
Pencil drawings of road traffic and signs. Travel to the country of Road signs. How to draw a road with a pencil step by step

All roads lead to Rym. Even the roads from Rym lead to Rym. And when they tell you that there is no turning back - do not believe! Lies and provocation, you can always go to Rym. It turns out that the road is the same for everyone ?! Let's find out how to draw a road with a pencil... The road is the fruit of zealous pressing of the grass to the ground with the feet. As a result, paths appeared in places where bodies of various consistencies often passed. Our ancestors did not sparkle with a pure and bright mind, and the paths helped them find the right paths.

But then a grandiose discovery happened - people developed the wheel. And, as it turned out, it interacts very well with paths of various types. It catches, makes various turns and looks not bad at all. Since then, people have used the wheel and paths together. And the wheel lived happily ever after. But the trail has fallen on hard times.

With the development of infrastructure in the industrial and civil sector, the paths, due to their frequent use, became uncomfortable, sandy, the ground cracked and collapsed. Then the roads began to be covered with various semblances of today's asphalt.

History says that the first real roads appeared in Rym, so they all lead to Rymto. Men with olive branches on their heads liked to ride, but did not like to carry sledges. The chariots developed at that time were not so much a means of transportation as a luxury. And the road must correspond to the transport. So slaves riveted a thousand slabs, which were thrown all over Rome. And now, briefly about interesting roads:

  • The longest highway in the world is the Pan American Highway, which is only 47,958 km long. Just count how long it will take you to slip through such a track at a speed of 100 km / h.
  • From the realm of fantasy. Russian roads are considered the most expensive in the world. This is not a joke, the price of building a kilometer of a road in our country costs more than in the USA or Europe many times over. So that's why Napoleon was so afraid of our roads.
  • In developed countries, traffic jams are caused by poor traffic infrastructure. And in India, cows are the cause of traffic jams. It often happens that a cloven-hoofed animal just comes and lies on the asphalt, and since they are very saints, no one risks driving them away.
  • And the biggest traffic jam occurred in China (and why am I not surprised?). In 2010, such a traffic jam was created that its unwitting participants drove 100 kilometers for about 5 days. And the traffic jam lasted from 14 to 25 August.

Let your road be bright and straight, and the turns, even sharp ones, take you to new, pleasant horizons. Let's start drawing lesson.

How to draw a road with a pencil step by step

Step one. Step two. Step three. Step four. Step five. If the road is too easy and boring for you, try drawing one of these.

Studying traffic rules is interesting and fun with Pustunchik. Join us and I will take you to the exciting and interesting country of Road signs for children.


This is perhaps the most important sign for a young pedestrian. It shows that you can cross from one part of the street to another. However, remember that you only need to cross the street when the green light is on at the pedestrian traffic lights.

Before crossing the road, turn your head to the left to make sure there is no car driving nearby. When you reach the middle of the road (before the markings), make sure there is no car on the right. If the road is clear, feel free to cross to the other side.

In addition to terrestrial (familiar to you zebra), transitions are:




This sign tells the driver that children may run out onto the road, so driving at high speed is prohibited. Usually you can see such a sign near a school, kindergarten or playground. However, this does not mean that you can cross the road here. You can cross the street only in a specially designated place - on a zebra crossing.

Never run out onto the road! Is it dangerous.


If you see a sign on the road with a bicycle in a red circle, so as not to become an offender, get off the bicycle (scooter, moped) and cat to the required place.


This sign is often installed on roads with particularly busy traffic, where there are no sidewalks and shoulders. Walking on such sections of the road, and even more so crossing to the other side, is life-threatening.


A man with a shovel in a red circle signals road work: repairing asphalt, cutting branches from trees, or any other work taking place directly on the roadway. It is strongly discouraged for children to walk nearby, because branches may fall there, hot resin may be spilled, or stones may fly, so there is a risk of injury.


A sign on which a bus, tram or trolleybus is drawn on a blue background shows that only in this place you can get on or off the transport.


One of the most important road signs for children is the "Pedestrian Zone" sign. Cars are not allowed to drive here, only pedestrians are allowed to move. Note that there should be two signs on such a section of the road - the first one signals the beginning of the pedestrian zone, and the second - about its end.

Remember! In order not to get into an unpleasant situation on the road, going to school or kindergarten, leave the house in advance. So you will not be in a hurry, you will closely monitor road users and pay attention to all signs. Bon Voyage!

