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Biography of Natalia Vetlitskaya - the idol of many people. Biography of Natalia Vetlitskaya - the former soloist of the "Mirage" group Ulyana Vetlitskaya daughter of Natalia Vetlitskaya

Natalya Igorevna Vetlitskaya is a Russian singer, one of the soloists of the Mirage group and a popular solo performer.


Natalia Vetlitskaya was born into the family of a nuclear physicist (father) and a piano teacher. My father, although he played himself and had no hearing, loved opera. The musicality of the parents passed on to the girl, and at the age of 10 she was fond of ballroom dancing, in which it was accidental due to the fact that the teacher mistook her for a friend, whom Natalia was waiting for there.

Photo: Natalia Vetlitskaya in her youth

Then the girl entered the music school in the piano class. Since 1977 Natalia has taken part in many dance competitions for 10 years.
In 1981, Vetlitskaya graduated high school, but did not enter the university because of laziness and restlessness. Mother dreamed that Natalya would follow in her footsteps and study at a music school, but the girl preferred ballet and became a dance teacher. For a long time she toured with the ballet troupe.

The beginning of a musical career and "Mirage"

In the music business, Vetlitskaya turned out to be by chance. A friend invited her to backing vocals and dancers in the Rondo group. Natalia danced well, but her vocals were below average. The girl who invited Vetlitskaya, on the contrary, sang well, but did not know what to do on stage other than that. The participants perfectly complemented each other and shared their experiences.

Natalia continued to teach dance, worked as a choreographer in several Russian pop groups. Once, during a tour, the girl replaced a sick backing vocalist, and she was noticed by the director of the Mirage group, who was at this concert. He decided that an attractive and talented girl could replace the one who left her in the group. Vetlitskaya could not refuse such an offer.

Photo: Natalia Vetlitskaya

In 1988, she made her debut as part of the Mirage group and starred in a video composed of several songs and a new track "Music bound us." This song glorified the aspiring singer throughout the country, they began to recognize her, ask for an autograph. In the wake of popularity, Natalya decides to perform solo and leaves Mirage already in 1989.


Igor Matvienko took up the career of Vetlitskaya. He introduced the girl to a strong composer Andrei Zuev, who wrote the music for her first album. At that time, Natalia was considered a secular lioness, she was a famous dancer, and many did not understand why she was a singer. Zuev, however, was almost sure of the success of their tandem.

The 1992 debut album was called Look in the Eyes. He gained immense popularity and made Vetlitskaya a real star.

The singer began to be called the sex symbol of Russia, the clips gained popularity, she gathered full houses. Vetlitskaya instantly overshadowed all pop artists and became one of the most stellar performers of the 90s.

In 1994 she recorded a second album, compiled from songs by various composers. The songs "Moon Cat" and "Slave of Love" were composed and presented to Natalia by Ilya Dukhovny, the music for the track "I sewed a dress" Vetlitskaya wrote herself. The album was called Playboy.

The next disc - "Slave of Love" - \u200b\u200bwas released in 1996, which listeners and critics also received well.

After that, the repertoire in her creative biography began to change a little, the new compositions were not like the famous "Look in the eyes", "Moon cat" and "Soul".
Vetlitskaya recorded three more albums, the last of which - "My beloved ..." - was released in 2004. By that time, her career was already on the decline. Her most recent hits were Study Me, The Flame of Passion and Playboy.

In an interview, Natalya has repeatedly said that her career is unprofitable. After the 2004 album, she stopped touring, continuing to perform only on TV and festivals. She also shot two videos, but after that she completely stopped her musical career.

Blog and criticism of the Russian state

Having finished with music, Vetlitskaya moved with her daughter to Spain and started a blog, which repeatedly caused scandals in russian press... In 2011, the artist published a recording in the form of a fairy tale, which very transparently hinted at a private concert for members of the Russian government in 2008. There was a lot of irony and sarcasm in the article, which caused the outrage of some of the persons mentioned in the text. Vetlitskaya had to delete the article, but later she published it again on her Facebook page.

