
Mike Tyson - full info

Full information

Mike Tyson  or Michael Gerard Tyson (born Mike Tyson, Michael Gerard Tyson), who was born in the American city of New York in Brownsville on June 30, 1966, is an outstanding heavyweight champion weight category  in boxing. He became one of the most popular boxers in the world, most of the inhabitants of the planet know his name. Behind his shoulders is a rather large list of fights held and ended in victory (mostly knockouts). The take-off of a sports career began with a victory at the Olympic Games in the first heavy category among juniors, which took place in 1982. Then the audience watched spectacular victories in the professional ring for four years (from 1986 to 1990), as a result of which Mike Tyson became the absolute owner of champion belts among heavyweights (WBC and WBA versions 1986-1990, and then in 1996, and the IBF version - 1987-1990).

In the period from 1988 to 1990, Mike became the first linear champion in the history of world boxing. Back in 1985, the editors of the popular Ring magazine published an article in which Tyson was awarded the title of Boxer with a Great Future. Later they gave him the title of best boxer in all weight categories for the period from 1987 to 1989. Further popularity in the boxing world gained momentum and Tyson was given a new title “Boxer of the Year” according to the same magazine “Ring” (1986-1988) and “BWAA” (1986-1988). After a while in 1989, Mike received another prestigious title "Person of the Year in Sports" according to the publisher of the Air Force. After such a brilliant career and the number of awards listed above, he gets to the top of world boxing: in 2010 he is part of the World Boxing Hall of Fame, in 2011 - the Hall of Fame of International Boxing, in 2012 - the boxing hall according to WWE and in 2013 - famous boxing gym in pc. Nevada. Then, in Las Vegas, at the 49th annual meeting of the WBC, he was included in the Guinness World Records Book and he was officially, with all the honors, awarded a certificate. " Best boxer  by the number and speed of knockouts carried out "and another certificate" Winner of the champion title among heavyweights at a very young age. "

Tyson four times, this is more than others, was awarded the title "Unique event of the year" according to the publisher "Ring": 1995 - article on the theme "Tyson returns", 1997 - "The bitten off ear of Evander Holyfield during the battle", 1998 - "Mike Tyson regained strength, goes into battle," 2002 - "A loud scandal between Tyson and Llis during a press conference." He is “The best boxer-knocker in the history of world boxing” and “The toughest and ruthless boxer in the world” according to ESPN. Mike Tyson became a champion in the history of world boxing, whose indicators so far no one could beat. He is awarded the title "Youngest World Champion in the Heavy Weight Category" at only 20 years old, and at 21 he is already an absolute heavyweight champion among professionals. Since taking off in a sports career, it took him only 1.8 years to become the youngest champion and, accordingly, 2.5 years for the absolute championship among heavyweights. Tyson  for the first time becomes the owner of all three championship belts (versions of WBC, WBA, IBF), which have been consistently won in uncompromising fights. He defended this title six more times continuously, giving no chance for rivals. Mike collected the biggest fees in the world for fights. A list was made of the ten most expensive fights, of which Tyson spent six of them, because the audience liked to watch the spectacle that he showed in the ring and did not spare any funds for his own pleasure. Analyzing the statistics of the fights, we can safely call Mike Tyson - “The fastest boxer-knockout”, because he knocked out 9 opponents in the first minute of the round, and the fastest is the 8-second knockout at the Olympic Games among juniors.

Mike Tyson was imprisoned three times: in 1992 he was sentenced to six years in prison for a rather strange rape, but after spending three years in prison, he was released ahead of schedule; in 1998 - he beat people who ran into his car, spent 3.5 months in prison; 2008 - was arrested for drugs, under the influence of which he drove a car, spent a day and was released. In his youth, he repeatedly served time in penal colonies for minors for robbery, theft and hooliganism. Raises eight children. In the gym, due to tragic circumstances, his 4-year-old daughter is killed, he was very upset by the loss and began to use illegal drugs. Sinking lower and lower, he still managed to gather his will into a fist and be reborn. Today, Mike lives in Phoenix. Arizona, leads a righteous life, studying Islam (from the Arabic language his name is Malik Abdul Aziz), devotes a lot of time to his family, became a vegetarian. He founded his own promotion company (English Iron Mike Promotions), began to engage in acting, in particular starred in documentaries: and "Beyond Glory", in 1994 became a co-author in writing the autobiographical script to.

For his tough boxing style and great achievements in the world of boxing, he was given the nickname - “Iron Mike” (from the English “Iron Mike”), as well as “The coolest man on the planet” (from the English Baddest Man on the Planet), ” King of knockouts "(from the English. King KO) and" Kid Dynamite "(from the English. Kid Dynamite). Mike Tyson boxed in the amateur and professional boxing, his usual stance is left-sided, boxed in the first heavy and heavy category. The main style of warfare is rush-a-boo. With a height of 178 cm, the arm span reached 180 cm. These are unprofitable proportions for heavyweights, peculiar only to unique champions. In 1989, Mike Tyson won the first place in the “Best Position” category according to BoxRec rating, having received the maximum number of points - 2138. As for boxing in the amateur arena, he spent 60 fights there, of which 6 losses, 54 wins. On On the professional level, Tyson held the first fight on March 6, 1985, the last on June 11, 2005. During this period, 58 fights took place: he won 50 (44 of them by knockout), 6 losses, but there are two more matches that were declared as failed, the result is not counted.

Boxer Biography

Mike Tyson was born in the summer of June 30, 1966 in New York Brooklyn, in Brownsville. His mother's name was Lorna Smith, and his father, who abandoned a pregnant mother, was Jimmy Kirkpatrick. It was her second husband, and the boy received the surname "Tyson" from the first spouse and left her. Mike was the youngest child in the family, the eldest were sister Denise and brother Rodney. As a child, Mike was a very calm, balanced and obedient boy who could not protect himself even in front of the girls. Probably there wasn’t such a child in Brooklyn who wouldn’t offend Mike - these were the yard children, classmates, neighborhood children and even a brother who was supposed to protect him from all offenders. Such mockery lasted ten long years, until something inside the boy broke. Now he could repulse any person, whether it be a peer, a high school student or twice as many ambals. There was once an incident in his childhood, after which many of his peers began to respect him. This happened when a street brawler tore his head from Mike's favorite bird. Fury and anger overwhelmed him and he attacked the offender, beating him half to death. Now he was mistaken for his own in a local gang, where he became a real pickpocket, a robber and a street robber.

