
Analysis of Gogol's poem “Dead Souls. Questions about dead souls Questions about dead souls questions

Question number 1.
Who suggested to N. V. Gogol the plot of "Dead Souls"?

  1. M. Yu. Lermontov.
  2. A.S. Pushkin. +
  3. L. N. Tolstoy.
  4. I. S. Turgenev

Question number 2.
Name the genre "Dead Souls".

  1. Novel.
  2. Poem. +
  3. Story.
  4. The story.

Question number 3.
What technique does N.V. Gogol use in the title of the poem?

  1. Metaphor.
  2. Oxymoron.
  3. Epithet.
  4. Comparison.

Oxymoron (Greek - "acute stupidity") - a combination of words with the opposite value.

Question number 4.
What is the name and patronymic of Chichikov.

  1. Ivan Pavlovich.
  2. Pavel Nikolaevich.
  3. Pavel Ivanovich. +
  4. Peter Ivanovich.

Question number 5.
Whose portrait is this?

At a glance he was a prominent person; his features were not devoid of pleasantness, but this pleasantness seemed to have been overly transferred to sugar; there was something ingratiating and acquaintance in his methods and turns. He smiled alluringly, was blond, with blue eyes.

  1. Plyushkin.
  2. Nozdryov.
  3. Manilov. +
  4. Sobakevich.

Question number 6.
Who in N. V. Gogol's poem is called "a hole in humanity"?

  1. Plyushkin. +
  2. Nozdryov.
  3. Manilov.
  4. Sobakevich.

Question No. 7. Which of the landowners seemed to Chichikov "very similar to an average bear"?

  1. Plyushkin.
  2. Nozdryov.
  3. Manilov.
  4. Sobakevich. +

Question number 8.

Whose characteristic is this?

“A man of about thirty, a broken-hearted fellow who, after three or four words, began to say 'you' to him (Chichikov).

  1. Manilov.
  2. Nozdryov. +
  3. Plyushkin.
  4. Sobakevich.

Question number 9.
Which of the heroes of the poem owns this dwelling?

“The room was hung with old striped wallpaper; pictures with some kind of birds, mirrors with dark frames ..., behind every mirror there was either a letter, or an old deck of cards, or a stocking. "

  1. Plyushkin.
  2. Box. +
  3. Manilov.
  4. Sobakevich.

Question number 10.
Who do these words belong to?

I know them all: they are scammers, the whole city is like

the fraudster sits and drives the fraudster. All Christ sellers.

  1. Manilov.
  2. Nozdryov.
  3. Plyushkin.
  4. Sobakevich. +

Question number 11.
N. V. Gogol wrote: "One after another my heroes follow, one more vulgar than the other." Restore the sequence of images of landowners in the poem.

A. Sobakevich. 4

V. Manilov. one

S. Nozdrev. 3

D. Plyushkin. 5

  1. Box. 2

Question number 12.
Who tells "The Tale of Captain Kopeikin"?

A. Chichikov.

B. Nozdrev.

V. Postmaster. +

G. Chairman of the Treasury.

Question number 13.
For what purpose does N. V. Gogol introduce "The Tale of Captain Kopeikin" into the work?

A. To show the lack of spirituality of bureaucratic laws. +

B. To depict the life of the capital's officials.

C. Refute the idea of \u200b\u200bimpunity for the authorities.

D. Show the destructive power of money.

Question number 14.
For what purpose did Chichikov buy up "dead souls"?

B. In order to profitably marry, claiming to be the owner of thousands of souls.

B. In order to put them on the board of trustees as living. +

D. To win a bet.

Question number 15.
Which of the heroes of the poem N. V. Gogol does not classify as "dead souls"?

A. Chichikova.

B. Manilova.

B. Dead peasants. +

G. Selifana.

Question number 16.
What role does the image of the road play in Nikolai Gogol's poem?

