
How ancient Greek myths explained the origin of the world. Myths about the origin of man. I. Myths about the creation of the Universe from the World Egg

Legends about the origin of humanity. Legends different nations surprisingly have a lot of overlaps. Initially, all ancient peoples had faith in one God, the most important, the creator of the entire universe and all that exists. For many ancient myths, it is characteristic that initially everything had an anthropomorphic appearance - all creatures, animals, objects, natural phenomena. Therefore, the emergence of a person is often presented not so much as his creation, as his isolation from the number of other human-like creatures, which gradually lose their human appearance, which is preserved only in humans. (Totemistic myths).

Ancient Indian myths. The progenitor of the world was Brahma. People appeared from the body of Purusha - the primordial man, whom the gods sacrificed at the beginning of the world. From this sacrifice, hymns and tunes, horses, bulls, goats and sheep were born. From his mouth arose priests, his hands became warriors, from his thighs were created farmers, and from his feet the lower class was born. From the mind of Purusha a month arose, from the eye - the sun, fire was born from his mouth, and from his breath - the wind. Air came from his navel, the sky came from his head, and the sides of the world were created from his ears, and his legs became earth. Thus, out of the great sacrifice, the eternal gods created the world. From the descendants of Brahma, other gods began to arise, and in total there were thirty-three thousand, thirty-three hundred and thirty-three more.
According to Hindu beliefs, the universe is divided into 14 regions, and the Earth is the seventh from the top. Together with the sun, the lord of the solar disk arose - the god Vishnu, who could take various forms, ranging from a fish and a turtle to a human form. In the form of a boar, Vishnu plunged into the depths and lifted all the earth from the depths on his fangs. Soon the land was inhabited by animals and birds.

The birth of a person. In ancient Slavic mythology, people were born by Gods, and considered their Gods as a family, relatives.

It is worth noting that the legends of the ancient peoples underwent significant changes during the wars of conquest (especially in the American continent). But in the mythology of various peoples, an amazing collorite of local customs has been preserved.
Creation of man.
In many ancient beliefs, humans are artificially created by the gods. Man was created or created by God, deified beings. So in the myths of the Sumerians, the origin of mankind from aliens. Perhaps this also includes the Indian myths about the Lunar ancestors in the Prologue legend - "The Great Lords gave the order to the Lords of the Moon - Pitris - to create people."
What were humans created for? This issue is not discussed in totemic legends. The main thing is to create a good, correct person. All Sumerian and Babylonian myths agree on one thing: that man should serve the gods, perform temple rituals and feed the gods. Also in Egyptian mythology, the gods created the world specifically for people, demanding from them in return only worship, the erection of temples and regular sacrifices. In Jewish mythology, man was created to cultivate, cultivate the land.

How man was created. Scandinavian mythology Northern, Scandinavian and Germanic, the ancient religion is known as Odinism (in honor of Odin), as well as asatru (Icelandic term meaning "faith (tru) in the gods (ases)") or simply as troth (from English troth - faith or loyalty). It was believed that the structure of the world cannot be reflected in a two-dimensional or even three-dimensional model. It consists of nine worlds, or spheres. The first man and woman were created from trees by the triad of gods of consciousness (Wotan-Willie-Ve, or Odin-Khenir-Lodur). The man was made of ash, and the woman was made of elm. The first people did not breathe, they did not have spirit, blush on their faces, warmth and even voice. But then Odin gave them breath, Henir gave them spirit, and Lodur gave them warmth and blush. This is how the first people appeared, and their name was: a man - Ask, and a woman - Embla.
Greece. The ancient Greeks, as far as can be judged from the sources that have come down to us, the origin of people was of little interest. They were interested in the gods, their birth and death, their intrigues and exploits. The Greek gods did not separate themselves from people with an impregnable wall, but even took part in earthly affairs. In Greek mythology, a new kind of people originated from stone. The only people who could survive the flood were Deucalion and his wife Pyrrha. And the great gods invited them to create a new humanity. Deucalion and Pyrrha, according to legend, began to throw stones behind their backs, and the stones began to turn into statues. The statues sang songs, Deucalion and Pyrrha had to choose one they liked
them a song about humanity, and they chose from all the songs a story about greek heroes: about Theseus, Hercules and other demigods. And thus humanity was reborn on earth. But by no means all Greeks were descended from stones. Some tribes considered themselves autochthonous, that is, arising from the earth. The Thebans, for example, thought that they came from the teeth of the dragon killed by the Phoenician Cadmus, which he sowed into the ground.

Apparently, a later borrowing in Greek mythology: People were molded from earth and water by Prometheus, the son of the titan Iapetus, cousin Zeus. According to some myths, people and animals were created by the Greek gods in the depths of the earth from a mixture of fire and earth, and the gods instructed Prometheus and Epimetheus to distribute abilities between them.