In the same 2011, in the winter, Natalya could not remain silent after the TV presenter's statement about how Vetlitskaya got into show business, and published a text entitled "The Tale of the Greedy Marivanna".

In 2012, when her father died, Natalya accused the head of Rosatom and the ITEP director, where Igor Vetlitsky worked for 54 years, of persecuting her father, financial fraud and the collapse of the nuclear industry.

Personal life

Vetlitskaya had many novels and many even marriages: she officially married four times, and cohabited with different men five more times. Musician Pavel Smeyan became Natalia's first husband. The girl was then 17 years old. Thanks to Pavel, she first thought about a singer's career. But her personal life did not work out: her husband began to drink a lot and abuse, as a result of which Natalya filed for divorce.

Soon after the divorce, Vetlitskaya met with, who dedicated songs to her, including the famous hit Vetlitskaya "Soul". They lived together for three years and broke up. According to Malikov, it was the singer's betrayal.
On the set of Blue Light, Vetlitskaya met a young artist, who three months later became her second husband. In an interview, the singer said that she did not love him, but got married because Belousov asked her about it, thus wanting to get rid of the obsessive fan. The marriage lasted nine days, after which the singer went on tour.

Later, Vetlitskaya was married to a fashion model Kirill Kirin, who worked for, and a yoga coach Alexei, from whom Natalia gave birth to a daughter Ulyana in 2004.

In 1993, Vetlitskaya met the young performer Vlad Stashevsky. He was just starting to sing then. At one of the concerts, Stashevsky, in the presence of spectators, gave Vetlitskaya an armful of burgundy roses right on the stage. The singers' relationship did not last long, and after a few months the couple broke up.

Natalia celebrated her 38th birthday in noble estate XIX century in the Moscow region, which was rented by her new lover, the oligarch. The whole elite was invited to the holiday, but this relationship expired quickly.

After that, Vetlitskaya pretty soon found a new man, producer of the Smash group, Mikhail Topalov. After a while, they parted with the scandal.


Since the mid-2000s, Vetlitskaya has been a non-public person. She lives with her daughter in Spain, does not attend social events. In 2016, she unexpectedly posted a selfie - that's the whole social life. Before that, fans last saw pictures of Vetlitskaya in 2014, when the paparazzi caught her with her daughter in a supermarket.


  • Look in your eyes
  • Playboy
  • Slave of love
  • Think what you want
  • Just
  • My favorite…


  • 1997 - The newest adventures of Buratino
  • 2003 - Crime tango
  • 2003 - The Snow Queen

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TASS / Chumichev Alexander

Near beautiful woman there are always many men. Natalya Vetlitskaya, one of the brightest Russian stars of the 90s, was no exception. She married someone, just lived with someone, cheated on some. The more radical seems the change that happened to the singer after forty: one man, one daughter and no social life.

One ballet on my mind

Her family has always loved music: her mother played the piano, her father was fond of opera, and little Natasha graduated with honors from a music school as an external student. In parallel, she was engaged in ballroom dancing, and at first this hobby prevailed over music.

Vetlitskaya started teaching choreography at school, toured with a ballet group. As her first husband Pavel Smeyan put it, at the age of 17 “she had one ballet on her mind”.

... They met when a group of musicians, among whom was Pavel, gathered to visit one of them. A young girl with ice cream in her hand was noticed on the street by Smeyan's friend and invited to join.

“When the car started, it suddenly dawned on him that he was taking home, to his wife, some underage girl. How to be something? It's inconvenient. “Listen,” he says to her, “decide for yourself whose girl you are - Pashina or Yurina? Not mine. " Nobody pulled her by the tongue, she answered: "Pashina", - Smeyan recalled their acquaintance.

That evening he walked her home. Vetlitskaya's parents were hostile to the relationship of their young, unspoiled girl with an adult musician. Even the official marriage did not help: Natasha's mother saw that something was not going well in marriage, that her daughter was not happy.

It was true. A talented singer and composer, Pavel, nevertheless, began to abuse alcohol and could easily raise his hand against his wife. It is thanks to him that Vetlitskaya will think about the career of a singer - but she will do it without him.

