
Revelation. Quest “Revelation” Useful finds during the quest “Revelation”

Quest "Revelation"

Quest "Revelation" is a story quest of the popular Fallout 4 games. In this quest main character begins the search for his missing son Sean with the help of detective Nick Valentine, whom he freed in the previous quest "Valentine's Day".

Passage of the quest “Revelation”

Task 1. Meet Nick Valentine in his office.

If suddenly you went to explore and conquer the Commonwealth and suddenly remembered that the plot is worth going further, then by going to the quest description, you will see that the first task will be a meeting with Nick in his office in Diamond City. How you get to the capital of the Commonwealth is up to you (this means a quick trek, or a walk).

Task 2. Talk to Ellie.

Useful finds during the quest “Revelation”

  • Pay attention to Nick Valentine's desktop, on it you can find the RobCo - Fun magazine;
  • In addition to the game, in Nick Valentine's office you can find an interesting secret case about the Mysterious Stranger, this case is a reference (Easter egg) to the previous parts of the Fallout game, in each of which you can find traces of the Mysterious Stranger. Who knows, maybe in the fourth part you can lift the veil of secrecy, because it’s not for nothing that there is a Mysterious Stranger perk;
  • In Kellogg's hidden room you can find Quantum Nuka-Cola, various cartridges, stimulants and food.

How to complete the quest “Revelation”: the first clues in the search for his son, obtaining the key and searching Kellogg’s home.

When you want to start the Revelation quest, open the map in your Pip-Boy and travel to the market in Diamond City. First of all, you need to meet with, whom we rescued from Vault 114, and find out from him something about his missing son. When you arrive at the market, head to the agency. To avoid getting lost, follow the marker.

When Nick is reunited with his secretary Ellie, tell her you were glad to help. For rescuing the detective, you will receive a small reward (including a tattered hat and a fancy raincoat).

Now sit in the chair opposite Nick and tell him everything about the kidnapping of your son.

During the dialogue, describe Vault 111, talk about the murder, the kidnappers and Sean. When Nick starts going through the list of possible criminals, learn more about the mysterious "Institute", and then turn the conversation back to Sean.

Next, describe the kidnappers in detail - choose each option in the dialogue in turn. When Valentine asks about Kellogg, repeat that name. Ellie will notice that your description fits this mercenary perfectly. Moreover, it turns out that Kellogg was recently in the city with an unknown boy. Suggest that the child could be another victim of the kidnapper. After this, the detective will call you to join him and search Kellogg's house.

Follow Valentine

Get up from your chair and leave the agency, the detective will be waiting outside. Follow him through the streets, up the stairs around the corner, and you'll reach Kellogg's Shack. Valentine will check the lock and try to open it. But this requires the skill of picking very complex locks. If you do not know how to pick such locks, you will need a key.

Get the key to Kellogg's house

The detective will tell you that you can visit the mayor of Diamond City and ask for help. Go down to the bottom of the stairs and turn south. Follow this direction until you reach the stairs leading out of the city. On the left side of it you will see a sign that indicates the mayor's residence.

Take the left stairs to the lifting platform. Stand on it and press the button.

When the platform stops, go into the mayor's office and, who is arguing with the secretary. If you have pumped up charisma, then use the yellow line in the dialogue. After that, go to the secretary, her name is Geneva. Tell her you want to see the mayor. It turns out that you can freely reach the mayor through the doorway behind Geneva. You can bribe Geneva or convince her to give you the key to Kellogg's house just like that.

If it doesn't work out, go straight and see the mayor peering out the window. Start a dialogue with him. Explain to him that Valentine sent you and you want the key to Kellogg's house. At first the mayor will refuse to help you, but there are several options to change his mind. For example, you could bribe him for 250 caps. But it is best to use persuasion options in dialogue, although this again requires charisma. When the mayor gives you the key, return the same way to Kellogg's house.

Search of Kellogg's house

Now use the key and go into the abductor's home. At first you won't see anything unusual. Therefore, go to the table on the first floor and look under it.

