
Where to celebrate 10 years. birthday for your child. Happy birthday

The ideas for this collection are borrowed from acquaintances and friends, read on the forums of parents, taken from the numerous letters from the organizers of the holidays that come to my mail.

If I forgot something, please add it in the comments, let the children of the whole country be satisfied and happy :-).

1. Sports birthday

For such a case, a group of children with adults is supposed to leave for a special club.

LaserLand is a multifunctional game centers in the largest shopping and entertainment centers throughout Moscow. A set of the most popular activities allows you to quickly decide on the organization of the holiday.
Laser fights
Pixel mini golf
Bowling 8 lanes
A virtual reality
Slot machines
space cafe


After the 2014 Olympics, there was another surge of interest in this sport. Children will pick up shoes, instruct, tell the rules of the game. If you have 2 teams of 4 people, go ahead! There are many clubs, but it is better to rent tracks in advance at a convenient time.


A great option for a child's birthday when there are many children with a big age difference among the invitees. Bowling is perfect for a mixed company of adults and children.


Oh ... There will be a lot of impressions. It's really scary, although it's just bright paint flying at you, not a bullet. There are special programs for children's holidays in the clubs, it will not be boring. By the way, girls are also happy to participate in such a war.

As a rule, in all institutions you will be offered a cafe or a separate room to deliciously “complete” your birthday.

3. Holiday with hosts or animators

This is how it happens for us:

  • You choose the theme of the holiday (we have a much wider choice of standard pirates and princesses). We have a lot of funny characters in high-quality costumes, only professional actors.
  • Choose the number of actors. Of course, one can do it, but if you invite two, in addition to competitions, you can count on a mini-performance, as the characters will exchange remarks. Everything happens much more interesting, without pauses and hitches (one animator will need to disappear from time to time and prepare another prop).
  • Animators arrive 30 minutes before the start of the holiday, call up the parents. it is better to change clothes with neighbors, but if this is not possible, the actor should be quietly let into the apartment, given the opportunity to prepare. In a few minutes, he will already ring loudly at the door in the form of Spider-Man.

Of course, it is always good when there is enough free space in the room for the holiday. Competitions will be more diverse, children will be more active, parents will be calmer :-). If this is not the case, there are special scenarios for small apartments, in which, in addition to comic contests, there will be a creative master class and interesting board games.

4. Game center (all at once)

This is a whole play town under one roof, in which different entertainment areas are combined into a single space, but at the same time, each group of adults and children can enjoy their own holiday.

These are quests, hide and seek in the dark, laser tag, a climbing wall, virtual attractions, pools with balls for kids, creative zones, photons and tables for tea drinking. Certainly convenient. How many games you book and for how long is up to you. Comfortable and really festive.

13. Cafe with an animator

In this case, the emphasis is on the feast, which is diluted with games and contests with the actor. It is convenient if the cafe has a games room. Usually we book a table next to such a room to watch the children.

Minus: there are a lot of strangers in the cafe. It happens that other people's children participate in competitions and ask for prizes :-). So what to do? Don't drive them away? All visitors to the cafe have the right to use the game room.

For children 9-11 years old, you can organize a culinary master class right in the cafe. My daughter and her friends made pizza, brought boxes to their parents as a gift.

5. Exit quest (host with props comes to you)

Field quests can be organized at home, in a cafe, in the courtyard of a house or school, in a children's club, in a nearby park, in nature, in special decorations.

A detective, historical or fantastic plot is twisted, in which each participant has his own role and his own task. The game involves professional actors who appear at the most unexpected moment and throw new clues, ideas and "artifacts" to the children.

8. Everyone cares (literally)

This is a musical rhythm game. A team-building program, during which you need to enter into a single rhythm of your team, master many small noise instruments (percussion), learn your part on the darbuka drum and in the finale unite into a single orchestra.

9. Creating a cartoon and other master classes

Great idea! I often hear rave reviews, with pleasure I recommend for a children's birthday to all parents.

Where to hold the master class:

  • master class can be held at home (you need a free large table)
  • in the cafe
  • at the kids club
  • in a special room equipped for creative master classes (outdoor event)

What else happens?

There is a painting of gingerbread, the preparation of chocolates, modeling from sugar mastic. In total - 30 options, you will find to your liking.

Among I will highlight creative master classes painting glass, stones, ceramics and wooden toys, painting T-shirts, soap making and making gel candles, painting with sand in a bottle and decorating Venetian masks, pottery, lampwork, marzipan figurines, making jewelry. Everything is very interesting, souvenirs remain as a keepsake.

10. Birthday at the culinary studio

A wonderful and emotional holiday, during which the children prepare treats for themselves under the guidance of a great chef. It's fun, delicious and very photogenic.

11. For "little Einsteins"

Thanks to the organizers of the holidays for the opportunity to “touch” science with your hands. In every major city in Russia there are museums that offer children an interactive study of objects and phenomena.

“Museum Adventures” is arranged by estate museums, art galleries, historical, geological, zoological and paleontological museums, theaters, planetariums, oceanariums.

This is not an easy tour! This is a performance with the participation of actors and guests, in which you need to look for and hide copies of the exhibits, solve mysteries, conduct experiments and make discoveries.

If you invited 5-6 children to a child’s birthday, this is ideal, since large groups in this format of the holiday are not welcome.

By the way, you can choose a whole tour with games and contests. Something like this...

13. Rope course

Large parks have ready-made obstacle courses where you can arrange individual and team competitions. Of course, this is only suitable for the spring-summer season. Very fun and reckless, at the end of the holiday - pleasant fatigue and a lot of impressions.

In Panda Park, for example, there are programs with animators in costumes who organize an interesting competitive program on rope structures.

15. Interactive science show

It's not just impressive and spectacular! These are real physical and chemical experiments that clearly demonstrate the properties of objects and the essence of phenomena!

Children will control lightning, experiment with nitrogen, dry ice and carbon dioxide. Everything is absolutely safe and insanely interesting! I have no doubt that adults will also discover a lot of new things.

17. Fitness club

There is one subtlety. You will only be allowed to hold a children's sports party in a fitness club if one of the parents has an annual subscription. The animator will be in sportswear, and the competitions are all "Olympic". Often part of the holiday takes place in the children's pool, which all children are madly in love with. The program is not just fun, but also health-improving. Great!

