
Interesting facts from Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin (15 photos). Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin Works Saltykov Shchedrin by year

Born in a wealthy family of Evgorph Vasilyevich Saltykov, an offacarious nobleman and a college adviser, and Olga Mikhailovna Gobaren. Got a home education - his first mentor was a serf artist Pavel Sokolov. Later, the education of young Mikhail was engaged in a governess, a priest, a seminary student and his older sister. At 10 years old, Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin entered the Moscow Noble Institute, where he demonstrated great progress in their studies.

In 1838, Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin entered the Tsarskoyel Lyceum. There, he was transferred to study for the State Account. In the lyceum, he began writing "free" poems, ridiculeling the surrounding flaws. The poems were weak, soon the future writer stopped engaged in poetry and did not like when he was reminded of poetic experiments of youth.

In 1841, the first poem "Lira" was printed.

In 1844, graduating from a lyceum, Mikhail Saltykov enters the service in the Office of the Military Ministry, where he writes free-industrial works.

In 1847, the first story of "contradictions" was printed.

On April 28, 1848, Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin is sent for the story "confusing business" to the official translation into Vyatka - away from the capital to the link. There he had an impeccable working reputation, did not take bribes and, taking advantage of great success, was in all at home.

In 1855, having received permission to leave Vyatka, Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin went to St. Petersburg, where in a year it becomes an official of special instructions under the minister of internal affairs.

In 1858, Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin is appointed by the Vice-Governor to Ryazan.

In 1860 he was transferred to Tver as a vice-governor. In the same period, he actively cooperates with the magazines "Moscow Bulletin", "Russian Bulletin", "Library for reading", "Contemporary".

In 1862, Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin resigned and tried to establish a magazine in Moscow. But the publishing project failed and he moved to St. Petersburg.

In 1863, he became an employee of the contemporary magazine, but because of microscopic fees was forced to return to the service again.

In 1864, Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin was appointed chairman of the Penza State Chamber, was later translated into Tula in the same position.

In 1867, as chapter of the State Chamber was transferred to Ryazan.

In 1868, he again retired in the rank of a really static adviser and wrote his main works of the "History of one city", "Poshekhonskaya Starina", "Provincial Diary in St. Petersburg" "The history of one city".

In 1877, Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin becomes the editor-in-chief of "domestic notes." He travels in Europe and meets Zola and Flaubert.

In 1880, Printed Roman "Lord Golovy".

In 1884, the "Domestic Notes" magazine is closed by the government and the state of health Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin deteriorates sharply. He dwells longer.

In 1889, Roman "Poshekhonna Starina" came out.

In May 1889, Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin fell ill with cold and died on May 10th. He was buried on the Volkovsky cemetery in St. Petersburg.

Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin (real surname Saltykov, pseudonym Nikolai Shchedrin). Born 15 (27) January 1826 - died on April 28 (May 10) of 1889. Russian writer, journalist, editor of the journal "Patrican notes", Ryazan and Tver Vice-Governor.

Mikhail Saltykov was born in the oldest noble family, in the estate of the parents, the village of Savior, the corner of the Kalyazin district of Tver province. He was the sixth child of the hereditary nobleman and a college adviser to Evgranpi Vasilyevich Saltykov (1776-1851).

The mother of the writer, Zabelina Olga Mikhailovna (1801-1874), was the daughter of the Moscow nobleman, Mikhail Petrovich (1765-1849) and Martha Ivanovna (1770-1814). Although in the note to the "Poshekhon Starne" Saltykov-Shchedrin, and asked not to mix him with the identity of Nicanar, on behalf of which the story is conducted, but the complete similarity of a lot from the Saltykov-Shchedrin's undersigned with undoubted facts of life allows you to assume that "Poshekhonskaya Starina" He has partly autobiographical character.

The first teacher Saltykov-Shchedrina was a fortress man of his parents, the painter Pavel Sokolov; Then he was engaged in her elder sister, the priest of the neighboring village, a governess and a student of the Moscow Spiritual Academy. For ten years, he entered the Moscow Nobility Institute, and two years later was translated as one of the best disciples, an treasure pupil in the Tsarskoyel Lyceum. It was there that he began his writer's activities.

