
New Year is coming .... The most important holiday New Year - What? Where? When? how

Today, the editors of "In the Course of Life" will tell you the unusual truth about the New Year. Just don’t fall off the chair!

Like most holidays (with the exception of some Pervomaevs), the celebration of the New Year is a ritual of ancient origin. Today, comparing traditions that have come down to us with some rites of the ancients, one is struck by unexpected parallels and understand the hidden meanings of New Year’s customs.

And now she, smartly dressed, came to us for a holiday ...

For example, a Christmas tree, which (live or artificial) almost every family sets at home. Spruce in the early Celts (and not only among them) was revered as a tree endowed with magical meaning. It is an evergreen tree, which means that it does not succumb to any destructive forces. Perhaps that is why the spruce was considered the abode of the forest deity, friendship with which was extremely important for people dependent on the "favor" of the forest.
  The spirit lived, of course, not in every snuffled Christmas tree, but in the oldest and most powerful. It was before her during the winter solstice that the obsequious ancients gathered in order to appease the spirit, to receive from him the “blessing” for the next year.
  They knew how to flatter in the old days only in one way - by sacrificing. Once they were human sacrifices, and then they began to "get rid" of animals. The insides of the killed victims were hung on the branches of spruce, and she smeared herself with blood. These were the first prototypes of the present ... Christmas tree decorations.
Subsequently, magic rituals underwent changes. The killings are a thing of the past, and the sacred plant was decorated with gifts - apples, slices of bread, ears of corn, etc. Decorating a tree took on another meaning. The deity was not just appeased, but also “hinted” to him for those benefits that the celebrants would like to receive next year, when nature comes to life after winter timelessness. Certain symbols appeared on the branches of the spruce. The top of the tree was “given” to the gods in charge of the destiny of man, and was decorated with an image of the sun made from ears of wheat, images of stars, birds. Closer to the ground were more utilitarian symbols: figurines of people who wanted to get rid of illnesses or improve their lives, fruits that hinted at a good harvest, images of houses that people celebrating wanted to build next year, etc.
  Gradually, forest festivities passed under the roofs. The spruce was dug up along with the roots and transported to the temple, where it stood alive for seven days - the spirit was invited to visit. Then, just as carefully, the tree was transplanted back, burying gifts or sacrifices under the roots. But to cut a living tree to bring it into the house was forbidden. Cut branches were allowed, but no more. The barbaric custom of the New Year's “harvesting” of Christmas trees was formed much later.
  The magical properties of spruce or pine are confirmed even by a custom that has survived to our times, such as decorating the branches of these plants with coffins with the dead or the tradition to cover with spruce paws the path along which the coffin was carried. This links the spruce with death, which we will talk about in more detail, recalling the transformation of the Santa Claus, beloved by children.

Hello, Grandfather Frost ... and Snow Maiden ...

Character without which it is impossible to imagine New YearThis is Santa Claus. This image also has an ancient and unexpected origin.
  In the old days, winter was associated with the sign of the planet Saturn. Saturn was represented as an old man with a long beard and a scythe in his hands. In some cases, the scythe changes to a large staff or rod of power, which Saturn controls Death. So during the winter solstice, this character also needed to be appeased. In the mysteries of the Druids there was a priest who dressed in Saturn. A virgin was sacrificed to the deity, tied in the frost to a tree, where she froze, which indicated that the victim was accepted. So the familiar to us ... Snow Maiden appeared, accompanied by whom our Santa Claus comes to the holiday.
So Santa Claus was not originally a positive, kind character (remember at least the Nekrasov poem "Red Nose Frost"). It is interesting that the Navajo Indians preserved legends about the Great Elder of the North, and this is one of the names of ... the devil.
  The appearance of Santa Claus with a bag of gifts is also not completely interpreted. Yes, this is a bag. But not with gifts, but with sacrifices, which the Great Elder of the North, the symbol of Death, does not give, but collects from people. Therefore, the appearance in your house of a grandfather with a beard suggests that during the year you underpaid something to him. There is nothing special to rejoice about.

Snowman: what did he symbolize in the past?

Winter came and transformed the world with its frosty breath. Sometimes everything becomes like a wonderful fairy tale: a white fluffy snow flies, the sleeping earth covered with a winter blanket sparkles in the sun ... And in every yard, as if by magic, funny snowmen wrapped in scarves appear. This fun winter idea has been known to people for centuries. But not many people know what a supernatural meaning the snowman had in the past ...
  According to an old legend, at the end of the 15th century, around 1493, the Italian sculptor, architect, poet Michelangelo Buonarroti first made a snow figure. According to historical studies, the first written mention of a snowman is found in an 18th-century book: it speaks of a “beautiful snowman” of gigantic proportions. And the word "schneeman" itself, that is, "snowman" originally arose in German. The image of a snowman first appeared as an illustration for a children's song book published in Leipzig.
  The first snowmen were portrayed as unkind, ferocious snow monsters of impressive size. This is no coincidence, because in those ancient times, ruthless winters with severe frosts and dank blizzards brought a lot of trouble. Most likely, it was then that beliefs appeared, according to which snowmen represent a real threat to people. They thought it was dangerous to sculpt them during periods of the full moon: for a person, disobedience can turn into obsessive nightmares, nightly fears, and indeed all kinds of setbacks. And in Norway there was a legend that it is dangerous to look at snowmen in the late evening because of the curtains. In addition, it was considered a bad sign to meet a snow figure at night: it was recommended to bypass it.

Only in the 19th century did snowy creatures “grow up” and soon became an indispensable attribute of Christmas and New Year. Greeting cards with the image of a cute smiling snowman surrounded by cheerful children quickly gained popularity. It is curious that in the view of European peoples, a snowman is always a male being, they have never had snow women and snow maidens. IN english language  there is only one word for it - snowman.
  In Europe, snowmen have always been sculpted near houses, generously decorated with garlands and household utensils, wrapped in scarves, and handed branchy brooms. The mystical character is guessed in the details of their "robes." For example, a carrot-shaped nose was attached to propitiate spirits that send crops and fertility. The inverted bucket on the head symbolized wealth in the house. In Romania, the custom to decorate a snowman with beads from the heads of garlic has long been known. It was believed that this contributes to the health of households and protects them from leprosy of dark power.
  In Russia, snowmen have been sculpted since ancient pagan times and revered as spirits of winter. They, like Frost, were treated with due respect and were asked for help and to reduce the duration of severe frosts. By the way, snow women and the Snow Maiden are our Russian heritage. Our ancestors believed that female spirits command winter natural phenomena (fogs, snows, snowstorms). Therefore, to show them their reverence, they sculpted snow women.
  According to Soviet greeting cards, it is clear that the snowman was one of the most beloved New Year's characters. It is not for nothing that there is the expression “winter-mother”, “frost-father”. And the month of January was sometimes even called “snowman”. For our people, the snowman is also one of the favorite New Year characters. In the glorious Soviet cartoons "Snowman-mailer", "When the Christmas trees light up," the snowman appears as a faithful assistant to Santa Claus on the farm. In the Soviet Union, snowmen skillfully painted on greeting cards.

How in Russia they came to the tree ...

