
F reshetnikov boys a short description of the picture. Composition based on the painting of the boy Reshetnikov. Description of the painting by Reshetnikov "Boys"

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Fyodor Pavlovich Reshetnikov's painting "Boys" will touch any person who has not forgotten how to dream and fantasize. It depicts a late warm evening and the roof of a house heated by the summer sun. Three boys climbed onto the roof and look with interest at the heavenly tent spread above them.

In the very center of the picture, a boy in a white shirt, enthusiastically explains something to his friends, pointing to the blue sky. Perhaps the first evening stars are already blinking from above, and it is about them that the boy tells his story. One of the friends, leaning his elbows, closely follows the hand of the narrator and tries to understand everything that his friend says. And the other, raising his fair-haired head, seems to have forgotten about everything in the world and even opened his mouth in surprise, admiring the heavenly beauty.

Somewhere below, yellow windows of apartments are burning, in which evening life is in full swing. People cook food, read newspapers, laugh. Perhaps the boys also hear the last sounds of the sleeping city and they can hear the dogs walking in the courtyards, playing the last game of dominoes and, having met a neighbor, share the latest news. But the boys do not care that they may have been waiting for dinner for a long time by angry mothers. Three friends, in these minutes, are carried away with their thoughts about a wonderful future and they can't wait to fulfill their most cherished desires as soon as possible.

What are these boys talking about? What kind of fantasy made them climb the highest roof? Why are their faces so light and dreamy? To fully understand the painting "Boys", you need to pay attention to the year of its creation. And it was written in 1971. Just ten years before the creation of this painting, Yuri Gagarin flew into space, opening a new era in the life of mankind. An era that can be called cosmic. All children dreamed of becoming astronauts, astronomers and explorers of the universe. How many secrets were awaited when they were revealed, how many plans for space exploration were there!

So these boys, from early childhood, dreamed of the cold infinity of space, respected and loved Gagarin, studied the constellations and stars, and perhaps even attended an astronomy or design class. After all, all this will certainly come in handy in the future, when one of the friends will look through a telescope for new planets on which there is an intelligent life form, another will construct modern spaceships, and the third, of course, will fly to the found planet to make contact with its inhabitants.

Therefore, there are so dreamy faces of three friends standing on the roof of the house and so much inspiration is read in the looks directed to the high dark sky. They sincerely believe in their bright future, believe in their dreams and ideals. All these hot young feelings, Fyodor Pavlovich very accurately and vividly conveyed through the canvas of his picture. It is written so sincerely that it seems that the artist himself is not averse to going with the boys to a distant unknown planet, which, through the darkness of the universe, mysteriously winks at three dreamers.

Many paintings by the artist Reshetnikov depict children. I chose to write an essay based on the painting "Boys" by Reshetnikov, because I really like the guys who are painted there. It seems to me that it would be interesting to make friends with all three.

The boys from the picture are standing on the roof of a tall house. It's been night in the city for a long time. The windows of the houses glow comfortably. And very close over the heads of the children there is a huge starry sky. In his work, the artist uses rich blue and gray tones. Because of this, the night sky in the picture looks just like real, mysterious and exciting. You can gaze into it for a long time together with the characters.

A boy in a white shirt is enthusiastically talking about something to his friends. And they listen to him very carefully. The fair-haired boy looks with interest where his friend is pointing. He even opened his mouth slightly out of curiosity.

And another boy leaned his head on his arm and gazed thoughtfully into the starry sky. He is in his dreams now somewhere far, far away. It can be seen that the characters of all three boys are different, but at the same time there is something that connects them. The roof of the house has now become for them the deck of a starship, and they have become his team. And all together fly towards adventure. These adventures are still for children, they are not scary at all. And in one of the glowing windows, their mother is waiting for each of them. But even when the boys grow up, they will certainly not forget about their dreams and their friendship.

This picture makes me want to dream too. Other planets and aliens, galaxies and constellations ... How many different mysteries still remain unexplored and await me. Description of the painting "Boys" by Reshetnikov allows us to feel that the secret may be very close. Even on a regular rooftop. The main thing is not to pass by her!


