
What to do if you over-salt your vegetable stew. What to do if you over-salt your soup? Recommendations from professional chefs. How to save over-salted meat and fish

If the soup is too salty

First of all, there are a few rules that should be followed to prevent over-salting:

  • Cool the soup taken for testing, and in a wooden, not a metal spoon, which heats up and remains hot even when the soup in it has cooled.
  • Never taste soup from the top layer of fat, but always scoop the sample liquid from the middle of the pan.
  • Fat floating on the surface, upon contact with the mucous membrane, immediately solidifies and protects the taste organs from salt getting on them.

Did you over-salt the soup? Let's try to fix this...
Often, not too scrupulous housewives simply add a little water to the broth. Yes, this will save the soup from oversalting, but it will not have a very favorable effect on its taste.
However, as a last resort, you can simply pour the broth into a larger container and add boiled or carefully filtered water to the soup.

Chicken broth should not be diluted with water at all - it is better to add a little cereal or vegetables, they will draw in excess salt. Such ingredients will “pull out” excess salt from the broth and at the same time make the dish more rich.

And to prevent the dish from turning out too thick, experienced people use this trick: pour rice into a gauze bag and drop it into the broth. As a result, you will not only save the soup, but at the same time prepare a side dish for the second course.

If you don't want to put cheesecloth-wrapped cereal in your dish, another option is to use instant rice porridge packets. You just need to put them in the soup, and after a while, catch them with a ladle and throw them away. This option is suitable even if you have over-salted the dish and don’t know how to quickly correct the situation.
Don't like rice? You can replace it with potato. Put several whole tubers in the pan - it will be just as easy to take them out and turn them into a separate dish.

There is another solution to the problem. It is perfect if guests are already on the doorstep, and it seems that only a miracle can save you. Here is the recipe for this “miracle”: you need pour the egg white into the broth, and when it curls, catch the lumps with a spoon. Highest score for efficiency!

If you don’t have any eggs, potatoes, or rice at hand, it will help your troubles a crust of black bread: you need to keep it in the broth for about ten minutes, and then take it out. The bread can be pre-wrapped in gauze,
Be careful: if the bread gets soggy, some of the crumbs will remain in the broth. However, in some cases this may not only not harm the soup, but even significantly improve it, making it more rich, satisfying and tasty.

Replace bread with bag of flour- we get the same result. A side effect of this method is that the soup will become slightly cloudy. But if for some reason you cannot use the other methods listed above, this one will do.

The most desperate cooks struggle with excess salt... sugar. Place a piece of refined sugar in a ladle and carefully lower it into the broth. When the cube becomes loose and begins to fall apart, take it out. In a slightly sweetened broth, the oversalting will not be so noticeable - but the main thing here is not to oversweet, otherwise the soup will be completely spoiled. Therefore, it is necessary to extract the refined sugar in time, before it completely dissolves.

It’s that simple – there’s absolutely no point in getting upset. Now run to the stove to save the long-suffering soup!

If vegetables and mushrooms are too salty

There is only one way to correct over-salted vegetables (root vegetables): Mash them into a puree and add the same amount of puree from completely unsalted vegetables. Light oversalting can be corrected by adding flour, fat, sour cream, and beaten egg white to the puree.

Fill with water over-salted vegetables - boiled whole beets, carrots and potatoes - bring to a boil and keep in water for several minutes, excess salt should go away.

Over-salted fried potatoes reanimated in two ways. Adding sour cream and herbs, or frying a portion of unleavened potatoes and mixing with salted ones.

Finely chopped tomatoes help out an over-salted stew, which should be lightly sautéed, added to the stew and simmered again. Another way to save over-salted vegetables is to play with soft cheeses, such as mozzarella or ricotta. Well, you can always turn over-salted vegetables into puree, leveling out the overall taste by adding an unsalted portion of puree from the same vegetables.

Over-salted mushrooms can be corrected, adding flour, rice, mashed potatoes, sour cream, onions depending on the degree of oversalting. If there is no sour cream, you can add it to over-salted mushrooms a little water acidified with lemon.
Sometimes they add a new portion of mushrooms. Fresh mushrooms, of course, do not absorb excess salt, but, evenly mixed with salted ones, they create the illusion of a lightly salted dish.