Under the table you will see a red button that opens a secret panel in the nearby wall. Press the button and go to the secret hideout. Collect nuclear batteries from the ammo box on the chair. Then take the items from the shelves: there is food, drinks, weapons and ammo. Several more stimulants lie on the table opposite the wall. Now take the cigar from the table next to the chair.

According to Ellie's secretary, Nick disappeared while working a case at Park Street Station. Before you go looking for him, stock up on ammunition - you will have to fight often. Now leave the city along the same road.

To Park Street Station

Park Street Station is in the east of the city. Go to the road below the baseball player statue and go left. First you will pass a landfill, then an intersection, but eventually the road will end. You'll have to stomp through the ruins, using the marker to navigate.

Be careful, as raiders and super mutants roam these areas. When you get to the city library, look into it - there is an “Intelligence” doll.

The further road runs through Trinity Church, which stands to the right of the library. From there, move north, and at the intersection turn left and go all the way to the recreation park. It's worth a look at the Boylston Club - quite interesting place with useful loot in the safe.

Once you're done with this, go around the park counterclockwise and move up until you come across a fountain with a robot standing next to it. The first stage of the “Road to Freedom” quest ends here, but we will return to it later.

At the top of the park, behind the fence, there is something that looks like a small booth from afar, but in reality it is the entrance to the metro. Go down to Park Street Station.


Now you have reached the right place. Get ready to be greeted at the station with fire and great energy. At first, it makes sense to move in stealth mode.

Go down to the lower platform along the broken escalator - voices will be heard in one of the rooms - draw your weapon and break into the room with the bandits. There will be a lot of enemies, and if it gets really hot, hide in the toilets in the right passage. The enemies will begin to enter there in single file, so it will not be difficult to shoot them.

When the mess is over, return to the platform and move further along the corridor. Before this, you can examine the terminal at the counter, there is interesting information about Vault-Tec. It's also worth looking into the locked door - there is a safe and lids behind it, but this will require the ability to pick complex locks.

In the same corridor, a pile of boxes gathers dust on the main platform, and behind them lies a mattress on which you can restore HP. Have you caught your breath? Then go down the steps, but be careful - there will be a mine on the wall around the corner.

The stairs will lead you to another platform full of enemies. At higher difficulty levels, open space will become a serious problem, but there is a loophole - lure opponents to your stairs and deal with them one by one.

After eliminating the bandits, jump onto the rails and walk along the tunnel. After a while you will come to a dead end - the tunnel is not completed further. Deal with the enemies and open the shelter gate through the launch system located on the small white ladder.

Inside shelter 114 you will be met by more opponents. Kill them and move towards the closed door; from it to the right through the sliding door - in this room you can find stimulants, antiradin and a computer with interesting information about experiments.

The further path is quite linear and not difficult. You will pass a couple more rooms, go down the stairs and deal with the bandits. If you don’t want to get into trouble, use stealth and quiet kills, otherwise the enemies will soon come running to shoot you. At some point the road will split into two flights of stairs, but both lead to the same room. Finally, you will find yourself in a room with a hatch in the floor leading to the lower level.

Lower level

The new level has many more rooms and compartments than the previous one. Moving along the corridor, at the end you will see a door on the right. Open it and go left along the next corridor, turning right in the middle.

The last door will lead you into a large room, at the top of which stands a bandit, talking through the window with the Valentine we need. Go up the stairs to them.

Here you will encounter the mini-boss Dino, who spoke to Valentine before. If you have a Molotov cocktail, use it, or deal with the gangster in another way. On the body of the corpse you can find the password for the terminal, through which the door to Nick Valentine opens.

Using the terminal and the “Switch the door to manual control” option, you will find yourself in the room with the desired goal. It turns out that Nick is a synth (an extremely human-like robot in the Fallout universe). Talk to the detective and tell him that you are looking for your son. After this, Nick will tell you to follow him and leave the room, but before you follow, pick up the “Speech” doll.

Nick Valentine

Stick with the detective and keep up. He, of course, will always stop and wait for you, but there is a chance of getting lost for a while. Afterwards, Nick will inform you that further opponents await you in the cafeteria.

A crowd of enemies will stand en masse on the left side of the room, and a sudden Molotov cocktail on their head will be more effective than ever. After the shootout, you should use the small fountain near the wall, which restores HP.

