
The history of the creation and the problem of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe poem "Who lives well in Russia. Analysis of the poem "Who lives well in Russia" (Nekrasov) head of the work of whom to live well in Russia


In which year - count,
In which land is guessing,
On a pillars
Seven men agreed:
Seven tempted
Tightened by province
County Terepiorev,
Empty parish
From adjacent villages:
Patch, holes,
Razovova, Znobishhina,
Gorleova, Neelova -
They saved - and hood:
Who lives fun
Volgovo in Russia?

Roman said: landowner
Demyan said: official,
Luka said: the ass.
Kupchina Tolstopusoma! -
They said the Rubins brothers,
Ivan and Metrodor.
Old man steamed
And browned, in the ground Lyubyuchi:
Widelian boyar
Minister Sovereign.
And the prov said: king ...

Guy that bull: will be done
In the tank, which bliss -
Kolich her Ottudova
Do not choose: rest,
Everything is worth it!
Whether such a dispute was started
What do passersby think
Know the treasure found guys
And divide among themselves ...
In the case of everyone in his own way
Up to half a day left home:
That path held to the forge,
That walked to the village of Ivankovo
Call your father prophia
Child chrish.
Patty honey cells
Carried to the bazaar to the great
And two brother ruins
So just with a halter
Catch a horse stubborn
In your own flock walked.
It's time to everyone
Return your most expensive
They go row!
Go as if chasing
Behind them the wolves are gray,
What Dale is more likely.
Go - beyond!
Scream - will not form!
And time does not wait.

Did not notice the dispute
How the village of the sun is red,
As the evening came.
Probably b, the night the whole
So walked - where not to know,
When they baba is counter,
Kinging Durandich,
Did not shift: "Right!
Where are you at night Lye
Decided to go? .. "

Asked, laughed,
Khlenulula, Witch, Merin
And I rolled off ...

"Where? .." - overcame
Here our men,
Stand, silent, sat down ...
All the night has long come down,
They lit up the stars frequent
In high heavens
Pop up a month, shadow black
Road cut
Retail walkers.
Oh shadow! Shadows black!
Who are you not taking?
Who do not overmine?
You only, shades black,
You can't catch-hug!

On the forest, on the road-road
Looked, silent steam,
I looked - I spread my mind
And pivy finally:

"Well! Sleeled glorious joke
Moved above us!
In no way we are without a small
The verslet thirty moved away!
Go home now -
Tired - do not come
Picky, - nothing to do,
To the sun rest! .. "

Swinging trouble on Leshgo,
Under the forest at the road
Men satisfied.
Lit a fire, lay down,
For vodka two ran away,
And Others Rudova
The cup was made
Berestors need.
Pulled a vodka soon
Fit and snack -
Koshki three drank,
Wood - and set
Again: who live fun,
Volgovo in Russia?
Roman shouts: landowner
Demian shouts: official,
Luka shouts: ass;
Kupchina Tolstopuzoma, -
Scream brother ruins,
Ivan and Metrodor;
Pat shouts: lightly
Widelian boyar
Minister Sovereva,
And screaming: king!
Took the forest former
Trigger men
Mushrooms swear
No wonder that they traveled
Friend in the hair ...

Watch - I clung to!
The novel is tuzit Pakhomushka,
Demyan Tuzit Luka.
And two brother ruins
Ironing of a dyesheld -
And he shouts off her!

Woke up echo
Went for a walk-walker
Went shout-shouting
As if to come up
Stubborn men.
King! - right hears,
Left responds:
Top! Top! Top!
The whole forest was settled,
With flying birds
Beasts rapidlyogy
And gadam cruise, -
And moan, and roar, and hum!