Sauerkraut drain in a colander and rinse with cold water.

Salted cucumbers place in cold water and soak them for 15-20 minutes.

If meat or fish is over-salted

Simply mix the over-salted minced meat with boiled rice, unsalted mashed potatoes, grated zucchini, carrots and onions. This stuffing filling will make the taste of the dish softer and the cutlets more tender.

Over-salting of meat is relatively easy to eliminate when adding unleavened flour or butter sauce, which instantly draws the salt onto itself. Such a quick effect is due to the fact that the meat, due to its density, captures salt only at the periphery of the piece, especially if it is large.
In fish, salt penetrates the entire thickness of the fish body or fillet. This is usually due to its looser structure and more delicate consistency of fish meat. Therefore, it is much more difficult to correct over-salting of fish. Methods for correcting over-salting fish are similar to meat ones: unleavened flour sauce, unsalted mashed potatoes, sour cream with a lot of herbs (dill, parsley, onion). They are lightly stewed together with over-salted fish.

Did you over-salt the finished poultry dish? Don’t despair, removing excess salt is very easy, just remove all the meat from the bones, prepare the sauce without salt, put the meat in it and simmer for 5-10 minutes.

Chicken meat can be saved, additionally stewed with any vegetables.

If you over-salt raw poultry, removing the salt will help milk or water. Immerse the meat in the liquid for 15-20 minutes and it will neutralize the salt.

Over-salting meat or fish can also level out unleavened side dish of unsalted starchy foods or cereals, for example, from polenta, quinoa, mashed potatoes, rice. In this case, the overall feeling of saltiness of the dish will become more harmonious.

If herring turned out to be very salty, you should soak it in strong tea leaves for 1-2 hours.

If you have over-salted buckwheat, rice, millet, pilaf, pasta

Over-salted buckwheat or other grains drain in a colander and washed with cold water. Allow the water to drain completely, transfer to a bowl, add a little boiled water (so as not to burn), a little butter and set to simmer on low heat until the liquid evaporates and the dish is heated.

Is the rice too salty? No problem, rinse it several times in cold water.

Over-salted pilaf, can also be brought back to life. Add separately cooked rice and vegetables without salt to it, you can just add a little spices and mix with salt.
The essence of another method to get rid of over-salting in pilaf is to add soaked raisins. Stir and let the dish stand for 15 minutes, the raisins will absorb the salt.

If navy pasta turned out to be oversalted, don’t despair. There are three ways that can help remove excess salt:

  1. Add fresh tomato sauce.
  2. Boil a portion of unsalted pasta and combine with over-salted pasta, stirring thoroughly.
  3. Pour beaten eggs over the finished dish and fry; the eggs will remove excess salt.

If you have absolutely no time to prepare and boil something, simply serve sparkling wine or champagne with the over-salted dish - the bubbles perfectly cleanse the taste buds and “zero” the salty taste.

And most importantly, don’t be upset. With the proper skill and imagination, you can save even the most hopeless dish. In any case, the oversalting can be attributed to the fact that the cook fell in love.

Based on materials from,,,

PS. To prevent a similar disaster from happening to you, you just need to remember that some ingredients already contain salt, for example, salted fish, mayonnaise, bacon or cheese. We must not forget about evaporation of liquid. A dish that is salted to taste will be over-salted after stewing. It is best to under-salt or under-pepper the dish at the very beginning of cooking, and finally season it with salt and seasonings at the very end to the desired taste, rather than shifting the salt and seasonings, thereby creating extra work for yourself.

By the way, it is believed that if you salt a cooked dish after it has already been cooked, the negative effects of salt on the body will be neutralized. That is, do not add salt to boiling liquid: salt the potatoes after they have already been cooked, but still in the water, salt the soup after you have turned it off and left it to steep. The same goes for sauces. With pasta in this regard it is a little more difficult, since here a sense of proportion comes with practice.

