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Day of unity of the peoples of Dagestan history of the holiday. Day of unity of the peoples of Dagestan: history, interesting facts and features of the celebration. We went to death, and with an oath of filial love

Nurmagomedova Aishat
Scenario of the event for the Day of the Unity of the Peoples of Dagestan

Day unity of the peoples of Dagestan.

(Sounds dagestan melody) :

LEADING: Without friendship, my boy would die people,

Great only in that he lives by love.

True friendship and a song about her

More needed than air, and more needed bread.

(on the scene comes out baby)

When I, having traveled to many countries,

Tired, returned home from the road,

Bending over me, he asked Dagestan:

"Did you fall in love with a distant land?"

I climbed the mountain and from that height

Sighing with all your chest, Dagestan answered:

"I've seen a lot of edges, but you

Still the most beloved in the world. "

1 child - haven't you met our man in the distant lands?

2 children - are there any mountains on earth similar to ours?

3 children - do they know there, in other countries about us, that we also live on earth?

Child - how do they know us. There are one million of us. We are collected in a handful of stone dagestan mountains... A million people and forty different languages.

Children - so you tell other people living all over the earth about us. For centuries, daggers and sabers have been writing our history. Translate these letters into the language of people.

Baby - they'll ask me where is yours Dagestan?

i will answer - this hill - Dagestan, this herb - Dagestan, this river- Dagestan,

this snow on the mountain - too Dagestanit's a cloud overhead, isn't it

Dagestan? Then the sun overhead, isn't it Dagestan?

My Dagestan is everywhere!

(the anthem sounds Dagestan)

Ved. 1: Dagestan is a country of mountains... But not only. First of all, this country

numerous languages \u200b\u200band peoples, the number of which, despite all

efforts of the world's scientists have not yet been established reliably.

Ved. 2: Dagestanlike a true mountain woman, she cannot raise only one child, she has hundreds of us. Hundreds peoples living as one huge and friendly family. Therefore, we are simply destined to celebrate one holiday for all today - the day unity of the peoples of Dagestan, which is decided to be celebrated annually on September 15.

Ved. 1: After all, the main thing for the happiness and prosperity of our republic is indivisibility, inviolability, unity of all peoples and nations... Family feeling united - that's what is needed

Ved2: And we have many languages. And we, contrary to predictions, preserved them, and they preserved us. We write books in these languages \u200b\u200band sing songs, declare ourselves in love. Multilingualism does not interfere with our unity... We live in peace and harmony, as we have lived for millennia.

“A whole mountain of languages \u200b\u200band peoples» , - said about Dagestan some kind of traveler.

"Thousand-headed dragon", - talked about Dagestan enemies.

"Multi-branched tree", - talk about Dagestan friends.

“Even if you go around the world with fire during the day, you will not find such a place on earth where there would be so few people and so many nationalities", - the travelers said

The song sounds in Russian « Dagestan» .

Veda 1: History has preserved many bright examples of courage, firmness, cohesion dagestanis, shown by them in the defense of the Motherland. I will give only one. In heavy battles at Turchidag and in Andalal, representatives peoples of Dagestan, uniting, inflicted a crushing defeat on the army of many thousands of Nadir Shah, who abandoned his plans to conquer Dagestan and was forced to leave with the remnants of the defeated army dagestan land.

Scene about Nadir Shah and the Highlander.

“When in the mountains Dagestan Since the Shah of Iran Nadir was defeated, then in order to agree on the terms of an armistice, the mountaineers sent the most ugly, poor and lame old man to negotiate with the Shah, putting him on the same decrepit mule.

Didn't the Avars really find you better known and clearer to send to me?

There are thousands more noble and more important than me, "replied the old mountaineer," but important people are busy with more important things. They decided that it would be enough to send me to a man like you.

How old is your mule? - the check tried to joke.

It is difficult to determine the age of the shahs and mules, replied the highlander.

Who is your general? the alien asked.