A. Is a symbol life path person.

B. The image of the road is a symbol of the future of Russia. +

Q. This is a form of organization of the work.

D. This image is a source of inspiration for the author.

Gogol's test "Dead Souls".
1. The crew of Chichikov - ...
a) tarantass; + b) chaise; c) wagon.
2.Name-patronymic Chichikov:
a) Peter Ivanovich; b) Ivan Petrovich; + c) Pavel Ivanovich.
3. Who we are talking about: “She was not bad-looking, dressed to her face. On it sat a pale silk cloth hood; her thin small hand threw something hastily on the table and squeezed a cambric handkerchief with embroidered corners ”?
a) Box; + b) Manilov's wife; c) the lady is pleasant in all respects.
4. Which of the heroes of the poem dreamed of "... philosophizing about something, going deeper under the shadow of some elm tree"?
+ a) Manilov; b) Sobakevich; c) Chichikov.
5. The description of whose dwelling is given here: “The room was hung with old striped wallpaper; pictures with some kind of birds, mirrors with dark frames ... behind every mirror was either a letter, or an old deck of cards, or a stocking?
a) Sobakevich; b) Plyushkin; + c) Box.
6. The name of Chichikov's servant:
a) Zakhar; b) Osip; + c) Parsley.
7. About which hero of the poem is it said that he was a "historical person"?
a) Plyushkin; + b) Nozdryov; c) Captain Kopeikin.
8. What nickname did Plyushkin have?
a) "barefoot"; + b) "patched"; c) "ragged"
9. What price did Sobakevich ask for the dead peasants?
a) 50 rubles; + b) 100 rubles; c) 200 rubles.
10. Which of the landowners regaled Chichikov with a turkey "the size of a calf, stuffed with all sorts of good things: eggs, rice, liver and who knows what ..."?
a) Nozdryov; + b) Sobakevich; c) Box.

11. The governor's hobby - ...
+ a) embroidery on tulle; b) weaving from beads; c) drawing.
12. Name and patronymic of Sobakevich:
+ a) Mikhail Semenovich; b) Mikhail Ivanovich; c) Ivan Mikhailovich.
13. What rank did Chichikov have?
a) state councilor; + b) collegiate counselor; c) privy councilor.
14. The name of the coachman Chichikov:
a) Ivan; + b) Selifan; c) Stepan.
15. Who are you talking about: "In a word, he managed to acquire a perfect nationality, and the opinion of the merchants was such that ... even though it will take it, it will not betray you in any way"?
a) the governor; + b) police chief; c) the prosecutor.
16. Whose dwelling is described: “The master's house stood alone in the Jura, open to all winds; the slope of the mountain was clad in clipped sod. On it were scattered two or three flower beds ... Was there a gazebo with wooden blue columns and the inscription: "Temple of Solitary Meditation"?
a) Nozdryov; + b) Manilov; c) Sobakevich.
17. Which of the heroes of the poem said about himself that he was "an insignificant worm of this world ... that he experienced a lot in his lifetime, endured in the service for the truth ..."?
+ a) Chichikov; b) the governor; c) the prosecutor.
18. What game did Chichikov and Nozdryov play?
a) in dominoes; + b) checkers; c) chess.
19. Which of the heroes tells the story about Captain Kopeikin?
+ a) postmaster; b) police chief; c) the chairman of the chamber.
20. Parsley's hobby - ...
+ a) reading; b) playing cards; c) playing the harmonica.
21. Who is Sofron Mizhuev?
+ a) Nozdrev's son-in-law; b) one of Sobakevich's peasants; c) teacher Pavlusha Chichikova.
22. Where did Chichikov want to "transport" the purchased peasants?
+ a) to the Kherson province; b) to the Penza province; c) to the Ryazan province.

Test based on the poem by N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls"

1. Who owns the idea of \u200b\u200b"Dead Souls"?

2) A.S. Pushkin

3) Griboyedov A.S.

4) Lermontov M.Yu.

2. Specify the genre of N.V. Gogol's "Dead Souls".

1) parable

2) story

3) romance

4) poem

3. How is the lyrical element manifested in the work “Dead Souls”?

1) in a love affair

2) in Chichikov's thoughts about everything that he saw

3) in lyrical digressions

4) in landscape sketches

4. Indicate the main theme of the work.

1) the life of the peasants

2) the life of all Russia

3) the life of landowners

4) the life of officials

5. Indicate the correct continuation of the statement.

All parts of the piece are connected

1) the image of the landlords

2) Chichikov's way

4) general plot

6. With what motive is the image of the author closely related?

1) roads

2) friendship

3) freedom

1) character

2) friend of the protagonist

3) narrator and lyric hero

4) outside observer

8. Indicate the correct continuation of the statement.

The meaning of the title of the work is that

1) the work is based on a fantastic plot

2) Gogol calls serfs and officials "dead souls"

4) the main thing in the work is Chichikov's scam for buying up papers for dead peasants

9. Who in the work can be called truly living souls?

3) provincial society and Manilova

4) Selifana and Chichikova

10. Indicate the correct sequence of landowners that Chichikov visited.

1) Korobochka, Manilov, Sobakevich, Plyushkin, Nozdrev

2) Manilov, Sobakevich, Plyushkin, Korobochka, Nozdryov

3) Korobochka, Sobakevich, Nozdryov, Manilov, Plyushkin

4) Manilov, Korobochka, Nozdryov, Sobakevich, Plyushkin

11. For what purpose N.V. Gogol showed the landlords in this sequence?

1) The landlords are shown randomly.

