
Vasily Shukshin: Until the third cocks. To the third cocks Read the work to the third cocks by shukshin briefly

Genre: story for the theater

Characters of literary works live in the library, on the bookshelves. One evening poor Liza raised the question: is it possible for Ivan the Fool to live with them. And although Ilya Muromets defended Ivan, most instructed him to go to the Sage for a certificate that he was smart.

First, Ivan meets Baba Yaga. She almost burns it in the oven, for refusing to build her a cottage. Then the Serpent Gorynych arrives and makes him sing and dance. Escaping from them, the hero, on the advice of the bear, goes to the monastery, the walls of which were occupied by devils. In exchange for the fact that they will help him get to the Sage, Ivan helps them cheat the guard. The devils keep their promise, but Ivan feels guilty before the monks. The sage, having learned about Ivan's talents, leads him to Tsarevna Nesmeyana. There everyone is bored to cheer the princess, the Sage tries to play a trick on Ivan. But that question: why do you have an extra rib? - baffles him.

Ivan takes the seal from the Sage and goes home. On the way back, he is seduced by the mustached daughter of Baba Yaga, she is also the bride of Gorynych. But then the Snake returns and threatens to eat the lovers. The chieftain saves them, he kills the Serpent in the battle. So Ivan returns to the library, with a seal, only now no one knows what to do with it.

Picture or drawing Up to third roosters

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Vasily Makarovich Shukshin

"Until the third roosters"

Once in one library in the evening the characters of Russian literature about Ivan the Fool started talking and arguing.

- I am ashamed, - said Poor Liza, - that he is with us.

- I'm also embarrassed to stand next to him, - said Oblomov. - He stinks of footcloths.

- Let the certificate get that he is smart, - suggested Poor Liza.

- Where will he get it? - objected Ilya Muromets.

- At the Sage. And let him have time to do this before the third roosters.

They argued for a long time, and finally Ilya Muromets said: “Go, Vanka. It is necessary. See, what they are all ... scientists. Go and remember, you cannot burn in fire, you cannot drown in water ... I can’t vouch for the rest ”. Ivan bowed to everyone with a half-length bow: "Do not remember dashingly if you are lost." And went. Walked, walked, he saw - the light was shining. There is a hut on chicken legs, and around there are piled bricks, slate, all sorts of lumber. Baba Yaga came out on the porch:

- Who it?

- Ivan the Fool. I'm going to the Sage for help.

- Are you really a fool or just simple-minded?

- What are you, Baba Yaga, driving at?

- Yes, as I saw you, I immediately thought: oh, and a talented guy! Do you know how to build?

- I chopped the tower with my father. And why do you need it?

- I want to build a cottage. Will you take it?

- I have no time. I'm going for help.

- Ah, - Baba Yaga stretched ominously, - now I understand who I am dealing with. Simulator! Rogue! The last time I ask: will you build?

- Into the oven! - cried Baba Yaga.

Four guards grabbed Ivan and pushed him into the oven. And then bells rang in the yard. “My daughter is on her way,” said Baba Yaga. - With the groom, Serpent Gorynych. The daughter entered the hut, also terrible and also with a mustache. "Fu-fu-fu," she said. "It smells of the Russian spirit." - "And I fry Ivan." My daughter looked into the oven, and from there - either crying, or laughter.

“Oh, I can't,” Ivan groans.

- I'm not going to die from fire - from laughter.

- What are you?

- Yes, I laugh at your mustache. How will you live with your husband? He is in the dark and will not figure out who he is with - a woman or a man. Will fall out of love. And maybe, having become angry, and bite off the head. I know these Gorynychs.

- Can you remove the mustache?

- Get out.

And just then three heads of Gorynych stuck through the windows and stared at Ivan. “This is my nephew,” Baba Yaga explained. - He's staying. Gorynych studied Ivan so carefully and for so long that he could not resist, became nervous: “Well? I am nephew, nephew. You were told. Or what - will you eat the guests? AND?!" Gorynych's heads were surprised. “I think he's rude,” one said. The second, thinking, added: "Fool, but nervous." The third spoke quite briefly: "Langet."