The creation of people from clay or earth, by analogy with the Biblical version, is found in almost all Indo-European mythology. Linguists even note that in the Hebrew language the words "earth" and "man" have a similar origin. (there is a connection between the Latin words homo - man and humus earth).
Egyptian mythology In ancient Egyptian myths, little attention is paid to the creation of man. Although the myths make it clear that Ra - Atum - Khepri created himself, emerging from the chaos, which was called Nun, or the First Ocean. This ocean had no physical dimensions or time. The newborn god could not find a place where he could stay, and therefore created a hill, or rather the island of Ben-ben. Already on solid ground, he began to create other gods. Thus, the Great Nine of Gods arose - the Heliopolis Ennead. In Memphis, many gods were included in the myth of the creation of the world, subjugating them Ptah, who acted as the creator of everything. It is interesting that here the creation of the world was not a physical process, but exclusively by thought and word.
The Egyptians believed that people and their Ka (soul) were molded from clay by the ram-headed god Khnum. He is the main creator of the world. He sculpted the whole world on a potter's wheel, the first people and animals from clay.

Among the peoples of Africa (the supreme deity of the Dogons Amma makes the first human couple from raw clay.
In one of the variants of the Sumerian myth, Enki and Ninmah first mold "successful" people from the clay of the underground world ocean, and then, drunk, create freaks.
In the Sumerian myth of Lahar and Ashnan: At the behest of Nammu, the mother of the gods and Ninmah, with the help of other gods, mixing water and clay, man was created.
According to the Akkadian version, Marduk (together with the god Eya) makes people from clay mixed with the blood of the Kingu monster he killed.
In the Babylonian creation myth, called "Enuma Elish", the creation of man is described in the sixth tablet (seven were found). The god Marduk from clay mixed with the blood of the murdered god Kingu, in the image and likeness of Kingu creates people,

In Jewish mythology, there are two options for the creation of the world. In both versions of the myth, a person is created from clay, and life fills the clay in one case with the blood of Yahweh in the other with divine breath

At the Turks. Humanity was born on a black mountain. In a cave alone
a pit was formed, which in shape resembled a human body,
the streams of rain carried away the clay and filled the mold. Clay,
warmed by the sun, remained in shape for nine months. And after
nine months the first man came out of the cave: AI ATAM, whom
called the father of the moon.

At the Arabs. There is an option for creating the Old Testament. In their cosmogony
for a person to be born, an earth of four different colors is needed:
blue, black, white and red. God sent the angel Gabriel for her,
but when he bent down to gain land, the earth spoke
and asked what he wants. “Earth so that God can create
a person, ”Gabriel explained. The earth replied: “I cannot give you this
allow, because the person will be uncontrollable and want to destroy me. "
The angel Gabriel conveyed her opinion to God. Then God sent the angel Michael.
The same story happened. Exactly the same failure. The earth resisted again
the birth of a person. Then God sent the angel Azrael, whose feature was
that he was the angel of death. He was not convinced by the arguments of the land. So
Thus, man exists thanks to the angel of death, and therefore man is mortal.
From the brought earth, God created Adam. But that for forty years nothing
did, just lay on the ground. The angel could not understand why the person did not move.
He looked into Adam's mouth to find out what was inside him and realized
why Adam remains motionless. Inside, the man's body was empty. Then the angel
told about it to God, and he decided to give the person a soul. Adam came to life, and God, for
in order to give him an advantage over land, nature, plants and
animals, allowed him to name everything that surrounded him. One man has
the right to give names even to spirits (jinn) and mountains. And every time he
pronounces the name, he conquers the one whom he calls. (Taba ri, Arabic
chronicler of the 9th century, Caliphate Abba Sidov.)

U Mongol. Man was created by God, who dug a hole in the ground in the form
human figure. Then God caused a storm, and clay with streams of water
filled the hole (very similar to the Turkish version). The rain is over, moisture
dried up, and the man, like a cake out of a mold, came out of the pit.
In Altai mythology (Ulgen creates the first seven people from clay and reeds),

