
Demo version of the English exam. Demo versions of the exam in foreign languages. Appointment of the examination paper

There are documents that regulate the structure and content of KIM - codifiers and specifications. A complete list of questions that can be controlled at the 2018 unified state exam is given in the codifier of content elements and requirements for the level of preparation of graduates of educational organizations for the 2018 unified state exam in English.

Demo version of the exam 2018 in English

Task variant + answers written part option+answer
Oral part - demo version Option+criteria
Codifier download
Specification download
listening audio

Changes in KIM 201 There are no 8 years in English compared to 2017. The criteria for assessing the performance of tasks 39 and 40 of the "Writing" section in the written part of the exam have been clarified.

Minimum score USE 2017 in English - 22

The maximum initial score for a job is 100.

Written part of KIM USE in English

The work consists of four sections: "Listening", "Reading", "Grammar and Vocabulary", "Writing".

Section 1 (“Listening”) contains 9 tasks. The recommended time to complete the tasks in section 1 is 30 minutes.

Section 3 ("Grammar and Vocabulary") contains 20 tasks. The recommended time to complete the tasks in Section 3 is 40 minutes.

Section 4 (“Writing”) consists of 2 tasks. The recommended time to complete the tasks in this section of the work is 80 minutes.

Oral part of KIM USE in English includes 4 tasks.

Task 1 - reading aloud a short text of a popular science nature. Preparation time - 1.5 minutes.

In task 3, you are asked to choose one of three photographs and describe it based on the plan. Preparation time - 1.5 minutes.

In task 4, the task is to compare two photographs based on the proposed plan. Preparation time - 1.5 minutes. The total response time for one examinee (including preparation time) is 15 minutes. Each subsequent task is issued after the completion of the previous task. All responses are audio and video recorded.

English has been and remains the most popular of the foreign languages ​​studied at school. Exams in this subject have become more difficult since oral assignments were introduced a few years ago. Will there be any changes in the content of tickets and the procedure for conducting the exam in English in 2018? What can I do to effectively prepare for the tests? How will this help in future studies and work?

About the importance of the subject

Few people need to explain today how important knowledge of English is in the modern world. This is the language of computer terms, the language of many business documents, just a convenient tool for international communication.

By 2020-2022, it is planned to be included in the list of disciplines for which an exam is mandatory. While it remains among the items of choice, one of the most popular in this category.

Those, those who pass this subject with high results in 2018 can apply for admission to universities in very prestigious, popular specialties. And this is not only specialized foreign languages, diplomacy or computer technology. Good knowledge of English is quoted in educational institutions for training in such areas as:

  • regional studies;
  • management;
  • journalism;
  • hotel business;
  • philology;
  • international relationships;
  • world economy;
  • sociology and a number of others.

Even at technical universities, sometimes an applicant is given a choice: to count points in physics or English.

In addition to proper knowledge of the subject, graduates will also need to possess technical means with which audio recordings will be played on the oral part of the exam. Of course, members of the commission will help if there are difficulties, but this will take time and add unnecessary nervousness. At the exams in the classrooms there will be computers equipped with a headset, the necessary software, microphones.

USE dates in English in 2018

This exam is available ahead of schedule to graduates of previous years and to some categories of current 11th graders who, for objective reasons, will not be able to come on the dates of the main tests.

Most high school students will come to the main exam. It will take place June 11 (in writing), and two days were allotted for the oral format: June 14 and 16. In reserve for the written exam June 26, according to oral - 27 . There's still a day June 29: common reserve for all items.

Finally, in September there will still be an opportunity to take the exam for those graduates who planned to do it together with everyone else, but some good reasons prevented them (illness, etc.).

What will be in the USE tickets in English in 2018?

Since 2016, tasks have appeared in KIMs not only for the written answer, but also for the oral part of the exam. The written and oral parts are rented separately, on different days.

Examiners need to test the level of knowledge of phonetics and grammar, the ability to speak English fluently, and not just read and translate. Even you need to be able to listen: listening to a foreign language is not as easy as it seems.

On the written exam, which lasts 180 minutes, there are 40 tasks to overcome. Such as:

  • listening, that is, listening to a prepared text (a maximum of 20 primary points is given for it);
  • reading (plus 20 points);
  • for knowledge of vocabulary and grammar of the language, examiners have the right to add up to 20 points;
  • finally, for fluency in writing, there is a chance to get the remaining 20 points.

