
What does it mean it is thin there and rushes. What does the saying "Where is fine, there and tear"? Comedy in one action

This article is devoted to analyzing such a topic as the specificity of the actions of negative programs. Namely, the principle of "where subtle, there is torn."

Perhaps this article will allow you to find answers to questions: "Why is it going with me? Why exactly what happens? "

The penetration of negative energy occurs, first of all, in the region of human life, where the negative "feels" is the weakest place.

Several examples to give an idea of \u200b\u200bthis principle.
According to the concomitant, the design will crack in the lowest place.
The rope begins to rush and burst into the thinnest place.
Clothing crawls in the lowest seat seam.

The river, which is overporaited by the bomb, will first "try" the tall of strength, and if the water pressure does not break through the river, then the river will be broken by the streams on the space available to it.

So the person has weak points. Every person. One is one more. Not only in the body, but in life as a whole. And it is in these places it is worth waiting for the first blow, if "black works" began to create "black things."

What are these weaknesses? Everyone has their own. But they can be "calculated" according to certain principles.

And now - examples from life.
Family lived. Mom, dad, daughter 8 years old. And one aunt was started, which first wanted to pick up the dad from the family, and then it was angry that it would not work, and decided to make a nasty and him, and his whole family. (From love to hatred one step, as you know). But nothing significant was happening, while in one day the daughter did not move the tram ... and the presence of negative in the family decided after the death of the child when analyzing the situation. And there was a discharge of negative on the weak link.

I didn't need this toet for the death of a child, she wanted to just take revenge on "how the map will be lying" and a man and his family. And the negative worked for a child.

One lady, the owner of the chain of stores, had a "blood enemy". And as soon as this enemy "beat" on it - on health, mainly it was ill, and at the same time trade fell sharply. She gave half aimity to build this trading network on their own, and appreciated this matter of all the lives higher than health. She was sick for them with all his soul, and they were her weak point that "rushed" along with her health. From the problems of hitting health, she left itself, and shops without active assistance for their resuscitation, they themselves "rose".

But why so? The practice of observations and allowed to identify a number of principles, as it works "where it is thin, there is torn."

In the presence of negative in the family, especially from him suffer or the weakest, or the youngest. It is on them - on weak (weak health, spirit, character) or younger, the largest concentration of negative is underway. Because in weak and younger - low resistance to the negative. They are the weakest link, "thin place."

And by the way, if the negative will "choose where to go" between an old man and a child (even if they are equally weak in terms of health), he will most likely go to the child. Because old people already "walked" and harden.

And choosing between children - here soon will work the principle of "attractiveness" not the youngest, and the weakest. Weak spirit, character, will, health, karma. Although, often and here is definitely not guess ...

However, sometimes a conscious statement of oneself on the role of "weak link", in the mode of self-sacrifice, the "living shield".

Many have heard of cases, either themselves observed such cases in their lives when the cat (dog), who loves his owner very much, is tied to him, comes to a patient (a manifold, dying) to a person, "breathes" by his negative, his illness, It is impregnated with his negative, suffering, but it suffers consciously. And then go to die.

So love and compassion is consciously, wanting to help, facilitate the suffering of a loved one, readily goes to self-sacrifice to divide (pick up) a negative of the other. Parents sick for children, wives (husbands) take a blow to themselves, deliberately decaying the negative from the partner, taking it to themselves. Consciously becoming a "weak link". Here, it is rushing from the very depths of the soul that includes the mechanism of self-sacrifice. But not all know how to do.

However, it is impossible to appoint a "subtle place" yourself to inspire more important things, and to do with "low blood."

You can not say: "Let I lose the car, but let me be preserving health," let me die, but not my child, "" I'd rather break, than I lose my favorite. " The weak link pops up itself, and see what "broke" in this place, it is possible only by the fact of destruction. With a negative, you will not be frightened that he should pick up, and what to spare. It only needs to get rid of it.

Often, when applying the negative to achieve a specific goal, another effect is obtained.
I will surprise you by the fact that even damage to death in more than half of the cases does not lead to death. You can live with it, and live long. True, "bombarding" and watching the destruction around itself.

If a person has a good health, and the man has a negative on death, then health will withstand the siege (gradually weakening), and then the program and energy of the negative will look for their exit and sales elsewhere. And where will this negative go - in a weak place. The method of "goodbye" of these weaknesses is to business, in personal relationships, on loved ones.

Weak points should be revealed in advance and strengthen them.

Sometimes aggressors specifically calculate weaknesses, and beat them to deliver more torment (often on children). And then either rejoice in his losses, or finish the victim, weakened by suffering, sophistication, experiences, losses.

The next principle that defines the same link in your life is weak - the most of all worries, worry. And also where there are already problems.

Unstable business or work - this sphere is under threat.

"Walk" relationships - they are threatened.

"Chromas" health is under threat.

"Makes Nerves" a child - it is he who is in the "risk group" by waiting for problems.

There were chronic diseases in health - they are under threat of deterioration during the attack.

You used to have negative impacts (even if they were cleaned) - you are a lighter target for new magical attacks.

When damaged to health or death, the fastest link in the health "burst". So it is possible to explain those seemingly "sudden" and sustainable deaths from cases where many survive.

There is also such a mechanism as "discharge" of negative. "Compensation explosion". If a person has a strong negative, but there is protection, then such an explosion can occur in a literal sense. Such cases are subject to car accidents when the car is to smithereens, and in humans - neither scratches, or light injuries.
A person can create a weak place himself, but not understand - where exactly. First of all, with its emotions - fear, anxiety, experiences.

