
Severe frost. how to survive low temperature? memo. Safety measures during severe frosts Even during severe frosts



They will definitely come: after all, we live in the North!

There is nothing unusual about Russian frosts. However, very severe frosts, 30 and above, are a difficult thing. It is easier to survive them than to adapt to them.

So, going outside in severe frost, you can wrap your legs with a newspaper - the layer should be as thick as possible, at least 2-3 newspapers. Newspapers, of course, should be dry and changed with each change of shoes.

The face and hands should be smeared with a fat cream (in no case water-based!). Vaseline, ghee, just animal fat, such as pork, are suitable. Apply a thick layer on the face, ears and hands.

Move a lot - helps with relatively mild frost. With a very strong (minus 30) excess movement only provokes heat transfer.

Do not warm yourself with vodka. In severe frost, alcohol contributes to heat transfer. Intoxication in the bitter cold - common cause death from hypothermia.

Five times more clothing doesn't mean five times warmer. Use wool and everything is only natural. Underwear should be dry, clean, natural.

Arriving in any room, you can quickly warm up by holding your hands under the stream hot water. At home - steaming your feet in a basin of hot water. It is good to soar legs, adding mustard powder - 1-2 tbsp. l. on a basin, as much as possible, "to taste." And you can not rinse your feet from the remnants of mustard after the procedure.

Shoes must be dry. In general, during frosts, pay special attention to shoes. The shoes will still be damp due to the evaporation of sweat and its rapid condensation. Dry your shoes anytime, anywhere. But in general, the ideal shoes for severe frosts are felt boots or high fur boots.

Covering your mouth with a handkerchief or scarf is useless and even harmful: when you exhale in the cold, the steam from your mouth instantly condenses and your rag on your face is covered with a thin and invisible layer of ice in a minute. Breathing through an icy rag won't do you any good. Breathe deeply through your nose, preferably slowly. Man has everything. The nasal cavity is designed in such a way that the air passing through it warms up.

Clean clothes keep you warmer than dirty clothes, especially socks.

There is nothing better than wool and fur. Get out all the fur things that are in the house, and overlay them "to the fullest." Wool can be cut into insoles for shoes. Insoles can also be made from cardboard, but they should be changed as often as possible. Wet insoles are not warm. In general, in the house you need to keep fur and woolen things in the same way as a first-aid kit and a fire extinguisher. It is also better to sit on fur things. There is nothing better than a rustic sheepskin coat during frosts.

Be careful with electrical appliances. During severe frosts, fires occur more often.

If the room is cold, it is more convenient to put a heating pad in bed than to heat the whole room. When you lie down in a cold bed, it is important to warm it up in the first moment. If there is no heating pad, a one-liter plastic bottle of hot water under your feet will do.

Be careful on the street. Drivers' windows fog up, attention decreases - both yours and the drivers'. The road is slippery, in severe frost even anti-icing reagents freeze. Salt doesn't help. Any accident can lead to severe frostbite: you can freeze before the ambulance arrives.

If it is very cold and you are freezing, but you have to go, move in dashes, with stops in shops, cafes, anywhere.

Don't wear a knitted meningitis hat if you want to survive in minus thirty. Or put on two hats, or better, a hat with earflaps.

Eat lard before going out into the cold (tested by experience, it helps!).

Do not drink hot tea as soon as you come in from the cold.

After leaving a warm room, do not breathe through your mouth: the enamel is cracking (alas, also verified by experience).

30-degree frost is not the time to dress in fashion. Dress warmly, regardless of appearance.

Be attentive to your ears, fingers and toes, nose.

Do not pass by freezing people. By calling an ambulance and providing first aid, you can save a life.

It is better for children not to walk alone.

Beware of stray dogs, especially in a pack.

A tired and hungry person freezes more easily.

Sleep only in warmth, otherwise you will catch a cold.

Don't overuse "just in case" cold pills, especially paracetamol.

Please note that during frosts, equipment and various materials may behave differently than at normal temperatures.

How to insulate a house during severe frosts

In fact, it is better to do this before frost, at the stage of housing construction. The thermal insulation of the walls of a house in central Russia should correspond to about one meter of brickwork. Windows must be triple glazed. No need to save on insulation: all your expenses will pay off. The apartment, if you have thin walls, is also better to insulate in advance, during the repair.

So wrap up warm and don't complain.

Winter 1708/09 and the defeat of the Swedish army

The winter of 1708/09 turned out to be the coldest in Europe for the last 500 years: the frost was so severe that even the birds froze to death in flight. Just this winter, the long-term Northern War fell. The Arctic cold destroyed almost half of the Swedish army in a few months, while she was chasing Peter I, trying to impose a general battle on him.