America. Iroquois. Yoskeha sculpts the first people from clay according to his reflection in the water.
Cahuilla Indians. Demiurge Mukat, who took out the black earth from his heart, creates from the body of people. Temayauit, who took out the white earth from his heart, unsuccessfully sculpts people with stomachs on both sides; with eyes on both sides of the head; when Mukat proved to him the failure of his creations, Temayahuit, angry, hides with them in the underworld, trying to drag the whole earth with him.
Mexicans (XVII century). the formation of the legend was equally influenced by ancient cults and Catholicism. God made a man out of pottery clay and put him in a furnace. But left it in the oven too long. Therefore, the man came out of the furnace burnt and black. God decided that he was mistaken, threw his child on the ground and ended up in Africa. But God did not stop there and created another person, whom he left in the furnace for a much shorter time. The man turned out to be completely white. God decided again that he was wrong. And again he threw the man to the ground and ended up in Europe. The third time, God took a closer look at the process and monitored the readiness of his product. He waited for the man to bake properly, until golden brown. This time, God did it. And slowly, very carefully, he placed a successful man in America. This is how the Mexicans appeared
North American Akoma tribe. the first two women learned in a dream that people live underground. They dug a hole and set people free.
The Incas. In Tiahuanaco, the creator of all things created the tribes there. He made from clay one person from each tribe and painted the dress that they were to wear; those who should be with long hair, sculpted with long hair, and those who should be cut with short hair; and each nation was given its own language, and its songs, and cereals, and food. When the creator finished this work, he breathed life and soul into every man and every woman and ordered them to go underground. And each tribe went out where it was ordered.
Central America. The first people were blinded by the gods from wet clay. But they did not meet the hopes of the great gods. Everything would be fine: both alive and able to speak, but how can clay fools even turn their heads? They stare at one point and goggle. And then they will begin to creep, sprinkle them with a little rain. But worst of all - they came out soulless, mindless ... The gods got down to business a second time. "Let's try to make people out of wood!" - they agreed. No sooner said than done. And the earth was inhabited by wooden idols. But they had no heart, and they were foolish.
And the gods decided to once again take up the creation of people. “To create people out of flesh and blood, we need a noble material that will endow them with life, strength, and intelligence,” the gods decided. They found this noble material - white and yellow maize (corn). They threshed the cobs, kneaded the dough, from which they made the first reasonable people.
Indians of Mexico. When everything was ready on Earth, Nohotsakyum created humans. The first were the kalsia, that is, the monkey people, then the koha-ko - the wild boar people, then the kapuk - the jaguar people and, finally, the chan-ka - the pheasant people. So he created different nations. He made them out of clay - men, women, children, fitted them with eyes, noses, arms, legs and everything else, then put the figurines into the fire, on which he usually baked tortillas (corn cakes). The fire hardened the clay, and people revived.

Anthropogonic myths of a totemic nature are of great interest, according to which a person once did not differ from animals (for example, he was covered with wool, as in the mythological ideas of the Selkups, Western Siberia). In Anthropogonic myths of a totemic nature, most often we are talking about the origin of not all people, but of a certain group, the zoomorphic totemic symbol of which is this or that animal.
The Tibetans arose on their own. Their ancestors were the mountain spirit Aryabalo and the monkey, which was the embodiment of Darehe. According to another legend, which explains the origin not of the world, but only of the Tibetan people, Tibetans descend from the monkey and the deity of the underworld and the waters of Lu. According to another version of the legend, it was not Avalokiteshvara himself who took the form of a male monkey, but sent his disciple to Tibet. A male monkey, settled in Tibet for contemplation, became the king of the monkeys that lived there. The monkey king was handsome, and the demoness of the mountains and rocks, Lu, fell in love with him. The similarity between man and monkey gave rise to two types of A. m. Of the opposite character. According to one of them, which exists in Tibet and among the Hazapi tribe in South Africa, man is descended from a monkey. According to another, known among the Bushmen, monkeys (baboons) were once people, but the mythological hero Tsagn turned them into monkeys, punishing them for killing his son. According to the myths of some other African peoples (bambuti, efe), chimpanzees - ancient peoplewho went into the forest because they were deceived by the pygmies.
America. Among the Sioux tribes. According to Sioux legend, man was created by the universe rabbit, who found
on the road a blood clot., turned out to be a real little boy,
the first boy in the world. Rabbit called this first person a rabbit
boy. This was the ancestor of the Sioux.
The myth of the North American Indians. Once it was such a hot summer that the pond in which the turtles lived was dry. Then the turtles decided to look for another place to live and hit the road. The fattest turtle took off its shell to make it easier for itself. So she went without a shell until she turned into a man - the ancestor of the Turtle clan.
The Navajo Indians. In the beginning, half-humans, half-beasts lived on earth. They crossed
three heavens, from which they were expelled because of their foolish deeds. Finally
they went down to earth, where four local gods: blue, white, black
and yellow, came to see them. The gods tried to teach them something when
using gestures, but the subhumans did not understand anything. Then all the gods except
alone, black, left them. The black god told the demi-humans that they
dirty and smelly fools. "The rest of the gods will return in four days," said
he them. "Wash yourselves and we will indulge in the human creation ceremony."
The gods brought with them various objects, deer skins and two ears of corn,
yellow and white. A man emerged from a white ear, and a woman emerged from a yellow one. They
made love under the awning and gave birth to five pairs of twins. The first twins were
hermaphrodites, but the rest gave birth to children, and these children got married with an alien
people. This is how modern humanity appeared.

Australian myths. At first, the Earth was covered by the sea, and at the bottom of the dried up primitive ocean and on the slopes of rocks protruding from the waves, there were already ... lumps of helpless creatures with glued fingers and teeth, closed ears and eyes. Other similar human "larvae" lived in water and looked like shapeless balls of raw meat, in which only the rudiments of human body parts were guessed. A flycatcher bird with a stone knife separated human embryos from each other, cut through their eyes, ears, mouth, nose, fingers .. She taught how to make fire by friction, cook food, gave them a spear, spear thrower, boomerang, each provided him with a personal churin goy ( the keeper of the soul).
Various Australian tribes consider kangaroos, emu, opossum, wild dog, lizard, crow, bat as their ancestors.
Once upon a time there lived two brothers, two twins - Bunjil and Palian. Bunjil could turn into a falcon, and Palian could turn into a crow. One brother made mountains and rivers on the earth with a wooden sword, and the other - salt water and fish that live in the sea. Once Bunjil took two pieces of bark, put clay on them and began to crush it with a knife, sculpting the legs, torso, arms and head - this is how he created a man. He made the second one. He was pleased with his work and danced the dance with joy. Since then, people have existed, since then they have been dancing with joy. He attached wood fibers to one man as hair, and to another, too - the first had curly hair, the second had straight. Since then, men of some genera have curly hair, while others have straight hair.