Foreigners brought the tradition of decorating the house with a Christmas tree at Christmas, and Peter the Great, greedy for everything abroad, along with the decree of 1699 on the translation of the New Year’s calculus from September 1 to January 1, told everyone to have fun in the German manner: “to each though a tree or branch on the gates or over his temple ”. After the death of Peter, this innovation, like many others, was forgotten. And only in drinking establishments stubbornly continued to put a Christmas tree, but ... on the roof or in front of the gate. Moreover, they did not remove it from there throughout the year, only directly by the holiday replacing the old tree with a new one. Because of what, the tree has become a symbol of a tavern for almost a century and a half. They were called that way: “Christmas tree”, “go to the Christmas tree”, “fall under the Christmas tree”. Judge for yourself whether it was possible to drag such abomination on a holiday in a decent family? 200 years ago, Christmas trees were set up only in taverns.
  And only in the second quarter of the XIX century, with the increasing influence of the Germans in Russia, the Christmas tree began to slowly establish itself as a symbol of the New Year. The first “state tree” was organized in the late 1830s by Emperor Nicholas I personally, who liked the custom seen from foreigners. The most loyal subjects immediately took the example of their bosses into service.
  However, after 80 years, the tree was again removed. In 1916, during the First World War, christmas tree  in Russia was banned as a "German custom". After the 1917 revolution in the USSR, the tree was banned not only as a bourgeois, but also as a religious relic, as it was associated not only with the New Year, but also with Christmas.
  And only on December 28, 1935, the newspaper Pravda published a letter from the Secretary of the Communist Party of Ukraine Pavel Postyshev in defense of the Christmas tree:

“In pre-revolutionary times, the bourgeoisie and bourgeois officials always arranged a New Year tree for their children. The children of the workers looked enviously through the window at the Christmas tree sparkling with colorful lights and the rich children having fun around it. Why do we have schools, orphanages, nurseries, children's clubs, pioneer palaces depriving this wonderful pleasure of the children of the working people of the Soviet country? Some, other than the "left" bendists, glorified this children's entertainment as a bourgeois venture. It follows this wrong condemnation of the Christmas tree, which is a wonderful entertainment for children, to put an end to. Komsomol members, pioneer workers should arrange collective Christmas trees for children on New Year's Eve. In schools, orphanages, in the palaces of pioneers, in children's clubs, in children's films and theaters - there should be a Christmas tree everywhere! There should not be a single collective farm where the board, along with the Komsomol members, would not arrange a Christmas tree for their children on the eve of the New Year. City councils, chairmen of district executive committees, village councils, and public education bodies should help set up a Soviet Christmas tree for the children of our great socialist homeland. Organization of a children's Christmas tree, our children will only be grateful. I am sure that Komsomol members will take an active part in this matter and eradicate the ridiculous opinion that the Christmas tree is a bourgeois prejudice. So, let's organize a fun New Year's Eve for children, arrange a good Soviet Christmas tree in all cities and collective farms. ”

  After this letter, the tree was allowed by a special decree of the Komsomol. Together with the Christmas tree, Santa Claus returned to Soviet children. And Pavel Postyshev on February 26, 1938 was removed from his posts, arrested and executed a year later in Butyrskaya prison.

So, perceiving the New Year as a fun children's holiday, you should look a little deeper, then something will fall into place, the true meaning of the ancient rituals and traditions of past centuries will open.

Lapland Joulupukki

Few people know, but the good Christmas grandfather who lives in Lapland is actually a rather dubious character in mythology. One of its historical names is Joulupukki, which is translated from the Suomi language as "Christmas goat."

In general, the image of the good-natured, pink-cheeked old man in a red caftan appeared relatively recently. Back in the 19th century, he was portrayed as an evil creature in a goat skin with horns, which comes into the house solely in order to demand a drink from the owners and scare the children. He cooked the naughty kids alive in a cauldron, and used red deer as his main food for the winter.
  Initially, the pagan custom was gradually “Christianized”. The prototype of Santa Claus is the common Christian saint Nikolai Mirlikijsky (Santa - “saint”, Klaus - “Nikolai”), known for his life as a charity (helping poor people in the form of secret gifts). Initially, it was on his behalf that children were given gifts in Europe on the day of the veneration of the saint according to the church calendar - December 6. However, during the Reformation period, which opposed the veneration of saints, in Germany and neighboring countries, St. Nicholas was replaced as the person giving gifts by the baby Christ, and the day of presenting gifts was moved from December 6 to the period of Christmas markets, that is, to December 24. During the Counter-Reformation in Europe, the character of St. Nicholas again began to give children gifts, but this began to happen at the end of December at Christmas.
  Therefore, the image of Joulupukki (Fin. Joulupukki) has become more humane and, more recently, has completely turned into an advertising character of Coca-Cola in a red and white caftan. The horned villain from Lapland was forever replaced by a "pokhokhayuschie" old man with a bag of gifts.
  Now Joulupucci looks like Santa Claus familiar to everyone with a white beard, in a red coat and hat, although it retains some national characteristics. But back in the 19th century, he was portrayed in a goat's skin and sometimes even with small horns. Judging by the surviving illustrations, the ancient prototype of Santa was much more colorful and the children definitely obeyed it.

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The fact that the celebration of the New Year now always falls at the end of the Christmas Lent is, of course, nothing good. But to declare the New Year as a holiday demonic and godless, equating it almost with the notorious Halloween is also wrong. Of course, in addition to unbridled fasting, the annual celebration of the New Year brings with it many other troubles: people who are frozen on the street, alcohol poisoning, injuries from pyrotechnics and so on. We know all this, all this is very mournful, but, I am afraid, somehow it is not possible to change the situation quickly. New Year's celebrations too tightly entered consciousness, into the flesh and blood of Soviet and post-Soviet people. Even assuming such a fantastic idea that we would not have a calendar reform in Russia, and the civic New Year would still fall on Christmas time, and not at the end of the Christmas Lent, even if we celebrated Christmas not on January 7 in a new style, and on December 25 (as, for example, in Greece), I think, nothing would have changed. Those who indulge in drunkenness and eating Olivier salad on New Year's Eve to the accompaniment of flat jokes and pop songs rushing from the TV would do the same after Christmas, in Christmas time, which, incidentally, are not so called. These are special, holy days, the continuation of the holiday, and not at all a time for all kinds of atrocities. And those who go to the temple and fast, celebrate the New Year in a completely different way - with prayer in the church and thanksgiving to God for the past year. The main thing for church people is Christmas, we went to it all fasting. A new year is a secular holiday, such as a birthday. If you want - celebrate, if you want - no. Perhaps if the New Year came after Christmas, it would be even worse. Fans of "celebrating" the holidays with drinking would have drunk on Christmas. They would hardly have gone to the temple, but they would have found an extra reason to drink. Now, having celebrated the New Year “in our own way, in Brazilian style”, many are already coming to Christmas by Christmas and even go to the temple, experiencing repentant feelings.

It’s bad that the New Year has replaced Christmas for most citizens

It's not that New Year celebrators break the fast. “New Year's Eve already, people are cutting sausage” (folk art). They are not fasting anyway. The bad thing is that the New Year has replaced Christmas for most citizens.