Summer night. It is a night city, only the windows of houses are burning, there is silence around, neither the voices of people nor the noise of cars can be heard. Three boys climbed onto the roof of a multi-storey building. They enthusiastically examine the starry sky. All the guys are depicted in different poses, one is lying on the railing, the other is just leaning on them, the third is standing and pointing upward, and tells something about the constellations. He probably saw the constellation Ursa Major or found the North Star. But he tells so interestingly that his friends, opening their mouths, listen to him, they really like to look at the sky.

Maybe the guys dream of becoming astronauts and imagine how, when they grow up, they will rise high up to an unfamiliar planet and will study it. Maybe they think about who lives there, imagine and discuss these creatures. In the eyes of the boys, romance, dreaminess, a kind of fabulousness are read, they believe in miracles, maybe they saw a falling star and make a wish while it flies.

At the moment, the boys are not interested in anything except the sky and the stars, they are surrounded by a beautiful night city, but they do not look at it. The boys are so passionate about the sky that they are not afraid of the height at which they are, but they are standing right at the edge of the roof. Meanwhile, the burning windows resemble sparkling stars in the sky, and the blue-black sky seems to be outer space.

The picture is interesting, it allows the viewer to think out the picture, its plot, it is somewhat reminiscent of a fairy tale. It perfectly shows the enthusiasm of the guys. After watching it, I wanted to look at the starry sky and admire the stunning stars, and childhood memories flooded in, once I also dreamed of becoming an astronaut and flying into space.


Fyodor Pavlovich Reshetnikov is familiar to the audience from many paintings, most of which are devoted to the children's theme. For example, everyone knows his paintings "Deuce Again", "Taken the Language", "Came on Vacation". In my work, I want to focus on the canvas that Reshetnikov called "Boys". The painting was painted in 1971.

In his fiction, Reshetnikov depicted three boys who climbed onto the roof on a dark night. Probably, parents do not know anything about this night outing. The boys gaze with interest at the night sky, which is strewn with bright stars. I can imagine how they tell each other about the constellations. Or maybe they know some secrets that are associated with the stars? Perhaps they write fantastic stories about space travel and the conquest of the galaxy. The boys are admiringly looking at something in the starry sky, this can be seen on their faces, which depict enthusiasm, delight, interest and joy.

The boys do not notice what is happening around. Their eyes are riveted to the sky, which attracts with its mystery. Examining the painting by Reshetnikov "Boys", I remembered my own case, which was associated with the starry sky. Everyone knows that with a shooting star, you need to make a wish. This is exactly what I did. And you know, my wish, made with a shooting star, came true.

The picture turned out to be lively and realistic. I imagine myself next to the boys on the roof. In addition to the main characters, the picture shows the lights of the night city. But the boys do not care about the city at night. The view of high-rise buildings merges with the sky, against the background of which the images of boys stand out vividly.

I really liked the painting by the author Reshetnikov. The artist managed to accurately show the mystery of the starry sky, especially when combined with boys. Like the rest of Reshetnikov's works of art, the painting "Boys" connects us with childhood, gives us the opportunity to dream.

In the canvas "Boys" FP Reshetnikov continues to create a gallery of images of Soviet children, which the master began to paint in the post-war years. The outstanding realist for his work in different years was awarded orders and medals.

Fyodor Pavlovich Reshetnikov

The future artist was born in a village in Ukraine in 1906 into a family of hereditary icon painters. He became orphaned early and, when he grew up, began to help his older brother, who, in order to survive, dropped out of school and continued his father's work. He became his apprentice, and later, seeing that it was impossible to find an interesting job without education, he left for Moscow and graduated from the workers' school there in 1929. Then I studied for higher art education. His teachers were D.S.Moor and, even in his student days, a graphic artist, a mocker and a romantic, he took part in several polar expeditions, followed with bated breath by all Soviet people. After all, he and the Chelyuskinites ended up on a drifting ice floe. And although his vocation was caricature and satire, the artist willingly engaged in

By 1953, having already become a recognized master and academician, he suddenly draws children with enthusiasm, growing younger with them. One of the canvases will be Reshetnikov's painting "Boys", a description of which will be given in the next section.