Imractiveness, hypochondria, depletion, decay of forces - "thin place" for porching on health.
Weakness of character, suggestibility, statement, weak will, the immaturity of the person - "subtle place" for the attitude.

"Shared" business or weak positions at work is a "subtle place" for damage to business, on bad luck, on ruin.

What had been a weak point (especially if it concerns the so-called "generic", karmic problems, including generic damage or curse), then with a high probability of these places will be a "thin place" in humans.

The person who remains the old, "discriminated" negative, easier for negative attacks. The new negative will "wake up" the old negative, and together they will become stronger. There were many cases when the average spell spell met with the old, almost left negative, and created the effect of a nuclear explosion - destroying the person, turning the victim into an obsessed psychopath.

If we talk about the relationship between people, then they can "crack" here in a weak link. If your partner is a weaklyacherient, brushed, mentally unnewned, "torn", then your relationship is in the risk area.

Another example.
The woman found a "lining". A adult son lived with her, which was at this time in a state of nervous exhaustion (he turned out to be a weak in the family at this time). And the son at this time had a tense relationship with his bride (the weak place of the Son). And the same evening after the grand scandal with her, they broke up. And Mom knew a lot about cleaning, and cleaned the apartment, and himself, and her son. After 3 days, the son met with the bride and they came up, and everyone could not understand why they were so mad on each other.

We continue the conversation ... In a spell, it will work quickly if as I wrote above, the client is already weakened by previous negative programs. Yes, if this will help the warehouse of the client's character - brushlessness, statement, suggestibility, chanda, genetic deposit to "festivities".

And you yourself can create out of your relationship "weak link" in your life. You do not need to be surprised by the "cracks" in relations, collaps in the family, "sudden" care and attractions, if a routine cooling of feelings occurs, if the "life of the luxury" occurs if cooling in the intima occurs if one of the sides accumulates irritation, fatigue, apathy. Then this marriage and this relationship becomes a "subtle place." The percentage of trouble and threat of care, the gap would be less if these relationships were shrome as "Zenitsa Oka".

It is better to overpire than you have to do.

Frequent words: "After all, everything was fine, it all satisfied him, and then everything became badly bad ...". Yes, yes ... until we put on a weak place. Where is fine, there and rushes. And this "finely" is often determined by post Factum - when everything "cracked" or broke ...

And by the way, in the crisis of middle-aged (35-45 years), men become a solid "thin place", if not rougher - is not friends with your head. Here the problems can be expected from anywhere. So, expensive ladies, get ready for this period in the life of your companion, and try to warn "hemorrhoids", which you will prepare this period of his life.

And now - tips.
Conduce a constant "revision" of your life for the presence of weaknesses in them, as well as on the subject of a possible threat of attacks - both for you and in your weak places.

Learn how to notice the signals that "something is wrong" in the early stages. Watch, analyze, compare. The disease has symptoms and in the spheres of life there are symptoms that will allow determine what this sphere of life "ills".

Listen and watch the spaces of space around you. It is "thinner", more sensitive than you. It earlier reacts to the symptoms of the negative than this "comes" to you.

Scandals are empty, small or major troubles, "one after one" disease, loss, breakdowns, accidents, torn meetings and plans, deterioration of relationships to you, and many other problems.

But! Determine the signals, as a sign of the threat, is only in the case of their regular, systemic, frequent repetition. According to the principle: "Once - chance, two - coincidence, three - regularity."
And the first thing to do is to check yourself on the negative and clean.
And "turn on" intuition, and begin to trust it.

Be vigilant, neat. Find your weaknesses, strengthen them, eliminate threats in the early stages. And be happy.

Stanislav Kucherenko.

Not only a black autograph of a new version of the Gorsky Tappy (see T, pv and p, writings, t. II, p. 326-328), but also its white text - on two sheets of fine mail paper pasted by Turgenev in the writing of the first-line text of the comedy ( Irley 4192, p. 39, l. 17 and 19). From this consolidated text there was a Pisel's copy of the play, with the directorial breakdown of it on 28 phenomena, presented on November 29, 1851 to theatrical censorship. To the formulation of the comedy was allowed on December 3, 1851 with some additional changes: in the first monologue of the Gorsky General, it was replaced by the "Baron", and instead of "put it" to "find out". In the replica of the Gorsky: "What a touching picture", etc. (p. 111), "Bolly" is replaced by "fool". On the next page in the string: "After all, I still remain the ceremonium" before the last word inserted "yours". On s. 106 crossed out: "And there let the leg of the leg! A decent person should not afford to marry in these down jackets "(see: Dwypin, lists of Pieces t, with. 204-205).

In the theatrical edition of the comedy, several directorial contractions were made, and French mines and dialogues were translated into Russian. In the same censorship-theater list of comedy, the directorial version of its ending was preserved:

« Mukhin (becoming in place with M-Lle Bienaimé, in the Ear of the Gorsky). Ok, brother, good. But agree ...

Gorsky. Where is fine, there and rushes. I agree! (Curtain.)"

The premiere of the comedy "Where is fine, there and breaks" on December 10, 1851 in St. Petersburg in Benefis N. V. Samoylova. The play was delivered among six other single-act comedies and waterville in the presence, apparently, Turgenev himself. By the same time, the list of performers of the play, which was made by Turgenev on the first sheet of her draft manuscript: "Sosnitskaya. V. Samoilova. M-Lle J. Bras. Martynov. Maximov. Kratygin 2nd. Grigoriev.