18. Water park

All children love water attractions, so a birthday in the water park is a real holiday. The program with animators, as a rule, does not take much time (15-30 minutes), it is paid separately from entrance tickets.

I think that most of all the water park is suitable for a small company of children and adults. Better, let everyone be with their mothers, otherwise you yourself will have to dry the long hair of each girlfriend with a hairdryer :-).

You can feed guests only in the “wet” cafe of the water park, but there is something in this, you see.

19. Go to the kids club

It makes no sense to describe any one children's club now, since in every district of the city there are excellent establishments equipped for holidays. The animators in the clubs are full-time, so collect the reviews of moms from neighboring yards to know who to choose.

Additionally, you can order a show of giant soap bubbles (always very impressive), chemical experiments or a magician.

The kids club gives a lot of advantages:

  • large room
  • holiday decorations will be cheaper
  • there is a wardrobe
  • comfortable seats "in the auditorium" for parents
  • sound and lighting equipment
  • often there is a "dry pool", a soft designer, children's tents and trampolines
  • cleaning after the holiday is not your concern

Minus: as a treat, you can only offer your own sandwiches with juice or a sweet table. It is impossible to arrange a full-fledged festive dinner in such a club.

20. Can we do everything ourselves?

Organizing a children's birthday on their own is dedicated to a huge number of articles on this site.

(room decoration, table decoration, recipes for children's holiday dishes, games, competitions, prize ideas, examples of scripts sent by readers).

If your mom, dad, or grandma has the mentality, artistry, and decorating skills, you will certainly do the best job. This is especially true for children under 4 years of age.

Write or call!
Yours Irina Panasyan

Content: Ten years is the first "round" anniversary in your child's life and one of the last birthdays before the onset of puberty. But, despite the fact that before it starts, there are a couple or three years left, the features of this borderline age give rise to a lot of questions from parents regarding the organization of the child's birthday. How to celebrate the birthday of a child - 10 years old? How to determine what exactly he wants for his birthday?

Maybe he wants to go to a cafe with friends or retire to a room with a couple of bosom friends and quietly watch some movie there? Or does he dream of having a noisy party with dancing and singing under karaoke? If you are well oriented in the interests of your child, then you should not have any special difficulties. If this is not the case, then just ask the birthday man what he expects from his birthday.

Among other things, do not forget that the day when a child turns ten years old is incredibly important for him, this is a kind of introduction to the adult world. After all, we associate the word "anniversary" with such concepts and definitions as "life experience", "growing up", "a new milestone in a person's life." Try to make this holiday not just an ordinary and ordinary birthday, but a real event that the birthday man will remember for a long time.

Be sure to decorate the apartment for your birthday, if, of course, you are going to celebrate at home. Balloons, electric garlands, a poster with a huge number "ten" are suitable as decorations. Prepare cards with the names of the guests that you will place on the festive table so that it is clear which of the children to sit in which place. Don't forget about prizes for winning competitions, they can be school supplies, key chains, small soft toys, candles, sparklers and the like.

Do not start your birthday with complex games and contests, take the simplest ones first. Rehearse every number. Take the role of the host with all responsibility and seriousness: connect the numbers of the evening with each other with some funny stories so that there are no awkward and painful pauses. If you are afraid that you will forget something during the celebration, it is better to have a printout of the script handy.

Where to celebrate the birthday of a child of 10 years?

As usual, there are two options: at home and outside its walls. You can organize a trip to a pizzeria, a cafe, a McDonald's, a bowling alley, a water park, a go-kart club, a riding club, or organize a sporting event, show or concert. Children of this age love to visit such places, so it seems quite possible to celebrate a child’s birthday - 10 years old there.

Many guys will appreciate the idea of ​​going to the movies with friends, armed with a large bag of popcorn and soda. If the birthday boy wants to go to a pizzeria with friends, determine in advance the amount that you can allocate for this trip in order to avoid possible inconvenience later, but it’s better to choose a cafe where you can pay in advance for the celebration in honor of your child. In any case, before choosing a place for celebrating a birthday, firstly, ask the birthday man where he prefers to spend his holiday, and, secondly, take into account the age characteristics of the hero of the occasion.

To spend a child's birthday - 10 years at home - interesting, bright and without unnecessary emotional costs on your part, you need to be prepared in advance for the fact that the hero of the occasion can now ask you to bake the same cake as Sasha's, music like Lena's and gifts, like Ksyusha. Such requests are quite understandable: now the child wants to look no worse than his friends, whom he has already visited earlier.

Of course, all these issues need to be discussed with him. Do not upset the child peremptory. If you are thinking about a thematic birthday, for which a certain scenario is needed, then it must also be agreed with the hero of the occasion.

Preparing for the birthday of a 10-year-old child

One of the first points of organizing any children's holiday is inviting guests. Please remember that your child's birthday is not yours, so the choice of guests belongs to him, not you.

If you do not want the hero of the occasion to receive on his personal day, which, as we all remember, happens once a year, the same type and unnecessary gifts, inform at least the closest relatives about the wishes of the birthday man in advance. If you are afraid that you may not be completely understood, then at least orient your family members in what gifts your child certainly does not need at the moment.

If you don’t want your cozy apartment to turn into a “lunatic asylum” after the birthday celebration, and why not hide it in time, schedule the holiday literally by the minute in advance. Any interesting and exciting game, for example, a treasure hunt, can complete the solemn event dedicated to the birthday of your child.

Yes, yes, ten-year-olds still love such entertainment. Hide the “treasures” in advance and invite the children to use encrypted clues (crossword, riddles, rebus, various logic puzzles) to guess where the next clue lies, and so on, until the children find the hidden treasures. Make sure that active children do not push away the quieter and more modest ones.

After you see off the guests, return with the child to his room. Review the gifts received. Just sit with him and remember what was good about this day. Just remind him how much mom and dad love and cherish him. Believe me, such a holiday will remain in your memory for a long time, and in the memory of your child.