It was Mike’s lifestyle that could not pass without a trace: he several times ended up in a colony for juvenile delinquents, where he was fortunate enough to see the legend of world boxing - Mohamed Ali. From time to time, he visited such difficult places to conduct educational work for complex teenagers. Such a meeting turned something upside down in Mike’s head and he decided that he would devote himself to boxing. When Mike was thirteen years old, he was sent to the north of the city of New York, where there was a special school for the most difficult minor bandits. Tyson was already very difficult to manage, there was no other way. It is in this institution that he meets Bobby Sewart, who was a famous boxer in the past, and now works as a teacher there. physical education for difficult minor thugs. For the next tricks, Mike gets into a punishment cell and sitting there made a loud statement to everyone that wants to be a boxer. Stuart goes to meet him and agrees to train only when Mike will obediently obey him. This was the first condition, and later the second one arrived, he must pull up all the other subjects, read a lot and be an obedient student, then there will be more boxing trainings. Stewart broke Mike’s bad temper, he began to study better and showed that in fact he is not the idiot for whom everyone took him. In parallel to the classroom disciplines, he excelled in physical fitness, at the age of thirteen he squeezed a 100-pound barbell in a lying position.

Such successes could not but rejoice Bobby Stewart and he makes a serious decision, which in the future will be the main event in the life of Mike Tyson. He introduces him to Cas D’Amato, who was the founder of one of the most powerful boxer training schools, also a teacher, trainer, manager, psychologist and analyst. He saw the potential in Mike after the first sparring, provided him with all the conditions for life and training, provided a team consisting of auxiliary trainers, seconds, personal masseurs and doctors, cooks and nutritionists ... When Mike lived in Casa D ' Amato, he reviewed all the videotapes with old recordings of fights in the professional ring and received enough impressive information, came up with an unusual style for himself at that time, when entering the sports arena there should be no musical accompaniment, nickname such dressing gowns, only simple black panties and boxers on the bare leg. His sports career was gaining momentum and he became a celebrity in world boxing, but there are failures in the psyche of Tyson. So on June 22, 1987, he was jailed for beating a man who stood up for his employee, whom Tyson persistently pestered. They released him only when a fine of 105 thousand dollars was paid. After Mike fired his head coach in 1988 and broke up his entire team, his sports career began to collapse.

02/09/1988 Mike Tyson marries Robin Givens, who was involved in acting. This fragile marriage lasted exactly a year, there was a high-profile divorce on February 14, 1989 in the Dominican Republic. Education Mike never received, ended still in high school. And again, another high-profile case for Mike (07/19/1991), this time the charge of impudent rape of eighteen-year-old Miss Black America Desir Washington. When the investigation was conducted on this case, there were a lot of controversial issues, for example such: maybe it was not violence, but “goodwill” sex. All disputed issues were closed and Mike was sentenced to prison on 09.09.1991 in three difficult sentences, one of which was gross rape. The sentence entered into force on 02.10.1992. Since 1990 -th Mr. Mike completely lost control, stopped training and began to drink a lot and cogolny drinks. This lifestyle put an end to the fight with James “Buster” Douglas. The fight took place on 02/11/1990 in the Japanese sports arena, where Douglas defeated the impenetrable Tyson, although the bookmakers set the odds to 42: 1. It was the most sensational match in the world boxing, for a long time the whole world was discussing such an outcome. Having flown back to America, Mike gave an interview to YES Network and said: “I am firmly convinced that the fight with Douglas is the best of all that I have played so far. This fight will always be in first place on my list. My teacher D’Amato said that when I entered the ring, I should only win and there was no other truth. But if it happened that you were defeated, will you pass this test? I proved that I can cope with such a test. "But he took a lesson, having started hard training and turned to doctors for help. 03.03.1998 there was another trial, this time Mike Tyson made a complaint to Don King about the quality of his work and demanded payment of moral compensation in the amount of 100 million dollars, but without bringing this case to litigation, agreed to 14 million dollars.

From the personal life of Mike Tyson

He married three times: the first wife, Robin Givens, whose marriage lasted one year, the second wife, Monica Turner, who worked as a pediatrician, and the third wife, Lacia Spicer, the wedding took place on June 6, 2009. Rodney Tyson, Mike's older brother , works at the University of Southern California Medical Center as an assistant to a doctor. Iron Mike has seven children, and the eighth daughter, Exodus, tragically died in 2009 in the Tyson gym. The eldest daughter Reina, born on 02/14/1996, son Amir - was born on 08/05/1997, Deamata Kilrein - in 1990, Miki Lorna - in 1990, Miguel Leon - in 2002 and the youngest son of Morocco Elijah, who was born on January 25, 2011. Today, Mike Tyson is engaged in promotion and acting, professes the Islamic religion, in which he was given his name Malik Abdul Aziz, has become a real vegetarian, writes an autobiography. In 2016, he celebrated his fiftieth birthday.

Amateur arena career

The first fight in Tyson's amateur career took place at the end of the spring of 1981 in Holyoke, when he was only fifteen years old. It was a beautiful victory, after which he was nicknamed “Tank”. Until the end of this year, Mike boxed in six more fights, losing only one. This fight took place a little before the battle  with Ernie Bennett, which was held in November 1981. Mike devoted all his time to training in gyms, which soon yielded great results. At the 1992 Olympics, Mike Tyson set his first world record by defeating his opponent in the first round by 8 seconds by knockout. This fate was not only his first opponent, the rest of the boxers were waiting for a fate of a similar nature. The final fight at the Olympics-82 was held with Joe Cartes. Mike, like an impenetrable tank, focused all his power on the Cartes and knocked him back in the first seconds of this battle. It was his breakthrough in amateur boxing.

In 1983, there was only one loss at Tyson, where he opposed Al Evans. This outcome of the battle did not change anything and he was sent to participate in the prestigious Golden Gloves tournament. The final match in this contest took place between Mike Tyson and Cage Payne, in which Payne was awarded the victory. The audience did not consider the decision to be the right judge and booed it for a long time, but the result of the battle was counted and Mike took second place, receiving a silver medal. At the end of 1983, a fight was scheduled with Kimmuel Odum at a sports ring in Colorado Springs, but Tyson was disqualified and the result was not credited. Since 1984 there have been only winning bouts. The best end of a career among amateur boxers would be to attend the Olympics-84, which was held in Los Angeles. Not sued. There was a careful selection of boxers who could adequately represent America's honor at the Olympics. Of all the contestants, Tyson was the most suitable option, winning all previous fights: technical knockout to Kelton Brown, victory against Avery Rawls on points, knockout for Henry Milligan, silver medalist at the Golden Gloves tournament among heavyweights. His indicators even before the start of the qualifying round for the Olympics consisted of 24 victories and only 3 defeats. During the selection, Henry Tillman becomes his rival, in every round Tyson was clearly stronger. He delivered strong and accurate strikes, knocked down the enemy several times, he didn’t even let Tillman come close, who could only run away from Mike or risk taking a jab. But the jury condemned him and with a score of 2: 3 they awarded Tillman a victory. Spectators were rampaging, forcing the judges to reconsider their decision, but Henry Tillman did go to the 84 Olympics. He returned with a gold medal.

