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Comedy Club melted over Diana shurgina. Comedy Club burned over Diana jerking gum Club let him know who loses the mouse

Published 08.04.17 14:59

Let them say "dedicated to Diana shredding as many as five episodes, as a result of which he became the heroine of the folk folklore.

In the new release of Comedy Club on TNT, a parody was published on the history of Diana Shurgina in "Let them say" with Andrei Malakhov. In the parody, the program is called "torture", the heroine name is Alina Dalavov, and the leading - Andrei Mahalov.

The role of the leading transfer was performed by Garik "Bulldog" Harlamov, and the victim of the rape of Alina Davalov - Timur Batrutdinov, which the host presented, as "the girl, with which she happened about what she could not think about. If she could think, it would not have happened to her. "

The remaining residents "Comedy Club" played relatives of the main characters intCBEE Issue and submal experts that require from time to time, then shoot an immoral girl, then remove panties and "fuck" from her.

As the heroine of the parody admitted, she invited only the closest friends to one-room apartment - 135 people, among whom were alone guys.

"And you all sat at home and drink alcohol?" - asked "Malakhov". "No, you were still drugs. Nothing foreshadowed trouble," Batrutdinov as a young nymphovank answered nothing.

Residents "Comedy Club" did not go around the party and the meme, which gave rise to Diana Sh. "Guards of adults, ridicule of peers. Rock night, who has changed all his life. How to live on, if you live further, how? All this happened because the moral of the modern Russian Societies is at the bottom. Sorry, on the bottom, "concluded Harlamov, showing the famous girl gesture.

We will remind, "let them say" dedicated to Diana shriekina whole five episodes. As a result, a 17-year-old girl who survived the rape became the heroine of the national folklore - clips are removed about her, make memes and write songs.

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You thought, all finally forgot about Diana Shurygin, which became famous for the whole country after several issues of the program "Let them say", discussions in social networks and hundreds of memes? But in Comedy Club, they decided that the time had not come about her had not yet come, and was arranged on the stage of real Vakhanalia.

In the sixth series, the 13th season of the entertainment show Comedy Club showed a parody of Andrei Malakhov's program "Let them say," where the 17-year-old victim of the rape of Diana Shurygin came, which in the winter wrote most of the media and widely in social networks. Comedy Club residents played a scene in which Garik Harlamov played the leading program to "Mutch say" Andrei Mahalov, and Timur Batrutdinov fulfilled the role of the victim - Alina Davalova. There were also about ten comedians as restless spectators.

Harlamov began a program by parodying Malakhov style and using various stamps.

Guards of adults, ridicule of peers. Rock night changing all his life. How to live on, if you live further, how? - He says.

The guest of the program Alina resident presented as a girl, "with whom it happened, about what she could not think about. If she could think, it would not have happened to her. "

The Batrutdinov appeared on the stage in every way trying to depict a flirting girl from himself. Together with Kharlamov, they discuss the events of that night - "a small party with 135 guys."

- And you all sat at home and drink alcohol? - Interested in Harlamov.

"No, you're still drugs," answers Batrutdinov under a loud laughter in the hall.

"That is, you sat with 135 friends, drinking and accepted drugs, and did not foretell any trouble," Harlamov summarizes.

Further, Batrutdinov in the role of Alina Davalova says that it began to pester to her and that she decided to distract the guys, turning on the porn movie. And then the plumber came to the apartment and Orgy began. Harlamov turned to the audience. One of them jumped up and began to yelling violently.

Why do you listen to her, she is a complete creature, creature! Passed everything in a row there. Give me a gun, I personally shoot it, "the viewer demands, running around the stage. Soon he seems like a children's psychologist. Hall laughs.

The "Father Alina" appears on the stage, which tells about the upbringing of his daughter and vinit in the whole school (where his daughter did not go). Finally jumps another expert and states that a young girl could not cope with 135 guys in one night.

I propose an investigative experiment right here and now. Let's right now all together with her panties, - the expert is torn.

After that, some kind of vakhanalia begins on the scene. All participants in the program scream something and attack Alina, two viewers will retire on the sofa.

And let's all fuck her, "some man screams in ecstasy. In response, there is a few "let's".

Finally, Harlamov completes the program, making the conclusion that morality in modern society is at the bottom. Spectators do not agree with him. Then he recovers.

