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How to use a caulk gun - a description of the design and instructions for use and care. How to use a caulk gun - step by step instructions for a beginner How to disassemble a caulk gun

As you know, a device designed to work with sealant is called an applicator and has an appearance similar to a gun or syringe. All instruments are divided into amateur and professional. In any case, despite the intensity of their use, it is either a mechanical device or its pneumatic modification.

Household pistols for home use are exclusively mechanical, and their design is different, as this affects the life of the tool. For sealant packed in foil, a cylindrical gun is used. If the sealant is located in the cartridge, then it can be applied using a pressure gun, which is structurally made like a large syringe. If you purchased sealant in a bucket, then you do not need a gun, it is enough to have a spatula or trowel for work.

There are several types of pistols:

Manual with a cylindrical body;

Manual with a cylindrical body is the cheapest and short-lived, breaks after using one or two tubes. It is extremely inconvenient to work - the rod moves poorly, the cartridge tries to "escape".

A manual skeleton gun costs a little more, it is more comfortable to use and more durable, and the movement of the rod goes smoothly without distortions. The most reliable and convenient is the tubular gun (syringe). In it, the sealant is ideally located inside, there is no movement, and the stem moves easily and freely. This design can work with sealants in bags.

Pistols are divided according to the type of compartments for the cartridge, and they are classified into sheet and frame. It should be noted here that leaf guns fix the cartridge body worse than frame guns. Before buying, it is important to decide how easy and comfortable the gun is in your hand. It is advisable to perform a few pulls on the trigger, to feel whether the brushes are comfortable in operation. Separately, it is worth paying attention to reliability, as experience shows, models with handles and a starting lever made of molded aluminum are light and strong enough.

The pressure screw is the simplest device for extruding sealant.

Pressure pistols without reverse stroke are most often used professionally. It is more convenient to work with this tool, because the piston moves only in one direction forward until the sealant runs out. But when you know in advance that a small amount of sealant will be required or you know about a break in work, then you need to use a gun with a reverse stroke, which allows you to stop squeezing the sealant at a certain stage of work. In this case, after completing a little work, the cartridge is removed from the compartment, the tip is closed and stored until the next use. You should also pay attention to the expiration date of the material, often expired sealants cause leakage of the filled joint.

Professional pistols include pneumatic and cordless tools. The time between failures of these devices is large and amounts to several years. Pneumatic pistols are powered by compressed air and are driven by a trigger. Many models are equipped with a pressure regulator. The most expensive gun is a cordless gun that has the ability to adjust both pressure and sealant flow rate. It is very easy to use this model, you just need to release the handle and the sealant begins to flow immediately. It is universal suitable for both tubes and bags.

Not many of our compatriots know how to use this tool. Let's learn how to properly use a caulking gun. To begin with, it is enough to have a cylinder or cartridge, as well as the gun itself, which consists of three main parts: a frame, a pusher and a trigger. So, the sequence of actions is as follows:

1. pull out the pusher as far as it will go;

2. take the sealant, cut off the plastic tip, on which the markings are indicated;

3. pierce the membrane, which is located under the plastic cap, with a suitable object;

4. securely insert the tip into the intended hole;

5. press the latch, pushing the plunger all the way into the hole in the bottom of the cylinder.

Using a "syringe" gun, you need to unscrew the ring into which the spout is inserted, then you should remove the inner insert and place the spout in the required place. By pressing the compensation lever, we pull out the stem as much as possible. After that, we cut off the metal ring from the bag and wind the ring with a spout. Upon completion of work with the gun, it must be washed with warm water.

And finally, a few nuances in working with a pistol.

    1. To properly apply the sealant, the application area must be free of dust, dirt, oil, old paint, rust, and loose particles.

2. Widen the narrow crack a little and clean it with a brush.

3. Prepare a spatula, masking tape, alcohol.

4. Degrease the surface to be sealed with alcohol.

5. Then the work surface should be treated with an acrylic primer for good adhesion of the sealant.

In order for the seam to be even, you should use the following recommendations. Cutting off the top of the cap of the sealant tube is best done with a clerical knife at an angle of 45 °, and so that the diameter of the hole obtained matches the actual size of the seam. Next, lightly press the trigger so that droplets of silicone appear from the hole in the tube. To apply sealant evenly, hold the gun at the same distance from the wall. Filling should not be fast, so as not to get interrupted strips with air bubbles inside. A beautiful seam is created thanks to masking tape glued on both sides of the gap, which is removed immediately after applying the sealant along with its excess.