"The poster is wonderful," the famous Washist and director N. I. Kulikov wrote under the impression of this performance on December 10, 1851 - six different pieces, the performance ended in 1st hour ... but alas ... the collection was very small, in comparison with the former benefits . Best of all Pieces of Turgenev "Where is fine, there and breaks", comedy in one action. V. Samoilova and Maksimov 1 excellently fulfilled their roles. Although not in the play of this comedy on the vulgar rules of drama, the scenes are fulfilled by life, mind and feelings. Onegin idea with Tatiana, - which, however, on the stage is still new "(library of theater and art, 1913, kN. IV, p. 25).

The play nevertheless did not have success and after two more ideas (December 12 and 16) was removed from the repertoire ( Wolf, Chronicle. Part II. St. Petersburg, 1877, p. 170; SPB Veda, 1851, № 278, 282, 284).

Anonymous author of the review "Petersburg theaters in November and December 1851", characterizing "where it is fine, and there" as a "beautiful comedy", concluded its detailed retelling of its content in the following words: "Judging by the fact that this play appeared on stage Three years after it was printed, you can conclude that it is written not for the scene. In it, in fact, very little scenic, very little of what I would like everyone, would like everyone. It also has a lot of long, very entertaining and even necessary in reading, but tedious on stage. That is why this play made a dubious impression, despite the fact that it was perfectly played. Ms. Samoilova 2nd and Mr. Maximov very correctly understood their roles and managed with great art to convey their psychological side "( Sweep 1852, No. 1, Dep. VIII, s. 60).

June 15, 1856 Nekrasov turned to Turgenev with a request to give permission to reprint the comedy "Where is fine, there and breaks" in the series published For easy reading (Nekrasov, t. X, s. 278). In letters from July 4 and 10 of the same year, Turgenev expressed consent to this reprint, after which his play entered the fourth of the publication For easy reading.

In this collection, allowed by Censure on September 13, 1856, the comedy "Where is fine, there and breaks" for the first time appeared in print with the text of the Gorsky Fairy Tale about the three grooms Baroness, but not in its version, which was included in the theatrical edition of the Comedy in 1851 G., and with some new fixes of the stylistic order, which were then crossed without any changes in the edition of 1869

The text "Where is fine, there and breaks", published in the collection For easy reading In 1856, there was another feature: there was no dedication of the play N. A. Tuchkov, which was already at this time the wife of the emigrant N. P. Ogarev. There is every reason to assume that the dedication in this case was not explained by the author's will, and the censorship and police demands, since the dedication was absent and in a separate edition of the comedy released by the P. Stellovsky book in 1861, without any participation of Turgenev . The text of this publication, permitted by Censure on January 18, 1861, represented a mechanical reprint of a comedy journal censored censorship, with all its defects, even with two rows of points, replaced in the "contemporary" of 1848. Gorsky fairy tale. As amended by 1856, the comedy "where it is subtly, there,", with the most insignificant abbreviations and corrections, entered the edition of the "scenes and comedies" of 1869

A special literary and theatrical genre, the subject and forms of which hesitated Turgenev in "where it is fine, there and breaks," was canonized at the end of the thirties - the beginning of the forties in the "dramatic proverbs" ("Proverbes Dramatiquies") Alfred Müsse. The characteristic of the plays of this type, given on the pages of the "contemporary" immediately after the publication "where it is thin, there is also torn", so skillfully determined the specific features of the new drama style, which, despite the absence in this anonymous article (its author, apparently, and . I. Panayev) direct references to Turgenev, it can be seen now as the first historical and literary commentary on one of the most popular subsequent "scenes and comedies".

"Mr. Mussy created another new genus of small dramatic conversations, which he called Proverbs (Proverbe), because they express their meaning to their meaning, consisting in these proverbs ... These dramatic plays, which were printed in Revue Des Deux Mondes, for the first time. Appeared on the stage of the Petersburg French Theater (in 1842/1843) and only then were delivered in Paris on the stage of Théâtre Français. They have no almost stage action; The main advantage of them is that the unpatched thin and elegant secular conversation, which can be understood and transferred only by such educated artists, what are Ms. Allan, Plesi and Mr. Allan. These plays also had a brilliant success on Petersburg and in the Paris scene. With us, unfortunately, there is still no secular spoken language, and therefore conveying the dramatic proverbs of the city of Müs are very difficult: they must certainly lose this subtlety and this fresh transparent flavor, which make up their mainstream. To translate these proverbs is as difficult as, for example, with artistic subtlety copy some Watercolor Figure workshop "( Sovr, 1848, № 12, Dep. II, p. 198-199).

After this literary and critical declaration, the links to the links "Proverbs" Mussse with some of the "scenes and comedians" become an indispensable belonging of all critical analysis of Turgenev's playwrites. No confession in this direction of the author's authority "Where is fine, there and breaks" is still unknown, but several lines of one of the letters of him to Polina Viardo, reflecting the impressions of the game of Ms. Allan in the Paris scene in Caprice Müs on November 27, 1847 G., allow you to establish the background "where it is thin, there and breaks" and the "month in the village": "Calderon," Turgenev wrote on December 19, 1847, - genius is completely exceptional and powerful primarily. We, weak descendants of mighty ancestors, can strive to achieve only in order to seem graceful in their weakness. "I think about" Caprice "Mussse, who continues to produce a furor."