In 1844 he graduated from a lyceum on the second category (that is, with the rank of X class), 17 out of 22 students, because his behavior was not more certified as "pretty good": to ordinary school misconduct (rudeness, smoking, negligence in clothing) Joined the "writing poems" "disapproving" content. In the lyceum under the influence of fresh even then, Pushkin's legends each course had his poet; At the XIII course, Saltykov-Shchedrin played this role. Several of his poems was placed in the "Library for reading" 1841 and 1842, when he was still a lyceum; Others printed in the "contemporary" (ed. Plentnev) 1844 and 1845, they are also written in the lyceum all these poems are reprinted in "Materials for the biography of I. E. Saltykov", attached to the complete collection of its writings.

None of the poems of Saltykov-Shchedrin (partly translated, in part original) does not carry traces of talent; Latest time is even inferior to earlier. Saltykov-Shchedrin soon realized that he had no calling for poetry, stopped writing poems and did not like when he was reminded him. However, in these student exercises, a sincere mood is felt, mostly sad, melancholic (at that time, familiar Saltykov-Shchedrin was leaked under the name of the "gloomy lyceist").

In August 1844 Saltykov-Shchedrin was enrolled in the service in the Office of the Military Minister and only after two years received the first regular place - Assistant Secretary. The literature already occupied him much more than the service: he not only read a lot, fond of French socialists (a brilliant picture of this passion is drawn to them thirty years later in the fourth chapter of the collection "Abroad"), but also wrote - first small bibliographic Notes (in "domestic notes" 1847), then the story of "contradictions" (ibid., November 1847) and the "confusing case" (March 1848).

Already in bibliographic notes, despite the unavailability of books, about which they are written, hesitates the image of the author's thoughts - his disgust for Routine, to the capital morality, to the fastened right; The places of mocking humor come across the places.

In the first story of Saltykova-Shchedrin, "contradictions", which he never subsequently reprinted, sounds, compressed and deaf, the same topic to which early novels J. Sand: recognition of the rights of life and passion. Hero of the story, Nagibin - a man exhausted by greenhouse education and defenseless against the effects of the medium, against the "little life." The fear of these trifles and then, and later (for example, in the "road" in the "provincial essays") was a sign, apparently, the Saltykov-generous himself - but he had that fear that serves as a source of struggle, and not despondency. In Nagibin, it was reflected in this way, only one small corner of the author's inner life. Another acting face of the novel - "Woman's fist", Crush - reminds Anna Pavlovna shabby from "Poshechon Starina", that is, inspired, probably family memories of Saltykov-Shchedrin.

The much larger "confusing business" (reprinted in "innocent stories"), written under the strong influence of "Schineli", maybe "poor people", but enclosing several wonderful pages (for example, an image of a pyramid from human bodies that dream Michulina). "Russia, - so reflects the Hero of the story, - the state is extensive, abundant and rich; Yes, a person is stupid, mourning himself with hunger in a rich state. " "Life is a lottery," tells him the usual view, bequeathed to him by his father; "It is so," says some kind of unfriendly voice, "but why is she a lottery, why not be her just life?" A few months earlier, such arguments would remain, maybe, unnoticed - but the "confused case" was born just when the February Revolution in France was reflected in Russia to the establishment of the so-called Busurinsky Committee (by the name of his chairman D. P. Buturlin), Taken by special powers for curbing printing.

On April 28, 1848, he was sent to Vyatka on April 28, 1848, he was identified in Vyatka and on July 3, a stationery official at the Vyatsky provincial rule. In November of the same year, he was appointed a senior official of special instructions at the Vyatka Governor, then he held two times the position of the ruler of the Governor's Office, and from August 1850 he was an adviser to the provincial rule. I have little information about his service in Vyatka, but judging by the note on land riots in the Slobodsky district, found after the death of Saltykov-Shchedrin in his papers and detailed in the "Materials" for his biography, he was warmly taken to his heart his duties when They led him to a direct contact with the folk mass and gave him the opportunity to be helpful her.