The first marriage ended in divorce. She had many more novels ahead.

"Soul" as a gift

In the late 80s Natalia Vetlitskaya worked as a dancer and backing vocalist in the Rondo group. At one of the performances she was noticed by the director of the Mirage ensemble: a spectacular blonde was ideal to replace Natalya Gulkina, who had left the project.

The very first song recorded by Vetlitskaya as part of Mirage - "Music bound us" - became a hit. They began to recognize her, take autographs - and Natalya took advantage of the moment. One year at Mirage was enough for her to start a solo career.

There were no problems with the material for the first album: at that moment Vetlitskaya met with Dmitry Malikov, who not only sang, but also composed music himself. He presented the song "Soul" to his beloved for her birthday.

At one point, Vetlitskaya became a celebrity, a sex symbol and an idol of young girls throughout the post-Soviet space. At her concerts there were sold out, cassettes with the album "Look in the eyes" scattered instantly, and the video for the song of the same name was shot by Fyodor Bondarchuk himself.

Only Dmitry Malikov was left behind this celebration of life.Vetlitskaya's relationship with the author of her first hit lasted only about three years - and, as Dmitry says, stopped because of the singer's betrayal.

Short marriage and many fans

Natalia Vetlitskaya and Fyodor BondarchukThe 90s - the heyday not only of Vetlitskaya's creativity, but also of her stormy novels.

Her marriage to singer Yevgeny Belousov regularly makes the list of the shortest celebrity novels.

They dated for three months and got married on January 1. And after 10 days they quarreled and went on tour. With the divorce, they also did not delay.

Among Natalya's fans were Vlad Stashevsky, the oligarch Suleiman Kerimov, and the producer Mikhail Topalov. They gave her luxurious bouquets at concerts, threw unprecedented parties in her honor, but sooner or later they inevitably left her life.

The third official marriage Vetlitskaya entered into with Kirill Kirin, who worked as an administrator for Philip Kirkorov. He didn't last long either.

This marathon of men stopped in the early 2000s, when Natalya met an unknown yoga coach Alexei and gave birth to his daughter Ulyana. She was 40 when she first became a mom.

Whether the birth of a child played a role, or Natalya simply became wiser - but her career as a singer and gossip heroine ended almost immediately. Together with her family, Vetlitskaya moved to Spain, began to lead a closed lifestyle and calmly raise her daughter.

“You won't scare me and surprise me with anything. At the same time, I have not forgotten how to admire and be surprised at life. I respect myself and love myself, ”Natalya said in one of her last interviews.

She occasionally reminds of herself with posts on social networks and rare selfies (and even now, at 53, she looks great). But her music unexpectedly received a second birth: in the new comedy "Myths" with Russian stars, the song "Look in the eyes", sung by Paulina Andreeva, sounds again.

Natalia Vetlitskaya is a popular Russian singer, former soloist of the Mirage group. The girl was married as many as 4 times, not including civil marriages.

The first husband of Natalia Vetlitskaya

Her first husband was musician Pavel Smeyan. She performed with him before she got into the Mirage group. This man was able to discern the potential of a good singer in a young girl. Natasha entered her first marriage very young, at the age of 17. Their divorce surprised few people.

Natalia Vetlitskaya with her husband Pavel

Rumor has it that he drank and beat his wife. From the very first days, he showed the young girl all his cruelty and rudeness. Their scandals often ended only with the arrival of the police. The singer did not last long and divorced her unlucky husband.

Dmitry Malikov

Immediately she met the man of her dreams - Dmitry Malikov, who unconsciously fell in love with Natalia. They lived together for 3 years, but never got married. By the way, Dima was 7 years younger than his chosen one, but this did not interfere with the relationship. They broke up due to the departure of the singer to another man.

Natalia Vetlitskaya with Evgeny Belousov

Zhenya Belousov became this lucky one. He became her second husband. For her sake, Evgeny left his wife and child, expecting eternal love and family comfort from Natalia. But the singer literally a week later left him and left her husband. He found out about it when he returned from regular concerts.