How to celebrate a 10 year old's birthday

Examples of a thematic birthday for a 10-year-old child:

Participants of the competition pinch a balloon between their legs and thus must run to their chairs, go around them and come back. If the balls fall out during the run, the children must return them to their rightful place. The winner is the participant who managed to cope with the task faster than others. He is awarded a well-deserved prize. A bowl of water is placed in front of the contestants. One apple falls into the pelvis. Children take turns trying to catch it and pull it out of the basin without the help of hands. There may be several winners in this competition, so do not forget to award each with prizes. Find congratulatory verses on the Internet or in other sources. Give them to the children, but without finishing. The task of the guys is to come up with the end of congratulatory phrases using obvious rhymes. In this competition, it is not necessary to choose a winner. This contest is worth organizing if you no longer want smart and complex games, but simply have a desire to let off steam and make faces. One part of the children can take on the role of the jury, while the other part can become participants. Announce the nominations in which the children will compete. For example, "The best scary face", "The best Alla Pugacheva" or "The best dancer on a chair" and the like.

Birthday games for 10 year olds

The game "The fairy tale comes to life"

Take any children's book with fairy tales. The simpler they are, the better, for example, “Ryaba Hen” or “Kolobok”. Count the number of all fairy-tale characters, including inanimate objects: trees, houses, flowers. Write the names and titles of the characters on separate pieces of paper and give them to the children. Then start reading the fairy tale and all its characters come to life, following your instructions.

Game "Geese ducks"

Put the children in a circle in which they should put their hands on each other's shoulders. Whisper the word “Duck” into the ear of one part of the guys, and the word “Goose” to the second. Say the word "Duck" to more players. Explain to the children that at your command, the “geese” should bend one leg, and the “ducks” two legs. Fun is guaranteed.

Game "Dreamers"

Have the children write a humorous story. Start, for example, with the phrase: “One day I was walking down the street and saw a dinosaur”, the second player should continue your phrase with his sentence. So, adding at the suggestion, the guys compose a funny fantasy story. Slow players are eliminated as the game progresses.

Topsy-turvy game

Prepare in advance leaflets with words written backwards. Practice speaking them quickly. At the time of the game, read the words from the sheets to the children. Give points to the guys who guess what you read faster than others.

What to give for a birthday to a child - 10 years old?

One of the features of children of ten years of age is the presence of many interests. This is expressed in the fact that today the child is fond of football, tomorrow ballroom dancing, and the day after tomorrow he wants to do choral singing. This fact somewhat complicates the choice of a gift for a birthday man.

But almost all children of this age, without exception, are passionate about computers, so you may well stop at such gifts as joysticks or a steering wheel, beautiful disc stands, an unusual flash drive, and a speaker system. If you do not approve of your child's hobby for a computer and even more - you want to distract him from this activity, then give him board games, the choice of which is now very rich.

Girls of ten years of age are often fond of needlework, so sewing kits will come in handy. In addition, the birthday girl can be delighted with all those items that will allow her to decorate her room: an original wall clock, an interesting night light, decorative sofa cushions and other interior items. Cosmetic sets, a silver pendant on a chain, a bouquet of toys and sweets will delight any girl. A good gift would also be a set for experiments or experiments, a set for soap making or interesting educational DVDs.

Ten-year-old boys tend to love anything that allows them to develop their building skills, so you might want to give your son a multi-part construction set, a die-cutting set, a jigsaw, and a saw-cutting set. Personalized chocolate and various robot toys make the boys jump to the ceiling, having received such a present for their birthday. Books, encyclopedias and puzzles will also be great gifts for the holiday. If you are at a loss as to what to give your son for his birthday, just ask him about what he would like to receive as a gift.

How to celebrate a child's birthday 10 years old - holiday menu

Table setting can still include cheerfully colored disposable tableware, cocktail straws and beautifully folded napkins. Forget complicated recipes, hearty salads and the like. Children still prefer games and entertainment to a festive dinner. There will come a time when your child will become a teenager. That's when he and his friends will sweep away everything you have prepared from the table.

But of course, no holiday is complete without food. Desirable delicacies for ten-year-old children are sausages, pizza, tartlets and canapes, chicken wings in sweet and sour sauce, burgers, various sandwiches, cakes, jelly, fruits and the favorite delicacy of children of all countries and peoples - ice cream. Sweet puffs with cottage cheese and jam, chicken skewers, pancakes and cheesecakes - all this will also come in handy. As drinks, you can use the usual vegetable and fruit juices, fruit drinks and compotes, but you can also treat children to "harmful" Coca-Cola and other soda.

The crown of the festive table will be a cake, which can be decorated in the spirit of the chosen birthday theme. For example, if you are celebrating a "pirate" birthday, then the cake can be baked in the shape of a pirate schooner. If you settled on the theme of space, then the flying saucer cake will be more appropriate than ever on the festive table. But even if your child’s birthday is not at all themed, do not forget about the birthday boy’s hobbies and please him, for example, with a cake in the shape of a soccer ball. A girl who is fond of needlework will be delighted with a cake in the form of a large ball of thread with knitting needles.

End of birthday

A birthday cake with ten candles to be blown out by the birthday person can put an end to this significant day. Be sure to bring the cake into the room in a festive setting. Turn off the lights and, as you bring the cake into the room, start singing a congratulatory song. Both the hero of the occasion and his guests should feel the importance of the moment.

At the very end of the solemn event, seeing off the guests, thank them along with the birthday man for attending your holiday. Ask the children to leave their self-portrait as a memory for the hero of the occasion, but not just like that, but blindfolded, and then sign the portrait with their name. And on such a cheerful and joyful note, you can end the tenth birthday of your child.

Maria Vyalykh
Women's legs.ru

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Where and how to spend a birthday for a teenage child? After all, adolescence is the period when you can still linger in childhood with its innocent joys, and at the same time you want to grow up as soon as possible.

This is a period when you still really want to participate in children's competitions and entertainment, but doing it in public is not always willing.

This is the age when you want to celebrate “in an adult way”, but at the same time remain a child. The women's site "Beautiful and Successful" will help its readers with advice on how to plan a birthday for a child of 10-12 years old.

Where to note?

There will definitely not be a definite answer to this question. It is important to consider several factors:

  • Birthday wish.
  • Financial opportunities.
  • Number of guests.
  • The time of the year when the birthday falls.
  • The amount of your time that you are willing to spend preparing the holiday, etc.

