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Winter cognitive preparatory group. Integrated lesson in the preparatory group: “How does winter come? Word game "I love winter"

Winner of the All-Russian competition « Most requested article of the month » JANUARY 2018

(implementation of the educational area "Speech Development" , "Physical development" , "Artistic and aesthetic development" )

Prepared by the teacher: Sheveleva L.V. preparatory group, Tyumen 2016

Program content:

Educational tasks:

Clarify children's knowledge of winter natural phenomena.

Teach children to coordinate nouns with adjectives,

To teach children to build correct sentences, answer questions with a detailed sentence, find the correct answer in the picture.

Develop thinking, auditory and visual attention, coherent speech, creative imagination

Teach children to notice the beauty of winter phenomena.

Improve the ability to sculpt with plasticine.

Cultivate the ability to listen carefully, not to interrupt others.

Preliminary work: a conversation about winter, about natural phenomena, looking at illustrations, reading fiction, memorizing poems, riddles about winter.

Vocabulary work: ice, frost, sledge, chill, blizzard, snowball, sun, winter.

Equipment: audio recording "Waltz of the Snowflakes" M. Mitkova, snowball, letter, plasticine, the basis for modeling cardboard, boards, cotton pads, picture-answers, drawing paper.

1. Organizational moment:

Guys, look, we have guests today. Let's say hello and stand in a circle. Take each other's hands.

Good morning! It's a new day. I smile at you, and you smile at each other. And think how good it is that we are all here together today. We are calm and kind, we are friendly and affectionate. We are healthy. Take a deep breath through your nose and breathe in freshness, kindness, beauty. And exhale through your mouth all resentment, anger and grief. (Children breathe in and out three times). And now wish good morning to each other and guests! Come in, sit on the chairs.

Guys, quite recently the trees shed their last foliage and stood bare, it often rained. What time of year was this?

Children: In autumn.

What time of year has come to replace autumn?

Children: Winter.

Right. Well done! Listen to a poem about winter.

Reading a poem "Winter song" . (R. A. Kudasheva).

Here comes the silvery winter,

The field is clear with white snow.

In the afternoon with children everything is skating,

At night it crumbles into snowy lights.

In the windows he writes a pattern with Ice-needle

And knocking on our yard with a fresh Christmas tree.

It's nice to watch falling snowflakes. Each seems to perform its own dance, spinning in the air.

Now magic will happen, I suggest turning into snowflakes for a while. And let each of you come up with and perform your own dance. But it will not be just a dance, but a dance game, listen carefully to the music, when it starts to sound quieter and quieter, you will also have to slowly complete your dance. With the end of the music, let each of you show in what figure his snowflake - a ballerina - has frozen.

Let's all close our eyes together and say a spell - turn into snowflakes. Zhinki, Zhinki, Zhinki, we are now snowflakes. (Opened eyes.)

(The musical game “Snowflakes-ballerinas” is being held).

What beautiful snowflakes. A whole snowfall. Well done. And now let's close our eyes, say a spell and turn into kids. Dongs, dongs, dongs again we are kids. (opened eyes).

And now we sit in a circle on the mat, we will now play a game "Winter Words" .

I read the words to you, if you hear a word related to winter, clap your hands.

(Snowflake, New Year, sled, ice, heat, mittens, tulips, snowman, Santa Claus, falling leaves, Snow Maiden, sunbathing, snowfall, skiing).

Well done! You were very considerate.

Guys, do you like to solve riddles.

Children: Yes.

Everyone is afraid of him in winter -

It hurts to bite.

Hide your ears, cheeks, nose,

After all, it's on the street. (freezing)

He flies from the sky in winter,

Don't go barefoot now

Every person knows

Which is always cold. (snow)

Under my feet

Wooden friends.

I'm flying at them with an arrow,

But not in summer, but in winter. (skis)

Do not suck, tomboys,

Ice lollipops!

I swallow pills myself

Because I ate. (icicles)

He is from the snow alone,

His nose is made of carrots.

A little warm, cry instantly

And it will melt. (snowman)

He was once water

But suddenly he changed his appearance.

And now for the New Year

On the river we see. (ice)

Well done! All riddles are correct.

(Knock on the door).

Oh, guys, someone is knocking on our door.

Postman: Hello guys?


Postman: Is this ds No. 78?

Postman: -Group No. 10 "Rowan" ?