- I'll show you such a langet! - Ivan exploded out of fear.

- Wait, I'll arrange this! Tired of wearing a head ?!

- No, well, he's rude with might and main, - the first head said almost crying.

“Stop pulling,” said the second head.

- Yes, stop pulling, - Ivan foolishly assented and began to sing:

Oh, I shaved you
On the embankment
You gave me
Stockings-boots ...

It became quiet. “Do you know how to romance? - asked Gorynych. - Come on, sing. Otherwise I'll bite off my hand. And you sing, ”he ordered Baba Yaga and his daughter.

And Ivan sang about "Khasbulat the daring", and then, although he resisted, he also had to dance in front of the Serpent. “Well, now you've grown wiser,” said Gorynych and threw Ivan out of the hut into the dark forest. Ivan is walking, and a bear is meeting him.

“I'm leaving,” he complained to Ivan, “out of shame and shame. The monastery, near which I have always lived, was surrounded by devils. They make music, drink, misbehave, and harass the monks. You have to run away from here, or they will teach you how to drink, or I'll ask you to go to the circus. You, Ivan, don't need to go there. These are more terrible than the Serpent Gorynych.

- Do they know about the Sage? Ivan asked.

- They know about everything.

- Then you have to, - Ivan sighed and went to the monastery.

And there, around the walls of the monastery, devils are walking - some are tapping with their hooves, some are leafing through a magazine with pictures, some are drinking cognac. And near the unyielding monastery guard at the gates, three musicians and a girl are performing "Black Eyes". Ivan the devils immediately began to take on the throat: “I am such a prince that shreds will fly from you. I'll smash it over the bumps! " The devils were amazed. One climbed to Ivan, but his own pulled him aside. And an elegant man with glasses appeared in front of Ivan: “What's the matter, friend? What do you need? " “I need a certificate,” Ivan replied. "We will help, but you also help us."

They took Ivan aside and began to confer with him how to smoke the monks from the monastery. Ivan gave advice - to sing a song dear to the guard. The devils burst out in chorus "On the wild steppes of Transbaikalia". The formidable guard became sad, went to the devils, sat down next to him, drank a glass of the offered, and devils moved into the empty gates of the monastery. Then the devil ordered Ivan:

- Dancing Kamarinskaya!

- I went to the devil, - Ivan was angry. - After all, they agreed: I will help you, you - me.

- Come on, dance, or we won't lead you to the Sage.

Ivan had to go to the dance, and immediately he found himself with the devil at the little, white old man - the Sage. But he just doesn't give a certificate: "If you make Nesmeyan laugh, I will give you a certificate." Ivan went with the Sage to Nesmeyana. And she goes berserk with boredom. Her friends lie among the ficuses under quartz tanning lamps and are also bored. Sing to them, the Sage ordered. Ivan sang a ditty.

- Oh ... - groaned young. - Don't, Vanya. Oh please…

- Vanya, dance! - ordered again the Sage.

- Go to hell! - Ivan got angry.

- What about the certificate? The old man asked ominously. - Here answer me a few questions, prove that you are smart. Then I will issue a certificate.

- Can I ask? - Ivan said.

- Let, let Ivan ask, - Nesmeyana was capricious.

- Why do you have an extra rib? - Ivan asked the Sage.

- This is curious, - the young people got interested, surrounded the old man. - Come on, show me a rib, - and with a cackle they began to undress and feel the Sage.

And Ivan pulled the seal from the Sage's pocket and went home. I walked past the monastery - devils were in charge there with songs and dances. I met a bear, and he is already interested in working conditions in the circus and offers to drink together. And when he walked past Baba Yaga's hut, a voice heard:

- Ivanushka, free me. Serpent Gorynych put me under lock and key in the toilet as punishment.

Ivan freed the daughter of Baba Yaga, and she asks:

- Do you want to be my lover?

- Come on, - Ivan decided.

- Will you make a baby for me? - asked the daughter of Baba Yaga.

- Can you handle children?

- I can swaddle, - she boasted and swaddled Ivan tightly in the sheets. And just then the Serpent Gorynych appeared:

- What? Passion played out? Games started? I will hawala you!