Follow Valentine. Together you will pass a couple more rooms and kill several packs of enemies. Then you and the synth will go up another flight of stairs and rise higher. The next room with enemies stores such valuable stimulants in one of the northern rooms.

When Nick opens the last door, you will exit into Park Street Station again. Here you will be greeted by a kind of “ godfather"of the entire group, surrounded by bandit henchmen. If your charisma skill is developed high enough, then during the dialogue you can convince the girl to back down and leave. In this situation, a fight can be avoided.

After that, you and Nick finally get out. Tell him what exactly Ellie told you about his whereabouts. After this, if nothing is stopping you in this location, you can agree to go back to the city with Nick. Here a new task “Revelation” appears.

Oh revelation

If you are ready to move on to the next part of the main storyline, then return to Diamond City using fast travel.

Help Valentine

Earlier, you met detective Nick Valentine, who agreed to help you find your son. Go straight to his agency, following the marker on the map.

Nick and Ellie, reunited again, will be waiting for you there. For saving Valentine you will receive gratitude, some caps and an authentic detective suit and hat. Now tell the synth everything you know about your son: describe Vault 111, mention the death of your wife, and finally, don’t forget to tell about Sean’s kidnappers themselves.

After this, Nick will begin to list possible culprits, namely the most inveterate criminals of the wasteland. When he brings up the topic of “The Institute,” ask for more details, and then return to the conversation about Sean. Describe the criminals, and when Nick mentions Kellogg, repeat his name.

Here the secretary will notice that your words completely repeat the appearance of this thug. Plus, it became known that this Kellogg had recently visited the city in the company of a certain boy. Perhaps this is the mercenary's new victim. After the conversation, Nick will invite you to explore Kellogg's house together.

At the site of the mercenary's shack, the detective will face a problem - the door is closed. If you do not have high hacking skills, then you will have to stop by the mayor and demand the key.

"Mayor's" audience

Valentine will suggest that you visit the mayor, since only he can provide the key. Go to the exit from the city, but before reaching the end, turn left, straight along the sign indicating the mayor's residence.

Get on the lift and press the button. In the mayor's office, you will be greeted by Piper, who is arguing again, but now with her secretary. Click on the answer option highlighted in yellow if you have high charisma.

Afterwards, talk to Secretary Geneva and let him know that you want to meet with the mayor. She can give you the key right away if you bribe or convince her.

Otherwise, go to the office. The mayor is right there - looking at the city through the window. Talk to him and tell him that Valentine sent you asking for the key to Kellogg's house. Of course, the mayor will refuse you, but his opinion can be changed by bribing him with 250 caps or convincing him with the help of high charisma. Come back.

Kellogg's Apartment

At first glance, there will be nothing unusual in the mercenary’s apartment. Go to the table on the ground floor and press the red button underneath it. It will open a hidden door with a new room. There are nuclear batteries, ammunition, weapons and stimulants. Don't forget to pick up the cigar from the table.

After the search, talk to the detective. He will tell you that your dog named Dogmeat can be used for its intended purpose by letting him smell a cigar. Nick will also offer you his help as a partner. The dog will be the second companion here, so agree.

Outside the house you will find Dogmeat. Interact with her: select “Show Cigar” and command her to take Kellogg’s trail. Then the current task will end and you will receive new quest"Reunion"

Like if it was useful

November 17, 2015 19:15

Get to Valentine's Detective Agency

You have just saved Nick Valentine from being imprisoned for two weeks in Vault 114 (Valentine's Day quest). He is grateful to you and invites you to stop by his agency in Diamond City so that you can tell him all the details of the case of the disappearance of your son Sean. You can go with him right away or visit him later.

Talk to Ellie

When you reach Nick Valentine's agency, talk to his secretary Ellie Perkins. She will give you a reward for saving Nick: 100 caps and a detective's robe. She will also invite you to become Nick's partner if you don't mind being a little detective. Besides, you already have the outfit of a real detective.

Sit down

Sit down across the table from Nick to talk about the circumstances surrounding the disappearance of your son Sean.