PS / Preliminary version. A brief incomplete review of the mythology of the peoples of the World, materials of research works, numerous articles on the Internet

Legends and myths ancient greece (ill.) Kun Nikolay Albertovich



The myths about the gods and their struggle with giants and titans are set forth mainly according to Hesiod's poem "Theogony" ("The Origin of the Gods"). Some legends are also borrowed from the poems of Homer "Iliad" and "Odyssey" and the poem of the Roman poet Ovid "Metamorphoses" ("Transformations").

In the beginning, there was only eternal, boundless, dark Chaos. It was the source of the life of the world. Everything arose out of boundless Chaos - the whole world and the immortal gods. Goddess Earth - Gaia also originated from Chaos. It is spread wide, powerful, giving life to everything that lives and grows on it. Far below the Earth, as far away as the immense, bright sky is far from us, in the immeasurable depth, the gloomy Tartarus was born - a terrible abyss full of eternal darkness. From Chaos, the source of life, was born a mighty force, which animates all Love - Eros. The world began to be created. Boundless Chaos gave birth to the eternal Darkness - Erebus and the dark Night - Nyukta. And from the Night and Darkness came the eternal Light - Ether and the joyful bright Day - Hemera. The light spread over the world, and night and day began to replace each other.

The mighty, blessed Earth gave birth to the boundless blue Sky - Uranus, and the Sky stretched over the Earth. The high Mountains, born of the Earth, proudly rose to him, and the eternally rustling Sea spread wide. Heaven, Mountains and Sea were born by Mother Earth, and they have no father.

Uranus - Heaven - reigned in the world. He took a blessed land for himself. Uranus and Gaia had six sons and six daughters - powerful, formidable titans. Their son, the titan Ocean, flowing around the whole earth like a boundless river, and the goddess Thetis gave birth to all the rivers that roll their waves to the sea, and the sea goddesses - oceanids. The Titan, Hiperion and Theia, gave the world children: the Sun - Helios, the Moon - Selene and the ruddy Dawn - rosy-toed Eos (Aurora). From Astrea and Eos came all the stars that burn in the dark night sky, and all the winds: the stormy north wind Boreas, the eastern Evrus, the humid southern Note and the gentle western wind Zephyr, carrying heavy rain clouds.

In addition to the titans, the mighty Earth gave birth to three giants - cyclops with one eye in their foreheads - and three huge, like mountains, fifty-headed giants - hundred-handed (hecatoncheirs), so named because each of them had a hundred hands. Nothing can resist their terrible power, their elemental power knows no limit.

God Cronus is the father of the god Zeus. (Bust of the 3rd century BC)

Uranus hated his giant children, he imprisoned them in the depths of the Earth goddess in deep darkness and did not allow them to come out into the light. Their mother Earth suffered. She was crushed by this terrible burden, enclosed in her bowels. She summoned her children, the titans, and persuaded them to rebel against the father of Uranus, but they were afraid to raise a hand against their father. Only the youngest of them, the insidious Cronus, cunningly overthrew his father and took power from him.

The Goddess of the Night gave birth to a whole host of terrible deities as punishment for Cronus: Thanata - death, Eridu - discord, Apatu - deception, Ker - destruction, Hypnos - a dream with a swarm of dark, heavy visions, Nemesis who knows no mercy - revenge for crimes, and many others. Horror, strife, deception, struggle and misfortune brought these gods into the world, where Cronus reigned on the throne of his father.

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The controversy between the supporters of the theory of creationism and the evolutionary theory continues to this day. However, unlike the theory of evolution, creationism includes not one, but hundreds of different theories (if not more). In this article, we will tell you about ten of the most unusual myths of antiquity.

10. The myth of Pan-gu

The Chinese have their own ideas about how the world came to be. The most popular myth is that of Pan-gu, the giant man. The plot is as follows: at the dawn of time, Heaven and Earth were so close to each other that they merged into a single black mass.

According to legend, this mass was an egg, and Pan-gu lived inside it, and lived for a long time - many millions of years. But one fine day he got tired of such a life, and, waving a heavy ax, Pan-gu got out of his egg, splitting it into two parts. These parts, subsequently, became Heaven and Earth. His height was unimaginable - some kind of fifty kilometers in length, which, by the standards of the ancient Chinese, was the distance between Heaven and Earth.

Unfortunately for Pan-gu and fortunately for us, the colossus was mortal and, like all mortals, died. And then Pan-gu decayed. But not the way we do it - Pan-gu was decomposing really steeply: his voice turned into thunder, his skin and bones became the solid earth, and his head became the Cosmos. So, his death gave life to our world.