The comedy "Where is fine, there and breaks" received a unanimous positive assessment of criticism.

"Recently was printed in the" contemporary "," wrote P. V. Annenkov in 1849 in "Notes on Russian literature last year", - a small comedy of Turgenev: "Where is fine, there and breaks," opening the new side of him Talent, it is the painting of people in a famous circle of operators, where there can be no strong passions or sharp gusts or confusing incidents. Who knows how great this circle, he will understand the merit of the author who was able to find the content and enormity there, where it was used to assume the absence of all interests. Such features outlined by him the main face of the comedy, skeptical before that it does not believe his own feeling, and confusing so that from the false concept of independence, it refuses happiness, which herself was looking for. Everyone happened to meet a similar character, much more difficult for transmission than many excellent characters of tragedies or many ridiculous comedian heroes. Intrigue, simple to extreme, in the comedy of the city of Turgenev does not lose for a minute of his lively, and the comic persons who are furnished with the main act, transferred, so download, with artistry moderation "( Sovr, 1849, No. 1, Dep. III, p. twenty).

"A few months ago, the provisions of these A. V. Druzhinin developed the provisions - the author of the notes of the hunter in a small play" where it is thin, there and breaks "proved<…> What a new Russian comedy can become entertaining if we enter a little thought, observation and entertaining conversation "( Sovr, 1849, No. 10, Dep. V, s. 288). As "Graceful workshop etude, intended not for the scene and meanwhile, quite dramatic" - described "where it is fine, there and the anonymous reviewer of" domestic notes "(1850, No. 1, separate V, p. 18).

The impressions of the wide theatrical audience from the new play Turgenev reflected the epigram P. A. Karatygin:

Turgenev at least with us and the glory deserved,
On the stage he does not really succeed!
In the comedy, he was so broken,
What do you say reluctantly: where is thin, there and rushes.

Under the impression of the failure of the play in St. Petersburg Turgenev with a letter from 6 (18) of March 1852 to S. V. Shumsky (see p. 570) banned its production in Moscow. The ban was removed only at the end of the year when Turgenev agreed to the inclusion of the comedy "where it is subtly, there and is torn" among the four works going to Benefis S. V. Shumsky. The performance took place on November 5, 1852 and was repeated November 11 ( Mosk Veda 1852, № 133 and 135, 4 and 8 November). Roles performed: faith Nikolaevna - A. P. Chistyakova, Stalitsan - S. V. Vasilyev, Gorsky - I. V. Samarin, Mukhina - D. T. Lensky, Captain Chukhanova - M. S. Shpkin ( Theater Shel with. 311). Despite the brilliant composition of the performers, the play in the repertoire was not kept.

The failure "where it is thin, there is a rhat" in the St. Petersburg and Moscow scenes, the critical work and principal negatives of "dramatic proverbs" of Müs and its Russian continiers were facilitated. "The authors of all such works, I wrote in 1859 A. Grigoriev in the article" I. S. Turgenev and his activities, "sought to subtleties. The subtlety was everywhere: the subtleties of the mill heroine, the subtlety of the Dutch linen, and so on. - subtlety In short, and, moreover, such that the mill, Togo and Look, will remind sticks in a folk song:

Thin-thin - bend, I'm afraid - shifting<…>

Cumshots cause usually or peacefully consciousness hero and heroine that they can afford to love Of which, EO IPSO, it went out - for the scene, of course, and the desired conclusion - or tragically: The hero and heroine parted "in the silent and proud sufferment", parodying the tragic theme of Lermontov ... and this miserable fashion, this taught the apathy and idleness, - succumbed to, say, Talent Turgenev ... Yes, I will tell you without a stick, and I will tell directly on "provincial "And on" where it is thin, there is torn. " Let "where it is fine, there is torn", according to the true subtlety of the analysis, according to the charms of conversation, on many poetic features - stands over all of these damsky and cavalier poles as high as the proverbs of Mussy; Let in the "provincial" female face outlined though and slightly, but with the skill of a true artist<…>But still these works - the victim of fashion and some kind of female whim of the author "Hunter's notes", "Rudin" and "noble nest".

Recognition of high literary achievements of Turgenev in "where it is fine, there and the approval of the comedy in the repertoire of all Russian theaters followed only after the resurrection of the traditions of Turgenev" scenes and comedies "in the psychological drama of the late XIX - early XX century.

The first deployed response to critics, underestimating the comedy "where it is fine, there and breaks," the characteristics of this play in the article E. Tsabel appeared (see: Zabel S. 156-157), the main provisions of which were developed in the review L. Ya. Gurevich "Comedy of Turgenev on the stage of the Art Theater" in 1912: "" Where is fine, there and breaks "- the first time is a completely complete Piece of Turgenev from Russian life - it seems the most reproaches in the lack of drama. It has neither bright characters or deep feelings and outbreaks of passion. Complex, changing, through the conscious psychology of the two main heroes - Gorsky and the windows - it seems even at the first sight of the salon-surface, not affecting any serious motives of human existence, which does not affect any internally characteristic conflicts. No! It is incorrect, look. In this fierce, but quickly replacing in its stages of the struggle of two human souls, then approaching each other, trimmed, then confusedly removing, affected by the indigenous instincts of male and female nature. He wants to own it, to conquer her, without communicating herself, without giving her a fearless of his life. She wants to give himself entirely but in order to and he fully belonged to her<…> In advanced, playing artistic hints are presented here these irreconcilable, ever-contradictions of life. "

About the comedy statements "Where is fine, there and breaks" on the stage of the Alexandrian theater in St. Petersburg in 1891 and 1908. And in the Moscow Art Theater in 1912, see: Berdnikov G. P. Turgenev and theater. M., 1953, p. 588-589; Moscow Art Theater. 1898-1938. Bibliography. Cost. A. A. Aganbeyan. M.; L: ed. WTO, 1939. p. 51-52.