Tell Nick everything

Talk to Nick, tell him everything you know and remember. Any little bit can be helpful!

From your story, Nick and Ellie will conclude that a mercenary named Kellogg may be involved in the case. He once lived in Diamond City and had a ten-year-old boy with him. Valentine will offer to inspect his house - follow him.

But if you haven’t yet examined Nick’s detective agency in the previous quest, “The Pearl of the Commonwealth,” then don’t forget to pick up a couple of finds.


On the table in the corner of the room you will find an issue of RobCo - Fun magazine with a holotape of the game.

Easter egg

Going deeper into the agency, you will find one very interesting secret case of Nick Valentine about the Mysterious Stranger, who has been appearing throughout the former United States for many years. This is a reference to past Fallout installments, in which a mysterious stranger also appeared. In Fallout 4, he is also waiting for us - the Mysterious Stranger perk will allow you to take a look at him. Who knows, maybe we'll learn a little more about him?

Follow Nick

Along the way, Nick will tell you who Kellogg is and what kind of person he is. A dangerous person, apparently.

Kellogg's house will be locked. You can try to pick the lock using hairpins, but the lock is very difficult. Will it work?

Get the key to Kellogg's house

If the hack fails, you have other options. You can ask Mayor McDonagh for the key. He, for obvious reasons, does not want to just give the key to Kellogg's house to a stranger. Then, you can bribe his secretary Geneva for 250 caps, and she, supposedly by accident, will forget it on her desk.


Or you can charm Geneva into giving you the keys, or test your Charisma on Mayor McDonagh. This option will cost you less.

As a rule, it is better to use Charisma (or caps) to solve problems, but the option of stealing keys is also always available for those with long arms.

Search Kellogg's house

One way or another, you have the key. Enter Kellogg's house and search it. Under the desk you will find a red button. Click it and it will open the door to a secret room.

There you will find some useful things for your further journey: Quantum Nuka-Cola, food, stimulants, ammunition. And Kellogg's personal items, of course, such as the San Francisco Lights cigars. Shouldn't we put Dogmeat on Kellogg's trail?

Let Dog smell a cigar

As soon as she senses a scent, follow her.

Nick can return to his office or go looking for Kellogg with you as his companion. He may be useful, read about his qualities as a companion. I like it 16

After rescuing Detective Nick Valentine in the mission "" you find yourself one step closer to the truth about your son. Continuing the Fallout 4 storyline, you are offered the quest "Revelation".

Nick Valentine suggests discussing the case of your son's disappearance in a calm atmosphere. Go to his detective agency in Diamond City. Here you will find a small reward for saving Nick and a detailed conversation regarding Sean's fate. The secretary will help you.

Based on your descriptions, the detective will be able to guess who exactly could have participated in the abduction of your son, and the detective’s secretary Ellie will note that the suspect was recently in the city with an unknown boy. Thus, everything will come down to the person of a certain Kellogg. To obtain more detailed information, Nick will suggest searching the house of a possible criminal.

Following the detective, you will find yourself near Kellogg's house. To get inside you will need a key or high lockpicking skill. No one can instantly help you with the ability to pick locks, but for the key you can turn to the mayor of Diamond City, whom you have already encountered when entering the city.

Head south to the stairs leading out of town, turn left and follow the sign to the mayor's office. Go up to the mayor's reception room and begin to lure out the key to Kellogg's house. There are several ways to do this. If you have a high charisma score, you can convince the secretary of the mayor of Geneva or himself to give you the key just like that. If this cannot be done, then there is the option of bribery. The bribe, again, can be offered to the mayor himself or his secretary.

Once you have the key at your disposal, return to Kellogg's house and go inside. Explore the premises, go to the room with the table on the first floor, look under the tabletop. There you will find a button that opens a secret door in the wall, collect everything valuable: weapons, ammunition, batteries, food, drinks, stimulants. Be sure to pick up some cigars.

Consult with a detective about further actions. When you leave the house, ask your dog to take the scent by letting him sniff the cigar, and together with Nick Valentine go after the shepherd. At this point, the "Revelation" quest will be closed, and the task "" will appear in the journal.