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Rzhachnye jokes about religion - the funniest jokes about God, father, Adam and Eve. Jokes about religion - the funniest jokes about God, father, Adam and Eve Funny jokes about God

Sitting in the middle of the river in a boat are three clergy: Orthodox, Catholic and Jewish. They catch fish. They ran out of bread. The Catholic stood up and said:

- I'm going to get some bread.

He stepped over the side of the boat and walked along the water to the shore, bought bread and also returned along the water ... Nobody said anything. They've run out of bait. The Orthodox got up, stepped over the side of the boat and walked along the water to the shore, took out bait and also returned along the water ... Again, no one said anything. Suddenly they ran out of vodka. The Jew stood up and said:

- I'll go and get it.

He stepped over the side of the boat and, like an ax, went to the bottom ...

“I should have told him how the stones were arranged.


- What stones?

“Our service is both dangerous and difficult…

- Excuse me, but are you sure our new father? Do you really know how to lead a service?

A priest is walking through the desert, and a lion is meeting him.

The priest begins to pray:

“Lord, inspire this lion with Christian thoughts.

The lion kneels

God bless my food!

Ksiondz - to the rabbi:

“Maybe you could still try a piece of ham?”

- I'll try, I'll definitely try - at your wedding.

A young priest turns to an old and experienced priest for help:

Tomorrow is the first sermon, I'm so excited! Help, tell me what to do.

- A glass of wine before the sermon and everything will be fine.

After the sermon they meet, the young man asks, they say, how is it? Old says:

- Everything would be fine, but there are a number of shortcomings. First. I said glass, not pitcher. Second. They ascend the pulpit decorously, but do not crawl. Third. Jesus had Apostles, not Apezdols. Fourth. And there were twelve of them, not a fucking cloud. Fifth. The censer is waved measuredly at the waist, and not spun over the head with cries of "rock and roll is alive!" Sixth. Double-fingering is done with the index and middle fingers, and not with the little finger and forefinger. Seventh. At the end of the prayer, you need to say "Amen!", Not "F*ck you, sinners!" And the eighth. After the prayer, the priest should go to his cell and pray, and not sit on a motorcycle parked on the altar and not crush half of the parishioners ...

The three monks were so righteous that the abbot allowed them to indulge in sin for one day on the condition that they tell what they were doing in the evening. The first monk returned at one in the morning.


- What did you do?

- I'm ashamed to admit it. I smoked everything: cigarettes, drape, marijuana, tea, coffee and even black pepper.

- Well, nothing, go drink holy water and go to bed, your sins are forgiven.

The second one returned at two o'clock in the morning.

- What did you do?

- I sinned terribly: I fucked in all ways with women, men, children, dogs and even with a CD.

- Go drink holy water, I forgive you your sins!

The third returned at 3 am.

- What did you do?

“I have committed a terrible sin. I can't admit it!

But we agreed!

- Okay, I'll tell you. I pissed in holy water!

I am sure there is a God!

- Can't prove it!

- I'll prove it! For the entire existence of mankind, all the religions of the world and all their clergy, despite their activities, have not been able to destroy faith in God!

- I have a beard and you will tell me yes, and you will tell me yes ...

"Holy Father, what's wrong with you?"

The old Viking teaches the young growth:

- If you moored to the shore of an English village and see a church - rob it.

“But why, father?

- You know, if there is a church there, then there is nothing to rob in the village.

On confession:

– My son, have you renounced Satan?

– I can’t, holy father, I have three children with her.

A monk is sitting, praying: like, Lord - give me this, give me that, I fasted, did not sin, led a righteous life ...

Then God leans out of the cloud and says:

- Yeah, I didn’t sin, of course. And who fucked the novice yesterday?!

Well, the monk got scared, chattered:

- Oh, forgive me, Lord, a sinner, Satan beguiled.

God turns somewhere to the side, and asks:

“Listen, Lucius—did you say anything to him yesterday?”

- No. This is the first time I've ever seen this asshole.

