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Sergey Immortal. Online conference: Comedy Club Resident Sergey Immortal Further Successes Career

Sergey Immortal is the famous and successful, lovers of many girls and women, as well as those who love humor, participant "Comedy Club". He comes out one scene with meters of his business. Among them, Pavel Volya, Garik Harlamov and Martirosyan. The main chip of our today's hero are songs that everyone learns.

Life to glory. Brief biography of Sergey Immortal

The immortal - the pseudonym of the man under which he decided to perform in the "gum". His real name is Sergey Mokhnachev. His birth date: November 13, 1986. Place of birth: Mozhga city (Russia). As a schoolboy, the guy was an ordinary teenager who dreamed of becoming an athlete, and did not even think about the fact that it would once be a famous humorist.

Sergey Immortal from an early age adored basketball, and also played chess well. In addition, the young man studied in a lyceum in which special attention was paid to the exact sciences. For the period of study, Sergey has won the many medals, awards and literacy in different industries. The guy was erudite and possessed strong logical thinking.

Further of Sergey Immortal

Having received a school certificate, our hero went to experience fate in Izhevsk Technical University. There he planned to receive higher education and become an engineer. Cheerful and measured student life for Sergei Immortal in this school ended four years later.

So the circumstances were that our hero had a proposal to perform in the KVN team called "Find". After that, Sergei's dream about engineering career remained in the past. He literally caught fire with a new job and began to devote her all his free time.

After some time, Sergey Immortal became one of the main editors of the famous "Comedy Club". The guy with great pleasure took on the organization of evenings and various events. In parallel with the main work, our hero was engaged in charity. He regularly visited children's homes and animal shelters. Sergey Immortal from "Comedy Club" was the organizer of most charitable team concerts.

Already after the first outputs on the stage, our hero became the favorite of many viewers and those who came to look at the speeches of the comedians. In almost every issue, Sergey Radded his fans with an unusual humor. Despite the fact that his few people supported, the immortal became a real find for the "gum" and was extremely happy about it. The main goal at that time for Sergey is the immortal from the "gum" was to prove to many that you need to listen to your heart, and then everything will definitely work out.

In one of his interviews, our hero reported that the shooting of one release could last about two or three days, because of this, he does not consider his work easy. Rather, on the contrary, it is exhausting and heavy.

Further successes in the career

The team "Comedy" became for the immortal second home. The guy decided to move on and not to dwell on it only. After receiving experience on the stage in front of a large audience, our hero decided to try himself in a new role. He stood up for the Djaean console in the capital's nightclubs, as well as institutions of the Moscow region. In parallel with this, Sergey receives many offers and conducts corporate parties, weddings and other holidays, glading fans with their humor and just presence.

Immortal also writes many texts for their speeches. In addition, some of his colleagues are with them. Spectators with great ovations meet and accompany the numbers, which is the author of which it is.

Sergey feels that he is missing something, and in 2012 he decides to try his hand as a scriptwriter. Such thoughts attended it for a long time, but only at that moment he decided to realize them. The first work in this area was the project called "Nyanki". In one of the films, over which Sergey worked, decided to play personally. After that, film critics responded in different ways to work as an actor. Some reported success, others, on the contrary, said that this is a complete failure. Immortal himself does not plan to stop at what has been achieved and wants to remove not one more film.

Personal life Sergey

About his personal life Sergey speaks reluctantly. One knows, she changed at the moment when he became a member of the KVN team. However, in some media there is information that our hero is still one of the most enviable bachelors of the Russian show business.

Everyone knows him. He is the most popular and popular comedian of modernity. He performs with such stars as Pavel Will, Garik Harlamov and Garik Martirosyan. His stunning humorous songs are familiar with all Comedy Club fans. Everyone knows his name, the artist speaks under the pseudonym Sergey Immortal.

Life to glory

Few people know that the real immortal is Sergey Mokhnachev. He was born in the city of Mozhga on November 13, 1981. In school years, the guy did not think about the career of the humorist, he gladly spent the time fond of sports. He became the champion among universities of his republic on basketball and was very fond of chess. The class in which Sergey Immortal studied, was graduating from school with a bias and with a huge number of diplomas and awards.

It is not surprising that the Immortal immediately entered the Izhevsk State Technical University and solidly decided that he would be a physician engineer. At the university, the guy safely studied 4 courses, while fate itself did not intervene and did not send the guy completely to the other side.

The beginning of a humorous path

Sergey Immortal for random circumstances receives an invitation to join the KVN team "Find". Dreams of the career engineer-physics remained in the past, and the student was literally revived in the new role of the KVNschik. Gradually, Sergey Mokhnachev moved to the "Comedy Club", where he was appointed mainly to the role of the editor of the new branch in Izhevsk. He was engaged in creative activities and an organization of evenings.

The humorist also helped child homes and poor people. Many charitable concerts organized immortal Sergey. "Comedy Club" in Izhevsk no longer satisfied the young man, and he sent his records to Moscow, where he was noticed by leadership and immediately invited to the famous Schow that settled in the capital.

The young man immediately fell in love with the audience, and no one did not do without his perky speeches. He became a real find for a humorous project, despite the fact that the parents did not support the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Son to become a resident "Comedy Club", considering this profession with frivolous entertainment. The humorist worked a lot and proved that, following the call of the heart, one can achieve real heights. Talking about your work, Sergey notes that there is a long time to prepare the materials of the show, not believing that the program entry can last a few days in a row, so it cannot consider the work of comedians.

