
Previous. Speaking surnames in the works of A.N. Ostrovsky What does the boar surname say?

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Revealing the meaning of names and surnames in the plays of A.N. Ostrovsky helps to comprehend both the plot and the main images. Although surnames and first names cannot be called “speaking” in this case, since this is a feature of the plays of classicism, they are speaking in a broad - symbolic - sense of the word.

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Wild in the northern Russian regions meant "stupid, crazy, crazy, insane, crazy", and wild - "to fool, bliss, go crazy." Initially, Ostrovsky intended to give the hero a patronymic Petrovich (from Peter - "stone"), but there was no strength, firmness in this character, and the playwright gave the Wild patronymic Prokofievich (from Prokofiy - "successful"). This was more suitable for a greedy, ignorant, cruel and rude person who at the same time was one of the richest and most powerful merchants in the city. Actor M. Zharov

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Martha is a "mentor", Ignatius is "an unknown person who has set himself up." The heroine's nickname could be formed from two words that are equally deeply consistent with the essence of her character, either - a wild ferocious pig, or a wild boar - a block of ice. The cruelty, ferocity and coldness, indifference of this heroine are obvious. Kabanova is a wealthy widow, this characteristic contains both social and psychological meaning. Actress V. Pashennaya

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Wild, headstrong characters, except for the Wild one, are represented in the play by Barbara (she is a pagan, “barbarian”, not a Christian and behaves accordingly). Her name means “rough” when translated from Greek. This heroine is really quite simple spiritually, rude. She knows how to lie when needed. Its principle is “do what you want, if only it is sewn and covered”. Varvara is kind in her own way, loves Katerina, she helps her, as it seems to her, to find love, arranges a date, but does not think about the consequences of all this. This heroine is in many ways opposed to Katerina - according to the principle of contrast, the scenes of the meeting between Kudryash and Varvara, on the one hand, and Katerina and Boris, on the other, are constructed. Actress O. Khorkaova

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"Self-taught mechanic", as the hero presents himself. Kuligin, in addition to the well-known associations with Kulibin, also evokes the impression of something small, defenseless: in this terrible swamp he is a sandpiper - a bird and nothing else. He praises Kalinov as a sandpiper praises its swamp. P.I. Melnikov-Pechersky wrote in his review of The Thunderstorm: "... Mr. Ostrovsky very skillfully gave this man the famous name of Kulibin, who in the last century and at the beginning of this one brilliantly proved what an unlearned Russian man can do by the power of his genius and unbending will." Artist S. Markushev

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Larisa Dmitrievna - “girl; dressed richly but modestly. " Larissa translated from Greek means "white gull". Actress L. Guzeeva

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Larissa in "Dowry" is not surrounded by "animals". But Mokiy is a “blasphemous”, Vasily is a “tsar”, Julius is, of course, Julius Caesar, and even Kapitonich, that is, he lives with his head (kaput means the head), and maybe striving to be in charge.

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Mokiy Parmenych Knurov - the name of this hero sounds common, heavy, "inelegant" (unlike Sergei Sergeevich Paratov), \u200b\u200band the surname Knurov comes, according to Dahl's dictionary, from the word knur - "hog, boar, boar." Actor A. Petrenko

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Vasily Danilych Vozhevatov - the name and patronymic of this merchant are quite common, and the surname comes from the word leader - "cheeky, shameless person." Actor A. Pankratov-Cherny

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Julius Kapitonich Karandyshev - the combination of the name and patronymic of the hero - the name of the Roman emperor and the common patronymic - sounds unusual, grotesque. With such an unusual combination, the author immediately emphasizes the complexity and inconsistency of the hero. The surname Karandyshev can be interpreted by looking into Dahl's dictionary. Pencil means "short, undersized." Actor A. Myagkov