The completely senseless and even harmful large-scale celebration of the New Year is, of course, our misfortune. And for people who are used to celebrating it with the full scope of the Russian soul, with all the ensuing consequences, this is precisely a disaster, and not just fault. This wrong tradition is the legacy of the Soviet era. What was the New Year for a Soviet person? The only non-ideologized and not saturated with a lying communist spirit national holiday. All other holidays people were deprived. New Year's Eve is the only thing left from pre-revolutionary times. They wanted to take him away as well. Along with the persecution of the celebration of Christmas, a struggle was waged with the New Year. In 1929, the celebration of the New Year was actually banned. I still remember the stories of old people who recalled how people were forbidden to put Christmas trees even on New Year's. The New Year was returned only in 1935.

For our compatriots, the New Year is a “holiday of childhood and there is no getting away from it

And New Year's celebration is an unconscious genetic longing for lost Christmas, with its nightly mystery, Christmas tree, congratulations and gifts. For too many years, the New Year holiday was a replacement for the Christmas holidays, so that, of course, this completely wrong tradition was easily and quickly overcome. For most of our compatriots, the New Year is "a celebration of childhood and there is no escape from it."

Yes, the New Year is not our holiday, not a church holiday, and it falls on an extremely inconvenient time for celebration. But what has the Church always done with pagan holidays? I didn’t completely dismiss them, cancel them, but fill them with new spiritual meaning. The most striking example is the same Christmas. Until the 4th century, Christmas was celebrated with the Epiphany - January 6 to julian calendar. In the middle of the IV century, the celebration of Christmas was postponed until December 25. One of the reasons was the need to supplant the holiday widespread in the Roman Empire - the winter solstice, which was celebrated on the 25th day of December and was associated with the cult of the Invincible Sun. Now we are celebrating on this day the Birth of the Sun of truth - Christ the Savior.

I think that it’s not right to simply declare the New Year a holiday of the holy and sacrilegious. After all, the civil new year was celebrated before the revolution. And in tsarist, Orthodox Russia, people sent cards to each other, congratulating not only Merry Christmas, but also Happy New Year. On pre-revolutionary postcards you can see the image of Santa Claus with a Christmas tree and gifts. And the point is not in the civil new years, but in what sense we put in this holiday and how we spend it. Just to say that this is not a holiday at all, let’s not pay any attention to it, and to celebrate only Christmas will not work either. Too many people have been accustomed for decades to wish each other a Happy New Year, give children presents and generally celebrate this day. What we can do? Conduct explanatory work, tell what sense should be invested in the New Year and how to celebrate it correctly. We Orthodox know how to celebrate, celebrate a new year, what is its meaning. Every year, all clergymen tell us about this, starting from the Patriarch and ending with simple rural priests. The New Year, which, incidentally, was celebrated by all peoples, in all countries, including in the Old Testament Israel, is a celebration of Thanksgiving, a celebration of summing up. And the reason to turn to God with a prayer for a blessing for the beginning of the year. A prayer for the new year (by the way, compiled before the revolution) contains prayers and chants, which are almost without change taken from a prayer of thanks. Also, liturgical singing for the New Year is composed as a prayer prayer appealing to God for the blessing of our labors and good deeds.

How did the holy fathers of the 19th and 18th centuries understand the civil New Year? I do not take earlier theologians, for the celebration of the New Year on January 1, as is known, was introduced only in the eighteenth century.

Here is what the Rev. Barsanuphius of Optina says in the New Year’s word: “I congratulate you on the joys that the Lord may send you in the coming year. I also congratulate you on the sorrows that will inevitably visit you this year: maybe today, maybe tomorrow or soon. However, do not be embarrassed and do not be afraid of sorrows. Sorrows and joys are closely connected with each other. It seems strange to you, but remember the words of the Savior: the wife always gives birth, have sorrow, as I come for her year: he will give birth to a lad, who does not remember the sorrow for joy, as a man is born into the world (John 16.21). Day is replaced by night, and night is replaced by day; inclement weather is a bucket; so sorrow and joy replace one another. ” And she ends her congratulation on the new year with the words of spiritual support: “May the Lord save us all and bring us into the Kingdom of the Unknown Light!” The Rev. teaches us that our life consists of joys and sorrows. It is they that make our life complete, rich, meaningful. Joy teaches us thanksgiving, Sorrow teaches us to think about our sins, repent, understand: everything that happens to us is “not in vain, not by chance”. But all this is life. And for everything you need to thank God.

Saint Theophan the Recluse also gives us a lecture on the New Year: “The Lord did not proclaim only came about a pleasant summer (year, Prot. Paul), but he also brought it. Where is it? In the souls of believers. Earth will never be transformed into paradise until there is a real order of things; but it is and will be the field of preparation for heavenly life. Her beginnings rely on the soul; the possibility of this in the grace of God; grace brought our Lord Jesus Christ - brought, therefore, for the souls a pleasant summer. He who listens to the Lord and fulfills all that He has commanded, receives grace, and enjoys the strength of it in himself during the pleasant summer. This is true in all sincere believers and those who act by faith. Thoughts do not fill the soul with this pleasantness; one must act, and pleasantness will be infused by itself. External peace may not be any, but one internal, but it is inalienable from Christ. However, it always happens that as soon as inner peace is established, external anxieties do not have burdens and bitterness. Consequently, and on this side there is a pleasant summer; only on the outside does it seem cold in winter. ”

Whatever the Lord sends in the coming year, the main thing is to have peace in the soul

Everything is within you, ”Saint Theophanes tells us with these words. This is consistent with the words of Father Seraphim of Sarov: “Acquire the Spirit is peaceful, acquire the Holy Spirit - and thousands will be saved around you.” Whatever the Lord sends in the coming year, the main thing is to have peace in the soul, then everything that will be sent to us will be in our favor.

Saint Tikhon Zadonsky in his New Year’s word does not in the least diminish the day of New Year’s celebration, especially since in his time the Circumcision of the Lord and the memory of Saint Basil the Great were still celebrated on this day. He congratulates everyone: “I won’t be rewarded and I’m happy with your happiness, and happy New Year and happiness.”

In the New Year, start a new life by opposing sins with opposing virtues

Does this remind you of anything? That's right, the well-known New Year's wish: "Happy New Year, with new happiness." This means that this is not such an empty wish, but has a history from the 18th century, and Saint Tikhon himself congratulated his flock. But not only happiness is desired by the saint in his sermon. He desires the repentance of every person. He wants people to enter the New Year, cleansed by confession and repentance from sins. So that in the New Year we begin a new life, renewed from transgressions and passions. Invites drunks to abandon their addiction, fornicators - to reject unclean passion and keep themselves from unclean desires and thoughts. Those in a quarrel - reconcile. He advises those who love to condemn and slander not to judge their neighbors, but to see only their sins. That is, in the New Year to begin a new life, opposing the opposite virtues of sins and passions.

“And starting the New Year, start a new life: repent. Until now, God endured you, waiting for your conversion, endured that you did not listen to him, that you ruined his law, and whether you continue to endure it, I do not know, and I don’t say anything about that ... ”, St. Tikhon instructs. And at the end he adds: “And if you start the New Year like that, oh, how to start it safely, but it’s even better when you start it and finish it!” Again I would like to ask: “What associations do these words evoke?” “As you start the year, so you spend it, so you finish it.” This wish is also always heard at New Year's celebrations.

