
Chuvash Republic Department of Education and Youth Policy of the Yalchik District Administration. Department of Education and Youth Policy of the Administration of the Yalchik District Yalchiki Chuvashia Tel of the Education Department

Ministry of Education and Youth Policy of the Chuvash Republic

Department of Education and Youth Policy of the Administration of the Yalchik District of the Chuvash Republic

Methodological project

"The effectiveness of the lesson -

quality improvement condition


Director of HR

MBOU "Shemalakovskaya secondary school"

Yalchik district of Chuvash

Republic" Sidorov

Raisa Vladimirovna

  1. Author of the project. Teaching staff.

  2. Relevance of the topic.

  3. Project goal.

    • Fundamental question.

    • Problematic issues.

    • Study questions.

    • Tasks.

    • Expected results.

  4. Project Implementation Plan

  5. Applications.

  • Publications.

  • An example of a product of teachers' activities within the project.

Teaching staff

The total number of teaching staff is 17 (13 teachers + 3 teachers + 1 librarian)

with higher education - 13 (teachers)

with incomplete higher education – 1 (librarian)

with secondary specialized education - 3 (educators)

Have the first qualification category - 9

Have the second qualification category - 5

The average age of teachers is 46 years

Average teaching experience - 24.2 years

The average age of the administration is 45 years
Relevance of the topic.
The question of the quality of education provided by schools has been relevant at all times. The problem has worsened in recent years, and there are several reasons for this:

1. The emergence of new and diverse value systems

2. Consistent and irreversible transition from the uniformity of curricula, textbooks, educational institutions to their diversity.

3. In the process of forming a market for educational products and services, the state monopoly on decision-making in the field of education is lost. Schools create their own programs and curricula.

Education is recognized as high quality if students achieve high results in achieving their goals. Therefore, in general terms, the quality of education can be represented as:

· Quality of education of schoolchildren;

· Quality of implementation of state standards;

· Quality of implementation of the educational process by teachers;

· Quality of management activities of the administration of the educational institution;

· Quality of fulfillment of social orders.

As you can see, one of the elements of improving the quality of education is the quality of implementation of the educational process by teachers. This means we must address the problem of lesson effectiveness. The relevance of the chosen topic is ensured by the analysis of problems over the past academic year and the desire of teachers identified during their questionnaire survey. During the lessons attended, the following problems were identified:

· Uniformity of methods used, learning new material and methods of testing knowledge;

· Incomplete planning of lesson objectives. Ignoring educational opportunities in the learning process;

· Isolation of theoretical knowledge from its use or insufficient attention to the application of knowledge;

· One-sided approach to differentiation of training;

· Passion for frontal forms of work.

Exit? It is necessary to work to improve the effectiveness of the lesson.

Project goal:

Determine the relationship between the effectiveness of a lesson and the quality of education and outline directions for increasing the effectiveness of a lesson as the basis for the quality of education.
Fundamental question.

How to promote teachers' desire to improve the effectiveness of school-based lessons?

Problematic issues

How can we ensure positive growth in the professional development of a teacher in a school setting?
Study questions

How to develop a system of scientific and methodological support for teachers? How to organize a study of the experience of the best teachers.
Project objectives:

  1. Conduct a selection of materials for surveying teachers.

  2. Explore work experience on the topic.

  3. Organize the exchange of experience between school teachers.

Expected results of the project:

  1. Promoting teachers' desire to improve lesson effectiveness

  2. Development of methodological recommendations “How to conduct a lesson successfully?”

  3. Identification of ways to form learning motivation.

  4. Generalization of methods of organization and implementation, stimulation and motivation, control and self-control of educational activities.

Project implementation plan.

Stages of work:

  1. Preparatory (September - December 2011)

  • Selection of materials and questionnaires for teachers.

  • Studying work experience on the topic.
2. Practical (December 2011-January 2012)

  • Methodical day:

  • Stimulating teachers who constantly improve their methodological literacy and qualifications.
3. Generalizing (February–March 2012)

  • Pedagogical advice on the topic “Lesson effectiveness is a condition for improving the quality of education”

Questionnaires for teachers. Appendix No. 1
Methodical day. Appendix No. 2
Teachers' Council "Lesson effectiveness is a condition for improving the quality of education." Appendix No. 3
An example of a product of teachers' activities within the framework of the project (developed at the teachers' council). Appendix No. 4
Materials on formative and summative assessment. Appendix No. 5


Appendix No. 1 Questionnaires for teachers.

Questionnaire No. 1. “Teachers’ self-assessment of job satisfaction at educational institutions”


Satisfaction with work at the educational institution

Point s

up to 10 points


Overall satisfaction with work in this educational institution


Relationships with colleagues


The administration's concern for meeting the needs of teachers


Willingness of colleagues to help with work


Team mood


Cultural and intellectual atmosphere in the team


Administration's attention to your suggestions and comments


Joint holiday


Friendly and reliable assessment of your work


The attitude of the team towards your experimental work (if it is being carried out)


Organization and order in the educational institution


Creative atmosphere in the team


Your relationship with the administration


Coordination of actions between teachers and administration


Students' attitude towards learning


Discipline in an educational institution


Rational use of your energy and time at work


Educational and material base


Lack of formalism and show-off in work



Questionnaire No. 2. “Research into the information needs of secondary school teachers”

General information

Last name, first name, patronymic ________________________________________________

1. Literature is required to prepare for

  • lesson;

  • extracurricular hours;

  • pedagogical council;

  • conversation with the student;

  • extracurricular activity;

  • self-education;


2. How often do you refer to pedagogical literature:

2.1. I constantly read professional magazines (please list):




2.2. I am contacting the library with a request to select literature on the topic (please list the topics that have interested you for the last 12 months):