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And finally, Kharita - the mother of three daughters - is associated with the Kharitas, the goddesses of youth and beauty, of whom there were three, but she also destroys them (remember the terrible fate of the other two sisters - one married a sharpie, the other was stabbed by a Caucasian husband). Kharita Ignatievna Ogudalova - "a middle-aged widow, dressed elegantly, but boldly and beyond her years." Harita is a name meaning "charming woman" (harites are the goddess of grace); In the 19th century, Ignat was the name of a gypsy in general, as, for example, Vanka, a cabman, as Fritz, a German during the Patriotic War, etc. Thus, the gypsy theme, so important in this play, begins literally with a poster. Actress L. Freundlich

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Revealing the meaning of names and surnames in the plays of A.N. Ostrovsky helps to comprehend both the plot and the main images. Although surnames and first names cannot be called “speaking” in this case, since this is a feature of the plays of classicism, they are speaking in a broad - symbolic - sense of the word.

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    Wild in the northern Russian regions meant "stupid, crazy, crazy, insane, crazy", and wild - "to fool, bliss, go crazy. Initially, Ostrovsky intended to give the hero a patronymic Petrovich (from Peter - "stone"), but there was no strength, firmness in this character, and the playwright gave the Wild patronymic Prokofievich (from Prokofiy - "successful"). This was more suitable for a greedy, ignorant, cruel and rude person who at the same time was one of the richest and most powerful merchants in the city. Actor M. Zharov

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    Marfa Igatievna Kabanova (Kabanikha)

    Martha is a "mentor", Ignatius is "an unknown person who set himself up." The heroine's nickname could be formed from two words that are equally deeply consistent with the essence of her character, either - a wild ferocious pig, or a wild boar - a block of ice. The cruelty, ferocity and coldness, indifference of this heroine are obvious. Kabanova is a wealthy widow, this characteristic contains both social and psychological meaning. Actress V. Pashennaya

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    So Katerina is rushing about in this dark forest among animal-like creatures. She chose Boris almost unconsciously, the only difference between him and Tikhon is that the name (Boris is Bulgarian for “fighter”). The female names in Ostrovsky's plays are very bizarre, but the name of the main character almost always extremely accurately characterizes her role in the plot and fate. Larissa is Greek for "seagull", Katerina is "pure". Larisa is a victim of Paratov's pirate trade deals: he sells "birds" - "Swallow" (a steamer) and then Larisa - a seagull. Katerina is a victim of her purity, her religiosity, she could not stand the split in her soul, because she loved - not her husband, and severely punished herself for this. It is interesting that Kharita and Martha (in "Dowry" and in "Thunderstorm") are both Ignatievna, that is, "ignorant" or, in a scientific way, "ignoring". They stand, as it were, aloof from the tragedy of Larisa and Katerina, although both are certainly to blame (not directly, but indirectly) for the death of their daughter and daughter-in-law.

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    Actor B. Afanasyev Actor V. Doronin Actress R. Nifontova

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    Wild, headstrong characters, except for the Wild one, are represented in the play by Barbara (she is a pagan, “barbarian”, not a Christian and behaves accordingly). Her name means “rough” when translated from Greek. This heroine is really quite simple spiritually, rude. She knows how to lie when needed. Its principle is “do what you want, if only it is sewn and covered”. Barbara is kind in her own way, loves Katerina, she helps her, as it seems to her, to find love, arranges a date, but does not think about the consequences of all this. This heroine is in many ways opposed to Katerina - according to the principle of contrast, the scenes of the meeting between Kudryash and Varvara, on the one hand, and Katerina and Boris, on the other, are constructed. Actress O. Khorkaova

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    "Self-taught mechanic", as the hero presents himself. Kuligin, in addition to the well-known associations with Kulibin, also evokes the impression of something small, defenseless: in this terrible swamp he is a sandpiper - a bird and nothing else. He praises Kalinov as a sandpiper praises its swamp. PI Melnikov-Pechersky wrote in his review of The Thunderstorm: “... Mr. Ostrovsky very skillfully gave this man the famous name of Kulibin, who in the past century and at the beginning of the present brilliantly proved what an unlearned Russian man can do by the power of his genius and will ". Artist S. Markushev

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    Larisa Dmitrievna

    Larisa Dmitrievna - “girl; dressed richly, but modestly. " Larissa translated from Greek means "white gull". Actress L. Guzeeva

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    Larissa in “Dowry” is not surrounded by “animals.” But Mokiy is “blasphemous”, Vasily is “tsar”, Julius is, of course, Julius Caesar, and even Kapitonich, that is, he lives with his head (kaput is the head), be striving to be in charge.