And as soon as he was ready to swallow Ivan, the Don chieftain, sent from the library to Ivan's rescue, flew into the hut like a whirlwind. “Let's go to the clearing,” he said to Gorynych. "I'll cut off all your heads at once." The battle lasted a long time. Defeated ataman Serpent. “More militant than you, Cossack, I have not met men,” Baba Yaga's daughter spoke affectionately, the ataman smiled, his mustache began to twist, but Ivan pulled him back: it's time for us to return.

In the library, Ivan and the chieftain were greeted with joy:

- Thank God, they are alive and well. Ivan, have you got a certificate?

- I got a whole seal, - Ivan answered. But no one knew what to do with her.

- Why was a person sent so far? Ilya asked angrily.

- And you, Vanka, sit down in your place - soon the roosters will crow.

- We would not sit, Ilya, not sit!

- What are you back ...

- Which one? - Ivan did not calm down.

- So I came - around guilty. Sit here! ..

“So sit down and think,” Ilya Muromets said calmly.

And the third roosters began to sing, and here the fairy tale is over. There will be, perhaps, another night ... But it will be another fairy tale.

One evening at the company of heroes of Russian literature, Ivan the Fool became the subject of controversy.

Poor Liza and Oblomov were embarrassed to be with him. The girl demanded that Ivan provide a certificate stating that he was not a fool at all. She was supported. For a long time Ilya Muromets convinced them all that it was an empty idea, but Vanka still had to go, having the order to return before the third roosters.

I walked to the hut on chicken legs. And around it, as if the construction was going on: bricks lying around, lumber, slate. Baba Yaga went out onto the porch. I had to tell her that he was going to the Sage for an important piece of paper. The old woman wanted him to quickly build a cottage for her, and when Ivan refused, she sent it to the oven. It's good that her daughter came to visit with her fiancé Gorynych, mustache and terrible. Vanka began to make fun of her mustache from the oven, daughter and ask if he knows how to take them out. Hearing that she could, she ordered to pull the fool out of the oven.

Then Serpent Gorynych looked into the hut with all three heads. Word for word, he was really going to eat Ivan, but he sang out of fright. And then he also danced. Therefore, no one began to eat it, but the Serpent still threw the boy into the forest.

There he met with a saddened bear, who advised him not to go towards the monastery, because around him the whole neighborhood was occupied by devils, behaving indecently and harassing the monks. Vanka only about the Sage and asked if they knew him. When he heard that the devils knew about everything, he nevertheless moved to the monastery.

Around the walls of the monastery devils did not do anything: tap dance, drink brandy, and leaf through magazines with all sorts of pictures. Immediately Ivan began to take the unclean in fear, threateningly promising to smash them to pieces. Surprised the devils incredibly. One asked him what he wanted. Having learned that the certificate was needed, he offered to help each other. Vanka helped them drive the monks away, in response they brought him to the Sage.

He does not give a certificate, demands to make Nesmeyanu laugh. And she sunbathes with the company, rages out of boredom. By cunning then Ivan took the seal from the wise man and left.

In passing, he freed Yaga's daughter from the toilet, almost becoming her lover. For this, the Serpent Gorynych almost ate him, but the Don chieftain, who was sent to help him from his own library, saved the boy. At home, the couple who arrived were greeted sincerely, but only with the seal obtained by Ivan, no one knew what to do. The good fellow was going to be indignant, but Muromets did not give up. And there the third roosters sang, so that everything that happened on other nights is a completely different fairy tale.

  • Category: Summary

A Tale (1974)