Only 15 minutes are allotted for the oral exam, during which 4 tasks are completed. This is a description of the pictures and answers to questions. The maximum for this "semi-exam" is 20 points.

Together with the written test, there are 44 tasks of different difficulty levels and 100 maximum possible points.

What's in the oral part of the test?

The oral "portion" of tasks is otherwise called speaking, although not all of them consist of a conversation. It is important to understand spoken language, conduct dialogue and demonstrate your oratory skills in a foreign language.

Testing takes place either in special language laboratories or in computer classes, where the equipment is equipped with a special headset. In 15 minutes you need to cope with several tasks.

First, each graduate will be offered a short text. You can quickly (in one and a half minutes) run through it with your eyes, and then read it aloud.

Then, according to the fragment of the text, it will be necessary to formulate five questions. Again there will be 1.5 minutes to read the passage, and then you will have to quickly voice all 5 questions, each is given only 20 seconds.

The next item of the "program" is a description of the photo. One of the five offered is selected, the examinee studies it (in the same one and a half minutes), and then sets out what he sees in two minutes. To help students in KIMs, a presentation plan will be given.

The last thing to do is to compare the two shots. Find similarities and differences in 1.5 minutes and briefly, in 2 minutes, tell the commission about them.

Features of the written part of KIMs

In the written, as well as in the oral part of KIMs, in 2018, no new topics or tasks are foreseen. 40 tasks of this section of the exam are divided into 4 groups:

  1. Questions 1 to 9 are about listening.
  2. Students demonstrate the ability to read correctly and with correct intonation, clearly thanks to questions 10-18.
  3. The next ten tasks (19-38) are the letter itself.
  4. Knowledge in the field of vocabulary and grammar is checked by the examination committee on questions 39-40.

All together 3 hours.

Tests in the form that they used to have are no longer available. Although there are a number of questions in the tickets, the answer to which should be extremely brief: a word, a letter or a number.

Other tasks (they are placed in the final part of the KIMs) require more detailed answers. There are also questions of increased complexity, they are based on the full understanding of the text by the student. The most difficult task is task number 40 (in the “Letter” block): it involves writing an essay, short, but not descriptive, but with analysis and reflections.

Translation of USE scores in English in 2018

As already mentioned above, the highest score for both parts of the exam will be 100 points. When converted to common estimates, the result will look like this:

  • With a set of up to 21 points, the exam is considered failed - this is " deuce».
  • From 22 to 58 points in terms of a five-point system are equivalent to " troika».
  • Those who scored from 59 to 83 points receive " four».
  • The exam is considered passed on top five", if the graduate scored a total of 84 points or more.

Those who step over the threshold of poor progress, having earned 22 points, will be issued a certificate. But for higher education, this result is not enough. How much exactly you need to get to the desired specialty in the chosen institution for sure, you need to find out in advance on the websites of these universities.

The experience of previous years suggests that even 45 points give only a ghostly chance to enter the number of students of "average" universities, and then, most likely, on a paid basis. And those who want to study in the capital, and even on a budgetary basis, need to collect at least 85 points for the Unified State Examination in English in their “piggy bank”.

Preparation for the exam in English in 2018

Quite a lot of high school students are engaged in circles, schools, studios of the English language. When professionals work there, the level of training is usually quite high. Schools have extracurricular activities.

Other students choose self-study or tutoring. They have at their disposal demo versions of the USE in English in 2018, as well as options for tasks from previous years with ready-made correct answers. In order to consolidate knowledge for the successful passing of the written section of the exam, this can be a very good help. In any case, the language requires systematic studies, one-time actions will not help here.

It is very important to listen to competent oral speech: audiobooks, recordings of lessons, songs, poems in English. You can also turn to classical or children's English literature, to films. In such a living form, the language is perceived more emotionally, in addition, situational memory and associations work, which helps memorization.

But it is not enough to recognize speech by ear; for many, the correct pronunciation becomes a stumbling block. Therefore, it is extremely useful to study in pairs or in a small group. We rarely notice our flaws in speech, but a look and auditory control from the outside will be very useful. If someone in the family speaks the language, you can take it as a practice for at least a month before the exam to speak with them in English about the simplest everyday things. This is an excellent training, besides, fear disappears, you become more free in communication, which is extremely important for the psychological mood.