Postman: - You have a letter.

Postman: Goodbye.

Oh guys, let's read who it's from. Who can read? (I'm printing out). Let's see what it says.

And, yes, Dunno wrote a letter in which he wanted to talk about what winter is, yes, as usual, he mixed everything up. Help correct the mistakes made by Dunno in the letter.

Whoever hears the error raises his hand, and we answer with a full answer. (Sit comfortably, back straight.)

Didactic game "Fix the mistake" .

- “The first winter month is called September (December). As winter comes, so heat begins (cold), and people immediately put on summer (winter) clothes.

In winter, children go sledding, skiing, cycling. Children sculpt a snowman, slide on the ice, sunbathe. Prepare for the holiday - March 8.

In order not to catch a cold, you need to eat one icicle every morning.

(Icicles can not be eaten).

Winter is a wonderful time of the year! (pause).

Guys, do you agree with the last sentence from Dunno's letter: “Winter is a wonderful time of the year!” .

Fizminutka "In winter" .

We play snowballs in winter, we play, we play.

We walk on snowdrifts, we walk, we walk.

And on skis we run, we run, we run.

On ice skates we fly, we fly, we fly.

And we sculpt a snow maiden, we sculpt, we sculpt.

We love the winter guest, we love, we love.

And now we sit down on the chairs, I will read the story to you "Winter" . Listen to it carefully, then we will talk about it and make a picture like artists. Whoever answers the question correctly will have to find the corresponding picture and stick it on paper.

Reading a story "Winter" educator.

Teacher: Winter has come. There is snow all around. The trees are bare. The bear climbed into the den and sleeps... The children are happy about the winter. They go skiing and sledding.

(The teacher asks the children questions, when the answer is received, the children find it, and puts the corresponding picture on the board - winter, snow, bare trees, animals in holes, rejoicing children, children skiing and sledding).

Educator: Guys, what season is it?

Children: Winter has come.

Educator: What lies around?

Children: There is snow all around.

Educator: What are the trees?

Children: The trees are bare.

Educator: Where did the bear climb?

Children: The bear climbed into the den.

Educator: What is the bear doing in the den?

Children: The bear is sleeping in the den.

Educator: Who is happy about winter?

Children: Children are happy in winter.

Educator: What do children do in winter?

Children: Children go skiing, sledding.

Well done! We have a wonderful picture.

Now let's all stand in a circle and play a game "Pick a Sign" . I will ask you a question, if you answer correctly, take "snowball" - a cotton pad and we will make a snowdrift. Let's see how high a snowdrift we get.

Winter (which?) - … (cold, snowy, harsh, blizzard, cheerful, beautiful, elegant, etc.).

Snow (Which?) - … (wet, cold, fluffy, light. soft. prickly, crumbly, sticky, sparkling, crunchy, silvery, white sparkling, etc.).

Icicle (which?) - … (icy, cold, sharp, transparent, fragile, melting, spring).

Freezing (Which?) - … (cold, strong, burning, crackling. strong, large).

Slide (which?) - … (snowy, icy, big, slippery,).

Ice path (which?) -... (icy, slippery, long).

Well done, they named a lot of different words, and therefore the snowdrift turned out to be high.

And now let's play a game near the snowdrift "Call it sweetly" I throw you a snowball, you name it and give it back to me.

Ice - ... (ice)

Freezing - … (frost)

Sled - … (sleigh)

Cold - … (chill)

Blizzard - … (blizzard)

Snow - … (snowball)

Sun - … (Sun).

Winter - … (winter)

Guys, without what there will be no winter? (Without snow).

But snow is when there are a lot of snowflakes and they are all different like you and me.

Let's each blind our own snowflake and give it to our guests.

Summary of the lesson:

Review of completed works. Everyone got beautiful snowflakes and they are all different from each other.

Let's remember what we did today?

What season are we talking about?

What did you like more?

What was difficult?

What did they mold?

Well done! Everyone tried, answered, sculpted well.

Now give snowflakes to your guests.

Olga Mayorova
Abstract of the lesson on the FTsKM in the preparatory group for the school "There is a sorceress winter"

Target: Generalize and systematize the children's ideas about the characteristic signs of winter, continue to teach them to find them on their own.

Learn to establish links between seasonal changes in nature and the way of life of animals and people.

Introduce children to the natural features of the winter months. Introduce children to Russian national culture.