If you happen to over-salt your food, remember that any greens absorb salt well. You can add a large amount of dill, parsley, and remove excess greens after cooking.

You can also experiment with the acidity and sweetness of the dish. For example, you can add a little sugar or citric acid to an over-salted sauce and it will become sweet and sour and delicious.

As you can see, there is always a way out of the situation, the main thing is not to lose heart and show imagination.

Enjoy your cooking and delicious dishes!

Unfortunately, there are times when a prepared delicious dish turns out to be too salty. What to do if you oversalt? How to fix it? How can you save an over-salted dish? The main thing is don’t be upset, don’t rush to throw away your creation, we’ll try to solve this problem.
I will share with you a few simple recipes that allow you to give a “second life” to seemingly hopelessly spoiled dishes.

You should try to correct over-salted meat and chicken soups by adding potatoes, rice, and unsalted noodles (you cannot use vermicelli or pasta if they are already salted (look on the package)). If these components are not provided in the dish, then they can be placed in a bag made of cloth or gauze. After 10 minutes they should have absorbed excess salt and can be removed.

In exceptional cases, it can be corrected by sowing flour. True, then you will have to clarify the broth with minced meat (the so-called pull-off) or beaten egg white, and then filter.
Agree, a much more complex option.

There is an option not to try to save the broth, soup or borscht itself (if it is not too salty), but to disguise your mistake. You can serve dishes with sour cream and fresh herbs. They will reduce the noticeability of over-salting.

Do not try to correct it by adding water to the broth, soup or borscht. This may help you get rid of excess salt, but the taste of the dish will be ruined.

What to do if you oversalt fried or boiled meat

Over-salting meat is relatively easy to correct. This is done by adding an unleavened butter or flour sauce, which will quickly absorb the salt. A good way is to add sour cream to fried meat. You will get a delicious salty gravy with meat juice.

It should be remembered that it would be a mistake to heat meat with sour cream on the stove in the container where the meat was cooked, because the effect will be minimal, which will have to be enhanced by using a much larger amount of sour cream. It would be correct to transfer the hot, cooked, salted meat into a cup with cold sour cream. Wait until the dish cools down. Only then can you heat this cup of meat in sour cream in a water bath. It is better to use glass or porcelain rather than metal. This method is guaranteed to be 100% effective.

What to do if you over-salt the minced meat for cutlets, dumplings, whites, manti

Over-salted minced meat can be saved by adding chopped cabbage, herbs, onions or grated potatoes. Adding white bread or a roll soaked in milk also helps. For minced meat, raw eggs, cabbage, raw zucchini or potatoes, grated, are also good.

These additives will not only remove excess salt, but can make the minced meat more juicy and tender. If these tips do not help, then the only way out is to add rice and cook cabbage rolls or.

There may be an option when the cutlets are already fried and heavily salted. Milk or sour cream unsalted sauce with fresh herbs will help out here. You need to pour the sauce over the cutlets and place in the oven for 15-20 minutes (temperature 180 degrees).

If this does not completely solve the problem, then serve the cutlets with an unsalted side dish.

Over-salted dumplings should be boiled in water without adding salt and served with sour cream. The water will take away some of the salt, and the sour cream will hide your mistake.

What to do if you oversalt boiled or fried fish

It is more difficult to correct fish if it is over-salted. The reason is the loose structure of the fish itself and the fact that the consistency of fish meat is much more tender. Salt quickly ends up in the thickness of the fish or fillet, unlike animal meat, which is much denser and “takes up” the salt only on the surface of the piece, especially a large one.

Correct fish with excess salt in the same way as meat. This is the use of unsalted mashed potatoes, unleavened flour sauce, as well as sour cream with the addition of a large number of various herbs (onion, dill, parsley and others are suitable), which should be stewed together with over-salted fish.

The effect of this will not be as significant as in the case of over-salted meat. This is especially noticeable with significant oversalting.

What to do if you over-salted vegetables

It is even more difficult to correct over-salted vegetables. You can’t fix them without redoing the original dish. If potatoes, carrots, beets or other root vegetables are too salty, you will have to mash them and mix them with mashed potatoes from the same unsalted ingredients. Of course, cooking will take twice as much food and time.