Career development

Sergey Immortal, "Comedy Club" for which he became a real house, decided not to stop there. Having touched many years of experience, a humorist tries himself as a DJ in the famous clubs of the capital and nearby cities. He also willingly accept proposals for corporate standards and acts as leading in various humorous contests.

The comedian touring a lot and writes humorous monologues not only for themselves, but also for their colleagues. The most popular from the monologues: "How to revenge men?" and "compliments that are not worth talking to women."

In 2012, Sergey tries herself as a screenwriter of films, his creations: "Nanniki", "TOT A KARLSON", "Double". Immortal with pleasure played one of the roles in his own creation. Despite the fact that critics gave ambiguous reviews, Sergey is confident that this is just the beginning, and he plans to develop in this activity on.

Personal life of humorist

Sergey very scrupulously refers to questions about personal life. He says that everything has changed dramatically from the moment of its start of work KVNschik. Its main personal life is a job. According to famous data, Sergei Immortal still walks in enviable bachelors and is not going to fasten himself by marriage. There are no children from the comedian.

Sergey Immortal or Mokhnachev Sergey Valerevich was born on November 13, 1981 in the city of Mozhga is a Comedy Club resident.

Somewhere in the distant past, I was famous for the name Mokhnachev. But, by contacting the company of comedyclabers, I had to forget about my native surname and renamed in the immortal! Many believed that this is because he has something in common with the very immortal.

Sergei was born and some time, in the city of Mozh, that in Udmurtia is located. Becoming older and realizing that under the supervision of the parents, he will not be able to do everything that he was drawn from childhood, Sergey decides to move to Izhevsk. There he ends the institute successfully, plays basketball and has 2 chess discharge! In the same glorious institution, Sergey plays in the KVN team called "Find".

Apparently, Sergey finds what he is looking for, and does, according to him, the most serious step in his life, leaves the KVN to the club. (This is the so-called the project, which is now the comedy clan Izh-Style).

He said about himself that his main disadvantage is too lazy. The favorite cartoons of Sergey are 38 parrots and the investigation lead bunches of their favorite occupation - sleep and play on the computer!
By nature, Sergey Romantic Pragmatist, not loving not original gifts, loving funny companies!

Sergey Immortal or Mokhnachev Sergey Valerevich was born on November 13, 1981 in the city of Mozhga is a Comedy Club resident.

Somewhere in the distant past, I was famous for the name Mokhnachev. But, by contacting the company of comedyclabers, I had to forget about my native surname and renamed in the immortal! Many believed that this is because he has something in common with the very immortal.

Sergei was born and some time, in the city of Mozh, that in Udmurtia is located. Becoming older and realizing that under the supervision of the parents, he will not be able to do everything that he was drawn from childhood, Sergey decides to move to Izhevsk. There he ends the institute successfully, plays basketball and has 2 chess discharge! In the same glorious institution, Sergey plays in the KVN team called "Find".

Apparently, Sergey finds what he is looking for, and does, according to him, the most serious step in his life, leaves the KVN to the club.

Member name: Sergey Mokhnachev

Age (birthday): 13.11.1981

City: Mozhga, Udmurtia

Education: IzhSTU.

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Sergey Monachev was born in Udmurtia, he studied well at school, was a diligent boy and was always under the closer attention of his parents.

Understanding that he will simply do not allow anything to achieve anything, the young man after school enters the Izhevsk State University and moves to this city to be at a distance from parents and not feel their permanent guardianship.

In parallel with school, Sergey was actively engaged in sports, he still plays basketball in his free time. He was also fond of photography and chess, but all this moved into the background when Sergey met KVN.

Entering the university team, Mokhnachev immediately began writing scenarios and jokes. For more than three years he devoted the team "Find".

After graduating from the university, Sergey went to work by profession, but in his thoughts he continued to dream about the scene.

Soon he was invited to Comedy Club Izhevsk, where the immortal not only spoke, but was the editor of the show, as well as the organizer of creative events and evenings.

Sergey, wanting to get into the metropolitan gum, wrote a joke on the disks written for themselves and sent them to Moscow. There they looked around - he who, after reviewing and listening to the record, invited Sergey to become a resident.

For several years, he actively opposed the numbers, analyzing the vital problems, show business and women. In 2008, the immortal tried his strength on the field of DJAnd he managed to succeed. He lied dance floors of the best clubs in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

A few years later, Sergey turned to the cinema, he wrote a script for the films "Dubler", "Nanniki" and "That still Carlos!", In the latter, he even played one of the roles.

In 2014, the film "Corporate" came out, and in 2017 "Dribused girls" will be released, where he is also the author of the script.

Despite the fact that critics - cinematographers are not very flattering about his works, the immortal himself is sure that it is only the beginning of his creative path. The main thing is that the audience positively perceive the projects and are waiting for new creations from him.

Personal life for Sergey always remained in the second plan, he is too much tremendous to creativity and pays a lot of time. He is still listed in enviable bachelors, which, apparently, like it. Sergey's children also do not yet, but, perhaps, in the near future, his worldview will change, and he will definitely become a family man.