3) N.V. Gogol thus opposes the landlords to each other.

12. Why does Gogol in his work dwell in detail on the biography of Chichikov?

2) The reader needs to know all the details of the life of the protagonist.

3) Gogol wanted to draw a parallel between Chichikov and Plyushkin.

13. For what purpose does Gogol introduce "The Tale of Captain Kopeikin" into his work?

1) expand the circle of actors

2) show what poverty and hopelessness lead to

3) point out the bureaucracy of officials

4) refute the judgment about the impunity of the authorities

14. What type literary heroes can you include Captain Kopeikin?

one) " small man»

2) " extra person»

3) " noble robber»

4) resonator

15. What problem is not raised in the work of N.V. Gogol's "Dead Souls"?

1) the problem of barbarism

2) the problem of false values

3) the problem of moral decline

4) the problem of the destructive influence of money

ANSWERS: 1 - 2, 2 - 4, 3 - 3, 4 - 2, 5 - 3, 6 - 1, 7 - 3, 8 - 2, 9 - 2, 10 - 4, 11 - 2, 12 - 1, 13 - 4, 14 - 3, 15 - 1.

1. According to what plan N.V. Gogol characterizes the landowners in the poem “ Dead Souls»?

General view of the estate, the state of the economy, the manor house and its interior, the portrait and characteristics of the landowner, the reaction to the proposal of Chichikov.

2. What is the sequence in the depiction of the degradation of landowners in N.V. Gogol's "Dead Souls"?

Manilov, Korobochka, Nozdrev, Sobakevich, Plyushkin.

3. What is the role of the road motive in N.V. Gogol's "Dead Souls"?

It is a connecting link in the plot, enhances the dynamism of the poem, unites time and space.

4. Why did Chichikov buy up dead souls?

In order to put them on the board of trustees as living and get money, get rich.

5. Why N.V. Gogol introduces the parable of Kif Mokievich and Mokiya Kifovich into the poem "Dead Souls"?

Shows the writers who turn a blind eye to the shortcomings, just not to wash dirty linen in public.

6. As suggested by N.V. Gogol to build a poem "Dead Souls"?

The poem was supposed to be in three parts, like Dante's The Divine Comedy. The three volumes of Dead Souls had to correspond to the three parts of The Divine Comedy. The first volume would reflect the hell of modern reality, the second would include positive images and the hero would go through purgatory, the third would paint a harmonious society - heaven.

7. What genre can be attributed to "Dead Souls" NV? Go-gol? Why?

The poem, like the poems of Homer, depicts the whole of Russia on an epic scale; Dante's poem "The Divine Comedy" served as a model for the plot; take a large place lyrical digressions.

8. What are the features of the composition of the poem by N.V. Gogol's "Dead Souls"?

The action unfolds in time and space, which is achieved with the help of the road motive; the work includes lyrical digressions, inserted episodes, an inserted story; the gallery of landowners is built on the principle of revealing gradation.

9. What is the significance in revealing the ideological meaning of N.V. Gogol's "Dead Souls" has "The Tale of Captain Ko-peikin"? Material from the site

The inserted story is indirectly related to the plot, but it expands the understanding of the bureaucracy of the bureaucracy. It completes the idea of \u200b\u200bthe first volume and includes reflections on genuine and imaginary patriotism, on the insecurity of the defender of the fatherland - an honored hero, on the contradictions in the life of Russia.

10. What is the specific and metaphorical meaning of the title of the poem by N.V. Gogol's "Dead Souls"?

Specific - dead souls peasants were named who, according to official documents, until the next census (censuses were carried out every five years) were considered alive, but died between censuses; metaphorical - dead souls are officials, landowners who make up the soulless world of Russia.

Explanatory note by N.N. Sokovykh

Given the difficulties of studying the poem "Dead Souls" by students in grade 9, I suggest using the data
questions for their perception of the text.