Once in one library in the evening the characters of Russian literature about Ivan the Fool started talking and arguing. "I am ashamed," said Poor Liza, "that he is with us." “I’m also embarrassed to stand next to him,” Oblomov said. "He stinks of footcloths." “Let him get a certificate that he is smart,” suggested Poor Liza. "Where will he get it?" - objected Ilya Muromets. “At the Sage. And let him have time to do it before the third roosters. " They argued for a long time, and finally Ilya Muromets said: “Go, Vanka. It is necessary. See, what they are all ... scientists. Go and remember, you cannot burn in fire, you cannot drown in water ... I can’t vouch for the rest ”. Ivan bowed to everyone with a half-length bow: "Do not remember dashingly if you are lost." And went. Walked, walked, saw - the light was shining. There is a hut on chicken legs, and around there are piled bricks, slate, all sorts of lumber. Baba Yaga went out onto the porch: "Who is this?" “Ivan the Fool. I'm going to the Sage for help. " - "Are you really a fool or just simple-minded?" - "What are you, Baba Yaga, driving at?" - “As I saw you, I immediately thought: oh, and a talented guy! Do you know how to build? " - “I used to cut the tower with my father. And why do you need it?" - “I want to build a cottage. Will you take it? " - "I have no time. I'm going for help. " “Ah,” Baba Yaga drawled ominously, “now I understand who I'm dealing with. Simulator! Rogue! The last time I ask: will you build? " - "Not". - "Into the oven!" - cried Baba Yaga. Four guards grabbed Ivan and pushed him into the oven. And then bells rang in the yard. “My daughter is on her way,” said Baba Yaga. - With the groom, Serpent Gorynych. The daughter entered the hut, also terrible and also with a mustache. "Fu-fu-fu," she said. "It smells of the Russian spirit." - "And I fry Ivan." My daughter looked into the oven, and from there - either crying, or laughter. “Oh, I can't,” Ivan groans. - I will not die from fire - from laughter. - "What are you doing?" - “Yes, I laugh at your mustache. How will you live with your husband? He is in the dark and will not figure out who he is with - a woman or a man. Will fall out of love. Or maybe, getting angry, and bite off his head. I know these Gorynychs. " - "Can you get your mustache out?" - "I can". - "Get out." And just then three heads of Gorynych stuck through the windows and stared at Ivan. “This is my nephew,” Baba Yaga explained. - He's staying. Gorynych examined Ivan so carefully and for so long that he could not resist, became nervous: “Well? I am nephew, nephew. You were told. Or what - will you eat the guests? AND?!" Gorynych's heads were surprised. “I think he's rude,” one said. The second, thinking, added: "Fool, but nervous." The third spoke quite briefly: "Langet." - “I’ll show you such a langet! - Ivan exploded out of fear. - Wait, I'll arrange this! Are you tired of wearing your head ?! " - "No, well, he's rude with might and main," the first head said almost crying. "Stop pulling," said the second head. “Yes, stop pulling”, - Ivan foolishly assented and sang: “Oh, I shaved you / On the backbone / You gave me a gift / Valenki stockings…” It became quiet. “Do you know how to romance? - asked Gorynych. - Come on, sing. I'll bite off my hand. And you sing, ”he ordered Baba Yaga and his daughter.

And Ivan sang about "Khasbulat the daring", and then, although he resisted, he also had to dance in front of the Serpent. "Well, now you have grown wiser," said Gorynych and threw Ivan out of the hut into the dark forest. Ivan was walking, and a bear came towards him. “I am leaving,” he complained to Ivan, “out of shame and shame. The monastery, near which I have always lived, was surrounded by devils. They make music, drink, misbehave, and harass the monks. You have to run away from here, or they will teach you how to drink, or I'll ask you to go to the circus. You, Ivan, don't need to go there. These are more terrible than the Serpent Gorynych. " - "Do they know about the Sage?" Ivan asked. "They know about everything." “Then we'll have to,” Ivan sighed and went to the monastery. And there, around the walls of the monastery, devils walk - some tap dance with their hooves, some leaf through a magazine with pictures, some drink brandy. And next to the unyielding monastery guard at the gate, three musicians and a girl are performing "Black Eyes". Ivan the devils immediately began to take on the throat: “I am such a prince that shreds will fly from you. I'll smash it over the bumps! " The devils were amazed. One climbed to Ivan, but his own pulled him aside. And an elegant man with glasses appeared in front of Ivan: “What's the matter, friend? What do you need? " “We need a certificate,” Ivan replied. "We will help, but you also help us."