All first bunny sulfur
From the chest of neighboring
Suddenly jumped as the encountered
And the onset went!
Behind him galls small
At the top of the birch raised
Nasty, sharp squeak.
And here still have a foam
With fright chick crumb
From the nest fell;
Chirbing, cries the foam,
Where is the chick? - Will not find!
Then the cuckoo is old
Woke up and thought
Someone to cook;
Ten times accepted,
Yes every time I knocked
And started again ...
Cuckoo, Cucushechka!
Corn bread,
You will grab you by a spison
You won't cook!
Seven Filins flilled,
Admire everybody
With seven big trees
Fasting midnight!
And their glazes are yellow
Burn like awk
Fourteen candles!
And raven, smart bird,
Fit, sits on a tree
At the fire itself,
Sits and praizes the hell,
To defend to death
Cow with a bell
That from the evening beat off
From the herd, I heard a little
Human voices -
Came to the fire, settled
Eyes on men
Crazy speeches obedience
And start, cardiac,
Mock, wash, wash!

Mice cow stupid
Golchata small pegs
Scream guys violent,
And echo echo everyone.
He is one care -
Honest people teasing
Scare guys and women!
No one did not see him
And hearing everyone heard,
Without a body - and it lives,
Shouting without language!

Wide Road,
Birchms are furnished,
Fallenly extended
Sand and dechah.
On the sides of the road
Goals are walking
With fields, hay,
And more often with inconvenient,
Abandoned land;
Standing villages old
There are new villages,
At the river, in ponds ...
Forests, meadows, smokers,
Brooks and rivers Russian
Spring are good.
But you, the fields of Spring!
For your shoots poor
Agusly look!
"No wonder in the winter long
(Involve our wanderers)
Snow every day Valil.
Spring came - snow affected!
He is humble to the pore:
Flies - silent, lies - silent,
When it dies, then roars.
Water - Wherever I look!
Fields are completely flooded,
Manure carry - no road,
And time is not early -
Suitable month May! "
Dislike and old
Higher Togo on New
Villages to take them.
Oh huts, new huts!
You are smart, yes builds you
Not an extra penny
And blood trouble! ..,

In the morning there were wanderers
More and more people are small:
Your brother peasant la cameras,
Workshops, beggars,
Soldiers, yammchiki.
At the beggars, soldiers
Wanderers did not ask
How do they - can it be easily, is it difficult
Lives in Russia?
Soldiers shill shave
Soldiers are heated by smoke, -
What is happiness here? ..

I've clone to the evening
Go by expensive
Towards the pop.
Peasants removed hats,
Low bowed,
Harvested in a row
And Merin Savrasova
Tanned the path.
The priest raised his head,
I looked, I asked my eyes:
What do they want?

"I suppose! We are not robbers! " -
Said the ass of Luka.
(Luke - a peasant addicted
With a wide borodic
Stubborn, speech and stupid.
Luke looks like a mill:
One is not a bird mill
That, no matter how waves,
I suppose not fly.)

"We are a guys of power,
From temporary,
Tightened by province
County Terepiorev,
Empty parish
Occolte villages:
Patch, holes,
Razovova, Znobishhina,
Gorleova, Neelova -
Nordica tole.
We are going on an important thing:
We have concern,
Is it so borrowing
Which house has increased,
With work, starting us,
Disabled from food.
You give us the word faithful
On our speech a man
Without laughter and without tricks,
On conscience, in mind
Truth to respond
Not that with her care
To the other we will go ... "

I give you the word true:
If you ask something
Without laughter and without tricks,
Truth and reason
How should you answer
Amen! .. -

"Thank you. Listen!
Going through-expensive
We agreed without reason
They fell and hood:
Who lives fun
Volgovo in Russia?
Roman said: landowner
Demyan said: official,
And I said: the ass.
Kupchina Tolstopuzoma, -
They said the Rubins brothers,
Ivan and Metrodor.
Pat said: Lonely,
Widelian boyar
Minister Sovereva,
And the prov said: king ...
Guy that bull: will be done
In the tank, which bliss -
Kolich her Ottudova
Do not choose: no matter how you argue
We did not agree!
Arguing - quarreled,
Coulder - rushed,
Atboard - Odumali:
Do not diverge apart
In the houses do not swear,
Do not see anyone with my wives
Neither with small guys
Neither with old men,
As long as our dispute is found
I will not find solutions
As long as they do not bring
As nor there is an estimate:
Who lives any fun,
Volgovo in Russia?
Tell you in our divine:
Is Popovskaya sweet sweet?
You like - freely, happily
Do you live, honest father? .. "

Pouched on, thought
In the trolley sitting, pop
And Milns: - Orthodox!
Rap on god sin
I carry my cross with patience,
I live ... and how? Listen!
I will tell you the truth and truth,
And you are a peasant mind
Matchy! -

What is your happiness, in your opinion?
Peace, wealth, honor -
Isn't it cute?