There is another way to make a high-quality, especially fillet weld. To do this, gently moisten the side surfaces with soapy water. In advance, it is necessary to prepare a wooden or plastic stick, one side of which is cut off in such a way as to set the shape of the future seam. In this case, the final formation of the upper part of the seam is created not by the nose of the tube, but by the passage of the above stick along it. If it so happened that you squeezed out the excess sealant, then this is not at all scary, after drying the seam with a hairdryer, you can remove all the remnants of the sealant from the side surface with the same stick washed in soapy water.

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  • Do not call the master if you need to close up several cracks! It is easier and cheaper to purchase a completely “peaceful” gun, sealant and process everything yourself. And how to use a sealant gun, we will tell you!

    Features and types

    Such a gun cannot be called a complex device - in fact, it is a design for squeezing a sealing compound from a container in which it is located. However, there are nuances in any business, even in such a seemingly simple one. And already based on these nuances, manufacturers offer tools for every wallet and for any purpose. Sealant guns can be divided into several categories according to the type of chambers for cartridges, according to the features of the device and according to the method of applying the sealant.

    So, according to the type of compartments for cartridges (tanks with sealant), these “peaceful” pistols can be divided into frame and sheet ones. The first among consumers enjoy great success, because they hold the cartridge tighter. By the method of extrusion in stores, you will find cordless, pneumatic, electric and mechanical tools. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, so you need to choose depending on your goals.

    What is good about battery pistols is their autonomy- from the name it is clear that they work from a battery pack, most often a lithium-ion one. With the help of a sensitive knob, extrusion of the material is ensured, while adjusting the extrusion speed and feed accuracy can be done using the same knob - the stronger the pressure, the more intense the work.

    An electric pistol differs from its battery counterpart by and large only in the absence of a battery - the device is powered by a network. They apply sealant quickly and accurately, with a high degree of economy. Most often, such “armaments” are taken by construction professionals, because, in addition to convenience and autonomy, such pistols work with different types of cartridges. It is clear that such a pleasure is not cheap, and for ordinary home use, for example, a small one, it is simply not advisable to buy this type.

    Due to air pressure, by pressing the handle, the material is squeezed out by a pneumatic type gun. The design of such tools is often very ergonomic, manufacturers equip the tools with various limiters and regulators, thanks to which you can get an even strip of sealant of the desired thickness. What else is good about the tool is the ability to work with different capacities. It is advisable to use this in medium and small construction, when the speed of work is not so important.

    The most affordable and short-lived type of caulk gun is mechanical or manual. If we talk about the use in everyday life, when you need to squeeze out 1-2 cartridges with material, this option is the most practical. But it will be difficult to work on large objects with such a tool, since mass extrusion is possible due to the physical effort of the hands, which reduces the accuracy and speed of work.

    According to their structure, pistols are divided into skeletal, semi-body and tubular. Skeleton are adapted for 310 ml cartridges. Semi-hollow tools also work only with such a volume, but differ in a simpler mechanism. Do not count on a long service life of such a tool - it will be enough for 2-3 cartridges. Yes, and it will be quite uncomfortable to work with it - the rod that squeezes out the mixture is quite tight, besides, the tool continually strives to slip out of your hands.

    It is better to buy skeleton pistols - they are not much more expensive, but much more durable. The tubular type is able to work with completely different cartridges, from 600 to 1600 ml. Undoubtedly, such a tool will have to be refueled much less often.

    Construction gun for sealant - instructions for choosing

    Of course, the main factor in choosing a tool should be the amount of work to be done. Let's say if all you need to do is process only a couple of joints at , then a skeletal tool will suffice. If the task is more complicated, for example, to make repairs in the entire apartment or house, then it is better to purchase a tubular pneumatic gun.

    When time and accuracy are valued, you need to provide yourself with an electric or cordless tool. When buying, pay attention to how comfortable such a device is for you, how it feels in your hand, and whether its elements interfere with work. Pay special attention to the trigger, how tight it holds and what material it is made of. Better if it is aluminum. As for brands, of course, it is better to pay attention first of all to trusted manufacturers who have earned the trust of consumers.

    How to work with a gun - simple steps

    How to work with a pistol - this question is relevant not only for beginners, but also for any person who first encountered this tool. In fact, there are no difficulties - only a few nuances, after studying which all questions will disappear.