Here are our generals, - the old man answered calmly and with a broad gesture pointed to the cliffs and mountains towering around, to the fields and cemeteries. - They are leading us forward.

Your conditions?

- Condition one: Leave the land of the highlanders to the highlanders, and show us your back, which we like more than your face.

The Shah was forced to turn around and go to his Iran.

Avars, Hindalians, Kumyks, Lezgins, Laks, the Khaidaks and Tabasarans who were robbed by you - we are all sons of one Dagestan... We must understand each other. After all, we are the fingers of one hand. In order to make a fist, all fingers must be tightly connect.

Ved2:- Dear friends, Dagestan is the largest, a multinational region of our country, a crossroads of cultures, religions, civilizations. Since ancient times Dagestan was known as"Country of mountains", "Mountain of Tongues".

VED1: -Here representatives of more than 100 live in peace and harmony peoplesspeaking different languages, but always able to find mutual language... Our original culture is woven from the peculiarities of the worldview of all peoples, without which it is impossible to imagine Dagestan.

Ved1: -Here we are all in our homeland, where there can be no "friends" and "aliens"


Our multinational Dagestan -"Pearl of the Caucasus"... For this to be always so, each of us must contribute to the revival and preservation of the national culture. And only together we can preserve our beautiful unique land, which is inhabited by such a great many different nationalities.

Ved1:-Us unites this holiday, he gives us the happiness of mutual understanding and good neighborliness, friendly support and love for our land.

The song is playing "My Dagestan» .

Ved2:For all Dagestan, first of all, is known as the birthplace of Rasul Gamzatov, as a land that gives rise to poetry, surprising in strength and originality, which became folk, loved by readers of the country and far beyond its borders.

Ved1: It was Rasul Gamzatov, the great poet, the true son of his era and his people destined to fulfill a noble mission - to make a poetic discovery Dagestan.

Babble, repeat, say no get tired:

Dagestan, Dagestan,

Who and what? Dagestan.

And about whom? Everything about him.

And to whom? Dagestan.

Ved1: Rasul Gamzatov praised the homeland, native mountains, good neighborliness, love and friendship of people. With his wonderful poems, he made his fellow countrymen sing songs about love and youth, about the homeland and courage.

The song is playing "Country Sung by a Poet".

Dagestan, all that people gave me,

I will share with you on honor

I have my orders and medals

i'll pin your tops.

I will dedicate you sonorous hymns

And words turned into verse

Give me only a burka of woods

And the hat of the snow peaks!

The anthem sounds Dagestan.

All participants come forward, two are carrying Russian flags and Dagestan.

In a day unity will be near,

Let's be together forever

Everything peoples of Dagestan

In distant villages, cities!

Live, work, build together

Sow bread, raise children,

To create, love and argue,

Protect the peace of people

Honor ancestors, remember their deeds,

Avoid wars, conflicts,

To fill life with happiness,

To sleep under a peaceful sky!

Ved. -1 Congratulations to you and everyone dagestanis on the Day of the Unity of the Peoples of Dagestan!

Ved. -2 I wish you peace, kindness and prosperity! Long live Dagestan

Dagestan will celebrate the Day of Unity of its peoples for 7 years in a row on September 15, 2018. The idea of \u200b\u200bits creation was announced in December 2010 during the III Congress of the Peoples of Dagestan. The holiday became official after the President of the Republic, Magomedsalam Magomedov, signed a decree dated July 6, 2011.

“In order to unite and consolidate the multinational people of the Republic of Dagestan, I decide to establish a republican holiday - the Day of the Unity of the Peoples of Dagestan and celebrate it annually on September 15,” the document says.

Decree of the Government of the Republic of Dagestan dated September 12, 2018. № 127 The Day of the Unity of the Peoples of Dagestan - September 15, 2018 was declared a non-working holiday. According to the Labor Code Russian Federation if a day off and a non-working holiday coincide, the day off is transferred to the next working day after the holiday.