Conditional abbreviations

Annenkov and his friends - P. V. Annenkov and his friends. St. Petersburg., 1892.

Botkin and T. - V.P. Botkin and I. S. Turgenev. Unpainted correspondence 1851-1869. Based on the materials of the Pushkin House and the Tolstov Museum. Prepared to the seal N. L. Brodsky. M.; L.: Academie, 1930.

Gogol - Gogol N. V. Full. Cathedral op. M.; L.: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1937-1952. T. I-XIV.

Grossman, theater T - Grossman L. P. Theater Turgenev. GH, 1924.

For easy reading - For easy reading. Tale, stories, comedies, travels and poems of modern Russian writers. St. Petersburg., 1856-1859. T. I-IX.

LIT student - "Literary Study" (magazine).

Lit Museum - Literary Museum (censored materials of the 1st Dep. IV Sections of the State Archival Fund). Edited by A. S. Nikolaev and Yu. G. Oxman. GH., 1919.

Mosk Ved. - "Moscow Vedomosti" (newspaper).

Moscow - "Moskvatyan" (magazine).

IPB report - Reports of the Imperial Public Library.

DPIPE, Lists of Pieces T - Dupin N. A. Lists of Pieces I. S. Turgenev in the meetings of the Leningrad Theater Library. A. V. Lunacharsky. - About the theater. Digest of articles. L.; M., 1940.

Saltykov-Shchedrin - Saltykov-Shchedrin M. E. Coll. op. In 20 t. M.: Goslitisdat, 1965-1977.

SPB Ved. - "St. Petersburg Vedomosti" (newspaper).

T Sat (Piczanov) - Turgenev collection. PGR: "Lights", 1915 (Turgenev Circle under the leadership of N. K. Pixanova).

T, Op, 1865 - Essays I. S. Turgenev (1844-1864). Part 1-5. Karlsruhe: ed. br. Salaev, 1865.

T, Op, 1869 - Overactions I. S. Turgeneva (1844-1868). Part 1-8. M.: Ed. br. Salaev, 1868-1871.

T, Op, 1891 - full. Cathedral op. I. S. Turgenev. 3rd ed. T. 1-10. St. Petersburg., 1891.

T, 1856. - Tale and stories I. S. Turgenev from 1844 to 1856. 3 parts. St. Petersburg., 1856.

T and Savina - Turgenev and Savina. Letters I. S. Turgenev to M. G. Savina. Memories of M. G. Savina about I. S. Turgenev. With preface and edited by the Honorary Academician A. F. Koni at the nearest cooperation A. E. Molchanova. GH, 1918.

T and theater - Turgenev and theater. M., 1953.

Theater Shel - Theatrical inheritance. Messages. Publications / Ed. College: A. Ya. Altshuller, G. A. Lapkina. M.: Art, 1956.

Tough - Tolstoy L. N. Full. Cathedral op. / Under total. ed. B. G. Chertkova. M.; L.: Goslitizdat, 1928-1958. T. 1-90.

Proceedings GBL - Proceedings of the State Library of the USSR. V. I. Lenin. M.: Academia, 1934-1939. Vol. III-IV.

Tuchkov-Ogarev - Tuchkov-Ogareva N. A. Memories. M.: Goslitisdat, 1959.

Chernyshevsky - Chernyshevsky N. G. Full. Cathedral op. In 15 t. M: Goslitisdat, 1939-1953. T. I-XVI (Extras).

Mazon. - Manuscrits Parisiens d'Ivan Tourguénev. Notices et Extraits Par André Mazon. Paris, 1930.

Zabel - Zabel E. IWAN TURGENJEW ALS Dramatiker. - Literarische Streifzüge Durch Rusland. Berlin, 1885.

These actant names were subsequently crossed out and replaced by Turgenev in the autographs of the play by the names of her performers on one of the great amateur performances, apparently, in 1852: "Ms. Baratyanskaya. Kn. Gagarin. Shelovsky. Markevich. Dolgoruky. Fredro "(GPB, f. 795, № 19, l. 1).

In a letter to Turgenev to E. Ya. Kolubasin dated September 20, 1860 there is a deaf mention of receipt of some text (printed or handwritten - unclear) "where it is thin, there and breaks." It is possible that this package was associated with the preparation of the edition of Stellovsky.

To characterize the peculiarities of perception in Russia at this time, the comedy Mussy will be able to note in the Northern Pchele: "With the light hand of Ms. Allan, who transplanted the comedy-proverb" Caprice "with St. Petersburg to the Paris scene, the plays of Alfred de Mouse was now in fashion And from the collection of them, who has been published for ten years for ten years, now leaning a rich tribute. Since the opening of theaters after the cessation of ideas in Paris, as a result of bloody, two main plays, playful with success, belong to this writer. One of them: Il Ne Faut Jury de Rien, a comedy in three actions, was presented at the former French theater (now. Theater of the Republic) on the eve of the June insurgent and resumed now with success; Another, Le Chandelier, also a comedy in 3 acts, was recently given on the historical theater "(Sea Bee, 1848, August 23, No. 188). As you know, Turgenev translated (it is possible that at this time) "La Chanson de Fortunio" - the romance of the clerk from the Comedy "Le Chandelier" ("Candlestick") Mussse ("Do not wait for you, I'll call me who I love ..." - see the present. Ed., Works, vol. 1, p. 323). Data on the early Russian alteration of the "Caprise" Mussy and on the statement of it in Benefis A. M. Kratygina in the season 1837/38. See: Wolf, Chronicle, Part I, p. 61-62 and 108.