They took Ivan aside and began to confer with him how to smoke the monks from the monastery. Ivan gave advice - to sing a song dear to the guard. The devils burst out in chorus "On the wild steppes of Transbaikalia". The formidable guard became sad, went to the devil, sat down next to him, drank a glass of the offered, and devils moved into the empty gates of the monastery. Then the devil ordered Ivan: "Dance the Kamarinskaya!" - “I went to the devil,” Ivan was angry. "After all, they agreed: I will help you, you - me." - "Come on, dance, or we won't lead you to the Sage." Ivan had to go to the dance, and immediately he found himself with the devil at the little, white old man - the Sage. But he just doesn't give a certificate: "If you make Nesmeyan laugh, I'll give you a certificate." Ivan went with the Sage to Nesmeyana. And she goes berserk with boredom. Her friends lie among the ficuses under quartz tanning lamps and are also bored. Sing to them, the Sage ordered. Ivan sang a ditty. “Oh ...” the young ones groaned. - Don't, Vanya. Well, please ... "-" Vanya, dance! " the Sage ordered again. "Go to hell!" - Ivan got angry. “What about the certificate? the old man asked ominously. - Here answer me a few questions, prove that you are smart. Then I will issue a certificate. " - "Can I ask?" - said Ivan. “Let, let Ivan ask,” Nesmeyana was capricious. "Why do you have an extra rib?" - Ivan asked the Sage. “This is curious,” the young people got interested, they surrounded the old man. - Come on, show me the rib. And with a giggle, they began to undress and feel the Sage.

And Ivan took the seal from the Sage's pocket and went home. I walked past the monastery - devils were in charge there singing and dancing. I met a bear, and he is already interested in working conditions in the circus and offers to drink together. And when he passed by Baba Yaga's hut, a voice heard: “Ivanushka, free me. Serpent Gorynych put me under lock and key in the toilet as punishment. " Ivan freed the daughter of Baba Yaga, and she asks: "Do you want to become my lover?" “Let's go,” Ivan decided. "Will you make a baby for me?" - asked the daughter of Baba Yaga. "Can you handle children?" - “I know how to swaddle,” she boasted and swaddled Ivan tightly in the sheets. And just then the Serpent Gorynych appeared: “What? Passion played out? Games started? I will hawala you! " And as soon as he was ready to swallow Ivan, the Don chieftain, sent from the library to Ivan's rescue, flew into the hut like a whirlwind. “Let's go to the clearing,” he said to Gorynych. "I'll cut off all your heads at once." The battle lasted a long time. Defeated ataman Serpent. “More militant than you, Cossack, I have not met men,” said the daughter of Baba Yaga affectionately, the chieftain smiled, his mustache began to twist, but Ivan pulled him back: it's time for us to return.

In the library, Ivan and the chieftain were greeted with joy: “Thank God, they are alive and well. Ivan, have you got a certificate? " “I got a whole seal,” Ivan replied. But no one knew what to do with her. "Why was a person sent so far?" - Ilya asked angrily. "And you, Vanka, sit down in your place - soon the roosters will crow." - "We shouldn't sit, Ilya, don't sit!" - "What are you back ..." - "What? - Ivan did not calm down. - And he came - guilty all around. Sit here! .. ”-“ So sit and think, ”Ilya Muromets said calmly. And the third roosters began to sing, and here the fairy tale is over. There will be, perhaps, another night ... But it will be another fairy tale.

Vasily Makarovich Shukshin

Until the third cocks

Vasily Shukshin

Until the third cocks

"Soviet Russia"

Until the third roosters: The Tale of Ivan the Fool, how he went to the distant lands to gain wisdom / Art. N. Yudin - M .: Sov. Russia, 1980.- 96 p., Ill.

"Until the Third Roosters" is a satirical tale-fairy tale, one of the last works of the famous Soviet writer Vasily Makarovich Shukshin.

Editor E.S.Smirnova.

Artistic editor G.V. Shotina.

Technical editor G. S. Marinina.

Proofreader E. 3. Sergeeva.

© Publishing House "Soviet Russia", 1980, illustrations.

Once in one library, in the evening, around six o'clock, characters of Russian classical literature were arguing. Even when the librarian was there, they looked at her with interest from their shelves - they waited. The librarian finally spoke with someone on the phone ... She spoke strangely, the characters listened and did not understand. They were surprised.