Comedy Club witty and clearly showed in the parody of "Mutch say" all hell is curled on television

Comedy Club Of course, it does not shit humor, and if "bleaches", then it is often a pseudoymore below the belt, but this time they surpassed themselves and gave a very good material - visually on the modern spectator "level" - showing the depth of the falling programs on television Submitted to viewing for the widest audience in the most "Wowful time", when adults and children are also looking at the slag and garbage that people under the guise of discussion of problems on all sorts of "talk shows" daily feed the audience - forming from them the same slag scored trash in the head.
I want to say thank you that the Comedy Club had courage with humor Show all hell and trash that is going on on the central television channels in Prime Time.

Comedy Club residents played a scene in which Garik Harlamov played the leading program "Mutch say" Andrei Mahalov

Harlamov began a program, paroding Malakhov's style and using various stamps and verbal crackles - behind the flow of which the meaning of the said is not heard - the main thing is not to stop and continue quickly, quickly speak - carrying nonsense into the masses.

The presenter begins - "Guards of adults, ridicule of peers. Rock night, who has changed all his life ..."

The guest of the program Alina resident presented as a girl, "with whom it happened, about what she could not think about. If she could think, it would not have happened to her. "

The Batrutdinov appeared on the stage in every way trying to depict a flirting girl from himself. Together with Kharlamov, they discuss the events of that night - "a small party with 135 guys."

- And you all sat at home and drink alcohol? - Interested in Harlamov.

"No, you're still drugs," answers Batrutdinov under a loud laughter in the hall.

"That is, you sat with 135 friends, drinking and accepted drugs, and did not foretell any trouble," Harlamov summarizes.

Harlamov turned to the audience. One of them jumped up and began to yelling violently.

"What do you listen to her, she is a complete creature, the creature! I put it there everything in a row. Give me a gun, I personally shoot it," the viewer demands, running around the stage.

Soon he seems like a children's psychologist. Hall laughs.

The "Father Alina" appears on the stage, which tells about the upbringing of his daughter and vinit in the whole school (where his daughter did not go).

Finally jumps another expert and states that a young girl could not cope with 135 guys in one night.

"I propose an investigative experiment right here and now. Let's right now all together with her pants," the expert is torn.

After that, some kind of vakhanalia begins on the scene. All participants in the program scream something and attack Alina, two viewers will retire on the sofa.

"And let's fuck her," some man screams in ecstasy. In response, there is a few "let's".

Finally, Harlamov completes the program, making the conclusion that morality in modern society is at the bottom. Spectators do not agree with him. Then he recover: "Well, well, on the bottom," says Kharlamov under rapid applause in the hall, thus using one of the most popular memes about Shurgin.

The vast majority of people stated that they liked the parody.

In the last release of Comedy Club, the spectators presented a parody of the current show "Let them say", at which the story was discussed twice the raped Diana Shurgina. The video acquired massive popularity on the network and caused the rapid discussions of the network users.

As it became known the site, the residents of the humorous TV broadcasting Garik "Bulldog" Kharlamov and Timur Batrutdinov decided to change the names of the key participants and the name of the talk show. So, for example, on the transfer called "Mutch say", Andrei Mahalov, and the main heroine of the transfer made Alina Davalov. The history of the raped girl was also decided to change - they suffered a place of action with a removable cottage to their own apartment of a minor girl, the number of invited guests increased to 135 people, all of which were guided.

After the story of the version of the girl in the studio began a rapid discussion of history. Invited "experts", including a children's psychologist and a fighter with young people, expressed directly opposite points of view. While some offered to shoot the girl right in the studio, others demanded to remove the briefs from her and "fuck" right during the transfer. The 8-minute dimension quickly became the subject of discussion on social networks. Many admitted that they laughed at the soul. He did not pay attention to the leading famous phrase and the gesture of Diana shrimp "on the bottom."

The real story of Diana Shurygin was discussed at the talk show "Let them say" for several issues. A 17-year-old girl wrote about rape a statement to the police, after which the 21-year-old Sergey Semenov was sentenced to 8 years in prison, later reducing the punishment of up to 3 years and 3 months. According to the site, after the first releases of the transmission current show, the girl has gained popularity on the Internet, managed to take pictures with famous video blocks and even get an invitation to shoot in the film Egor Shilov.