  • method of teaching the subject (what?) __________________________

  • advanced achievements of science in the field (which?) _____________________

  • original methods of teaching and upbringing (whose?) ____________________

  • difficult teenagers

  • features of children's psychology gifted children

  • correctional activities in special classes

  • individual approach to lagging children

  • organizing work with children in an after-school group

  • interdisciplinary connections (what?) _____________________________________

  • vocational guidance issues

  • pedagogy of cooperation

  • ethics of family life

  • sex education

  • prevention of smoking, drug addiction and alcoholism in children

  • leisure activities

  • humanization of school education

  • computerization of the educational process

  • video equipment in lessons

  • history of pedagogy

  • Research activities of schoolchildren: models of organization and methods



(check what is needed, add what is missing)

2.3. I use computer programs and electronic publications in my work.



(specify which ones and where you use them)

2.4. The accumulated experience is enough.

3. To obtain information I use libraries:

  • personal;

  • school;

  • district;

  • regional;

  • Internet

(check what is needed, add what is missing)

4. Other possibilities for obtaining information:

  • meetings;

  • conferences;

  • seminars;

  • personal contacts with colleagues;

(check what is needed, add what is missing)

5. What difficulties do you experience in obtaining information?

  • sometimes I don’t find the literature I need on a topic;

  • I spend a lot of time searching for literature;

  • there is no possibility of obtaining a copy of the document;


(check what is needed, add what is missing)

6. Your wishes regarding information support



Questionnaire No. 3 to determine the level of comfort in a team

1. Do you feel comfortable in a team:

with colleagues;

with students;

with your parents?

2. Are you satisfied with the labor process?

3. Are you satisfied with the results of your work?

4. Do you enjoy going to work?

5. Are you happy to return home after work?

6. Would you like to change your school:

to another technical school, school;

to another, more lucrative job;

to another, quieter place of work?

7. What should be the working conditions in an “ideal” educational institution?

8. What suggestions could you make to improve working conditions and organization of interaction in your team?
Appendix No. 2. Methodical day.
Objectives of the methodological day:

  1. Improving the quality of training sessions based on the introduction of new technologies;

  2. Mastering the methods of sequence of actions to design a lesson using modern pedagogical technologies;

  3. Identification, generalization and dissemination of the experience of creatively working teachers.
Preparatory and organizational stage:

  1. Using the results of teacher diagnostics to study mastery of pedagogical technologies.

  2. Preparation of open events by subject teachers and school administration.

  3. Design of the methodological room: on the board - the topic, the purpose of the methodological day; at the stand there is a schedule of open lessons and activities indicating topics; on the tables there are handouts: diagnostic results, a booklet with a plan for the methodological day.
Event plan:

  1. Using route sheets during the methodological day

  2. Conducting open lessons by school teachers in the educational areas of “mathematics”, “social studies”, “art” and classes by kindergarten teachers.

  3. Summing up. Meeting with the director.

Appendix No. 3. Teachers’ Council “Lesson effectiveness is a condition for improving the quality of education”
Goal: to determine the interdependence of the effectiveness of the lesson and the quality of education and to outline the direction for increasing the effectiveness of the lesson as the basis for the quality of education

Event plan:

  1. Theoretical introduction by the Deputy Director for Water Resources Management. “The effectiveness of the lesson is a condition for improving the quality of education.”

  2. Theoretical introduction by the director "Motivation for learning is the main condition for successful learning."

  3. Practical part.

  4. Work in creative groups in educational areas

  5. Analysis of the results of the work of the creative groups of the expert group, presentations by experts.

  6. Summing up the work of the teachers' council.

Appendix No. 4. Methodological recommendations “How to conduct a lesson successfully?”
1. When presenting new material, use the writing system on the main educational board
content that must be mastered by schoolchildren. They will help you here
verbally - logical diagrams, summarizing tables, reference signals.

2. Even in the process of presenting educational material, try to talk with
students, monitoring the quality of its assimilation and the degree of cognitive
interest in him.

3. Ensure that students’ questions from the field, their answers and comments are given only with your permission.

4. Try to keep students constantly occupied during the lesson. This will allow us to overcome many difficulties, including solving the problem of discipline.

5. Use additional, entertaining material from popular science literature in the lesson, which will help develop interest in the subject.

6. Don't forget about the rich possibilities of visual learning tools.

7. Present the material in a form that is accessible to students. When studying the most difficult issues of the course. However, sometimes it is advisable to repeat them by the teacher.

8. Focus students’ attention on the practical significance of the material being studied. Try to illustrate general ideas and provisions with specific examples.

9. Organize independent intellectual and practical activities of students in the lesson, combining frontal, group and individual forms of work. Make a logical transition to a new type of learning activity.

Don’t forget to organize students’ work with the textbook in class. The following types of student activities are possible:

· answers to questions at the end of the paragraph;

· retelling the content of the paragraph;

· writing down basic terms and concepts in a notebook;

· writing down basic definitions in a notebook;

· note-taking;

· drawing up a paragraph plan;

· filling out tables in a notebook (based on the material given in the textbook) working with textbook illustrations.

12. Use a variety of methods and techniques for questioning students:

· student’s oral response at the blackboard (story on a given topic);

· problem solving (orally or in writing);

· collective filling out tables or diagrams on the board;

· a written response indicating the parts in the drawing;

· comparison of object characteristics;

· individual message from students (report, essay, results of experience, etc.);

· discussion of a friend’s answer;

· written programmed survey;

· independently fill out the table in your notebook.
13.Modern teachers, in order to check the quality of students’ acquisition of knowledge and skills, often organize:

· performing multi-level individual tasks using educational cards

· search and comment on the relationship between concepts written by the teacher on the board;

· answer according to a plan drawn up independently or proposed by the teacher;

· composing questions and asking them to your classmates;

· correcting errors in terms written by the teacher on the board;

· participation in “flight” repetition of basic terms, concepts conducted by the teacher, etc.;
14. Students’ cognitive activity can be organized at productive-imitative, partially searching, and creative levels. Paying special attention to the creative development of students, it is necessary to offer them problematic questions that force their thoughts to work actively.