There will be another selection and there will be another battle with Tillman. This time, just like 1984, Tillman will be awarded a prize and again not in fairness. Many experts concluded that the jury simply did not want to send Tyson to the Olympic Games and specifically condemned that he would not beat anyone there to death with his aggressive boxing. In the amateur ring, Tyson did not manage to defeat Tillman, but on a professional level - yes. The fight took place on June 16, 1990, when Mike gathered all his grievances into a fist and sent Tillman into a heavy knockout before the end of the first round. Justice triumphed. Tyson also participated in another popular Tammer contest, where he defeated Hakkan Brock on September 16, 1984.

Cas D’Amato was well aware that Mike was upset because of a loss during the qualifying competition and is starting to prepare him for professional boxing. For this level of training, serious specialists who are well versed in the boxing world are needed. These were Jim Jacob and Bill Keyton. So, a decent team gathered, led by Cas D’Amato, assistants in the training halls remained Teddy Atlas and Kevin Rooney, the organizers of the fights and managers - Bill Keyton, Jim Jacob.

The titles that Mike Tyson achieved in the amateur ring:

1981 - takes first place at the Olympic Games among juniors;

1982 - two-time gold medalist at the Youth Olympics;

1983 - receives a silver medal at the Golden Gloves contest;

1983 - takes first place in the 19th national championship;

1984 - gold medalist at the annual 20th national championship;

1984 - becomes the champion among heavyweights at the popular Golden Gloves tournament;

1984 - takes the highest step among the winners in the "Champions Tournament".

Professional Iron Mike career

Mike Tyson's first professional performance was organized in New York on March 5, 1985. His first opponent was Puerto Rican Hector Mercedes, with Louis Rivera as the main referee. This fight ended in the first round, Mercedes could not resist Mike's powerful pressure and was knocked out. It was a great debut.

The rise of Mike Tyson to Olympus of Glory

At the beginning of 1986, the next duel of our hero took place, this time the opponent was Mike Jameson. It was difficult for him to resist the aggressive attack of Tyson, but still he was able to get to his feet after strong knockdowns. In the fifth round, the referee decides to stop the fight in Mike's favor because Jameson had poor coordination. This is the first boxer who stood in the fight against Tyson for five whole rounds, but not one of them could win. Sports experts admitted that he could survive only because Mike did not work at full strength, because thirteen days ago he had another fight and his forces were spent. A month later, in February 1986, there was a battle between Jesse Ferguson and Mike Tyson. It came to the fifth round, in which Mike, holding the enemy in a corner, shot through the body on the right. This blow did not penetrate Ferguson's defense and Tyson immediately causes an uppercut on the right side, the strength of which knocked the opponent down. Ferguson was able to get up when the referee counted to eight. Thirty seconds before the end of the 5th round, Mike struck a series of blows, the enemy by some miracle resisted and a rescue gong sounded. Ferguson, realizing that there is no point in fighting against Tyson, begins to clinch in the sixth round so that he does not let go of his hands even when the referee tries to separate them. For violation of the rules in the ring, the arbiter disqualified Ferguson and declared Tyson the winner. Over time, the New York Athletic Commission made changes, setting the term "technical knockout" instead of "disqualification" so as not to smear Mike Tyson's perfect track record.

The fight between Steve Zouski and Mike Tyson was held in March 1986. The fight was stopped in the third round after Tyson broke the series. strong blows on the head. When he struck a side kick from the left side, Zouske fell to the floor and did not get up until the referee counted to 11. It was Tyson's well-deserved victory. A month after defeating Ferguson, Tyson's managers determine the next opponent, they became James Tillis, the fight with which took place in May 1986. Tillis ended his last three fights with a defeat on points, but nevertheless caused a lot of problems with his boxing style. Before the fight with Tyson, boxing experts predicted Tillis a loss, namely a knockout defeat. There is one interesting moment in the life of Tillis, he had a terrible allergy, which took a lot of energy and going into the ring, he always tired until the end of the fight. In preparation for the fight with Tyson, Tillis not only practiced a lot, but also cured his ailment by entering the ring in the best condition for his entire sports career. Contrary to all forecasts, Tillis showed his best side, he showed courage and stamina during Tyson's strong attacks. When the fifth round began, it seemed that the fight was about to end by knockout. Tyson inflicts a powerful blow, from which Tillis loses coordination and falls to the floor, but he quickly rehabilitated and was able to resist the gong. Tillis boxed from defense, punching a lot of jabs from different sides. Such blows could not harm Tyson, because they fell into the protective block. For the first time during his career, Tyson boxed all rounds, showed a wide variety of punches, beautiful pendulums, slopes and excellent defense. For Tillis, this was also a worthy duel, because before that no one could resist Tyson's aggressiveness and dexterity all rounds. The jury unanimously awarded the victory to Mike Tyson on points.

In the same month there was another rival in the ring - Mitch Green, the fight took place only seventeen days after James Tillis. An interesting fact is that Mitch and Mike came from the same district (Brownsville), where they stayed in different bandit groups as a teenager. In addition, in the list of fights, Mitch had only one loss. These factors kept both boxers in suspense. In all rounds, Tyson was the clear leader, showing solid defense, combinations of different punches from all sides. In addition, Tyson always provoked Green with his feints, revealing his defense and dropping his hands. The most unforgettable moment is the mouthpiece from Green’s mouth after Jeb Tyson’s jaw and a broken gold tooth that appeared right next to Phil Berger, who worked as a writer. According to the rules, for each defeated round they gave one point. Green just ran away from the Mike all the rounds and the victory was unconditionally awarded to Tyson. Virtually all boxing experts compared this fight to a previous fight with James Tillis. The only difference between these fights was that Tillis sought to defeat Tyson, and Green, running from Mike throughout the arena, tried to hold out until the end. For another seven long years, Mitch Green will not enter the professional ring. According to most skeptics, Mike Tyson's reputation as the best boxer-knockout began to crumble after the last battles against Mitch Green and James Tillis, but it wasn’t there. Very soon, he won several fights by knockouts, proving to everyone that he was the most dangerous puncher in boxing.