Introduce children to the properties of snow.

To develop in children the ability to observe, make assumptions, suggest ways to test them, and draw conclusions.

Cultivate a sense of love for the native nature.

Corrective tasks: encourage Seva G, Dasha V., Anna S to participate in the conversation. To teach Ilya M., Ilya K to listen to the answers of children.

Material: Illustrations depicting Russian nature in winter. Pictures of how animals hibernate. Tape recorder, flash drive.

Flower with 12 petals.

Equipment for experiments (Look class) .

move classes:

1. Organizing moment listening to a song from a movie "Sorcerers" Three white horses.

2. Conversation about the winter months

When does it happen?

The cold has come.

The water turned to ice.

Long-eared hare gray

Turned into a white bunny.

The bear stopped crying:

The bear went into hibernation in the forest.


Outside winter. How many months in winter? (children's answers) Their three: December January February. Let's glue three more petals to our annual flower. What color should they be? (children's answers) Choose.

The first month of winter is December. In the old days this month was called So: lute, jelly, cold.

What do these names tell us? (children's answers) People spoke: "December puts on a sheepskin coat to toe, paints tricky patterns on the windows, sculpts the eye with snow, pricks behind the ear with frost."

On which of the days, windy or calm, frost is easier to tolerate? (children's answers)

December brings the shortest days and longest nights.

December 22 is the shortest day of the year. Listen to the proverb "In December winter spreads white canvases and frost builds bridges over rivers." How do you understand this proverb? (children's answers)

The second month of winter is January. (attach petal to calendar) People call January - prosinets. Why do you think? (children's answers) This month, the sun shines more often and the blue sky peeps through. Is the January sun hot? The folk sayings are. "January is on the threshold - the day has arrived at the chicken step." AND more: "In December, the day was completely dead, but in January he rose again." What would that mean? (children's answers) After December 22, the day begins to gradually increase. January is considered the coldest month of the year.

Why do you think they say. "The frost is not great, but it does not order to stand", "In the winter cold, everyone is young" (children's answers)

In which fairy tale is a man not afraid of frost? "Two Frosts". Why did he even undress in the bitter cold? (children's answers)

Are we afraid of the cold? No!

3. Physical Minute "I'm not afraid of the cold"

I'm not afraid of frost (We walk in place.)

I'm very close with him. (We clap our hands.)

Frost will come to me (Sit down.)

Touch your hand, touch your nose (Show hand, nose.)

So, you must not yawn (We clap our hands.)

Jump, run and play. (Jumping in place.)

4. Continuing the conversation

The last month of winter is February. (attach petal to calendar)

What will the weather be like in February? Wait and see. One thing can be said - in February winter meets spring. What does it mean? (children's answers)

In the old days, February was called wind blower, vyugovets and bokogrey. Such dissimilar names. What would that mean? (children's answers) In February, there are still frosts, a blizzard is fierce, strong winds are blowing, but the approach of spring is already felt. Russian proverb speaks: "In February, two friends - frost and blizzard."

People noticed that the day of February 2 shows what spring will be like. If the sun shines on this day, the spring will be warm. If cloudy - get ready for late frosts and snowstorms. Here is such a sign. How do you understand these words? (children's answers)

Have you noticed how often we talking: blizzard, blizzard, blizzard. And what is it? (children's answers)

The wind picks up snowflakes from the ground and carries them, sweeps like a broom. What is this? (children's answers) The wind with snow was called a blizzard.

Sometimes a blizzard is called a blizzard. Listen to the howling of the wind (recording "Blizzard") Sometimes the wind picks up and throws snow in different directions and up, twists, sweeps along the ground. In such a blizzard for several meters you can not see anything around. The air is cloudy. Even during the day, it seems like dusk has come. This is a blizzard.

And it happens like that. Frosty sunny day. The wind carries the snow along the bottom, along the ground itself. What is the name of such a blizzard? (children's answers) Drifting.

Now guess riddle:

The blanket is white

covered the whole earth.

What is this? (children's answers) (snow)

Why is snow called a blanket, because it is warm under the blanket, and the snow is cold?