Varnah B.V. History of the Russian Theater. Part 2. Kazan, 1910, p. 332; The same, 2nd ed., 1913, p. 601.

Rus Sl, 1859, No. 5, Depth. "Criticism", p. 23-25. (Reprinted in writings A. Grigoriev, St. Petersburg., 1876, p. 351-352). For a protest against the Russian imitation comedies, see also in the introductory pages of Dostoevsky to the cycle of articles on Russian literature in the journal "Time" (1861, No. 1, section 3, p. 8); Wed: Dostoevsky, t. XVIII, p. 47.

Sovr, 1912, No. 5, p. 319. The review of Chekhov about this comedy in his letter dated March 24, 1903 is extremely interesting in the same terms of March 24, 1903: "Where it is fine, there is something" written in those times when it was still very strong The influence of Byron and Lermontov with its people is noticeable; Gorsky after all the same Pechorin. Liquid and dulcious, but still Pechorin "(Chekhov A. P. Full. Coll. Op. And letters. 1951. T.20, p. 77). In the article E. Tsabel Images of Faith and Gorsky were built to the characters Beatrice and Benedict in the comedy of Shakespeare "a lot of noise from nothing."

Comedy in one action


Anna Vasilyevna Libanova, the landowner, 40 years old.

Vera Nikolaevna, her daughter, 19 years old.

M-11E Vienaim, companion and governess, 42 years old.

Varvara Ivanovna Morozova, relatives Libanova, 45 years old.

Vladimir Petrovich Stalitsan, neighbor, 28 years old.

Evgeny Andreich Gorsky, neighbor, 26 years old.

Ivan Pavlych Mukhin, neighbor, 30 years old.

Captain Chukhanov, 50 years old

The Butler.

The action takes place in the village of Ms. Libanova.

The theater represents the hall of a rich landlord; Straight - door to the dining room, right - in the living room, left - glass door to the garden. Portraits hang on the walls; on the outstanding table covered with magazines; piano, several chairs; A little behind the Chinese billiards; In the corner a large wall clock.

Gorsky (enters). Nobody here? The better ... which is the hour? .. half the tenth. (Thinking a little.) Today is a decisive day ... yes ... yes ... (approaches the table, takes the magazine and sits down.) "Le Journal Des Debats" from the third of April of the new style, and we are in July ... GM ... Let's see what news ... (begins to read. From the dining room, Mukhin comes out. Gorsky hastily looks around.) Ba, Ba, Ba ... Muhin! What fate? when did you arrive?

Mukhin. Tonight, and left the city yesterday at six o'clock in the evening. My rod got off the road.

Gorsky. I did not know that you are familiar with Madame de Libanoff.

Mukhin. I am here for the first time. I was presented by Madame de Libanoff, as you say, on the governor's ball; I danced with her daughter and won the invitation. (Looking around.) And her house is good!

Gorsky. Still would! The first house in the province. (Shows him "Journal Des Debats".) Look, we get "Telegraph". Jokes to the side, it lives well here ... A pleasant such mixing of Russian rustic life with French Vie de Chateau ... 1) You will see. Mistress ... Well, the widow, and rich ... And the daughter ...

1) the life of a country castle (Franz.).

Mukhin (interrupting the Gorsky). Daughter premium ...

Gorsky. BUT! (After pacing a little.) Yes.

Mukhin. What is her name?

Gorsky (with solemnity). Her name is faithful to Nikolaevna ... for her excellent dowry.

Mukhin. Well, this is what I do not care. You know, I'm not the groom.

Gorsky. You are not a fiance, but (looking at his legs to the head) wearing a bridegroom.

Mukhin. Do you really not jealous?

Gorsky. Here you are on! Sit down is better and chat, while the ladies did not touch the tea on top.

Mukhin. I am ready to sit down, and I will talk after ... tell me in a few words, what is this house, what kind of people ... You are here old residents here.

Gorsky. Yes, my late one mother could not tolerate Mrs. Libanov, who had long been familiar to the sort of twenty years. I also had in St. Petersburg and came across it abroad. So you want to know what kind of people, perhaps. Madame de Libanoff (she has been written on business cards, with adding -Exe Salotopine 2) ... Madame de Libanoff Woman's kind, herself lives and live gives another. It does not belong to the Higher Society; But in St. Petersburg, she does not at all know; General Montplasir Drive it stops. Her husband died early; And then she would come out into people. She keeps himself well; Sentimental is slightly spoiled; Guests receive not that carelessly, not something gentle; There is no present, you know, Shikha No ... But at least thanks for what is not worried, does not speak her nose and not gossip. The house is in order keeps and led by the left ... Administrative head! It has a relative living - Morozova, Varvara Ivanovna, a decent lady, too, the widow, only poor. I suspect that she is evil, like a Pug, and I probably know that she can't tolerate their benefactors ... But I never know why not! The French governess in the house is found, breaks tea, sighs in Paris and loves Le Petit Mot Pour Rire 3), Tomno rolling his eyes ... Surlers and architects are missing for her; But since it does not play in the card, and the preference is only threesome, it is still holding a ruined captain in retirement at the foot of the feed, somety chukhanov, with the appearance of Usach and Shubaka, but in fact a low-color and smoothie. All these individuals are so from the house and do not go away; But Mrs. Libanov has many other buddies ... do not say everyone ... yes! I forgot to call one of the most regular visitors, Dr. Gutman, Karl Karlycha. He is young, beautiful, with silky bundles, his business does not make much sense, but the hands of Anna Vasilyevna kisses with the umong ... Anna Vasilyevna is not unpleasant, and her handles are not afarring; Gently slightly, and white, and fingertips hurried upwards ...