In the summer, namely 06/13/1986, a battle was fought between Mike Tyson and Reggie Gross. When the first round of the match was almost over, Gross showed his defense technique and was able to resist Tyson's powerful onslaught, immediately inflicting a series of blows from all sides. Tyson, in turn, swinging the pendulum and deftly moving his body in different directions, dodged almost from each of his blows and in revenge struck a strong side to the left, from which Gross was thrown to the floor, but he was able to get to his feet. Tyson, without hesitation for a second, begins a new attack, breaking through a series of various punches, from which the opponent crashed into a knockdown. After such a devastating attack, Gross nevertheless got up, but he did not have coordination and the referee stopped the fight. It was another spectacular duel with Mike Tyson.

The fight between Mike Tyson and Marvis Fraser

This confrontation, which was supposed to be held between Tyson and Fraser, experts put in first place among the most unpredictable fights, because on the one hand there was Mike Tyson, whom no one has yet been able to defeat, and on the other, Marvis Fraser is a strong opponent (son famous world champion among heavyweight boxers Joe Fraser), who had sixteen victories, including over James Tillis, Joe Bagner, James Broad, James Smith “Boncrasher”, Bernard Burton, Jose Ribalta and only one loss pr Otiv Larry Holmes. The fight took place in July 1986 and he was included in Mike's track record as the fastest victory in his professional career. In the first seconds of the fight, Tyson drove Fraser into a corner and began to press, breaking the uppercut on the right, and then a whole series of punches from both sides. Fraser could not withstand such a powerful attack and collapsed onto the canvas with no signs of consciousness. When the judge began to count on him, he still did not respond. It was a hard knockout and another victory, from which Tyson fans were thrilled. Marvis Fraser, after such a loud loss, still fought in several fights in the professional ring, but these were little-known and weak opponents. He completed his sports career in 1988.

Tyson in the near future held another battle, this time his opponent was Jose Ribalta. He was a hardy and well-trained boxer, which was noticeable during the fight. Ribalta, whom Tyson knocked out in the second, eighth and tenth rounds, was awarded a technical knockout defeat.

Championship title fight against Trevor Berbick

The championship fight was held in November 1986, where the undefeated Mike Tyson and the winner of the WBC championship belt, Trevor Berbick, collided. This was his first defense of the championship title after he won it in February 1986. At the beginning of the first round, Berbick chose an open tactic and dropped his block, missed a couple of powerful blows from Tyson, after which he stopped conducting offensive actions. Only twenty seconds remain until the end of this round and Tyson punches a side kick from the left, from which Berbick barely stood on his feet. Then another attack by Mike and Berbick nearly fell on the ring floor, but a gong saves him. True, this is not for long, at the very beginning of the second round, Berbik knocks down after a powerful combination of punches, but having gathered all his strength, he got to his feet. Forty seconds before the end of the second round, Tyson punches an uppercut on the right, and then a hook on the left. For a moment, Berbick leaned against Tyson, and then collapsed onto the canvas. The force of the blows was so powerful that Berbick lost coordination. Since he swayed from side to side, the referee decides to stop the fight and awards the victory to Mike Tyson (note, for winning this fight, Tyson increased his income by 1.5 million dollars, and Berbik for losing - 2.1 million. dollars). In this fight, Mike became the world record holder for two articles at the same time, the first of which is the youngest winner of the WBC champion belt among heavyweight boxers, the second is the only boxer whose impact force caused the opponent to fall and rise several times in a row. At the same time, boxing coach Mike Kevin Rooney also got into the history of boxing, who raised the world champion at a young age.

Watch the Tyson vs Berbick fight video

The battle between Tyson and Smith for the possession of two champion belts simultaneously (WBC and WBA versions)

It was a duel between two current world champions. Mike Tyson held the WBC championship title, and James Smith had the WBA championship belt. This fight was held in March 1987 and lasted all twelve rounds. Tyson markedly led in all rounds of this fight, periodically unnerving the opponent with his open-hand dances, because the main tactic of James Smith's battle was the clinch, he was an ordinary spoiler. For violation of the rules in the ring, the referee took two points off Smith. Only in the last twelfth round did James manage to penetrate one exact blow to Tyson, but he did not bring much harm and did not affect the decision of the judge. It was a Tyson victory on points by a wide margin. Now Mike becomes the owner of champion belts among heavyweights at the same time in two versions of WBC and WBA. Even then, the famous boxer from Russia Vladimir Gendlin argued: "Smith had a good analysis of Tyson’s fight against Berbick and decided not to take risks, but to change boxing to another type of martial arts - the fight. So, this fight is the fight, only without the steps."

The duel between Pinclone Thomas and Mike Tyson

This fight was planned by Tyson’s managers in May 1987, this time the opponent was Pinklon Thomas, who was a world champion in the past. By the time of the fight with Tyson, Thomas had a lot of winning fights, rivals among which were former champions such as Alfons Ratliff, Mike Weaver, Tim Witherspoon and many other worthy heavyweight boxers. In this battle, the most difficult for Thomas came in the sixth round, in which Tyson struck in a series of many hooks and uppercuts. Some of these strokes hit the chin and jaw, which made Thomas stagger noticeably. He did not stand on his feet for long and after a strong blow to the left, fell to the floor and did not rise even when the referee counted to ten. The fight is over and Mike Tyson is the winner. Pinklon Thomas was clearly disappointed, because before this fight, not a single opponent had managed to knock him out, not even to knock out.