5. Experience (weather permitting or spend the evening)

(If it's snowing outside, you can practice to experience. Before activity, bring to the group two small, enough loose snowball. Put one on a saucer and place on the table. Put the other in a glass and wrap it in a woolen scarf. Which snowball do you think will melt the fastest? Bye lesson in progress, snowballs are melting. And finally, the moment comes; when you can unfold the scarf. And what do we see? The snowball lying on the saucer melted much more. Why? To answer this question, let's do an experiment. Let's light a candle and try to hold our hand over it. Hot! What needs to be done to not burn? Or remove your hand or shield it with something from the fire. For example, the same scarf. Why isn't it hot now? The scarf does not allow heat to pass from the candle to the hand, it retains it. Why didn't the snowball wrapped in a scarf melt? The scarf did not let the room heat into the snow.)

6. a conversation about snow and how animals hibernate, and about people's winter clothes.

How do people dress in winter? In winter jackets, warm boots, fur hats, mittens. Why do people wear fur coats in winter? (children's answers)

- We are speaking: "The fur coat is warm." But a fur coat is not hot, like a fire or a battery. Why are we warm in it? (children's answers) It’s just that a fur coat does not release the heat of a person’s body into the street or does not let the cold come to him.

There are fur coats made of stone, wood, glass. What are these coats? (children's answers) These are stone and wooden thermos houses.

- So why do they say: "The blanket is white, it covered the whole earth"? (children's answers)

Why is it warmer under snow? (children's answers)

Why doesn't a bear freeze in a snowy den in winter? (children's answers)

A layer of snow will not let the cold into the bear's den, and will protect the plants that are under it. In which fairy tale did the grass rest under the snow? "Needlewoman and sloth".

Show a picture of how animals hibernate.

Who sleeps in winter? (children's answers)

How do squirrels, hares, foxes, wolves winter? (children's answers)

How do birds winter? (children's answers)

Well done. Let's play a game now « Winter» I will start and you continue.

In winter the sun... (shines but does not heat)

Winter in the sky... (snow clouds, of which snowing)

In winter, the trees ... (they stand naked, and the branches of the trees are covered with snow, so that the roots of the trees do not freeze, it is necessary "spud" trees with snow

On earth in winter... (snow lies, the earth freezes from frost and cold)

Birds in winter ... (they fly to warmer climes, they are called migratory, and those that remain over the winter are called wintering)

Animals in winter ... (starve, freeze, hide in holes, some sleep and wake up only in spring)

People in winter ... (dress warmly so as not to freeze; people are happy about winter - after all, only in winter you can go sledding and skiing and celebrate the New Year).

Well done. You all correctly said. Now all children will know what happens in winter.


List the winter months in order. (children's answers)

What were they called in the old days? (children's answers)

Why is it warm under the snow? (children's answers)

How does nature change in winter? (children's answers)

Guys, who loves winter? (children's answers) Why do you love her? (children's answers)

Synopsis of the GCD for the FTsKM in the preparatory group "Meeting Winter"

Integration of educational areas: social and communicative development, speech development, cognitive development, physical development.

Target: Expand children's understanding of winter, its signs. Help children to feel the beauty and diversity of nature.


Introduce winter signs (cold, frost, snowfall, strong winds, winter sports;

Enrich speech with nouns denoting household items, adjectives characterizing the properties and qualities of objects;

Cause a positive response to play activities.

Form of organization: frontal, subgroup, individual.

Methodical methods:

Visual (use of demonstration and handouts).

Verbal (reminder, indication, questions, individual answers of children).

Encouragement, analysis of the lesson.

Targets: know the characteristic features of the seasons and correlate with each season the features of the life of people, animals, plants; they choose and group objects in accordance with the cognitive task, they know some representatives of the animal world (animals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, insects).

Equipment: paintings of winter landscapes by Russian artists (I.I. Shishkin “Winter”, N. Roerich “Himalayas”, I.E. Grabar “February azure”); computer presentation, pictures of winter sports, pictures of the seasons, pictures of wintering birds, pictures of winter activities, pictures of "signs".

Lesson progress

Org. moment: - They looked at each other, smiled, sat quietly.

Let's imagine, guys, that we are in the forest. Close your eyes and listen to Vivaldi's musical work "Winter". Winter will be here in 2 days. And in this regard, I received a magic letter from 12 months. Here is the riddle they sent: (Slide 1)

Troika, Troika has arrived

The horses in that trio are white,

And in the sleigh sits the queen -

White-skinned, fair-faced,

How she waved her sleeve -

All covered in silver!

Main part

Educator: What three horses are mentioned in this riddle?