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    Mokiy Parmenych Knurov - the name of this hero sounds common, heavy, "inelegant" (unlike Sergei Sergeevich Paratov), \u200b\u200band the surname Knurov comes, according to Dahl's dictionary, from the word knur - "hog, boar, boar." Actor A. Petrenko

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    Vasily Danilych Vozhevatov

    Vasily Danilych Vozhevatov - the name and patronymic of this merchant are quite common, and the surname comes from the word leader - "cheeky, shameless person." Actor A. Pankratov-Cherny

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    Julius Kapitonich Karandyshev

    Julius Kapitonich Karandyshev - the combination of the name and patronymic of the hero - the name of the Roman emperor and the common patronymic - sounds unusual, grotesque. With such an unusual combination, the author immediately emphasizes the complexity and inconsistency of the hero. The surname Karandyshev can be interpreted by looking in the Dahl dictionary. Pencil means "short, undersized." Actor A. Myagkov

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    Kharita Ignatievna Ogudalova

    And finally, Kharita - the mother of three daughters - is associated with the Kharitas, the goddesses of youth and beauty, of whom there were three, but she also destroys them (remember the terrible fate of the other two sisters - one married a sharpie, the other was stabbed by a Caucasian husband). Kharita Ignatievna Ogudalova - "a middle-aged widow, dressed elegantly, but boldly and beyond her years." Harita is a name meaning "charming woman" (haritas are the goddess of grace); In the 19th century, Ignat was the name of a gypsy in general, as, for example, Vanka, a cabman, as Fritz, a German during the Patriotic War, etc. Thus, the gypsy theme, so important in this play, begins literally with a poster. Actress L. Freundlich

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    Sergey Sergeevich Paratov

    Paratov is both a parade and a pirate. Also, of course, the obvious comparison of Paratov with the "paraty" beast, that is, powerful, predatory, strong and merciless. His predatory behavior in the play is best characterized by this name. Sergey Sergeevich Paratov - the sonorous combination of the name and patronymic of this hero is complemented by a meaningful surname. In the language of hunters, paraty means "strong, fast beast". Indeed, there is something predatory, cruel in the hero's appearance. Actor N. Mikhalkov

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    List of sources\u003dtags&id\u003d852&type\u003dpost\u003dlitertura&articlealias\u003dgroza \u003d s00046 & pg \u003d 2 1376.htm\u003dshow&code\u003d4102 http: //

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    In literature, authors often use speaking surnames in their works. The speaking surname allows us to characterize the most striking traits of the hero's character. Ostrovsky in his play "The Thunderstorm" also used speaking names and surnames. They helped to better characterize the heroes.

    Of course, the main negative character is Kabanikha. It is noteworthy that this heroine's name is Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova. However, it is the nickname "Boar" that suits her the most. Probably Ostrovsky wanted to emphasize the merchant's ignorant disposition, her dirty soul.

    Kabanikha was really a "dirty" person. She led a lifestyle that was in no way associated with virtue and adequacy. So, Kabanikha scolded, behaved inappropriately, imposed her opinion and tried in every possible way to ruin the lives of others, she did not even spare her own children.

    Another character with a speaking surname is Savel Prokofievich Dikoy. He was a wealthy merchant and godfather of Kabanikha. Savel Prokofievich's temper was really wild. The character of this man was like a barrel of gunpowder. Dikoy considered the poor as the lowest grade, was not afraid of anyone and rampaged as he wanted.

    I must say that Dikoy and Kabanikha matched each other perfectly. They were two completely identical people. They thought only of themselves and did not care that their actions or words might hurt the feelings of others. Dikoy and Kabanikha were only capable of evil. Their wild temper and blackness of soul repelled those around them, but these heroes did not even notice how much they hated. Even the most dear people.