God takes out a notebook and says:

- So let's write it down: f * zdel at the Prince of Darkness ...

In the church.

- Did you sin, my daughter?

- Oh, I sinned, father!

- Do you care?

- I confess, father!

- Well, kiss the crucifix ... yes, without a tongue!

A young teacher came to the village school. In the first lesson she says:

- Children, remember: there is no God! You can safely show figs in the sky.

All the children began to unanimously show figs to the sky. Only Moishe sits quietly on the back desk and does not show anything.

- Moishe, why don't you show a fig? There is no God!

- If there is no one there, then who to show a fig? ... And if there is someone there, then why spoil the relationship? ...

- Hello! Can you make a call?

Call, my son! Just be careful with the bell.

A Catholic priest says to his colleague:

“Will there ever be a time when we can get married?”

“We won’t live to see it,” he replies. “Maybe only our children will survive…”

Three blondes are knocking at the Pearly Gates.

Saint Peter answers them that, they say, before you get to heaven, you need to answer some simple question from the Catechesis - for example, what is Easter?

First blonde:

- Is this in the fall, or something, when a turkey is fried and then gorged all day, right ?!

- Bad, bad - go past, - Saint Peter answers.

The second blonde, after thinking, offers:

- I know, I know! This is in winter, when they put up Christmas trees and give gifts to each other!

“Get out,” St. Peter replies, and, turning to the third, he suggests, “come on now.”

“Easter,” says the third blonde, “this is when Jesus and his disciples celebrated Jewish Passover, and Jesus turned the wine into blood, and Judas betrayed him, and when they were sleeping in the garden, the Romans came and arrested him, and then they beat him and crucified him on the cross, and then they took him down from the cross, and put him in a cave, and they blocked the entrance to the cave with a stone, and then he was resurrected!

- Well, bl *, - all that the astonished Peter could utter ...

And the blonde continues:

- ... and now once a year this stone is moved away, and if it crawls out and sees its shadow, then winter continues for another six weeks ...

Adam wakes up from a wild hangover. Feels - something is wrong, feels himself with his hands and starts yelling in a bad voice:

- And who ordered the girls yesterday? ...

Adam and Eve frolic in the garden, God comes down to them and says:

- My children, I have two gifts for you, only you have to decide which one. The first gift is to pee while standing.

Well, Adam was yelling the loudest and banging his head against the trees that he wants to pee standing up, which he has dreamed of all his life. Eva gave in to him. And Adam ran through the garden, rejoiced, jumped, shouted, pissed at everything! On trees, on flowers, on every bug and just on the ground!

Eve stood next to God. In silence, they looked together at this madness ... And then Eve asked:

- My God, what is the second gift? ...

And God said:

“Brains, Eva. Brain…! But the brains, Eva, will also have to be given to Adam, otherwise he is all piss * t here!

The seminarian asks the priest:

- Where did humans come from? From Adam and Eve or from a monkey?

The father answers:

Both are true, my son. After all, Eva did not use soap, she combed her hair with her fingers, she did manicures with her teeth, she wore outfits that were figs ... no makeup. So she was still that monkey.

And one day Adam came to the Creator. And asked him:

- Almighty, what kind of snake lives in my house, steals apples from the Garden of Eden and takes them to Eve?

- Let him stay with you. Yes ... and call her mother-in-law. Your family will benefit from this.

– Father, fasting has begun… And how now, with a woman – is it possible?

- Yes, if you're not fat.

And any other jokes of the genre can be attributed to specific and very unusual. Some funny caricatures about religion will not be liked at all, and they will classify jokes as blasphemous. However, don't take these drawings too seriously. After all, they simply amuse, raising the mood of readers of humorous sites.

Funny temple cartoons

The humor in funny temple caricatures will most often revolve around the construction of a new building and attempts to get money. Yes, funny temple cartoons show some jokes too. Of course, in funny caricatures of the church, one can try to see attempts to convey to us that the church is a greedy organization built only on money laundering. But again, don't take the hilarious caricatures of the church seriously. It became funny - have fun? Not funny - look for other drawings.