15. Accustom schoolchildren to independently take notes in notebooks:

· a question to think about in class;

· tables, diagrams, reference signals that facilitate the assimilation of the material;

· answer plans;

· plans for laboratory work;

· plans for the implementation of intellectual activity (for example: a plan for comparing objects);

· brief summaries of difficult paragraphs in the textbook;

· homework for the next lesson.

However, you should not get too carried away with note-taking (especially mindless rewriting of material and textbooks by students). It is necessary to remember that any action of the student and teacher in the lesson must be pedagogically appropriate and have a certain meaning, because the lesson time is not unlimited...

16. Encourage even the slight success of the student in moving towards the goal, celebrate (at least with a kind word) his personal achievements, create a microclimate of cooperation and interconnection in the lesson.

Appendix No. 5. Lesson effectiveness is a condition for improving the quality of education
Group assignment:

Question No. 1: Next to each criterion, put numbers from 1 to 6 according to priorities.

Questions No. 2, 3: Place a cross in the box.

Distribute the proposed actions in the sequence that you consider appropriate when preparing for the lesson:

Determine lesson type

Determine the goal of the task, the end result

Determine the place of this lesson in the topic, section, course

Select necessary and sufficient educational material

Select the necessary tools

Think over the course of the lesson, highlight its main stages

What lesson types do you use most often?

Combined lesson

Summary lesson

Lesson on learning new material

Integrated lesson

Using ICT

What is your teaching strategy?




Formation of learning motivation

Assignment for group I:

Dear colleagues! We suggest that, based on personal experience, from the proposed attitudes and actions of the teacher, you choose those that will contribute to the formation of a component of the motivational sphere of learning - the meaning of learning.

Your group's tasks include:

1. From the proposed list, select only those actions and attitudes that will work to form the meaning of the teaching. If you think that some settings and actions are not enough in the list below, you can add your own.

2. Write the statements you have chosen on the report sheet.

3. Prepare a defense of your project (with examples from practice).

Teacher’s attitudes and actions:

O working together with children to understand and accept the purpose of the upcoming activity and set educational goals;

O selection of means adequate to the goal;

O taking into account the age characteristics of schoolchildren;

O choosing an action in accordance with the student’s capabilities;

O use of problematic situations, disputes, discussions;

O non-standard form of conducting lessons;

O creating a situation of success;

O creating an atmosphere of mutual understanding and cooperation in the classroom;

O the use of group and individual forms of organizing educational activities;

O emotional speech of the teacher;

O use of educational and didactic games, gaming technologies;

O the use of encouragement and reprimand;

O teacher’s faith in the student’s capabilities;

O formation of adequate self-esteem of students;

O encouraging students to choose and independently use different ways of completing tasks without fear of making mistakes;

O assessment of the student’s activity not only by the final result (right - wrong), but also by the process of achieving it.

Assignment for group II:

Dear colleagues! We suggest that, based on personal experience, from the proposed attitudes and actions of the teacher, you choose those that will contribute to the formation of a component of the motivational sphere of learning - the motive of learning.

Assignment for group III:

Dear colleagues! We suggest that, based on personal experience, from the proposed attitudes and actions of the teacher, you choose those that will contribute to the formation of a component of the motivational sphere of learning - goal setting.

Assignment for group IV:

Dear colleagues! We suggest that, based on personal experience, from the proposed attitudes and actions of the teacher, you choose those that will contribute to the formation of a component of the motivational sphere of teaching - an emotional mood.

Assignment for Group V:

Dear colleagues! We suggest that, based on personal experience, from the proposed attitudes and actions of the teacher, you choose those that will contribute to the formation of a component of the motivational sphere of learning - interest in learning.

After the performance of all groups, a layout of the project “Formation of learning motivation” is obtained.


In orphanages and boarding schools there are children whose serious illnesses and pathologies are compatible with life. These children do not die from their illnesses, they can live with it. But their lives are significantly different from the lives of healthy peers and ours. Their special needs require a special habitat or special opportunities forfor every child: operations, prosthetics, rehabilitation equipment, special educational programs.

These children face obstacles every day. Every day they become little heroes, performing an everyday feat - overcoming all the difficulties of the world around them, forced isolation from society.

Many children who received the status of a disabled person in an institution and many terrible diagnoses still dream of independence and mobility, independence from the help of other people, and dream of knowing the world outside the walls of institutions. Many of them really have every chance not only to become healthy and independent, but also to find a family.

Our goal is to help these children, make their lives happier, give them the opportunity to see the world as we know it: huge, comfortable, interesting, diverse.

In the “Healthy Child” program of targeted assistance to children, we collect funds both for children from child care institutions and for children from needy families whose parents are unable to pay for the child’s expensive treatment.

We update information on children and funds for their needs as donations are received, but not more than once a week. If you do not find your name on the list of those who helped the child, be patient, we will update the information soon.



Collection for code M3 is closed for children of the Kutuzov boarding school in the Moscow region

collection for code 289 for Bulat was closed, the fund paid for a course of treatment for the child, which he successfully completed.Read more >>>

The collection for code 291 for Anastasia was closed, the fund paid for and gave the family an active type wheelchair with an electric drive.