    The son of Kabanikha is not called Tikhon for nothing. This name is derived from the adjective “quiet”. Indeed, Tikhon was a weak-willed mama's son who obeyed only his parent. It cannot be said that Tikhon liked Kabanikha's cool temper. No, he did not like the commanding tone with which she treated others. Tikhon did not like the mother's habit of interfering in family life either. But he simply could not resist such a rude and ill-mannered woman who skillfully manipulated his feelings.

    Tikhon's sister was called Barbara. This name is associated with the heroine of non-native fairy tales Barbara-beauty. Indeed, Varvara was a prominent girl. She also had cunning. Varvara understood that only with the help of this quality can one get along with a grumpy parent.

    It is noteworthy that the name Katerina is endowed with the meaning pure, "immaculate." Indeed, Katerina had a bright soul. It was a woman with a ruined destiny. She does not sound like a rude Kabanikha, a cunning Varvara and a weak-willed Tikhon. Katerina is ingenuous and sincere. She believes in love and for her sake says goodbye to life.

    Another bearer of the sonorous surname was the mechanic Kuligin. He was interested in science and wanted to create a perpetual motion machine. It is noteworthy that the surname Kuligin is consonant with the surname Kulibin. Ivan Petrovich Kulibin was a self-taught inventor and designed many wonders of technical thought.

    From the point of view of the phenomenon of speaking names we are considering, a lot of new, wonderful material can be found in the plays of this great playwright. Let us touch only on the most interesting aspects of the use of this literary device in the most famous plays of Ostrovsky.

    For example, in the play "The Thunderstorm" there are no random names and surnames. Quiet, a weak-willed drunkard and mama's son Tikhon Kabanov lives up to his name. The nickname of his "mother" - Kabanikha has long been rethought by readers as a name. It is not without reason that the creator of "The Thunderstorm" already in the playbill presents this heroine exactly like this: "Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova (Kabanikha), a rich merchant's wife, a widow." By the way, her old, almost ominous name, paired with Savel Prokofievich Dikim, quite definitely speaks about their characters, and about their way of life, and about morals. It is interesting that in translation from the Aramaic the name Martha is translated as "lady".

    Dikoy's surname also contains many interesting things. The fact is that the ending -th in the corresponding words is now read as -th (th). For example, Pushkin's "freedom sower of the desert" (in the current pronunciation - "desert") means "lonely." Thus, Dikoy is nothing more than a "wild man", simply a "savage".

    The names and surnames also have a symbolic meaning in the play "Dowry". Larissa - translated from Greek - seagull. The surname Knurov comes from the dialect word knur - boar, boar, boar. Paratov is etymologically connected with the adjective poraty - lively, strong, sturdy, diligent. Vozhevatov comes from the phrase "cheerleader people", which means cheeky, shameless. In the name, patronymic and surname of Larisa's mother, Kharita Ignatievna Ogudalova, everything is significant. Charitas (from the Greek charis - grace, charm, beauty) were called gypsies from the choir, and every gypsy in Moscow was called Ignaty. Hence the comparison of Larisa's house with a gypsy camp. The surname comes from the word ogudat - to deceive, to deceive, to cheat. Yuliy Kapitonovich Karandyshev already contains the image of this person in the grain by the contrast of the name and patronymic with the last name. Julius - the name of the noble Roman emperor Caesar, Kapiton - from the Latin capitos - head, Karandyshev - from the word pencil - undersized, short, a man with exorbitant and unfounded claims. This is how psychologically polyphonic human characters emerge from the very first pages of the play.

    Surprisingly interesting from the point of view of researching the semantics of speaking names is the play "Hot Heart", in which there is a whole constellation of the most curious surnames, names and patronymics of heroes. By the way, as V. Lakshin writes about this in his article “Poetic satire of Ostrovsky”: “Perhaps the brightest and most caustic figure of comedy in the political sense is Serapion Mardarich Gradoboev. Well, Ostrovsky invented the name for him! Serapion is easily altered into a "scorpion", as the rude Matryona calls him, Mardarii sounds next to the discordant word "muzzle", and Gradoboev is a surname filled to the brim with ironic semantics: not only crops beaten by hail, but also a battle imposed on the city " ... By the way, Gradoboev is none other than the mayor of the city of Kalinov (remember "Thunderstorm", "Forest"), who is not very almond-shaped with the townsfolk.