Natalia Vetlitskaya and Vlad Stashevsky

Later, the girl met with producer Pavel Vashchekin, Vlad Stashevsky, businessman Mikhail Topalov and Suleiman Kerimov. They were all very wealthy and gave the girl gorgeous gifts. But none of them could marry Natalia.

Natalia Vetlitskaya and Suleiman Kerimov

Kirill Kirin became the singer's third husband, but their joint marriage did not last long.

Natalia Vetlitskaya

Natalia's next husband was Alexey, her yoga coach. She left the businessman Topalov to him as soon as she became pregnant. Many thought that the child was from Mikhail, but Natalya confirmed that her daughter Ulyana was born from Alexei, her last husband. It was this man who gave Natalia happiness and calmed the singer.

Natalya Vetlitskaya - a famous Russian singer, ex-member of the Mirage group is now married to Alexei. At the dawn of her career, she recorded six albums, two film soundtracks, starred in three films. Today, the former pop singer lives with her daughter in Spain, no longer engages in creativity. Facts about.

The Russian singer was born in Moscow on August 17, 1964. Natalia Vetlitskaya was very famous in the 90s, she recorded albums, shot videos. However, due to her complex nature and special approach to execution, the girl constantly quarreled with her colleagues, who did not share her opinions.

Natalia Vetlitskaya often said that she could not achieve a permanent stable income. Her career became unprofitable. In 2004, she released her last album, gave up the stellar life.

In the late 90s. Natalya Vetlitskaya took up charity work, transferred money to the children's psychoneurological hospital jointly with. In 2012, she accused the head of Rosatom, Sergei Kiriyenko, of persecuting her deceased father, and in 2015 she criticized the political and informational situation in Russia. Now former singer lives in Spain with her daughter and maintains a scandalous blog.

Barely celebrating the age of majority, the star russian stage tied herself in marriage with Pavel Smeyan. The guy was 7 years older than Natalia, studied music, founded the Rock-Atelier group. Pavel is also known for his participation in the performances "Til", "Juno and Avos", "Lenkoma", performance of soundtracks for popular films: "Island of the lost ships", "The Trust that Burst", etc.

At that time, Natalya was engaged in dancing, but the guy saw her talent for performing songs. Pavel insisted that the girl sang the soundtrack to the film about Mary Poppins with him. The future star was shy and refused, and because of the strong excitement she was very fake.

Natalia's happy life with her husband did not last long and quickly became a nightmare due to constant drunkenness and beatings. Vetlitskaya told reporters that once a drunk Pavel beat her very badly. The girl barely managed to escape and run away to call the police.

Second husband

The next spouse was the Russian pop singer Yevgeny Belousov, with whom Natalia Vetlitskaya did not have a serious relationship. The man complained that one girl fell in love and was behaving very persistently, and Natalia offered to register a relationship with her. They jokingly reached the registry office, although they did not feel feelings for each other.

According to Natalia, the newlyweds were great friends, they constantly walked together at parties and enjoyed life. Both of them were completely satisfied. The husband was not Natalia's beloved man.

At that time, Vetlitskaya was already a singer of the popular Mirage group. She plunged into her career and did not take Belousov seriously. The marriage soon fell apart.

Third husband

After parting with the singer, Vetlitskaya married Kirill Kirin. The young man was a fashion model, starred in one of her videos, and after that began working with Philip Kirkorov. According to the singer, the next marriage was fictitious, because she was deciding the issue of living space.

An acquaintance suggested that Natalya marry a guy from the capital with an apartment and register there. He also introduced Kirin to the girl, who agreed to marry for money. Young people got married and divorced only 5 years later.

At first, the relationship was friendly, and Vetlitskaya trusted her newly-made spouse very much. But then it turned out that the guy was using the star surname for selfish purposes. Kirin still hasn't returned the money.

All that is known about Natalia's third wife is that he is a yoga coach. Vetlitskaya is hiding information. It is rumored that it was from him that the daughter of Ulyana was born.