2) nee Salotopin (Franz.).

3) A witty word (Franz.).

Mykhin (with impressive). Why don't you talk about your daughter?

Gorsky. But wait. I am preserved to the end. However, what should I tell you about the faith of Nikolaevna? Right, I do not know. Woman in eighteen years old who will understand? She still wanders all as young wine. But from it can a glorious woman get out. She is thin, smart, with character; And the heart is tender, and she wants to live, and Egoist is big. She will marry soon.

Mukhin. For whom?

Gorsky. I do not know ... but only she will not be enjoyed in girls.

Mukhin. Well, of course, rich bride ...

Gorsky. No, not because.

Mukhin. From what?

Gorsky. Because she realized that the life of a woman begins only from the wedding day; And she wants to live. Listen ... which is an hour now?

Mukhin (looking at the clock). Ten...

Gorsky. Ten ... Well, I still have time. Listen. Between me and faith, the nikolaev struggle goes terrible. Do you know why I suggested here lying my head yesterday in the morning?

Mukhin. What for? no, I do not know.

Gorsky. And then that today one young man, a friend you, intends to ask her hands,

Mukhin. Who is it?

Gorsky. Stitzin ..

Mukhin. Vladimir Stalitsan?

Gorsky. Vladimir Petrovich Stalitsan, the retired Guard Lieutenant, my big friend, however, the kind small one. And that's what a nudgeon: I myself introduced him to the local house. What I entered! I then introduced it to him so that he marry faith Nikolaevna. He is a good man, modest, near-mind, lazy, homemade: better husband and demanding it is impossible. And she understands it. And I, as an old friend, wish her good.

Mukhin. So you came here to have a witness of your protege's happiness? (Protege - Franz.)

Gorsky. On the contrary, I came here in order to upset this marriage.

Mukhin. I do not understand you.

Gorsky. Um ... but seems to be clear.

Mukhin. Do you want to marry her, or what?

Gorsky. No I do not want to; Yes, and I do not want, so that she married.

Mukhin. You are in love with her.

Gorsky. I do not think.

Mukhin. You are in love with her, my friend, and you are afraid to break through.

Gorsky. What kind of nonsense! Yes, I am ready to tell you all ...

Mukhin. Well, so you wold ...

Gorsky. No! In any case, I don't intend to marry her.

Mukhin. You are modest-nothing to say.

Gorsky. No, listen; I'm talking to you now frankly. The thing is what. I know, I probably know that if I asked her hands, she would prefer me to our common friend, Vladimir Petrovich. As for the mother, we both from the Stalitsans in her eyes decent grooms ... She will not stop. Faith thinks that I am in love with her, and knows that I am afraid of marriage of fire ... She wants to defeat this timidity in me ... Here it is waiting ... But she will not wait long. And not because she was afraid of losing Stantiasna: this poor young man burns and melts, like a candle ... But the other there is a reason why she will not wait anymore! She starts to spit me, robber! Suspect me starts! She, the truth to tell, I am very afraid of the wall afraid, yes, on the other hand, it wanted to finally find out what I ... What are my intentions. That is the fight between us and boils. But I feel this day - decisive. This snake will slip out of my hands or I am strangled myself. However, I still do not lose hope ... perhaps and in Scylla, I will not fall and Haribu Mina! One problem: Stalitsan before being in love, which is not capable of jealous and angry. So walks with a ridden mouth and sweet eyes. It is terribly ridiculously, and now we will not take some ridicule ... you need to be gentle. I started yesterday. And did not forced himself, that's what is surprising. I stop myself to understand my God.

Where is thin, there and breaks

Cf. Turgenev. (Title comedy).

Cf. Where is thin - there and breaks: in the sense - someone has little, he loses (literally and allegorically).

Cf. He felt the seizure of shortness of breath and began to fall on one leg ... and above that and ordinary Petersburg bad weather ... by virtue of the proverbs: "Where is fine, there and breaks" ... appeared in front of him in all their unreasonableness.

Saltykov. Collection. Old grief.

Cf. Your mind goes for mind ... and where is thin, there and breaks.

Dal. Tale of Shemyakin Court.

Cf. Manreisst Den Strick, WO Er Am Dünnsten IST.

Cf. Non-attendant is torn and what he has.

Matt. 25, 29. Onions. 19, 26.

Cm. on the poor macar of the bumps are lying .

Russian thought and speech. His and someone else. Experience of Russian phraseology. Collection of figurative words and parables. Tt 1-2. Walking and tale words. Collection of Russian and foreign quotes, proverbs, sayings, presses and individual words. SPb., Type. AK. science. M. I. Michelson. 1896-1912.