"Iron" Mike - the absolute winner of champion belts (WBC, WBA, IBF versions) among heavyweights

It was the most long-awaited fight at that time for boxing fans, which was scheduled for August 1987. Two strong fighters of professional boxing met in the fray - Mike Tyson, who still has not lost a single fight and who has already held two champion titles (WBC, WBA) and Tony Tucker is also an undefeated boxer and IBF champion. The fight went down in boxing history as the first fight between two reigning world heavyweight champions according to WBC, WBA, IBF. In the first round, Tony Tucker managed the impossible, he broke through Tyson’s defense and applied a very good chin uppercut, from which Mike stepped back a few steps. Such an assertive and active Tucker was only in the first round, then he tried to avoid Tyson, periodically wailing and running away from the onslaught. By the middle of the fight, Tyson also changed the style of combat and began to work more from defense, periodically breaking through the jab from the left. Such changes in Mike’s technique didn’t change anything, and he won noticeably in each round. At the end of the fight, Tyson struck a beautiful side kick from the left, from which Tucker staggered, but entered the clinch, but still managed to stay on his feet and avoid a subsequent attack. The confrontation was over, the result of the calculations was a unanimous victory on points. America received the new absolute world champion according to the WBC, WBA, IBF among heavyweight boxers, moreover, at a very young age. It was another record in boxing history. Tony Tucker also became a champion and entered the world boxing under the slogan “The Shortest Possession of the IBF Champion Belt” over the course of 64 days. To justify his loss, Tucker came up with a version that Tyson broke his arm in the third round and for this reason he could not give a worthy rebuff to his opponent. Tyson, after previously injuring his right arm, got involved in close combat until the middle of the fight, and then became a boxer-jabist, though with a range of arms less than Tucker by almost thirty centimeters. But this advantage of Tony Tucker did not affect anything and Tyson deservedly became the absolute world champion.

The future star of world boxing - Mike Tyson was born on 06/30/1966 in Brooklyn, New York. He grew up without a father. He has an older brother named Rodney and an older sister Denise. Nothing foreshadowed the results that the future boxer subsequently achieved.

Mike Tyson's childhood

In childhood, one of the greatest boxers of our time had a soft character. Even the older brother, along with the neighboring boys, often scoffed at him. But this did not last long. Little Mike was very fond of pigeons, and once, when he was 11 years old, a teenager from a street gang tore his beloved bird from his hands and twisted the pigeon's neck. Crazy about the anger, Mike severely beat the guy, and in his character there was a turning point.

Young Mike Tyson was admitted to a street gang, where he quickly gained respect from adolescents and began to engage in theft and robbery with them. He often went to the police station. Once he managed to see the legendary Mohammed Ali, who visited correctional facilities for difficult teenagers. This meeting changed the whole life of the future boxing star, he had a desire to do this sport.

First trainer

At the age of 13, Mike falls into a special school for juvenile delinquents - at that time he was considered incorrigible. A former boxer, Bobby Steward, worked there as a physical education teacher. After Tyson once again got into the punishment cell, the guy decided that he would become a boxer. The steward agreed to train him, but only on condition that Mike begins to study well and correct his behavior. Under the guidance of a teacher, Mike, who was considered absolutely incorrigible, begins to demonstrate success in boxing and learning at school.

After some time, Bobby Steward began to realize that he could no longer give more to his talented student, and introduced him to the legend, an excellent trainer, manager and person Cass D’Amato. This specialist noticed the talent of the young boxer and created an excellent team of specialists around him. After that, Mike Tyson (height, weight, see below) at the age of 15 (in 1981) made his debut as a boxer at the Holyoke club in New York, where he received the nickname “Tank”. Cass D’Amato replaced his father, and thanks to him, Mike became who he is now.

Mike Tyson's height and weight

For boxers, this is an important ratio. According to some reports, Mike Tyson was 180 cm tall, weighing 96-108 kg. But official figures vary. There are allegations that this figure is 181 cm. So how much growth does Mike Tyson really have? His height is 178 cm, and his working weight in the best years is 98 kg.

Amateur career

Young Mike Tyson, whose growth was quick and fast, won the right to participate in the 1982 Youth Olympic Games, the final of which he won by hard knockout over Joe Cortes. It took him just a few seconds to do this. In 1983, Mike lost in only one fight to Al Evans. Despite the defeat, the boxer won the right to speak at the prestigious Golden Gloves tournament, but in these competitions he won only the silver medal, having suffered a controversial defeat in the final by Craig Payne. This fight was very mixed, and the audience after the announcement of the winner booed Craig.

1984 Mike Tyson (growth, whose weight is 178 cm and 98 kg, respectively) started perfectly and won all the fights. He dreamed of getting to the Olympics, which were supposed to be held this year in Los Angeles. Tyson held a qualifying match against Henry Tillman and started successfully, knocking him down in the first round, but did not finalize and lost to him with a score of 3: 2. According to many experts, Tyson won the battle. Then he met this boxer in another qualifying match, and the decision of the judges was the same. Tillman won with a score of 3: 2 and subsequently won the gold medal of the Olympics. Rumors spread that Tyson simply did not want to be allowed to the Olympics because of the tough boxing style.

Mike Tyson (height, weight in his best years was small for this category) in 1990 will take revenge from this guy, but already in the professional ring, knocking him out in the first round. Mike will win another significant Tammer tournament in 1984 in Tampere.

The rapid rise of Mike Tyson's professional career

March 5, 1985 begins the professional career of a boxer, which will be talked about for many years around the world. This is the man who will change boxing beyond recognition, his name will become the most popular. All this is Iron Mike Tyson. The growth of his popularity was incredible. In 1985, Mike spent 15 fights and won everything, strikingly and swiftly attacking his rivals, knocking them out in the first rounds.

Jameson was the first rival who could hold out in the ring with Iron Mike until the 5th round, but most likely this was influenced by the fact that Tyson had a fight just 13 days ago and did not manage to fully recover. In 1986, Tyson boxed against Jesse Ferguson and broke his nose with a beautiful uppercut at the end of the 5th round, but Jesse miraculously managed to withstand the brutal pressure of a young fighter and was eventually disqualified for unclean work, because he constantly kept Tyson's hands in the clinch. This decision was subsequently revised and reclassified into a victory by technical knockout.

July 1986 was remembered by boxing fans for the fight that many were waiting for. The son of the legendary boxer Joe Frazier, Marvis and Mike were considered at that time the most promising boxers. Mike Tyson's height and weight for heavyweight boxers was considered small, but Iron Mike was able to knock out an opponent in 30 seconds, and this fight was the fastest in his professional career.

1986 was the best year for Mike Tyson in his career, he was able to win the championship title and become the youngest champion in the world among heavyweight professionals at the age of 20. But before this fight his legendary coach Cass D’Amato did not manage to survive - he died shortly before the champion battle. Everyone thought that Mike would not be able to box, but he was able to pack up and devote the victory to his coach. Before this fight, his new mentor was Kevin Rooney, who received the title of the youngest coach, who raised the world champion. His rival was the current world champion in the most prestigious version of the WBC - Trevor Berbick. Mike was just beautiful and was able to knock out an opponent in the 3rd round. The rapid growth of Mike Tyson at age 20 as a heavyweight boxer aroused great interest among all world experts.