The collection for code 309 for Murat is closed, the fund paid for a rehabilitation course for the boy, a report on the assistance provided can be found on the child’s page.


collection for code 290 for Anna is closed. D. The Foundation has already fully paid for all planned rehabilitation courses for the girl. Treatment reports will be posted on the child’s page soon.

"arial=""> Collection for codes 304, 305, 310 is closed for Samir, Guzel and Bulat.Thanks to everyone who took part in the gathering, and a special huge thank you to Ruslan Vagizov for his Deed! - Charity marathon in support of children on the Do It platform!


collection for code 293 is closed. For Milana, the Foundation has already paid for a rehabilitation course for the girl, but it is scheduled for February. Thank you very much to all participants who did not pass by and helped in raising funds. The treatment report will be posted on the child’s page.

a new beneficiary was accepted into the “Healthy Child” program - Samir Sh. Diagnosis: Cerebral palsy, delayed psychomotor and speech development. Collection amount: 159,600 rubles

a new beneficiary was accepted into the “Healthy Child” program - Guzel Diagnosis: Cerebral palsy, delayed psychomotor development Collection amount: 150,000 rubles

a new beneficiary was accepted into the “Healthy Child” program - Alexandra L. Diagnosis: acute lymphoblastic leukemia, spasm of accommodation, amblyopia. Collection amount: 231,250 rubles

a new beneficiary was accepted into the “Healthy Child” program - Egor A. Diagnosis: Cerebral palsy, spastic diplegia, motor alalia. Collection amount: 500,000 rubles


collection for code 298 is closed. For Natasha, the Foundation paid for a rehabilitation course. Thank you very much to all participants who did not pass by and helped in raising funds. The treatment report is posted on the child’s page.

a new beneficiary of the Kutuzov boarding school in the Moscow region was accepted into the “Healthy Child” program (medical office project) - . Diagnosis: epilepsy, accompanied by disturbances of psycho-motor and speech activity. Collection amount: 95,000 rubles

collection for code 294 is closed. For Zhenya, the Foundation paid for 2 rehabilitation courses for a boy. Thank you very much to all participants who did not pass by and helped in raising funds. The treatment report is posted on the child’s page.

collection for code 296 is closed. The Foundation purchased a hippo trainer for Bulat, and now the boy trains regularly at home. Thank you very much to all participants of the gathering. Delivery report on the child’s page.


Collection for code 295 is closed. For Ruslan. S. The foundation has already paid for a rehabilitation course for the boy. Thank you very much to all participants who did not pass by and helped in raising funds. The treatment report will be posted on the child’s page.


A new beneficiary was accepted into the “Healthy Child” program - Zhenya V.. Diagnosis: epilepsy, accompanied by impaired psycho-motor and speech activity. Collection amount: 234,000 rubles.font-family:" arial="">


Collection for code 287 is closed. For George. G. The Foundation has already paid for tickets for him and the boy’s mother. Many thanks to all Volgograd residents who responded to the request for help and transferred funds to pay for travel and examinations before the operation! The treatment report is posted on the child’s page.font-family:" arial=""> minor-latin;mso-ansi-language:RU;mso-fareast-language:EN-US;mso-bidi-language:


a new beneficiary was accepted into the “Healthy Child” program - Yaroslav P. Diagnosis: atypical autism with mental retardation and systemic speech underdevelopment. Collection amount: 89,000.00 rubles.font-family:" arial=""> minor-latin;mso-ansi-language:RU;mso-fareast-language:EN-US;mso-bidi-language:


a new beneficiary was accepted into the “Healthy Child” program - Georgy G. Diagnosis: cerebral palsy, neurogenic scoliosis 3rd degree Collection amount: 22,500 rubles.

a new beneficiary was accepted into the “Healthy Child” program - Ruslan S. - Diagnosis: bilateral sensorineural hearing loss of IV degree, cochlear implantation. Collection amount: 85,350 rubles.
a new beneficiary was accepted into the Healthy Child program - Bulat. C. Diagnosis: cerebral palsy, epilepsy Collection amount: 69,900 rubles.
a new beneficiary was accepted into the “Healthy Child” program - the Togliatti boarding school. Diagnosis: multiple pathologies of mental development, intelligence and hearing impairment. Collection amount: 240,000 rubles.


a new beneficiary was accepted into the “Healthy Child” program - Bulat N. Diagnosis: cerebral palsy, spastic diplegia. Collection amount: 149,600.00 rubles

a new beneficiary was accepted into the “Healthy Child” program - Anna G. Diagnosis: Cerebral palsy, double hemiplegia, severe central tetraporesis. Collection amount: 180,000.00 rubles

accepted new beneficiary of the “Healthy Child” program – Anastasia R. Diagnosis: Cerebral palsy, symptomatic epilepsy. Collection amount: 171,000.00 rubles

accepted new beneficiary of the “Healthy Child” program – Milana S. Diagnosis: cerebral palsy. Collection amount: 128,600.00 rubles

closed fee for code 271. For Karina R. The Foundation has already paid for a rehabilitation course for her. Thank you very much to all participants who did not pass by and helped in raising funds. The treatment report will be posted on the child’s page.

collection for code M1 for children is closed Petrovvalsky boarding house, Volgograd region. The Foundation paid for the equipment already necessary for the Medical Office. Thank you very much to all participants of the Gathering. A report on the assistance provided will be published soon.


collection for code 267 is closed. In the near future, Daniil P. will undergo a much-needed rehabilitation course for him. Thank you very much to all participants who did not pass by and helped in raising funds

Collection for code 275 is closed. In the near future, the Foundation will pay for the necessary stroller for Yura L. and give it to the family.