No, - said the librarian, - I think it's millet. He's a goat ... We'd better walk along. AND? No, well, he's a goat. We'll walk, right? Then we will go to Vladik ... I know that he is a ram, but he has a "Grundik" - we'll sit ... The seal will also come, then this one will be ... an owl ... Yes, I know that they are all goats, but we must somehow shoot the time ! Well, well ... I'm listening ...

I don't understand anything, - someone in a top hat said quietly - either Onegin or Chatsky - to his neighbor, a heavy landowner, it seems, Oblomov. Oblomov smiled:

They are going to the zoo.

Why are all the goats?

Well ... apparently irony. Pretty. AND?

The gentleman in the top hat winced.


Give you all the French women, ”Oblomov said with disapproval. - And I will look. With legs - they thought of it well. AND?

Very much ... that ... - interrupted the conversation by a dejected-looking gentleman, clearly a Chekhovian character. - Very short. Why so?

Oblomov laughed softly:

Why are you looking there? Take it and don't look.

What is it to me, in essence? - Chekhov's character was confused. - You are welcome. Why did they just start with their feet?

What? - Oblomov did not understand.

Reborn something.

Where do they come from? - Asked a satisfied Oblomov. - With feet, brother, and begin.

You don’t change, ”the Bunny remarked with hidden contempt.

Oblomov laughed softly again,

Tom! Tom! Listen! - the librarian shouted into the phone. - Listen! He's a goat! Who has a car? Him? No seriously? - The librarian was silent for a long time - she listened, - And what sciences? she asked quietly. - Yes? Then I myself am a goat ...

The librarian was very upset ... She hung up, sat just like that, then got up and left. And she locked the library.

Then the characters jumped off their shelves, moved chairs ...

At the pace, at the pace! - shouted someone of a bureaucratic appearance, bald. - Let's continue. Who else wants to say about Ivan the Fool? Request: do not repeat yourself. And - in short. We must make a decision today. Who!

Allow me? Poor Liza asked.

Come on, Liza, - said Bald.

I myself am also one of the peasants, - began Poor Liza, - you all know how poor I am ...

We know, we know! - everyone rustled. - Make it short!

I am ashamed, "Poor Liza continued fervently," that Ivan the Fool is with us. How can?! How long will he disgrace our ranks?

Drive out! - shouted from the place.

Quiet! said the bald clerk sternly. - What do you suggest, Lisa?

Let him get a certificate that he is smart, - said Lisa.

Here everyone rustled approvingly.


Let it get it! Or let it clean up! ..

What are you, however, nimble, - said the huge Ilya Muromets. He was sitting on his shelf - he could not get up. - Broke. Where will he get it? It's easy to say ...

At the Sage. The bald man who was leading the meeting angrily slammed his palm on the table. - Ilya, I didn't give you a word!

And I didn't ask you. And I'm not going to ask. Close the slurp, or I'll make the ink drink at once. And eat a blotter. Office rat.

Well, it starts! .. - Oblomov said displeased. - Ilya, you should only bark. And what a bad suggestion: let him get a certificate. I'm also embarrassed to sit next to a fool. He smells of footcloths ... And, I think, no one ...

Cyt! - Ilya thundered. - It's embarrassing for him. Would you like a club on the head? I'll get it!

Then someone, obviously superfluous, remarked:

Civil strife.

AND? - did not understand Kontorsky.

Civil strife, 'said Superfluous. - We'll be gone.

Who will be lost? - Ilya, too, did not see the danger that Superfluous spoke about. - Sit here, gussar! Otherwise I'll get it once too ...

I demand satisfaction! - Superfluous jumped up.

Sit down! - said Kontorsky. - What satisfaction?

I demand satisfaction: this Karacharov seat offended me.

Sit down, - said Oblomov. - What to do with Ivan?

Everyone thought about it.

Ivan the Fool was sitting in the corner, making something out of the floor of his army jacket, like an ear.

Think, think, he said. - Clever people were found ... Doctor.

Don't be rude, Ivan, - said Kontorsky. - They think about him, you know, and he's still rude. How about some help? Maybe you can go get it?