Demo version of the Unified State Examination 2018 in English, etc. from FIPI, approved

Explanations to the demo version of the control measuring materials of the unified state exam of 2018 in ENGLISH

When familiarizing yourself with the demonstration version of the USE 2018 control measuring materials, it should be borne in mind that the tasks included in it do not reflect all the content issues that will be checked using the KIM options in 2018.

A complete list of questions that can be controlled at the 2018 unified state exam is given in the codifier of content elements and requirements for the level of preparation of graduates of educational organizations for the 2018 unified state exam in English.

Changes in the USE 2018 in foreign languages:

There are no changes in structure or content. The criteria for assessing the performance of tasks 39 and 40 have been specified.

The work consists of four sections: listening, reading, grammar and vocabulary, writing.

Section 1 (“Listening”) contains 9 tasks. The recommended time to complete the tasks in section 1 is 30 minutes.

Section 2 ("Reading") contains 9 tasks. The recommended time to complete the tasks in section 2 is 30 minutes.

Unit 3 ("Grammar and Vocabulary") contains 20 tasks. The recommended time to complete the tasks in Section 3 is 40 minutes.

Section 4 ("Letter") consists of 2 tasks. The recommended time to complete the tasks in this section of the work is 80 minutes.

The purpose of the demo is to enable any USE participant and the general public to get an idea of ​​the structure of future KIM, the number of tasks, their form and level of complexity. The given criteria for evaluating the performance of tasks with a detailed answer, included in this option, give an idea of ​​the requirements for the completeness and correctness of writing a detailed answer.
This information will allow graduates to develop a strategy for preparing for the exam.

The examination paper in English consists of four sections (listening, reading, grammar and vocabulary, writing), including 40 tasks.

The examination time is 3 hours (180 minutes).

Answers to tasks 3-9, 12-18 and 32-38 are written as one digit, which corresponds to the number of the correct answer. Write this number on the answer sheet number 1.

Section 4 (“Writing”) consists of 2 tasks (39 and 40) and is a short written work (writing a personal letter and a written statement with elements of reasoning). In the answer sheet No. 2, indicate the number of the task and write down the answer to it.

We wish you success!

control measuring materials
to be held in 2018
unified state exam

1. Appointment of the examination paper

Control measuring materials allow to establish the level of development by graduates of the Federal component of the state educational standard of basic general and secondary (complete) general education.

The results of the unified state exam in a foreign language are recognized by educational institutions that implement educational programs of secondary (complete) general education as the results of state (final) certification, and by educational institutions of secondary vocational education and educational institutions of higher professional education - as the results of entrance examinations in a foreign language. language.

2. Documents defining the content of the examination paper

1. Federal component of state standards for basic general and secondary (complete) general education, basic and profile level (order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 05.03.2004 No. 1089).

2. Exemplary programs in foreign languages ​​// New state standards for a foreign language. Grades 2-11 / Education in documents and comments. M.: AST: Astrel, 2004.

3. Programs of educational institutions. English for grades 10-11 of schools with in-depth study of foreign languages. M.: Education, 2003.

4. Programs for educational institutions. German language for comprehensive schools with in-depth study of the German language. M.: Education: MART, 2004.

5. Programs of educational institutions. French for grades 1-11 of schools with in-depth study of foreign languages. M.: Education, 2001.

6. Programs of educational institutions. Spanish for grades 5-11 of schools with in-depth study of foreign languages. M.: Education, 2005.

When developing CIM, the following are also taken into account:

7. Common European Framework of Reference for a Foreign Language: Learning, Teaching, Assessment. MSLU, 2003.

3. Approaches to the selection of content, the development of the structure of the KIM USE

The purpose of the unified state exam in a foreign language is to determine the level of foreign language communicative competence of the examinee. The main attention is paid to speech competence, i.e. communication skills in different types of speech activity: listening, reading, writing, as well as language competence, i.e. language knowledge and skills. Sociocultural knowledge and skills are tested indirectly in the sections "Listening", "Reading" and are one of the objects of measurement in the section "Writing"; compensatory skills are checked indirectly in the "Writing" section.