Collection for code 276 is closed. In the near future, the Foundation will pay for the necessary stroller for Pavel D. and give it to the family.


collection for code 270 is closed. For Alexandra G. The Foundation pays for and delivers a hippo trainer. Thank you very much to all participants who did not pass by and helped in raising funds

collection for code 272 is closed. The fund will pay for the rehabilitation course for Danielle T.


a new beneficiary was accepted into the “Healthy Child” program - Yura L. Diagnosis: cerebral palsy, spastic diplegia. Collection amount: 86,000.00 rubles

a new beneficiary was accepted into the “Healthy Child” program - Olga D. Diagnosis: Consequences of perinatal pathology of the central nervous system with diffuse microsymptoms, emotional and volitional disorders. Collection amount: 91,630.00 rubles

a new beneficiary was accepted into the Healthy Child program - Maxim E. Diagnosis: cerebral palsy, spastic tetraparesis. Collection amount: 97,600.00 rubles

04/20/2017, Tatarstan

a new beneficiary was accepted into the “Healthy Child” program - Daniel T. Diagnosis:Cerebral palsy, developmental delay. Collection amount: 91,200.00 rubles

13.04.2017, Novosibirsk:

a new beneficiary was accepted into the “Healthy Child” program - Alexandra G. Diagnosis: cerebral palsy. Collection amount: 68,750.00 rubles.

13.04.2017 collection for code 258 is closed. In the near future, Andrey V. will undergo a much-needed rehabilitation course in St. Petersburg. Thank you very much to all participants who did not pass by and helped in raising funds

collection for code 259 is closed. The fund will pay for the rehabilitation course for Fedor in the coming days.

04/11/2017, Samara region

a new beneficiary was accepted into the “Healthy Child” program - Slava K. Diagnosis:Cerebral palsy, spastic tetraparesis. Collection amount: 91,000.00 rubles

04/11/2017, Tatarstan

a new beneficiary was accepted into the “Healthy Child” program - Daniil P. Diagnosis: Cerebral palsy, dysarthria . Collection amount: 238,000.00 rubles

a new beneficiary was accepted into the “Healthy Child” program - Karina R. Diagnosis:Cerebral palsy, spastic tetraparesis, double athetosis. Collection amount: 160,500.00 rubles

16.01.2017 collection for code 257 is closed. Gleb P. will go to St. Petersburg for treatment in the near future. Thank you very much to all participants who did not pass by and helped

The collection for code 260 is closed. The fund will pay for and deliver the necessary exercise equipment to Azat within a month.

13.01.2017, Moscow region:

a new beneficiary was accepted into the “Healthy Child” program - Masha N.

Diagnosis: Residual organic damage to the central nervous system. Delayed psycho-speech development.Collection amount: 104,800.00 rubles.

01/09/2017, Ryazan:collection for code 251 is closed - a soft room will be organized and equipped to help the children of the Ryazan orphanage. Thanks to everyone who participated in helping!

12/31/2016, Tatarstan:

a new beneficiary was accepted into the “Healthy Child” program - Azat Z. Diagnosis:Cerebral palsy, bone deformation due to spastic tetraparesis. Collection amount: 66,300.00 rubles

a new beneficiary was accepted into the “Healthy Child” program - Darina K. Diagnosis: cerebral palsy, spastic tetraporesis. Collection amount: 63,200.00 rubles

12/31/2016, Novosibirsk:

a new beneficiary was accepted into the “Healthy Child” program - Anastasia A. Diagnosis: diabetes mellitus. Collection amount: 150,000.00 rubles.

a new beneficiary was accepted into the Healthy Child program - Matvey U. Diagnosis: cerebral palsy. Collection amount: 73,100.00 rubles.

12/30/2016, Belgorod region: a new beneficiary was accepted into the “Healthy Child” program - Andrey V. Diagnosis: cerebellar insufficiency syndrome, right-sided central hemiparesis, neurogenic planovalgus deformity of the right foot. Collection amount: 70,000.00 rubles. More details >>> Join us!

20.12.2016, Ryazan:a new beneficiary was accepted into the “Healthy Child” program - Zhanna K. Diagnosis: Chronic sensorineural hearing loss, stage IV. right, III st. on the left, systemic speech underdevelopment. Collection amount: 48,000.00 rubles. Join us!

11/25/2016, Novosibirsk:

a new beneficiary was accepted into the “Healthy Child” program - Sophia S. Diagnosis: cerebral palsy. We are collecting funds to pay for specialized walkers for children with cerebral palsy. Collection amount: 105,000.00 rubles.

More details: Join us!

11/25/2016, Ryazan:

10.27.2016, Ryazan:

10.26.2016, Volgograd:

Code 247 has been closed - in the rehabilitation department of the Sredneakhtubinsk Central Social Security Centre, children with cerebral palsy will now be able to take rehabilitation courses.Thanks to everyone who participated in raising funds for rehabilitation equipment. More details

10/26/2016, Ryazan:

10.18.2016, Kazan:

10.18.2016, Ryazan:

10/13/2016 Ryazan:

a new beneficiary was accepted into the “Healthy Child” program - Matvey K. Diagnosis: shunt-dependent hydrocephalus without progression. We are collecting to pay for a 24-hour nanny for the post-operative period. Collection amount: 75,000.00 rubles. Details: . Join us!


10/12/2016 Ryazan region:

a new beneficiary was accepted into the “Healthy Child” program - Alexey L. Diagnosis: congenital heart defect, Oik oval window. We are collecting to pay for a 24-hour nanny for the post-operative period. Collection amount: 21,000.00 rubles. Details: . Join us!