Personal life

The great boxer has been married several times. His first wife was actress Robin Givens. The marriage of the famous boxer and actress did not last long, about 1 year. He was marked by a large number of scandals and caused Mike great psychological trauma. And also a round-up cost a divorce - $ 10 million. Then Tyson got married two more times. Monica Thorner and Lucky Spicer became the chosen ones. From his second wife, Mike had a daughter, Raina, and a son, Amir. Mike cheated on his wife and led a loose lifestyle, which logically led to a divorce. After that, Tyson began to live with his mistress, who gave birth to his daughter Exodus, but her fate was tragic. She accidentally hung herself on a loop from a rope, which was mounted on a simulator.

In 2009, at 42, the legendary boxer marries again. From this marriage, he has a son who was born in 2011. Mike also has illegitimate children: Miki, Lorna, Deamata and Kilrane.


1991 completely ruined the career of a boxer. Mike met a girl named Desiree Washington, who participated in the Miss Black America beauty pageant, and Tyson visited him. The very next day, the girl accused the boxer of rape. The ex-champion, despite the unconfirmed allegations, was sentenced to 6 years in prison. Sitting in prison, the great boxer converted to Islam and received the name Malik Abdul Aziz. In 1995, Tyson, who spent 3 years in a correctional facility, was prematurely released (for exemplary behavior).

Health problems

Mike has had lung problems since childhood, he often went to the hospital.

The famous boxer also experienced problems with drinking, which began after the divorce in 1989. There was a period that he even stopped training. After Mike had a fight against Douglas, he decided to sign up for treatment.

Mike was also heavily addicted to drugs in the mid-90s and until 2010. In this regard, the boxer had problems with the law, and the result was a severely injured psyche. His weight increased sharply, and he experienced great inconvenience.

In 2007-2010, Mike Tyson, whose growth is not too high, had a weight of 160 kilograms. Therefore, since 2009, the boxer decided to become a vegetarian and began to train intensively, so he lost almost 50 kg.

The end of the career of a great boxer

In the 90s of the last century, the sunset of the career of the great champion began. After he lost to Buster Douglas, and the protest related to the result of the battle was not accepted from promoter Mike, Don King, in addition, the opponent refused to hold a rematch, Tyson had to act as a contender for the world champion. Thomas Hearns put the boxer tough conditions for the fight. Mike needed to lose weight to 90 kg. Tyson's rival was the Olympic champion Tillman, and Mike successfully took revenge from him for losing in the amateur ring.

Further, Mike Tyson tried to box for a long time, but the constant scandals, as well as the abuse of alcohol and drugs did not give the great champion a chance to successfully return to the ring after imprisonment. There were the famous 2 fights with Evander Hollyfield, in one of which Mike bit off a piece of his ear. There was a fight with Briton Lenox Lewis, but Tyson was losing steadily and could not do anything about it.

In 2006, Tyson planned to hold a farewell world tour, but was able to conduct only one fight against the little-known boxer Cory Sanders (not to be confused with the South African Cory Sanders) and won. So ended the career of the legendary boxer. Mike Tyson (height, celebrity weight, didn’t seem to foresee the achievement of such high results in heavyweight) forever inscribed his name in boxing history as one of the greatest boxers ever to live on the planet.

Former American professional boxer, started on 06/30/1966  in brooklyn. His childhood years were not easy, they were filled with various misfortunes and bullying of classmates. But at the age of ten a certain talent woke up in Mike: he was held in high esteem among the locals and quickly earned authority. They taught him to steal and rob small and large shops. Of course, all this turned into visits to correctional facilities, where for the first time, by the way, he met with Muhammad Aliwho, through his communication with difficult teenagers, tried to guide them on the true path. Later, Michael will recall that meeting as the first push to boxing.

Tyson's biography. Champion childhood

To 13 years Mike Tyson, which already had a number of unpleasant facts, was distinguished by tremendous physical strength and was considered incorrigible. At this age he was sent to a special school, where he was a physical education teacher Bobby Stewart (former boxer), who became the first boxing “mentor” of the future champion. The next teacher in the biography of Michael Tyson was KasD "Amatothat Stuart led him to. After the death of Tyson’s mother, Kas placed custody of him.

Biography of Mike Tyson. Among lovers

At the age of 15, the boxer begins an amateur career, which was unsuccessful for him. But at the same time, in 1984, he still entered the list of candidates for the US Olympic team. True, I didn’t get to the Olympics, as he twice lost to Henry Tillman in the qualifying rounds.

Professional boxing career

The king of knockouts has life in quality professional athlete  started on March 4, 1985. He established for himself an image unusual at that time: he entered the ring without a dressing gown, music, in black shorts and boxers on his bare foot. Champion’s first rival - Hector Mendes, was knocked out by him in the first round.

For the first year in the professional ring, Mike holds 15 fights, where he received early victories. They began to talk about him as an ideal heavyweight, who in the near future will become the world champion. But Tyson's “teacher” did not live up to this point; he died in 1985 from pneumonia. His death was a heavy loss for the boxer, which the best boxing team in the world helped him cope with.

At the age of twenty, Tyson goes to his first champion fight 11/22/1986  where the opponent is waiting for him Trevor Berbickwho was initially assigned the role of a loser. After this fight, Iron Mike said he was ready to fight with anyone in the world.

Three months later, James comes Kostoloma”, In a battle with which the long-awaited second championship belt joins his collection. His next rivals were: Pinklon Thomas, who could not hold out for more than six rounds, Tony Tucker (after the battle with him, Tyson becomes the absolute world champion in the heavyweight division), Larry Holmes, Tony Tabbs, Michael Spinks, Frank Bruno and Karl Williams.

Biography of Mike Tyson. The influence of the beloved wife

At the same time, Mike Tyson’s life was replenished with a sensational event - a wedding with an actress, you have to go through public fights and humiliation, scandals caused by his wife. The marriage, which lasted about a year, put the boxer on the brink of a nervous breakdown, seriously shaking his psychological health. In 1987, he disperses his team and goes under the patronage of Don King.

02/11/1990, the boxer recovered to Japan to defend titles against J. Douglas. No one doubted the victory of the King of knockouts, but in a live broadcast millions watched the most sensational event in boxing history - the defeat of the absolute champion. So Mike again becomes just a contender for the title of world boxer.

In the summer of 1991, Mike Tyson’s life was overshadowed by an episode that changed his life, and Mike went to jail for rape. He was released in 1995, having managed to convert to Islam.