Civil husband - Suleiman Kerimov

The famous billionaire became another fan of the singer. The man fell in love with Natalya and gave her a birthday party at a noble estate near Moscow. Many metropolitan party-goers and stars were invited.

Relationship with Kerimov became a lucky ticket for Vetlitskaya. The billionaire spent a long time paying for the promotion of Natalia's career, giving money for the permanent showing of clips. But soon Suleiman fell in love with the ballerina Anastasia Volochkova, and in parting gave the singer a plane. Facts .

Other men

Natalia is known for her turbulent personal life. While married to Yevgeny Belousov, she met with producer Pavel Vashchekin. The high-profile romance was short-lived and ended in a difficult breakup, because of which Natalia Vetlitskaya's career was suspended.

The singer also met with an aspiring star Dmitry Malikov. It was he who invited Natalia to think about her solo career... But due to the constant betrayal of Vetlitskaya, the relationship did not last long.

Among the fans of the pop representative was Mikhail Topalov. He produced the group "Smash", where his son Vlad performed. The romance began after a loud break with Suleiman Kerimov.

Vetlitskaya's admirer was pop singer Vlad Stashevsky, who began his career in the 90s. The timid guy fell in love with Natalia, but called her exclusively by her first name and patronymic. They met during a creative evening at the Metropol, where the young man arrived with a bouquet of flowers.

Vetlitskaya family

Natalia's mother Evgenia was a music teacher, so she played the piano perfectly. Father Igor worked as a nuclear physicist, he died in 2012. Parents loved opera very much, from childhood they tried to develop their daughter's creative talent.

Natalia Vetlitskaya now: photo with her husband and daughter 2017 2018

Today, the ex-star, along with 14-year-old Ulyana, lives in Spain in a house that she bought with money from the sale of real estate near Moscow. Maybe, ex-husband and her daughter still communicate, but fans do not know about this, because Vetlitskaya keeps the details of her life a secret. It is known that she travels a lot, has mastered the profession of a restorer-decorator and does not plan to return to her homeland.

One of the brightest pop stars of the 90s, Natalya VETLITSKAYA, has not appeared on television for a long time, does not participate in secular parties and does not communicate with journalists. She reminds of her existence only with poisonous posts about show business and politics in the "live magazine" and others social networks... We decided to find out where the favorite of many Russian men disappeared, and turned to those who worked and communicated with her.

It was I who once discovered Natasha Vetlitskaya to the general public, - the legendary producer did not fail to boast Andrey Razin... - We met her in the mid-80s on tour in Saratov. I was then the director of the Mirage group. And she performed with her husband Pavel Smeyan and danced in parallel at Seryozha Minaeva... Once I was walking along the hotel corridor and saw a girl with a black eye fly out of Smeyan's room, followed by a suitcase. Smeyan sent the girl obscenely and locked himself in the room. She began to bang on the door with her fists and call him "asshole" and in other words. I calmed her down and asked: "What happened?" “I'm Smeyan's wife,” she explained. “He was jealous of Minaev, beat me and threw me out.”

Since she remained on the street, and she had nowhere to go, I decided to take her to the Mirage group as a costume designer. Soon, on tour in Alma-Ata, I quarreled with the soloists of the group Natasha Gulkina and Sveta Razina... They got me. They demanded an increased salary - 50 instead of 25 rubles. Although they just opened their mouths under the "plywood" of Margarita Sukhankina. And I convinced the producers of Mirage Andrey Lityagin and Sasha Bukreeva kick them out and put in their place Vetlitskaya and the keyboardist's wife Glory Hromadsky Tanya Ovsienkowho also worked as a costume designer for us. True, the author of the texts hindered this in every possible way. Valera Sokolov, who was madly in love with Razin. But I got my way.
From the first day, when Vetlitskaya appeared with a black eye, I felt great potential in her. Compared to these collective farmers Gulkina and Razina, Natasha looked like Mount Elbrus 5.5 thousand meters high next to the 100-meter Podkumok mountain. And how beautifully she danced! Best of all in the group! It is not surprising that after the "Mirage" she immediately became a star.
Unfortunately, her secret husbands, oligarchs, who gave her money for expensive videos and television broadcasts, actually drowned the artist in her. These owners were jealous of her every pillar and would not let her go anywhere. They wanted her to stay at home. “Well, why aren't you touring? - I asked her once. "You are so popular." “My husband won't allow me,” she replied. Natasha has not crawled out of this quagmire to this day. She crossed out everything. Leads a closed lifestyle. As artistic director of the Olympic Committee and director of the International Olympic Festival, I tried several times to arrange her concerts. But it was all useless.