They said: "So" ...

Now let's see, brethren
What is the ass rest?
Start, confess, it would be necessary
Almost from the birth of the
How gramota gets
Popovsky son
What a price popovichy
The priesthood is bought,
Yes, better wrap!
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Our hard roads,
Our arrival is big.
Born in the world
Do not vote:
In Znitvo and in Senokos,
In the deaf night autumn,
In winter, in the cold,
And in the afternoon more -
Go - where is your name!
Going outrageous.
And let only bones
Broke some -
No! Whether it sweats
Feed the soul.
Do not believe, Orthodox,
Habit there is a limit:
No heart
With no other trepidation
Death harassment
Orphan sorrow!
Amen! .. Now think
What is the ass rest? ..

The peasants thought little.
Giving a relaxing priest
They with a bow left:
"What do you say yet?"

Now let's see, brethren
What is the ass honorable!
The task is taking
Wouldn't it freeze you? ..

Tell me, Orthodox,
Who are you calling
Cretaceous breed?
Chur! Answer in demand!

The peasants were crowned,
Silent - and pop silent ...

With whom you have been meeting,
Walking by expensive?
Chur! Answer in demand!

Cryahtaty, variables,
- About the com
You are fairy tales balalagen
And the songs are obscene
And all hulu? ..

Mother will fall a power,
Popov's daughter innocent
Seminarist of everyone -
How are you honored?
To whom in, like Merin,
Shout: go-go? ..

The guys fell out,
Silent - and pop silent ...
Peasants Duma thought
A pop wide hat
I wondered in my face
Yes, I looked at the sky.
In the spring, the grandchildren are small,
With rosy grandfather
Clouds play:
Here is the right kidka
One solid tucheu
Covered - boldly
Hummer and cried:
Rows of gray threads
Hung to the ground.
And closer, above the peasants,
From small, broken,
Merry clouds
Laughing the sun is red,
Like a girl from sheafs.
But cloud moved,
Pop hat covers -
Be a strong rain.
And the right kidka
Already light and joyful
There the rain stops.
Do not rain, there is a miracle of God:
There with gold threads
Shuts of shifts ...

"Not yourself ... by parents
We are so ... "- Rubins brothers
They finally said.
And others succanked:
"Not yourself, by parents!"
And Pop said: - Amen!
Sorry, Orthodox!
Not in the condemnation of the near
And by welcome to your
I tell you the truth.
Such honor the priest
In the peasantry. And the landowners ...

"You are past them, landlords!
They are known to us! "

Now let's see, brethren
Spooning riche
Popovskoe goes? ..
During the not far
Russian Empire
Noble estates
It was full of full.
And there were landlords there,
Owners famous
What no longer!
Moved and multiplied
And we were given to live.
That weddings there is a game
What kids naming
On gifters!
Although often twisted,
However, kindness
That were the Lord,
The arrival was not alienated:
We were crowned with us
We baptized deubrases,
We came to repent,
We fished them.
And if the happening,
That the landowner lived in the city,
So dying probably
In the village came.
If dies inadvertently,
And here will punish redeem
In the parish to sorpe.
You see, to the rural temple
On mourning chariot
In six horses heirs
The deadman are carrying -
Ass amendment good,
Mirians holiday holiday ...
And now it's not that!
As a tribe Jewish,
Distributed landowners
For further stranger
And according to Russia.
Now not to pride
Lies in native possession
Row with fathers, with grandparents,
Yes, and possessing many
Baryshniki went.
Oh chill bones
Russian, noble!
Where are you not scarming up?
What land you are not?