The return of world fame!

The boxer had his first and successful fight after prison, on August 19, 1995, against Peter McNealy. A little later, on September 7, 1996, in a duel with Seldon, he returned the title in less than two minutes. A month later, the battle of Tyson and Holyfield took place, in which Mike's loss was recorded. The rematch takes place on June 28. The fight is surrounded by unprecedented excitement and for good reason: in the third round, Iron Mike bit off Evander earlobeafter which it is now nicknamed cannibal tyson  was disqualified.

The next time he enters the ring after a year and a half, during which the life of Mike Tyson was replenished with the beating of two elderly people and regular outbreaks of aggression.

His next fights after 1999 were against Orlin Norris, Lou Savarese, Julius Franciswhere Tyson won quick victories. After the “attack” at a press conference on Lennox, the licentious boxer was revoked. And the meeting with Lews took place on June 8, 2002, where the denouement came in the eighth round and was clearly not in favor of the king of knockouts.

End of career

After several “small” battles, there was a duel with Danny Wilms  from July 31, 2004, when the first round for the “champion” became one of the best in the last year, but this did not prevent his defeat. After the fight with Kevin McBride  In 2005, 38-year-old Mike announced his retirement. True, at that time, his decision seemed inconclusive because of his many millions of debts.

American professional boxer Mike Tyson  (born in 1966) - probably the most ambitious figure in the world of modern sports. On his account a lot of beautiful fights, but a lot of shocking actions. His merits to world sports are great: he is the owner of many records in boxing. For example, became the youngest world champion  among heavyweights in professional boxing ( at the age of 20!), he made the fastest career from debut to conquest champion title  (20.5 months) and title absolute world champion  in heavy weight (29 months), on the account of the King of knockouts there are many more such unique achievements.

Nickname " Iron Mike”Was received by him not by chance: his manner of battle was aggressive and assertive, many rivals psychologically lost to him even before the start of the fight. Not very “sporty” behavior could be expected from him: the famous case with Holyfield's bite ear caught fear on many. In life, Mike Tyson was not " pai boy": Three convictions (for rape, drug use and driving under their influence), not counting the stay in the colony for minors.

One of the interesting fights Tyson's  can be called a duel in 1987 with Tyrell Biggs  - Olympic champion in 1984. At that time, both boxers had not yet suffered a single defeat in the professional ring. The fight was quite fleeting - already in the 7th round, Iron Mike struck a decisive blow, sending the opponent to a knockout.

Famous episode with a bitten off ear  held in 1997 - this was Mike’s second fight with Holyfield, as the boxer later explained his behavior - he wanted to avenge the numerous head blows that Holyfield inflicted on both of these fights, the victory in which, nevertheless, was awarded to Evander Holyfield.

Despite all the ambiguity of the figure Mike Tyson, his contribution to the history of boxing and his undoubted talent cannot be recognized and appreciated.

Kid dynamite)

Michael Gerard "Mike" Tyson  (eng. Michael Gerard "Mike" Tyson; June 30, 1966, Brooklyn, New York, USA) - an American professional boxer who performed in the heavy weight category; one of the most famous and recognizable boxers in the history of world boxing. Olympic champion among juniors in the first heavyweight (1982). The absolute world champion in the heavy weight category. Champion in versions of WBC (1986-1990, 1996), WBA (1987-1990, 1996), IBF (1987-1990), The Ring (1988-1990). Line Champion (1988-1990). "The most promising boxer" in 1985 according to the magazine "Ring". The best boxer, regardless of weight category (1987-1989) according to the magazine "Ring". “Boxer of the Year” according to the magazine “Ring” (1986, 1988). Boxer of the Year according to the BWAA (1986.1988). "Sports personality of the year" according to the BBC (1989). Foreign athlete of the year according to the BBC (1989). Best athlete abroad (1987-1989) according to the BBC. He is included in the International Boxing Hall of Fame (2011), in the World Boxing Hall of Fame (2010), in the Nevada Boxing Hall of Fame (2013), in the wrestling hall of fame (2012). At the 49th annual WBC convention in Las Vegas, Mike Tyson was listed in the Guinness Book of Records and solemnly received two certificates: for the largest number of fastest knockouts and for becoming the youngest world heavyweight champion.

He is the owner of several world records that have not been broken to this day: the youngest world champion in heavy weight (at 20 years of 144 days); the youngest absolute world heavyweight champion (at 21); the boxer who has spent the least time since debuting to win the champion titles and the absolute world heavyweight champion (1 year 8.5 months and 2 years 5 months respectively); the first and only absolute champion who won three main titles consecutively one after another; the highest paid heavyweight in history; of the ten most expensive fights in the history of boxing, Mike Tyson took part in six; the only defender of the absolute champion title (WBC, WBA, IBF) 6 times in a row; the largest number of the fastest knockouts (9 knockouts in less than 1 minute); The fastest knockout at the Youth Olympic Games (8 seconds).

Has three criminal records. In 1992 (for rape sentenced to 6 years in prison, of which 3 served), in 1998 (for beating people who collided with his car; sentenced to 3.5 months in prison) and 2008 (a day in prison for drug use and driving intoxicated). At a young age he also served sentences in children's colonies. Married with a third marriage. The father of eight children. In 2009, his four-year-old daughter died tragically. Professes Islam and bears an Arabic name Malik Abdul Aziz  (eng. Malik abdul aziz) Is a vegan.

Founder of the promotion company Iron Mike Promotions. In addition to boxing, Mike is known for his acting career. He took part in writing the script for the autobiographical film “Tyson” (1995), and also starred in two documentaries “Beyond Glory” (2003) and “Mike Tyson” (2009).

The nickname is Iron Mike.

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    Mike Tyson was born in New York, in Brooklyn, in the Brownsville area. His parents were Lorna Smith and Jimmy Kirkpatrick. However, Mike inherited his surname from his mother’s first husband. His father left the family before Mike was born. Mike has an older brother Rodney and an older sister Denise.