9. Chernobog and Belobog

This is one of the most significant myths of the Slavs. It tells about the confrontation between Good and Evil - the White and Black gods. It all started like this: when there was only one continuous sea around, Belobog decided to create dry land, sending his shadow - Chernobog - to do all the dirty work. Chernobog did everything as expected, however, having a selfish and proud nature, he did not want to share power over the firmament with Belobog, deciding to drown the latter.

Belobog got out of this situation, did not allow himself to be killed, and even blessed the land erected by Chernobog. However, with the advent of land, one small problem arose: its area grew exponentially, threatening to swallow everything around.

Then Belobog sent his delegation to Earth in order to find out from Chernobog how to stop this business. Well, Chernobog got on a goat and went to negotiations. The delegates, seeing Chernobog galloping towards them on a goat, were imbued with the comicality of this spectacle and burst into wild laughter. Chernobog did not understand the humor, was very offended and flatly refused to talk to them.

Meanwhile, Belobog, still wanting to save the Earth from dehydration, decided to arrange surveillance for Chernobog, having made a bee for this purpose. The insect coped with the task successfully and found out the secret, which consisted in the following: to stop the growth of land, it is necessary to draw a cross on it and say the cherished word - "enough". What Belobog did.

To say that Chernobog was not happy is to say nothing. Wanting to take revenge, he cursed Belobog, and cursed him in a very original way - for his meanness, Belobog was now supposed to eat bee feces all his life. However, Belobog was not at a loss, and made the bee excrement as sweet as sugar - this is how honey appeared. For some reason, the Slavs did not think about how people appeared ... The main thing is that there is honey.

8. Armenian duality

Armenian myths resemble Slavic ones, and also tell us about the existence of two opposite principles - this time male and female. Unfortunately, the myth does not answer the question of how our world was created, it only explains how everything around is arranged. But this does not make it less interesting.

So, here's a short summary: Heaven and Earth are husband and wife, who were separated by the ocean; The sky is a city, and the Earth is a piece of rock, which is held on its huge horns by an equally huge bull - when it rocks its horns, the earth is bursting at the seams from earthquakes. That, in fact, is all - this is how the Armenians imagined the Earth.

There is also an alternative myth, where the Earth is in the middle of the sea, and Leviathan swims around it, trying to grab onto its own tail, and constant earthquakes were also explained by its floundering. When Leviathan finally grabs himself by the tail, life on Earth will stop and the apocalypse will come. Have a nice day.

7. The Scandinavian myth of the ice giant

It would seem that the Chinese and the Scandinavians have nothing in common - but no, the Vikings also had their own giant - the beginning of everything, only his name was Ymir, and he was ice-cold and with a club. Before his appearance, the world was divided into Muspelheim and Niflheim - the realms of fire and ice, respectively. And between them stretched the Ginnungagap, symbolizing absolute chaos, and there, from the merger of two opposite elements, Ymir was born.

And now closer to us, to people. When Ymir began to sweat, a man and a woman crawled out of his right armpit along with the sweat. Strange, yes, we understand that - well, they are, severe Vikings, nothing can be done. But back to the point. The man's name was Buri, he had a son, Ber, and Ber had three sons - Odin, Vili and Ve. The three brothers were gods and ruled over Asgard. This seemed to them not enough, and they decided to kill Ymir's great-grandfather, making the world out of him.

Ymir was not happy, but no one asked him. In the process, he shed a lot of blood - enough to fill the seas and oceans; from the skull of the unfortunate brothers they created the vault of heaven, they broke his bones, making mountains and boulders out of them, and from the torn brains of poor Ymir they made clouds.

Odin and the company immediately decided to settle this new world: so they found two beautiful trees on the seashore - ash and alder, making a man out of ash, and a woman out of alder, thereby giving rise to the human race.

6. Greek myth of balls

Like many other peoples, the ancient Greeks believed that before our world appeared, there was only continuous chaos around. There was no sun or moon - everything was piled up in one big heap, where things were inseparable from each other.

But then a certain god came, looked at the disorder reigning around, thought and decided that all this was not good, and got down to business: he separated the cold from the heat, the foggy morning from the clear day, and so on.

Then he set to work on the Earth, rolling it into a ball and dividing this ball into five parts: it was very hot at the equator, extremely cold at the poles, but between the poles and the equator - just right, you can't imagine more comfortable. Further, from the seed of an unknown god, most likely Zeus, the Romans known as Jupiter, the first man was created - two-faced and also in the shape of a ball.

And then he was torn in two, making him a man and a woman - the future of you and me.

5. The Egyptian god who loved his shadow very much

In the beginning there was a great ocean, whose name was "Nu", and this ocean was Chaos, and apart from it there was nothing. Not until Atum, by an effort of will and thought, created himself out of this Chaos. Yes, the man had eggs. But further - more and more interesting. So, he created himself, now it was necessary to create land in the ocean. Which he did. After wandering the earth and realizing his total loneliness, Atum became unbearably bored, and he decided to scold more gods. How? And like that, an ardent, passionate feeling for his own shadow.