Then the article ... Collens ...
Not sin, I did not live
From Raskolnikov nothing.
Fortunately, no need:
In my arrival
Living in Orthodoxy
Two thirds parishioners.
And there are such parish,
Where they are completely different splitters,
So here how to be the ass?
All in the world changeable
Let's also be the world ...
Laws before strict
To splitters, softened, [ ]
And with them and popovsky
Income mat came.
Translate landlords
They do not live in the manors
And die in old age
No longer ride to us.
Rich landowners
Old women manty
Which raised
Who were attached
Near the monasteries.
No one is a submanent
The ass will not give!
No one will squander the air ...
Live with some peasants,
Wech worldly hryvniks,
Yes pies on holidays,
Yes, eggs about holy.
The peasant himself needs
And I would be happy to give, yes there is nothing ...

And then not any
And Mile Peasant Gross.
Our meager faults,
Sands, swamps, moss,
The cattle walks the injignment,
Bread Bread Self-friend
And if it starts
Cheese Earth-Kormilitsa,
So a new trouble:
Have a good bread!
Pot up the need, sell it
For the sternship,
And there - crumbs!
Then pay Schridogoga,
Sell \u200b\u200bfeeding.
Pray, Orthodox!
Threatens the trouble is great
And this year:
Winter was stood like
Spring stands rainy,
It would be necessary to sow
And in the fields - water!
Own, Lord!
Send a cool rainbow
On our heavens!
(Removing the hat, the shepherd is baptized,
And listeners to the identity)
The villages are our poor
And in them the peasants aft
Yes women sadness,
Kormilitsa, Podilice,
Slaves, Bogomolitse
And eternal workers,
Lord adds strength!
From such works with kopecks
Livally hard!
Happens to a suspicion
Come: not dying,
Scary family peasant
At that time, as she has
Boot to lose!
Find out the mustache
And support in the remaining
As you try to try
Spirit Bodr! And here to you
Old man, mother dead man,
Look, stretches with a bony,
Cornly hand.
The soul is drilled
How to zink in this handle
Two copper pyatak!
Of course, the case is clean -
For the required reward
Do not take - so there is nothing to live
Yes, the word consolation
Zoked in language
And as if how offended
You will go home ... Amen ...

Committed speech - and Merin
Long gently pop.
The peasants were broken up
Low bowed,
Horse slowly wandered.
And six comrades,
As if they conspired
Pressed with reproes
With selected major swearing
On a poor bow:
- What, took? Baska stubborn!
Dubb rustic!
There climbs into the argument! -
"Noblemen Bell True -
Priests live in prince.
Go under the sky
Popov Tereme
Buzzing Popov Ince
Bells of trees -
On the whole of God.
Three years I, Robyatushki,
Lived in the ass in workers,
Malina - not live!
Porova Poros - with Maslitsa,
Pop Pie - with a start,
Popov soup - with a snack!
Popov's wife is fat
Popova daughter white,
Popova horse fatty,
Bee Popova Fold
How the bell gets good! "
- Well, here you are praised
Popovsky live!
What did screak, having risen?
On a fight loz, anathema?
Wasn't it thought to take
What is a beard of the blatment?
So with a beard goat
Walked around the world earlier
Than plants adam
And the fool is considered
And Pose the goat! ..

Luka stood, I chose,
I was afraid, would not put
Comrades in Boca.
It would be so and Stalosha
Yes, to the happiness of the peasant,
The road was hit -
Person popovo strict
Appeared on the bug ...

Sorry poor peasant
And the forest is pity the cattle;
Raver stocks scanty
Host twigs
Drove it into the meadow,
What is there to take? Chernechonko!
Only to Nicola
The weather was entitled,
Green fresh travelers
Cattle has enjoyed.

Roast day. Under birchms
Peasants make their ways,
Guting among themselves:
"We go to one village,
We go another - empty!
And the day is a festive today.
Where did the people disappear? .. "
Go sill - on the street
Some guys are small
In houses - old old women,
And then also locked
Wickets on the castle.
Castle - Doggy's faithful:
Does not bother, does not bite,
And does not allow the house!
Passed the village, saw
In the green frame of the mirror:
With the edges full pond.
Over the pond swallowing;
Some mosquitoes,
Agile and skinny
Scrapping like a hare,
Walk through water.
On the shores, in the rocket
Korostels hid.
On a long, shaky dam
With Valka Popovna fat
Worth how stack looked
Move the hem.
On the same on the dam
Sleeps duck with ducklings ...
Chu! Horse snoring!
Peasants looked at once
And saw over the water
Two heads: Men's,
Curly and dark
With an earring (milled sun
On a white that earrings)
Other - horsepower
With a rope seeded in five.
The man takes the rope in the mouth,
The man floats - and the horse is floating,
The man called - and the horse called.
Swim, yell! Under the baboo
Under small ducklings
The raft walks the goal.