    Mike's childhood was full of hardships and various misfortunes. He had a very gentle character and did not know how to fend for himself, in addition, at that time Mike was complete. His older brother Rodney and the neighboring boys, and later classmates constantly abused children younger than their age and Mike too. They beat, took away the trifle and sweets that their mothers and fathers gave them. Tyson was no exception. Until 10 years, he was pathologically incapable of protecting himself. However, at the age of 9-11 years, a turning point occurred in Mike. As he himself says, once one of the members of the local street gang, who was several years older (namely 3 years), tore his beloved pigeon out of his hands (raising pigeons was Mike's favorite pastime since childhood and remains his main hobby to this day day) and tore off his head. Furious, Mike attacked his abuser and brutally beat him. From that moment, Mike was respected by local juvenile gangsters, who took him to their company and taught him to climb pockets, steal and rob shops. Activities of this kind entailed arrests, visits (and more than once) to correctional facilities for juvenile delinquents, during one of which Tyson managed to see Mohammed Ali, who came there to talk with difficult teenagers and try to guide them on the right path. Tyson himself later recalled that it was after meeting with Ali that he first thought about the career of a boxer.

    To understand the conditions in which Mike had to survive, it is interesting to recall another case involving pigeons. Poor teenagers sometimes didn’t even have money to eat, so there was no question of buying pigeons. The birds were simply stolen. So, one day Mike and a friend climbed into one of the alien doves and tried to drag a few pigeons. The owners noticed them and immediately caught them. They decided to punish the guys “peculiarly” - just to hang! Since there was only one rope, we decided to hang in turns. The first to choose Mike's friend. Tyson stood and watched his companion's legs jerk ... Tyson himself was saved only by the fact that the neighbors saw what was happening and threatened to call the police. For the boy's psyche, such things could not pass without a trace. As Mike later recalled, after this incident, he remained “awaiting execution” all his life.

    At the age of 13, Tyson was sent to a special school for juvenile delinquents (due to his behavior in a regular school), located in the northern part of New York. At this point, he was considered incorrigible and had great physical strength for his age: when Mike lost his temper, he was only able to calm him down by the joint efforts of several adult men. At the school, which identified Tyson, a former boxer Bobby Stewart worked as a physical education teacher. Once once in a punishment cell for another violation of the regime, Mike suddenly asked for the opportunity to talk with him. Stuart came to him, and Mike announced that he wanted to become a boxer. Stewart agreed to train him on the condition that Mike would not violate discipline. After that, Mike’s behavior really changed for the better, and after a while, Stuart concluded another contract with him: the better Mike goes to school, the more Stuart does boxing with him. And it worked: Tyson, who was previously considered mentally retarded, managed to significantly increase his academic performance. He was so captured by boxing that school staff sometimes forced him to train at 3-4 a.m. when he boxed with shadow or pumped muscles in his room. In a later interview, Stewart recalled that Tyson, who was then 13 years old, literally knocked him down with his jab. Already at 13 years old, Mike could lift a 100 kilogram barbell in a bench press. After a while, Stuart realized that his student had already outgrown him, and introduced Mike to the legendary coach and manager Cas D’Amato. Mike devoted all his free time to training. Cas D’Amato already knew, Mike is the future world champion. Cas created around Tyson a professional team: trainers, seconds, masseurs and others. Thus, a disciplined athlete emerged from a street gangster.

    Living with Casa D'Amato, Mike watched a lot of videos with old professional fights and, impressed by what he saw, chose a rather unusual image for those times: he entered the ring without music, without a robe, in simple black shorts and boxers on bare foot.

    In 1990, Mike abandoned training and began to abuse alcohol. The consequence of this was his defeat from Douglas Buster on February 11, 1990, in Japan, and is still considered the greatest sensation in boxing history: Douglas’s winning bets were 42 to 1. In an interview with the American cable channel YES Network, Mike Tyson admitted that he considers his 1990 duel against James “Buster” Douglas the best fight of his career: “I will always say that, in my opinion, this was my best fight, I always put it first. This is strange, but Cas [D'Amato] always told me: “You must defeat everyone, you are able to do it, but what happens when you are beaten, can you handle it?” And this fight proved that I can Deal with it". After this fight, Tyson returned to training and signed up for treatment.

    Amateur career

    He made his debut in May 1981 at the age of 15, at the Holyoke Club the boys nicknamed “Tank”. In the same year, he spent a total of six fights in which only the last lost, before the fight with Ernie Bennett in November.

    All my free time was devoted to training, which immediately led to amazing results. Already in 1982, Michael performs at the Youth Olympic Games. He wins his first rival in the ring in just 8 seconds. The rest was waiting for no less severe punishment.

    In 1982, Mike Tyson participated in the Youth Olympic Games. In the final, he came out against Joe Cortez. Tyson immediately went on the attack and knocked out his opponent in a few seconds

    The next year, he lost only to Al Evans, which allowed him to take part in the Golden Gloves tournament in 1983. There he received a silver medal after the fight with Craig Payne, although when the rating in favor of Payne was announced, the hall hummed with displeasure. Before the end of the year was disqualified before the fight with Kimmuel Odum in Colorado Springs

    In 1984, Tyson began winning all of his matches. The logical conclusion to his amateur career was to be the 1984 Olympic Games in Los Angeles. On the way to the final of the Olympic selection, Tyson defeated Kelton Brown by technical knockout in the 1st round, defeated Avery Rawls on points and knocked out Henry Milligan in the second round, won the Golden Gloves in the heavyweight, had an indicator (24-3) before the start of the Olympic Games qualifying round and was considered a clear favorite to win a place to defend the United States at the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles.

    In the qualifying fight, Tyson met with Henry Tillman, who then became the Olympic champion. In the first round, Tyson managed to knock down Tillman so that he flew out of the ring, but failed to finish him off. In the second round, Tillman ran from Tyson, working mainly as a jab. Tyson often overtook him and delivered accurate blows. At the end of the third round, Tillman simply ran away from Tyson, who managed to break through several hard shots. At the end of the match, the judges awarded Tillman a victory with a score of 3: 2 by a close decision. When the assessment in favor of Tillman was announced, the hall hummed with displeasure and booed this decision.

    Then, Tyson again met with Tillman in the qualifying battle. And again, a close decision was won by Tillman. Many felt that Tyson simply did not want to be allowed to the Olympic Games for his aggressive style, already reminiscent of the style of a professional. However, Tyson will take revenge for this loss a little later - on June 16, 1990, already in the professional ring, when he knocks out his offender in the first round.

    On September 16, 1984, Tyson won the Tammer Tournament in Tampere, after defeating Hakkan Brock.

    Be that as it may, Cas D’Amato did not let Mike be upset for a long time because of an unfortunate defeat in the qualifying round of the Olympic Games and was closely engaged in preparing the boxer for a professional career. He invited two famous managers and organizers of boxing fights - Bill Caiton and Jim Jacobs. In the combat training of the boxer, the old teacher was assisted by Kevin Rooney and Teddy Atlas.