Questions on the perception of 2-6 chapters of "Dead Souls" by N. V. Gogol.
Chapter 2.
1) What impression can one get about Manilov even before meeting him at his house? What does the landscape of Manilovka say?
2) Gogol writes that at one time in the army, Manilov was considered an exemplary officer, a bearer of culture. What facts refute this opinion? What are Manilov's spiritual needs and desires?
3) How does Manilov characterize his speech, for example: "May day, name day of the heart", "most respectable and amiable", "observe delicacy"?
4) How does Manilov's "gentleness" and "courtesy" turn out in relation to the peasants?
5) Manilov was very confused when Chichikov offered him to sell "dead souls", but then agreed. What words of Chichikov (give them an example from the text) were convincing for him in favor of this "negotiation"?

Chapter 3.
1) How does Korobochka characterize her speech: “you, like a hog, have all your back and side covered in mud”, “where did you get greasy”, “take their caftan”?
2) How does Korobochka, the landowner, justify her surname? Write down the traits characteristic of her:
Greed, ill will, bragging, stupidity, stinginess, love of revelry and card games, thriftiness, projection (idle talk), stupidity, religiosity.
3) How does the fact that she “lost two girls a hundred rubles each to the protopop” characterize her?
4) How does Korobochka characterize the fact that she knows all the dead by heart, and gives an assessment to her serfs with the words “all glorious people”?
5) Why, inwardly, Chichikov called her "cudgel-head", even starting to "lose his temper"?
6) What convincing words did Chichikov find for her, so that she would sell him "dead souls"? At how many apiece did she "yield" them?
7) Why did the stingy landowner decide to treat Chichikov abundantly?

Chapter 4.
1) How does Nozdrev characterize his speech: “such a beast,” “you piggy for this,” “a cattle-breeder,” “Zhidomor”, “fetuk” - and what he says “you” to an unfamiliar person a few minutes later?
2) What did Gogol mean when he called Nozdrev a "versatile" and "historical" person?
3) Select the traits typical of Nozdryov from the following:
stupidity, mismanagement, inspired lies, thrift, religiosity, cheating and deception, efficiency, impudence, rudeness. bragging, suspicion, love of revelry.
4) Did Chichikov manage, as he dreamed, “to beg for something for nothing” from Nozdrev?
5) How is the definition given by Gogol to the latter a "historical person" confirmed at the end of Chichikov's visit to Nozdrev?
6) Considering that Gogol divides his heroes into “wasteful” and “accumulators”, which of them is Nozdryov?

Chapter 5.
1) It is known that things bear the imprint of the character of the person to whom they belong.
How do the house and things in Sobakevich's house emphasize his essence and what does it consist of?
2) What animal does this hero have a portrait resemblance to? Through what details is it emphasized?
3) How does this hero characterize the fact that he did not say a kind word about any of the city officials: he called the chairman of the chamber a fool; the governor - a robber; a police chief a swindler; the prosecutor is a pig?
4) Mark the character traits of this hero:
Greed, daydreaming, extravagance, sentimentality, rapacity, projection, love of revelry and card games, religiosity, loves to eat deliciously and plentifully, cynicism, ill will.
5) Is it an indicator of love and respect for ordinary peasants that Sobakevich in a conversation with Chichikov assesses their working qualities, or is there some kind of intent behind it?
6) Why did Chichikov refer to him as a "fist"? Is he a "wasteful" or "accumulator"? How did Sobakevich react to Chichikov's offer to sell him "dead souls"? What price did Chichikov and Sobakevich agree on?

\\ 6 chapter.
1) What feelings does the reader feel about the description of a large village and Plyushkin's manor house in this chapter?
2) The description of the house is given against the background of an old garden. What artistic technique does Gogol use for this?
3) Chichikov wondered for a long time, when he first saw Plyushkin, "is it a man or a woman." What does the writer emphasize in the appearance of the hero?
4) In this chapter there are many signs - symbols: mold, dust, rot, cobwebs, a bunch of things in the corner of the room ... “And how insignificant, pettiness and disgusting man could condescend!” - exclaims Gogol. Give examples of this pettiness and insignificance in the behavior of the hero.
5) Manilov is gentle with his wife, dreams of a lofty friendship; Nozdryov looks like a "dear father" among dogs; Sobakevich by at least Chichikov called him an agreeable person; Korobochka is compassionate to lost travelers .. And what is Stepan Plyushkin in relation to his peasants, relatives? What signs of "hospitality" did he show Chichikov?
6) Mark the features characteristic of Plyushkin:
love of revelry
ill will
7) How did Chichikov's visit to Plyushkin end? Was the "negotiation" successful?
8) “Take with you on the way, leaving the soft youthful years ... all human movements, do not leave them on the road, do not raise them later ...”, - Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol writes. What is he warning us about?

Questions were made by: Teacher Sokovykh N.N. (School number 250 g SP-b)