Accordingly, the day off from Saturday 15 September 2018 is carried over to Monday 17 September 2018. Thus, with a five-day working week, weekends and non-working holidays in the Republic of Dagestan in connection with the celebration of the Day of the Unity of the Peoples of Dagestan are September 15, 16 and 17, 2018.

History of the holiday Day of the unity of the peoples of Dagestan

In December 2010, at the III Congress of the Peoples of Dagestan, it was decided to introduce in the republic new holiday - Day of the unity of the peoples of Dagestan. By a decree of the President of the Republic of Dagestan dated July 6, 2011, it was decided to celebrate it on September 15, the day when the Dagestan army put the hordes of Nadir Shah into flight.

The Republic of Dagestan itself was formed in 1921. It is the southernmost constituent entity of the Russian Federation and borders with Azerbaijan, Georgia, the Chechen Republic, the Stavropol Territory and the Republic of Kalmykia. Representatives of more than 60 ethnic groups live in the capital of Dagestan - Makhachkala.

On the holiday itself, traditionally, various solemn events, folk festivals, concerts of folklore groups, sports competitions in national sports, fairs and other actions and events are held throughout the Republic. Educational and scientific institutions arrange for this day open lessons, historical expositions, photo and book exhibitions.

What the Day of the Unity of the Peoples of Dagestan symbolizes

The prehistory of the holiday goes back to the distant past - in 1741. Dagestan has always been an example of the peaceful coexistence of many nationalities. However, the events that took place in the 18th century showed how peoples with different traditions, speaking different languages, rallying together, are able to repulse the powerful army - the troops of the Iranian commander Nadir Shah.

At the head of 100 thousand army, Nadir Shah moved to the Caucasus. He intended to pass in two huge columns through Derbent, Kaitag and shamkhalstvo Tarkovskoye to the capital of the Mehtuli Khanate, Dzhengutai, on the one hand, and through Shah-Dag, Mogu-dare, Kazi-Kumukh and Khunzakh, on the other, in order to conquer all of Dagestan as a result.

A few years earlier, in 1733, the commander inflicted a crushing defeat on the Turkish troops near Baghdad. There was no question that the powerful army would be rebuffed in Dagestan.

At first, Nadir Shah's plans of conquest were carried out exactly as he had planned. The huge army won one victory after another, inflicting reprisals on the population along the way. As a result, having taken Kazi-Kumukh along the way, the Shah's troops reached the borders of Andalal. The invasion of the city began on September 12, 1741.

Why exactly September 15, 2018 became the date of the celebration

Meanwhile, the Dagestanis, who did not want to be enslaved by a foreign shah, began to unite in the Andalal Valley - in the area of \u200b\u200bthe alleged battle, in a place called "Khitsib". As the folk epic of Dagestan tells, volunteers from all over the Avaria gathered to fight the enemy. The Gidatly, Karakh, Chamalals, Bagulals, and Koisubulians joined the fighting squads preparing for a heavy battle.

From the rear of the enemy, Laks, Lezgins, Dargins, Kumyks, Tabasarans, Kubachins, and Jar militias fought their way into Andalal. The Andalal victory strengthened the geopolitical significance of Dagestan as an important strategic bridge between West and East, becoming convincing evidence of the strength and might of the Dagestani peoples.

But the memory of the heroes was consigned to oblivion for several centuries. It was decided to restore the memory of past battles at the III Congress of the Peoples of Dagestan.

Therefore, on September 15, the day when the Dagestan army plunged the hordes of Nadir Shah into flight, solemn events, festivities, concerts of folk groups, sports competitions in national sports, fairs and other actions and events are held throughout the republic. Educational and scientific institutions for this day organize open lessons, historical expositions, photo and book exhibitions.

Congratulations from the head of Kizilyurt M. Utsumievhappy Unity Day of the peoples of Dagestan.

Dear residents of Kizilyurt! On September 15, Dagestanis celebrate one of the most important holidays in the life of the republic - the Day of the Unity of the Peoples of Dagestan.