Consequently, KIM USE in foreign languages ​​contains the sections "Listening", "Reading", "Grammar and Vocabulary" and "Writing". At the same time, it should be borne in mind that, although the sections “Listening”, “Reading” and “Writing” have skills in the corresponding types of speech activity as objects of control, these skills are provided with the necessary level of development of the language competence of the examinees. Successful fulfillment of tasks for the control of receptive types of speech activity is ensured by knowledge of lexical units, morphological forms and syntactic constructions and skills of their recognition/recognition. The tasks of the "Writing" section require from the examinee, in addition to this knowledge, the skills of operating with lexical units and grammatical structures in a communicatively meaningful context. Spelling skills are the object of control in tasks B4-B16 of the "Grammar and Vocabulary" section, as well as tasks C1, C2 of the "Writing" section.

4. The structure of KIM USE

The examination paper contains the sections "Listening", "Reading", "Grammar and Vocabulary" and "Writing".

In order to differentiate the examinees by the levels of foreign language proficiency within the limits formulated in the Federal component of the state standard for general education in foreign languages, in all sections, along with the tasks of the basic level, tasks of higher levels of complexity are included.

The level of difficulty of tasks is determined by the levels of complexity of the language material and the skills being tested, as well as the type of task.
The work on a foreign language includes 28 tasks with a choice of answers from three or four proposed, 16 tasks of an open type with a short answer, including tasks for establishing correspondence, and 2 tasks of an open type with a detailed answer.

Basic, advanced and high levels of difficulty of the USE tasks correlate with the levels of foreign language proficiency defined in the documents of the Council of Europe 1 as follows:

  • Basic level - A2+ 2
  • Advanced level - B1
  • High level - B2

1 Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment. MSLU, 2003.

2 Since the entire possible range of levels of foreign language proficiency is represented in the document of the Council of Europe by only six levels, it is obvious that certain sublevels can be distinguished within each of them. The designation of the basic level of the Unified State Examination as A2+ means that from the description of the level A2 for preparing tasks of the basic level, developers are guided by descriptors that are closer to level B1, and not to level A1.

Many graduates who plan to take the USE in 2018 in English have a huge number of questions related to scores, tasks, and time to complete them.

The USE in English will be a final school exam, the writing of which is available to everyone. It is the USE indicators that will act as a state exam when entering a university. At the moment, it is not necessary to pass it, but if after graduation you want to enter a specialized university, then you will have to pass it.

In terms of its structure, the USE in English is very similar to the international FCE exam, which is held in most European countries, to determine the level of formation of the knowledge base in the subject. For this passage, you must get the mark Upper-Intermediate (above average), which is not an easy task.

It is recommended to start preparing for the exam from the beginning of the 10th grade. Only in this way, gradually repeating all the material covered, the student will be able to acquire the knowledge in which there was a gap, and fully prepare for the exam in English in 2018. Of course, this process may take less time, but only if the student has a high level of knowledge, and is constantly trying to achieve perfection.

The exam consists of two parts: oral and written, which are held on different days. First, 2017-2018 graduates take a written block, which includes listening, reading, writing, speaking, as well as checking grammar and vocabulary. In total, you need to do 40 tasks, in 3 hours. 80 is the maximum score you can get.

The second block - oral - is given at the request of the student, and is aimed at improving the already finished result. It takes only 15 minutes to complete it, during which you need to solve 4 additional tasks. Thus, you can improve your English score by 20 points.

Any teacher will insist on attending both parts of the exam, because even if the second part fails, the student will not worsen his result for the written block, but he will have a chance to improve it.

There will be no changes in the exam in English in 2018 so there is no reason to worry.

2018 Exam Demo

The demo version of the USE in English 2018, which includes changes and additions that are relevant this year, will help you analyze the structure of the exam and the requirements.

Download: Mb).
Inside the archive is a demo version of the written and oral parts, an mp3 audition file, a codifier and a specification.

How is the exam

The USE in English has a very specific structure, KIM makes it possible to quickly check the level of knowledge and skills in the main parameters. Exam structure:

  1. Listening includes 3 audio fragments, which are connected into one tape. By turning it on, the teacher does not have the right to pause or stop. There is a short pause between the fragments, during which the students must write the correct answers on the form.
  2. Reading. Half an hour is allotted for this section, and 9 tasks. Among the main ones is to read small texts, and combine them with suitable names, of which there will be 1 more.
    Tip: most often it is in the first sentence that the main meaning of the test text is displayed, and then only clarifying details and little things that are not useful are given. As for the questions on the meaning of the text read, they go in the same order as the chronology of the story. This can also be tracked in the FIPI tasks, which are freely available on the Internet.
  3. Vocabulary and grammar are designed to assess the number of learned words, and the ability to make the right constructions from them, using the right tense and preposition.
    Among the main tasks may be: enter the desired word, or present it at a certain time, adding an ending, or raising it to the desired form.
  4. The written part consists of two tasks, for which 80 minutes are provided. In the first, a letter is given from a friend with a series of questions to which the student must write an answer.
    The second task is writing an essay in English. A controversial judgment is given as a topic, and the student must express an opinion on this matter and explain his point of view. Only the full disclosure of his thoughts and feelings may give the highest score. We advise you not to deviate from the stated size of the presentation of 200-250 characters. The demo version will help to practice writing, with the help of which the preparation will be excellent. You can also download a collection of essays, in which you will find many examples of correctly written works.
  5. Oral speech. The check takes place in front of the computer screen, using a headset. The monitor shows the countdown, in general, 15 minutes are given for 4 tasks.
    Having completed all the blocks, the student can get a maximum score when passing the unified state exam. For each individual task, the student in the class receives certain points, which are then summed up.

The minimum passing score this year is 22, and the maximum is 100. After receiving the result, according to certain new criteria, it is transferred to the standard five-point system, which is more familiar:

  • A score of 0-21 corresponds to a score of 2, and means that the test in the subject has failed.
  • 22-58 points is a score of 3.
  • 59-83 points means a good result, and a score of 4.
  • Scored 84-100 points means that you passed the exam perfectly, grade 5.

Usually, the results can be known within 14 days after the delivery, when both blocks are handed over. But, in some cases, estimates can be found out after 12 days. To do this, you need to visit the official website and find your last name. The mandatory issuance of paper certificates has been abolished, and now they can be viewed exclusively on the Internet.

the date of the

At the moment, it is a little early to talk about the date of the exam, there is only preliminary information, which may still be changed. The final decision will be announced in early 2018, but the latest information is:

  • At the end of March (tentatively on the 22nd) an early examination will be held. This version is open to graduates of previous years, night school students, future military personnel, foreigners, or those who leave the country. It is important to have a demonstration document confirming one of the above facts.
  • The main period will start from May 28. All interested students can take part in it.
  • The additional period is designated from 4 September.

How to prepare for the exam

The very essence and structure of the Unified State Examination has not been touched by changes, which means that the preparation for it remains as thorough and difficult as in previous years. In order to achieve the best option, you must initially correctly allocate your time in order to have time to repeat all the material before the decisive day. At the same time, it is not necessary to combine different types of activities, and not to part with only one. For example, you need to devote time to reading and speaking, and not just practice writing test tasks.

The FIPI website will be an excellent assistant in preparing for the exam. The site has an extensive bank of tasks of varying complexity. The FIPI task bank allows you to significantly improve your skills by simply completing number by number. Constantly training on such a simulator and studying the tasks of 2018, you will certainly achieve high results.

In addition, try to surround yourself with English-language sources of information as much as possible: watch films in a foreign language, read books, listen to the lyrics of your favorite songs.

English is the most popular of the languages. Today, without knowledge of a foreign language, it is difficult to achieve career heights in almost any profession, so a significant number of liberal arts universities require theirs to present an appropriate certificate. The English exam is chosen by students who plan to dedicate their lives to linguistics, teaching, technical and literary translation, diplomacy and international relations.

In recent years, examinations in foreign languages ​​have become increasingly difficult for graduates - now they are required not only to know the basic rules and language norms, but also to have significant speaking skills, because the oral part has been added to the exam. To successfully pass the exam, you will need months of hard and systematic independent work, and maybe even the help of a tutor. Another important point is awareness of possible innovations. Let's see how this exam will take place in 2018!

Demo version of the USE-2018

USE dates in English

The approved schedule of the all-Russian examination will be published in January 2018. But today you can find out the approximate periods for the exam, indicated by Rosobrnadzor:

  • from the second half of March to mid-April 2018, an early examination will be held. The starting date is March 22. Please note that not all students can take the exam early. These graduates include those who graduated from school earlier than the 2017/2018 academic year, underachieving students of previous years without a certificate, as well as students of evening schools. Those who decided not to enter a university, but to go to, applicants to foreign universities, children leaving to live abroad, or those who came to study in Russia from abroad, can also take the test ahead of schedule. An exception is also made for children leaving for sports, cultural or scientific competitions and competitions, as well as for schoolchildren who are scheduled for medical or rehabilitation procedures during the main test;
  • from the last days of May to the beginning of June 2018, the main period of the exam is scheduled. Most likely, the first exams will begin on May 28, 2018;
  • the start of the additional USE period is announced for September 4, 2018. Additional examinations will take place during the first half of September.