Wedding night four

For the new 1989 year, I happened to be a witness at the wedding of Natasha Vetlitskaya and Zhenya Belousova, who started with me in the "Integral" group, - another legendary producer recalled Bari Alibasov... - The second witness was the "Integral" illuminator Andrey Popov... First, together with Zhenya and Natasha, we went to the registry office in one of the working districts of Moscow. We walked for a long time along identical gray streets with identical Khrushchev-Brezhnev houses. Then they came to Natasha's one-room apartment to celebrate the wedding. Apart from a Christmas tree in the middle of the room, there was absolutely nothing in the apartment - no table, no chairs, no bed. I remember we drank champagne and vodka from the neck and searched for a very long time for something to lie down on. In the end, they laid some kind of rag on the floor and the four of them spent their first wedding night on it. Our presence with Popov did not interfere with the newlyweds. Since there was practically no snack, after drinking they passed out and forgot about their marital duties.

And nine days later, the marriage of Zhenya and Natasha ended safely. To be honest, I still don't understand why he was imprisoned at all. Yes, before that they had a close relationship. At that time I still lived in Zelenograd. And they came to me in Zelenograd several times together. We even stayed overnight. This time of mating lasted for almost a whole year. But, perhaps, by the time of marriage, everything had already boiled away.
In the early 90s, Natasha developed a very successful tandem with a businessman Pavel Vashchekin... With his help, she shot Look into Eyes and a couple more interesting clips, having acted as the ancestor of a certain style in music and video. Before her, no one had done anything like this. It was very original, impressive and fresh. The image of a successful socialite created by her was later adopted Ksenia Sobchak and many other media persons.
But I haven't seen or heard Natasha herself for many years. They say she became a recluse and devoted herself to either charity or some kind of spiritual quest. However, in recent years, many artists have not been seen or heard, who clearly declared themselves in the 90s. This is the problem of our show-fucking business. Talented people are simply washed away to clear the way for someone's new protégés.

Sperm donor

We unexpectedly became friends with Natasha Vetlitskaya 13 years ago, - said the singer Tatiana Antsiferova... - She was brought to my house by the soloist of the group "Kalinov Most" Dima Revyakin... He said that Natasha is my old fan and really wants to get to know me. At that time she was living in a civil marriage with Suleiman Kerimov... But she never told me anything about him or about her other men. We communicated mainly on musical themes... For example, I've always really liked the singer Mine... I've been following her since the 60s. And Natasha, as it turned out, was also fond of her work. She even had Mina's tapes, which I didn't. With this she immediately endeared me to herself.
When Natasha broke up with Kerimov, I introduced her to Misha Topalov... He then promoted the group "Smash", asked me to do vocals with the guys and he himself often came to me. On one of his visits, Natasha happened to be my guest. They developed a passionate relationship. They even talked about a quick wedding. But in the end, something didn't work out.