But the holy fathers also admonish those who causelessly spend New Year's Eve. St. Theophanes takes up arms against those who celebrate the New Year with playing cards, idle talk, dancing and drinking after midnight. Who does not go to the temple to ask God for help for the coming year does not pray with the whole family on New Year's Eve itself and sees some almost sacred meaning in raising glasses at midnight. He says that in this way we can set the tone for the whole year. What is decent to do during the transition of the old year to the new? Here is what the saint says: “Raise your hands to heaven and thank the Lord for past mercies and beg him to extend His grace for the future. "Do this especially in each family, or if you gather several families together - blessedly to celebrate the new summer."

This is a very important edification that the holy fathers give us in connection with the celebration of the civil new year.

Now about how to be with our not-so-believers and not-so-churchly home, relatives and friends. To tell people far from the Church that they, de, are incorrectly celebrating the New Year, that this is all “drunkenness and goat-talking” means only to provoke their reciprocal opposition and hostility. If you are still invited to celebrate New Year by non-church relatives, and you cannot refuse them, for example, you live in the same apartment or the relationship with them is quite tense, and you are afraid to offend them with a refusal, you do not need to reject invitations. Recently, a man sent me an e-mail, describing his difficult relationship with his wife’s family, and said that his mother-in-law was inviting them with his wife for the New Year. It seems that her attitude towards him is softening. Here, for the sake of peace in the family, I would advise you to accept the invitation. But let's not forget that there is a post, and the inviting party should be warned about this in advance. This year, the New Year is from Sunday to Sunday, fish and wine, in moderation, are permitted by the church charter. But, on the other hand, it should be remembered that the next day you need to be at the Divine Liturgy (as you meet a year, so you spend it). And so you need to agree to family gatherings with great prudence, only when the family world can really suffer. If you are going to receive communion, then participation in the feast is out of the question. If you just pray the next day at the Liturgy, it is best if you wait until midnight and call everyone to offer a prayer to God, for example, chanting “King of Heaven” and congratulating everyone on the New Year, to leave.

New Year - a time for summing up and a time for gratitude

In general, the presence of a believer in a secular company (and not only for the New Year) is always missionary work. A lot depends on our behavior, on our actions and words: how people around us will relate to the Church. Whether they will come to the temple later or, on the contrary, seduced by us, will never cross the church threshold. The great missionary apostle Paul, who said that for all I had done to save at least some (1 Cor. 9, 22), I was sure that I could talk with people around him not only about God and faith. But also about the harvest of grapes and figs, about grain prices, and with women - about the health of children and household chores. And only then say the word of the sermon. It is very important to establish good, friendly contact with our unbelieving relatives. You cannot immediately “load” them with sermons. First you need to talk with your mother-in-law about the cottage, about fruits and vegetables, with father-in-law - about fishing and politics, with my nephew - about sports and computers, and only then tell them about spiritual things, of course, if this does not cause resistance. For the most part, the people in our country are not able to truly celebrate, to conduct friendly conversation in a feast. And when a person appears in the company who can have an interesting conversation, tell something, remember something, it is always appreciated. We have already said that the New Year is a time to take stock and a time of gratitude.

When communicating with family, it’s very good to recall all the good things that happened last year. You can arrange viewing photos or home videos with the events of the past year and a story about them. It is clear that communication with relatives who are not close in spirit to you is not a very simple matter. But in family life you always need to try to meet, to seek a compromise. Although they still don’t understand something, but after sitting with them at the New Year’s table, delighting them, we can then invite them to the temple for Christmas, and then celebrate the holiday together at home, and thereby gain people for the Lord.

Now about how we ourselves, church Orthodox people, spend the New Year. This year, January 1 falls on Sunday. In our church of Saints Peter and Fevronia, the New Year service will be served after the All-night Vigil on Saturday. So we all pray at the all-night service, thank the Lord, ask for His help for the whole coming year, and then we will go home. You can cook something tasty (lean, of course) and sit down, remember all the good events of the past year and again thank the Lord. We all really lack communication. And if someone tolerates before midnight, get up all together and sing "King of Heaven." Well, tomorrow morning - at the Sunday liturgy. It is necessary. Still, it’s great that 2017 begins with the resurrection, because this is the day of the Lord, Easter, the beginning of the week according to the church charter. And the day of hope for all of us on Sunday, the revival of our souls in a new life.

What to do for the New Year: 5 tips for a fun company + 5 ideas for a family celebration and a couple in love + 3 main mistakes.

Every year, as soon as the first yellow leaves begin to appear on the trees, and on the streets are first graders with half-bow bows, your brain begins to attack the thought: “ What to do for the New Year

And rightly so, after all, preparation for any holiday, as well as for battle, is more important than the holiday itself.

Read about how not to lose your mind during the New Year’s general madness and remain the most beautiful Cinderella / Prince at the New Year's Eve ball in our article.

What to do for the New Year to turn a banal feast into real fun: 5 tips for a company

    Make a theme New Year's party or, at worst, at least enter a dress code for all participants of "unbridled fun".

    “Our friendly company began with such simple things as the usual dress code: there was a pirate, mafia, yellow and black and white party, and now we have reached such heights that we not only dress appropriately, but also make special dishes on the subject,”  - says Irina from Moscow

  1. If the company "sleeps and sings" is not the first time, then make a slide show with the most "trump" joint photos over the past year or video cut. Yes, yes, and that “shameful” picnic picture, where your face is up to your ears in ketchup, is also for everyone to see.

    And now you can practice the festival in witty comments!

    Do not force the mistress of the house on New Year to cover the "clearing" "from A to Z", it is better to make a table in a fold. And instead of a tormented woman with dark circles under her eyes, you will see a "bagina"!

    Yes, and you will sparkle with the ability to make some rabbit fricassee with cranberry sauce.

    Also, do it together for a holiday and an entertainment program, because it is somehow quite sad to get together in a big company to eat salads under the mumble of the TV and scatter.

    But blaming someone for one duty toastmaster is also not comme il faut. So let each participant prepare 1-2 games or a competition for the holiday. And do not refer to the lack of imagination - the Internet will help you!

  • "Fanta";
  • "Crocodile";
  • "Twister";
  • "Mafia";
  • "Monopoly".

Do you think that singing at a holiday is the lot of retired grandmothers who are nostalgic for Komsomol youth? And what if the songs of Tsoi or Zemfira? And the “Ocean of Elsa” or “Bumbox”?

Make a playlist of your favorite songs for the New Year - and more!

In the family circle: 5 tips on what to do for the New Year, if you meet him with the closest

    Organize an exchange of gifts for the New Year, de not anyhow what, but creative.

    So down with warm socks (although this is a useful thing in the household), pots and deodorants for the holiday!

    Do you know what the most memorable did to the author of the article? As an adult thirty-year-old young lady, she received soap bubbles and a fake dollar garland for the New Year, which they made by hand! After midnight, these same bubbles were inflated on the balcony and happiness knew no bounds!

    Take a family photo shoot for the holiday.