Thus, having fertilized, Atum gave birth to Shu and Tefnut, spitting them out of his mouth. But, apparently, he overdid it, and the newborn gods were lost in the ocean of Chaos. Atum grieved, but soon, to his relief, he nevertheless found and found his children again. He was so glad to be reunited that he cried for a long, long time, and his tears, touching the ground, fertilized it - and from the ground people grew up, many people! Then, while people were fertilizing each other, Shu and Tefnut also had coitus, and they gave life to other gods - more gods to the god of gods! - Gebu and Nutu, who became the personification of the Earth and the sky.

There is another myth in which Atum replaces Ra, but this does not change the basic essence - there, too, everyone fertilizes each other en masse.

4. The myth of the Yoruba people - about the Sands of Life and chicken

There is such an African people - the Yoruba. So, they also have their own myth about the origin of all things.

In general, it was like this: there was only one God, his name was Olorun, and one fine day the thought occurred to him - that the Earth should be arranged somehow (then the Earth was one continuous wasteland).

Olorun did not really want to do this himself, so he sent his son - Obotala to Earth. However, at that time, Obotala had more important things to do (in fact, a gorgeous party was planned in heaven then, and Obotala simply could not miss it).

While Obotala was having fun, the responsibility was shifted to Odudawa. With nothing on hand but chicken and sand, Oudawa got down to business. His principle was as follows: he took sand from a cup, sprinkled it on the Earth, and then let the chicken run on the sand and trample it down well.

After performing several such simple manipulations, Odudawa created the land of Lfe or Lle-lfe. This is where Oudawa's story ends, and Obootala reappears on the stage, this time drunk on the blackboard - the party was a success.

And so, being in a state of divine alcoholic intoxication, Olorun's son began to create us humans. It turned out very badly for him, and he caused invalids, dwarfs and freaks. Having sober up, Obotala was horrified and quickly corrected everything, making people normal.

According to another version, Obotala never got better, and Odudawa also made people, simply by lowering us from the sky and at the same time assigning himself the status of the ruler of humanity.

3. Aztec "War of the Gods"

According to the Aztec myth, no original Chaos existed. But there was a primary order - an absolute vacuum, impenetrably black and endless, in which the Supreme God, Ometeotl, lived in some strange way. He had a dual nature, possessing both feminine and masculine principles, was good and at the same time evil, was both warm and cold, truth and lies, white and black.

He gave birth to the rest of the gods: Huitzilopochtli, Quetzalcoatl, Tezcatlipoca and Sipe Totec, who, in turn, created giants, water, fish and other gods.

Tezcatlipoca ascended to heaven, sacrificing himself and becoming the Sun. However, there he encountered Quetzalcoatl, entered the battle with him and lost to him. Quetzalcoatl threw Tezcatlipoca from the firmament and became the Sun himself. Then, Quetzalcoatl gave birth to humans and gave them nuts to eat.

Tezcatlipoca, still melting a grudge against Quetzalcoatl, decided to take revenge on his creations by turning people into apes. Seeing what became of his first people, Quetzalcoatl fell into a rage and caused a powerful hurricane that scattered the vile monkeys all over the world.

While Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoc were at odds with each other, Tialoc and Chalchiuhtlicue also turned into suns to continue the cycle of day and night. However, the fierce battle between Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca affected them too - then they too were thrown from heaven.

In the end, Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoc ended the enmity, forgetting past grievances and creating new people from the dead bones and blood of Quetzalcoatl - the Aztecs.

2. Japanese "World Cauldron"

Japan. Chaos again, again in the form of an ocean, this time as dirty as a swamp. In this ocean swamp grew a magical reed (or reed), and from this reed (or reed), like our children from cabbage, gods were born, a great many of them. All together they were called Kotoamatsuki - and this is all that is known about them, for as soon as they were born, they immediately rushed to hide in the reeds. Or in the reeds.

While they were hiding, new gods appeared, including Idzinami and Idzinagi. They began stirring the ocean until it thickened and formed the land - Japan. Idzinami and Idzinagi had a son, Ebisu, who became the god of all fishermen, a daughter, Amaterasu, who became the Sun, and another daughter, Tsukiyomi, who turned into the Moon. They also had one more son, the last one - Susanoo, who for his violent disposition received the status of the god of wind and storms.

1. Lotus flower and "Om-m"

Like many other religions, Hinduism also features the concept of the emergence of the world from emptiness. Well, like from the void - there was an endless ocean in which a giant cobra swam, and there was Vishnu, who slept on the tail of the cobra. And nothing more.

Time passed, days followed one another, and it seemed that it would always be so. But once everything around was announced by a sound that had never been heard before - the sound of "Om-m", and the previously empty world was overwhelmed with energy. Vishnu awoke from sleep, and Brahma appeared from the lotus flower on his navel. Vishnu ordered Brahma to create the world, and in the meantime he disappeared, taking with him a snake.

Brahma, sitting in a lotus position on a lotus flower, set to work: he divided the flower into three parts, using one to create Heaven and Hell, the other to create the Earth, and the third to create the sky. Then Brahma created animals, birds, people and trees, thus creating all living things.


