
Female body in anime. Body. Proportions of anime girls

And how could I miss such a important lesson   or touch it only lightly? Well, we are correcting the error, and we are doing this lesson for you.

All beginners (what can I say: not only them!) Have problems with anatomy. This is normal, you should not be scared, but you need to try and train to make them right. In this tutorial, I will tell you the rules for drawing character bodies, proportions, etc.

P.S. In this tutorial, we’ll look at the standard proportions of an anime character, close to human. Those. we will not take for the correct proportions Mickey Mouse, Winx, or any other character whose proportions are changed due to the style different from ours.

I’ll make a reservation right away: you can’t draw a character with a curve anatomy and say "this is my style." Despite the fact that in different styles the body is drawn in completely different ways, it is nevertheless depicted proportional to this style. It is important to understand and distinguish. The proportions should look good relative to each other and not violate the harmony in the character, not look strange and ridiculous.

So. As we already briefly said in the beginning about proportions:

15 years.   - the head fits 6-7 times in the body. (in girls, the figure becomes feminine. At this age, boys are slightly higher than girls.)
18 years.   - the head fits 6-7 times in the body. (maximum 8) (boys are taller than girls. (the shoulder width of an adult male is two head sizes from the top of the head to the chin)

It is these by age (plus or minus) that we will draw today.

So, let's start with body.

The body of young girls, as you know, is in the form of an hourglass. Their legs are long (longer than the guys) so that the groin is located 3 heads from the crown. The guys have 3.5.
  But you yourself can verify with these examples that no one draws anything on the line. All have slightly different proportions (as a rule, one girl’s height depends on it).

  Of course, it can be big and small, and whatever you want, but it is important to clarify two points: Where it grows from. What shape.
  Yes, that sounds funny. It seems like we all know this, but nevertheless, even the owners female body   often draw it wrong.

Where does it growSo the chest is drawn in a relaxed state i.e. not pulled by clothes. Remember: it cannot “converge” by itself!
  You can immediately see where it grows: just below the armpits. Do not draw too high or too low: keep proportions.
  The chest "converges" only when it is squeezed, or when the 6th-size chest on the character is tightened.

  When raising a hand from the armpit to the chest, there is such a line (do not look at the back-waist. They are not drawn correctly here):
What shape
If you look at the first picture of a woman in full height, you will see that the chest is not just a ball, and it also lends itself to universal gravitational forces.
  And yes, the chest is not drawn like a ball with a dot in the middle.
In addition, please note that the larger the chest, the better you need to understand these two points, "Where it grows from" and "What shape." Therefore, a small chest (or lack thereof: D) is drawn much easier.
  P.S. In thick clothes such as a jacket, the chest can be barely visible (if it is not fitted) But it should still be and should be in place!

What it is? This place is after the ribs and in front of the hips. If your heroine is slim, she will have a pronounced waist, if not, the waist will not be so noticeable. Again: in thick clothes such as a jacket, the waist can be seen barely (if it is not fitted) But it should still be and should be in place!
Waist should not be sharp. This is a smooth transition. You don’t need to draw like that
  (although sometimes it is still painted)

And so it is already necessary. The waist is also drawn differently - smoother or more pronounced.

They should, of course, be thicker than the waist and slightly thicker than the chest (!) (Unless you have a 6th size, of course).
What is important to remember?
  1) Legs do not come from one place! There is always a distance between the mini!

So, we figured out the body. Now hands.

1) Relaxed hands go to the middle of the thigh. Folded together - just below the groin.

2) The elbow is approximately at waist level

3) The hand is long all over the face (not the head). True, this is only the case with characters with more realistic proportions.

For example, Hidan has such proportions

Hands should not be painted “soft”. All fingers and joints need to be drawn pointed, but not strongly, otherwise you will get a guy’s brush.
  Female fingers at the ends can be drawn a little sharp, so there is a feeling of a long nail, subtlety and femininity.

Pay attention to the tips on the left!

Men's hands are rougher in shape and are more “bony", so we can assume that the guy is on this picture, and the girl is on the left

Pointed Toe Example


1) The legs at the hips are thicker, they taper to the knees
  2) Do not draw legs with sticks - they have a shape!

This, perhaps, will end our conversation.
Finally, giving you good advice:   anatomy of anime characters \u003d anatomy ordinary person   (not counting the face, sometimes the whole head). So if something is not clear - take a book on anatomy and go ahead with the song: D

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Step 1. How to draw the body of anime characters and where can we start?

Here is a simplified form of the female body ( see picture) No matter what shape, size, or type the female bodies are, they are all magnificent. Sometimes it depends breast, waist, and femoral size, this is the most important part of a woman. A woman's shoulders are almost always curved.