The simplest options

You can contact special agencies and they will organize any holiday for you for your money, or you can organize a children's holiday yourself and choose games and fun activities for the birthday of a child of 10-12 years old. We offer you some interesting and popular ideas.


Bowling is the most popular place where teenagers celebrate their birthdays. Indeed, at the age of 10-12 years, children have not visited so often in the company of their peers, so it will be interesting for them to spend time together. This option is convenient in that the children all play in turn, do not quarrel for the right of primacy.

What should the parents of the birthday boy take into account?

  • First, immediately calculate the number of tracks. For children under 12 years old, it is better to stay on the option of 1 track for 6, and preferably for 4 people. Otherwise, you will have to wait a long time for your turn.
  • Secondly, be sure to tell the instructor the names of all the children who will be at the holiday, even if they come later. Their names will be entered into the computer in advance.
  • Thirdly, decide on the menu and be sure to order more drinks.

If you have a company of teenagers, then you should be assigned an instructor who will primarily monitor the inventory, and also tell your guests how to play along the way. A great option where you can celebrate a birthday when a child is 10-12 years old.


Also, children of this age will have fun with friends in the water park. But this option turns out to be a little expensive for the parents of the birthday boy, since staying in the water park is not cheap.

Therefore, it is important to agree with the child in advance that he will celebrate in a small company. We are sure that water activities will definitely not leave indifferent a company of friends.

Laser tag or paintball

If in your locality there is an opportunity to send a cheerful company of teenagers play paintball or laser tag- don't even think about it! Excitement and drive, the desire to win and the feeling of a single team - these are the feelings that the young guests of the birthday will experience.

The essence of the game is that players are divided into teams, weapons are distributed (and in laser tag - laser machines), and they begin to fight each other.

  • Laser tag resembles a computer game in which the child himself becomes a participant in the events. On special uniforms there are sensors that begin to vibrate if they hit the target.
  • In paintball, players "shoot" paintballs. If laser tag is more like a computer game, then paintball is a game of war.

There is no difficulty in these games. Children can play it from the age of 7. Teenagers should love this.

Equestrian Club

Here you will be organized horseback riding, ponies. There are also options where the whole company will be taken on a sleigh or in carriages.

Picnic outside the city

The birthdays of teenagers aged 10-12 outside the city are great. It is enough to take a ball, badminton, organize a barbecue - children should like this entertainment.

If you are into tourism or you have friends who are passionate about this business, ask them to help arrange tourism competitions with the passage of various crossings. It is interesting for both boys and girls in adolescence.

Options that require preparation

It is not always possible to celebrate a cheerful birthday for a child of 10-12 years old outside the home. Therefore, many celebrate the holiday in their native walls. What should be considered by parents who are considering how to celebrate the birthday of a teenage child on their own?

  • Firstly, if you plan to invite both relatives and peers of the birthday boy, we advise you to divide the celebration into separate hours or days. Children - at one time, relatives - at another.
  • Secondly, take care of the birthday menu for a teenager of 10-12 years old. Keep in mind that children at this age will not sit at the table for a long time, so it is better if you organize a buffet with many tartlets, fruit and vegetable cuts. Make sure there are plenty of drinks.
  • Thirdly, consider what you will bet on: the activity or calmness of children. We offer you some ideas on how you can celebrate the birthday of a child of 10-12 years old at home.


Quest (“search”) is a kind of game in which you need to go through certain stages in order to receive either a birthday present or another present (for example, a cake). It is important for the organizers to choose tasks that guests will be able to do and think over the route in advance.

If you have a lot of guests, you can divide them into teams, if there are few, each participant can play separately.

You can conduct a birthday quest for a child of 10-12 years old both in the house and outside it. Teenagers should enjoy searching where the prize will have to be sought throughout the city. An agency can help you organize a large-scale quest, if this is not possible, think over everything yourself. It's not as difficult as it might seem.

Examples of tasks for the quest can be found on the Internet.

Theme parties

Teenagers at this age are very fond of. But here you will not be interested in the fabulous theme of teenagers. They want to show that they are already adults, so the theme of the parties should be adult.

Here is what you can offer for the birthday of your child 10-12 years old:

  • MINECRAFT style party. This is a very popular computer game among teenagers. Consider the design of the room where you will spend the holiday, as well as competitions and entertainment.
  • Pirate Party.
  • A pirate party is popular at any age. Take your kids on a treasure hunt. Performing various tasks, children will have fun.
  • Party on wheels. An interesting site seemed to be the idea of ​​celebrating a birthday by renting a limousine. You can travel by limousine to all the sights in the city. Immediately negotiate with the driver where you will need to stop, and how long you will have to wait until the children work up. As stated in one review, renting a car is no more expensive than renting in a cafe. 16 children can ride in a limousine at once. You will get not only a fun birthday for children aged 10-12, but also an unusual one.
  • Horror style party (vampire party). If it is possible to rent a mini-hotel with several rooms, it will be generally great! The essence of the party is that the children follow the story and open the rooms of fear, where different heroes are waiting for them - vampires, cannibals, etc. After passing through all the stages, the children can go to the disco.
  • The theme of a birthday party for a 10-12 year old teenager may be related to some movie that the teenager likes. Girls may be interested in a fashion show or pajama party. Boys can have a football party or a celebration in the style of the Wild West.

Interesting entertainment and birthday contests for a child 10-12 years old

We offer you several options for what is better to have fun on a birthday for a teenager of 10-12 years old.


Compatriots know little about such fun as piñata, but among Latin Americans and in the West, such entertainment for the holidays is very popular.

The bottom line is that above the surface under the ceiling (if you are going to play indoors) or on a tree (if you plan to play outdoors), a hollow container (box, ball, toy, etc.) is suspended, inside which are Presents: sweets, sweets, small gifts.

The player must break the piñata with his eyes closed with a stick. You can hit 1 time. On hit, gifts fall to the ground. The entertainment is very fun. You never break a piñata the first time. Such entertainment will definitely appeal not only to children, but also to adults.


Fantas with various tasks are popular at any age. Choose options that will be of interest to your guests.


Hang balloons with small prizes hidden in them. Let the teens use the darts to hit the target and win prizes.