When the frosts halved the army of the Swedes, the 75,000th army of Tsar Peter triumphantly completed the defeat of the 30,000th army of Charles XII on June 27 at the Battle of Poltava. The daring Swedes still managed in this battle to attack the Russian regiments firmly seated in the redoubts and even broke through the line of fortifications. It is even scary to imagine what would have happened if the entire army of the Swedes, and not the half that eluded General Frost, had taken part in the Poltava battle.

It was not for nothing that Peter I, not yet knowing about the impending fierce winter, offered peace to Charles XII several times, agreeing to give up everything he had won by overwork and asking only to leave St. Petersburg. As it turned out, he gave up early: the winter helped.

Winter 1812 and Napoleon's retreat

In fairness, it should be said that in 1812, General Frost began to exterminate the French already on the way back. Prior to this, General Prostranstvo helped the Russian army - for some reason, few people are surprised that out of the 600,000th Napoleonic army that crossed the border, 130 thousand took part in the Battle of Borodino, despite the fact that there were no bloody battles, as well as a wide partisan movement (all it will wait for Napoleon on his way back). The fact is that most of the troops were left in garrisons along the entire infinitely long, by European standards, path from the border to Moscow.

The cold came in 1812, indeed earlier than usual - in October. But the fate of the Napoleonic army had been decided by that time. Unusually severe frosts struck during the crossing of the Berezina. Moreover, the cold was strong enough to destroy many enemies, but not strong enough to establish strong ice, as a result of which many foreign adversaries also drowned.

It should be noted that the Russian troops also suffered greatly from the "friendly fire" of General Moroz: Russian overcoats were not much better than French ones. However, it is still easier to find shelter and warm clothes on your own land, and the Russian losses from the cold, although large, were less than those of the enemy.

Winters of 1941, 1942 and 1943 and the defeat of the fascist army

During the Great Patriotic War Goebbels' propaganda tried to push responsibility for all the failures on the Eastern Front onto the "Siberian frosts", while Russian propaganda did not notice the frosts point-blank. Perhaps the truth is somewhere in the middle: no doubt, stubborn and heroic resistance Soviet army The exceptionally cold winters of 1941/42 and 1942/43 and the vast expanses of the USSR also helped the people.

The German army was completely unprepared for winter, and, characteristically, it was in winter that all the first offensive operations of the Soviet troops were carried out - the Moscow and Stalingrad battles (the first successful strategic offensive in the summer took place only in 1943, after the Battle of Kursk).

This spring, the problem of hypothermia and frostbite is especially relevant. After all, frosts these days fall to -25 ° C and below. We offer you simple rules of prevention and safety measures, following which you can avoid trouble.

There are 6 basic rules of behavior in severe frost:

The first rule of behavior is to provide the body with fuel to generate internal energy that heats the body. Food is our fuel. Fat is the best source for generating internal energy. If for some reason you can not eat fats, they must be replaced with protein foods of animal origin, such as meat. Be sure to have hot tea or coffee. Only after a hearty breakfast or lunch can you go outside in severe frost.

The second rule of conduct is to keep moving. You can not stand in one place, especially lean or sit on cold, especially metal objects. At this moment, a person loses his own heat, gives it to a colder surface. This process is accelerated if the clothes are wet. Even a sweat-soaked T-shirt under a jacket can speed up the process of lowering the core temperature.

The third rule of conduct is to dress warmly. Forget tight tights, cut-off belts, overly tight jeans, and anything else that can cut off circulation. You need at least three layers of loose woolen clothing. To keep your hands warm, wear mittens, not gloves, warm and loose shoes, and a warm hat. It is necessary! The elderly, babies, and those who suffer from diseases associated with impaired blood circulation - with the same atherosclerosis, for example, should wrap up especially warmly. They can suffer from the cold and at a slight sub-zero temperature.

The fourth rule of conduct is to take care of your ears, nose, cheeks and fingers. They are primarily prone to frostbite.

The fifth rule of conduct - try not to wear earrings and rings on the street. Having a high thermal conductivity, the metal in the cold cools so much that it can cause frostbite. And the rings impede the circulation of blood in the fingers, and they are even more cold even in mittens.

And the sixth rule of conduct - you can not smoke in the cold. Nicotine reduces blood circulation in the peripheral vessels, mainly in the fingers and toes, making them more vulnerable to frost.

First aid for frostbite

With frostbite, the whole body is very often supercooled. Therefore, first aid consists in the rapid resumption of blood circulation and warming the victim.

If frostbite is minor, you can warm the fingers by hiding them under the armpits; if the nose is frostbitten, the heat of the hand will be enough to warm it. Do not let the warmed area of ​​the skin freeze again. The more often the tissue freezes and warms up, the more severe the damage can become. Light frostbite goes away on its own in 1-2 hours. If immobility persists after rubbing, see a doctor.