Provincial life in the most dark sides, at that time easily escaped from the gaze, Saltykov-Shchedrin found out how it is impossible to be better, thanks to the commanders and consequences, which were imposed on it - and the rich stock of the observations made them found themselves in the "provincial essays". He accelerates the lot of mental loneliness to be a boredom: the excerpts of his translations from Tokville, Vivien, Shereuyl and notes, written by him about the famous book of Bekcaria, were preserved. For the sisters of the chatters, the daughters of the Vyatsky Vice-Governor, of which one (Elizabeth Apolloovna) in 1856 became his wife, he made a "brief history of Russia".

In November 1855, he was finally allowed to leave Vyatka (where he from until once again went to the Tver village); In February 1856, he was counted for the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in June of the same year he was appointed an official of special instructions under the minister and in August was sent to the province Tverskaya and Vladimir to review the office work of the provincial committees of the militia (convened, on the occasion of the Eastern War, in 1855). In his papers there was a blacks note, compiled by him in the performance of this order. She certifies that the so-called noble provincials appeared before Saltykov-generous, not at the best possible form than the Nedanian, Vyatka; The abuses when equipping the militia, they found a lot. Several later, they were compiled a note about the device of the Grad and Zemsky police, imbued with a little even more common idea of \u200b\u200bdecentralization and very boldly emphasized the shortcomings of the existing orders.

Following the return of Saltykov-Shchedrin from the reference resumed, with a great glitter, his literary activity. The name of the supervisory adviser Shchedrin, who were signed by the "Gubernsky Essays" appearing in the "Russian Bulletin" from 1856, immediately became one of the most beloved and popular.

Collected in one whole, the "provincial essays" in 1857 sustained two publications (later - more than many). They marked the beginning of a whole literature called the "indity", but they themselves belonged to it only in part. The outer side of the world of blues, bribes, all of the abuse fills only some of the essays; The psychology of the blessing life is put forward to the fore, such major figures, as Petrophiry Petrovich, as "mischievous", the primitive "Pompadurov", or "tranquenny", the primacy of the "Tashkentsents", as a distortion, with an indispensable yabediness of which even administrative frankness should be considered.

Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin (real surname Saltykov, N. Shchedrin's pseudonym) was born on January 27 (on January 15 at the old style) of 1826 in the village of Savory-Angle of Tver province (now Taldom district of the Moscow region). He was a sixth child of the hereditary nobleman of the college adviser, the mother came from the family of Moscow merchants. Up to 10 years old, the boy lived in the estate of his father.

In 1836, Mikhail Saltykov was enrolled in the Moscow Nobility Institute, which previously studied the poet Mikhail Lermontov, in 1838 as the best student of the institute was translated into the Tsarskoye Lyceum. Saltykov wandered the first poet on the course, his poems were published in periodicals.

In 1844, at the end of the lyceum, he was determined to serve in the Office of the Military Ministry in St. Petersburg.

In 1845-1847, Saltykov visited the assembly of the circle of Russian utopian socialists - "Friday" Mikhail Butashevich-Petrashevsky, with whom he met in a lyceum.

In 1847-1848, the first reviews of Saltykov were published in the magazines "Contemporary" and "domestic notes".

In 1847, the first story of Saltykov "Contradictions" was printed in the "domestic notes", dedicated to the economist Vladimir Milyutin.

The release of this work coincided with the tightening of censorship restrictions after the Great French Revolution and the organization of the secret committee chaired by Prince Menshikov, as a result, the story was banned, and its author was sent to Vyatka (now Kirov) and appointed to the post of scribe in the provincial board.

In 1855, Saltykov received permission to return to St. Petersburg.

In 1856-1858, he was an official of special instructions in the Ministry of the Interior, participated in the preparation of the peasant reform of 1861.