" arial="">10/12/2016, Novosibirsk:
font-family:" tahoma="">and his attendant

font-family:" tahoma="">paid travel from Ryazan to the place of treatment and back. Thanks to everyone who participated in helping the child! Details:

06/15/2016, Ryazan:

closed code 249 - to helpThe necessary rehabilitation equipment was transferred to the Elatom orphanage. Thanks to everyone who participated in helping the institution! Details:

05/18/2016, Ryazan:

closed code 158 - to help Artem S. payus
color:gray">nanny services, as well as transportation costs to the place of treatment
. Thanks to everyone who participated in helping the child! Details:

Department of Education and Youth Policy of the Yalchik District Administration

Municipal educational institution "Novoshimkussk secondary school"

Yalchik district of the Chuvash Republic"

Computer simulation

village New Shimkusy - 2006

The methodological basis of modeling is system analysis, the central procedure of which is the construction of a generalized (unified) model of the object, reflecting the most important factors and relationships of the real system. In practice, this is associated with the creation of a set of models with developed dynamic and information connections between models of all levels.

The computer modeling method allows one to adequately reflect the structure of the complex dynamic system under consideration and introduce uncertainty factors into the model. The computer modeling method provides an iterative process of model development, characterized by a gradual deepening of knowledge about the system with the participation of an expert and subject matter specialists.

Computer simulation is a method for solving the problem of analysis or synthesis of a complex system based on the use of its computer model. The essence of computer modeling is to obtain quantitative and qualitative results based on the existing model.

By computer model we mean:

  • A conventional image of an object or some system, described using interconnected computer tables, flowcharts, diagrams, graphs, drawings, animation fragments, hypertexts, etc. and displaying the structure and relationships between the elements of the object – structural-functional model;

  • A separate program, a set of programs, a software package that allows, using a sequence of calculations and graphical display of their results, to reproduce (simulate) the processes of the functioning of an object, subject to the influence of various (including random) factors on it - simulation models.
Computer simulation has a number of advantages compared to other approaches. In particular, it makes it possible to take into account a large number of variables, predict the development of nonlinear processes, and the occurrence of synergistic effects. Computer modeling allows not only to obtain a forecast, but also to determine which control actions will lead to the most favorable development of events.

Qualitative conclusions drawn from the results of computer modeling make it possible to detect such properties of a complex system as its structure, dynamics of development, stability, integrity, etc. Quantitative conclusions are mainly in the nature of a forecast of some future or explanation of past values ​​of variables characterizing the system. One of the main directions of using computer modeling is the search for optimal options for external influence on an object in order to obtain the highest indicators of its functioning.

Computer simulation– an effective method for solving problems of analysis and synthesis of complex systems. The methodological basis of computer modeling is system analysis (while computer modeling has certain sections of the theory of mathematical models), which is why in a number of sources, along with the term “computer”, the term system modeling is used, and the technology of system modeling itself is called upon to master systems analytics.

However, the situation should not be presented in such a way that traditional types of modeling are opposed to computer modeling. On the contrary, the dominant trend today is the interpenetration of all types of modeling, the symbiosis of various information technologies in the field of modeling, especially for complex applications and complex modeling projects. For example, simulation modeling includes conceptual modeling (in the early stages of the formation of a simulation model), logical and mathematical (including artificial intelligence methods) - for the purpose of describing individual subsystems of the model, as well as in procedures for processing and analyzing the results of a computational experiment and decision making ; the technology of conducting and planning a computational experiment with appropriate mathematical methods was introduced into simulation from physical (full-scale) modeling; finally, structural-functional modeling is used to create a stratified description of multi-model complexes.

The emergence of computer modeling associated with simulation modeling; Simulation modeling was historically the first, in comparison with structural-functional modeling, it never existed without a computer, and has a number of specific features.

Simulation modeling – one of the types of computer modeling that uses the methodology of system analysis, the central procedure of which is the construction of a generalized model that reflects all the factors of the real system, while the research methodology is a computational experiment.

The simulation model is built strictly purposefully, therefore it is characterized by an adequate representation of the object under study; the logical-mathematical model of the system is a software-implemented algorithm for the functioning of the system. In simulation, the structure of the simulated system is adequately displayed in the model, and the process of its functioning is simulated on the constructed model. Imitation is understood as carrying out on computers various series of experiments with models, which are presented as a certain set (complex) of computer programs. Comparison of the characteristics (structures, controls) of the modeled object is carried out through variant calculations. Of particular importance is the ability to repeatedly reproduce simulated processes with their subsequent statistical processing, which allows one to take into account random external influences on the object being studied. Based on statistics collected during computer experiments, conclusions are drawn in favor of one or another version of the functioning or design of a real object or the essence of a phenomenon.

In some cases, it is not possible to form decisions using formal methods - an expert must be included in the decision-making process. It becomes an active component of the information system; details the problem and the model, performs a directed computational experiment on the model, generates and ranks alternatives, selects criteria for decision-making, and also generates a rational management option using a knowledge base. Decision-making under risk conditions, for example, requires dialogue procedures for generating statistically reliable results and step-by-step comparison of them with the risk price function. It is necessary to carry out direct participation of the expert in the formation of the optimal set of solution options and in the procedures of variant synthesis.

Thus, simulation significantly expands the capabilities and efficiency of decision makers (DMs), providing them with a convenient tool and means to achieve their goals. Simulation modeling implements the iterative nature of developing a system model, the step-by-step nature of detailing the modeled subsystems, which allows you to gradually increase the completeness of the assessment of decisions made as new problems are identified and new information is obtained.

A simulation model does not provide an optimal solution like a classical solution to optimization problems, but it is a convenient auxiliary tool for a systems analyst to find a solution to a specific problem. The scope of application of simulation models is practically unlimited; these can be tasks: studying the structures of complex systems and their dynamics, analyzing bottlenecks, forecasting and planning, etc. The main advantage of simulation modeling is that an expert can answer the question: “What will happen if ...”, i.e. Using an experiment on a model, develop a development strategy.