At the Sage ... You have to do something. I also bow ...

I'm not inclined! - Ilya thumped again. - He bows. Well, lean as much as you like. Don't go, Vanka. They have invented some nonsense - help ... Who jumped out with the help? Lizka? What are you, girl ?!

But nothing! Poor Liza exclaimed. - If you are sitting, then everyone should be sitting? Uncle Ilya, this sit-down campaign will not work for you! I join the presenter's demand: something must be done. - And she once again said loudly and convincingly: - We must do something!

Everyone thought about it.

And Ilya frowned.

Some kind of "sit-down campaign," he grumbled. - Invents anything he hits. What kind of campaigning?

Yes, this is the most! - Oblomov jumped at him. - Seated, you were told. "Ka-ka-aya". Please be quiet. We must, of course, do something, friends. You just need to understand: what to do?

And yet I demand satisfaction! - Superfluous recalled his insult. - I challenge this bawker (to Ilya) to a duel.

Once in one library, in the evening, around six o'clock, characters of Russian classical literature were arguing. Even when the librarian was there, they looked at her with interest from their shelves - they waited. The librarian finally spoke with someone on the phone ... She spoke strangely, the characters listened and did not understand. They were surprised.

No, - said the librarian, - I think it's millet. He's a goat ... We'd better walk along. AND? No, well, he's a goat. We'll walk, right? Then we will go to Vladik ... I know that he is a ram, but he has a "Grundik" - we will sit ... The seal will also come, then this one will be ... an owl ... Yes, I know that they are all goats, but we must somehow shoot the time ! Well, well ... I'm listening ...

I don't understand anything, - someone in a top hat said quietly - either Onegin or Chatsky - to his neighbor, a heavy landowner, it seems, Oblomov.

Oblomov smiled:

They are going to the zoo.

Why are all the goats?

Well ... apparently irony. Pretty. AND?

The gentleman in the top hat winced.


Give you all the French women, ”Oblomov said with disapproval. - And I will look. With legs - they thought of it well. AND?

Very much ... that ... - interrupted the conversation by a dejected-looking gentleman, clearly a Chekhovian character. - Very short. Why so?

Oblomov laughed softly:

Why are you looking there? Take it and don't look.

What is it to me, in essence? - Chekhov's character was confused. - You are welcome. Why did they just start with their feet?

What? - Oblomov did not understand.

Reborn something.

Where do they come from? - Asked a satisfied Oblomov. - With feet, brother, and begin.

You don’t change, ”the Bunny remarked with hidden contempt.

Oblomov laughed softly again.

Tom! Tom! Listen! - the librarian shouted into the phone.

Listen! He's a goat!

Who has the car? Him? No seriously? - The librarian was silent for a long time - she listened.

What sciences? - asked - she is quiet. - Yes? Then I myself am a goat ...

The librarian was very upset ... She hung up, sat just like that, then got up and left. And she locked the library.

Then the characters jumped off their shelves, moved chairs ...

At the pace, at the pace! - shouted someone of a bureaucratic appearance, bald. - Let's continue. Who else wants to say about Ivan the Fool? Request: do not repeat yourself. And - in short. We must make a decision today. Who!

Allow me? Poor Liza asked.

Come on, Liza, - said Bald.

I myself am also one of the peasants, - began Poor Liza, - you all know how poor I am ...

We know, we know! - everyone rustled. - Make it short!

I am ashamed, "Poor Liza continued fervently," that Ivan the Fool is with us. How can?! How long will he disgrace our ranks?

Drive out! - shouted from the place.

Quiet! - Sternly said the bald clerk, - What do you suggest, Liza?

Let him get a certificate that he is smart, - said Lisa.

Here everyone rustled approvingly.


Let it get it! Or let it clean up! ...

What are you, however, nimble, - said the huge Ilya Muromets. He was sitting on his shelf - he could not get up. - Broke. Where will he get it? It's easy to say ...

At the Sage. The bald man who was leading the meeting angrily slammed his palm on the table. - Ilya, I didn't give you a word!

And I didn't ask you. And I'm not going to ask. Close the slurp, or I'll make the ink drink at once. And eat a blotter. Office rat.