    No cool SLR camera to take quality pictures ?? No problem! The main thing is satisfied faces in Santa Claus hats, and a smartphone will save the situation.

    At the New Year's Eve, do a quest for children to find gifts hidden throughout the apartment.

    Although ... stop! Why do only for children? And you will get a lot of pleasure by looking for notes with tasks and tips where a bottle of your favorite perfume is hidden.

    Look at the holiday kind family comedy or a good cartoon.

    And no Darths of Vaders, Pokemon and other evil spirits - only Santa Claus, obedient pink-cheeked little peanuts or funny animals a la "Timon and Pumbaa" for the New Year!

    Drop adult “show-offs” during the holiday and enjoy games and pre-prepared contests with the little one:  hide and seek, “The figure is frozen”, the same “Crocodile” and “Twister” - all of them will be great entertainment for the New Year.

    Or maybe make a family wall newspaper? Or arrange a talent show abruptly "X Factor"? All in your hands.

5 ideas on what to do for the New Year for a couple in love: the road to romance!

    For a holiday, launch a Chinese lantern in the sky.

    And do not care that the Chinese New Year will come only in a month - but it's beautiful!

    Get plenty of slow dancing for the holiday.

    And no one will condemn you for the lack of rhythm and hearing, will not make your face a "brick". Just look each other in the eye, hug, kiss - in short, enjoy the moment until you again become two jerky workaholics.

    For the New Year, dream up and write a message to yourself with the future  - a kind of touching old people who walk holding hands.

    Hide the letter in a champagne bottle and make a label on which indicate the exact date of reading this masterpiece.

    Buy special body paints and arrange a body art celebration for the New Year.

    On what secluded places to draw and what to do next, leave at your discretion.

    And how do you like the idea of \u200b\u200ba pajama party for two on New Year's holidays?

    Dress, dress that stretched penguin with your penguins, make cocoa and get ready for a pillow fight - it will be hot on New Year! You will not forget such a holiday.

What to do on the New Year if you are left alone: \u200b\u200b7 ways to make the evening cease to be languid

You should not burst into tears and curse the day when your mother gave birth to you, if you have to decide what to do alone for the New Year, because you can:

  • to be an open mind and body to spontaneous invitations to celebrate a holiday:  at least to the neighbors in the country, at least to make a barbecue in the middle of the yard, or to take a Christmas tree to another city (we think everyone watched the film “Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath!”, which means that you have every chance to make yourself no worse than Zhenya Lukashin);
  • to make those dishes for the holiday and choose those drinks that you like,  and not Valya’s neighbor, Ira’s niece and even your favorite connoisseur of sausages of the highest grade - the Artemon poodle. Gourmet health for the New Year!
  • do not do spring cleaning in the apartment before the holiday and enjoy the creative mess.

    And tell me: who, well, who dares to reproach you with the fact that under the sink in the bathroom you live an almost manual spider?

    what you can definitely do for the New Year if you are left in splendid isolation is to congratulate all relatives, friends and relatives by telephone, Skype and other achievements of the civilization.

    And since you do not have drinking companions for the holiday, you will not be threatened with any inconsistencies in the form of a braided tongue, “dumb” emoticons and a selfie with a face redder than the nitrate tomato itself. Why do you need such incriminating evidence after the holidays?

    wrapped in a warm blanket, writing your goals in a new, beautiful notebook for next year, drawing a dream card, thinking about who you are thankful for and what, sorting out a family photo album to your favorite music or film - there is something very correct in this and sweet, agree?

    Such a New Year alone will become a kind of self-development training and tell you what to do not only on a holiday, but also on the remaining 364 days of the coming year;

    Irina from Krasnodar shares her impressions of the “lonely” New Year: “I will say briefly: it was wonderful! Do not listen to anyone and do not spare yourself, do what you always wanted! I met 2016 alone in the apartment: I drank my favorite wine, watched the Victoria Secret show, read a book that my hands had not reached for three months. And in the morning I went to breathe air under a city Christmas tree. And while most people tried to remember the way home, to their crib, I was fresher than a mountain edelweiss. There is something sacred in such a New Year’s celebration: you feel like a person who looks from the side at his creations. ”

  • on New Year's Eve you can make a bath with fragrant foam or aromatic oils and climb in there with strawberries and a bottle of champagne  - the classic is good because it never goes out of fashion;
  • do creative work on New Year's holiday  (“Scoop up” an article, start knitting a funny sweater with deers, make beautiful packaging for Christmas gifts) - than not an application to bring more creativity and joy to the New Year, which has come?

What to do in the New Year, only if you want to spoil it completely and irrevocably: 3 main mistakes

Even if you are wise, like King Solomon, when deciding the question “What to do for the New Year?” There is a risk of stepping on such a “rake”:

    to try to embrace the immense for the holiday, so that everything is “like people”:  the apartment was cleaned no worse than the operating room, the baked duck - with a perfect golden brown crust, the hairstyle - so that looking at your curls, Jennifer Aniston fell into a prolonged depression - in a word, do it all at once.

    The New Year must be made a holiday, not a vanity fair! And tell me, will the apocalypse come if you do not have time to wash all the kitchen cabinets before the holiday? That's it ... Drink chamomile tea and calm down.

    it’s holy, childish, to believe that "so you will spend it!".

    That is, if you went down to the New Year holidays with the flu and mourned your absence at the corporate party with bitter tears, then you need to urgently buy aspirin and drops from a cold at wholesale prices? We don’t think so. New Year is a time to draw conclusions, make plans for the future, and not to "vang".

    what certainly should not be done for the New Year, is, clenching your teeth, portray joy (a holiday, after all) if cats scratch their hearts.

    Well, by God, did you sign a social obligation to be a cheerful idiot on New Year's holidays? If you have fun - then only sincerely and from the heart. Any competent psychologist will tell you this.

On New Year's Day, did you want to stay home instead of rushing to the other end of the city with relatives of “dubious quality”? Deliver yourself such a simple pleasure for the holiday.

Will of fate to celebrate the New Year alone?

Get ideas on how to have fun from this video:

5 books on what to do for the New Year, so that it would not be a shame for a mediocre holiday

What to do in the New Year, of course, you decide. We have offered only some of the many options.

The main advice is to listen to yourself and then you will surely understand what you want on New Year's Eve. We are sure: this is definitely something more interesting than eating Olivier salad under the “blue light”.

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When did the Pension Fund of Russia award Santa Claus the title “Veteran of Fairytale Labor”?

  It is believed that if in the last minutes of the outgoing year write your most cherished desire on a piece of paper and have time to burn it under the chiming clock, it will certainly come true

  Peter I ordered to postpone the beginning of the year from September 1 to January 1

Every day brings us closer to the New Year 2014. In anticipation of this event, the portal decided to find out the most interesting facts about the favorite holiday of children and adults.
  Fact No. 1: Peter I ordered to celebrate the New Year on January 1
On December 20, 1699, the Russian emperor-innovator Peter I again surprised the Russians with his new decree. The king ordered that the beginning of the year be postponed from September 1 to January 1. And so that this was not just a calendar date, in his decree he ordered to decorate houses with pine, spruce and juniper branches, dress up, shoot muskets and launch rockets. And so that compatriots did everything right, he organized exhibition samples of New Year decorations in the Gostiny Dvor. At first, the innovation took root with difficulty, but soon the celebration of the New Year on January 1 became a good tradition.