Changing the horse - for the withers to hug!
Jumped up and went to the meadow
Silent: white body,
And the neck as a resin;
Water streams rolling
With a horse and from the saddle.

"And what do you have in the village
Neither old either small
How damp the whole people? "
- went to the village of Kuzminskoe,
Today there is a yardonka
And holiday temple. -
"And far kuzminskoe?"

Yes, there will be a verst three.

"Let's go to the village Kuzminskoe,
Let's see the holiday-yard! "
Meni decided
And I thought about myself:
"Isn't it hiding there
Who lives happily? .. "

Kuzmin rich,
And the forest is dirty
Trade village.
By Kosoyorat stretches
Then the ravine descends
And there again on the slide -
How dirt is not there?
Two churches in it are old,
One old supplementary
Other Orthodox,
House with the inscription: School,
Empty, scored tightly,
Izba to one window,
With the image of the paramedic,
There is a dirty hotel,
Sign decorated
(With a large nosed kettle
Tray in the hands of the pin
And small cups
Like goshny goose
That kettle is surrounded by),
There are permanent shops
Extremely county
Gostiny yard ...!

Came to the Square Wanderers:
All sorts of goods
And apparently invisible
The people! Do not fun?
Seem to have no move of the godfather,
But, as if before icons,
Without hats men.
Such a kid!
Look where to go
Peasant slips:
In addition to the wine warehouse,
Harchevni, restaurants,
A dozen lavetles,
Three boring courtyards
Yes "Rensk cellar",
Yes pairs of kabaks,
Eleven zabachnikov
For the holiday set
Tents on the village.
With every five pans;
Piecers - the youth
Scribed, reached,
And they all do not sleep,
With the surrender not to manage!
Shoulder, thunderstorm
Peasant hands with hats,
With scarves, with mittens.
Orthodox thirst,
Where are you great!
Only would die
And there will be hats,
How to depart the bazaar.

On drunk's head
Playing the sun rapidly ...
Khmelno, Gorlasto, festively,
Pestro, red circle!
Pants on the guys of Pliopia,
Striped vests
Shirts of all colors;
On the babes of the dress are red,
In girls braids with ribbons,
Winch swim!
And there are still clayes,
Dressed in the capital -
And grows, and sinks
Hem on hoops!
Copy - Fucifying!
Olyu, Novomodnitsa,
You are fishing tackle
Under skirts to wear!
On women of elegant glady
Old procurement evil
Commercial says:
"Be hunger! be hunger!
Warry that shoots were smelly,
That the flood is more early
Stands to Petrova!
Since women started
Walk to the Red Citnesses -
Forests are not risen
And at least not this bread! "

Yes than sits red
Are they guilty, Mother?
I won't be afraid!

"And the quits are those French -
Dog blood painted!
Well ... understood now? .. "

Let's go around the worshipers:
Admire handkerchiefs
Ivanovo sieves,
Splash, new shoes,
Farm kimryakov.
That shoe shop
Wanderers laugh again:
Here shoes gantry
Grandfather granddaughter traded
Five times asked about the price
Spit in his hands, looked around:
Goods first grade!
"Well, uncle! Two dumartes
Pay, do not fall out! " -
He told him a merchant.
- And you wait! - admire
Old man shoe tiny
Such keeps speech:
- I'm son-in-law - do not care and my daughter will grieve
, My wife is spitting, let it grumble!
And granddaughter sorry! Hanging
On the neck, the referee:
"Buy a hotel, grandfather,
Buy! " - Silkova head
The face tickles, goes
Turn the old man.
Wait, slider barefoot!
Wait, Yula! Gantry
Boots buy ...
Praised the cleaway,
And old and small
Gifts otulil
And he dug up to the pennies!
How am I eye shameless
Homemade show? ..