Recently, work has been underway to develop systems that can assist an expert in answering the reverse question “What is needed in order to...”. This can be called as "target modeling" in which indicators of the target state are supplied to the system input, as well as a list of possible regulators indicating the range and step of their change. The system, in automatic or semi-automatic mode, finds a combination of values ​​of these controllers to achieve a given target state.

So, the advantages of system dynamics modeling are as follows: the system dynamics approach begins with an attempt to understand the system of causes that created the problem and continues to maintain it. To do this, the necessary data is collected from various sources, including literature, informed people (managers, consumers, competitors, experts) and special quantitative research is conducted. After an elementary analysis of the causes of the problem has been carried out, the formal model is considered to be constructed. Initially, it is presented in the form of logical diagrams reflecting cause-and-effect relationships, which are then converted into a network model, depicted, for example, by graphical means of the “Ithink” system. This network model is then automatically converted into its mathematical counterpart - a system of equations, which is solved by numerical methods built into the modeling system. The resulting solution is presented in the form of graphs and tables, which are subject to critical analysis. As a result, the model is revised (the parameters of some network nodes are changed, new nodes are added, new connections are established or pre-existing connections are changed, etc.), then the model is analyzed again, and so on until it sufficiently corresponds to the real situation. After the model is built, controllable parameters are identified in it and such values ​​of these parameters are selected at which the problem is either removed or ceases to be critical.

The modeling process gradually deepens the understanding of the problem among the people involved. However, their intuition about the possible consequences of proposed management decisions often turns out to be less reliable than the approach associated with the careful construction of a mathematical model. And this is not as surprising as it might seem at first glance. Control systems sometimes contain 100 or more variables that are either known to depend on others in some nonlinear way or are assumed to exist. The behavior of such systems turns out to be so complex that its understanding lies beyond the capabilities of human intuition. Computer modeling is one of the most effective tools currently available for supporting and refining human intuition. Although the model is not a completely accurate representation of reality, it can be used to make more informed decisions than a human could make. It is a flexible tool that enhances the capabilities of the person using it to gain a deeper understanding of the problem.

Thus, in the field of modern information technologies imitation modeling is acquiring extremely significant importance in global scientific research and practical activities. With the help of simulation modeling, problems of a wide range of problems are effectively solved - in the field of strategic planning, business modeling, management (modeling of various kinds of financial projects, production management), reengineering, design (the use of simulation modeling in the field of investment and technological design is relevant, as well as modeling and forecasting of socio-economic development of regional and urban systems.

It is advisable to choose system dynamics models as a method for modeling urban systems. The concept of system dynamics allows you to model dynamic processes at a high level of aggregation. It is based on the idea of ​​the functioning of a dynamic system as a set of flows (monetary, product, human, etc.).

Let us briefly consider the general content of the technological approach to building models. City models are resource-type models: resources (labor, financial, natural, etc.) are exhausted, resources are replenished. The state of the urban economic system is described by variables (population, production assets, housing stock, land resource, etc.). External influences and management decisions determine the dynamics (tempo) of the modeled system (rate of supply and withdrawal of resources).

Based on the processing of expert knowledge, all factors operating in the system under consideration and the cause-and-effect relationships between them are identified. With the help of modern modeling systems (such as IThink, VENSIM, DYNAMO and others), the model is formed at the ideographic level. The resulting system flow diagrams are a form of structuring the expert’s knowledge, in the information network of which a mismatch (imbalance) is developed for various types of needs and resource consumption.

In decision-making blocks, based on this information, control actions are issued on various types of objects. The main goal is to establish a balance in the use of resources in the system. System dynamics models are used together with balance-type differential equations, as well as in combination with the principles and methods of logistics based on optimization, management, and integration of flows in complex systems.

Thus, when developing models of socio-economic systems, the analyst must take into account some of the features mentioned above. According to the author of this work, the main feature is the inapplicability of the concept of “optimal strategy”, since the urban system consists of many subsystems, the goals of which often contradict each other. Therefore, the main task is not the search for an optimal strategy, which usually does not exist, but the search for a development strategy acceptable in the given conditions, some compromise option that allows taking into account the goals of individual subsystems and ensuring the comprehensive development of the city as a whole.

Selecting a modeling environment

Modern trends in the field of simulation modeling are associated with the development of problem-oriented systems, the creation of built-in tools for integrating models into a single model complex; The technological level of modern modeling systems is characterized by a large selection of basic concepts for the formalization and structuring of modeled systems, developed graphical interfaces and animated output of results. Simulation systems have the means to transfer information from databases and other systems, or have access to procedural languages, which makes it easy to perform calculations related to the design of factorial experiments, automated optimization, etc.

Analysis of the information technology market allows us to identify the following main trends in the field of modern modeling systems, the most significant of which will be discussed below.

The dominant basic concepts of formalization and structuring in modern modeling systems are:

  • for discrete modeling - systems based on process descriptions or network paradigms - (Extend, Arena, ProModel, Witness, Taylor, Gpss/H-Proof, etc.);

  • for systems focused on continuous modeling - models and methods of system dynamics - (Powersim, Vensim, Dynamo, Stella, Ithink, etc.)
Moreover, in powerful systems, in order to expand their functionality, there are alternative formalization concepts. For example, the Powersim and Ithink systems have a built-in discrete modeling apparatus, and, conversely, the Extend and ProcessModel systems have support, albeit rather weak, for continuous modeling.