Children's answers: About the winter months.

Educator: What are these months? Name it please?

Children's answers: December January February.

Educator: What do you think, what kind of queen is sitting in the sleigh?

Children's answers: Winter.

Educator: Let's think about what words you can use to talk about winter? What is winter?

Children's answers: Snowy, cold, frosty, icy.

Educator: Well done. How can you call winter affectionately?

Children's answers: Zimushka.

Educator: You described winter. Listen to how poets describe winter:

Hello winter winter! White snow covered us: Both trees and houses. The light-winged wind whistles - Hello, winter-winter! An intricate trail winds from the clearing to the hill. This hare printed - Hello, winter-winter! Georgy Ladonshchikov

Educator: Guys, what season did the poet describe in his poem?

Children's answers: Winter.

Educator: Guys, please look at the pictures. (Slide 2,3,4) What season is shown here? Why did you decide that the pictures are winter? Children's answers.

Educator: How many seasons do you know? Which? Children's answers.

caregiver: Tell me, what changes occur with nature in winter? With birds? Children's answers.

Educator: Guys, in winter, some birds stay for the winter, but under the snow it’s hard for them to find food for themselves. How do you think they can be helped?

Children's answers: People make feeders.

Educator: And what is the name of the birds that do not fly to warmer climes in winter, but remain for the winter?

Children's answers: Wintering.

Educator: Name the wintering birds (pictures are hung out, children call the birds)

caregiver: Now let's play a game “Who needs what? »(after the children name the correct answer, pictures are hung out)

A stick is needed ... (hockey player)

Skates are needed ... (skater)

Sledges are needed ... (luge)

Need skis (skier)

The puck is needed (hockey player)

Educator: At what time of the year can these sports be practiced?

Children's answers: Winter.

caregiver. So what kind of sports are they?

Children's answers: To winter.

Educator. That's right, people also go in for sports in winter. And for this they need sports equipment: skates, sleds, sticks, pucks. Tell me, what do you like to do in winter?

Children's answers: Sledding, skating, skiing, making a snowman, playing snowballs.

caregiver. Now I suggest you take a break.

Phys. minute. ( children stand in a circle )

Here, under the green Christmas tree (Stand up.)

Ravens are jumping merrily: (Let's jump.)

All day they screamed, (Turns of the torso left and right.)

The guys were not allowed to sleep: (Tilts of the torso to the left and right.)

Kar-kar-kar! (Loudly.) (Clap hands above head.)

Only by night they fall silent (They wave their hands like wings.)

And they all fall asleep together: (Squat down, hands under the cheek - fall asleep.

Educator: Now let's play a game "Seasons". To do this, we need to split into 4 teams. (Children are given a set of cards depicting natural phenomena, objects of all seasons. Children are divided into four teams that will represent the four seasons. Each team must collect as many cards as possible corresponding to each season)

Educator: Now for the mental workout:

Quiet, quiet, as in a dream,

Falls to the ground ... (snow)

Fluffs are sliding from the sky -

Silvery ... (snowflakes)

To the villages, to the meadow

Everything is going down ... (snowball)

Here's some fun for the kids

More and more ... (snowfall)

Everyone is racing

Everyone wants to play ... (snowballs)

Like in a fairy tale, like in a dream

Decorated the whole earth ... (snow)

Next to the snow figurine -

This is a girl ... (snow maiden)

In the snow, look -

With a red breast ... (bullfinches)

Like a white down jacket

Dressed up ... (snowman)

Educator: So without what there is no winter?

Children's answers: Without snow.

Outcome. Educator: Guys, what season are we talking about?

Children's answers. About winter.

Educator. What do you like to do the most at this time of the year?

Children's answers. Play snowballs, build a snowman, go skiing, downhill.

Reflection. And now the guys who didn’t like today’s lesson, put the snowman in the blue bucket, who liked it in the red one.

Abstract of the lesson in the preparatory group on the formation of a holistic picture of the world on the topic: "The Sorceress of Winter."

Target: Generalize and systematize children's ideas about the characteristic signs of winter.

- consolidate knowledge about seasonal changes in nature;
- to generalize and systematize ideas about the characteristic signs of winter.
- foster a sense of love for the native nature;
- Raise interest in the knowledge of nature.
- develop the ability to restore the logical relationship, draw conclusions; - develop memory and attention.

Develop productive activities through artistic work in working with yarn; develop fine motor skills.