Invite a photographer to the holiday, who will arrange a real birthday with friends.

Tattoo or face painting

Both girls and boys at this age want to get a tattoo on their bodies. You can make a temporary tattoo on the body or face painting by inviting a specialist to your house.

When choosing how to celebrate the birthday of a child of 10-12 years old, consider various options, celebrate the holiday differently every year. A teenager's birthday is a new stage in his life, when today he can receive what was impossible yesterday. Good luck to parents!

host (mother). Dear guests, you know that we have gathered in this house today for a reason. Today we have a holiday - the birthday of _________. I want to congratulate you, _________, happy birthday and wish you all the very best, health, happiness, joy, good grades at school. May this birthday, your holiday, be fun and interesting and will be remembered for a long time by you and your guests!

Grandmother (grandfather, father, brother or sister). Birthday is the most joyful and happiest holiday that you look forward to for many days, the whole year.

You are ten years old today

The whole world is at your feet.

You find the best way among all roads.

Confidently and boldly look into the eyes of fate

And choose the thing that happiness will give you.

Find reliable friends, find your love.

Do not be afraid of difficult paths, always go ahead!

presenter. Congratulations in verse, applause from the guests and sincere gratitude from the hero of the occasion for the wishes added sunshine to the atmosphere of our holiday.

What is a birthday?

I will answer without a doubt:

Boxing day, pies,

Day of smiles and flowers!

So let's all wish _____ happy birthday together! Congratulations!


Birthday boy. Dear friends, I am glad to welcome you on my birthday! Thank you for giving me my dream, thank you for the gifts and for the warm wishes. Today is my birthday, which means I can do whatever I want. And I want to give you a real Holiday. Birthday is a wonderful and fun event. And we will verify this today.

So our holiday begins. First, I invite everyone to sign the "Dedication to the Birthday Guest." I read the contents of this manuscript. The text of the oath: “From now on and until the moment when my eyes close from fatigue, I become an honored guest at a birthday party and solemnly swear:

Have fun to the fullest;

Eat everything that is on the festive table;

To drink all that is allowed to my tender age;

Joking and saying nice words to the birthday girl;

Dance, sing songs, participate in drawings and competitions.

Guests read the oath and each signs it next to his name.

Leading. Children have always been interested in secrets and riddles, magic and sorcery. And on your birthday, you want something unusual! We named our birthday "Virtual Journey in Search of the Scroll of Fortune" for a reason. Together we will be transported to the world of Ancient China and embark on an exciting journey in search of the mysterious Scroll and Talisman of Good Luck.

You all have probably watched the cartoon about Mulan. Do you know that Mulan Hua is a national heroine of China who really lived in 589-618? The crypt with the grave in which she is buried is located in the village of Dazhou, Yucheng County. She became famous for the fact that instead of her elderly father she herself went to fight and became a vivid example of courage and resilience. The young girl was able to steadfastly endure all the suffering and hardships of the war and bring victory to her homeland. Today, together with Mulan, we will look for the Scroll and the Talisman of Good Luck. According to ancient Chinese legend, each person has his own scroll and a talisman that brings good luck in everything. Today you have to go through all the stages of contests and riddles to find your Scroll of Luck. You:

Learn to be polite and friendly;

Remember the story in fairy tales and legends;

Master the art of charm;

Learn to entertain your friends;

Become even smarter

Try your hand at cooking

Learn to navigate in different environments;

Be direct;

You will sing and dance;

Learn about your flower of happiness;

Tell fortunes on tea thick.

Leading. And now we begin our holiday program. I invite you to actively participate in it, because for each correct answer I will give you a token - 1 Chinese yuan (cut out of yellow cardboard). At the end of our evening, yuan will be counted and prizes will be awarded according to their amount.

Compliment Contest

China is a country of ancient traditions and customs. It is known that Mulan was taught manners at school. At a party, it is customary to be polite and good interlocutors, and always compliment the hero of the occasion. So, the condition of the competition: “Sitting at the table, everyone in turn says gentle and pleasant words-adjectives to the birthday man, the one on whom the vocabulary runs out says a voluminous toast-wish.”

Host (after the competition). Let's join in and raise our glasses to such an extraordinary birthday. And the winner of the first competition is awarded yuan. It seems to me that everyone passed this stage of the test of politeness with dignity.

If necessary, take a break for a meal.

Tricky riddles about fairy-tale heroes

presenter. Each nation has its own epic tales, legends, fairy tales. What will be offered to a girl named Mulan when she is looking for her scroll, we are unlikely to guess. Let's try to solve the riddles. The first person to answer correctly is given 1 Chinese yuan.

Wrong answers come first. The second is the correct answer.

He got leeches

I sold Karabas

The whole smell of marsh mud,

His name was ... (Pinocchio) (Duremar).

Poor dolls are beaten and tormented,

He is looking for a magic key.

He has a terrible look

This is a doctor ... (Aibolit) (Karabas).

He lived in Prostokvashino

And he was friends with Matroskin.

He was a little simple

The dog's name was ... (Totoshka) (Sharik).

For many days he was on the road,

To find your wife

And the ball helped him,

His name was ... (Kolobok) (Ivan Tsarevich).

He walked boldly through the forest,

But the fox ate the hero.

At parting, the poor thing sang.

His name was ... (Cheburashka) (Kolobok).

Everyone knows, peeps

It hinders and hurts everyone.

She only cares about the rat,

And her name is ... (Yaga) (Shapoklyak).

Leading. And in this test, we have made some progress in the search for our Scroll of Fortune. We know the history of our fairy tales and cartoons. Let's move on to the next competition.

Competition for girls "Geisha Smile"

presenter. Girls, close your eyes and imagine that you opened them in the mysterious, bewitching atmosphere of the East. You have probably heard about geisha - these are women who can show all the beauty of the world through their tenderness, tact, politeness, through their knowledge. No geisha will scream to be heard, she speaks quietly, insinuatingly, softly, but everyone listens to her. There is always a smile on her face.

So there are cards on the table. You must take your own task card. The contestants should take turns smiling as:

Mona Lisa;

Girl - to an unfamiliar boy;

Teacher - student;

Baby - parents;

Loser who received five points;

Leopold - mice;

Owner dog.

presenter. All the girls did a great job with this competition. Everyone can be given 1 yuan.