    So, the principle of operation of sealant guns is quite simple - due to mechanical pressure on a container with sealant (or other material, such as liquid nails), the material is squeezed out in the form of a strip, by directing which we achieve the desired effect. The pressure is provided by the stem, which is set in motion by pulling the trigger - apparently, because of it, the tool got such a militant name. In pneumatic tools, instead of a stem, air exerts pressure. Basically, difficulties arise when it is necessary to equip the tool with the material itself, the same sealant. Fortunately, manufacturers try to adhere to the same standards, which makes our task much easier.

    How to work with a pistol - step by step diagram

    Step 1: Remove Limiters

    If we are dealing with a skeletal or semi-hollow tool, the procedure will not take much time. First of all, you need to check if the tube with the material is equipped with a special restrictive bottom. If it is present, it must be removed.

    Step 2: Pull out the stem

    In the gun, we need to pull out the stock, for which we press the lever all the way and take out the part. We insert the cartridge into the vacated place and lightly press the trigger several times in order to strengthen the cartridge.

    Step 3: Release the sealant

    We pierce a hole in the cartridge through which the sealant will flow to the cone, giving us a smooth line of the same thickness. The cones often come soldered, that is, we need to cut off the tip of the cone to get the desired diameter of the sealant seam, only the cut should be slightly smaller than the diameter we need.

    If you decide to use a "syringe" or tubular gun, then the principle of filling it is somewhat different. First, make a hole in the material cartridge, or, if it is a sealant or "sausage" packaged in bags, carefully cut off one corner or end so that the sealant can freely exit the bag. It is necessary to lay the prepared container in the "syringe" itself in such a way that exactly the cut end of the container is directed to the tip through which the sealant strip will come out. Of course, before laying, remove the stem - this is done in the same way as in the case of the skeletal apparatus.

    Usually, a pistol comes with several nozzles with tips, one of which we twist the cylinder. If the tip does not have a hole, cut off a small piece with a regular utility knife at a 45° angle. Of course, try to guess with the diameter of the resulting hole. In any case, if there is a construction gun for sealant, there should be instructions from the manufacturer. It is not a sin to study it, because manufacturers can supply pistols with their own special developments and innovations that are not provided for in standard versions.

    How to use a caulk gun - a beginner's guide

    Actually, you should not have any difficulties with a properly equipped pistol. If you followed the cartridge installation instructions above, you've already done everything you need to get started. So it remains only to gently pull the trigger and guide the sealant along the seam. If you are using a skeletal or semi-hollow tool, there may be several first clicks to squeeze out the right amount of sealant to fill the void in the cap itself, then the clicks should be made smooth and unhurried.

    With electric or cordless tools, pulling the trigger controls the rate of caulk, so if this is your first time using a tool like this, start in an inconspicuous area, such as sealing a seam in the far corner of a room. Having got the hang of it, start working with prominent places. If you need to trim or press the sealant into the gap, dip your fingers in water and run it over the surface in one smooth motion. It is not necessary to dry the material additionally - in the open air it acquires the desired hardness within a few hours.

    Nowadays, the building materials market is so diverse that everyone will find what they need, both in terms of quality and price. One of the most used materials in construction is sealant. With it, you can protect the joints between materials from moisture, as well as eliminate some defects. The only problem with the sealant is the difficulty in removing it from the tube without a special tool. In this article, we'll show you how to use a caulk gun. Using this tool will increase the speed of your work and make it more enjoyable.

    Device and principle of operation

    Regardless of what type of gun, the fundamental device is the same for everyone. It has a body, a stem, with which the sealant is squeezed out, a trigger and a latch that holds the stem. The task of the work is to squeeze the contents out of the package. This process is very simple: you pull the trigger, which, in turn, sets the rod in motion. Next, the rod is pressed onto the bottom of the sealant package, which serves as a piston, and it comes out easily.

    Types and classification of pistols

    Sealant guns are divided according to several parameters: appearance, complexity of the body structure, method of supplying a hermetic substance.

    By design features

    Semi-hulled - they are not designed for long-term use. Such pistols are suitable for small household work, are not very durable in operation and are relatively inexpensive.

    Skeleton pistols, like semi-body pistols, cope with the same amount of work. They differ from each other in that the skeleton pistol is more convenient to use. It consists of two ribs and a stem, which allows the tube with sealant to be more firmly fixed in it, as a result of which the quality of work will be better. The cost of a skeleton pistol is higher than a semi-body pistol, but it will also last longer.