From 1856 to 1857, the "Gubernsky Essays" Saltykov under the pseudonym "N. Shchedrin" were published in the Russian Bulletin. "Essays" were noted by the attention of Nikolai Chernyshevsky and Nikolai Dobrolyubov, who devoted to them articles.

In March 1858, Saltykov was appointed vice-governor of the city of Ryazan.

In April 1860, in connection with the conflict with the Ryazan Governor, Saltykov was appointed Vice-Governor Tver, in January 1862 resigned.

In 1858-1862, the collections "Innocent stories" and "Satira in Prose" came out, in which the city of silly appeared - a collective image of modern Russian reality.

In 1862-1864, Saltykov entered the editorial office of the contemporary magazine.

In 1864-1868, he held the posts of the Chairman of the Penza State Chamber, governing the Tula State Chamber and the Governance of the Spare Chamber of Ryazan.

Since 1868, he collaborated with the magazine "Public Notes", from 1878 he was the responsible editor of the magazine.

During the period of operation in the "domestic notes", the writer created his significant works - the novels "The Story of the One City" (1869-1970) and "Lord Golovy" (1875-1880).

In parallel, the writer worked on journalistic articles, in the 1870s he released collections of the "signs of time", "letters from the province", "Pompadura and Pompadurshi", "Lord Tashkent", "Provincial Diary in St. Petersburg", "Refinished Speech", We have become a noticeable phenomenon not only in the literature, but also of socio-political life.

In the 1880s, Saltykov-Shchedrine fairy tale was seen the light, the first of them were published in 1869.

In 1886, the Roman "Poshekhonna Starina" was written.

In February 1889, the writer began to prepare the author's publication of the collection of writings in nine volumes, but with his life only one volume was released.

On May 10 (April 28, in the old style) of 1889, Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin died in St. Petersburg. He was buried on the literal view of the Volkovsky cemetery.

In 1890, a complete collection of writer writers in nine volumes was published. From 1891 to 1892, a full collected works in 12 volumes prepared by the author's heirs, which was repeatedly reprinted.

Saltykov-Shchedrin was married to Elizabeth the chatter, with which he met during the Vyatka links, the son of Konstantin and daughter of Elizabeth were born in the family.

Nikolai Shchedrin - pseudonym, real name - Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov; Russian Empire, Tver Province, Savior-Angle village; 01/15/1826 - 28.04.1889

Books Saltykov-Shchedrin are known far beyond our country. Mikhail Evgrafovich is rightfully referring to the classics of Russian literature, and its contribution to world literature is difficult to overestimate. The Saltykov-Shchedrin works are translated into many languages \u200b\u200bof the world, and in our country many works of the writer are included in the school curriculum.

Biography Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin

Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov was born on January 15, 1826 in the family of the nobleman of Evgraph Vasilyevich. He was a sixth child in the family. Family lived in the estate savage of the Kolyany district. Here is the boy and got the first education. Initially, his teacher was a fortress father, then his elder sister was engaged in his upbringing, then the priest, then the governess and finally, a student of the spiritual seminary. So far, in 1836, he did not enter the Moscow Nobility Institute. For diligent learning, in two years, he was transferred to the Tsarskoye Lyceum. Here Saltykov-Shchedrin and made his first steps in the literature. He wrote predominantly poems, and often "disapproving character." But subsequently realized that poetry is not him. In 1844, he graduated from a second-class libey. Moreover, out of 22 two students who started learning with him, to make it could only five.

In August 1945, Mikhail Saltykov was enrolled in the Office of the Military Ministry. But it was able to get a regular seat assistant secretary in two years. But in the literature he had everything much better. His bibliographic notes prints the magazine "Contemporary", in 1847 the first story of Saltykov-Shchedrin "Contradictions" comes out, and literally after six months, "confusing history". Written under the influence, the story "confusing history" fell into disfavor of the authorities. As a result, in 1848, the writer was exiled to Vyatka.