The last time we saw Natasha was in 2009. Her daughter Ulyana was then 5 years old. The girl was very beautiful - blonde-haired, blue-eyed. Both Topalov and Kerimov were attributed to her as fathers. From whom Natasha actually gave birth to her - I don't know. Maybe she even used donor genetic material from the database. One of my students gave birth to a daughter in this way. I went somewhere and chose. Nobody knows where dad is. Information from the data bank was not disclosed. Maybe Natasha did the same.
She now lives with her daughter in Spain. According to her, living abroad is safer. From time to time I receive links from her on social networks - sometimes to some photos, then to excerpts from yoga, then to tips on how to “let go of the brain”. But I rarely talk to her. We somehow moved away from each other. Despite the fact that my health does not allow me to perform, I still continue to make music. And Natasha lost all interest in her. Somehow friends from Israel sent me their songs. I asked Natasha for advice on whom to offer them. “I cut ties with everyone in show business,” she replied. "I am now far from all this." It was very strange for me to hear that. If music is your vocation, it seems to me that you cannot just take it and abandon it. Maybe Natasha will shudder and remind everyone of herself. Personally, I'm sorry that she doesn't sing anymore. On the stage we have a lot of the hated musical "country bumpkin". And there are practically no such intelligent "urban" singers as Vetlitskaya.

Ofigela from Kerimov

I think I'm one of the few who recently talked with Natasha Vetlitskaya, - suggested famous composer and an arranger who asked not to be named in the newspaper. - She has always been a person of mood, and not everyone managed to maintain good relations with her. Our acquaintance began in the mid-90s. Natasha then broke up with Pasha Vaschekin and hung out with Vlad Stashevskywith whom I collaborated. When Stashevsky was recording with Arkady Ukupnik at the studio in the "Olympic", she constantly came and went with him. I often went to his apartment where he lived with his mother. I brought him gifts. And then they suddenly quarreled to smithereens. They had a joint concert at the Arlekino club in the Cinema Center. And Vetlitskaya had a conflict either with the make-up artist, or with the dresser, who did something wrong.

And the producer of Stashevsky Yuri Aizenshpis had the imprudence to intervene. Natasha freaked out and started yelling at him. It almost came to a fight. After that, she no longer communicated with Aizenshpis or Stashevsky. Even her director got it from Vetlitskaya Andrey Chernikovwho has worked with her since the days when she lived with Dima Malikov... “Natasha beats me sometimes,” he complained to me. “When she’s in a bad mood, she’ll kick me in the face!”
Having met Suleiman Kerimov, Vetlitskaya did not hide her delight. “I am freaking out, what a person he is! she told me. - He regrets nothing for me. He gives money in bags. " But the material benefits that fell on her had and back side... Once Stashevsky in some interview mentioned that Vetlitskaya was his mistress. Kerimov got angry and began to run into Aizenshpis: “What kind of garbage is this ?! You owe me 100 thousand dollars in compensation. If you don’t bring this money in two days, I’ll give you a drink. ” Aizenshpis, who usually himself threatened to stab and bury everyone, was so scared that he took to the hospital with a heart attack. As Vetlitskaya said, its director Andrei Chernikov did not please Kerimov. “What is this bald fagot spinning next to you? - he was indignant. - I hate fagots! Take it away in fig! "

Gradually, Natasha practically stopped communicating with colleagues in show business. She performed only on television and on expensive "zakazniks", where she was paid 30-40 thousand euros. And then, according to Vetlitskaya, Kerimov was straining: “What kind of concerts are there? How much do you need? "Pollymona" dollars? Take it and don't go anywhere! "
And four years ago Natasha and her daughter moved to Spain. Her house is on the coast opposite the island of Ibiza. She said that she bought it at a big discount - almost half the price. Then the crisis was in full swing. Property prices have collapsed. And she successfully took advantage of this situation.
During our last conversation on the phone Natasha complained that she wanted to sell her house in New Riga, which Kerimov had left for her, but could not find a buyer. Her house is huge - 3000 square meters.

Everything is stuffed with electronic stuffing. As they say now, "smart home". You can, for example, being in America, press a button, and the cameras will show who has entered where. There is such a house big money... Well, who will buy it? The price should be greatly understated. Nevertheless, Natasha is determined to get rid of Moscow real estate. “I'm not going to return to Moscow,” she said. - There is not much to do here. Show business is already tired of me. I do not want to be like Alla Pugacheva or Sonya Rotaru. They are already old grandmas. But for the sake of money they go on stage. Why do I need this? I have no problems with money. I just live for my own pleasure. "