Egypt ethnical mythology
The Egyptians believed that people and their Ka (soul) were molded from clay by the ram-headed god Khnum. He is the main creator of the world. He sculpted the whole world on a potter's wheel and in the same way created people and animals.

Ancient Indian myth
The progenitor of the world was Brahma. People appeared from the body of Purusha - the primordial man, whom the gods sacrificed at the beginning of the world. They threw him, like a sacrificial animal, on the straw, poured oil over him, and overlaid with wood. From this sacrifice, dismembered into parts, hymns and tunes, horses, bulls, goats and sheep were born. From his mouth arose priests, his hands became warriors, from his thighs were created farmers, and from his feet the lower class was born. From the mind of Purusha the month arose, from the eye - the sun, fire was born from his mouth, and from the breath - the wind. Air came from his navel, the sky came from his head, and the sides of the world were created from his ears, and his legs became earth. Thus, out of the great sacrifice, the eternal gods created the world.

Greek mythology
According to Greek mythology, people were molded from earth and water by Prometheus, the son of the titan Iapetus, a cousin of Zeus. Prometheus created people looking at the sky, in the likeness of the gods.
According to some myths, people and animals were created by the Greek gods in the depths of the earth from a mixture of fire and earth, and the gods instructed Prometheus and Epimetheus to distribute the abilities between them. Epimetheus is to blame for the defenselessness of people, since he spent all the abilities to live on earth on animals, so Prometheus had to take care of people (he gave them fire, etc.).

The myth of the peoples of Central America
The first people were blinded by the gods from wet clay. But they did not meet the hopes of the great gods. Everything would be fine: both alive and able to speak, but how can clay fools even turn their heads? They stare at one point and goggle. And then they will begin to creep, sprinkle them with a little rain. But worst of all - they came out soulless, brainless ...
The gods got down to business a second time. "Let's try to make people out of wood!" - they agreed. No sooner said than done. And the earth was inhabited by wooden idols. But they had no heart, and they were foolish.
And the gods decided to once again take up the creation of people. “To create people out of flesh and blood, we need a noble material that will give them life, strength, and intelligence,” the gods decided. They found this noble material - white and yellow maize (corn). They threshed the cobs, kneaded the dough, from which they made the first reasonable people.

North American Indian myth
Once it was such a hot summer that the pond in which the turtles lived was dry. Then the turtles decided to look for another place to live and hit the road.
The fattest turtle took off its shell to make it easier for itself. So she walked without a shell until she turned into a man - the ancestor of the Turtle clan.

The myth of the North American Akoma tribetells that the first two women learned in a dream that people live underground. They dug a hole and set people free.

Inca myth
In Tiahuanaco, the creator of all things created the tribes there. He made from clay one person from each tribe and painted the dress that they were to wear; those who should have long hair were sculpted with long hair, and those who should be cut with short ones; and each nation was given its own language, and its songs, and cereals, and food.
When the creator finished this work, he breathed life and soul into every man and every woman and ordered them to go underground. And each tribe went out where it was ordered.

Mexican Indian myth
When everything was ready on Earth, Nohotsakyum created humans. The first were the kalsia, that is, the monkey people, then the koha-ko - the wild boar people, then the kapuk - the jaguar people and, finally, the chan-ka - the pheasant people. So he created different nations. He made them out of clay - men, women, children, fitted them with eyes, noses, hands, feet and everything else, then put the figurines into a fire, on which he usually baked tortillas (corn cakes). The fire hardened the clay and people revived.

Australian myths
At first, the Earth was covered by the sea, and at the bottom of the dried up primitive ocean and on the slopes of rocks protruding from the waves, there were already ... lumps of helpless creatures with glued fingers and teeth, closed ears and eyes. Other similar human "larvae" lived in water and looked like shapeless balls of raw meat, in which only the rudiments of human body parts were guessed. A flycatcher with a stone knife separated human embryos from each other, cut through their eyes, ears, mouth, nose, fingers ... She taught how to make fire by friction, cook food, gave them a spear, a spear thrower, a boomerang, each gave him a personal churin goy (guardian of the soul).
Various Australian tribes consider kangaroos, emu, opossum, wild dog, lizard, crow, bat as their ancestors.

Once upon a time there lived two brothers, two twins - Bunjil and Palian. Bunjil could turn into a falcon, and Palian could turn into a crow. One brother made mountains and rivers on the earth with a wooden sword, and the other - salt water and fish that live in the sea. Once Bunjil took two pieces of bark, put clay on them and began to crush it with a knife, sculpting the legs, torso, arms and head - this is how he created a man. He made the second one. He was pleased with his work and danced the dance with joy. Since then, people have existed, since then they have been dancing with joy. He attached wood fibers to one man as hair, and to another also - the first had curly hair, the second had straight. Since then, men of some genera have curly hair, while others have straight hair.

Scandinavian mythology
Having created the world, Odin (the supreme deity) and his brothers decided to populate it. Once on the seashore they found two trees: an ash and an alder. The gods cut them down and made a man out of ash and a woman out of alder. Then one of the gods breathed life into them, another gave them intelligence, and the third - blood and ruddy cheeks. This is how the first people appeared, and their name was: a man - Ask, and a woman - Embla.