  Christmas tree was banned for 17 years

Fact # 2: the New Year tree was banned for 17 years
  The Bolsheviks, among other decrees, banned the installation of a Christmas tree in public places and houses. In it, as well as the star decorating the forest beauty, they saw a religious connotation. As a result, the tree for long seventeen years fell out of favor.
  The most daring secretly decorated the New Year's fluffy beauty. But it was very dangerous. According to the denunciation, one could go to camps for such an act. The return of the New Year tree occurred in 1935 after the publication in the central newspaper that, in general, there is nothing wrong with the holiday tree. They returned the star, however, of the six-pointed it was made five-pointed.


  The song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” has been sung at every New Year’s performance for many years

Fact number 3: the poem "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" turned 110 years old
  Raisa Kudasheva’s New Year poem “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” this year marks 110 years. It was published in the children's magazine "Baby" in 1903. The music for words in 1905 was written by composer Leonid Beckman. Since then, they have been singing a song at every New Year’s performance for many years.


  Snegurochka first became the daughter of Santa Claus, and then his granddaughter

Fact 4: The Snow Maiden was at first a daughter of Santa Claus
  Initially, Santa Claus was the only New Year's fairy-tale character. But this is only until 1873, while Alexander Ostrovsky did not write the play “The Snow Maiden”. The young beauty first became the daughter of Santa Claus, and then his granddaughter. How and for what reason this happened is now difficult to say.
  Another thing is also incomprehensible - why did the Snow Maiden not please the Soviet regime? Indeed, during the years of repression, from 1927 to 1937, this fabulous character was banned. The Snow Maiden was “amnestied” in the first half of the 1950s. This happened thanks to Lev Kassil and Sergey Mikhalkov, who were the authors of the scripts for the main Christmas tree of the country - the Kremlin.

Residents of the USSR have already met the new year 1948 with the opportunity to take a break from the festive fun

Fact # 5: the snowman was "born" in the 19th century
  Another famous New Year character - Snowman - appeared in the 19th century. Even then, he looked like a modern one - of three snow balls, with a bucket on his head, a carrot nose and a broom.
  Fact # 6: January 1 was a working day
  Until 1947, January 1 in Russia was the most common working day. A change to the calendar was made by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of December 23, 1947. Therefore, the inhabitants of the USSR have already met the new year 1948 with the opportunity to take a break from the festive fun.
  Fact No. 7: New Year's greetings to the country's leader appeared in 1970

  New Year's greetings to Leonid Brezhnev

  Santa Claus became a veteran of fabulous work

Until that time, before the chimes, there was no usual congratulation of the first person of the state today. And when it appeared in 1970, it was not really like a holiday. Leonid Brezhnev, General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, who congratulated the viewers, spoke for a very long time about the results of the five-year plan, the construction of communism and state issues. Interestingly, the congratulations made the following year were shorter.
  Fact No. 8: Santa Claus became a veteran of fabulous work
  In 2009, the Pension Fund of Russia decided to award Santa Claus from Veliky Ustyug the title “Veteran of Fairytale Labor”. In all seriousness, the employees of the Vologda branch of the Pension Fund invited a fairy-tale hero to present to him
  a certificate that gives the right to free travel on deer around the world.
  Fact # 9: Santa Claus went on a visit to the 1970s
  A popular tradition of inviting Santa Claus for home congratulations appeared in our country in the 1970s. Earlier, the owner of the New Year gave presents and drove round dance with children only at performances in the houses of culture, kindergartens and schools.
  Fact # 10: paper with a wish has been burned for over 60 years
  The tradition of burning a note with a New Year's wish came to us from the middle of the last century. However, it is popular today. It is believed that if in the last minutes of the outgoing year write your most cherished desire
  on a piece of paper and have time to burn it under the chiming clock, it will surely be fulfilled.

Force Majeure - this definition is most suitable for the most important holiday New Year. Although he comes to each of us not at all unexpectedly, he always causes a crazy turmoil and a many-day adrenaline rush at work and at home. Let’s try to reduce the intensity of passions with the help of a selection of useful tips, interesting and informative information for the New Year.

10 most important things to do before the New Year.

  • Get rid of the old.   If you have accumulated a lot of unnecessary things at home, now is the time to get rid of them. Cleaning the apartment before the New Year, do not regret old clothesthat you don’t wear for a long time. Throw away everything that has become obsolete. At home there will be a lot of free space, but it will become easier on the soul.
  •   Pay back your debts.  If you borrowed money or some things, give them back before the holiday. You will immediately feel a surge of strength and the return of peace of mind. If you owe you, then it is better to call these people and ask for a debt repayment.
  • Take a step for a pleasant change.   Before the holidays please yourself. Visit the beauty salon and clothing store. It will be great if you start a new life with a change in your appearance. Buy yourself the thing you have been dreaming about for a long time. Let it be a trifle, but it will certainly cheer you up.
  • Praise yourself for your accomplishments.   Take a piece of paper and write down all the victories that you won in the past year. Perhaps you were able to organize an unforgettable vacation for the whole family? Or have they achieved a salary increase? Or maybe you learned to embroider or cook a new dish? You were proud of yourself for only a few days, and then the achievement was forgotten. But now you can remember what you did, it will certainly give you strength for further achievements.
  • Learn from the future.   The results of each year are associated not only with victories, but also with sad memories of failures. But remember: everything that you experienced in the past year has made you stronger and wiser. If you broke up with friends and loved ones, do not hold them angry, let go with gratitude for the time spent together and the experience gained. Forgive your offenders and apologize to those to whom you were unfair. Try to understand what you should change in yourself in order to avoid quarrels and disappointments in the future.
  • Thank life for all the good that happened to you.   No matter how the year goes by for you, there were difficulties and joyful events. Remember all the good luck and happy moments that you have experienced. Thank fate for your favor, rejoice in the fact that you have gained new experience and now you can avoid many mistakes.
  • Do good.  If possible, get involved in charity, or simply help those who really need it.
  • Pick up gifts for loved ones.   And of course, eve the most important holiday  New Year - this is the time to think about friends and relatives. What surprises will you prepare for your colleagues and family? Take your time, make a list of the gifts that you are going to buy.
  • Congratulate all your friends and acquaintances.   Before the holiday, call all friends and buddies, wish them a Happy New Year. Better yet, if you write them congratulations on beautiful cards and send them by mail. It will not take much time, and your friends will be pleased to receive such an unusual congratulation in our time. Be sure to visit relatives, especially single grandparents. Prepare them surprises and congratulations. Your care will become one of the brightest memories for them.
  • Think about what wishes you want to realize next year.   The holiday is getting closer. The time has come to think about what you expect from the coming year, what you strive for, what you dream about. Do you make a deep desire for a chime? Be sure to imagine your dream in full detail, and then it will come true.

Now you are ready to meet the most important holiday!

When the main bustle of preparation for the holiday subsides and minutes of free time appear, I want to learn something about the details of the future. Moreover, literally everything is of interest, from scientific hypotheses to mystical conclusions. If a couple of weeks ago all the people of planet Earth were worried about issues, now the emphasis has shifted towards its continuation. It is interesting to know the features of the coming year, how to better meet it, and how to live it correctly.