To warm the victim, you need to bring in warm room, free from shoes and clothes. Do not place the patient near a heat source (batteries, heater, fireplace, fire, hot stove) or use a hair dryer: the victim does not feel frostbitten tissue and can easily get burned. A warm blanket, hot tea or milk will suffice. If there are no blisters or swelling on the frostbitten area, wipe it with vodka or alcohol and with clean hands massage the frostbitten part of the body, moving towards the heart. When bubbles appear, massage should not be done, otherwise you can infect the infection and cause unnecessary pain. Very often, before the appearance of sensitivity, the skin must be rubbed for a long time until it becomes red, soft and warm. Massage should be done very carefully so as not to damage the vessels.

If the cheeks or nose are frostbitten, warming can be done by rubbing them in the cold, and then taking the victim to the room. It is not recommended to rub frostbitten areas with snow. Snow contributes to even greater cooling, and sharp ice can injure the skin.

Warming can also be carried out in warm water at room temperature, gently massaging the skin. The water should be neither very warm nor very cold. The water temperature should be increased gradually, starting from room temperature 18-20°C, and bring it to a body temperature of 37°C. At the same time, the patient is given a hot drink. The process of warming may be accompanied by acute burning pain, the appearance of a tumor, a change in color. Warming is continued until the skin becomes soft and sensitive.

After a warm bath, it is necessary to gently wipe the patient, the frostbitten area, if there are no blisters, wipe with alcohol and apply a sterile bandage and wrap it warmly. It is not recommended to use ointments, as they can complicate further examination and treatment by a doctor. After providing first aid, the patient must be quickly taken to the hospital!

Follow the rules of behavior in the cold and be healthy !!!

Due to the sharp cooling and difficult weather conditions, special attention should be paid to the rules of behavior in cold weather.

Rules of conduct during severe frosts:

  • On the street in the cold, you need to breathe properly - slowly, shallowly and, preferably, through your nose (so that the cold air warms up in the nasal cavity).
  • During a cold snap, the body gives all its strength to warming. And where can I get it if a person eats little or is on a diet? In severe frosts, nutrition should be enhanced: meat, fish, lard, butter and other high-calorie foods. It is necessary to include more various soups on meat broth, milk porridges in the diet. Try to drink more liquids - hot tea, coffee, adding cream, milk, honey, herbal decoctions, with the addition of mint and hawthorn.
  • Do not take hot food and drinks at least 40 minutes before going outside. It is more difficult for a warm body to get used to the cold; when going outside, it does not feel cold.
  • You can not drink alcohol, it causes the illusion of warmth and does not allow you to focus on the signs of frostbite.
  • Alcoholic drinks and cold weather don't mix well. Alcohol weakens your ability to control and dilates the vessels on the surface of the body, which leads to heat loss. Only the vessels contracted to prevent cooling of the internal organs - alcohol immediately nullifies these protective measures.
  • You can’t smoke in the cold - this reduces blood circulation and makes the limbs more vulnerable.
  • In the cold, you need to wear loose clothing made from natural fabrics - this contributes to normal blood circulation, you need to dress according to the “cabbage” principle, when there are layers of air between the layers of clothing that retain heat.
  • Do not go out in the cold without mittens, a hat and a scarf (gloves do not save you from frost). The smallest parts of the body - fingers, ears and nose - suffer the most in cold weather.
  • Do not wear metal (gold, silver) jewelry in the cold - metal cools faster than the body.
  • Do not go out into the cold with wet skin or hair. In the cold - nothing wet and even damp! The colder it is outside, the drier all clothes and shoes should be.
  • As soon as chilliness, tingling, numbness to the point of loss of sensitivity, blanching, cooling of the skin appear, you need to go to any warm place as soon as possible.
  • It is impossible to remove shoes from frostbitten limbs in the cold - they will swell, and it will be impossible to put on shoes again. You need to get to a warm room as soon as possible.
  • In children, the thermoregulation of the body has not yet been formed, and in the elderly and in some diseases this function is impaired. Therefore, every 15-20 minutes, children, the elderly, and those who are sick need to return to the heat and keep warm.
  • The simplest exercises when you start to freeze: without bending your arms, do 25-30 rotational movements from the shoulder; exercise will help to quickly warm up frozen hands: leaning low forward, with strong, sharp swings of your arms back and forth, you, thanks to centrifugal force, will cause blood flow to the hands. Frozen feet will help to warm up fast walking, intensive movements of the whole body, wiggling of the toes.
  • When leaving home, you must take with you mobile phone, having previously checked the availability of money in the account and charging.
  • When you come home from a frost, you can not immediately drink hot tea and take a hot shower or bath. With a sharp change in temperature (from -20 to +20), there can be a significant load on the cardiovascular system, with unpredictable consequences. The body should smoothly adapt to room temperature within 20-30 minutes.