    There is also a merchant Kuroslepov in Ardent Heart, who either from drunkenness or from a drunkenness suffers something like night blindness: he does not see what is happening under his nose. By the way, his clerk, Madame Kuroslepova's favorite, bears a characteristic name - Narkis.

    If you look through the works of A.N. Ostrovsky, you can find many characters with speaking names. These are Samson Silych Bolshov, a wealthy merchant, and Lazar Yelizarich Podkhalyuzin, his clerk (the play "Our People - Let's Numbered"); Yegor Dmitrievich Glumov from the drama "Enough for every wise man," who really scoffs at those around him; provincial theater actress Negina from Talents and Admirers and a lover of delicacy, merchant Velikatov

    In the play "Forest" Ostrovsky insistently names the heroes with names associated with the concepts of "happiness and unhappiness", as well as with "heaven, arcade". No wonder the name of the landowner Gurmyzhskaya is Raisa. And the root of the Raisa Pavlovna's surname leads to certain reflections. A.V. Superanskaya and A.V. Suslova write about this: “The name of Raisa Gurmyzhskaya - a wealthy landowner - in Russian is consonant with the word“ paradise ”. The answer to her surname can be found in another play by Ostrovsky - "The Snow Maiden" - In the words of Mizgir, who talks about the wonderful island of Gurmyz in the middle of the warm sea, where there are many pearls, where is paradise life. "

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  • According to contemporaries, Ostrovsky's play "The Thunderstorm" was very significant for that time in that it perfectly reflects a strong folk character, opposing outdated foundations. The role of the rest of the characters in the play, their interpretation as actors or outside the plot, depends on the critic's understanding of the general conflict of the work. If the basis of "The Thunderstorm" is understood as an everyday drama, then it is difficult to attribute most of the characters to the edge of the plot; load. Now let's move on to describing the characters themselves and their role-playing meaning.

    Let's start with a general description of them. Here it is necessary to recall the symbolism of the names, which, as in the works of other authors, plays an important role in Ostrovsky's plays. The first person we meet in the list of persons is Savel Prokofievich Dikoy. According to the biblical story, Savel is associated with Paul, that is, Dikoy is essentially close to God. But at the same time, the name Paul is distorted, which may testify to the rigidity of his views, namely, that the striving for God in him is suppressed by some bitterness, savagery. This impression is supported in us by the name of the character. The next person on the list is Boris Grigorievich. This hero is clearly alien to the atmosphere of the town, and he himself, like others, is aware of this. Looking ahead, I must say that all critics agree on the extra-plot character of this person, in particular, Dobrolyubov wrote: "Boris is more concerned with the situation." Further we see the name of Martha Ignatievna Kabanova. The image of Martha Ignatievna is quite consistent with its biblical prototype. She sees the salvation of her soul in the external manifestations of obedience to God, Martha attaches great importance to the internal structure of the house. Tikhon also lives up to his name. He belongs to the category of people "neither this nor that." On the one hand, he is supposedly harmless by his indifference, but on the other hand, his inaction turns out to be harmful. The next character we are interested in is Barbara. She is, as it were, an "antonym" to Katherine. It has barbaric principles and, accordingly, pagan ideology. Kuligin is a self-taught mechanic. His name is associated with the sandpiper, but it can be translated as a quiet swamp. However, by itself, it does not carry a semantic load and is interesting only in a conversation with Dikim. After that there are Vanya Kudryash and Shapkin . These names contain elements of nationality. Their names clearly show that they belong to the same type to which Varvara is ranked. Feklusha is a very interesting character in terms of the plot. Her name, translated as divine, fully corresponds to the image of the wanderer. The last in a series of characters is Glasha, which means sweet. Indeed, she loves to listen to Feklushin's various "sweet" stories and conversations of the owners.