Since there is a demand for a certain interest, that is, offers.

Household traditions and signs.

In order for the coming year to become successful and happy, from time immemorial people have passed on their generations proven traditions and signs that have been carefully observed and revered.

  • If you want to,  so that in your family there is prosperity and abundance for the whole year, cover the holiday table from the heart, do not spare money for delicious snacks - in the New Year, all this will pay off for you with the trinity.
  • New year's day   payment of debts should be avoided, otherwise the whole coming year will have to be done only by this.
  • You can’t just ask   borrow someone on this day, otherwise spend the next year in need.
  •   I have to try   so that the first New Year's day is happy and joyful, then the whole year promises to be the same.
  • New Year's Day   they also judge what the whole year will be like, if the day is frosty and clear, then the year promises to be fruitful and fruitful.
  •   To the one who devastates   the last glass in the outgoing year, luck will accompany all the next new year.
  • The man who is in the New Year   sneezes, he is marked by a ray of luck - he will be incredibly lucky in all new business and undertakings.
  •   There is also such a sign and for the New Year 2013: it is better to celebrate the holiday in something new, then there is a chance that in the coming year you can catch luck by the tail.
  • Before the holiday is necessary   apologize for all your misconduct and ask forgiveness for your mistakes yourself the most important holidayTo celebrate New Year with a light soul.
  •   On the eve of the holidays you should clean the house, throw out all the old, cracked dishes and things that you have unpleasant memories.
  • The first of January   it’s better not to rush to clean up and clean up after the guests, because otherwise you will experience various hardships throughout the year.
  • TOwhen it's time to throw out the Christmas trees y - in no case throw her out of the balcony - family happiness will be in jeopardy, it is best to go out and put a Christmas tree in the snow.

Astrology can be treated differently. There were times of prosperity of astrology, and vice versa. One way or another, but astrology has survived to this day and still attracts attention, even skeptics. Nor can we pass astrology, its opinions and advice.

2013 - Year of the Snake, begins on February 10 according to the eastern or Chinese calendar and runs through January 31, 2014
  The year of the Snake corresponds to such colors as black, blue (blue) and green. Element - water, which is characterized by such a characteristic as mobility, dynamism and variability.
  Thus, the mascot of 2013 is the Black Water Snake. The black color is Cosmos, the polar night, “darkness over the abyss”, it is the color of the depth of the waters. And this means that 2013 will require, first of all, wise and balanced decisions made not only on the basis of analysis, but also suffered on an emotional level. Any aggression is not characteristic, but if it is manifested, then no one should wait for mercy.

The Black Snake brings to people unexpected underlying changes, instability and variability. In the year of the Snake, you need to plan everything in advance and evaluate it correctly before you do anything. You need to become many times more careful and prudent.

The years of the Snake are rarely intense and dynamic. Look at their symbol - a snake, compare the habits of this reptile with everyday life, and you will easily understand what to expect during the reign of the Snake. A snake is hidden sluggishness, it is wisdom, endurance and patience, therefore, throughout the year, the main emphasis should be on creativity and education, advanced training, and the search for answers to complex questions.

How to meet the Year of the Snake?

In the question of what to wear on the most important holiday  New Year 2013, it is worth starting from where and how you will meet him. Whether the meeting will take place at home, with family, or in a restaurant in the company of friends and colleagues. And, perhaps, everything will happen in nature, near a fire and a living, not even felled tree.

Today, the tradition of celebrating the New Year 2013 in clothes “the color of the coming year of the black water snake”, corresponding to the animal of the eastern calendar, is quite common. Ladies can put on evening dresses, and their gentlemen can choose a suit of the necessary color and shade.

In clothes, give preference to black and dark blue tones. Green is also relevant. Women will be irresistible in smooth, tight outfits that resemble snake-like, patterned skin. Men will add variety to their suits with the same ties and patterns. Jewelry should include precious and semiprecious stones, diamonds of pure water will be especially chic.

If you intend to celebrate New Year 2013 in a restaurant, then legitimate fears may arise that everyone around you will be dressed in the same color as you. This is easy to fix. It is not necessary to dress completely in red or white only. Women can wear a classic little black dress, effectively complementing it with a silk scarf of the corresponding color. Men can turn into a festive outfit even an ordinary gray or black suit, wearing a bright shirt and tie.

Predictions for 2013:

1. After years of lull in the sun, a series of powerful flashes will pass, as American astronomers believe. These outbreaks will destroy all electrical networks and electrical appliances on Earth, and humanity will be in total darkness.
  2. According to futurologists in the United States will be another black Tuesday. There will be a stock market crash that heralds the beginning of a new financial crisis.
3. According to esoteric predictions, Judgment Day will come. It is a day of beginning and end! There will be a hyperspace transition of the Earth and all of humanity into the fourth dimension. For mere mortals, this will be death, but for the gods, true birth. Earth will move to a new stage of evolution, a brighter and more advanced.
  4. According to astrologers for Russia, from the point of view of economics and development, 2013 will be very successful.
  5. The author of the book “The Genome of the World” Boris Astafiev believes that according to the 108 year cycle, 2013 will completely repeat 1929. This is the year of hunger, cold, plague and cholera on Earth.
  6. February 4, 2013 will be a global cataclysm, which will occur at the time of passage of the Earth between the Sun and Nibiru. Magnetic poles will shift. The tilt of the Earth will change. Everyone will suffer from the strongest earthquakes and tsunamis, but America will suffer the most.
  7. According to the rector of the Academy of Astrology Mikhail Levin, changes in the entire financial system will occur in the world. In 2013, a political crisis awaits Russia.
  8. The sun, which has flared up over the past 11 years, could explode. So says the expert of the European Space Agency, an astrophysicist from Holland, Pierce Van Der Meer.

Attentive people always respected folk wisdom, followed its advice and warnings. Indeed, there is no smoke without fire, and behind every folk wisdom is the life experience of many generations of people. We take a closer look.

Folk omens in the most important holiday  New Year:

  • If on New Year's the starry sky - to the harvest.
  • A strong wind on this day promises a crop of nuts, and a monthly starry night - a crop of peas and lentils.
  • On New Year's Eve, severe frost and small snow - to the harvest of bread, and if it is warm and there is no snowball crop.
  • They clean twelve bulbs from the upper scales, pour a heap of salt on each bulb and put them overnight on the stove. On which bulb the salt gets wet overnight, that month will be rainy.
  • If you knock on the trunk of an apple tree or pear on New Year's Eve, the tree will bear fruit.
  • What is the first day of January, such is the first day of summer.
  • If the first day of the year is cheerful and happy, then the whole year will be like that.
  • What is the table for the New Year, and you will eat all year.
  • If on the New Year something happened to a person, then the whole year will happen.
  • For the New Year, guests are guests all year.
  • If someone sneezes on this day, well-being awaits the person all year.
  • On New Year's Eve, the girls are sweeping. If one of them finds grain under the table, she will soon get married.
  • As you celebrate the New Year, so it will pass.
  • Before the New Year all debts should be given out.
  • You can’t borrow money at this time - you will be in debt all year.
  • The more the Christmas tree in the house stands, the happier the year will be.
  • New Year's Eve is celebrated in new clothes.