The Day of the Unity of the Peoples of Dagestan is a holiday established at the initiative of the III Congress of the Peoples of Dagestan, symbolizing friendship and brotherhood, the common historical fate of our peoples, the inextricable connection of times and generations. This holiday was based on the high ideals of solidarity, friendship and good neighborliness, which traditionally played a significant role in the life of the republic's population.

The events to which this holiday is timed date back to 1741. It is important that almost 300 years ago, despite the different languages, the Dagestanis were able to survive only by uniting, as in all other difficult moments they helped each other and fought against enemies. It was thanks to their solidarity that at all times the mountaineers managed to give a worthy rebuff to the conquerors.

At all times, the most valuable asset of the Dagestan people has been and remains unity, thanks to which multinational Dagestan exists and is flourishing today. Military valor and unity of the inhabitants of the republic were also manifested during the Great Patriotic War, and in the course of the fight against international terrorism, when the Dagestanis resolutely came out in defense of the constitutional order and territorial integrity of the Russian Federation.

This factor has acquired particular significance in our time, when extremist and terrorist groups pose a serious threat to the present and future of Dagestan. They are sowing death, striving to undermine social and political stability in the republic, to violate the unity and integrity of Dagestan. In this regard, the establishment and holding of a common Dagestan holiday is a confirmation that the Dagestan public fully supports the course of the Head of the Republic Ramazan Abdulatipov to consolidate Dagestan society, renew all spheres of life, develop and modernize the economy, solve social problems, ensure security, fight corruption and crime.

The Day of Unity of the Peoples of Dagestan is an open and clear statement to all those who encroach on the Dagestan traditions and faith, on our age-old foundations, trying to instill an atmosphere of uncertainty and fear that they will never find understanding and support from the Dagestani peoples. Suffice it to recall 1999, when every resident of Dagestan, men and women, young people and veterans, condemned the aggression and defended the integrity of the republic, giving a decisive rebuff to the armed encroachment of international terrorists and local gangs.

Dear friends! Congratulating you on the Day of the Unity of the Peoples of Dagestan, I want to wish every Dagestani, every Dagestan family peace and prosperity! "Take care of Dagestan!" - said the great Rasul Gamzatov, and this is like a covenant of peace, friendship and unity to us!

Head of the MO "City of Kizilyurt" Magomed Utsumiev

The Day of the Unity of the Peoples of Dagestan is a republican holiday, which is celebrated annually on September 15, starting in 2011. It was established in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic No. 104 of July 6, 2011, in order to unite and consolidate the multinational people of Dagestan, and is an official day off. The events to which this holiday is timed took place in 1741. In the middle of the 18th century, the great Iranian commander Nadir Shah, at the head of a well-armed army of 100,000, moved to the Caucasus. He intended to pass in two huge columns through Derbent, Kaitag and shamkhalstvo Tarkovskoye to the capital of the Mehtuli Khanate, Dzhengutai, on the one hand, and through Shah-Dag, Mogu-dare, Kazi-Kumukh and Khunzakh, on the other, in order to conquer all of Dagestan as a result. At first, Nadir Shah's plans of conquest were carried out exactly as he had planned. The huge army won one victory after another, inflicting reprisals on the population along the way. As a result, having taken Kazi-Kumukh along the way, the Shah's troops reached the borders of Andalal. The invasion of the city began on September 12, 1741.