Most modeling systems have a user-friendly, easily interpreted graphical interface; system flow diagrams or flowcharts are implemented at the ideographic level, i.e. are drawn, model parameters are determined through the submenu. Programming elements (in general-purpose or object-oriented languages) are saved for individual elements of the model or the creation of specialized blocks by a trained user, the so-called authoring modeling (for example, the Extend system has a built-in Modl language for creating specialized blocks).

Simulation systems are becoming more and more problem-oriented. There are known systems for modeling production systems for various purposes (TOMAC, SIRE, etc.), medical care (MEDMODEL), in the field of telecommunications (COMNET), etc. For this purpose, abstract elements, language constructs and sets of concepts taken from directly from the subject area of ​​research. Modeling systems that declare their problem orientation have certain advantages, for example, the Rethink package, which is oriented towards reengineering. All this, of course, affects the accessibility and attractiveness of simulation modeling.

Modern modeling systems provide some tools for creating stratified models. Stratification of systems, being a general principle of system modeling, is implemented in simulation modeling technology either through detailing, an iterative procedure for the evolution of a simulation model, or by creating a set of interconnected models with developed information and implicit connections between models. Stratified models are machine-oriented concepts that involve the construction of databases and knowledge, over which the computational processes for solving problems of system analysis and decision-making are defined. Modeling system developers use various approaches to implement stratified models. A number of software products, such as AUTOMOD, ProModel, TAYLOR, WITNESS, etc. support the integration of models based on the creation of nested structures. The Arena and Extend systems implement an approach to stratification based on the construction of hierarchical multi-level structures. The most promising is the structural-functional approach, implemented, for example, in the modeling systems Ithink, Rethink, based on the methodology of structural analysis and design. With this technology, it is possible to implement several levels of model presentation - a high-level representation in the form of block diagrams, using CASE tools, and at the lower level, models can be displayed, for example, with flow diagrams and diagrams.

A new methodology for scientific research in computer modeling, which involves organizing and conducting a computational experiment on a simulation model, requires serious mathematical and information support for the system modeling process, especially in terms of computational procedures related to experiment planning, optimization, and organizing work with large amounts of data in acceptance procedures decisions. Many modeling systems are provided with tools for integration with other software environments, provide access to procedural languages ​​associated with the simulation model code, to implement special calculations, and access databases (Simulation Data Base approach).

In more powerful packages, integration is carried out through additional software with specialized blocks for various purposes. These can be input data analysis blocks, flexible sensitivity analysis tools that allow multiple runs with different input data (in GPSS/H-PROOF, ProModel, etc. systems). It is promising to create modeling systems with functionally broad optimization blocks focused on the specifics of simulation modeling (in this sense, the WITNESS, TAYLOR systems are indicative). Integration of software systems, by the way, can be carried out at other levels, for example, simulation modeling plus logistics, which is relevant, in particular, when implementing balance-type resource models.

The multi-user mode implemented in a number of systems, the use of interactive distributed modeling, and developments in the field of interaction of simulation modeling with the Internet expand the capabilities of simulation modeling, allowing different companies to work out joint or competing strategies.

Table 2.4 Technological characteristics of modern modeling systems

Modeling system

Software manufacturer


Simulation environment and support

Graphic design of IM

Author's modeling, model programming

Animation (real time)

Results analysis support


System Modeling Corporation

Manufacturing, business process analysis, discrete modeling

Block diagrams





Imagine That, Inc.

Strategic planning, business modeling

Building Blocks, Continuous and Discrete Models

Modl language


Sensitivity Analysis


Wolverine Software Corporation

General purpose, manufacturing, transport, etc.

Block diagrams





High Performance System, Inc.

Financial flow management, reengineering of enterprises, banks, investment companies, etc.

CASE tools, flowcharts



Sensitivity Analysis


PROMODEL Corporation

General production, reengineering





Visual Thinking International

A universal tool for simulating discrete processes


Object-oriented programming




F&H SimulationInc.

Production, cost analysis

Block diagrams, discrete simulation





Lanner Group Inc.

Business planning, production, finance




Optimization block


Ventana Systems

System dynamics models






Powersim Co.

Continuous Simulation






Expectation Software

Computational system dynamics models

Block diagrams




InformationWeek's testing lab has tested several simulation packages aimed at engineers and other users, including the following packages that support system dynamics methods:

  • Powersim Studio 2001 from Modell Data AS (Norway);

  • Ithink 3.0.61 produced by High Performance Systems (USA);
In addition, the author analyzed the Vensim 5.0 modeling package and compared its capabilities with other packages.

As a result of the comparison, the following conclusions were drawn:

Modell Data Powersim 2.01

Best Product for Continuous Simulation


  • Many built-in functions to make model building easier

  • Support for multi-user models for teamwork

  • Array processing tools make it easy to create models with similar components

  • Limited discrete simulation support
Ithink 3.0.61 package from High Performance Systems

Enables the creation of continuous and discrete models


  • Built-in blocks to make it easier to create different types of models

  • Support for custom modeling, making it easier for users with less technical training to use models

  • Detailed tutorial and documentation

  • Advanced sensitivity analysis tools that provide automatic repeated execution of the model with different input data

  • Supports multiple input formats

  • Complex Systems Dynamics notation

  • Supports fewer features than Powersim
Vensim 5.0 PLE package from Vensim Co.

The cheapest of the products reviewed; supports continuous modeling (system dynamics methods)


  • A simple graphical interface aimed at professionals.

  • Lots of built-in features and capabilities to make model creation easier

  • Flexible sensitivity analysis tools (Professional versions)

  • Integration with other applications via DLL mechanism (DSS version)

  • A small number of built-in mathematical functions in the PLE version.
The Vensim 5.0 PLE package was chosen as a modeling environment for this thesis, as it supports system dynamics methods and also has many built-in functions and capabilities, which are quite sufficient for the implementation of the designed set of models