I am a son-in-law - I don't care, and the daughter will stern
Wife - do not care, let it grumble!
And granddaughter is sorry! .. - I went again
About granddaughter! Kill! ..
The people gathered, listens,
Do not dare, pity;
Happen, work, bread
He would help him
And take out two dumplings,
So he himself will be with anything.
Yes there was a man here
Pavlusha Veretnikov.
(What kind of rank,
Did not know the guys
However, called "Barin".
Mostly he was a bales,
Wore a red shirt
Triple trip
Sumbo boots;
Sang folder songs Russian
And they loved to listen to them.
His saw many
On the fellow courtyards
In the harchev, in the kabaks.)
So he helped reversed -
Bought him shoes.
Babied them grabbed
And there was such a thing! - On joy
Thanks even Barina
Forgot to say the old man,
But Other peasants
So were intended,
So glad as if everyone
He gave a ruble!
There was also a shop
With pictures and books,
Offenses poisted
His goods in it.
"And the generals are necessary?" -
Asked their checkmaster-burning.
- And give generals!
Yes only you are conscientious
So that there were real -
Celling, inner.

"Wonderful! How do you watch! -
Said a merchant with a smile. -
The point is not a piece of ... "
- What about? You're kidding, friend!
Drying, what is preferably to do?
And where are we going to go with her?
Shawl! In front of the peasant
All generals are equal,
How bumps on ate:
To sell plug
Get to the dock needed
And Tolstoy yes Terrible
I'll succeed like ...
Come on big, ospanish,
Breasts from the mountain, eye swing,
So that more stars!

"Do not want Stat?"
- Well, now with Statski! -
(However, they took - cheap! -
Some dignity
For belly with barrel wine
And for seventeen stars.)
Merchant - with all respects,
That any, themes and lots
(From Lubyanka - First Thief!) -
Shot down the hundred Blucher,
Archimandrite Fothia,
Sipko's robber
Sales books: "Jester Balakirev"
And "English Milord" ...

Lay in a box of a book
Went to walk portraits
According to the Kingdom of All-Russian,
Showness is not attached
In the Peasant Summer Gorenka,
At the low wall ...
Damn knows why!

Eh! Eh! whether the time comes
When (come, desirable! ..)
Will give to understand the peasant
That roller portrait portrait
What is the book of the book?
When a man is not bluer
And not Milorda stupid -
Belinsky and Gogol
From the bazaar incur?
Oh people, people Russian!
Orthodox peasants!
Whether heard ever
Are you these names?
Then the names are great
Worn them, glorified
People's intercessors!
Here you would be their portrait
Hang in your journals,
To read their books ...

"And I will be happy to paradise, but a door where?" -
Such a speech is broken
In the lavecon unexpectedly.
- What door to you? -
"Yes to Balagan. Chu! music!.."
- Let's go, I will give!

About Balagan smoking
We went and our wanderers
Listen to standing.
Comedy with parscho
With a goat with a drummer
And not with a simple scandard,
And with real music
They looked here.
Comedy is not wise
However, not stupid,
Horn, quarterly
Not in an eyebrow, but straight into the eye!
Shalas Full-Full Tools,
The people of nuts click,
And then two or three peasants
The word will spread -
Look, vodka appeared:
Will look yes!
Laugh, comforted
And often in Speech Petrushkin
Insert the word tag,
What you won't come up
At least swallow the feather!

These are lovers -
How the comedy will end
For shirms will go
Become married
Guther with musicians:
"Where did it, well done?"
- And we were the Lord
Played landlords
Now we are free people,
Who will bring up,
That we and Mr!

"And the point, the friends are cute,
Pretty bar you tehlii
Dry men!
Hey! Male! Sweet vodka!
Single! tea! Hollow!
Tsimlyansky - Live! .. "

And the sea is spilled
Will go, the generous of the Barsky
Guys carot.




























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In which year - count,
In which land is guessing,
On a pillars


Volgovo in Russia?


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