As the folk epic of Dagestan narrates, volunteers from all over the Avaria gathered to fight the enemy. The Gidatli, Karakh, Chamalal, Bagulian, Koisubuli people poured into the fighting squads, preparing for a heavy battle. From the rear of the enemy, Laks, Lezgins, Dargins, Kumyks, Tabasarans, Kubachins, and Jar militias fought their way into Andalal. The decisive battle in Andalal territory lasted five days. Seasoned in battle, experienced military leaders of the mountain peoples, taking advantage of the weakening of the defensive strength of the Shah's troops, led their warriors to attack the enemy. The heroism of the defenders of their native land has become a mass phenomenon. Thus began the expulsion of the Shah from the Dagestan land. The Andalal victory strengthened the geopolitical significance of Dagestan as an important strategic bridge between West and East, becoming a convincing evidence of the strength and power of the Dagestani peoples. But the memory of the heroes was consigned to oblivion for several centuries. Fairs are one of the festive events In December 2010, at the III Congress of the Peoples of Dagestan, it was decided to introduce a new holiday in the republic - the Day of the Unity of the Peoples of Dagestan. By a decree of the President of the Republic of Dagestan of July 6, 2011, it was decided to celebrate it on September 15, the day when the Dagestan army put the hordes of Nadir Shah into flight. The Republic of Dagestan itself was formed in 1921. It is the southernmost constituent entity of the Russian Federation and borders with Azerbaijan, Georgia, the Chechen Republic, the Stavropol Territory and the Republic of Kalmykia. Representatives of more than 60 ethnic groups live in the capital of Dagestan - Makhachkala. On the holiday itself, traditionally, various solemn events, folk festivals, concerts of folklore groups, sports competitions in national sports, fairs and other actions and events are held throughout the Republic. Educational and scientific institutions for this day organize open lessons, historical expositions, photo and book exhibitions.

Based on materials from Calend.ru

Municipal state educational institution

"Mechelty basic general education

school "them. S.K. Magomedova

Gumbetovsky district of the Republic of Dagestan

Abdurakhmanov Ramazan Magomedalievich,

MKOU "Mekhelty school", teacher of history and social studies

from. Mechelta 2017

Day of the Unity of the Peoples of Dagestan

The Day of the Unity of the Peoples of Dagestan is a fairly new holiday. It was first celebrated 2011 year.

The events to which this holiday is timed took place in 1741. In the middle of the 18th century, the great Iranian commander Nadir Shah, at the head of a well-armed army of 100,000, moved to the Caucasus. He intended to pass in two huge columns through Derbent, Kaitag and shamkhalstvo Tarkovskoye to the capital of the Mehtuli Khanate, Dzhengutai, on the one hand, and through Shah-Dag, Mogu-dare, Kazi-Kumukh and Khunzakh, on the other, in order to conquer all of Dagestan as a result.

At first, Nadir Shah's plans of conquest were carried out exactly as he had planned. The huge army won one victory after another, inflicting reprisals on the population along the way. As a result, having taken Kazi-Kumukh along the way, the Shah's troops reached the borders of Andalal. The invasion of the city has begun 1741.

Meanwhile, the Dagestanis, who did not want to be enslaved by a foreign shah, began to unite in the Andalal Valley - in the area of \u200b\u200bthe alleged battle, in a place called "Khitsib". As the folk epic of Dagestan narrates, volunteers from all over the Avaria gathered to fight the enemy. The Gidatli, Karakh, Chamalal, Bagulian, Koisubuli people poured into the fighting squads, preparing for a heavy battle. From the rear of the enemy, Laks, Lezgins, Dargins, Kumyks, Tabasarans, Kubachins, and Jar militias fought their way into Andalal.

The decisive battle in Andalal territory lasted five days. Seasoned in battle, experienced military leaders of the mountain peoples, taking advantage of the weakening of the defensive strength of the Shah's troops, led their warriors to attack the enemy. The heroism of the defenders of their native land has become a mass phenomenon. Thus began the expulsion of the Shah from the Dagestan land.

The Andalal victory strengthened the geopolitical significance of Dagestan as an important strategic bridge between the West and the East, becoming a convincing evidence of the strength and might of the Dagestani peoples. But the memory of the heroes was consigned to oblivion for several centuries.

The year 2011 was a turning point in the history of Dagestan. In December 2010, at the III Congress of the Peoples of Dagestan, it was decided to introduce a new holiday in the republic - the Day of the Unity of the Peoples of Dagestan. By the decree of the President of the Republic of Dagestan from 2011, it was decided to celebrate it on September 15 - the day when the Dagestan army put the hordes of Nadir Shah into flight.