Material: Winter landscape illustration, animal pictures, bird pictures, flannelograph, colored threads, snowman toy,music by P.I. Tchaikovsky "Winter" from the cycle "Seasons".
Types of children's activities:

- cognitive-research.
-perception of fiction, music
- motor.

Preliminary work.
- observation of nature on a walk; snowball fights.
-consideration of illustrations and pictures about winter.
- learning poems, songs, sayings, signs.
- drawing in free time.
- listening to the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky "Winter" from the cycle "Seasons".

Planned results:the child shows curiosity; able to reason and give adequate causal explanations; demonstrates the ability to maintain a conversation; owns the basic movements in accordance with age; take care of nature.

Lesson progress:

I. Organizational moment:The children enter the room. (under the tree a snowman)

My helper is white

From head to toe

It looks like a snowball

There is a black ember in the eyes.

Instead of a nose, very cleverly

Carries a sweet carrot.

And he is not used to being bored,

This is white (Snowman).

Educator: Hello snowman!

The snowman is not simple,

He comes to us in winter

We are old friends with him.

We invite you to the fairy tale!

Guys, look, the snowman has an envelope!

Let's open it together and read it. And on the envelope there is an inscription - "Winter story". Do you want to know what story is hidden there? (Answers of children).

caregiver : “Once upon a time there was a queen Winter. And she had three sons: December, January, February. They lived together and ruled the winter world in turn: But one day Winter decided that she was the most important and decided to tell you about herself ... Educator: “Guys, there’s nothing further. The leaf is torn off. How can we find out what winter wanted to tell us? Let's continue the story of winter with you!

II.Main part

The teacher reads a poem by I. Surikov "Winter".

"White snow fluffy

Spinning in the air

And the earth is quiet

Falling, laying down

And in the morning with snow

The field turned white

Like a veil all dressed him

Dark forest with a hat

Covered up wonderful

And fell asleep under her

Strongly, imperceptibly…”

Educator: Guys, solve riddles.

A month in this riddle

His days of all days are shorter

All nights are longer than nights

To fields and meadows

Until the spring snow fell

Only our month will pass

The new year is coming! (December)

Ear pinching, nose pinching

Frost climbs into boots

Splash water, fall

Not water, but already ice

Yes, the bird does not fly

The bird freezes from the cold

Turned to fly

What do you say for this month? (January)

With a house of drifts of snow

Now snowstorms, then blizzards

They hit the trees

The frost is strong at night

In the daytime, a drop is heard ringing

The day has grown noticeably

Well, so what month is it? (February)

Educator: - Please remember what proverbs you know about the winter months?

(Children's answers):

1st child: “December ends the year, and winter begins”

2nd child: “January is the roof of winter”

3rd child: “In February, two friends: frost and blizzard”

4th child: “In February, in February there is a lot of snow in the yard”

Physical education "Walk"

We walk through the snowdrifts

Raise your legs higher

Baba snow blinded

The birds were fed with crumbs

We then rode down the hill

And also rolled in the snow

All covered in snow came home

We ate soup and went to bed.

Under the tree is a chest with tasks.

Educator: Look guys, what is this? - A chest, and there are snowflakes in it. Snowflakes will help us continue the story about winter.

Snowflake 1. Tell me about winter.

Reading S. Yesenin "White Birch".

White birch
under my window
covered with snow,
Exactly silver.

On fluffy branches
snow border
Brushes blossomed
White fringe.

And there is a birch
In sleepy silence
And the snowflakes are burning
In golden fire

A dawn, lazy
Walking around,
Sprinkles branches
New silver.

What winter? (silver, white, frosty, cold, long, snowy, etc.).

What changes occur in nature in winter? (snow falls, rivers and lakes are covered with ice, the days become short, there are frosty cold days, an icy wind blows, the sun shines, but does not heat, the trees are bare) (Children's answers)

Educator: - Nature freezes in winter, but life in nature does not stop! Snow fluffy blanket protects the earth from frost.

Educator: guys, let's blow on a snowflake

(breathing exercises "Let's blow on a snowflake)

Snowflake 2 .Tell about birds and animals.

Educator: reading an excerpt from A. Yashin"Feed the Birds in Winter"

"Feed the birds in winter

Let from all over

They will flock to you like home

Flocks on the porch ... "

Educator: What happens to birds in winter? - (The migratory ones flew away, but the wintering ones remained). (Children's answers).

caregiver : Name the wintering birds. - (Titmouse, sparrow, bullfinch, dove, crow). (Answers of children).