Natalia Frolova

Safe by paths

Everyone goes to kindergarten

And all the traffic rules

We know how to comply.

We don't run to the red

And we stand on yellow

But, what if suddenly green

Will light up on the way-

Then, of course, all at once

We can go to the kindergarten.

All people know the rule

Kids know them too,

And the whole rule of motion

Observe from the heart

Today's problem road- great attention is paid to traffic injuries, and the process of teaching the rules road movement begins much earlier than half a century ago - right from kindergarten. Attending preschool educational institutions cities or gathering their pupils for mass events dedicated to the knowledge of traffic rules, we can say that 100% of children know which traffic signal and where to cross the roadway.

IN kindergarten passed drawing competition for traffic rules« The child and the road... It is designed to convert road illiteracy in respect and responsibility. Everyone from 2 to 7 years old could take part in this competition.

And today, summing up the results of the children's competition« The child and the roadexamining baby drawings, you make sure that many drawings - the realities of our life with you, this drawings about drivers and pedestrians. By their drawings contestants tried to draw attention to compliance with the Rules road traffic, to prevent accidents on road.

The work of the jury with the participation of the inspector of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate was evaluated, and also some works decorated the stand for the exhibition within the walls of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Tulunsky.

All participants competition awaits diplomas.

Thank you for your active participation!

Prepared an article by N. N. Kirilov

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A child's knowledge of the traffic rules is one of the main conditions for his safety on the street. Many pedestrians, including adults, are quite frivolous about the observance of these rules, which often becomes the cause of road accidents of various severity. Children should clearly understand that being on the street in locality, they are full participants in the road traffic, therefore, compliance with traffic rules is their responsibility.

Coloring pages Rules of the road for children.

Teaching a child the rules of behavior on the street (roads, sidewalks, city transport) should be started at a very early age, before he learns to walk and run on his own. And here the example of parents and other adults with whom the child is on the street is very important. You must not only tell and explain the traffic rules to your child, but also strictly observe them yourself. The traffic rules coloring pages presented on this page are primarily intended for preschoolers and will help children learn the main points of behavior on the road, as well as near it.

1. Coloring Traffic Light.

The best place to safely cross a road is a pedestrian crossing with a traffic light. Coloring pages with a picture of a traffic light also contain small rhymes that help kids more easily remember the rules for its use.

  • Always start driving only when the green traffic light is on.
  • Never cross the road when traffic signals are red or yellow, even if there are no vehicles nearby.
  • Turning to the green light, additionally make sure you are safe - look left, then right.

2. Coloring pedestrian crossing.

Teach your child to cross the carriageway only at a pedestrian crossing. Coloring pages of pedestrian crossings will teach children how to cross the road correctly. A crossing that is not equipped with a traffic light is called unregulated.

  • The pedestrian crossing is marked on the road surface with a "zebra".
  • Before crossing the road, carefully inspect it, make sure there is no transport nearby.
  • Cross the road, do not cross.
  • Do not cross the street obliquely.
  • Pay special attention to standing vehicles that obscure your view.
  • Stop talking on the phone while driving on the crosswalk.
  • If there are underground or overground passages nearby, be sure to use them, in such places the traffic is especially intense.

3. Sidewalks.

The sidewalk is intended for pedestrian traffic. Teach children to behave correctly on the sidewalks, especially in areas with heavy traffic.

  • When driving on the sidewalk along the road, do not get too close to it.
  • Watch carefully for the possible departure of cars from courtyards and lanes.
  • Don't play ball on the sidewalk, don't run.

4. Coloring pages with the rules of behavior for children in urban public transport and at bus stops.

These coloring pages will teach children how to use public transport safely.

  • Stop public transport - a dangerous place due to a possible poor view of the road and a large crowd of people who can accidentally push a child off the sidewalk onto the roadway. You need to be especially careful here.
  • Come to the door of the vehicle only after it has come to a complete stop.
  • Leaving the transport, proceed to the road crossing only after it leaves the stop.

In addition to these basic rules of the road, children will be interested in coloring road signs. The presented coloring pages according to traffic rules are suitable for toddlers, preschoolers and junior students school age, as well as for use in kindergartens and lessons in primary school classes. All pictures with Traffic Rules are completely free - you can download and print them.