In Vyatka Saltykov-Shchedrin worked in the office and even several times headed her. The link ended only in 1855. And already in 1856, he was sent by the Ministry of Internal Affairs with verification of office work in Tver and Vladimir province. At about the same time, he begins to be printed in the Russian Herald. His "provincial essays" are becoming very popular, and even several times reprinted with a complete essay collection. In 1858, the writer is appointed by the Vice-Governor to Ryazan, and in two years in Tver. At this time, it is printed in almost all famous magazines. But since 1860, almost all works of Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin go to the "contemporary". The writer itself, as the magazine begins to experience the oppression. Therefore, Mikhail Evrugafovich is translated to the serving of the Casual Chamber.

With the transition of "domestic notes" editorial off, Saltykov-Shchedrin becomes one of the most active employees. In 1868, he fully moves to work in the magazine. At first he was one of the employees, and after the death of Nekrasov took his place editor. This period is rightfully considered one of the most fruitful in the work of the writer. It is on him that the Books of the Saltykov-Shchedrin "History of the One City", "Felong Speech", "Lord Golovy", as well as most of the writer's fairy tales. Mikhail Evgrafovich completely gave himself to work. In part, because of this, his health was shaken in the mid-70s. The ban on the "domestic notes" in 1884 became truly a truly huge blow. By inertia, he continued to write and these late works have not been inferior to his earlier work, but without communication with the reader he faded. Saltykov-Shchedrin died in 1889. And on his own will was buried next to the grave.

Books Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin on the site top books

Books Saltykov-Shchedrin read was popular at all times. No wonder many of them are represented in our, and occupy there are far from recent places. In this case, a separate element should be noted the fairy tales of Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin, which is still in demand and relevant to this day. No wonder many of them are represented in our, as well. And taking into account the presence of works of the writer in the school program, we still do not meet the works of Saltykov-Shchedrin in the ranking of our site.

Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin List of Books


  1. Gentlemen puzzles
  2. Poshekhonskaya Starina
  3. Shelter MONREPO


  1. Fireless speeches
  2. In the hospital for the sacrificed
  3. Gentlemen Molchanins
  4. Lord Tashkentants
  5. Provincial essays
  6. Provincial Diary in St. Petersburg
  7. Abroad
  8. Innocent stories
  9. Letters to Auntie
  10. Pompadura and Pompadurshi
  11. Satires in prose
  12. Modern idyll

Fairy tales:

  1. Baran-uncompressive
  2. Poor Wolf
  3. Bogatyr
  4. Faithful trorrel
  5. Crow-jubble
  6. Drier Vobra
  7. Rustic fire
  8. Virtues and villocks
  9. Fool
  10. Suddenished hare
  11. Toy business people
  12. Karas idealist
  13. Kissel
  14. Konya
  15. Liberal
  16. Bear on Voivodship
  17. Non-indanted eye
  18. Shuffler newspaper and cargo reader
  19. Orel-Messenat
  20. Idle talk
  21. Adventure with Kramolnikov
  22. Walked conscience
  23. By expensive
  24. Christmas tale
  25. Selfless hare
  26. Tale of the Scheduler
  27. Neighbors
  28. Christ night


  1. Anniversary
  2. Good soul
  3. Spoiled children
  4. Death of Pazukhina
  5. Neighbors
  6. Chizhikovo Mountain

Saltykov-Shchedrin (pseudonym - N. Shchedrin) Mikhail Evgrafovich - Russian Satir writer.

Born in the village of Spas-Angle of Tver province in the old nobility family. Children's years have passed in the family estate of the Father in "... years ... the fastener of the fastener right", in one of the deaf angles "Poshekhonya". Observations for this life will be subsequently reflected in the writer's books.

Having received a good home education, Saltykov was adopted by a boarder to the Moscow Known Institute, where he spent two years, then in 1838 translated into the Tsarskoye Lyceum. Here I began to write poems, having experienced a large influence of the articles of Belinsky and Herzen, the works of Gogol.