Educator: Why are they called winterers? (These birds do not fly away to warm lands, but stay with us at any time of the year.) (Children's answers).

caregiver : Tell me why these birds do not fly to warmer climes? (They are not afraid of frost, because they have down under their feathers and can even get their own food in winter). (Answers of children).

caregiver : But in winter there is little food. Is it easy for birds at this time? - (Difficult). (Answers of children).

caregiver : That's right, guys, it is difficult for birds to get their own food in winter, because there are no bugs, worms, etc.

Educator: Who comes to the aid of the birds? - (Human). (Answers of children).

Educator: Let's help our feathered friends? (Children's answers)

How can you help wintering birds? - (Children's answers).

Where can you hang feeders? - (Answers of children).

Educator: Guys, how do animals winter? Here you go, there are traces but no animals themselves. Where do you think they hid from the cold? (in their homes). Guys, help me tell the poem, finishing the last words. And then we will find out who is wintering in which house.

A bear sleeps in winter (in a den)

The fox settled down (in a hole)

A bug in a warm (kennel)

The squirrel hid (in a hollow)

Hedgehog sleeps in dry (grass)

In the lair lies (wolf)

(A hare) is trembling under a bush (Answers of children).

Educator: Guys, here we are with you and remembered how animals hibernate.

Child: In winter, many wild animals sleep - they hibernate. Before hibernation in autumn, animals accumulate fat. .Most of all, animals suffer in winter not from cold, but from hunger. It is food that animals need to maintain a constant body temperature and not die.

Snowflake 3. Game "Tell me a word"(We pass the snowflake)

In winter, everything is covered with white fluffy snow, let's play with this word.

Snowflake 4. Winter fun.

Educator: (Reading a poem by I. Chernitskaya “Winter has come”).

The winter is merry

With skates and sleighs

With powdered ski tracks,

With a magical old fairy tale.

On a decorated tree

The lanterns swing.

May the winter be cheerful

It doesn't end anymore!

Educator: Guys, what winter fun do you know? (children's answers).

Educator: Guys, let's remember what holidays are in winter?? (children's answers).

Educator: New Year is probably the most wonderful and favorite holiday. A holiday of magic.

caregiver Guys, did you like the story about winter.Go to the chest. And the chest is empty. Guys, all the snowflakes are over, look, only magic threads are left! Our snowman is completely sad. He is bored alone in the forest.I suggest you make friends to our snowman.

Take your seats.

(quiet music sounds, children, using thread printing, depict a snowman on a flannelgraph).


Children approach the snowman and give him their gifts.

caregiver : What time of year did you come up with a story about? What story did you get?

Guys, what is the mood of the snowman now? (Children's answers)

Are you happy with winter? Smile, show how happy you are for winter. (Children say goodbye to the snowman)

Baryshnikova Galina Fedorovna
Job title: dow teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU kindergarten №1 "Alyonushka"
Locality: Zherdevka, Tambov region
Material name: lesson summary
Subject: Abstract of a lesson on cognitive development (FTsKM) in the preparatory group on the topic "Winter-Winter"
Publication date: 14.01.2018
Chapter: preschool education

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten №1 "Alyonushka"


classes on cognitive development (FTsKM) in

preparatory group on the theme "Winter-Winter"

Compiled by: educator of the 1st qualification category

G.F. Baryshnikova

Zherdevka, 2017

Program content:

Expand children's ideas about the characteristic signs of winter; enrich

vocabulary with adjectives; develop creative imagination;

learn to analyze, compare, draw conclusions; develop speech; bring up

respect for nature.

Integration of educational areas:

Cognitive development, speech development, socio-communicative

development, physical development.

Preliminary work:

Reading stories and fairy tales about winter, talking about winter, looking at pictures,

winter landscape illustrations.

The course of educational activities

caregiver. Children! Today we have guests for the lesson. let's go with them

say hello. And now, to find out the topic of our lesson, you need to guess

riddle. Listen to her.

Who is in a white down coat

Light step and bold

Out at one in the morning?

On her fluffy curls

Lots of golden glitter

Lots of silver.

She waved her mitten -

Once! Wherever you look

A white carpet is laid...