Watch what is "where it is fine, there and breaks" in other dictionaries:

    Where is fine, there and rushes. Where bad, here and goes away. See Happiness Good luck Where is thin (or: short), there and rushes. See the grief of insult ... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian nation

    Gdѣ thin, there and breaks. Cf. Turgenev. (Zaglavі Komedіyi). Cf. Gdѣ thinly there and breaks: in no sense, who has little, tot literate (literally and allegorically). Cf. He felt the seizures of shortness of breath and began to fall on one foot ... And over the way and ... ... Large intelligent-phraseological dictionary of Michelson (original spelling)

    Where is thin, there and breaks (Turgenev) - Comedy ... Dictionary of literary types

    Blenalme, M-Lle ("Where is thin - there and breaks") - See also \u003e\u003e Companion and governess of 42 years. Sighs in Paris, loves Le Petit Mot Pour Rire and languidly rolling the eyes ... Dictionary of literary types

    Gorsky, Evgeny Andreevich ("Where is fine - there and breaks") - See also Zar Libanova, 26 years old, smart man, ancient friend of faith; Helling for man mocking and cold. According to his own hunt, rarely indulcut the sublime feelings. Sensitivity to it does not go. He is much more pleasant to laugh, ... ... Dictionary of literary types

    Gutman, Karl Kallch ("Where is thin - there and breaks") - See also the doctor, young, beautiful, with silky babenbards, the affairs of her did not mean at all ... Dictionary of literary types

    Grooms ("Where is fine, - there and breaks") - See also blonde, blond, timetable; UE. l ... Dictionary of literary types

    Libanov, Anna Vasilyevna ("Where is fine, there and breaks") - See also the landowner for 40 years, rich in the widow, n? E Salotopine, a woman's kind woman, herself lives and live to another. Does not belong to the Higher Society; In St. Petersburg, they do not know her at all, but her house is first in the province. Administrative head ... House in ... ... Dictionary of literary types

    Mukhin, Ivan Pavlovich ("Where is fine, there and breaks") - See also Zar Libanova, 26 years old, hot player ... Dictionary of literary types

    Stalitsan, Vladimir Petrovich ("Where is fine, there and breaks") - See also Sorry Libanova, 28 years old, retired guard guards, kind small, humble man, near-mind, lazy, Domosted. Having trusting and talking: Y that is on the heart, then in the language. Gorsky calls his ladies' herdes ... Dictionary of literary types


  • I. S. Turgenev. Works in twelve volumes. Volume 2, I.S.Turgenhev. Edition of 1979. Safety is good. The second volume includes scenes and comedies I. S. Turgenev: "negligence", "lack of money", "where it is thin, there and breaks", "fucking", "bachelor", "breakfast at ...

Where is thin, there and breaks

Where it is fine, there is a breaking - nothing needs to be allowed to the sampling, count on maybe, good luck, rely in case. Where reliability is possible, it follows to strive for it. Chaos prefer stability, disorder - order, anarchy - power. Otherwise, sooner or later, but at the most inapproprible moment, weakness, infrequentness of the plan, the ill-impact of actions, the irresponsibility in decision-making will manifest themselves and will destroy the case, the plans mixed up to zero, that is, there is a thin thread that associated hopes and accomplishments

English synonym for expression "where it is thin, there and rushes" - and Chain Is Only As Strong AS Its Weakest Link - chain is also strong as it and its weakens

Analogs of the proverb "Where is fine, there and breaks"

  • Where bad, here and goes
  • On the poor macar and bumps are lying
  • Where there is no share, here and happiness is small
  • Whom on the head, and me for the temple
  • You can know where to fall, so straws b focus
  • From rain yes under droplets
  • Whose sin, that and in response
  • From the wolf left - the bear attacked
  • Out of the frying pan into the fire
  • In the forest Bear, and in the house of the stepmother
  • That cow and falls that milk gives

Use of expression in the literature

"However, such a sophisticated scenario was inevitably had to fail, according to the saying: where it is thin, there and breaks" (A. D. Sakharov "Memories")
"All, Mother Stepanovna, Mount, Mount one, because where is thin, there and breaks" (Vasily Belov "The usual thing")
"Falling female voices are sinking thin, all the desire and all the weakness, hard to listen - so thin, where it is thin, there and there, it is completely in the hair - they sing, - just like that professor:" I have one hair on my head, but on me - thick" (M. I. Tsvetaeva "Tale about Sonechka")
"And where is thin, there and rushes. Shattering the beauty of the buffets of the buffets, but, seeing that the "shelter" was pregnant, it was virtuously embarrassed that she put "such" (A. V. Amphitheatres Mary Lusseva)

I. S. Turgenev "Where is fine, there and breaks"

Piece Turgenev

Comedy in one action, written in 1847 in a special genre of dramatic works - Pieces-proverbs (checishes), popular in Russia in the 1830s. The origins of the genre rise to the salon or secular comedy of the French playwright of the XVIII century P. Marivo. The main thing in the insistence was "the verbal match of the characters (the Turgeneva is only eight), demonstrating their uncertainty of mind, intellectual ingenuity and graceful ease of speech passages. In the final of the plays-proverbs, a aphoristic replica had to sound, designed to summarize the resulting result of what is happening and identifying the instrumental meaning of events. " At the end of the play of Turgenev, this replica pronounces one IIS of characters - Mukhin, who stakes his friend in an excessive subtlety of a psychological game with a charming girl faith with Nikolaev Libanova: "Muhin (becoming in place with M-Lle Bienaimé, in the ear of the Gorsky). Ok, brother, good: do not more recky ... And aware, ")