The Republic of Dagestan itself was formed 1921. It is the southernmost constituent entity of the Russian Federation and borders on Azerbaijan, Georgia, the Chechen Republic, Stavropol Territory and the Republic of Kalmykia. Representatives of more than 60 ethnic groups live in the capital of Dagestan - Makhachkala.

On the holiday itself, already traditionally, various solemn events, folk festivals, concerts of folk groups, sports competitions in national sports, fairs and other actions and events are held throughout the republic. Educational and scientific institutions for this day arrange open lessons, historical exhibitions, photo and book exhibitions.

Reader 1: Dagestan

I'm here.

I'm here on these gray rocks

I twist my mustache as befits me.

I'm here!

Hey, Dagestan, please, where are you?

I'm here!

I'm in the field like a sheaf of wheat

I lie, and the sun shines above me.

I'm here!

Hey Dagestan, where are you going?

I walk into the distance with an open soul.

Although I myself am small, I want to find a big one

And that's the point!

(R. Gamzatov).

Each person has his own cherished corner on earth, for Dagestanis it is, first of all, Dagestan, love for which remains forever. We absorb this love with mother's milk and father's love, with the advice of a wise aksakal and the beauty of the mountains that surround us.

Reader 2: Highlanders

Poems composed


About the heights of the mountains

but none

Did not know,

how much higher are the highlanders

Of their similar


I peer

in the distance of centuries,

It seems to me,

what are the children of the mountains -

We emerged

in the world

Much earlier than these mountains.

Gazing long


On the ancient highlanders,

alien to evil,

In their image and likeness

The nature of the mountain has created.

She judged and dressed

Until I finally decided -

And blocks of mountains

piled up,

Taking the mountain spirit

for a sample.

Is it not because

bird tops

In the heavenly stretch


What is the strength of the highlanders,

their greatness

They are embodied in the idea of \u200b\u200bmountains.

Is it not because

like mountaineers, mountains

Stood proudly

hundred centuries,

Before the enemy

and before grief

Without dropping

gray heads.

By the faces of the mountains

only on a fine day

Tears of melt water flow down.

Crying with happiness

highlander too,

And in the hour of sorrow

no tears shed.

There, in these heights


In the snow

untouched hitherto,


the purity of mountain women -




And where are we only

haven't been

And the mountains remained here

They were waiting for us

waited, waited,

The mountain women are waiting like warriors.

Be proud mountains


And beauty

without embellishment.

How are you, Caucasus,

proud of you

And those

what are you like

on us.

(Tanzilya Zumakulova).

Leading: The citizens of our country are united by patriotism. A patriot is one who loves his Fatherland, is devoted to his people, his Motherland. Dagestanis fought bravely during the Great Patriotic War, defending their Motherland, earning 58 high state awards, honorary titles of Hero Soviet Union and Russia!

Leading: And when bandit formations invaded Dagestan in 1999, the Dagestan people put up decisive resistance to the enemy, proving that nothing is more valuable than their native land.

Reader 2:

Whenever I forget where I come from

When would I change my Fatherland,

Then the earth would become a black coffin for me,

And the sky - a black lid above it.

When would I betray reliable friends,

Trembling for personal calm,

Me like that blade in decayed


Would have eaten the rust of remorse.

Whenever I, chasing light glory,

I forgot my blood relationship with the people,

Would cover me like a mortal shroud

His fatherly curse.

(Yu. Khappalaev).

Leading: Over the centuries in Dagestan, traditions were passed down from generation to generation, constantly supplemented with new details, acquired new sound and meaning, and at the same time remained sacred.

Leading: Friendship, kunak, for us, Dagestanis, is a sacred word, and we know the purpose and value of true friendship well.

A guest for a highlander, like a star at its zenith,

Only to the mountains, remember that

Don't take your weapon with you,

They will meet you with bread and wine.

Leading: The sacred bonds of friendship and kunachestvo have linked us since ancient times. No wonder they say in Dagestan: "Friend, my home is your home, our holiday is your holiday too."

From childhood in Dagestan they teach to keep their word,

This is the dignity of the Dagestanis and their honor.