The creation of the world is the initial issue in any religion. How and when everything that surrounds man was born - plants, birds, animals, man himself.

Science promotes its theory - there was a big bang in the universe, and this gave rise to the galaxy and the planets around. If the general scientific theory of the creation of the world is the same, then different peoples have their own legends about this.

Creation myths

What is a myth? This is a legend about the origin of life, the role of God and man in it. There are a huge number of such legends.

According to Jewish history, Heaven and Earth were originally. The material for their creation was God's clothing and snow. According to another version, the whole world is an interweaving of threads of fire, water and snow.

According to Egyptian mythology, initially, darkness and chaos reigned everywhere. Only the young God Ra, who shed light and gave life, could defeat him. In one version, he hatched from an egg, and according to another version, he was born from a lotus flower. It is noteworthy that there are many variations in the Egyptian theory, and in many there are images of animals, birds, insects.

In the stories of the Sumerians, the world arose when the flat Earth and the dome of Heaven united and gave birth to a son - the God of air. Then the deities of water and plants appear. Here for the first time it is said about the emergence of a person from another organ.

The Greek myth of the origin of the world is based on the concept of chaos that engulfed everything around, the sun and the moon were inseparable, cold was combined with heat. A certain God came and separated all opposites from each other. He also created a man and a woman from a single matter.

The parable of the ancient Slavs is based on the same chaos that reigned everywhere and around. There are deities of time, earth, darkness, wisdom. According to this legend, all living things appeared from dust - people, plants, animals. The stars came from here. Therefore, it is said that the stars, like man, are not eternal.

Creation of the world according to the Bible

Holy Scripture is the main book of Orthodox believers. Here you can find answers to all questions. This also applies to the origin of the world, humans and animals, plants.

The Bible contains five books that tell the whole story. These books were written by Moses during his wanderings with the Jewish people. All the revelations of God were initially recorded in one volume, but then it was divided.

The beginning of the Holy Scripture is the Book of Genesis. Its name from Greek means "beginning", which speaks of the content. It is here that the story of how the birth of life, the first man, the first society took place.

As the Scriptures say, a person by his existence carries the highest goal - love, benefactor, improvement. He keeps the breath of God himself - the soul.

According to the biblical story, the world was not created for eternity. How many days did it take for God to create a life-filled world? Even children know this today.

How God created the earth in 7 days

The emergence of the world in such a short time is briefly described in the Holy Scriptures. In the book there is no detailed description, everything is symbolic. Understanding goes beyond age and time - it is what is stored for centuries. The story goes that only God can create the world out of nothing.

The first day of the creation of the world

God created "heaven" and "earth". Don't take it literally. This does not mean matter, but certain forces, entities, angels.

On the same day, God separated the darkness from the light, so he created day and night.

Second day

At this time, a certain "firmament" is created. The personification of the separation of water on the ground and air. Thus, it is said about creating an airspace, a kind of atmosphere for life.

The third day

The Almighty orders the water to gather in a single place and make room for the formation of land. So the land itself appeared, and the water around became seas and oceans.

Fourth day

Notable for the formation of heavenly bodies - night and day. Stars appear.

Now there is a possibility of timing. The sun and moon replacing each other count the days, seasons, years.

The fifth day

Life appears on earth. Birds, fish, animals. This is where the great phrase "be fruitful and multiply" sounds. God gives rise to the first individuals who themselves will raise their offspring in this heavenly place.

Sixth day

God creates man “in his own image and likeness,” breathes life into him. Man is molded from clay, and the breath of God revives dead material, gives him a soul.

Adam is the first person, male. He lives in the Garden of Eden and understands the languages \u200b\u200bof the world around him. Despite the diversity of life around, he is alone. God creates a helper for him - a woman Eve from his rib while Adam sleeps.

Seventh day

Named Saturday. It is set aside for rest and service to God.

This is how the world was born. What is the exact date of the creation of the world according to the Bible? This is still the main and most difficult question. There is a statement that the time is described long before the advent of modern chronology.

Another opinion suggests the opposite, that the events in the Holy Book are our time. The figure ranges from 3483 to 6984 years. But the generally accepted point of the report is considered to be 5508 BC.

Bible Creation for Children

The initiation of children into the doctrine of God teaches the correct principles of behavior and indicates undeniable values. However, the Bible as it is is difficult for an adult to understand, let alone a child's perception.

In order for a child to study the basic book of Christians himself, a children's Bible was invented. A colorful, illustrated edition written in a language understandable to the kid.

The story of the creation of the world from the Old Testament tells that initially there was nothing. And God has always been. A very brief account of all seven days of creation. It also tells the story of the origin of the first people and how they betrayed God.

The story of Adam and Abel is described. These stories are instructive for children and teach the correct attitude towards others, elders, nature. Cartoons and feature films come to the rescue, which clearly show the events described in Scripture.

There is no age or time for religion. It is beyond all that exists. To understand the origin of the environment and the role of a person in the world, to find harmony and your own path is possible only by understanding the values \u200b\u200bthat faith carries.