If the oversalting is insignificant, then it can be masked not by adding unleavened puree from the same products, but by adding fat, flour, sour cream or eggs to the oversalted puree (it is better to take whipped egg white).

As you can see, over-salting vegetables will inevitably lead to a change in the character and shape of the dish, and in the worst case, the over-salted dish will have to be thrown out.

What to do if you over-salted mushrooms

You can try to correct over-salted mushrooms by using flour, rice, unsalted mashed potatoes, sour cream, and onions. It depends on the degree of oversalting. Often a new portion of unsalted ones is added to reduce the amount of salt. However, this will lead to a “variegated” taste. Over-salted mushrooms evenly mixed with unsalted mushrooms can create the appearance of a lightly salted dish. It will not be possible to completely correct over-salting in this way. Fresh mushrooms will not be able to take excess salt from over-salted ones.

For salt adsorption, a fresh-acidic liquid medium or starchy (enveloping) substances are required. They are able to dissolve salt even after it has been absorbed by another product. Therefore, if you don’t have sour cream, you can try to correct the dish with over-salted mushrooms with a small portion of water and lemon juice.

What to do if sauerkraut, salted fish or lard is too salty

The easiest way is to rinse the sauerkraut in water and dilute the brine to taste with boiled water.

Salted fish will have to be soaked in water. If the fish is large (for example, herring), then it is necessary to divide it into pieces. After this procedure, dry the fish with paper towels.

Lard has a dense structure and salt, usually accumulates on the surface and nearby layers. If you don’t mind, you can cut off a piece of lard or scrape off the top layer with a knife. If the lard is salted in small pieces, you will have to rinse them in water. If it is too salty, soak it in the same way. It is also necessary to dry the lard after water and grate with pepper and garlic.

Now you know what to do if a dish is too salty and you can fix it.

The previous part of this article is located here ""

What to do if you oversalt the meat

You can remove excess salt from meat by adding or oil-based sauce, which will remove excess salt. This is done either during stewing or when serving the dish to the table, but not during cooking. It is possible to correct the situation by preparing a bland, unseasoned side dish for over-salted meat. In addition to all our recommendations, we advise you to find out delicious culinary recipes on the website Served to Eat! where I found a sea of ​​different delicious solutions and quite simple ones. Which, in general, is very necessary for a modern housewife today. In any case, you need to strive for perfection and know as many recipes as possible... If you have over-salted the raw minced cutlet, you can revive it by adding a little unleavened boiled rice. If all else fails, the meat dish is lost for you. Therefore, it is always better to under-salt meat, especially minced meat for pies, cutlets and pieces of meat.

What to do if you oversalt poultry (chicken, turkey)

Did you over-salt the finished poultry dish? Don’t despair, it’s very easy to remove excess salt; just remove all the meat from the bones, prepare a sauce without salt, put the meat in it and simmer for 5-10 minutes. Chicken meat can be saved by additionally stewing it with any vegetables. If you oversalt raw poultry, milk or water will help remove the salt. Submerge the meat in the liquid for 15-20 minutes and it will neutralize the salt.

What to do if you oversalt buckwheat, rice, millet, pilaf

Place over-salted buckwheat or other grains in a colander and washed with cold water. Allow the water to drain completely, transfer to a bowl, add a little boiled water (so as not to burn), a little butter and set to simmer on low heat until the liquid evaporates and the dish is heated. Is the rice too salty? No problem, rinse it several times in cold water. Over-salted pilaf can also be brought back to life. Add separately cooked rice and vegetables without salt to it, you can just add a little spices and mix with salt. The essence of another method to get rid of over-salting in pilaf is to add soaked raisins. Stir and let the dish stand for 15 minutes, the raisins will absorb the salt.

Over-salting a dish is, without exaggeration, a disaster for any housewife. Then the question arises: how to remove excess salt. It's one thing if a dish intended for a quiet family dinner is spoiled. But sometimes an incident occurs on the day of some celebration: guests are about to begin to gather, and an over-salted delicacy should have become the highlight of the festive culinary program...
Stop! Panic is a bad advisor, so before you pour out the spoiled sour cream soup with champignons, which you have been preparing, by the way, for two whole hours, try to correct the situation. The tips below will help you cope with over-salting.