Scenes "Cheer up friends"

presenter. There is an ancient Chinese legend about the evil beast Gongyan. According to an ancient legend, the "chase" was a wild beast that brought people a lot of trouble. From his ferocious appearance, the trees shed their foliage, and the earth became barren. But the wise old man told the people that Gongyan was afraid of laughter and fun. We must drive away the evil beast so that eternal spring will always bloom in our lives. Let's play scenes.

The host lays out cards on the table. Children are divided into pairs and choose a card with the task themselves. Participants of the competition must take turns acting out a skit.

First scene

Vova's mom. “Hello, I am Sidorov Vova’s mother.”

Teacher. "Hello, dearest Olga Petrovna, have a seat, you're welcome."

Vova's mom. "Did you call me?"

Teacher - “Recently, your son, how to put it more accurately, has become some kind of wacky, retarded. He doesn’t answer for the bazaar during the lessons, he drives something, sometimes he performs, and sometimes nothing at all, you will excuse me for God’s sake!”

Vova's mom. not understanding anything, he looks around and t with his shoulders, not finding words in response.

Second scene

Telephone operator: "Your phone is not answering."

Subscriber: "What, absolutely?"

Telephone operator: "No, the first two digits answered, the rest are silent."

Subscriber: "Listen, if the dog barks, then no one is at home."

Telephone operator: “Maybe I should also see if the light is on or not?”

Third scene

The phone rings.

Hostess (picks up the phone): "Hello!"

Hostess: “No, on TV!”

Fourth scene

One incorrigible joker and merry fellow came to school with a thoroughly blackened eye.

Classmates (interested): "What happened?"

Joker: “You see, I suffer from insomnia and therefore, at three in the morning, having nothing to do, I usually dial some number on the phone and ask the one whom I woke up: “Guess who is calling?”

Classmates: "So what?"

Joker: "Some guy figured it out last night!"

Leading. All scenes were great. You managed to convey the atmosphere and characters of our heroes. I think we passed this test and became even closer to our scrolls and talismans. And everyone needs to hand over 1 yuan.

Competition "Questions for ingenuity"

presenter. In Chinese mythology, the Dragon is one of the sacred creatures, a symbol of spring and the East. The dragon is depicted in different ways: in the form of a large snake, an animal resembling both a tiger and a horse, or a creature with a camel's head and a lizard's neck. And all because no one has ever seen him. In one of the legends of the Chinese people, it is said that the dragon king Da Wang fell ill in the sea. And he had to turn to a doctor who lived in a village of fishermen, on the condition that he would never describe his patient. Asking the healer questions, the Dragon King was convinced that he was a literate and intelligent person, and that he could be trusted with his health. Now I will ask you questions, but don't worry, not medical ones... Let's check which of us is smarter. The first person to correctly name the answer is given 1 Chinese yuan.

A man has one, a crow has two, a bear has none. What is this? (letter "o")

Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, because he can't speak)

In what year do people eat more than usual? (In leap year)

What belongs to you, but others use it more than you? (Name)

What disease on earth has no one been ill with? (Nautical)

What can be cooked but not eaten? (Lessons)

Which hand is best for stirring tea? (Tea is better to stir with a spoon)

What gets bigger when put upside down? (Number 6)

How do day and night end? (soft sign)

What rocks are not in the sea? (dry)

What kind of comb will not comb your head? (Petushin)

What can you easily pick up from the ground, but not throw far? (Pooh)

Why do you go to bed when you want to sleep? (By gender)

What dishes can not be eaten? (From empty)

What can you see with your eyes closed? (Dream)

When is a person a tree? (When he sleeps - "pine")

Leading. It seems to me that we have successfully overcome this step to our Scrolls of Fortune.

Cooking competition

Leading. In China, during the wedding, the bride is carried in a palanquin from her father's house to the groom's house. And in order to avoid any kind of misfortune, all the spirits that get in their way must be fed with dishes whose names begin with the letter of the bride's name. Now everyone takes turns saying the names of dishes that begin with the letter of the name of the hero of the occasion (for example, “L” - noodles, noodles, flatbread, liver sausage, liquor, lemonade, kebab, lagman, etc.). The one on whom the vocabulary dries up says a voluminous toast-wish.

(If necessary, take a break for a meal.)

Competition "I believe - I do not believe"

presenter. Hard times have come for the Chinese people: the country was attacked by a warlike tribe of the Huns. Dressed in men's clothes, Mulan joins other warriors and sets out on a dangerous journey to the foot of the snow-capped mountains. But you need to pass one more test, answering the questions as quickly as possible with only one word - “yes” or “no”. Will we be able to answer questions quickly and correctly? The first person to answer the question correctly is awarded a yuan.

In China, do students write on the blackboard with a colored ink brush? (Yes)

The ballpoint pen was originally used only by military pilots? (Yes)

In China, fortified pencils are produced for children who tend to gnaw on anything? (Yes)

In a Chinese circus, two crocodiles were taught to waltz? (No)

Is a Chinese taller in the morning than in the evening? (Yes, and not only a Chinese, but any person)

Do people still wash with olive oil in some places? (Yes, in some hot provinces in China where water is scarce)

The number one cause of death from accidents in China in 1995 was high heels? (Yes, almost 200 Chinese women have died from falling from high heels)

Does China use disposable blackboards? (No)

If you put a flounder on a chessboard, will it also become a checkerboard? (Yes)

Can bats receive radio signals? (No)

Owls can't roll their eyes? (Yes)

Dolphins are small whales? (Yes)

Was gunpowder invented in China? (Yes)

If a bee stings someone, will it die? (Yes)

Is it true that spiders feed on their own webs? (Yes)

Do penguins fly north for the winter? (No, penguins can't fly)

Did Spartan warriors spray their hair with perfume before a battle? (Yes, this is the only luxury that ° they allowed themselves)

Can children hear higher sounds than adults? (Yes)

The first firecrackers in China were made from bamboo scraps? (Yes, the crackling of burning bamboo was believed to ward off evil spirits)

Do Eskimos dry capelin and eat it instead of bread? (Yes)

presenter. You are all just great - you tried so hard to guess the right answer. This stage of the test - to learn how to navigate in a different environment - everyone passed with dignity.