How did the graduates of previous years pass English?

The popularity of the English language among future students of Russian universities is also confirmed by official statistics - about 9% of all graduates (and this is about 64.5 thousand schoolchildren in 2017) choose the USE for themselves in this foreign language. In 2017, the proportion of graduates who failed to score even the required minimum of 22 points significantly decreased.

The percentage of such underachieving eleventh-graders in recent years has fluctuated between 1.8-3.3%, which looks very optimistic in comparison with other exams. The average score that Russian schoolchildren demonstrate when passing English is 64.8-65.1 points, which is approximately equal to the “four” mark. This is significantly higher than the results of other exams show.

According to statistics, English is one of the easiest exams

Innovations in the Unified State Examination in English

Specialists from FIPI did not make any significant changes to the 2018 materials. The only innovation is that in KIMs in English, criteria-based approaches to assessing tasks under numbers 39-40 were clarified.

Contents of the ticket in English

The main purpose of the all-Russian examination in English is to check the level of mastery of a foreign language. The primary goal of the commission is to determine how freely the student feels in various types of language activities, which include listening, reading, writing and speaking. High school students will have to show their skills in mastering lexical units, morphological forms and syntactic constructions. The exam ticket itself is divided into two parts:

  • written - within 180 minutes, students have to solve 40 tasks. In this part of the exam, you need to pass listening (estimated at 20 primary points, which is 20% of all points for the exam), demonstrate reading skills (another 20 primary points), convince the commission of knowledge of grammar and vocabulary (20 primary points), and also show your level of proficiency in writing (20 primary points);
  • oral - within 15 minutes, students have to solve 4 more tasks. They will have to answer questions and describe pictures. This part gives another 20 primary points (or 20% of all points for the exam).

In total, graduates will have to cope with 44 tasks of basic, advanced and high difficulty levels, which in total give 100 points.

Written part of KIMs

Structurally, KIMs in English are represented by several main sections:

  • Listening, aimed at identifying how well the student understands the text being listened to. This task is given 30 minutes of examination time, during which the student must cope with the following tasks:
    • 1 - identifying the correspondence between statements and statements made in the recording. Students are invited to evaluate 6 statements, comparing them with 7 proposed statements-answers, one of which is incorrect. The student is given 20 seconds to read the statements-answers, then the audio recording will be scrolled 2 times. After that, the student must mark the correct answers on the examination form;
    • 2 - assessment of the correctness of judgments, which must be made after listening to the audio recording in a dialogue form. The student is required to put down only the words "true", "false" or "not stated";
    • from 3 to 9 - an audio task in the form of a short interview, after listening to which the student will need to choose the correct answer from the options presented on the form. Most often, the task is presented in the form of a question that needs to be answered, or an unfinished sentence that needs to be completed with the right words.
  • Reading aimed at checking the understanding of structural and semantic relationships in the proposed text. The student will receive 30 minutes for which he must complete the following tasks:
    • 10 - familiarization with seven short texts and identifying the correspondence of the information provided with 8 headings, among which one option will be incorrect;
    • 11 - work with text in which there are missing parts. There will be 6 such gaps in total. They must be filled in by choosing words from the seven proposed options;
    • from 12 to 18 - acquaintance with a literary or journalistic fragment, to which interrogative sentences and statements with missing words are attached. They will need to choose the correct answer or complete the phrase.
  • Grammar and vocabulary - this part of the exam will check how well the student operates with these language skills. This part of the ticket is considered the most difficult, because it is here that students lose the most points. To work with this part of the ticket, 40 minutes will be allotted, during which you will have to solve the following tasks:
    • from 19 to 25 - familiarization with several fragments of the text in which words or phrases will be omitted. Gaps will need to be filled in based on responses that must first be converted;
    • from 26 to 31 - exercises that test the skill of word formation. The student is asked to read the text with the missing pieces in order to determine which parts of speech are missing in it. To write down the correct answer, the missing word will need to be transformed (for example, to make an adjective from a noun);
    • from 32 to 38 - vocabulary exercises that involve working with text fragments in which words are missing. The correct answers are offered in the KIM form, so you only have to make the right choice.
  • Writing - This part of the ticket will test your ability to create different types of written texts. You have 80 minutes to complete the tasks, during which you need to complete the following exercises:
    • 39 - the student will need to write a letter of a personal nature, keeping within 100-140 words (it is proposed to complete the task in 20 minutes);
    • 40 - writing an essay (200-250 words). Focus on the plan and topic proposed in the KIMs. In this task, you will need to write a short introduction on the problem, state your opinion on this issue, support it with arguments and draw a conclusion. You should take approximately 60 minutes to complete this task.