In 1844, after graduation, the Lyceum served as an official in the Office of the Military Ministry. "... everywhere debt, everywhere coercion, everywhere boredom and lies ..." - he gave such a characteristic by bureaucratic Petersburg. Another life more attracted Saltykov: Communication with writers, a visit to the "Fridays" Petrashevsky, where philosophers, scientists, writers, military, united by anti-refreshment sentiments, were looking for ideals of a fair society.

The first tale of Saltykov "Contradictions" (1847), "Intended Business" (1848) with its acute social issues, the attention of the authorities, frightened by the French revolution, were sent to the French revolution. The writer was sent to Vyatka for "... the harmful way of thoughts and a detrimental desire for distribution Ideas witted all Western Europe ... ". For eight years, he lived in Vyatka, where in 1850 was appointed the post of advisor in the provincial board. This made it possible to often visit business trips and observe the official world and peasant life. The impressions of these years will influence the satirical direction of the writer's creativity.

At the end of 1855, after the death of Nikolai I, having received the right to "live where wishes", returned to Petersburg and resumed a literary work. In 1856 - 1857, the "provincial essays", published on behalf of the "N. Shchedrin," published on behalf of the "N. Shchedrin," who had known for the entire reading Russia, who called him the heir to Gogol.

At that time, he married the 17-year-old daughter of the Vyatsky Vice-Governor, E. Boltin. Saltykov sought to combine the work of the writer with the civil service. In 1856 - 1858 was an official of special instructions in the Ministry of the Interior, where work on the preparation of peasant reform were focused.

In 1858 - 1862 served as the vice-governor in Ryazan, then in Tver. He always sought to surround himself on the spot of his service with people honest, young and educated, dismissing bribes and thieves.

During these years, stories and essays appeared ("innocent stories", 1857 㬻 "Satira in Prose", 1859 - 62), as well as articles on the peasant issue.

In 1862, the writer resigned, moved to Petersburg and at the invitation of Nekrasov entered the editorial office of the magazine "Contemporan", which at that time experienced tremendous difficulties (Dobrolyubov died, Chernyshevsky was concluded in the Petropavlovsk fortress). Saltykov took on a huge writing and editorial work. But the most important attention paid to the monthly review of "our social life", which was the monument of Russian journalists of the era of the 1860s.

In 1864 Saltykov came out of the edition of the "contemporary". The reason was the intracecient disagreements on the issues of public struggle tactics in new conditions. He returned to civil service.

In 1865 - 1868 he headed the government chambers in Penza, Tula, Ryazan; Observations for the life of these cities formed the basis of "Letters about the province" (1869). A frequent change of service is due to conflicts with the chiefs of the provinces, over which the writer "laughed" in the pamphlet-grotescas. After the complaint of the Ryazan Governor Saltykov in 1868 was resigned in the rank of a valid Stat adviser. He moved to Petersburg, accepted the invitation N. Nekrasov to become a society of the journal "Domestic Notes", where he worked in 1868 - 1884. Saltykov now switched entirely to literary activities. In 1869, he writes the "story of one city" - the top of his satirical art.

In 1875 - 1876 he was treated abroad, visited Western European countries in different years of life. In Paris met with Turgenev, Flaubert, Zola.

In the 1880s, Satyra Saltykov reached climax in his anger and grotesque: "Modern idyll" (1877 - 83); "Lord Golovy" (1880); "Poshekhonsky stories" (1883 㭐).

In 1884, the Magazine "Patriotic Notes" was closed, after which Saltykov was forced to be printed in the journal "Journal of Europe".

In recent years of life, the writer has created his masterpieces: "fairy tales" (1882 - 86); "Little things of life" (1886 - 87); Autobiographical Roman "Poshekhonskaya Starina" (1887 - 89).

A few days before the death, he wrote the first pages of the new work "Forgotten words", where he wanted to remind "Pestry people" of the 1880s about the words lost by them: "Conscience, Fatherland, humanity ... Others there are still ...".

M. Saltykov-Shchedrin died in St. Petersburg.