Well, it starts! .. - Oblomov said displeased. - Ilya, you should only bark. And what a bad suggestion: let him get a certificate. I'm also embarrassed to sit next to a fool. He smells of footcloths ... And, I think, no one ...

Cyt! - Ilya thundered. - It's embarrassing for him. Would you like a club on the head? I'll get it!

Then someone, obviously superfluous, remarked:

Civil strife.

AND? - did not understand Kontorsky.

Civil strife, 'said Superfluous. - We'll be gone.

Who will be lost? - Ilya, too, did not see the danger that Superfluous spoke about. - Sit here, gussar! Otherwise I'll get it once too ...

I demand satisfaction! - Superfluous jumped up.

Sit down! - said Kontorsky. - What satisfaction?

I demand satisfaction: this Karacharov seat offended me.

Sit down, - said Oblomov. - What to do with Ivan?

Everyone thought about it.

Ivan the Fool was sitting in the corner, making something out of the floor of his army jacket, like an ear.

Think, think, he said. - Clever people were found ... Doctor.

Don't be rude, Ivan, - said Kontorsky. - They think about him, you know, and he's still rude. How about some help? Maybe you can go get it?

At the Sage ... You have to do something. I also bow ...

I'm not inclined! - Ilya thumped again. - He bows. Well, lean as much as you like. Don't go, Vanka. They have invented some nonsense - help ... Who jumped out with the help? Lizka? What are you, girl ?!

But nothing - Poor Liza exclaimed. - If you are sitting, then everyone should be sitting? Uncle Ilya, this sit-down campaign will not work for you! I join the presenter's demand: something must be done. - And she once again said loudly and convincingly: - We must do something!

Everyone thought about it. And Ilya frowned.

Some kind of "sit-down campaign," he grumbled. - Invents anything he hits. What kind of campaigning?

Yes, this is the most! - Oblomov jumped at him. - Seated, you were told. "Ka-ka-aya". Please be quiet. We must, of course, do something, friends. You just need to understand: what to do?

And yet I demand satisfaction! - Superfluous recalled his insult. - I challenge this bawker (to Ilya) to a duel.

Sit down! - Kontorsky shouted at Superfluous. - To do business or to engage in duels? Stop fooling around. And so much has gone away ... The thing must be done, not running through the woods with pistols. Then everyone was agitated, rustled approvingly.

I would have banned these duels altogether! - shouted pale Lensky.

Coward, - Onegin told him.

Who is the coward?

You are a coward.

And you are a quitter. Sharpie. The libertine. Cynic.

Let's go to the Volga! - suddenly shouted some guly chieftain. - Saryn to the kitsch!

Sit down! - Kontorsky was angry. - And then I'll show those "saryn". Slide it behind the closet yonder - you will poop there. I ask again: what are we going to do?

Come to me. Ataman, - Ilya called the Cossack. - I'll tell you something.

I warn you, ”said Kontorsky,“ if you start some kind of squabble ... you won't get your head off. To me too, you know, nuggets.

Nothing can be said! - Ilya was bitterly indignant. - What are you ?! Dogs of some kind, a true god: whatever you say - it's not like that.

Just do not pretend, please, ”Onegin said with contempt, addressing Ilya and the Cossack,“ that you are the only one of the people. We are people too.

Wait they will tear their shirts on their chests, - said a certain small character like Gogol's Akaki Akakievich. - The sleeves will chew ...

Why should I chew my sleeves? the Cossack chieftain asked sincerely. “I’ll put you on one hand and slap you with the other.

Everything is civil strife, 'said Superfluous sadly. - We won't do anything now. In addition, we will also be lost.

Let's go to the Volga! - the Ataman called again. - At least take a walk.

Sit down, - said Oblomov angrily. - Reveler ... All would have to walk, they would all have a walk! Business must be done, not walking.

Ah-ah-ah, - suddenly ominously quietly stretched the Ataman, - I've been looking for a coho all my life. Here's a coho for me ... - And he pulled a saber from its sheath. - That's who I'm bleeding to ... Everyone jumped up from their seats ...