    Body guns are designed for those who do repair or construction work quite often. They are distinguished by their versatility, they can be used both for sealant in hard tubes and for sealant in soft packaging. Their cost is higher than all the others, but due to the fact that the consumption of sealant with a body gun is minimal, it is considered more profitable.
    According to the method of applying the sealant

    Mechanical - the most affordable option. The supply of sealant in such guns occurs only due to the physical strength of the hands. Mechanical pistols are purchased for small household purposes.

    Pneumatic - used with an average amount of work. The principle of its operation is such that the sealant comes out due to the pressure of compressed air. This type of gun has a special valve that allows you to dump excess sealant and minimize its loss.

    Electric - allow you to make a more even seam and reduce the time to complete the work. But their use requires appropriate experience. In addition, the cost of such a pistol, compared to mechanical and pneumatic, is much higher.

    When choosing which gun to buy, you need to start from how often you are going to use it and what are your financial capabilities.

    Application order: instruction

    Regardless of which type of caulk gun you choose, the instructions for use are similar for all. So, how to properly prepare the gun for work? Let's consider each stage in turn:

    1. With a clerical knife, carefully cut off the nose of the tube at an angle of approximately 45 °. The width of the hole should be selected depending on the width of the intended seam.
    2. Having unscrewed the plastic cap with a cut-off spout, they pierce the protective valve on the package, and then screw the cap back along the thread.
    3. In order to insert the sealant package into the gun, you need to free up its internal space. Pressing the latch, push the rod back until it stops.
    4. The tube with sealant is installed in the gun body until it stops. The piston is pushed in until it touches the bottom of the package.
    5. To apply sealant, press the trigger of the gun. The speed of the extruded composition depends on the pressing force.

    When using sealant in a soft package, only body guns are selected. The scheme for use is simple:

    1. Unscrew the applicator with a spout on the front end of the gun.
    2. Free up space in the gun in the same way as when using sealants in a tube.
    3. With wire cutters, carefully cut off the metal bracket on one side of the package.
    4. Insert the package so that the cut end is in front.
    5. Screw the applicator back.

    Video: how to insert sealant into a skeleton gun

    Video: features of using a body gun

    There are several rules for using a caulk gun:

    • Before applying the sealant, it is necessary to clean the place of its application well: remove dirt, clean from dust and degrease with alcohol.
    • Masking tape can be glued on both sides of the gap. Its function is such that when applying the sealant, all the excess will fall on it and you do not have to wipe off the excess. Peel off the tape immediately after finishing work. The seams are clean and even.
    • For good and durable adhesion of the sealant, the surface is passed with an acrylic primer.

    After finishing work, the packing spout is cleaned of sealant residues and closed with a special cap. Thus, you will protect the sealant from drying out. In closed form, without losing its qualities, the sealant can stay for about three months. The gun itself is also wiped. If this is not done, then the gun can quickly become unusable. The metal case is cleaned with a special solvent for metal. Clean plastic surfaces with soapy water.

    Don't forget to ventilate the area where you carry out repairs.

    Video: How to Optimize a Caulking Gun

    The caulking gun is used for both interior and exterior repairs. This tool got its name because of the peculiarities of the workflow. The hermetic composition is brought out when a special trigger is pressed, in connection with this, the tool is compared with a conventional firearm.

    In fact, such a comparison is considered conditional. In the process of acting on the trigger, the chemical composition is squeezed out using a long piston. It begins to move only after pressing the trigger mechanism of the structure. Therefore, this way of delivering the substance is most likely similar to a conventional medical syringe.

    Types of guns for sealant

    Several types of construction are known. Each of them differs in the method of supplying the hermetic composition and in the structure of the mechanism. The following tool models are presented in specialized departments:

    • manual;
    • pneumatic;
    • electrical;
    • mechanical.

    In addition, they differ in their appearance by:

    • Case. They are a single structure inside which there is a cylinder with a sealant. This option is not meant to be reusable. It is classified as a closed sealant gun. After use, it is disposed of.
    • Semi-hulled. The model has a rigid body and replaceable cylinders with a chemical composition.
    • Skeleton pistols. This variety is a metal structure in which a container with a hermetic composition is placed. This option is intended for multiple use. In addition to synthetic sealant, it can be used for mounting foam. The photo of the caulk gun shows a skeletal model of the tool.
    • Mechanical pistols have a similar structure to the manual varieties. Here it is enough to press the trigger once, thereby stimulating the flow of the composition. The only drawback of this design is the rapid drying of the contents of the cylinders. This type of sealant is designed for places with high humidity. To prevent the appearance of mold fungi inside the sealed seam, chemical additives are added here that actively act with air. As a result, the solidification time of the composition is 3 minutes.