If you could not find a warm shelter, decide where you are, call for help (ambulance, rescue service, relatives, friends) and start warming yourself with the warmth of your own body: curl up into a ball with your back to the wind and put your hands under your armpits. Just don't fall asleep!

Specialists of the Minsk City Executive Committee have prepared a number of rules on how to behave during severe frosts, a correspondent of the Minsk-Novosti agency reports.

— A sharp increase in frost is expected over the weekend. On Saturday, January 6 - up to - 27 degrees (the minimum temperature at night is 15 - 22 degrees, in some places - 23 - 27 degrees). Therefore, we strongly recommend citizens to comply with the necessary rules safe behavior in severe frosts,” the press service of the Minsk City Executive Committee said.


Conditions that are dangerous for the body are created not only by sub-zero temperatures, but also by factors such as air humidity and wind strength. The higher the humidity, the stronger the wind, the more likely to get frostbite. Therefore, you should not relax if it is 0°C or -5°C outside. Even such relatively warm weather does not guarantee safety.


A simple rule: air retains heat. So the more layers of air - the better. However, keep in mind that being dressed like a cabbage is also bad - it will hamper movement (you move less - you freeze more). Contrary to popular myth, thick woolen clothes are not the best clothes in case of cold weather, choose any shaggy fabrics that are not too thick - they hold air well, and therefore warm.


Should not be tight. If the shoes are tight, then the blood circulation in the legs slows down, and this is a sure way to frostbite. Fingers should be free to move. Before leaving the house, polish your shoes with a greasy cream - it will prevent the shoes from getting wet. Put on woolen socks, insert thick insoles - even if you get wet, they will absorb moisture.


Do not forget to bring gloves with you - up to 17% of heat can be lost through bare hands! By the way, mittens will be a more advantageous option - fingers are together in them, they are warmer.


The style is up to you to choose. Be guided by the following principle: the hat should not be tight, should cover the ears. Protect your neck and even your face from frost with a loose knit scarf.


Those areas of the skin that have remained uncovered or may be exposed during, for example, outdoor activities, be sure to treat with a greasy cream - it maintains the skin's ability to retain moisture. Lips smear hygienic lipstick. Having lost moisture in the cold, the skin will become less elastic, microcracks will form on it during movement, it will begin to peel off.

If you are alone in the cold, then ask a friend to periodically examine your face and ears: if they are unnaturally white, it’s bad business!


Remember that if you are hungry, you will freeze much faster than after a hearty meal. Proper nutrition- one of better ways prevention of frostbite and recovery of the body after a cold.

Food should be warm - this will provide an additional surge of strength immediately, as well as high-calorie - this will add energy later. Drink only warm, warming drinks, such as tea. It is impossible to warm yourself with alcohol before going out into the cold, as well as during exposure to cold, contrary to the opinion of many. Warming here is false, alcohol only worsens the sensitivity and does not make it possible to objectively assess how cold you are. Smoking in the cold is also prohibited - this will cause a spasm of capillaries for a long time and worsen blood circulation.

Frostbite First Aid


There is a generally accepted set of actions that in fact will only exacerbate the negative consequences of frostbite.

  1. Do not rub the frozen areas - this will injure the frozen skin. Microcracks form, which will cause infection, which can lead to gangrene.
  2. Rubbing oils, alcohol, grease, etc. frostbite is also contraindicated.
  3. Sharp warming of heavily frozen tissues near an open fire or other powerful heat sources is prohibited! The upper tissues will quickly “move away” and begin to “work”, but they will not receive nutrition from the not yet warmed vessels, which are located deeper. Due to lack of nutrition, tissues die.


  1. Eliminate the factors that contribute to the cooling of the body. Once in a warm room, undress - cold clothes will not allow the body to warm up until it warms up itself. After gently wash and dry the affected area, wrap it in several layers of warm, dry clothing.
  2. Eat hot (but not scalding) foods and drinks. You can take an aspirin / analgin / papaverine / no-shpa tablet. All this thins the blood and improves its flow to damaged tissues.
  3. If after a few hours the condition does not improve or worsens, consult a doctor immediately! Without timely assistance, you can lose a limb!


When going out in the cold, remember that frostbite is promoted by:

  • strong wind and humidity;
  • wet and tight clothes and shoes;
  • tired and/or hungry state;
  • problems with blood supply;
  • alcohol intoxication

If you are cold:

  • find a warm room;
  • do not rub;
  • change into dry and warm clothes;
  • tea and warm food are best friends;
  • if it's really bad, call an ambulance.