Like a dagger the word was sharp,

Like the mighty Caspian, deep

Like a gray-haired Shalbuzdag, tall,

Clean as a canvas.

The grief of a friend could humble,

Blocked the enemy's path.

It was gentle, stern, stern ...

How they loved him lightly.

(A. Kardash).

Leading: In Dagestan, respect for elders, veneration of aksakals, help to fellow countrymen, love and compassion for one's neighbor are sacred.

Reader 1: We have such a law in the mountains

There is a custom sacredly revered by all:

The wiser he seems to me

The faster time flies by.

Will the elders turn to the younger,

Will the younger ones approach the older ones?

The sun starts to warm differently

The stars cast their light in a different way.

The elder will be given a low bow:

“Hello, father's brother!

And be happy. "

A woman as a mother's sister

They will call her giving way.

There will be a horseman of the same age,

Says on the road:

"Hello, brother!"

To the girl sung in mountain songs:

"Good afternoon, little sister!" - they say.

If the elder meets the younger ones somewhere

In a field, on top of a mountain,

Will say:

"Hello, brother's son!" - in response he

Or he says:

"Hello, sister's daughter!"

The world is huge, with many faces,

Receive with love, without difficulty

Dagestani mountains are my custom,

If you want to always be good!

(G.-B. Bagandov).

Reader 2: Such books were not bequeathed to me by my ancestors,

In which I would read the laws of the mountains.

But only about them comes the conversation,

I see you,

Neighbors and neighbors.

I see the heat from the hearth -

From hand to hand.

I see how the flour goes -

From hand to hand.

And a wedding vessel with hops -

From hand to hand.

And how the deceased is carried

Neighbors hands.

Reader 1: The soul of the mountaineers is a sword,

When the enemies come

Their soul is a carpet,

When friends come.

These are the laws of our mountains

Well-known among the people for a long time.

They are not in books
But in nature itself.

The laws of the mountains are not included in the volumes -

And every time

The blood itself dictates.

(F. Alieva).

Leading : From time immemorial it has become a custom in our that the supreme body of the independent jamaat was the general meeting of the villagers. He belonged to the fullness of the legislative power, the rights of the judicial and administrative bodies of rural society. Jamaat acted as a single legal entity with the rights to its land.

Leading: People enjoying authority and personal merit were entrusted with leading the jamaat. Any dispute here was resolved together, in the circle of respected people.

Leading : The strength of the Jamaat rested on the inner unity of its people. The main concern is maintaining peace and order. One of the commandments of the adat law of the jamaat says: “Only the one who keeps order is valuable. The one who accepts order will have increased wealth. "

Leading : Jamaats gathered in the middle of the aul square or near the mosque. It was believed that it was here that they grow up, grow wiser, become real people, it is here that the Code of Mountain Laws that existed in the old days is learned.

Reader 2: May our hearth never go out, -

The elder brother said to us, saying goodbye to us.

Our hearth is intact. Light in its rays

But the pain of loss

All sharper over the years.

Gone forever, clutching a machine gun,

And death trampled death in the name of life,

And here he stands - a bronze soldier,

On the pedestal again serves the Motherland.

Opened the books on his desk

In the room where I didn't have time to read them,

And his life and death are all on earth

It speaks to us about valor and honor.

And how can it turn to dust

The one

Who is the Motherland

Protected from ashes?

May our hearth never go out

And our children do not recognize fear.

(B. Salimov).

Reader 1: In that there is no invention, no flattery,

That the people of the highlands

From the century have been a sense of honor

And endowed with wisdom.

Their mountains gave it

Their faith was stronger than steel,

And in vain they didn't throw

They are rash words.

And a good deed to the end

To bring skillfully without noise

They are used to it from time immemorial.

Worked without sparing efforts

All in spite of obstacles.

They cut stones, erected

Housing on the back of the mountains.

And they didn't pray for help

And they didn’t rely on "suddenly"

And hardy legs

And the skill of muscular arms.