How to salt dishes correctly

A salted dish has a completely different taste, sharper and richer than a unleavened one. But in order to properly salt when cooking, you need to practice a lot of culinary skills. This is especially true for treats that consist of ingredients of various origins (animal, plant). If a recipe for a dish is taken from the cuisine of another country, it is advisable to clarify what standard of salt is accepted among this people. For example, dishes from the Middle East and Transcaucasia would seem over-salted to us, and German and Baltic dishes would seem bland. And what can we say about countries, if you take several people, one will have too much salt, and another will be just right.

As a rule, dishes are salted at the end of cooking. This way, the salt is absorbed more evenly, since the food is already practically ready, and its quantity will not change, and the consistency will remain homogeneous. And the water or broth will no longer boil away. At the very beginning of cooking, only the fish soup or boiled fish is salted (before adding vegetables, spices, and the fish itself), and they also add salt to the water for cooking dumplings, noodles and other flour products. The dish should be salted in such a way that part of the salt goes into the dough, unleavened vegetables, or simply into the water in which the food is boiled or stewed.

Meat does not always require salting, as it contains many different salts. If seasonings are used during the cooking process of meat, they are usually sufficient.

Various fish, smoked, boiled, fried (they simply must have a pronounced salty taste), vegetables (they require a little less salt than fish), all kinds of fillings for pies, minced meat for stuffed vegetables, need plenty of salting. By the way, salt is the main, but not the only seasoning for dishes. You can experiment with aromatic additives, perhaps you can give a familiar and ordinary dish a completely new and unique taste!

Finally, everything is ready, the last test... and suddenly the hostess realizes that the dish is too salty and is absolutely impossible to eat. But what to do? Fortunately, oversalting is not such a hopeless situation. Below are recommendations on how to “reanimate” certain over-salted dishes.

If the soup is too salty...

The easiest way to eliminate over-salting of a first dish is to add boiled water to it. Indeed, the taste of salt gradually weakens, but at the same time the taste of the dish itself becomes less pronounced. Therefore, you can dilute with water only when the salting is not too strong and only a little water is needed.

So, how to remove excess salt:

  • Cereals. You can take any cereal, as long as it is in a bag. This bag is lowered into the pan and the cereal contained in it takes away all the excess salt during the boiling process. Instead of a bag, you can use a canvas bag. If you don’t have such a bag at home, you need to get one, since you don’t know in advance when you might need it. It is best to take rice, which can then be used as a side dish or an excellent addition to various salads. Once in the broth, it will acquire a spicy aroma and taste.
  • Potato. For a medium sized saucepan you will need one potato. If the soup is thick, the potato can be lowered into the pan as a whole tuber and then pulled out, but if the consistency allows, the tuber can be cut into cubes and added to the first one. Cook until fully cooked. No matter what form the potatoes are in, they will cope with the task. You can also use carrots - they absorb salt well.
  • Flour. Please note that flour makes the broth cloudy, so you should prepare a beaten egg white to clarify. You won't need more than one cup of flour. As an alternative to flour, you can use homemade noodles (store-bought noodles are not suitable, they are initially salted).
  • Sugar. A small piece of sugar should be placed in a tablespoon and dropped into the soup. When the sugar begins to crumble in the spoon, you need to remove it. If the samples are still unsatisfactory, repeat the procedure again.

Remember: in order not to oversalt the soup, you should taste the broth not from the top, but from the middle of the pan. Fat covering the surface of the broth with a thin film prevents the taste buds from correctly assessing the degree of oversalting.