This exam will require not only knowledge of the rules, but also language skills

Oral part of the exam

In this part of the exam, the commission will evaluate the student's speech skills. A separate day will be allocated for this test. Each student will have 15 minutes to complete the following types of tasks:

  1. Reading a short text aloud. Within 1.5 minutes, the student has the opportunity to read the text to himself, and then voice it out loud;
  2. Formulation of five questions on a piece of text. Most often this is an advertisement. The student will have 1.5 minutes to read the text and then another 20 seconds to answer each question;
  3. Description of the photo. Students are given a choice of five photos, among which they need to take one and describe it according to the plan proposed in KIMs. 1.5 minutes will be allotted for preparation, and then within 2 minutes you will need to state in your own words what you see in the picture;
  4. Comparison of two photos. The student will have to identify the similarities and differences between the two pictures in 1.5 minutes, and then tell them to the commission in 2 minutes.

Examination procedure

The examination is regulated by strict rules. Firstly, during the exam it will not be possible to use smartphones, video and audio equipment, smart watches and reference materials. Secondly, you should not peep into someone else's answer sheet, talk to other exam participants or leave the audience without an observer - this will be the reason for the cancellation of your work. Remember that in 2018 all 100% of the classrooms dedicated to exams will be equipped with online monitoring systems.

Each class dedicated to the written part of the examination will be equipped with technical facilities for playing audio recordings during the audition. Classes for the oral part of the exam will be equipped with computers with a headset, microphones and appropriate software for fixing answers.

How are exam scores translated into graduation marks?

Points for work affect the certificate and are easily translated into the usual school system:

  • 0-21 points corresponds to the level of "two";
  • 22-58 points show satisfactory preparation and are equal to the "troika";
  • 59-83 points allow you to get a "four";
  • 84 points and above tell us that the student knows the subject perfectly.

The minimum score that you need to score in order to obtain a certificate is 22. However, it is worth remembering that in order to enter an “average” university, you need to score at least 45 points, and in this case we are not talking about budget places. Educational institutions of the capital usually accept schoolchildren who managed to score in English from 86 points and above.

Preparation for the exam in English

To pass the English language, you will have to spend a lot of time preparing. Try to correctly distribute the time left before the exam in order to repeat the school course and work out demo versions of KIMs. Their solution will help you understand the structure of the exam - you must admit, if you see a ticket for the exam for the first time, you will probably get nervous. And this, in turn, will lead to a lot of small annoying mistakes. Official KIMS can be downloaded on our website by simply using the link at the beginning of the article.

When preparing for the exam, not only textbooks, but also audiobooks will help you!

Do not forget about preparing for listening, because not every teacher at school takes enough time in the classroom to teach students to perceive foreign speech by ear. Audiobooks, songs of your favorite artists, films or TV series in English dubbing will come to your aid. Watch at least a couple of episodes of a series or movie that interests you a day, and listen to a book on the way to school. After a few months of such preparation, you will be able to distinguish words and learn to understand the meaning of the text by ear.

A frequent problem is also the inability to speak - if in vocabulary, grammar and writing, most of the guys who have chosen a foreign language as their USE show good results, then the oral part causes certain difficulties. You can practice this skill in a fairly simple way - constantly playing small dialogues in your head with everyday situations, or describing objects, people and buildings that you see while going to school or shopping at the supermarket.

Essay writing also requires separate preparation. Sharpen your mini-essay writing skills by using tickets from previous years. Each new essay will help you better formulate thoughts and present arguments in favor of your point of view. When writing an essay, it is worth remembering these tips:

  • do not choose the first topic that comes across - better think about which one will be closer to you and will not require significant effort for argumentation. Part of the points in this task is given precisely for understanding the subject of discussion. If a member of the commission notices that you do not understand what you are writing about, zero will be given for the task;