on your toes
  Put your finger on your knees
  On your hair and on your cheeks
  On your knees, on your hair
  And wave them in the air.

When the children complete all the commands, the teacher takes Capi out from under the chair.
  Teacher: Aha, here "s Kepy, under the chair.
  Capi: Hello, kids! I am so glad to see you! Let’s play with me.

6. Learning to rhyme “Two Little Black Birds”
  Guys, Capie has prepared a surprise for us. Look with him two small black birds from the English rhyme flew in
  Teacher: Oh, I can see two birds. One bird's name is Peter, and the other Paul. Look at me!

Two Little Black Birds
  Two little black birds
  Sitting on the wall,
  (arms are bent at the elbows, elbows are apart, the four fingers of each hand touch the thumb, forming the heads of two birds)
  One named Peter,
  (first "bird" bows)
  The other named Paul.
  (the second "bird" bows)
   Fly away Peter!
  (remove one hand behind the back - “one bird flew away”)
  Fly away, Paul!
  (remove the other hand behind the back - “the other bird flew away”)
  Come back, Peter!
  (return one hand to its original position)
  Come back, Paul!
  (return the second hand to its original position)
Teacher: Guys, let's all have two birds. Stand up! Look at me. Show me two birds. Show me two birds, two birds, two little black birds - two little black birds. What bird is Peter? Let her nod when she heard her name - one named Peter. What bird is Paul? She nods too - the other named Paul. Let's drive Peter to fly away - Fly away Peter! And let Paul fly away - Fly away, Paul! Now let's call the birds, let them come back - Come back, Peter! Come back, Paul!
  Children repeat the words of rhyme and perform appropriate movements.

You guys were great today. You completed all the tasks, found our guest, ostrich Capi. But our time is drawing to a close.
  Time is up.
  Lesson is over. See you later. Have a nice day. Good bye!

For children 4-5 years old

Purpose: development of the skill of monologic utterance on the topic.

Objective: consolidate vocabulary on the topics "Animals and Birds", "Food" and learn to talk about what animals love.

Visual aids:

1) pictures (or toys) depicting a bear and a fox,

2) pictures (or toys) with the image of food,

3) a cassette with a recording of forest noise.

1. Greetings

Teacher: Good morning, children!

Children: Good morning, good morning

Good morning to you.

Good morning, good morning

I am glad to see you.

Teacher: Thank you! Sit down.

2. Phonetic charging

Teacher: Today our friend Mr. Tongue (the teacher shows a drawing or a doll) invites us to take a walk with him through the forest (the teacher turns on a tape recording the sounds of the forest). So, we are in the forest. Under our feet there are rustling castings and branches, needles and cones: sh-sh-sh. And suddenly mosquitoes attack us and buzz: / z-z-z /. And we drive them away like this: the children clap their hands. The mosquitoes were scared and flew away, and we further go through the forest: sh-sh-sh. Suddenly, bees attack us and buzz: th-th-th. We try not to make sudden movements, and the bees fly away, and you and I go to a beautiful meadow, there are a lot of colorful butterflies on it and we say: / wau-w-wau /. We lie on the grass and rest: / o: -o: -o: /.

3. The semantization of vocabulary

And while we are lying on the grass and resting, a beast approached us. He wanted to meet us:

Teacher: Hello!

Kids: Hello!

Teacher: Guys, what kind of beast is this?

Children: Bear.

Teacher: That's right. It "s a bear.

Children: It "s a bear.

Teacher: Look at our funny bear. He probably loves sweets very much. What do you think loves to eat a bear? Correctly. Honey. Honey

Children: Honey.

Teacher: It likes to eat honey.

Children: It likes to eat honey.

Teacher: What does the bear like to drink? He is probably very sweet from honey.

Children: Water.

Teacher: That's right. Water.

Children: Water.

Teacher: It likes to drink water.

Children: It likes to drink water.

Teacher: But another animal is running towards us. Who is it?

Children: Fox.

Teacher: That's right. It’s a fox.

Children: It "s a fox.

Teacher: Fox greets you Hello!

Kids: Hello!

Teacher: The fox brought us goodies. What do you think the fox brought us for the good. What does she like to eat the most?

Children: Fish.

Teacher: That's right. Fish

Teacher: It likes to eat fish.

Children: It likes to eat fish.

Teacher: And the fox brought us a jug of milk. Milk.

Teacher: It likes to drink milk.

Children: It likes to drink milk.

Teacher: Do you happen to get confused: what kind of beast and what does it like? Let's remember: It "s a bear. It likes to eat honey. It likes to drink water. It" s a fox. It likes to eat fish. It likes to drink milk.

Children: It "s a bear. It likes to eat honey. It likes to drink water. It" s a fox. It likes to eat fish. It likes to drink milk.

4. Completion of work.

Teacher: So, guys, which animals did we meet with you?

Children: A bear, a fox.

Teacher: Right, but did you like them?

Teacher: Then let's invite them to visit the next lesson. Let's cook them what they love and invite them to visit; what do they like? What does a bear like?

Children: Honey. Water.

Teacher: And the fox?

Children: Fish. Milk.

Teacher: Okay, but now we will say goodbye to our friends and wait for them to visit us next time.