    What is the best caulking gun?

    Each model has both advantages and disadvantages. For example, manual views are considered a budget option. They are easy to use. To supply the sealant, it is necessary to press the piston with the trigger located on the inside of the housing.

    The cardboard cartridge inside the device allows you to regulate the supply of the desired amount. In the process of pressing, it exerts a slight pressure on the contents inside the syringe.

    Electric models allow you to reduce the applied energy. Inside the product there is a small electric motor that regulates the supply of a chemical component to the problem area. Such devices are powered by electricity or batteries.

    Pneumatic products have a similar structure with electric models. Cordless guns are considered the best in the construction market. They work automatically. The sealant is applied using pressure force. The weaker it is, the less chemical composition is released.

    Construction guide

    How to use a caulk gun? To do this, we offer detailed instructions for use. It includes the following items:

    • The first step is to properly fix the container with the chemical liquid. How to properly insert sealant into the gun? With one hand, they move the metal piston towards themselves, and with the other they insert a container with a sealed composition.
    • Next, pull the trigger twice, thereby securing the container inside the structure. After that, a small hole is made at the end of the balloon. Now a cone-shaped nozzle is screwed on, which ensures uniform filling of microcracks.
    • When all the subtleties are observed, you can proceed to the workflow. To do this, the cone nozzle is installed in the problem area. After that, by lightly pressing the trigger, a small amount of hermetic composition appears. They fill the joints of metal and wooden parts.
    • After applying the solution, it is left for crystallization. This will take 1 to 5 minutes. The deeper the defect, the more the composition will dry.

    Photo of using a caulking gun

    Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

    Surprisingly, but the question: how to use a sealant gun sometimes, but still arises, this question is especially of concern to novice craftsmen. And although this tool does not differ in the complexity of the design, but for some people who pick it up for the first time, it can even enter into a stupor.

    Sealant gun - what is it?

    If you look at the photos provided, how to use the sealant gun, you can generally understand what kind of tool it is and how the sealant should be inserted into it. But the very principle of its operation can present a certain complexity. After all, even its name causes bewilderment in a non-specialist. In fact, if you watch the video instruction on how to use the caulk gun, you can understand why this tool is called that. It also has another name - a syringe.

    He got such a name because of his device and the principle of operation. The composition of the sealant is released from a plastic tube by pressing a kind of trigger, so such an association arose with one of the types of firearms. There are several types of such tools and they can be divided into the following categories:

    • according to the type of compartments where the cartridge is inserted;
    • according to the features of the device;
    • by the silicone feeding method.

    If you look at the pictures, you can see that such a tool can be of several types:

    • battery;
    • pneumatic;
    • electric;
    • mechanical.

    Each gun is designed to be used to seal hard-to-reach gaps. The most common are mechanical tools, as they belong to the budget option.

    How to use a silicone syringe?

    It is worth watching a video on how to use a sealant gun, and everything will become clear:

    1. Before inserting the cartridge from the syringe, the metal pin must be pulled out. To do this, you will need to use two hands, since the pin itself will not stretch, because it is held by a special latch. When the trigger is pressed with one hand, the latch releases the piston and can be pulled out. But you need to pull it out to the very end.
    2. Now you can insert the cartridge into the gun and fix it with a few pulls of the trigger. But do not pinch it hard, because first you need to prepare the tip of the cartridge.
    3. When the cartridge is fixed, the tip is cut off from it and a cone is wound through which the silicone will be squeezed out. Cones come with both pre-drilled holes (one for threading, and the second smaller one for sealant outlet), and without one hole. If there is no smaller hole, you need to carefully make an incision on the cone with a knife.
    4. In order to see how the caulk gun works, pull the trigger several times until the piston is fully seated in the cartridge. The tool is ready and you can get to work.

    The cone of the cartridge must be pointed at the place that needs to be sealed. After that, you can pull the trigger, activating the pusher, which will evenly squeeze out the sealant sausage of the required thickness. When the pusher moves, the latch will also work at the same time so that the piston does not weaken its pressure on the bottom of the cartridge. To remove a used cartridge, pull the trigger to loosen the latch, pull out the pusher with your other hand and the cartridge will be released.