Eliminating over-salting of main courses

With soup it’s more or less clear: either dilute it, or eliminate it with improvised means, or completely change the water. But what to do if the second dish, for example, meat, fish, sauce, turns out to be too salty?
Firstly, you need to develop the habit of salting the dish at the very end, when it is ready. It is believed that in this case the negative effect of salt on the body is neutralized. In other words, they boiled the potatoes, turned them off, and when the water stopped boiling, they added salt. The same goes for soup, by the way. Secondly, you should remember that sugar and lemon juice (or vinegar as an option) will help regulate the amount of salt. The dish can be slightly sweetened or acidified if appropriate. Thirdly, greens help eliminate over-salting. It can be added and then removed from the dish. Parsley absorbs salt especially well.

  • Meat. The easiest way is to add a floury or oily unleavened sauce, which will quickly draw the salt out of the meat. The density of the meat is quite large, and it takes a lot of effort to over-salt a large piece. Usually the salt is “grabbed” only by the edge of the piece, which can be cut off (if salted only once).
  • Fish. It is more difficult to eliminate over-salting of fish, because it is not as dense as meat. But you can try by adding unleavened mashed potatoes, unleavened flour sauce, or stewing the product in a herb sauce with sour cream.
  • Vegetables. Over-salted vegetables can be mashed into a puree and a smaller amount (or the same amount, depending on the degree of over-salting) can be added to puree from unsalted vegetables. Another option is to add sour cream, beaten egg white or flour to the vegetable puree.
  • Mushrooms. You can add some unleavened mushrooms to the over-salted portion - they will not be able to remove the salt, but will slightly dilute the overall mass, creating the impression of a moderately salted, tasty dish. You can use mashed potatoes, sour cream, flour, onions - depending on how much salt the dish is. Sour cream can be replaced with water and a small amount of lemon juice.

Thus, oversalting is not as big a problem as it might seem. It can be eliminated without pouring out salted water or diluting it - just with the help of familiar products, the wonderful properties of which many do not even know. Truly amazing things are nearby!

What to do if you oversalt a dish? Surely everyone made this small mistake. And every time I panicked, not knowing how to save the situation, or even threw out the spoiled dish in frustration.

Too salty food may not only not be the healthiest for people who care about their health or are on special diets, but also simply tasteless. Butany situation is fixable. Follow our simple tips and correct the taste of the dish.

If the soup is too salty

A classic problem for which our grandmothers provided so many clues. We boil 150 grams of rice or any other cereal in a gauze bag or portioned bag in over-salted broth, and then serve the same cereal, like our farm grandmothers, as a side dish.

No rice? We use 2-3 raw potatoes or any noodles - all these ingredients are excellent at removing salt. We make sure that they are not overcooked, otherwise our clear broth risks becoming cloudy.

You can also add whipped egg whites to the soup and then remove it with a slotted spoon or experiment with adding sugar, but strong oversalting, alas, cannot be saved with sugar.

If vegetables and mushrooms are too salty

Pour water over the salted vegetables - boiled whole beets, carrots and potatoes - bring to a boil and hold in the water for several minutes, the excess salt should go away. But mashed potatoes can be saved by adding an egg to it.

An over-salted stew is helped out by finely chopped tomatoes, which should be lightly sautéed, added to the stew and simmered again. Another way to save over-salted vegetables is to play with soft cheeses, such as mozzarella or ricotta. Well, you can always turn over-salted vegetables into puree, leveling out the overall taste by adding an unsalted portion of puree from the same vegetables.

But over-salted mushrooms will feel better with the addition of flour, rice, mashed potatoes, sour cream or onions. You can also prepare a portion of unsalted mushrooms and mix them with over-salted ones - mushrooms are excellent at absorbing salt. And one more trick - add a small amount of water with lemon juice to the mushrooms.

If meat or fish is over-salted

Simply mix the salted minced meat with boiled rice, unsalted mashed potatoes, grated zucchini, carrots and onions. This stuffing filling will make the taste of the dish softer and the cutlets more tender.

Sour cream sauce can be a savior for over-salted meat or fish. Just marinate the meat in it for a while and then heat it up - the sauce will absorb excess salt.

Over-salting meat or fish can also even out bland side dishes of unsalted starchy foods or grains, such as polenta, quinoa, mashed potatoes, and rice. In this case, the overall feeling of saltiness of the dish will become more harmonious.