Modern man is not much different from his ancestors. Nevertheless, he also wants to contribute to the formation of traditions. Although, in most cases, new traditions, this is just a retelling of old traditions in a new way in familiar or trendy terms.

Modern traditions:

  • Meet the holiday in new clothes! Of course, if you do not want to regularly replenish your wardrobe with new things, then you can wear something simpler. Everyone seems to have their own ...
  • Put money in your pockets! It is advisable to have a couple of large bills, then next year you will not need anything. If you are in an outfit without pockets, keep money, even in your hand, especially during a chime.
  • Kiss your beloved! This New Year sign will never let you down! A gentle kiss in the first minutes of the coming year will help strengthen your union and add a good spark of passion to it.
  • Abundant table. Make sure that there are many different dishes on your holiday table, and you will flourish all next year. However, if you realized that two or three salads and hot are enough to fill the stomachs of the household, most of the cooked food disappears, and you do not intend to cook a lot, use a small mirror. Place it opposite the table so that all dishes are reflected in it. The double effect will bring doubled wealth to your family.
  • Spend the Old Year! Before the first of January, remember all the best events of the past year and sincerely thank the Universe for all the bad and good. She will definitely hear and fill your life with luck.
  • Scream and rejoice! After the chiming clock, make a good noise: fire up firecrackers, shout cheers, or at least rattle the dishes (you can use a spoon on the basin). Such actions will scare away all evil spirits and evil from your home.
  • Good luck awaits someone who drinks the last glass of wine at the New Year’s table.
  • If something happens to you on New Year's Eve, it will be repeated throughout the year.
  • If someone sneezes at the New Year's table, the year will be happy for all participants in the feast.
  • If on January 1 the merchant will give the goods to the first buyer, greatly losing in price, then all year long he will have a successful trade.
  • If on New Year's Eve or on the first day of the New Year, a stray cat or dog will be asked to your house, it is no accident. You can’t take her to the house, at least feed her. Then good luck awaits you in the coming year.
  • Someone on the eve the most important holiday  New Year mistaken door or phone number? Before you say goodbye, be sure to congratulate him on the holiday.
  • People you meet or who you meet from January 1 to 7 can play a significant role in your destiny.

Both old and young, love! In the New Year, give gifts to everyone who falls into the circle that is affordable for your attention and feasible for your wallet! Your attention will not be lost, and you will be thanked a hundredfold!

Options for New Year's Gifts for different people:

  • Practical people   practical gifts are suitable: household appliances, clothes, objects that create coziness and comfort. It is advisable for people of a romantic warehouse to choose something cute, original: jewelry, unusual souvenir things, large soft toys, a beautiful tea pair.
  • The man with the "golden hands"   a high-quality instrument never hurts, for a businessman - a new notebook in leather binding or an expensive fountain pen, for a music lover - a disc with the songs of a favorite artist. If one of the family members has a hobby, this is just wonderful, because you can easily find a suitable gift.
  • Wealthy people   choosing a gift is always very difficult, because they probably already have everything they need. It is not customary for such friends to give useful things, it is advisable to bet on the emotional meaning of the presentation. As a gift you need to present something souvenir, decorative, original, but always valuable. This does not mean at all that you will have to pay half the salary for the gift, but you should not save money - let the present be small, but very, very high quality.
  • If your friend has a great sense of humor , you can select a gift with a value. Such people, as a rule, rarely pay attention to the material value of the presentation, but always to its semantic load. Please the comedian with a bottle of champagne with his own portrait on the label, a Khokhloma-style box with an episode of Star Wars on the lid, a toilet roll with winged Latin expressions, an unusual cactus. The only thing to avoid is outright vulgarity, although some will appreciate it.
  • Bouquet of sweets - An excellent New Year's decision. The basis can be several spruce or ordinary twigs. They are densely decorated with sweets and small souvenirs (keychain, lipstick, brooch, etc.). Exquisitely look bouquets made in the same color scheme: silver-blue, pink, scarlet.
  • The sky in diamonds:  Buy a set of phosphorescent stars in the dark and imperceptibly for a loved one paste over the ceiling over his bed with them. You can lay out several famous constellations, add planets. Just imagine what a surprise it will be! In addition, every night, falling asleep, he will think about you!
  • Congratulation on the poster.:   Just imagine: she (or he) is following the usual route and suddenly sees a huge shield with a congratulation addressed only to her (him)! Ideal congratulations for your loved one or boss. You can do a little more modestly: buy an inexpensive mobile stand and present congratulations with its help in the office or at home.
  • Live butterflies : According to Native American legend, a butterfly conveys a person’s desire to heaven, and that will certainly come true. A living air creature will become one of the brightest surprises for the one to whom it is addressed! Just imagine: a person opens a special envelope, and a tropical miracle flies out of it when there is snow outside the windows!
  • Gift basket:   Buy a basket and start with a bunch of thematic utilities. For example, a sweet tooth has several boxes of tea, coffee, chocolates, unusual cookies, a cup. A basket with cosmetics (not decorative) is a great idea for a mother-in-law, mom, boss. Fill in the foam and bath salt, a set of oils, a silk dressing gown, a soft towel.
  •   Mirror:  In a gift box, in a velvet bag, put a beautiful mirror with a wooden handle, pack it with a note: “On the most important holiday  New Year I wanted to make you the most beautiful giftthat can only be found on earth. I was looking, I was looking, but I couldn’t find anything more beautiful than you myself. ”
  • Romantic "chip":   Buy a picture of the place in the city where you first kissed or met (or just take a picture of this area, even if it’s your friend’s apartment).
  • Idea for a poor student:   You don’t have any money for a present? Take an ordinary box, cover it with bright paper, tie it up with a ribbon and sign: “Box with kisses. Each time you open it, you will receive my kisses and hugs ”
  • To please the little ones very simple, given some nuances. First: the kids love to have a lot, so it’s better to buy not one big gift, but several small ones. Second: gifts should always be surprises, so you don’t need to directly ask the child what he wants - let the kid write a letter to Santa Claus. Third: if there are several gifts, you should not give it all at once, it is better to stretch it all day, then children's joy will be long and stormy. Fourth: try not to buy too expensive gifts. The baby is likely to quickly take them apart. It is better to choose something that is not a pity to undergo "execution" in the name of the fact that the child comprehends the essence of things.
  • Myself, beloved:  In the New Year's fuss and looking for surprises for family and friends, you somehow unjustly forgot about yourself. And in vain. Embark on a fairy tale! Buy a desktop booklet for yourself inexpensively and put all your checks, business cards and plastic cards in its pockets. As the saying goes: "cheap and cheerful!"

We sincerely wish you a Happy New Year!

We wish to have a good time Old year  and leave all the problems in it.

In the New Year, we want to wish you only the best - all that will make each of you happy!

For personal horizons, it is important to know about everything that accompanies the New Year. But, no secret knowledge and no proper clothing will replace have a good mood, feelings of humor, affability and smile on the face.

Only we ourselves make a miracle and turn ordinary days into grandiose holidays. We are the very wizards who can make life a fairy tale, if you understand and want to.