Funny orthodox temple cartoons

What is the difference then funny orthodox temple cartoons from other drawings? They have more dialogue. Moreover, characters can communicate in funny Orthodox temple caricatures on any topic. It can be, like the plans to build a new temple, and jokes in style, yesterday for three hours on the long distance I rang the bells. Of course, in cool church demotivators there are more topics for discussion, then hilarious caricatures of the temple are taken with a cheerful style of drawings.

Naughty caricatures of priests

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Latest church cartoons

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Probably only in our country you can find cool jokes about religion. Moreover, these are really funny jokes that cause only positive emotions. Some of the funny jokes about religion have an unusual turn of events, but, most often, the standard jokes about priests are jokes related to various religions and their representatives.

Funny jokes about priests

If you believe the stories of eyewitnesses, then all the clergy are somewhat different from each other. That's funny jokes about priests adhere to the same principle. If you want to imagine an image from a joke, first look at funny demotivators about the father. It will be a tall, overweight, hefty man, dressed in a cassock and with a huge beard. Therefore, when you read jokes about priests, this image immediately appears.

Funny jokes about God

It would seem that, funny jokes about god- this is such a cautious topic, which you can’t really joke about. But no, right on our website you will find some very original, and most importantly, funny jokes about God, in which the Lord directly communicates with ordinary people. It can be both a confused sinner and an ordinary priest who proves the righteousness of his actions, although the other day he sinned very badly.

New jokes about the father

To find cool new jokes about the father- you won't have to look long for the appropriate humorous site, because here you will find all the necessary jokes. In addition to jokes about priests, you can view funny cartoons about religion, in which the clergy are also weird. Although, for me, funny jokes about the priest will always be more fun than any caricature jokes.

Funny jokes about Adam and Eve

The biblical characters of Adam and Eve should also be attributed to religious themes. That's why funny jokes about adam and eve join the category of jokes about religion. There are not too many jokes on the Internet, and most often the dialogue takes place with the third character - God. Jokes about Adam and Eve are funny with the tricks of the serpent, Eve's naivete and Adam's resourcefulness. Each joke opens its own story, which is remembered for a long time. Some phrases from jokes can even be added to funny aphorisms about religion, because they are both cool and encourage you to think a little about the eternal.

Religion is a very sensitive topic for many. This is the subject of disputes and even wars between peoples. A lot of information about religion and its types can be found on the Internet. There we will be told what exactly is the difference between different religions, what are churches, temples and so on. And today we want to cheer you up and present jokes about religion.

The abbess of the monastery preaches to the nuns:

Sex is disgusting! Pleasure for an hour, shame for life! Are there any other questions?

- How can you stretch the pleasure for an hour?

A missionary arrived on a distant island.

— Hello, monsieur! - welcomes his baby in the port.

"Call me 'my father'."

“That’s great, how pleased your mother will be!” And then she said that you will never return!

One pastor, in order to save his garden from thieves, hung signs on the trees with the inscription: "God sees everything." At night, on one of the tablets, a postscript was made: “but they don’t inform on us.”

The new Russian went on an excursion to Jerusalem.


From this place Jesus ascended into heaven. From this Virgin Mary. And from that mountain, the prophet Mohammed rose into the sky.

New Russian:

Yes, you have here, in kind, a spaceport!

- Hello! Transfer your apartment to me.

- What do you allow yourself!?

“Oh, sorry, I didn’t start right there. Do you believe in God?

Religion lesson.

Law teacher for children:

What do we do when we fast?

- Comment and like!

The seminarian asks the priest:

Who did humans come from, Adam and Eve or monkeys?

Both are true, my son. Eva combed her hair with her fingers, did her manicure with her teeth, washed without soap, and all the outfits were figs. She was still that monkey!

Boy, do you pray before eating?

No, my mom is a good cook.

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