A new wave and the river rose,

The one who babbled loudly

from a long time ago.

Raises his hand -

Instantly covers the trees

Pure silver.

What season is the mystery about? How did you guess?

Now listen to the music. This is a work by P.I. Tchaikovsky from the cycle

"Seasons. Winter". The composer was very fond of observing nature in and

He translated all his observations into music. Close your eyes and carefully

listen. Questions for children.

What did you hear in this piece?

What feelings does the music evoke?

What winter phenomena of nature?

What winter games and fun do you remember?

And now we will go to visit Zimushka-winter. And in order to get there, we

must complete the tasks. You are ready? Our path is not close, so before

the first station we will go by train.

(children, depicting a train, move in a circle in fractional steps.) Music

ends. Here we have arrived.

Educator. Look, our station has no name, let's have a little

We'll come up with a name for it later.

Guys, what did I say? M, I, Z, A. (sounds). And what sounds are there?

(vowels and consonants). Name the vowel sounds. Now what am I showing?

(Letters). And if we connect Z, I, what happens? , and M, A? And now

put the syllables together and what word do we get? (winter)

caregiver. Winter walks the earth and wants to know if you know her signs.

Now we are going to play with you. I "blind" a snowball from snow and I will give it to you

throw, and you catch and answer.

Word game "Catch a snowball"

What is our winter like? (winter snowy, cold, frosty)

What happens in winter? (snow falls, wind howls, river freezes)

What can you say about snow? (snow is fluffy, light, soft)

What is the weather like in winter? (the weather in winter is windy, frosty, in winter it snows,

howling wind).

Well described winter, well done.

Now tell me how you can call our station, which was left without

names? What time of year are you talking about?

Who wants to put the name on the board? (Winter)

Educator. Our journey continues. Until the next station we

We can only get there on skis. (Children imitate skiing).

We've arrived. Station "Literaturnaya"

Do you know poems about Winter?

Frost looks out the window and breathes

And writes patterns on glass

And against the frozen window,

Breath of Santa Claus

In brocade and pearls removed,

There is a curly birch.

Bewitched by the Invisible

The forest slumbers under the fairy tale of sleep.

Like a white scarf

The pine has tied up.

Enchanted winter, the forest is bewitched

And under the snowy fringe,

motionless, mute

He shines with a wonderful life.

And, it stands bewitched

Not dead and not alive

Magically enchanted by sleep

All entangled, all bound

Light downy chain.

Winter-winter rushes in an ice carriage

The wind is knocking on sleepy houses with its wings.

Squares and parks are blooming with snowy whiteness.

And the frost builds arches over the forest path.

Educator. Children, listen to the story of K. Lukashevich "Winter" and answer

questions about its content.

She appeared muffled, white, cold.

Who are you? the children asked.

I am the season - Winter. I brought snow with me and will soon throw it on

earth. He will cover everything with a white, fluffy blanket. Then my brother will come

Santa Claus will freeze fields, meadows and rivers. And if the guys become

to be naughty, it will freeze their hands, feet, cheeks and noses.

Oh oh oh! What a bad winter! What a terrible Santa Claus!

The children said.

Wait, children ... But then I will give you skiing from the mountains, skates and

sled. And then your favorite Christmas will come and a merry Christmas tree and grandfather

Frost with gifts. Don't you love winters?

Text questions:

What was the winter like?

What did winter bring with it?

What will Santa Claus do if the guys start being naughty?

What will winter give children?

Do you love winter?

Educator. And what proverbs about winter do you know?

The frost is not great, but it does not order to stand.

Two friends - frost, yes blizzard.

In winter, the sun shines, but does not warm.

More snow, more bread.

Take care of your nose in a big frost

January father - frosts, February - snowstorms.

Well described winter, well done.

Educator. And now get some rest.


Word game "I love winter"

In winter, I like to… sled.

In winter, I like to… skate.

In winter, I like to… ski.

In winter, I like to… play snowballs.

In winter, I like to ... have fun on the Christmas tree.

caregiver. And the last station "Otdykhalkino"


Guys, we have traveled and are a bit tired, let's have a rest.

Eyelashes fall down

The eyes are closing

We'll rest in peace

Let's get up and go again!

Guys, what is your mood after our trip?


Put some mood on your palms and let's share it with

guests (Children blow on their palms).

The teacher sums up the lesson. Distributes sweet prizes to children from