Didn't understand our mountains deep

The one who decided

That living in the mountains is easy.

From a little pebble in a hollow

Up to the snow hat at the top -

The mountain always demands from the mountaineer

Tempering, and ingenuity, and kindness.

(F. Alieva). Leading: Our history, the history of Dagestan, has gone through all sorts of things: there have been catastrophic destructive invasions and the violent dismemberment of the Country of Mountains, the death of huge masses of people from the sword of foreigners, epidemics, hunger and long-term internal strife, political fragmentation.

Leading: It happened that our ancestors of the mountaineers were divided by belonging to different religions. There were internecine clashes between different mountain principalities and jamaats, sometimes in alliance with external forces. But our history does not know of a single case of struggle, action of one mountain nation against another.

Leading: The use of discord by a historical adversary is not new. Sometimes it was possible to push the highlanders with their neighbors, exploiting religious differences. There are known examples of the use of feudal and tribal fragmentation, local peculiarities and disagreements, but there were no cases of ethnic strife.

Leading: This phenomenon is remarkable. It distinguishes Dagestan from the general series of events of antiquity and the Middle Ages in the Caucasus. This feature of our region is not accidental. This is a thousand-year history of its development.

Leading: History and ethnography testify to the constant cooperation of our ancestors, their continuous multilateral exchange, the accumulation and refinement of a whole set of methods of mediation, arbitration, ways of resolving large and small conflicts.

Leading: That is why neither civil strife, nor blood revenge, nor other "historical horrors" could divide Dagestan - a unique historical and cultural unity that existed for millennia, without any centralized state power.

Leading: Our " small homeland". Such a close union of different nationalities and linguistic groups is the pride of Dagestan:

Reader 2: Whether you are Russian, Kumyk or Lezgin,

But together we, friends, people are one.

And, like the Motherland - mother's sons,

We are forever faithful to the common cause.

(A. V. Suleimanov).

With faith in the Almighty, with an oath to the Motherland

We stand under the banner of Freedom!

We will not bow our heads to anyone!

We will not leave our land anywhere!

No - to the invaders! No strangers!

Will is the people's will - to punish them!

The heart is filled with pain and anger!

Our Dagestan - and not a step back!

(K. Israpilova).

Reader 1: What is a tree when it is one ?!


Flocks of birds pass by

The gardener does not cherish,

Its fruits do not bend.

But harder

Than lonely to be

There is nothing.

Leading: But when the trees are together

And when

They are called not trees, but a garden,

Then the birds lead the roulades here,

And the gardener leads the streams here.

Leading: And a man is alone - by himself -

A straw that is drawn by the breeze.

But not subject to the wind

Straws collected in a sheaf

Reader 2: Yes, it is bad for a loner on earth.

He is a pebble, weightless for the wind.

But a pebble is powerful when pressed,

Like other stones, in the rock!

Goryanka: In my country there are a thousand rivers,

Countless thousands of mountains

And a hundred languages \u200b\u200band dialects

The willing are in the conversation.

Dzhigit: And the sounds of the button accordion, chongur -

Consenting a beautiful sound

Here is my brother - a descendant of "giaur",

Here is a brother - a "faithful" grandson.

Leading: I may rarely swear to you in love

It's not new to love, but it's not new to swear

I love in silence because I am afraid:

The repeated word will fade a hundredfold.

Dzhigit: An inheritance for will and strength

Fatherland mountains are given to me,

I am proud, I am the heir of Russia

And the whole immense country!

Reader 1: May friendship forever seal our union,

We live according to the dignity of honor.

No one will break those sacred bonds

When we are in commonwealth, together!

Me for you, my epic Dagestan,

Don't pray

Do not love you

I am in the village of your crane

To be a breakaway bird?

Dagestan, everything that people gave me

I will share with you on honor

I have my orders and medals

I'll pin your tops.

I will dedicate you sonorous hymns

And the words turned into verse

Give me only a burka of woods

And the hat of the snow peaks!

(R. Gamzatov)