Fanta game

Leading. All of you have heard about the wonderful Chinese lanterns. China has a Lantern Festival. When such lanterns are lit, laughter sounds in every house. Our holiday was also not complete without a lantern. This lantern is not easy, cards with tasks are attached to it on a thread, which are not difficult at all. Cut off the task card with your eyes closed.


Depict without words that you want to go to school, but you cannot find a satchel;

Tell the tale "Turnip" on behalf of the Turnip;

Recall three films that take place on a birthday;

Tell a poem about a birthday (sing a song);

Name five signs by which we can recognize the Snow Maiden;

Depict without words that you want to buy three birds with one stone as a gift to a friend;

Show a cat that is afraid of something, but curious;

Depict a car that cannot start in any way;

Look at yourself in the mirror and praise yourself, but do not smile;

Depict an adult who is afraid to ski down a hill.

presenter. I think everyone deserves an award. Everyone gets yuan.

Competition "We all sang songs"

Leading. All people strive for happiness. How to reach it? The Chinese offer a very simple and wise answer in Chinese: happy is the cat who has the opportunity every day to hug three people and sing a song cheerfully.

So let's start the competition. I read the definition of a children's song. Whoever guesses it first gets the winner's token, and then everyone sings it.

A song about a piece of land surrounded by water, whose inhabitants are happy from the constant eating of tropical fruits (“Chunga-changa”);

A song about a sky-colored vehicle (“Blue Carriage”);

A song about how a shaggy creature performs a musical composition and at the same time takes sunbaths ("I'm lying in the sun");

A song about a plant that grew up in the wild and was cut down by a peasant ("A Christmas tree was born in the forest");

A song about how fun it is to march with the team (“It's fun to walk together”);

A song about a small insect resembling a certain vegetable in color (“A grasshopper was sitting in the grass”);

A song about how bad weather can't ruin a holiday ("We'll survive this trouble").

Fan dance game

Leading. The fan dance is a hallmark of Chinese dance art. The fan is also used in oriental dances, for example, in Tai Chi Chuan (or “Purple Butterfly Dance”). Skillful dancers sometimes wield their fans so famously that you are amazed. You are given a unique opportunity to feel like real Chinese dancers.

The participant in the game in the dance must, with the help of a fan, keep a feather in the air, and everyone considers in chorus who will have the longer dance.

presenter. Everyone excelled in this competition. But it is necessary not only to keep the feather in the air longer, but also to dance.

The game "Search for a flower of happiness"

presenter. All of you are already a little tired, so I offer an interesting and informative history of flowers.

In the poem, the heroine's name is simply Mulan. "Mulan" means "magnolia" ("mu" means tree, and "lan" means "orchid".) The name Hua, which means "flower", is often added to Mulan's name. In China, there is a legend about the mysterious Flower of Happiness - the tulip. It symbolizes success, love and protection. It is worn on oneself to protect life from poverty and all sorts of failures. The tulip is the home of the elves. If tulips are blooming in your garden or there is a vase of tulips in your apartment, know that little people are fluttering between the flowers, these are the elves who visited you. But as sometimes happens in a moment of misfortune and trouble, there is no saving flower of happiness at hand. Today you have a unique opportunity to find the Flower of Happiness right here. I think that each of you will find exactly what he lacks ...

Paper tulips are laid out on the table with the text down. Each guest chooses his flower of happiness and reads aloud what he needs to do at this stage of life.

White tulips are able to purify the ethereal fields.

In order to set yourself up for work, place seven buds in the center of the room. Rotate the vase a quarter of a turn every day. After a week, take the flowers out of the house and leave them outside. Your performance will increase.

The red color of tulips is the color of love.

Take an unobtrusive interest in the one to whom you are not indifferent (on), whether he (she) likes red tulips. After that, at home, put a bouquet of these flowers in a vase and every time, looking at the tulips, think about your young man (girl). And you will see that he (she) will treat you much better.

The orange color of tulips is the color of protest.

If you do not find anything in common with all the people around you, let the tulips stand at your head for the night. All feelings of protest, misunderstanding will go away. And the next day there will be mutual understanding around you, and your relationship with the people around you will become harmonious.

Yellow tulips attract money.

Decorate your home with bouquets of yellow tulips. Use for this fresh flowers or their image, because it also has the ability to attract money. Hang a picture of yellow tulips in a visible place or make a screen saver on your computer, this will help you gain wealth.

Variegated tulips are responsible for diversity in life.

Put a bunch of colorful tulips in your room in a conspicuous place. Passing by a vase, feel the scent of a flower. After some time in your life there will be cardinal changes.

The burgundy color of tulips symbolizes power.

By presenting a bouquet of burgundy tulips as a gift, you will endear yourself to a person. You can rely on his piety, generosity and kindness towards you.

Marble tulips are responsible for the good attitude of people.

Tormented by conflicts at school and at home - put flowers in the center of the room. Enjoy their beauty. After a while, you will get rid of irritation, anger, and benevolence and mutual understanding will reign around you.

Pink tulips lift the mood.

If you are bored, tired of everything, buy a bouquet of pink tulips. Put them in a vase and pay more attention to them. This will not only cheer you up, but also save the room from the viruses of irritation and anger.

Joke lottery

presenter. Are you tired of outdoor activities - competitions and games? Let's count the number of yuan earned. One box contains prizes, the other contains folded notes with the names of the prizes. Each of you takes a note and reads what prize he got. And he takes it himself. The one with the most tokens starts.

Hope for the best in life

Get glue if it doesn't stick in life. (Glue)

You didn't win a dime

but the real one... (line).

Walking with a haircut will be beautiful,

Captivating everyone with a thick, fluffy mane. (Comb)

Why do you need a wallet

Put money in a bag. (Plastic bag)

Get it, hurry up, you have a notebook,

Write poetry. (Notebook)

So that you can keep money

We give you... (wallet).

To keep your hair in order

You will need a "tack". (Scrunchy)

Yes, your ticket is lucky

Keep it up.... (pencil).

Do you understand what the purpose of the gift is?