The plot of the picture

Having agreed in the afternoon, three boys living in a big city climbed onto the roof of the tallest house in their neighborhood late in the evening to take a closer look at the starry sky.

They are eight to ten years old. And they, of course, know everything: about the flights of Belka and Strelka, about the first flight into space of a Soviet man and about the fact that our rockets with astronauts and satellites continue to explore the boundless space. This is how Reshetnikov's painting "Boys", the description of which has already begun.


The foreground shows three boys with different personalities. Take a closer look at their faces and postures.

In the center, with a hand raised high, which points to something, stands a connoisseur who is clearly giving a lecture. He, of course, has already visited the planetarium, reviewed the atlases of the starry sky and knows all the constellations of both the Northern and Southern hemispheres. Now, perhaps, he shows where to find the Polar Star, in which constellation it is, or tells how to find the Big Dipper in the sky and why it is called that, or shows Orion - the most beautiful constellation - a butterfly of our latitudes. Or maybe he's pointing to a flying satellite. There is something to see in the sky.

Reshetnikov's painting "Boys", the description of which is given in this material, will also tell about the characters of the other two boys. The blond boy standing next to him on the left is clearly younger (he is shorter, and his expression is more naive), and he absorbs knowledge unknown to him with interest. Reshetnikov's painting "Boys", the description of which continues, very clearly outlined the character of the younger boy, inquisitive, but not yet able to independently find new knowledge. And the most interesting and mysterious character is the dreamer. He is depicted leaning comfortably on the ledge of the roof and half listening to his friend's simple reasoning. He already has his own ideas about galactic travel in his head, in which he now, perhaps, is already taking part.

In the background

And behind the schoolchildren Reshetnikov ("Boys"), the description of the picture of which continues, he portrayed is unusually good. Tall houses with windows glittering with gold of warm home comfort float in the haze and become a part of the vast Cosmos. Only his name is native - Earth, which attracts every real cosmonaut. After wandering, it is so pleasant to return to your homeland, to your beloved Earth.

On a warm summer evening F. Reshetnikov "Boys" ends, the boys make wishes, looking at They all three are looking forward to the future, which will reveal many secrets to them. Time will pass and, perhaps, their dreams will change, but the craving for mastering the new, unknown, will remain.

Fyodor Reshetnikov is an artist who painted in the style of socialist realism. The main characters in his paintings are most often children. In his works, he shows all the beauty of a simple boy's soul, with all its sorrows and joys.


Reshetnikov's painting "Boys" is very interesting in its image. It is best to start the description of this canvas with the history of its creation. In 1971, almost all the children of the Soviet Union dreamed of space, because ten years had passed since the first flight of Yuri Gagarin, and the development of unexplored spaces was gaining momentum. The artist in his work shows all the passion of the children of that time.

Action picture

Reshetnikov's painting "Boys", the description of which I would like to start from the place where the children meet, expresses the mystery and magic of the night sky. The action depicted in the picture takes place on the roof of a tall building. The boys are depicted in the center of the canvas, and behind them is the city falling asleep at dusk. A separate word about the sky is vast and mysterious; it occupies most of the picture and beckons the eye.

Three friends gaze into uncharted outer space. It is enough to look at the poses of the boys to understand that they are very different in character. And their thoughts are different.

One of the guys is a dreamer - he is leaning on the parapet and looking pensively at the sky. In his eyes, one can read thoughts about the unknown depths of space, other galaxies and the possibility of exploring these worlds.

An older boy enthusiastically shows his younger companion to some point in the night sky. So one can hear his story about spaceships plowing the vastness of space, or about the discovery of a new star. And his friend listens with enthusiasm to his friend. The surprise flickering on his face suggests that he learns something new from the story of his comrade. And this new thing captures his whole simple boyish being. Reshetnikov's painting "Boys" is a description of the hopes and dreams of children of a whole generation.


Fyodor Pavlovich Reshetnikov captured a whole era with his work - the era of socialist realism in the USSR. His paintings open the door to the world of honesty, openness, and trust. At first glance, they seem mundane and simple.

But if you take a closer look, take a closer look at the faces, and captures the cycle of thoughts, feelings, aspirations. Reshetnikov's painting "Boys", the description of which is given above, makes it possible to understand the interest in discoveries, and the desire for the unknown among a whole generation.