Remind yourself that the line of the shoulders and hips is the same. The navel should not be more than four centimeters.

Step 2 . When we draw the body of an anime girl,. The same applies to men. The balance and most body movements are supported by the waist.

The black line is " line of motion“Which directs the body movement of the anime character.

Step 3. How to draw an anime guy's body?

Drawing a male body is much harder than drawing a female body. There are two types of body: medium and muscle type. Of course, the muscle type is most desirable. It also gives your character more personality and self-esteem.

Step 4. The main coordinator for drawing muscles of a man are mainly muscles of the abdomen, deltoid and pectoral muscles. As you can see, the sternum connects to the deltoid muscle to create a single look.

Never draw the abdominal muscles narrow. There should be six press cubes.

Step 5. As you can see, the blue lines indicate where the breast for women will be located. A figure without a chest is a typical body type for the average man.

Step 6. Now, to practice what you learned above, we are going to make a small drawing step by step. For this we take female figure   in 3/4 pose.

You should start drawing this pose by sketching the main sketches for the head, hair and body.

Step 7. Then the shape of the face.

Step 8. and its internal details:   , and. Then draw shoulders, chest and arms.

Make sure the shoulders are slightly down and relaxed, as opposed to the muscular shoulders of the male body.

Step 9. When drawing, pay attention to the abdomen. There must be a definition chest and abdomen, they can be denoted by small lines. We draw a navel not too big.

  Step 1. In the anatomy anime, on average, guys are a whole head taller than a girl. Girls will be about 6 goals tall and guys will be about 7. When you draw something related to anatomy, height is measured in the heads. The head is exactly how it sounds. This is the measurement of the crown to the chin. Just because someone has more chapters does not always mean that they will be higher or larger, although it will differ from person to person. It all depends on the size of the head.

Step 2. Women leaders tend to be rounder in the anime, with big eyes and a small mouth. Male leaders are usually longer, with narrower eyes, strong jaws in a wide mouth.

Step 3. Girls chest is usually smaller and slightly narrower than a guy. The girls' torso also comes in more where the rib cage ends, creating a waist. The waist is on guys not so prominent and their torsos are usually just some straight down. Girls have breasts that are made up of adipose tissue and hang on the chest. Men, as a rule, peck which firm and out of the muscles.


I will start this lesson with the most popular question that I get: “how to draw a woman’s breast” (heh, I never would have thought that I would write a lesson about it ... ^ _ ^). The most important thing here is to try to draw the breasts as naturally as possible, because you can also draw a pretty girl without silicone implants, as one of my friends does. ^ _ ^

The main problems that people experience when drawing breasts are their shape and position. Many artists (both professionals and beginners) draw them like balls that rest against the girl's chin; such breasts are far from natural. If you look into the books on anatomy, you will see that they are more like half of a sphere or inverted cups, but not in any way balls.

Next, pay attention to the pose. Imagine a line that runs down the center of the body. The breasts should be located at an angle of 45 degrees from this line, and half below the chest (in the photo these are red diagonal lines). Make sure that the breasts are not too close or too far apart, or too high from the chest; these are the most common mistakes. As you will see in the rest of the figures in this lesson, the 45 degree rule applies in almost all poses.

Here's another pose where the torso is visible from the front. Pay attention to how the breasts are still located at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the center line of the body. And also pay attention to the shadows. After looking at some examples, I noticed that breast shading in this manner gives them a more natural look than if you shaded them like spherical shapes.

Here is another, last, posture to demonstrate the size and position of the chest. It is not so clearly visible here, but even here the chest is located at an angle of 45 degrees from the center line (which I did not draw in this example, sorry ^ _ ^). Note that the left chest is in the form of a hemisphere, not a full sphere. If you want to increase your breast size, it’s your business, but I don’t think it is necessary.

Now let's move on to the neck and shoulders. When you draw your shoulders, pay attention to the fact that they fall smoothly, they are not flat. Try not to forget about the structure of the muscles of the neck and shoulders, especially if you are going to create a realistic image. They should be similar in shape to hangers, and not to flat surfaces.

Here are some more examples of drawing shoulders in various poses. Note that they are never flat and shapeless.

Something else I wanted to talk about in this topic - how to draw a torso with raised hands ^ _ ^. For me personally, this is sometimes difficult, so I decided to touch on this aspect. If you raise your hands up, the back of the body becomes wider. Although the female body is not as massive as the male one, it is still expanding. Do not make the upper body too narrow. Pay attention also to how the upper part of the right breast bends inward (towards the chest); Do not forget that this is not a complete sphere, so it joins the muscles of the shoulder.