Life will be joyful and bright. (Marker)

And big love is waiting for you

And kisses all year round. (Handkerchief)

This book is not more important

Only you are the writer in it. (Notebook)

We'll have to live the study of grief,

Don't forget about calendar days. (Watch)

(Break for a meal. Then a dance break, during which the table is prepared for tea.)

Fortune telling on tea

Leading. Let's drink tea, but not simple, but Chinese green. The Chinese tea ceremony is not a simple tea party, it is a sacred act. Recall the Chinese divination for tea. For divination, Chinese green tea without additives is suitable.

The basic rules of Chinese divination on tea:

Sugar is not put in tea for divination;

Brew a spoonful of tea should be right in the cup;

Cover it with a saucer or lid;

You should wait no more than ten minutes before you take a sip, think about the issue that you want to clarify;

You need to take a cup of tea with your left hand, the one that is closer to the heart;

Then you need to drink all the tea to the bottom, turn the cup three times clockwise, turn it upside down, put it on a saucer, leave it in this position for a while;

When you solve the pattern of tea leaves, the handle of the cup should be on the left side. Pay attention to the picture as a whole. Does the picture make up a lot of disjointed, unrelated tea leaves? If the drawing is absolutely chaotic and the tea leaves do not communicate in any way, this means that Providence leaves your question unanswered for the time being. But by no means is this a negative answer! It's just that the time has not yet come for a definitive answer. The shape of the tea leaves says a lot: if there are round tea leaves in the cup, the wish will certainly come true.

If you see light streams-stripes running along the edges of the cup, the road is waiting for you. The strip on the outside of the cup predicts that the road will be long. The time of the upcoming action is determined by the location of the figure in the cup:

If it is on the edge of the cup or next to the edge - the present tense;

If symbols are located at the very bottom - to the distant future;

The closer the symbol is to the pen, the sooner the prediction will come true.

If you saw a floating tea-gull, expect an expensive gift;

A tea stalk floating on the surface is a sign to guests from afar.

Consider the numbers and letters formed from the tea leaves, which you must take into account when collecting the result of divination into a single whole. If the tea leaves have formed some kind of figure, we begin to unravel!

(A detailed interpretation of the figures formed in the cup can be found in special books, or you can come up with your own interpretation, finding in the existing figures in common with some objects or symbols.)

Scroll game

Leading. Dear guests, now you have to plunge headlong into Chinese painting. There is a peculiar form of paintings in the Chinese painting tradition - a scroll. You have to create such paintings, but not alone. To do this, the guests will take turns writing a few lines of congratulations to the hero of the occasion and wrap it up so that the next participant sees only the end of the phrase. After each guest writes something, we will unfold the sheet and read what we got. The task is to write an original congratulation without repetition.

(Summing up, handing over the Scrolls and Talismans of Good Luck.)

Leading. Let's summarize. At the beginning of our holiday, you signed the “Dedication to the Guest” and everyone fulfilled their oath: they had fun to the fullest, ate everything that was on the festive table, joked and said nice words to the birthday man, danced, sang songs, participated in drawings and contests .

Our holiday was held in Chinese style. We, following Mulan Hua, had to go through all the trials that she had to go through on her life path. You all went through the stages of contests and riddles with dignity to find your Scroll of Fortune. Now we solemnly hand you the Scrolls and Talismans of Good Luck as a keepsake.

(The scrolls were made in advance, they say that such and such a guest was present on such and such a date, month, year at a birthday celebration, distinguished himself there with knowledge, resourcefulness, ingenuity, etc., etc. Talismans of good luck can be buy in a gift shop, or you can draw and cut out of paper, giving insects, animals or flowers some meaning: for example, a butterfly - for good luck, a frog for money, etc.)

A child's 10th birthday is an important date. This first anniversary, to the celebration of which the future birthday man is treated with special trepidation. After all, now he is no longer a baby, which he was at the age of five, he has become independent in many ways, his horizons have expanded, he communicates with his parents almost like an adult, he can explain exactly what he likes and what does not at all.

Therefore, a birthday at this age should be special: combine the features of a children's holiday and more adult entertainment.

Read also:

Girl's Decade: Flower Queen

The celebration should be divided into two parts: in the first half of the day, go somewhere with your parents, and in the second, arrange a children's home party with friends.

A ten-year-old child, in whom the desire for rivalry, victories grows every day, will happily spend the first few hours of his birthday bowling alley or game center, where he will compete in dexterity with his parents.

If a love for beauty has already arisen in a little person, then it’s great to go with the whole family to a morning performance at the puppet theater. The main thing is to return home at least two hours before the guests arrive, so that both parents and the child have time to relax, put themselves in order and check if everything is ready for the holiday.

If a young princess is going to celebrate a decade, a great option for a home holiday will be name day in the kingdom of flowers.

How to decorate a holiday

An important role in such a holiday is played by the decoration of the room in which the whole action will take place.

Decorate the walls with multi-colored balls, attach various flowers cut out of paper or cardboard to the curtains. Cover the bed with a canopy. It is quite simple to arrange it: it is enough to find two long bending aluminum wires and stick them on each side of the bed, bending at the top and bringing the ends closer to each other. From above throw a tulle or a translucent curtain.

10th birthday script

Come up with a legend. Let your daughter be the queen of flowers, and each of the guests the king or queen of something else. For example, the king of herbs, the queen of forests, the queen of butterflies.

Meet the guests addressing them like queens and kings. This will create a good mood and game environment from the doorway.

Arrange contests. Alternate competitions for ingenuity and intuition with mobile competitions. For each contest won, give your child a flower token.

Arrange at the end small performance. Let the heroine of the holiday, the queen of flowers, put a crown on the head of the winner.

Then give small souvenirs to each of the contestants, regardless of the number of flowers earned. By the way, gifts should also have a floral theme. Let it be, for example, notepads with floral patterns on the cover.

After the game invite the children to the table. Decorate the table with a tablecloth, napkins and crockery with flowers. Place a vase with a bright bouquet in the center. By the way, it will be very memorable if this same bouquet is given to her daughter early in the morning, as soon as she wakes up, her dad.

Fantasize, put yourself in the place of your child, think about what he would like to see, and then you will charmingly have an unforgettable bright birthday!