The artist F.P. Reshetnikov was very fond of painting pictures on children's themes, which had been developed by him since the time of the Great Patriotic War. Often watching teenagers play "war". It was from that day that he began to increasingly depict children in his paintings in different life situations.

Reshetnikov's painting "Boys" was created in 1971 and is also dedicated to children. Ten years have passed since the legendary first manned flight into space. All the boys dreamed of space and as one wanted to be like Yuri Gagarin. The picture shows three boys who climbed onto the roof of a multi-storey building on an August night to watch the starry sky. As you know, in August, in central Russia, you can very often watch a starfall and boys, seeing another falling "star", try to make their deepest desire as soon as possible.

Reshetnikov places all the "dreamers" in the center of the picture. However, the boys are different in character, as evidenced by their poses. One teenager leaned fully on the parapet. His friend is holding onto the railing, yet the unusual height scares him a little. The one who in the middle, in a friendly way, put his hand on the shoulder to the left of the person standing and tells what he read in some book just a few days ago. He points with his hand to some particularly bright star and perhaps talks about it, especially emphasizing its name. It gives him pleasure to feel some superiority over his comrades, which is so important at this age. The schoolboy tells with such enthusiasm that his friends, without stopping, look at the star pointed out by the narrator. They envy him a little, because he knows so much about galaxies and planets. And he also dreams very much - to fly on a real spaceship, on which he will certainly perform a feat.

His friends already imagine that they, of course, will fly to distant stars all together and will definitely visit this star, which is so different from others in this dark blue sky, like soft velvet. Their eyes burn just like these stars, because the boys are sure that as adults they will contemplate the sky not from the height of a high-rise building, but through the window of an interplanetary space rocket. Below there will be the earth, illuminated by the sun's rays, and not a city sparkling with lights, merging with the sky, as if one whole.

In the painting The Boy, the artist vividly depicts a state of enthusiasm, immersion in a dream, when everything around ceases to exist. It is these dreamers who, having matured, perform real feats, make great discoveries that allow humanity to move forward. Boys with undisguised delight and childish inquisitiveness of mind are directed to the future, which is already slowly revealing its secrets to them.

Around them the city, plunged into the night and falling asleep in a misty haze. Reshetnikov conveys to us the state of these guys, awakening in us childhood memories. We recall our dreams and secrets of the distant past with a certain amount of nostalgia. And these suddenly surging memories seem to give us wings and give us strength to go to the end - towards a dream. After all, the more impossible the dream seems, the more interesting the path to it.

All this was experienced by Fyodor Pavlovich himself during the expedition on the legendary "Chelyuskin". It was a heroic epic, in which the real character of the Russian person was manifested. And in this campaign took part here are the same matured dreamers, about whom the whole world spoke back in 1934, admiring their courage.

There are a lot of paintings by this artist, which he devoted to the children's theme. For example, they include such masterpieces as "They took the language", "Came on vacation", "Boys". I would like to dwell in more detail and consider the painting "Boys". It was painted in 1971.

In the picture we see three boys, at night they went up to the roof, probably secretly from their parents. They look up to the star-studded sky. You can imagine that they are vying to show each other the constellations and tell the secrets of the starry sky. Or maybe they argue about a stellar galaxy or other planets. Their faces express delight, with such enthusiasm they look out for something there.

It seems that the guys do not notice anything that is happening around. I love this picture, it comes to life in my eyes. I want to be there, on the roof, next to the guys, and just like they discuss the night sky. And you can discuss not only the galaxy and planets, but also share your secrets and innermost secrets. And we do not care at all how the artist depicts the city, for us it merges with the starry sky, and in the foreground, displacing the boys.

The artist managed to show the mystery of a starry night, especially when combined with children. You involuntarily remember yourself in the summer, how you loved to admire the sunset or sunrise with friends, and also make a wish when a star falls. Few people believe in this sign, but once I made a wish. I believe in the wonders of a starry night. Thanks to the author for his work, it made me plunge into the world of childhood, feel its carelessness. It seems to me that it is precisely such pictures that make us experience repeatedly the moments that connect us with childhood, give us the strength not to give up and move on.